PHP - Calculate Pairs In Tree Function
I have an array whose each element is like 3632873_1_right or 3632873_1_left where 3632873 is the member ID , 1 is the level in the binary tree and left/right is the position in the tree i.e right child or left child. I would like to calculate pair in each level . 1 right and 1 left in a level is considered as a pair. So suppose in level 1 there are 2 ids (in the array shown below) 3632873 and 5951538.3632873 is right child and 5951538 is left child. Thus level 1 has one pair. However in level 2 there are 2 elements 8930480 and 7563232, but both of them are left child. Thus there are no pairs in level 2. Finally i need the total number of pairs adding pairs of each level.I am trying to make a function for it, however i'm not getting how to. Can someone please point me how can i do so ?
Code: [Select] Array ( [0] => 3632873_1_right [1] => 5951538_1_left [2] => 8930480_2_left [3] => 7563232_2_left ) Similar TutorialsI made a function to check if the child belongs to a parent ($node) or not. However its not working completely.If i include immediate children of the parent ($node) then the answer is yes otherwise it gives nothing (indicating it isnt the child) which is wrong. I think its because of recursive functions.Can someone please point out my mistake. Code: [Select] <?php function ischild($node,$child) //$node is parent to see if $child is its child or not. { $sql = "SELECT lchild,rchild FROM tree WHERE parent = '$node'"; $execsql = mysql_query($sql); $array = mysql_fetch_array($execsql); if(($array['lchild']) == $child) { return "yes"; } elseif (!empty($array['lchild'])) { ischild($array['lchild'],$child); } if($array['rchild'] == $child) { return "Yes"; } elseif(!empty($array['rchild'])) { ischild($array['rchild'],$child); } } This topic has been moved to Ajax Help. Hello,
I am not very good at javascript.
Actually i have form like this
<td> <input type="text" name="item[]" id="category" value="<?php echo $row1['item'];?>" /></td> <td> <input type="text" name="uom[]" class="span2" value="<?php echo $row1['uom'];?>" /></td> <td> <input type="text" name="description[]" value="<?php echo $row1['description'];?>" /></td> <td><input type="text" class="jQinv_item_qty span1" name="quantity[]" /></td> <td><input type="text" class="jQinv_item_unit span1" name="price[]" value="<?php echo $row1['selling_price'];?>" /></td> <td><select name="tax[]" class="jQinv_item_tax span1"> <option value="<?php echo $row1['tax'];?>"><?php echo $row1['tax'];?></option> <?php $l1 = mysql_query("select * from taxes") or die (mysql_error()); while($l2 = mysql_fetch_array($l1)) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $l2['rate']; ?>"> <?php echo $l2['name'];?> - <?php echo $l2['rate'];?>% </option> <?php } ?> </select></td> <td> <input type="text" class="jQinv_item_discount span1" name="discount[]" value="<?php echo $row1['discount'];?>" /></td> <td><input type="text" class="jQinv_item_frt span1" name="freight[]" placeholder="Freight" /></td> <td><input type="text" class="jQinv_item_frtax span1" name="freight_tax[]" placeholder="Frt Tax" /></td> <td><input type="text" class="jQinv_item_total span2" name="total[]" /></td> a =( ((Quantity * Price) - Discount) * (tax/100) ) + Freight + (Freight * (Freight tax/100))I tried doing like this, But it did not work at all function rowInputs() { var balance = 0; var subTotal = 0; var taxTotal = 0; $(".invE_table tr").not('.last_row').each(function () { var $unit_price = $('.jQinv_item_unit', this).val(); var $qty = $('.jQinv_item_qty', this).val(); var $tax = $('.jQinv_item_tax', this).val(); var $discount = $('.jQinv_item_discount', this).val(); var $frt = $('.jQinv_item_frt', this).val(); var $frtax = $('.jQinv_item_frtax', this).val(); var $total = (($unit_price * 1) * ($qty * 1))- $discount; var $tax_amount = (($total) *($tax/parseFloat("100"))); var $total_amount = (($tax_amount) + ($frt)) + $frtax; var parsedTotal = parseFloat( ('0' + $total_amount).replace(/[^0-9-\.]