PHP - Can't Figure Out Why Recursive Replace Is Not Working
if ($template->load($maintemplatefile,$values)) {
//load every php file in the plugin folder //Handle invalid page Requests } else { echo '404 File Not Found'; //exit; } //print page code echo $template->html(); } I call the above code it prints out the template file but it does not recursively replace the <TEMPLATE_LOADTEMPLATE_$1> that is in the file even though it properly parses both the $tag and $value variables going to the $this->replace($tag,$value); line. Any idea why this does not work? <?php class Template { var $code=''; function load($file,$values) { if (file_exists($file)) { //get template directory $dir=substr($file,0,strrpos($file,'/')) . '/'; //get template $this->code=file_get_contents($file); //check if any recurseve templates to add $tags=$this->tags(); //process all internal template tags $newValues=array_slice($values,1); foreach ($tags as $tag) { //handle inserting new template file if (substr($tag,0,13)=='LOADTEMPLATE_') { $file=substr($tag,13); if ($file[0]=='$') { $file=$values[(substr($file,1)-1)]; } $temp=new Template; $filename=$dir . $file . '.xhtml'; if ($temp->load($filename,$newValues)) { $value=$temp->html(); } else { $value='File Not Found'; } $this->replace($tag,$value); } } return true; } else { return false; } } function tags() { preg_match_all('/<TEMPLATE_[^<]+?>/', $this->code, $tags); $tags=$tags[0]; foreach ($tags as $key=>$value) { $tags[$key]=substr($value,10,-1); } return array_unique($tags); } function replace($tag,$value) { $this->code = ereg_replace('<TEMPLATE_' . $tag . '>',$value . '',$this->code); } function replaceSection($tag,$value) { $replace='~<TEMPLATE_' . $tag . '>[\s\S]*?</TEMPLATE_' . $tag . '>~'; $this->code = preg_replace($replace,$value . '',$this->code); } function compress() { $this->code = ereg_replace("\n",'',$this->code); $this->code = ereg_replace(" ",' ',$this->code); $this->code = ereg_replace("\r",'',$this->code); } function html() { //remove <TEMPLATE_*> & </TEMPLATE_*> tags then return html. return preg_replace('/(<\/?)TEMPLATE_[^<]+?>/','',$this->code); } } ?> All code listed is available for use under GNU public license. Similar TutorialsHey all! I'm writing a simple script to scan a local directory named 'files' and all sub directories of 'files', adding each file to a database in the same table. To do this, I'm using scandir on the current working directory/files to start, and iterating over each file in a loop, but if the file is a directory, I append the directory name to the cwd/files and call scandir on that, creating a list of files in the subfolder, and then I call my addFiles() function recursively, with this as the argument. As of now, it just stops at the second call to addFiles. It adds all the top level files fine, stops there. That's where all my print_r() lines have gotten me. Here's my code... <!-- To change this template, choose Tools | Templates and open the template in the editor. --> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title></title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> </head> <body> <?php include 'DBConnect.php'; $db = new DBConnect() or die("Can't connect to DB"); $conn = $db->getConn(); mysql_select_db('download', $conn) or die("Can't select DB"); $dir = getcwd(); $dir = $dir . '\files' . "\\"; $fid = 1; $dir = addslashes($dir); $files = scandir($dir); echo $fid . " "; echo $dir; function addFiles($files) { global $dir; global $conn; global $fid; unset($files[0]); unset($files[1]); print_r($files); foreach ($files as $aFile) { if (is_file($dir.$aFile)) { echo "<li> $aFile </li>"; $query = "INSERT INTO files (file_id, file_path, file_name) values ($fid, '$dir', '$aFile')"; mysql_query($query, $conn) or die("Something wrong with query"); $fid = $fid + 1; } else if (is_dir($dir.$aFile)) { $fid = $fid + 1; $aDir = $dir . $aFile . "\\"; echo $dir; addFiles(scandir($dir.$aFile)); } } } addFiles($files); ?