PHP - Displaying Php Form Validation Errors Like Error[] And Echoing Them Out
Been screwing around on Google for about 3 hours trying to find a tutorial on what I am trying to do with absolutely no luck!
I am simply trying to get my test script to echo errors from an array when a form criteria does not validate. This is my final revision which is still not working! Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong? No matter what I do, I can't get away from this error: Notice: Undefined variable: error in C:\wamp\www\php\form_validation.php on line 13 <?php $o = $error[]; // test echo $o; // test if(!preg_match('/[^0-9A-Za-z]/',$_POST['first_name'])) { $error[] = "Please enter a valid First Name"; ?> <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post"> First Name:<br /> <input name="first_name" type="text" size="50" maxlength="50" /><br /><br /> <input type="submit" /><br /><br /> </form> Similar TutorialsHello, I'm having difficulty learning the most efficient method of echoing error messages on a form. The particular example I'm working on is a registration form which I have had functional but not perfected as of yet. I have been able to make the form work by using die() to kill the process and display a message however I would very much like for it to kill the process and simply echo an error message, same page, no redirects... I will post my code and hopefully someone with more knowledge than me can shed some light. Cheers! Code: [Select] <?php if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { //This is one error message I would like to display if (!$_POST['username'] | !$_POST['pass'] | !$_POST['pass2'] ) { die('You did not complete all of the required fields'); } if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $_POST['username'] = addslashes($_POST['username']); } $usercheck = $_POST['username']; $check = mysql_query("SELECT username FROM users WHERE username = '$usercheck'") or die(mysql_error()); $check2 = mysql_num_rows($check); //if the name already exists it gives an error here if ($check2 != 0) { die('Sorry, the username '.$_POST['username'].' is already in use.'); } // this makes sure both passwords entered match and should display an error if false if ($_POST['pass'] != $_POST['pass2']) { die('Your passwords did not match. '); } $_POST['pass'] = md5($_POST['pass']); if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $_POST['pass'] = addslashes($_POST['pass']); $_POST['username'] = addslashes($_POST['username']); } $insert = "INSERT INTO users (username, password) VALUES ('".$_POST['username']."', '".$_POST['pass']."')"; $add_member = mysql_query($insert); ?> And here is the form it fits into Code: [Select] <?php } else { ?> <body> <div id="container"> <div id="header"><?php include ("login_header.php") ?></div> <div id="photoNav"><?php include ("mainNav.php") ?></div> <div id="tableContent"> <div class="bold_16" style="margin-top:40px">Enter Your Registration Information Below</div> <div class="padding_top"><div style="padding-top:10px; text-align:center;"> ***THIS IS WHERE I WOULD LIKE MY ERRORS TO DISPLAY*** </div> <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post"> <table border="0" align="center"> <tr><td>Username:</td><td> <input name="username" type="text" size="23" maxlength="40"> </td></tr> <tr><td>Password:</td><td> <input name="pass" type="password" size="24" maxlength="12"> </td></tr> <tr><td>Confirm Password:</td><td> <input name="pass2" type="password" size="24" maxlength="12"> </td></tr> <tr><th colspan=2 style="text-align:right;"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Register" style="margin-top:10px;"></th></tr> </table> </form> <?php } ?> </div></div> p.s is it just me or is it a real pain getting a message into this text-field?? Hi, I used to do form validations in a totally different manner before this that aside. I would like to know how can I do something like this. What happens here is if none of the conditions are met I echo a div containing the error and so on. The problem I am facing is If the first condition is not met it goes to the second condition and at the end there are two error divs at the same time. I want to perform something like, if first condition is not met script stops, echos only the div where the condition is not met and the script does not carry on. If i use the die or exit functions it dies and html dies with it any