PHP - If Statement Inside If Statement Not Working
I'm having issues with the following:
Code: [Select] <?php session_start(); $_SESSION['username']=$_POST['username']; $_SESSION['password']=$_POST['password']; if($_SESSION['username']=="username" && $_SESSION['password']=="password"){ if($_GET['product']=="add"){ $content.=' <p><label>Product Name:</label> <input type="text" name="product_name" size="30" /> <label>Product Price:</label> <input type="text" name="product_price" size="5" /> </p> <p><label>Product Category:</label> <input type="text" name="product_category" size="30" /></p> <p><label>Product Link:</label> <input type="text" name="product_link" size="30" /></p> <p><label>Product Image:</label> <input type="text" name="product_image" size="30" /></p> <p><label>Product Tag:</label> <input type="text" name="product_tag" size="30" /></p> <p><label>Product Keywords:</label> <input type="text" name="keyword" size="30" /></p> <p><label>Product Features:</label><br /> <textarea name="product_features" rows="10" cols="60"></textarea> </p> <p><label>Product Pros:</label><br /> <textarea name="product_pros" rows="5" cols="30"></textarea> </p> <p><label>Product Cons:</label><br /> <textarea name="product_cons" rows="5" cols="30"></textarea> </p> <p><label>Product Description:</label><br /> <textarea name="product_description" rows="10" cols="60"></textarea> </p> <p><label>Product Notes:</label><br /> <textarea name="product_notes" rows="5" cols="30"></textarea> </p> '; $logout='<div><a href="./acp_admincp.php?log-out">Log-Out</a></div>'; } elseif($_GET['product']=="view"){ } else{ $content.=' <a href="./admincp.php?product=add">Add New Product</a> <br /> <a href="./admincp.php?product=view">View Products</a> '; } } elseif(isset($_GET['log-out'])){ session_start(); session_unset(); session_destroy(); header("Location: ./admincp.php"); } else{ $content=' <form action="./admincp.php" method="post"> <p><label>Username:</label> <input type="text" name="username" size="30" />'; $content.='</p> <p><label>Password:</label> <input type="password" name="password" /></p>'; $content.='<p><input type="submit" value="Submit" name="Submit" /></p> </form>'; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en"> <head> <base href="" /> <title>Ghost Hunter's Portal - Admin Control Panel</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta name="verify-v1" content="" /> <meta name="keywords" content="ghost, hunters, hunter, ghosts, spirit, spirits, paranormal, investigation, investigator, investigators, k2, emf, meter, kii" /> <meta name="description" content="Ghost Hunters Potal. Parnormal research equipment store." /> <meta name="author" content="Andrew McCarrick" /> <meta name="robots" content="index, follow" <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" /> </head> <body> <img src="./logo.png" alt="Ghost Hunter's Portal Admin Control Panel" /> <br /> <div style="color: #AA44AA; font-size: 26px; margin-top: -30px; margin-left: 125px;">Admin Control Panel</div> <?php echo $logout; echo $content; ?> </body> </html> I can log-in, and get to the page with the two links on it. However, once I click one of the links it falls back to the log-in page, and it ends up being a never ending loop. It's doing this: Log-In --> Page with links ---> Log-In page again Should be doing this: Log-In --> Page with links --> Add Product page or View Products page I can never get into the the actual sub page. Just to be clear, the address bar actually shows product=add or product=view, but it still shows the log-in page. Similar TutorialsI am trying to create a daily event listing. The list will have Day & Date as the heading. Then it will list the events ORDERED BY the time. First thing I'd like to do is skip or not show the days that do not have an event. Ex. Monday, January 23, 2012 7am event 8am event 6pm event since Tuesday has no events, I'd like tuesday to not be in the list, but if the next tuesday has an event It'll need be visible. Tuesday, January 24, 2012 (No events) Wednesday, January 25, 2012 9am event 12 pm event 8pm event The 2nd thing I'd like to do is If a particular day and time has more than one event, I'd like the time to show once and then list the events. ex. Monday, January 23, 2012 7am event event event 8am event 6pm event Here's the code: since the listing is for a range