> </body> </html> Thanks in advance for any ideas. Also, if I'm approaching this problem completely wrong, let me know! I just came up with this and I feel like it should work... I'm trying to return to array of letters that bruteForce finally decides upon. However, I can't seem to pass the array to librarySolve. I'm feeling dumb, any help? Code: [Select] function librarySolve($string){ $temp = $this->bruteForce($string, FALSE, 0); return $temp; } function bruteForce($string, $state, $trys){ $base = $string; $state = $state; $new_letters = array(); if($trys <= 6000){ $this->new_letters = $this->generateRandomCipher(); $string = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9-\s]/', '', $string); for($a=0;$a<=strlen($string);$a++){ $letter = substr($string, $a, 1); $pattern = "/[A-Z]/"; if(preg_match($pattern, $letter)!=0){ $new_letter = $this->new_letters[$letter]; } else if(preg_match($pattern, $letter)==0) { $new_letter = $letter; } $decipher .= $new_letter; } $word_array = explode(" ", $decipher); $count = 0; for($a=0;$a<count($word_array);$a++){ $do = $this->checkWord($word_array[$a]); if(!empty($do)){ $count++; } } if($count>=2){ $state = TRUE; } else { $state = FALSE; } if($state==TRUE){ return $this->new_letters; } else { $trys++; $this->bruteForce($base, $state, $trys); } } } hello all, i can't get this to work; i'm able to echo both accts entered into the form via the _get but can't pull both balances using the $from_acct and $to_acct only the first query working do I have it formated wrong <?php //check for submit $submit = $_GET['submit']; //end looking for submit //set varibles if submit is present if (!$submit) { echo "Sorry Mate I don't see you have submitted anything for me to process"; } else { //make the connecting and set some varibles from _get $from_acct = $_GET['from_acct']; $to_acct = $_GET['to_acct']; $amount = $_GET['amount']; $connect = mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or die (mysql_error()); mysql_select_db('users') or die ("no such database exisit"); $query = mysql_query("SELECT * from members WHERE bankaccount=$from_acct") or die ("Could not locate to account"); $query2 = mysql_query("SELECT * from members WHERE bankaccount=$to_acct") or die ("Could not locate to account"); while ($result = mysql_fetch_assoc($query) && $result2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($query2)) { $fromb = $result['balance']; $tob = $result2['balance']; } //make a check to see if the account that is sending has the money to send if ($fromb<$amount) { echo "Mate you don't have enough cash to transfer " .$amount. "to this account<br />"; echo "Your Current Balance available for transfer is " .$fromb; } else { $newbalancefrom = $fromb - $amount; $newbalanceto = $tob + $amount; //make the transfer $transfer = mysql_query("UPDATE 'users' . 'members' SET 'balance' = '$newblanceto' WHERE bankaccount='$to_acct'") or die ("could not write to profile"); $transfer2 = mysql_query("UPDATE 'users' . 'members' SET 'balance' = '$newblancefrom' WHERE bankaccount='$from_acct'") or die ("Could Not Write to From Account"); if ($transfer) { echo "Transfer Complete Thanks!"; } else { echo "There was a error in the transfer process please try again"; } } } echo $fromb . "<br />"; echo $tob . "<br />"; echo $from_acct . "<br />"; echo $to_acct . "<br />"; ?> <h2>Peer to Peer Transfer</h2><br><br> <form action="testtrans.php" method="get"> Amount to Transfer: <input type="text" size="8" name="amount"><br> From Account: <input type="text" size="15" name="from_acct"> To Account: <input type="text" size="15" name="to_acct" /><br /> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="transfer" /> </form> I have a link echo '<p>View All Items listed for <a href="item.php?mem-items='.$mem_id.'">"'.$name.'"</a></p>'; That goes to a file http://localhost/folder/item.php?mem-items=26 with 26 being an actual member id number I use the GET function like this if (isset($_GET['mem-items']) && is_numeric($_GET['$mem-items'])) { $mem_items = $_GET['mem-items']; } My problem is $mem_items isn't assigned a variable, but when I take the "is_numeric($_GET['$mem-items'])" out, it works like a charm. I use this same format on the same file for "if (isset($_GET['item']) && is_numeric($_GET['item']))" AND it works great. Can anyone see what's wrong. Thanks Hi guys Probably a simple but trying to figure out why I cant get this while loop to work (at least I think its the loop) Query works as it returns 1 row, but not all of them. Any help would be great! $sql = "SELECT * FROM requests ORDER BY leave_after DESC"; if ($result = mysql_query($sql)) { if (mysql_num_rows($result)) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { echo '<div id="resultholder">'; echo "<p>Request ID:" . $row['id'] . ", User ID: " . $row['user_id'] . ", Departing From: " . $row['departing'] . ", Going To: " . $row['destination'] . " , Leaving After: " . $row['leave_after'] . " , but Arriving Befo " . $row['arrive_before'] ."