PHP - How To Implement Twitter Like Real-time Sharing System?
How to implement twitter like real-time sharing system? So that is like, if my friend(following person) write a message, it also appear on my wall(page). 1. Is it hard? 2. What language used for it? PHP? 3. Is there any source about it? Thanks. Similar TutorialsHi, i am thinking of creating a text based game mmorpg using php/mysql etc... I know that a lot of these types of games use a tick based system, but i want it to be realtime, the only game i cna find that uses this is Torn, does anyone know how they make it realtime? I know that ticks can be controlled by cronjobs, but how about realtime? The problem is that the game might involve the player building a house, in a tick based system it could be easy to manage by saying the house will take 3 ticks to complete, but i want the house to be like in 10 minutes of 32 minutes, how can i do this. Someone said to check whenever the player next logs in to check if the house has finished and then say it has been built, but seeing as it is an mmorpg it could affect everyones gameplay, not just the person building it, so this will not work. Thanks and sorry if this is a bit confusing. I'm running a site where people can post confessions, there's an option to share confession to twitter but it doesn't work properly.
When you click on twitter icon there is a window opening, you need to log in to twitter and then you have your tweet you want to share which looks like this: - Irish Anonymous Confessions Confession: I did it! http://www.confessio...e.php?page=view
problem is that url, "http://www.confessio...e.php?page=view" - it doesn't correspond to actual post, then when clicked it shows "-1" and that's it.
normal post url's would be something like this:
Website is: confessions dot ie
and here's the code that I think contains error somewhe
<?php $confId = $_GET['confession']; $viewIp = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; // Get the Full Page URL $pageURL = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? "https" : "http")."//".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $count = 0; $hasViewed = ''; $msgBox = ''; // Get the File Uploads Folder from the Site Settings $uploadsDir = $set['uploadPath']; // Check if Moderation is On $moderated = $set['moderation']; // Check if Profanity Filter is On $filterProfanity = $set['useFilter']; $chkViews = mysqli_query($mysqli,"SELECT 'X' FROM views WHERE confessId = ".$confId." AND viewIp = '".$viewIp."' LIMIT 1"); $hasView = mysqli_num_rows($chkViews); if ($hasView == 0) { $hasViewed = '0'; } $viewDate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); if ($hasViewed == '0') { $stmt = $mysqli->prepare(" INSERT INTO views( confessId, viewIp, viewDate ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ? ) "); $stmt->bind_param('sss', $confId, $viewIp, $viewDate ); $stmt->execute(); } // Add New Comment if (isset($_POST['submit']) && $_POST['submit'] == 'addComment') { // Validation if($_POST['commentText'] == "") { $msgBox = alertBox($commentsReq, "<i class='fa fa-times-circle'></i>", "danger"); } else if($_POST['answer'] == "") { $msgBox = alertBox($captchaCodeReq, "<i class='fa fa-times-circle'></i>", "danger"); } else if ($_POST['hole'] != '') { $msgBox = alertBox($commentsErrorMsg, "<i class='fa fa-times-circle'></i>", "danger"); $_POST['firstName'] = $_POST['commentText'] = $_POST['answer'] = ''; } else { $commentText = htmlentities($_POST['commentText']); $usersId = $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['usersId']); if ($_POST['firstName'] == '') { $firstName = null; } else { $firstName = $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['firstName']); } $commentDate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); // Moderation Check if ($moderated == '1') { $isActive = '0'; } else { $isActive = '1'; } // Check if the poster is a logged in user if (isset($_SESSION['userId'])) { $user = $_SESSION['userId']; } else { $user = '0'; } if(strtolower($_POST['answer']) == $_SESSION['thecode']) { $stmt = $mysqli->prepare(" INSERT INTO comments( confessId, userId, firstName, comments, commentDate, isActive, commentIp ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) "); $stmt->bind_param('sssssss', $confId, $user, $firstName, $commentText, $commentDate, $isActive, $viewIp ); $stmt->execute(); if ($moderated == '1') { $msgBox = alertBox($commentsSavedMsg1, "<i class='fa fa-check-square'></i>", "success"); } else { $msgBox = alertBox($commentsSavedMsg2, "<i class='fa fa-check-square'></i>", "success"); } // Clear the Form of values $_POST['firstName'] = $_POST['commentText'] = $_POST['answer'] = ''; $stmt->close(); } else { $msgBox = alertBox($captchaErrorMsg, "<i class='fa fa-warning'></i>", "warning"); } // If the confession is posted by a user if ($usersId != '0') { $uemail = "SELECT userEmail, recEmails FROM users WHERE userId = ".