of 7 days I've only included 3 days worth of code. I've include the mysql_statements for pulling the information as well as the php code to show how it's being rendered and placed. HTML excluded. Code: [Select] <?php //TODAY $today2 = date('l, F j, Y');//php to format date $today_rehearsals = mysql_query(" SELECT Id, date, time, title, campus, room, ministry, category FROM events LEFT JOIN dates on events.dateId=dates.dateId LEFT JOIN time ON events.timeId=time.timeId LEFT JOIN campus ON events.campusId=campus.campusId LEFT JOIN rooms ON events.roomId=rooms.roomIdLEFT JOIN ministries on events.ministryId=ministries.ministryId LEFT JOIN category on events.categoryId=category.categoryIdWHERE ministry='music' AND date='$today' OR category='music' AND date='$today' ORDER By date, time") //////DAY ONE $day1= mktime(0,0,0, date("m"), date("d")+1, date("Y")); //php to get current date and add 1 day $day_1 = date("l, F j, Y", $day1); //php to format date $day1_rehearsal = mysql_query("SELECT Id, date, time, title, campus, room, ministry, category FROM events LEFT JOIN dates ON events.dateId=dates.dateIdLEFT JOIN time ON events.timeId=time.timeId LEFT JOIN campus ON events.campusId=campus.campusId LEFT JOIN rooms ON events.roomId=rooms.roomId LEFT JOIN ministries ON events.ministryId=ministries.ministryId LEFT JOIN category ON events.categoryId=category.categoryId WHERE ministry='music' AND date=CURDATE()+1 OR category='music' AND date=CURDATE()+1 ORDER BY time" ) or die(mysql_error()); /////DAY 2 $day2= mktime(0,0,0, date("m"), date("d")+2, date("Y")); //php to get current date and add 2 days $day_2 = date("l, F j, Y", $day2); //php to format date $day2_rehearsal = mysql_query("SELECT Id, date, time, title, campus, room, ministry, category FROM events LEFT JOIN dates ON events.dateId=dates.dateIdLEFT JOIN time ON events.timeId=time.timeId LEFT JOIN campus ON events.campusId=campus.campusId LEFT JOIN rooms ON events.roomId=rooms.roomId LEFT JOIN ministries ON events.ministryId=ministries.ministryId LEFT JOIN category ON events.categoryId=category.categoryId WHERE ministry='music' AND date=CURDATE()+2 OR category='music' AND date=CURDATE()+2 ORDER By time")or die(mysql_error()); ////TODAY echo "$today2"; //renders Today's date while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $today_rehearsals )){ $time=date_create($row['time']);//grab time for db $for_time=date_format($time, 'g:i a');//format time for viewing on page echo "$for_time"; echo $row['title']; echo $row['campus'] . " " . $row['room']; } ////day1 echo "$day_1"; //renders day_1's (tomorrow's) date while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $day1_rehearsal )){ $time=date_create($row['time']);//grab time for db $for_time=date_format($time, 'g:i a');//format time for viewing on page echo "$for_time"; echo $row['title']; echo $row['campus'] . " " . $row['room']; } ////day2 echo "$day_2"; //renders day_2's (day after tommorrow) date while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $day2_rehearsal )){ $time=date_create($row['time']);//grab time for db $for_time=date_format($time, 'g:i a');//format time for viewing on page echo "$for_time"; echo $row['title']; echo $row['campus'] . " " . $row['room']; } MOD EDIT: code tags fixed . . . I have the following code which gets staff working on a selected day and their start and finish times. The code then lists out the day for every 15min of time for each staff member. During the loop of each staff member I then check an appointment table to see if a user has any appointments, and lists the booked time slots, if no appointments lists user as available for all the time slots. My problem is when a user has appointments it only shows the booked times and not the available times. I know the problem lies here else if ($inc<$resSTART && $inc>$resEND) { and the complete code that is from is here // convet to US format $input="$month/$day/$year"; // readable date $readDATE="$day/$month/$year"; // convert for mysql date $sqlDATE="$year-$month-$day"; // get day of the week $weekday=date(l, strtotime($input)); echo $weekday."<br/>"; // get working staff from staff table $staffSQL=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM staff WHERE ".