solutions or another way? Code: [Select] if (strlen($title)<=19) { echo "<div id='error'><div id='error_img'><img src='images/warning.gif' width='16' height='16' title='error' /></div> must of be atleast 20 characters. </div>";; } if ($on=="-1") { echo "<div id='error'><div id='error_img'><img src='images/warning.gif' width='16' height='16' title='error' /></div> Please select. </div>"; } any help is appreciated thanks! Hello, I am doing a php registration form, file name is register.php Code: [Select] <?php include("config.php"); $submit = strip_tags($_POST['submit']); $username = strip_tags($_POST['user_box']); $password = md5(strip_tags($_POST['pass_box'])); $cpassword = md5(strip_tags($_POST['c_pass_box'])); $email = strip_tags($_POST['email_box']); $mobile = $_POST['mobile_box']; $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $date = date('Y-m-d'); $time = date('h-i-s'); $i = 0; $checkusername = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members WHERE username='$username'")); $checkemail = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members WHERE email='$email'")); /* Validating username field */ if($username != NULL) { if (strlen($username) > 15 || strlen($username) < 6) { echo "<p>Username must be in range of 6 to 15 Characters.</p>"; } else { //check in DB if ($checkusername == 1) { echo "<p>Username already exist in database.</p>"; } else { $i++; } } } else { echo "<p>Username cannot be Blank</p>"; } /* ----------validating password field---------- */ if ($password != "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" || $cpassword != "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e") { if ($password == $cpassword) { if (strlen($password) > 16 && strlen($password) < 4) { echo "<p>password must be in range of 4 to 16 Characters.</p>"; } else { $i++; } } else { echo "<p>Passwords do not match.</p>"; } } else { echo "<p>Password cannot be empty</p>"; } /* ----------Validating Passwords End---------- */ /* ----------Validating Email field Starts---------- */ if($email != NULL) { if($checkemail == 1) { echo "<p>Email already exist.</p>"; } else { $i++; } } else { echo "<p>Email field cannot be empty.</p>"; } /* ----------Validating Email fiend ends---------- */ /* ----------Validating Email field Starts---------- */ if($mobile != NULL) { if(strlen($mobile) >10) { echo "<p>Mobile cannot be more than 10 digits long</p>"; } else { $i++; } } else { echo "<p>Mobile field cannot be empty.</p>"; } /* ----------Validating Email fiend ends---------- */ if ($i == 4) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO members (username, password, email, mobile, ip, date, time) VALUES ('$username', '$cpassword', '$email', '$mobile', '$ip', '$date', '$time')"); echo "<p>Successful Registration Done !</p>"; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> </head> <body> <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action=""> <table width="576" height="229" border="0"> <tr> <td width="139">Username :</td> <td colspan="2"><label for="user_box"></label> <input type="text" name="user_box" id="user_box" size="30" height="30" /> (Between 6 to 15 Characters)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Password :</td> <td colspan="2"><label for="pass_box"></label> <input type="password" name="pass_box" id="pass_box" size="30" height="30" /> (Between 4 to 16 Characters)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Confirm Password :</td> <td colspan="2"><label for="c_pass_box"></label> <input type="password" name="c_pass_box" id="c_pass_box" size="30" height="30" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Email Address :</td> <td colspan="2"><label for="email_box"></label> <input type="text" name="email_box" id="email_box" size="30" height="30" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mobile No. :</td> <td colspan="2"><label for="mobile_box"></label> <input type="text" name="mobile_box" id="mobile_box" size="30" height="30" /> (10 Characters)</td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td width="171"><input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Submit" /></td> <td width="252"><input type="reset" name="button2" id="button2" value="Reset" /></td> </tr> </table> </form> </body> </html> When I load page, it shows following errors before Username cannot be Blank Password cannot be empty Email field cannot be empty. Mobile field cannot be