/g, ''), 10 ); var parsedTax = parseFloat( ('0' + $tax_amount).replace(/[^0-9-\.]/g, ''), 10 ); var parsedSubTotal = parseFloat( ('0' + $total).replace(/[^0-9-\.]/g, ''), 10 ); $('.jQinv_item_total',this).val(parsedTotal.toFixed(2)); subTotal += parsedSubTotal; taxTotal += parsedTax; balance += parsedTotal; }); var discount = parseFloat( ('0' + $('#inv_discount').val()).replace(/[^0-9-\.]/g, ''), 10 ); var balance_disc = balance - discount; $(".invE_subtotal span").html(subTotal.toFixed(2)); $(".invE_tax span").html(taxTotal.toFixed(2)); $(".invE_discount span").html(discount.toFixed(2)); $(".invE_balance span").html(balance_disc.toFixed(2)); } The client provides name/value pairs which are used to update something and I am currently using switch statements to direct the action based on the provided name, however, it is becoming increasingly more complicated. Are there any standard approaches to doing so? I am thinking of doing the following. Any concerns? Thanks $c['fooService'] = function ($c) { return new Foo\FooService( new Foo\FooMapper(), new ApiConnector(), new Foo\FooNameValueUpdater(), ); }; $app->put('/foo/{id:[0-9]+}', function (Request $request, Response $response, $args) { return $this->fooResponder->update($response, $this->fooService->update($args['id'], $request->getParsedBody())); }); Class FooService extends BarService { public function __construct($mapper, $updater, $apiConnector) { $this->mapper = $mapper; $this->apiConnector = $apiConnector; $this->updater = $updater; } public function update($id, $params) { //$params=['name'=>'property1name', 'value'=>123] $this->updater->$params['name']($id, $params['value'], $this); } public function updateSomeStandardAction($id, $value, $propertyName) { //some code... $this->mapper->bla($id, $value, $propertyName); } public function updateSomeOtherStandardAction($id, $value, $propertyName) { //some code... $this->apiConnector->bla($id, $value, $propertyName); } } Class FooNameValueUpdater extends BarNameValueUpdater { public function property1name($id, $value, $service) { $this->updateSomeStandardAction($id, $value, $service, 'property1name'); } public function property2name($id, $value, $service) { $this->updateSomeStandardAction($id, $value, $service, 'property2name'); } public function property3name($id, $value, $service) { $this->updateSomeStandardAction($id, $value, $service, 'property3name'); } public function property4name($id, $value, $service) { $this->updateSomeStandardAction($id, $value, $service, 'property4name'); } protected function updateSomeStandardAction($id, $value, $service, $propertyName) { //some code... $service->updateSomeStandardAction($id, $value, $propertyName); } protected function updateSomeOtherStandardAction($id, $value, $service, $propertyName) { //some code... $service->updateSomeOtherStandardAction($id, $value, $propertyName); } }
How do I get the number as pairs? (i.e. 05, 20, 01, 70) $query = "SELECT statez, COUNT(statez)FROM distributors GROUP BY statez"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ echo $row['COUNT(statez)'] ." Distributors in ". $row['statez']; echo "<br />"; } ?> Hey all I've found some combination functions out there but they're not working really like I want. I have an array with some currencies: array('SEK', 'EUR', 'USD', 'GBP', 'DKK', 'NOK', 'ISK'); Now I want the function to generate an array with all possible pairs: array(array('SEK', 'EUR'), array('SEK', 'USD') ...) It must allow for the inverse form: EUR, SEK is different from SEK, EUR. But trash all pairs that are equal: SEK, SEK or EUR, EUR. Help me out?