</p></div>"; echo '</div>'; } } } Thanks! I've tried a few different methods, but I can't get this damn function to work. Can someone show me where I've gone wrong? Here's my code & form. I'm still baffled why it doesn't work! :lol: url is update-content.php?id=12 <?php include("../include/session.php"); if(!$session->logged_in) { header('Location: ../login.php'); die; } require_once('../include/functions.php'); function content($id) { $id = $_GET['id']; $connection = db_connect(); $query = sprintf("select * from content where id = '$id'", mysql_real_escape_string($id) ); $result = mysql_query($query); $number_of_posts = mysql_num_rows($result); if ($number_of_posts == 0) { return false; } $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); return $row; } function update($param) { // Get the content id from url to output into the editor $id = $_GET['id']; $connect = db_connect(); $page = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['page']); $page_id = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['page_id']); $title = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['title']); $text = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['text']); $query = ("UPDATE content SET page = '$page' page_id = '$page_id' title = '$title' text = '$text' WHERE id = '$id' "); $result = mysql_query($query); if (!$result) { return false; } else { return true; } } ?> <?php // Send form data to mysql if(isset($_POST['text'])) { $result = update($_POST); if($result === true) { echo 'Success!'; die(); } } ?> And the form.. <form form name="editor" id="editor" method="post" action="update-content.php"> <p><br /> <b>Assign to page</b><br /> <input name="page" id="page" size="60" maxlength="500" value="<?php $page = content($id); echo stripslashes($page['page']); ?>" /> <br /> <br /> <b>Page id</b> <input name="page_id" id="page_id" size="4" maxlength="4" value="<?php $page_id = content($id); echo stripslashes($page_id['page_id']); ?>" /> <br /> <br /> <b>Title</b> <span class="smalltext">(Just a short name this piece of content)</span><br /> <input name="title" id="title" size="60" maxlength="200" value="<?php $title = content($id); echo stripslashes($title['title']); ?>" /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <strong>Content</strong> <span class="smalltext">(paste html in here)</span><br /> <textarea name="text" id="text" cols="75" rows="15"><?php $text = content($id); echo stripslashes($text['text']); ?></textarea> <?php //turn the text area into CK Editor echo $ckeditor_ini; ?> <br /> <input type="image" src="../images/button_submit.gif" alt="submit" name="submit" value="submit" /> <a href="index.php"><img src="../images/button_cancel.gif" alt="Cancel" width="120" height="26" border="0" /> </form> Wordpress gave me the following error when uploading the this themeforest theme. failed opening '/srv/htdocs/wp-content/themes/QuickFixWebiste(Wordpress)/../../../wp-admin/includes/class-walker-nav-menu-edit.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/php7.2/lib/php') in /srv/htdocs/wp-content/themes/QuickFixWebiste(Wordpress)/library/core/admin/edit-menu-walker.php Can anyone tell me how to resolve this? The source code in the edit-menu-walker.php on lines 1-4 is: <?php if (!class_exists('Walker_Nav_Menu_Edit')){ include_once(get_template_directory() . '/../../../wp-admin/includes/class-walker-nav-menu-edit.php'); }
Code: [Select] $text = preg_replace('{-(\d+)}e', '-convertNumber("$1")', $text); i have strings im trying to replace like this: name-2 > name-two name-p2 > name-p2 im trying to match and replace the first one and basically ignore the second one. ive included the hyphen in the code. so why isnt this working? The situation is that I have a large string with some identifiers to say "replace me" with something else. My goal is to replace the values, but if one replacement includes one of the other keys, I don't want to replace it.