$usersId; $remail = mysqli_query($mysqli, $uemail) or die('-1' . mysqli_error()); $e = mysqli_fetch_assoc($remail); $userEmail = $e['userEmail']; $recEmails = $e['recEmails']; // If the users has opted in to receive notifications if ($recEmails == '1') { // Send out the email in HTML $installUrl = $set['installUrl']; $siteName = $set['siteName']; $siteEmail = $set['siteEmail']; $subject = $newCommentEmailSubject; $message = '<html><body>'; $message .= '<h3>'.$subject.'</h3>'; $message .= '<hr>'; $message .= '<p>'.nl2br($commentText).'</p>'; $message .= '<hr>'; $message .= '<p>'.$newCommentEmail1.' '.$pageURL.'</p>'; $message .= '<p>'.$subscribeEmail3.'<br>'.$siteName.'</p>'; $message .= '</body></html>'; $headers = "From: ".$siteName." <".$siteEmail.">\r\n"; $headers .= "Reply-To: ".$siteEmail."\r\n"; $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n"; mail($userEmail, $subject, $message, $headers); } } } } // Get Confession $select = "SELECT confessId, userId, (IFNULL(firstName, '')) AS firstName, confessText, DATE_FORMAT(postDate,'%b %d %Y %h:%i %p') AS postDate, hasImage, isActive, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM views WHERE views.confessId = confessions.confessId ) as totalViews, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM likes WHERE likes.confessId = confessions.confessId ) as totalLikes, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dislikes WHERE dislikes.confessId = confessions.confessId ) as totalDislikes FROM confessions WHERE confessId = ".$confId; $res = mysqli_query($mysqli, $select) or die('-1' . mysqli_error()); $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res); if ($row['totalViews'] == '1') { $viewText = $singleViewText; } else { $viewText = $multipleViewsText; } $shareURL = $set['installUrl'].'page.php?page=view&confession='.$row['confessId']; $googleURL = $set['installUrl']; // Get Comments $qry = "SELECT commentId, confessId, (IFNULL(firstName, '')) AS fName, comments, DATE_FORMAT(commentDate,'%b %d %Y %h:%i %p') AS commentDate, isActive FROM comments WHERE confessId = ".$confId." AND isActive = 1 ORDER BY commentId DESC"; $results = mysqli_query($mysqli, $qry) or die('-2'.mysqli_error()); include('includes/header.php'); ?> <section id="main-container"> <div class="container"> <?php if ($msgBox) { echo $msgBox; } ?> <div class="confessbox"> <div class="confession"> <?php if ($row['hasImage'] == '1') { // Get Image $sqlStmt = "SELECT uploadId, confessId, uploadUrl FROM uploads WHERE confessId = ".$confId; $sqlres = mysqli_query($mysqli, $sqlStmt) or die('-2'.mysqli_error()); $col = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlres); //Get File Extension $ext = substr(strrchr($col['uploadUrl'],'.'), 1); $imgExts = array('gif', 'GIF', 'jpg', 'JPG', 'jpeg', 'JPEG', 'png', 'PNG', 'tiff', 'TIFF', 'tif', 'TIF', 'bmp', 'BMP'); if (in_array($ext, $imgExts)) { echo '<p class="mb-20"><img alt="'.$confImageAlt.'" src="'.$uploadsDir.$col['uploadUrl'].'" class="img-responsive" /></p>'; } } ?> <p> <i class="fa fa-quote-left"></i> <?php if ($filterProfanity == '1') { echo nl2br(clean(filterwords($row['confessText']))); } else { echo nl2br(clean($row['confessText'])); } ?> <i class="fa fa-quote-right"></i> </p> <input type="hidden" id="confessId" name="confessId_<?php echo $count; ?>" value="<?php echo $row['confessId']; ?>" /> <div class="confession-footer"> <div class="likes"> <span class="label label-confess first liked"> <a href="" id="likeIt<?php echo $row['confessId']; ?>" class="likeIt_<?php echo $count; ?> text-success"> <i class="fa fa-smile-o"></i> <span id="likesVal_<?php echo $count; ?>"><?php echo $row['totalLikes']; ?></span> </a> </span> </div> <div class="dislikes"> <span class="label label-confess disliked"> <a href="" id="dislikeIt<?php echo $row['confessId']; ?>" class="dislike_<?php echo $count; ?> text-danger"> <span id="dislikesVal_<?php echo $count; ?