empty. What I want is on loading page i.e. before giving any inputs, it should not show any errors. Need help I've got a basic form setup on my site that requires the user to fill out the required fields. When one of the fields isn't filled out, the error message for that specific input area is displayed, etc. However, all the information from the form that the user filled out is removed.. I want the user to be able to fill out the form, hit submit, and if any errors, show the specific error but also keep the input boxes populated with the data the user filled out so he/she does not have to re type everything. if(!empty($_POST['submitFeature'])) { // set variables $featurename = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['featurename']); $name = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['name']); $email = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['email']); $email2 = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['email2']); $age = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['age']); $city = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['city']); $state = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['state']); $src = $_FILES['featureupload']['tmp_name']; $featuresize = $_FILES['featureupload']['size']; $limitsize = 3000000; if(!empty($featurename) && !empty($name) && !empty($email) && !empty($email2) && !empty($city) && !empty($state) && ($email == $email2) && !empty($_FILES['featureupload']['tmp_name']) && ($featuresize < $limitsize)) { // IF ALL IS CORRECT, SUBMIT INFO } else { print ' <ul class="errorlist"> <li class="alert">Please fill out the required fields.</li> '; if (empty($name)) { echo ' <li>* Full Name</li>' . "\n"; $errorname = 'TRUE'; } if (empty($email)) { echo ' <li>* Email</li>' . "\n"; $erroremail = 'TRUE'; } print ' </ul> '; } // 1 - B. END REQUIRED FIELDS ERROR CODES } ?> <form action="<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <div style="float: left;"> <span class="copy-answer">Your Information</span> <div class="formSec"><label for="name" class="required">Full Name: <?php if(isset($errorname)){echo '<span class="error">*<span>';}?></label> <input type="text" name="name" id="name" value="" maxlength="25" /></div> <div class="formSec"><label for="email" class="required">Email: <?php if(isset($erroremail)){echo '<span class="error">*<span>';}?></label> <input type="text" name="email" id="email" value="" /></div> <input class="submit" type="submit" name="submitFeature" value="Submit Your Feature" /> </form> Okay, I am having trouble. My script is not echoing the errors on the page/nor logging me in. If I check the browser source code it shows the error. here are my pages please help this is stupid ha index.php Code: [Select] <?php session_start(); include("includes/config.php"); if($_POST['submit']) { include("includes/action/".strtolower($_POST['submit']).".php"); } if (isset($_SESSION['SecureUid'])) { echo "Welcome Member!"; } else { echo $_SESSION['SecureUid']; $Larray = array ( "Username" => array("text","LoginUsername"), "Password" => array("password","LoginPassword"), "Hidden" => array("hidden","SecureHidden"), "Login" => array("submit","Login"), ); if ($LoginErrors) { foreach ($LoginErrors as $val) { echo "{$val}<br />"; } $Site->ClearErrors(); } $CreateForm = $Site->CreateForm("Login","{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}","post",$Larray); echo $CreateForm; } ?> includes/config.php Code: [Select] <?php ini_set( "display_errors", true ); date_default_timezone_set( "America/Phoenix" ); define( "CLASS_PATH", "includes/classes" ); //define( "TEMPLATE_PATH", "templates" ); define( "HOMEPAGE_NUM_ARTICLES", 5 ); function handleException( $exception ) { echo "Sorry, a problem occurred. Please try later."; error_log( $exception->getMessage() ); } set_exception_handler( 'handleException' ); include(CLASS_PATH."/class.database.php"); include(CLASS_PATH."/class.actions.php"); $Site = new Actions; $Site->connect(); $Site->setDatabase("ccloyd_rigid"); ?> includes/actions/login.php Code: [Select] <?php //log user in if ($_POST['SecureHidden']) { $Login = $Site->LoginUser(array("Username" => $_POST['LoginUsername'], "Password" => $_POST['LoginPassword'])); if ($Login) { $_SESSION['SecureUid'] = $Site->Uid; $_SESSION['SecureLevel'] = $Site->getLevel($Site->Uid); } else { $LoginErrors = $Site->ReturnErrors("Login"); } } ?