This is the cart array: I want the key to be "id" and the value to be "quantity" like it is for the cart array. How do I define my cart_items array using variables? I implemented an endpoint which receives name/value pairs: PUT someresource/123 {"name": "description", "value": "Some new description"} I think I made a mistake, and should have implemented it as: PUT someresource/123 {"description": "Some new description"} The reason I think so is updating multiple properties is only (easily) possible using the later: PUT someresource/123 {"description": "Some new description", "otherProperty": "bla bla bla"} Assuming I am not using some 3rd party client library which only works with name/value pairs, any compelling reason why one shouldn't default to the later approach with key/values? I need some help getting started in writing the php code that would import a text file of name/value pairs and then create an html table with those values. The datafile looks something like this: [number]-[attribute]=[value];;2-Date=Wed Aug 12 2010;3-Set=abc.123.cde;4-Time=01:00:03;5-Length=00:36:09;6-Size=41.54 GB;7-Status=Succeeded;;2-Date=Wed Aug 12 2010;3-Set=gls202.kul_lvm;5-Length=06:20:33;7-Status=Succeeded;;2-Date=Wed Aug 11 2010;3-Set=gls101.aie_lvm;4-Time=01:00:02; Let's say I have an html table: Code: [Select] <table id="stats"> tr> <th>Host</th> <th>Date</th> <th>Set</th> <th>Time</th> <th>Length</th> <th>Size</th> <th>Status</th> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td>Wed Aug 12 2010</td> <td>abc.123.cde</td> <td>01:00:03</td> <td>00:36:09</td> <td>41.54 GB</td> <td>Succeeded</td> </tr> </table> I've looked around all day at various samples. I've seen the fgetcsv function. I'm not sure what would be the best approach to load this into data into a table. Using a regex, then load into array or hash and then print this out? I'm assuming i would have to create print statements to produce the html tags. Also, with the sample records I provided. There will be instances where not all the attributes (1-7) have values. So, i'm envisioning empty cells for that record which is fine. I can also change the way the datafile is generated and remove the [number], so its just [attribute]=[value] if that makes it easier. Is there a good mapping technique for this? Thank you for your help. Can somebody please have a look at this. The Problem I am having is that only 1 entry for each month goes into the tree and for the life of me I can't figure out why. Code: [Select] $queryyp = "SELECT YEAR(date) as year, MONTHNAME(date) as month, title FROM monsterpost ORDER BY date DESC"; // query to get the rows you want in the order that you want them, with the year and monthname specifically selected as well $resultyp = mysql_query($queryyp); $last_heading = null; // remember the last heading (initialize to null) while($rowyp = mysql_fetch_assoc($resultyp)){ $new_heading = $rowyp['year']; // get the column in the data that represents the heading $new_subheading = $rowyp['month']; // get the column in the data that represents the subheading if($last_heading != $new_heading){ // heading changed or is the first one $last_heading = $new_heading; // remember the new heading $last_subheading = null; // (re)initialize the subheading // start a new section, output the heading here... echo "<ol class=\"tree\"><li><label for=\"folder1\">{$rowyp['year']}</label> <input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"folder1\" /></li></ol>"; } // subheading under each heading if($last_subheading != $new_subheading){ // subheading changed or is the first one $last_subheading = $new_subheading; // remember the new subheading // start a new section, output the subheading here... echo "<ol><li><label for=\"subfolder1\">{$rowyp['month']}</label> <input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"subfolder1\" />"; } // output each piece of data under a heading here... echo "<ol><li class=\"file\">{$rowyp['title']}</li></ol></li></ol></li></ol>"; } Hi guys I need help writing a php script I have a table 'categories' with fields 'id' 'cat_name' 'parent_id' the 'parent_id' is just an the id field.. I want to create a way to have unlimited sub categories so I can have categorie -> sub-categories categories -> sub-categories -> sub-categories categories -> products Hi, I wrote a piece of code for doing a recursive printing of all the leaf nodes. But it is not moving beyond one or two levels. Here is the code: $root = array( "paa" => array ( "adi1" => array ( "cir1" => array ( "aka", "ra", "vinodh","dkido" ), "cir2" => array ( "muta", "la" ), "cir3" => array ( "ezut", "telAm" ), "cir4" => array ( "ati" ) ), "adi2" => array ( "cir1" => array ( "paka", "vaV" ), "cir2" => array ( "mutaR", "RE" ), "cir3" => array ( "ula", "ku" ) ) ) ); function traverse($ar) { foreach($ar as $key=>$value) { echo "inside loop of ".