$weekday." != 'off' AND onLEAVE='no' AND ACTIVE='yes' ORDER BY staffID ASC"); // return results putenv("TZ=Australia/Adelaide"); while ($staff=mysql_fetch_array($staffSQL)) { $name=$staff['staffNAME']; $avail=$staff[$weekday]; $staffID=$staff['staffID']; list($first, $last)=explode(" ", $name); list($in, $out)=explode("-", $avail); $firstTIME="$sqlDATE $in:00"; $lastTIME="$sqlDATE $out:00"; echo "$first is available between $avail on $weekday<br/>"; $in2=strtotime($firstTIME); $out2=strtotime($lastTIME); $stop=$out2-900; echo $in2." - time start - $firstTIME<br/>"; echo $out2." - time finish - $lastTIME<br/>"; for ($inc=$in2;$inc<=$stop;$inc+=900) { $existSQL=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM appointment WHERE date='$sqlDATE' AND staffID='$staffID'"); if (mysql_num_rows($existSQL)>=1) { while ($appointV=mysql_fetch_array($existSQL)) { $resSTART=$appointV['dateTIME']; $length=$appointV['totalTIME']; $resEND=$resSTART+($length*60); if ($inc>=$resSTART && $inc<=$resEND) { echo "Appointment time is ".date("g.i a", $inc)." <font color='red'><< $first BOOKED</font><br/>"; } else if ($inc<$resSTART && $inc>$resEND) { echo "Appointment time is ".date("g.i a", $inc)." <font color='green'><< $first AVAILABLE</font><br/>"; } } } if (mysql_num_rows($existSQL)==0) { echo "Appointment time is ".date("g.i a", $inc)." <font color='green'><< $first AVAILABLE</font><br/>"; } } } any ideas how to restructure that if statement to work properly would be very much appreciated I am wondering if it is possible to create 2 queries, and use 1 while statement? Something like: Code: [Select] while (($row = mysql_fetch_array($rs_getevent)) && ($row = mysql_fetch_array($rs_getevent2))) { Is something like this possible? After it goes through the while loop its supposed to take the ID of the first one in the loop and find out its awardType and then with the awardType variable go through the the if statement. After it displays it the code that fits the awardType variable then it gets the second item in the while loop and then with the ID of the second item takes it back to get the awardType and then goes back through the if statement again. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. As of right now all its doing is displaying its awardName and a blank dropdown. Code: [Select] <?php session_start(); // Access the existing session // Include the database page require ('../../inc/dbconfig.php');l $userID = $_SESSION['userID']; $statusQuery = " SELECT * FROM statuses"; $statusResult = mysqli_query ( $dbc, $statusQuery ); // Run The Query $awardQuery = " SELECT awards.ID, awards.awardName, awards.awardType FROM awards"; $awardResult = mysqli_query ( $dbc, $awardQuery ); // Run The Query $row = mysqli_fetch_array ( $awardResult, MYSQL_ASSOC ); $awardType = $row[ 'awardType' ]; $charactersQuery = " SELECT characters.ID, characters.characterName FROM characters ORDER BY characters.characterName"; $charactersResult = mysqli_query ( $dbc, $charactersQuery ); // Run The Query $matchQuery = " SELECT eventSegments.ID, eventSegments.segmentTitle FROM eventSegments INNER JOIN events ON eventSegments.eventID = events.ID WHERE DATE_FORMAT(events.bookingDate,'%Y') = DATE_FORMAT(curdate(),'%Y')"; $matchResult = mysqli_query ( $dbc, $matchQuery ); // Run The Query ?> Code: [Select] <fieldset> <legend>Nominees</legend> <?php mysqli_data_seek( $awardResult, 0 ); while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_array ( $awardResult, MYSQL_ASSOC ) ) { ?> <?php if ($awardType == 'Singular') { ?> <div class="field required"> <label for="charactersDrop"><?php echo $row['awardName']; ?></label> <select class="dropdown" name="charactersDrop" id="charactersDrop" title="Characters Drop"> <option value="">- Select -</option> <?php while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_array ( $charactersResult, MYSQL_ASSOC ) ) { print "<option value=\"".$row['ID']."\">".$row['characterName']."</option>\r"; } ?> </select> <input type="button" value="Add Character" class="" onclick="HandlerCharacters()"/> <ul id="characterList"> </ul> <span class="required-icon tooltip" title="Required field - This field is required, it cannot be blank, and must contain something that is different from emptyness in order to be filled in. ">Required</span> </div> <? } else { ?> <div class="field required"> <label for="events"><?php echo $row['awardName']; ?></label> <select class="dropdown" name="events" id="events" title="Events for <?php echo date("Y") ?