> includes/classes/class.actions.php Code: [Select] <?php class Actions extends Database { public $Uid; //Login Vars private $Username; private $Password; //Errors Array private $Errors = array(); public function LoginUser($info, $admin = NULL) { //ugh //startover foreach ($info as $key => $val) { $this->{$key} = mysql_real_escape_string($val); } $this->Password = $this->EncryptPass($this->Password); if ($this->Username == '' || $this->Password == '') { $this->Errors["Login"] = array('Invalid Credentials!'); return false; } $Check = $this->select("users","`id`","username = '{$this->Username}' AND password = '{$this->Password}'"); if ($Check) { $Result = $this->getResult(); $id = $Result[id]; $this->Uid = $id; return true; } else { $this->Errors["Login"] = array('Invalid Credentials!'); return false; } } } ?> Hello.. I have two php form and one has categories and their subjects. In there, users can select category and relevant subjects to that category. Likewise users can select upto 3 categories and their subjects in first form. when those select and after submitting those should handle in my second page. But I have made so frustrated here when Im going to handle those in my second page. Please Can anybody help me to do this. I use this, but...... Code: [Select] if ( ( isset($_POST['submitted2'])) && ( isset($_SESSION['category'])) && (isset( $_SESSION['subjects'])) && sizeof( $_SESSION['category']) == 1) { //$_SESSION['category'] = $_POST['category']; print_r ( $_SESSION['category']); echo 'good'; } elseif ( ( isset($_POST['submitted2'])) && ( isset($_SESSION['category'])) && (isset( $_POST['main_category'] ))) { print_r ( $_SESSION ); echo 'very good'; } Thanks in advance. Hi.. Im new to php.. This is my form validate code.. im getting errors...i did my best to do this code Can anyone help me and correct my code Code: [Select] <?php session_start(); // submit button clicked if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ $errors=array(); // Continue when clicked if(isset($_POST['Role'], $_POST['Name'], $_POST['datepicker'], $_POST['gender'], $_POST['activity'], $_POST['Address'], $_POST['Photo'], $_POST['Biodata'], $_POST['certificates'], $_POST['Salary'])){ // Fields are all set else error : No errors conintue // Set variables an sanitise $Emp_Save= mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['Emp_Save']); // Sanitise $Emp_Cancel=$_POST['Emp_Cancel']; // Sanitise $Role=$_POST['Role']; // Sanitise $Name=$_POST['Name']; // Sanitise $datepicker=$_POST['datepicker']; // Sanitise $gender=$_POST['gender']; // Sanitise $activity=$_POST['activity']; // Sanitise $Address=$_POST['Address']; // Sanitise $Photo=$_POST['Photo']; // Sanitise $Biodata=$_POST['Biodata']; // Sanitise $certificates=$_POST['certificates']; // Sanitise $Salary=$_POST['Salary']; // Sanitise //-- Continue with error checks ;; if($_Role == ""){ $errors[]='Please Select The Employee Role!'; } if(strlen($Name >30){ $errors[]='Name Is Too Long!'; } else if(empty($Name)) { $errors[]='Please Fill The Field!'; } // Vslidate Datepicker if(strlen($datepicker) != 10){ $errors[]='Date should only be 10 characters and number .'; } // explode datepaicker by what ever youre using to separate them $datepicker_ex = explode('/', $datepicker); // Check that theyre numbers if(!is_numeric($datepicker_ex[0]) || !is_numeric($datepicker_ex[1]) || !is_numeric($datepicker_ex[2])){ $errors[]='Date should only be number .'; } else { // they are number format them back and cast to int , just incase $datepicker = (int)$datepicker_ex[0].'/'.(int)$datepicker_ex[1].'/'.(int)$datepicker_ex[2]; } // END - date picker valiadation else if($gender == ""){ $errors[]='Please Select The Gender!'; } else if($Activity == ""){ $errors[]='Please Select the Status!'; } else if($Address == ""){ $errors[]='Please Enter The Address!'; if(array_key_exists('Photo', $_FILES)) { $allowed_filetypes = array('.jpg','.gif','.bmp','.png','.jpeg'); $ext = substr($filename, strpos($filename,'.'), strlen($filename)-1); // Validate the uploaded file if($_FILES['Photo']['size'] === 0 || empty($_FILES['Photo']['tmp_name'])) { echo("<p>No file was selected.</p>\r\n"); } else if($_FILES['Photo']['size'] > 50000) { echo("<p>The file was too large.</p>\r\n"); } else if($_FILES['Photo']['error'] !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { // There was a PHP error echo("<p>There was an error uploading.