>"><?php echo $row['totalDislikes']; ?></span> <i class="fa fa-frown-o"></i> </a> </span> </div> <span class="label label-confess"><?php echo timeago($row['postDate']); ?></span> <span class="label label-confess last"><?php echo $row['totalViews'].' '.$viewText; ?></span> <a href="<?php echo $set['siteName']; ?>%20Confession:%20<?php echo ellipsis($row['confessText'],65); ?>%20&url=<?php echo $shareURL; ?>" class="btn btn-tw btn-sm" target="_blank" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="<?php echo $twitterShareTooltip; ?>"> <i class="fa fa-twitter"></i> </a> <a href="<?php echo $googleURL; ?>" class="btn btn-gp btn-sm" target="_blank" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="<?php echo $googleShareTooltip; ?>"> <i class="fa fa-google-plus"></i> </a> <span class="label label-confess last hasVoted text-danger"><strong><?php echo $onlyVoteOnceText; ?></strong></span> <div class="comments"> <?php if ($row['firstName'] != '') { ?> <span class="label label-confess last"><?php echo $postedByText.' '.clean($row['firstName']); ?></span> <?php } else { ?> <span class="label label-confess last"><?php echo $postedByAnon; ?></span> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </div> <?php if(mysqli_num_rows($results) > 0) { ?> <hr /> <div class="commentbox"> <?php while ($rows = mysqli_fetch_assoc($results)) { ?> <div class="comment"> <p> <?php if ($filterProfanity == '1') { echo nl2br(clean(filterwords($rows['comments']))); } else { echo nl2br(clean($rows['comments'])); } ?> </p> <?php if ($rows['fName'] != '') { ?> <span class="label label-comments"><?php echo clean($rows['fName']).' '.$commentedText.' '.timeago($rows['commentDate']); ?></span> <?php } else { ?> <span class="label label-comments"><?php echo $anonCommented.' '.timeago($rows['commentDate']); ?></span> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } ?> <hr /> <form action="" method="post" class="comment-form mt-30"> <div class="form-group"> <textarea class="form-control" name="commentText" id="commentText" rows="4" required="" placeholder="<?php echo $addCommentsField; ?>"><?php echo isset($_POST['commentText']) ? $_POST['commentText'] : ''; ?></textarea> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4"> <div class="form-group"> <input type="text" class="form-control" name="firstName" placeholder="<?php echo $firstNamePlaceholder; ?>" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['firstName']) ? $_POST['firstName'] : ''; ?>"> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-4"></div> <div class="col-md-4"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4"> <img src="includes/captcha.php" id="captcha" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="left" class="pull-right" title="<?php echo $captchaCodeTooltip; ?>" /> </div> <div class="col-md-8"> <div class="form-group"> <input type="text" class="form-control" name="answer" required="" maxlength="6" placeholder="<?php echo $captchaCodeTooltip; ?>"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-8"> <p><?php echo $commentsQuip1; ?><strong><?php echo $isOn; ?></strong>. <?php echo $commentsQuip2; ?> <strong><?php echo $filtered; ?></strong>.</p> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <input type="hidden" name="hole" id="hole" /> <input type="hidden" name="usersId" value="<?php echo $row['userId']; ?>" /> <button type="input" name="submit" value="addComment" class="btn btn-fessup btn-lg pull-right btn-icon"><i class="fa fa-check-square-o"></i> <?php echo $saveCommentsBtn; ?></button> </div> </div> </form> </div> </section> during lesson time we're developing php systems and our topic is virtual storage like dropbox, google drive etc. My teacher has now set the task to enable the ability to share files within the server but also restrict access within the server folder. I'm being taught MySQL however I've read a lot about PDO being better and decided to use this method to try and get a higher grade for my project although I'm having difficulty understanding how to go about it what i want to achieve is:
creating file sharing capability (i.e. students can share group projects)
restricting users (only those working on a particular document can view it)
don't worry this is not for my own benefit I'm just trying to get a grade here, I mainly just want advice on what I need I've read quite a bit but unfortunately I'm more of a visual learner.