>"> <option value="">- Select -</option> <?php while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_array ( $matchResult, MYSQL_ASSOC ) ) { print "<option value=\"".$row['ID']."\">".$row['segmentTitle']."</option>\r"; } ?> </select> <input type="button" value="Add Match" class="" onclick="AddMatch()"/> <ul id="matchList"> </ul> <span class="required-icon tooltip" title="Required field - This field is required, it cannot be blank, and must contain something that is different from emptyness in order to be filled in. ">Required</span> </div> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> Hi everyone. i'm trying to write an if statement for several scenerios 1. if the date entered in '$DateDue' is overdue, meaning greater than todays date, then display the word 'Late'. 2. if the date entered in '$DateDue' is not yet past, meaning its greater than todays date, then display the word 'ok'. 3. if the date entered in '$DateDue' is within a week of todays date, then display the word 'warning' the code snippet below is my partial script. it runs perfectly without embedding the 'php if statement' on the first td row. So my problems a 1. how to embed a php if statement in table results and 2. have OK, LATE or WARNING to be displayed based on if $DateDue expires or not. there are no errors in the code below, it just echos the line '<?php if ($DataDue > CURDATE()) {echo "OK";} elseif ($DateDue < CURDATE()) {echo "LATE";} else {echo "Warning";}?>' instead of displaying OK, LATE or Warning. I'd appreciate any assistance you could provide. thanks. Code: [Select] // echo out the contents of each row into a table echo "<tr>"; echo '<td nowrap><?php if ($DataDue > CURDATE()) {echo "OK";} elseif ($DateDue < CURDATE()) {echo "LATE";} else {echo "Warning";}?>' . mysql_result($result, $i, 'DateDue') . '</td>'; echo '<td nowrap>' . mysql_result($result, $i, 'Description') . '</td>'; echo '<td nowrap>' . mysql_result($result, $i, 'CompanyName') . '</td>'; echo "</tr>"; Hello guys im new to php i been coding for like a week now, i need some help here i have been stuck for like 6 hours XD,is it possible to write an IF Statement inside an echo? //this is what i want to do // echo a table and a delete button // and if you click on the delete button it echoes out "DELETED" echo " <table width='528px'> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <center><font size='5'>$tittle</font></center><br> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> $message </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <font size='1'>Posted By:<font color='green'>$author</font> on <font color='gray'>$date</font> at <font color='gray'>$time</font></font> <input id='delete' name='delete' type='submit' value='Delete' > if ($_POST['delete']) { echo "DELETED"; } <td> </td> </tr><br><br> </table> "; Hey guys! Im trying to setup an IF statement on my home page. Its purpose is to show EITHER a login form and state your not logged in if it cannot find a stored cookie OR if it does find a stored cookie it will NOT show the HTML form and state you are logged in. I have it mostly working apart from the fact Im not sure how to insert a HTML form into PHP IF statement and make it work. Since I dont want the user to see the login form when they are already logged in. Here is a link to the php script: Here is link to the live page: Any help or ideas would be much appreciated! JellyFishBoy I have a bunch of checkboxes I am pulling from a database, like so. Code: [Select] <?$true_query = mssql_query("SELECT * FROM checkbox_datbase ORDER BY ID ASC"); while ($true_row = mssql_fetch_assoc($true_query)) { $eth_id = $true_row['ID']; $eth_name = $true_row['Value']; echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"eth_$eth_id\" value=\"1\" class=\"input\" id=\"Ethnic_01\"/>$eth_name <br />"; } ?