$key."<br/>"; if(is_array($value)) { return traverse($value); } else { echo $key."==>".$value."<br/>"; } } } traverse($root); The output I get is: inside loop of paa inside loop of adi1 inside loop of cir1 inside loop of 0 0==>aka inside loop of 1 1==>ra inside loop of 2 2==>vinodh inside loop of 3 3==>dkido It does not seem to visit the other nodes. Anything I missed here ? V hi all. I am working on a MLM project in which i have more than 30,000 members followed by the root member,i have to store member automatically in binary tree form like 1 is root 2 is child of 1 3 is child of 1 Then 4 is child of 2 5 is child of 2 and so on ...... i have to design database for that. please help Hey guys i need to create a genealogy tree view in PHP and i have no idea on how to get started ... Is there existing class's for that out there? Any recomandations on the "how to"? Maby flash/xml is better? ... I am lost ... Hey guys, I have a bunch of categories and products in a tree format. For several reasons I need to restructure them from the tree format into a flattened format. I have 2 arrays, one full of categories, the other products. Each category and product has an ID, and a reference to it's parent's ID. The top level categories reference to 0. What I need is to have the categories output like thus: Top Level Categories: Category 1 Category 2 Category 1 Sub category 1 Sub category 2 Category 2 Sub category 3 Sub category 4 Sub category 1 Product 1 Product 2 Sub category 2 Product 3 Product 4 Sub category 3 Product 5 Product 6 Sub category 4 Product 7 Product 8 There could be an unlimited number of sub categories within categories before we get to products, so this needs to be done through a function, however I cannot for the life of me think how to do this. Initially I thought about using 2 arrays, a buffer of categories outputted, and a queue of categories to be outputted, but quickly realised that when I go more than 2 layers deep I can't keep track of the queue's properly. I am trying to display binary tree level wise. Breadth-first tree traversal can be used in it.Can anyone point me towards its logic or point me towards a good tutorial. I am trying to count left node of a binary tree.I made a function but my result is always 3 . Code:- Code: [Select] <?php include'config.php'; // Connect database function leftcount($node) //Function to calculate leftcount { $sql = "SELECT lchild,rchild FROM tree WHERE parent = '$node'"; $execsql = mysql_query($sql); $array = mysql_fetch_array($execsql); if(!empty($array['lchild'])) { $count++; leftcount($array['lchild']); } if(!empty($array['rchild'])) { $count++; leftcount($array['rchild']); } $totalcount = 1 + $count; return $totalcount; } $parent = "2"; $left = leftcount($parent); echo $left; ?> Can someone please point the error in my logic ? I searched google but i only got scripts with classes and i don't want to use classes. This is my first try to display binary tree so please go easy on me. I am trying to display binary tree using array. The values are stored in mysql. Structure of mysql- Code: [Select] CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tree` ( `parent` int(7) NOT NULL, `rchild` int(7) NOT NULL, `lchild` int(7) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; Display should look like Code: [Select] 1 ______|______ | | 2 3 ______|______ | | 4 5 My Code till now- Code: [Select] <?php include 'connection.php'; $rsearch = "SELECT rchild FROM tree WHERE parent='".$parent."'"; $lsearch = "SELECT lchild FROM tree WHERE parent='".$parent."'"; $rexec = mysql_query($rsearch); $lexec = mysql_query($lsearch); while($rrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($rexec)) // Putting right branch in an array first { $rtree[$i][0] = $rrow['parent'] ; $rtree[$i][1] = $rrow['lchild'] ; $rtree[$i][2] = $rrow['rchild'] ; $i++; } while($lrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($lexec)) // Putting left branch in an array { $ltree[$j][0] = $lrow['parent'] ; $ltree[$j][1] = $lrow['lchild'] ; $ltree[$j][2] = $lrow['rchild'] ; $j++; } function displaytree($parent,$array) { // Im stuck here. Can someone please help me with it } ?> I am stuck at displaying the tree function. Can someone please point me in the right direction ? Hello everybody, i am working on n level category tree structure, for your information the category tree structure image is attached with this post. Let's consider, each of the category have hundreds( n level ) of category in each, i want to traverse each category without using recursive functions, reason being recursive functions are very slow, is there any way to do this?? Thanks, phpeid |