For example:
<?php $str = 'some blob ~abc~ followed by ~def~'; $arr_orig = array( '~abc~', '~def~' ); $arr_new = array( 'value~def~', 'blah' ); echo str_replace( $arr_orig, $arr_new, $str ); ?>This will echo: some blob valueblah followed by blah But that's not what I'm trying to accomplish. Basically, I want ~abc~ to be replaced with the literal: value~def~ and for the ~def~ that happens to be part of that string to NOT be replaced. I hope what I'm asking is clear. Basically, preg_replace/str_replace with arrays seems no different than just doing a FOR loop and replacing ~abc~ and then ~def~. But that's not what I need. I'm hoping that if ~abc~ is replaced with text that happens to be another identifier -- ~def~, ~xyz~, whatever -- that this already replaced text is not again replaced. Is there a built-in function to do something like this? If not, should I just parse the whole string and count characters or something? Seems like a pain (and slow!) Something bothers me: I am writing a PHP code to implement "step by step" form. In order to do that, I copied a method which looks like: Program name: doit.php : if (!isset($_SESSION['para_stage'])) { ... first time to the code .... initialize variables ...display first form which calls doit.php when submit.....} else {already been to this code, variables are initialized, do what you have to do and recall doit.php ....} It works fine, but: isn't there a problem with calling the same program again and again from itself? isn;t it like a recursive, which means the stack will be used until overflow? Hi i wrote a find and replace code but my code replace last value of array and skip the first, second.... values in the array. Please give me an idea because i stack with this code. Regards $KeyWord = explode("\n", $RowGetWords['KEYWORDS']); $Replace = explode("\n", $RowGetWords['ReplaceTo']); for($i=0; $i<count($KeyWord); $i++){ $pattern = $KeyWord[$i]; $replace = "<a href=\"" .$URL. "\" target=\"_blank\" >" .$Replace[$i]. "</a>"; $html = str_replace($pattern, $replace, $Row['MessageBody']); } Hello! Maybe I'm a bit ashamed to question some little kind of thing, but I tested 3 hours and couldn't let this function. It's like the most easiest possible recursiv function...: Code: [Select] function recursiv($s){ $s.="b"; if(strlen($s)>30){return $s;} //else return 0; else recursiv($s); } echo recursiv("h"); The result is a blank page... Thanks a lot for your help !! Code: [Select] public function getBonusChildren($userID) { if($userID != NULL) { $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS count, userID FROM jos_backoffice_users WHERE parentID= ' . $userID . ';'; $stmt = conn::getInstance()->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(); $obj = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if(is_object($obj)) { $obj->count += $this->getBonusChildren($obj->userID); } } return $obj->count; } I get no error. It just always return null. How can I get this done? I'm really fond of your coding and need some help too I'm also trying to make a tree and save it in an xml file such that parent_id of one node is inserted in as pages key to the father node.By running this query $sql = "Select * from category order by parent_id ASC"; I'm getting the following result. Array ( => Array ( [category_id] => 2 [parent_id] => 0 [category_name] => Clothes ) [1] => Array ( [category_id] => 5 [parent_id] => 1 [category_name] => T-shirts ) [2] => Array ( [category_id] => 6 [parent_id] => 1 [category_name] => Cotton-Shirts ) [3] => Array ( [category_id] => 1 [parent_id] => 2 [category_name] => Upper ) [4] => Array ( [category_id] => 4 [parent_id] => 2 [category_name] => Lower ) [5] => Array ( [category_id] => 3 [parent_id] => 4 [category_name] => Pants ) ) My code is as follows but not executing correctly function searchTree($arr,$node,$i){ if(!in_array($node['parent_id'],$arr[$i])) { $stmt = '<pages_'.$i.'>'; $stmt .=$node; $stmt .='</pages_'.$i.'>'; return $stmt;} else{ //print_r($returnTree); print_r ($arr[$i]);//['category_id']; $returnTree = ($arr[$i]['category_id']==$node['parent_id'])? searchTree($arr,$node,$i++): searchTree($arr,'',$i++); } } $i=0; foreach($links as $link){ $myArr = searchTree($links,$link,$i);} The result should be as follows: <page_1> <label>Clothes</label> <uri>#</uri> <pages> <page_1_1> <label>Upper</label> <uri>#</uri> <pages> <label>T-Shirt</label> <uri>#</uri> <page_1_1> <page_1_1_1> <label>Short Sleaves</label> <uri>#</uri> </page_1_1_1> <page_1_1_2><label>Long Sleaves</label><uri>#</uri> </page_1_1_2></page_1_1></page_1> <page_1_2> <label>Lower</label> <uri>#</uri> <pages>....</page_1_2> Hopefully you can unsderstand this problem. Please help me. Hello,
Here is my code:
<?php require 'vendor/autoload.php'; $client = new Elasticsearch/Client(); $root = realpath('~/elkdata/for_elk_test_2014_11_24/Agencies'); $iter = new RecursiveIteratorIterator( new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($root, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST, RecursiveIteratorIterator::CATCH_GET_CHILD); $paths = array($root); foreach ($iter as $path => $dir) { if ($dir -> isDir()) { $paths[] = $path; } } //Create the index and mappings $mapping['index'] = 'rvuehistoricaldocuments2009-2013'; //mapping code $mapping['body'] = array ( 'mappings' => array ( 'documents' => array ( '_source' => array ( 'enabled' => true ), 'properties' => array( 'doc_name' => array( 'type' => 'string', 'analyzer' => 'standard' ), 'description' => array( 'type' => 'string' ) ) ) ) ); $client ->indices()->create($mapping) //Now index the documents for ($i = 0; $i <= count($paths); $i++) { $params ['body'][] = array( 'index' => array( 'type' => 'documents' 'body' => array( 'foo' => 'bar' //Document body goes here ) ) ); //Every 1000 documents stop and send the bulk request. if($1 % 1000) { $responses = $client->bulk($params); // erase the old bulk request $params = array(); // unset the bulk response when you are done to save memory unset($responses); } } ?>I am looking to index a large amount of documents using elastic search and php. I have a very complex directory filled with other directories that i need to index into an array. I wanted to see if my code looked right, and if not what am I doing wrong? Thanks, Austin Harmon Hi, I am using a separate class for all the functions. And using using the following function "objectToArray" to convert the JSON decoded object to Array. Class file: class xyz { . . . . . function objectToArray($d) { if (is_object($d)) { $d = get_object_vars($d); } if (is_array($d)) { return array_map(__FUNCTION__, $d); } else { return $d; } } . . . } Main page: $obj = new xyz(); $arr = $obj->objectToArray($json_obj); Because the function "objectToArray" is recursive, array_map(__FUNCTION__, $d) is not able to applies the callback. And throws the warning "array_map() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback". Need help! Girish i have the below script but it doesn't work it just refreshes the page anyone know what is wrong Code: [Select] <?php $path = "../../gallery/gallery_files/gallery/"; if(isset($_POST['file']) && is_array($_POST['file'])) { foreach($_POST['file'] as $file) { $dirname = $path; //Recursive Delete Function function DELETE_RECURSIVE_DIRS($dirname) { // recursive function to delete // all subdirectories and contents: if(is_dir($dirname))$dir_handle=opendir($dirname); while($file=readdir($dir_handle)) { if($file!="." && $file!="..") { if(!is_dir($dirname."/".$file))unlink ($dirname."/".$file); else DELETE_RECURSIVE_DIRS($dirname."/".$file); } } closedir($dir_handle); rmdir($dirname); return true; } } } ?> Hi there, I have written a recursive function that basically generates a tree structure for my site pages (kind of like a sitemap). It all worked fine until yesterday, I started getting error messages telling me that I have exhausted the amount of memory available. There are only about 30 pages in the site (parent, child, sub-child etc), so I dont think that I should be using up that much memory. This was my first attempt at a recursive function so I am pretty sure that it may not have been optimised properly. If anyone could take a look and offer any feed back that would be great. (written in codeigniter framework) function getAllPages() { $this->tmp_arr = array(); $this->buildPageStructure(0, 0); return $this->tmp_arr; } function buildPageStructure($parent_id, $counter) { $CI = & get_instance(); $query = $CI->db->query("SELECT page_id, title, page_url, status FROM pages WHERE parent_page='$parent_id' ORDER BY sort_order ASC"); $counter++; if($query->num_rows() > 0) { foreach($query->result() as $row) { $new_arr = new Page(); $new_arr->page_id = $row->page_id; $new_arr->title = $row->title; $new_arr->level = $counter; $new_arr->page_url = $row->page_url; $new_arr->status = $row->status; $this->tmp_arr[] = $new_arr; $this->buildPageStructure($row->page_id, $counter); } } } Cheers Jon Dear all, Hello, i'm a newbie programmer. I want to implement the concept about recursive descent parser for natural language (english). The concept was found in But my problem is, how to implementation the concept/theory to PHP code ? Anyone would to help me to give the advice or tutorial or maybe anyone has to make script before? Thank you very much in advance. If i have a list of categories like: 1. Billboards and advertisement section 1(a)City Clock 1(a)(i)Application fee (has columns for approved price and proposed price) 1(a)(ii)Advertisement Per year (has columns for approved price and proposed price) 1(b)Billboards 1(b)(i)Application fee for construction (has columns for approved price and proposed price) 1(b)(ii)Charge per year without advertisement (has columns for approved price and proposed price) 1(c)Something here..... 1(c)(i) something here...(has columns for approved price and proposed price) 1(c)(ii)something here...(has columns for approved price and proposed price) 1(c)(iii) something here... (has columns for approved price and proposed price) e.t.c THEN SOME CATEGORIES LOOK LIKE:category 2 2. Category name 2(a)something here..(has columns for approved price and proposed price) 2(b)something here.. 2(b)(i)something here..(has columns for approved price and proposed price) 2(b)(ii)something here..(has columns for approved price and proposed price) NOW: i have categories without sub categories and others with sub-sub categories , a main category doesn't does have a column for prices ( or lets just say other columns) , a sub category WITHOUT its sub category will have columns for prices, if a sub category has its sub category, then its subcategory should have columns for prices (this is where my problem is - how do i handle such a situation in php Mysql?? ) |