>How do I put these into a database that I have settup where it needs to match up with a userid. I am trying to do this, and can get it to look correctly by echoing out the various parts, but I can't put while loops into a variable, right? So how would I get all of this into one line in my $sql variable? Code: [Select] echo "INSERT INTO new_database (UserId,"; $true_query = mssql_query("SELECT * FROM checkbox_datbase ORDER BY ID ASC"); while ($true_row = mssql_fetch_assoc($true_query)) { $eth_id = $true_row['ID']; $eth_eth_id = $_POST['eth_' . $eth_id . '']; echo " $eth_id, "; } echo "DateUpdated) VALUES ('$user_ID', "; $true_query = mssql_query("SELECT * FROM checkbox_datbase ORDER BY ID ASC"); while ($true_row = mssql_fetch_assoc($true_query)) { $eth_id = $true_row['ID']; $eth_eth_id = $_POST['eth_' . $eth_id . '']; echo "'$eth_eth_id', "; } echo "'$currenttime')"; This echoes something that looks like this INSERT INTO user_ethnicity (UserId, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, DateUpdated) VALUES ('', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2012-01-23 13:24:18 PM') , which I need the actual statement to be $sql = "INSERT INTO user_ethnicity (UserId, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, DateUpdated) VALUES ('259', '', '', '1', '', '1', '', '', '', '2012-01-23 13:24:18 PM')"; Can anyone help me with this? Hi I am new to PHP and this is my first post one here so appologies is this questions seems a bit dumb! I have an if clause such that if a button is pressed on my web page then i want to reload the page and include a new form on it. I am having a problem getting the $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] command to work from iside a echo command. I must not be escaping the code correctly with back slashes: I currently have the line : echo"<form method=\"POST\" action=\"\<?$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?\>\">"; However this doesnt seem to work as my page just doesnt display in the browser. Any advice is much appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to read. Is it possible to have a loop inside a mysql select statement? If yes, can someone please give me an idea. So the issue I'm having here is that when champion_id, contender1_id, contender2_id, and contender3_id values are 0 then it DOES NOT echo Vacant and TBD as it should be, however when they are values other than 0 then it does correctly show the person's name. What am I doing wrong for it to not display the Vacant or TBD? Code: [Select] $query = "SELECT titles.title_name,, title_champions.champion_id AS champion_id, title_champions.contender1_id AS contender1_id, title_champions.contender2_id AS contender2_id, title_champions.contender3_id AS contender3_id, champion.character_name AS champion, contender1.character_name AS contender1, contender2.character_name AS contender2, contender3.character_name AS contender3 FROM title_champions LEFT JOIN titles ON title_champions.title_id = LEFT JOIN characters AS champion ON title_champions.champion_id = LEFT JOIN characters AS contender1 ON title_champions.contender1_id = LEFT JOIN characters AS contender2 ON title_champions.contender2_id = LEFT JOIN characters AS contender3 ON title_champions.contender3_id = ORDER BY titles.title_name"; $result = mysqli_query ( $dbc, $query ); // Run The Query Code: [Select] <?php while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_array ( $result, MYSQL_ASSOC ) ) { echo '<tr><td>' . $row['title_name'] . '</td><td>'; if($row['champion_id'] !== 0){echo $row['champion'];}else{echo "Vacant";} echo '</td><td>'; if($row['contender1_id'] !== 0){echo $row['contender1'];}else{echo "TBD";} echo '</td><td>'; if($row['contender2_id'] !== 0){echo $row['contender2'];}else{echo "TBD";} echo '</td><td>'; if($row['contender3_id'] !== 0){echo $row['contender3'];}else{echo "TBD";} echo '</td><td style="text-align:center;"><img src="img/notepad.png" class="edit" rel="' . $row['id'] . '"/></td></tr>'; } ?> Hello Everyone, From time to time, I get into a situation where my if statements do not give the desired results. I always have to play around with them to get the things working. I'm in same situation right now. I'm guessing that I do not completely understand the logic. If someone can take a look at the code below and tell me what's wrong, it will be greatly appreciated. if($_SESSION['account_type'] != 'internal admin'){ die('<font color="red"><b>Error:</b> This page can only be accessed by internal or super admin.</font>'); break; } elseif($_SESSION['account_type'] != 'super admin'){ die('<font color="red"><b>Error:</b> This page can only be accessed by internal or super admin.