Ok so I have a question. is it possible to make a form submit to a DB in real time without the need for a submit button ? if so could you drop a hint to what it would be caled or a tut / reference to it ? Hi guys, got some questions about the Instagram real-time api. first let me tell you what I want to do. I'd like to run a daemon process with a socket connection or something of the like to the Instagram API to get a constant feed of photos with a certain tag. We estimate it to be a large amount of data at a particular time (thus why we want to go Real-time). This process will parse the feed and store it into a mongodb database. Secondly, for the front end, I'd like to display all new, live photos in real-time, possible with ajax or some form of checking on a set interval. Problem being, I can't find anyone doing this with php. All of the resources I have seen use Node.js and Tornado. Has anyone done this with PHP or know of a good Real-time API demonstration/tutorial to get me started? Here's the documentation... any help would be greatly appreciated! thanks! PHP date and time function is not showing correct time on my local system I have the following php code date_default_timezone_set("Africa/Lagos"); $date = date('d-m-y h:i:s'); echo "Server Time ".$date ."<br>"; echo "The time is " . date("h:i:sa")."<br>"; $current_datetime = date("Y-m-d") . ' ' . date("H:i:s", STRTOTIME(date('h:i:sa'))); echo "Current time1: ".$current_datetime . "<br>";
Server Time 21-05-21 09:55:39
Expected Output
Server Time 21-05-21 10:55:39
Any help would be appreciated. Edited May 21 by Ponel I wrote a short script that takes a list of keywords and does a Google search to find how often they are used in the title of a page. However, I cannot get it to echo the results in real time. On one server I use it works fine. On the other it runs the entire list and then outputs everything in the end. The problem is sometimes this takes several minutes and therefore it times out after not receiving a response. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance. <?php $file = file('words.txt'); $results = ''; foreach ($file as $line) { $data = file_get_contents("" . urlencode($line) . "%22&btnG=Google+Search"); preg_match('/of about <b>([0-9,]*)?<\/b>/si', $data, $number); $results .= $line . ";" . $number[1]; echo $results . "</br>"; $results = ""; sleep(2); } ?> I'm working on a chat using basic textarea input, post, but the problem that I'm facing is, if a person doesn't send something, then the output is not updated eg. other messages from other users updating in real time.
How is that achieved when you see new database entries pop up live, milliseconds after they are entered?
Do I set a constant refresh rate of some sort?
How do you update a section of a webpage without "refreshing" the entire page like the POST method?
I am having a problem with PHP displaying the correct date and time. It updates as it should, but is fast by 4min and is always displaying a date in 2004. I ran a basic php script to make sure the application im using itself is not wrong. go to Anybody had any ideas on where to check? The system time on the Windows Server 2003 is correct. The only thing I can think of is that it was converted to a virtual machine on vmware esxi, but the system time stayed right. Any ideas? Thanks! This topic has been moved to Editor Help (Dreamweaver, Zend, etc). I'm not looking for code, mostly just some direction, but I'm sure I'll be back as I try to shape the code. Also, I know very little about coding jQuery, Ajax, etc. Here is what I'm looking for: Basketball coach enters a Page that only he (or admin) can see. (I have that part figured out.) Once there, he has a form to fill out with a player's name and other information. I'd rather there not be 12 rows of empty cells. (Coaches will view that as work) I'd rather not have the Page reload on each "Add", but that would be the lesser of two evils. Is there a way to keep a persistent connection so when a coach hits Add, the player gets added to the database, a new empty form shows up, and the player's information shows up below on a roster? Hello, I am building an online game(users make a character and move on a map and so on...)
All user data is stored in a mySQL database and I want the users to interact in real-time, but there can be a 1-3 second delay between the communication, but not exceed 3 seconds even if 500 players are playing at the same time.
But for the purpose of the question let's say the users can only chat between one another, if I'll have a solution for that then I can use the same method for more parts of the game.
I can't use websockets because my webhost doesn't support it( I don't want to use
I know I can make real-time apps with ajax long polling, but I think that with 500 players playing at the same time it's not the best solution.
So, finally:
How can I make user interaction as close as possible to a real-time game?
(Without too much load on the hosting server)
(I am sorry if some of my terms are not correct - I am just getting back to coding after a long time...)