</font>'); break; } I have echoed out the $_SESSION['account_type'] and I'm getting "internal admin" but for some reason, I'm getting the error "Error: This page can only be accessed by internal or super admin." Thanks in advance for your help. Jatt Surma now i am trying to get this to work it should change the variable if the statement is ture and it not in that and any one help include'db.php'; $sql2=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM site_config WHERE id=1")or die(mysql_error()); while($row2=mysql_fetch_array($sql2)) { $paypal_email=$row2['paypal_email']; $price=$row2['price']; $sandbox=$row2['sandbox']; $account_number=$row2['account_number']; $quantity_1=$row2['quantity_1']; $product=$row2['product']; $return_url=$row2['return_url']; $demo=$row2['demo']; if($sandbox==1) { $link=''; if(empty($sandbox)) { $link=''; } echo"$link<br>$sandbox"; } } Absolutely no idea why my IF statement's playing up - needs some fresh eyes I think! if ($postcheck != $post){ if ($x == "0"){ echo $title; echo "<br>"; $x = "1"; $y = $y + 1; } echo "Change Post to: "; echo $postcheck; echo " from "; echo $post; echo "<br>"; $result2 = mysql_query("UPDATE items SET Post='$postcheck' WHERE ID='$id'") or die(mysql_error()); } When it returns $postcheck and $post, in this case, they're coming out as the same thing (on one record - no others!) - $post is retrieved from a database, and $postcheck is calculated. Both are numbers. Any ideas?! what i'm trying to do, is have it so a staff member can mange users i came up with these, but it dosn't show on the page :S if ( isadmin ( $_SESSION['user_id'] ) ): ?> <br /> It seems that you're an admin. You may <a href="manage_users.php" title="manage users">manage users</a> or <a href="admin_settings.php" title="edit site settings">edit site settings</a>. <? if ( ismod ( $_SESSION['user_id'] ) ): ?> <br /> It seems that you're an mod. You may <a href="manage_users.php" title="manage users">manage users</a>. <?php endif; ?> Hello guys, I am having an issue with my if statement. Basically what I am trying to do is when there are no photos uploaded then enter default image. Like I said doesn't look like my if stmt is working at all.. Any ideas? foreach (glob("temp_photo/$subn*.*") as $filename) { //echo "$filename<br>"; $string = $filename; $filename2 = basename($string); if($filename2 == ""){ $filename2="/images/default.jpg"; } // Insert ad details into mysql $query = "INSERT INTO ads (ad_type,ad_title,ad_body,ad_category,ad_photo,ad_member,ad_status,ad_city,ad_state,ad_zip)VALUES('".$ad_type."','".$ad_title."','".$ad_body."','".$catid."','".$filename2."','".$vname."','".$ad_status."','".$city."','".$state."','".$zip."')"; // Error checking to see if the query was successful $result = mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error()."in <br>$query" ); $query_rsGetOrderDetails = "SELECT * FROM hd_order WHERE order_by = '$usernameLoggedin' ORDER BY order_id DESC LIMIT 3"; Any ideas? $sql_my_workers = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Worker WHERE mem_id='$id'"); $my_workers_result = mysql_num_rows($sql_my_workers); while($get_my_workers = mysql_fetch_array($sql_my_workers)){ $my_worker_firstname = $get_my_workers['firstname']; $my_worker_lastname = $get_my_workers['lastname']; $my_worker_age = $get_my_workers['age']; $my_worker_yearspro = $get_my_workers['yearspro']; $my_worker_promotion = $get_my_workers['promotion']; if ($my_workers_result < 1){ $my_workers = " <p class='text' align='center'>You have not created any workers.</p> "; } else { $my_workers .= " <div class='worker_name' align='center'> <p class='text3' style='font-weight: bold; '>Name</p> <p class='text3'>$my_worker_firstname $my_worker_lastname</p> </div> <div class='worker_age' align='center'> <p class='text3' style='font-weight: bold; '>Age</p> <p class='text3'>$my_worker_age</p> </div> <div class='worker_promo' align='center'> <p class='text3' style='font-weight: bold; '>Promotion</p> <p class='text3'>$my_worker_promotion</p> </div> <div class='worker_contract' align='center'> <p class='text3' style='font-weight: bold; '>Contract</p> <p class='text3'>-</p> </div> <div class='worker_yearspro' align='center'> <p class='text3' style='font-weight: bold; '>Years Pro</p> <p class='text3'>$my_worker_yearspro</p> </div> <div class='line'></div>"; } } // connect to the database include_once ("Scripts/mysql_db_connect.php"); // get free agents $sql_free_agents = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Worker WHERE mem_id!='$id'"); $free_agents_result = mysql_num_rows($sql_free_agents); while($get_free_agents = mysql_fetch_array($sql_free_agents)){ $free_agent_firstname = $get_free_agents['firstname']; $free_agent_lastname = $get_free_agents['lastname']; $free_agent_age = $get_free_agents['age']; $free_agent_yearspro = $get_free_agents['yearspro']; if ($free_agents_result < 1){ $free_agents = "<p class='text'>There are no free agents.</p>"; } else { $free_agents .= "<div class='fa_name' align='center'> <p class='text3' style='font-weight: bold; '>Name</p> <p class='text3'>$free_agent_firstname $free_agent_lastname</p> </div> <div class='fa_age' align='center'> <p class='text3' style='font-weight: bold; '>Age</p> <p class='text3'>$free_agent_age</p> </div> <div class='fa_yearspro' align='center'> <p class='text3' style='font-weight: bold; '>Years Pro</p> <p class='text3'>$free_agent_yearspro</p> </div> <div class='fa_previouspromo' align='center'> <p class='text3' style='font-weight: bold; '>Previous Promotion</p> <p class='text3'>-</p> </div> <div class='fa_reasonleftpromo' align='center'> <p class='text3' style='font-weight: bold; '>Reason for Leaving</p> <p class='text3'>-</p> </div> <div class='fa_salary' align='center'> <p class='text3' style='font-weight: bold; '>Salary</p> <p class='text3'>-</p> </div> <div class='line'></div>"; } } When I do the if < 1 statement, it comes back blank. The if $my_workers_result comes back as showing 0. So it should do that if statement, but yet it doesn't, its just blank. What am I doing wrong? Ok, a bit of a background into my code, It runs off of 2 different passing variables, I have it set up with multiple if() statements to do certain things based on the inputs... Here is a snipet of my code if ($_REQUEST['postal'] != "" && $_REQUEST['lbs'] != "") { $postal = $_REQUEST['postal']; $lbs = $_REQUEST['lbs']; $type = $_REQUEST['type'] if ($type == "splist") { $ztype = "cansp_zone" ; } else { $ztype = "canmp_zone"; } Obviously not the whole thing, Now what you see is line 18-26 of a 216 line document. The nested if statement is what is causing the problem, I get a "syntax error, unexpected T_IF" on line 22, the "if ($type)" line. Now theoretically, if I did not pass the variables (in which case the primary if statement would be false) It should bypass this whole section, however its not. Any ideas? I am thinking its not actually doing the verification and outputting the error because type is not defined. i have been trying to figure this out for the last hour with no luck i am hopeing some one here can help me the problem is well i really dont know what the problem is but the code should check is the passwords match if they dont it will tell you to reenter your password if(isset($_POST['Submit'])) //isset open { $pass1=$_POST['pass1']; $pass2=$_POST['pass2']; if($pass1 != o) //pass open { echo"<style type='text/css'> <!-- body { background-color: #FFFFFF; } body,td,th { color: #000000; } --> </style></head> <body> <table width='100%' border='1'> <tr> <td><center>Your Password Did Not Match Please Reenter Your Passwrods</center></td> </tr> <tr> <td><form id='form1' name='form1' method='post' action=''> <label>Password <input type='text' name='pass1' id='pass1' /> </label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <label>Enter Password Again <input type='text' name='pass2' id='pass2' /> </label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <label> <center><input type='submit' name='Submit' id='Submit' value='Submit' /></center> </label> </form> </td> </tr> </table> </body>"; die(); //pass colse } else //pass else open { echo" <form name='redirect'> <center> <font face='Arial'><b>Your Account Has Been Validated You Will Now Be Redirect To The Admin Home Page in<br><br> <form> <input type='text' size='3' name='redirect2'> </form> seconds</b></font> </center> <script> <!-- //change below target URL to your own var targetURL='/test1' //change the second to start counting down from var countdownfrom=5 var currentsecond=document.redirect.redirect2.value=countdownfrom+1 function countredirect(){ if (currentsecond!=1){ currentsecond-=1 document.redirect.redirect2.value=currentsecond } else{ window.location=targetURL return } setTimeout('countredirect()',1000) } countredirect() //--> </script>"; //pass else close } //isset close } |