Edited by Mythion, 17 August 2014 - 02:34 AM. Im trying to make a php program that will grab all the user's tweets they have ever done.. I'm using curl to request the twitter page and scrape the html. It looks as though the maximum amount of tweets I can get is 20, which is the amount on the initial first page. There is some script that loads another 20 tweets once I scroll to the bottom of the page... Does anyone know how to make the page automatically load a certain amount so I can scrape more than the first 20 at once. hello dear php-experts i run opensuse 13-2 and i am very very happy the time does not get displayed correct. it falls back to UTC all day. What can i do. i have had look at the documents here https://en.opensuse....uring_the_clock https://tr.opensuse....T_Date_and_Time how to set up correct to the local time - note i live in GERMANY near francfurt Hello Guys, I would really appreciate some feedback on this one. Here's the basic simplified code for my bidding system site (querys for when a user sends a new valid bid): Its working fine but if 2 users send a bid at exactly the same precise moment (even same milliseconds), I have 2 problems (described below code, for better understanding) Please picture this code as if its happening 2 times at the same time (from 2 different users) Code: [Select] $time = microtime(true) * 10000; $result = mysql_query("UPDATE `AUCTIONS` SET Current_Price = Current_Price + '$increase_price', Bids = Bids + 1, Bidder = '$bidder', Bidder_Time = '$bidder_time' WHERE PId = '$id'"); //grab the current price to save on bidding history DB if($result) { $resultPrice = mysql_query("SELECT Current_Price FROM AUCTIONS WHERE PId = '$id'"); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($resultPrice)) { $current_price = $row['Current_Price']; } if($resultPrice) { $result = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `BIDDING_HISTORY_DB` (Id, Bidder, Bidder_Time, Raw_Time, Ip, Type, Bid_Amount) VALUES ('$id', '$last_bidder', '$last_bidder_time', '$time', '$client_ip', '$credit_type', '$current_price')"); } } If 2 users bid at exactly the same SAME moment, its possible that on BIDDING_HISTORY_DB... I get the Bid_Amount field with the same value (when it should be always 1 number higher than the previous) ( Bid_Amount is coming from $current_price) $current_price grabs the new updated value from the AUCTIONS DB on the first query (Current_Price = Current_Price + '$increase_price'). So its impossible to have 2 values that are the same (at least I am not expecting that), but I realized that if the query from 2 users are being processed at the same time and the UPDATE AUCTIONS query is processed 2 times and AFTER THAT then the SELECT Current_Price FROM AUCTIONS WHERE PId = '$id' is processed on both bids...that is when the Current_Price is grabbed with the same value for both USERS!! Any ideas on how I can find a solution to this ??? The other problem is that I am knowing which bid was made (by which user) before/after because of the $time variable. But sometimes when 2 bids are made at the SAME precise time with the same milliseconds (yes it happens) ... this is when problems arise (because 1 user could have as Current_Price 10.11 and the other one 10.12 and then on DB the user with 10.12 could be shown as if he made the bid first, any ideas/suggestions on how I can find a solution to this? Hi everyone... I would like to implement a questionnaire/survey system that has only two Answers (Yes /No). Basically, this questionnaire system will be widely used on Mobile Phones. It will be looking something like this below: Lets say a user selects a response as No (Using the above slider button for a question). That response should be recorded in the database with User Details + Time Stamp. Also, I would like to generate a report for each question (Responses of Multiple Users) and a report at a User Level for the entire questionnaire/survey (s). Can some one guide me the fastest & easiest way to achieve this? I'm a new learner of PHP. Regards Sandeep Hello. I want to make a simple website, where I can upload a zip file and download it from a URL with just HTTP GET request. When I download the file, the file will then be deleted on the server. Can't find any examples. Maybe, I've searched wrong. Has somebody some written project links or some tips for me how can I achieve this?
Sorry, but I forget how to do this, mostly because I don't do it often. To keep things simple lets say I have 3 classes: Main, A, B class Main{ public $classA, $classB; public $shared; public function init(){ // Do some stuff return $this; } } class A{ public function aMethod(){ $me = $this->shared; // Same value as from B::bMethod() // Do some stuff return $this; } } class B{ public function bMethod(){ $me = $this->shared; // Same value as from A::aMethod() // Do some stuff return $this; } } $main = new Main(); $main->classA->aMethod(); $main->classB->bMethod(); I really want to be able to call the main class, then tell it what subclass to use and be able to use $this->shared in any class and it will be the same. If changed in any class the other classes should see the change as well. Does that make sense? I'm looking for a secure way to share session data across two different domains (not subdomains) on the same server. I've looked at passing the session id through a GET var to the other domain. It works but it looks to open the possibility of session hijacking and I don't really like having the session id in the URL string. Any way to make this secure? The other option I'm looking at is using cURL to load a script on the other domain that sets a cookie with the session id. When the person loads the other domain, check for the cookie, get the session id, connect to session then delete the cookie. Can anyone see anything wrong with this? Thanks. hello dear PHP-Fans - greetings to you - and a happy new year!! i set up a WAMP-System on my openSuse 11.4 system. In order to learn as much as i can bout PHP i want to do some tests and write some scripts. Well the WAMP is allready up and running. Now i try to give the writing access to the folder mkdir /srv/www/ where the php-scripts should go in... i want to give write permission to all to all files in /srv/www As root I generally: mkdir /srv/www/ chown <webmaster usrername> /srv/www/ /srv/www/ should be readable and traversable by all, but only writeable by it's owner (the user designated as the webmaster.) can i do this like mentioned above,... Love to hear from you greetings db1 |