</p>\r\n"); // Check if the filetype is allowed, if not DIE and inform the user. if(!in_array($ext,$allowed_filetypes)) die('The file you attempted to upload is not allowed.'); } if(array_key_exists('Biodata', $_FILES)) { $allowed_filetypes = array('.pdf'); $ext = substr($filename, strpos($filename,'.'), strlen($filename)-1); // Validate the uploaded file if($_FILES['Biodata']['size'] === 0 || empty($_FILES['Biodata']['tmp_name'])) { echo("<p>No file was selected.</p>\r\n"); } else if($_FILES['Biodata']['size'] > 50000) { echo("<p>The file was too large.</p>\r\n"); } else if($_FILES['Biodata']['error'] !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { // There was a PHP error echo("<p>There was an error uploading.</p>\r\n"); if(!in_array($ext,$allowed_filetypes)) die('The file you attempted to upload is not allowed.'); } if(array_key_exists('certificates', $_FILES)) { $allowed_filetypes = array('.pdf'); $ext = substr($filename, strpos($filename,'.'), strlen($filename)-1); // Validate the uploaded file if($_FILES['certificates']['size'] === 0 || empty($_FILES['certificates']['tmp_name'])) { echo("<p>No file was selected.</p>\r\n"); } else if($_FILES['certificates']['size'] > 50000) { echo("<p>The file was too large.</p>\r\n"); } else if($_FILES['certificates']['error'] !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { // There was a PHP error echo("<p>There was an error uploading.</p>\r\n"); if(!in_array($ext,$allowed_filetypes)) die('The file you attempted to upload is not allowed.'); } elseif($_EmpSalary == ""){ $errors[]='Please Enter The Salary!'; } //----- End error checks do insert or display errors of any are found -- if(empty($errors)){ // do insert $query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `formdetails` (role,name,,date_of_birth,gender,activity,address,photo,biodata,certificates,salary) VALUES ('$Role', '$Name','$datepicker',, '$gender','$activity','$Address','$Photo','$Biodata','$certificates','$_EmpSalary')"); } else { foreach($errors as $error){ // display errors echo $error; } } //--------------------------------------------------- } else { $errors[]= 'All fields required.'; } } // END -- ?> MOD EDIT: [code] . . . [/code] BBCode tags added. Hello to everyone! I'm complete new in PHP and have the next problem: Please correct the following error: Enter your name doesn't matter if the field(Your name:) is filled or not Code: [Select] <form method="post" action="send.php" id="recomendus"> <table style="width: 100%;" border="0" cellspacing="6px" cellpadding="0" align="center"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="1%"><span style="color: #ff0000;">*</span></td> <td width="39%">Email:</td> <td width="60%"><label> <input id="email" type="text" name="clentEmail" value="" /> </label></td> </tr> <tr> <td><span style="color: #ff0000;">*</span></td> <td>First Name:</td> <td><input id="clentFname" type="text" name="yourname" value="" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td><span style="color: #ff0000;">*</span></td> <td>Last Name:</td> <td><input id="clentLname" type="text" name="clentLname" value="" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td><span style="color: #ff0000;">*</span></td> <td>Country:</td> <td><select id="Country2" name="Country2"> <option value="Albania">Albania</option> <option value="Algeria">Algeria</option> <option value="American Samoa">American Samoa</option> <option value="Andorra">Andorra</option> <option value="Angola">Angola</option> <option value="Anguilla">Anguilla</option> <option value="Antarctica">Antarctica</option> <option value="Antigua and Barbuda">Antigua and Barbuda</option> <option value="Argentina">Argentina</option> <option value="Armenia ">Armenia </option> <option value="Aruba">Aruba</option> <option value="Australia">Australia</option> <option value="Austria">Austria</option> <option value="Azerbaijan">Azerbaijan</option> <option value="Bahamas">Bahamas</option> <option value="Bahrain">Bahrain</option> <option value="Bangladesh">Bangladesh</option> <option value="Barbados">Barbados</option> <option value="Belarus">Belarus</option> <option value="Belgium">Belgium</option> <option value="Belize">Belize</option> <option value="Benin">Benin</option> <option value="Bermuda ">Bermuda </option> <option value="Bhutan">Bhutan</option> <option value="Bolivia">Bolivia</option> <option value="Bosnia and Herzegovina">Bosnia and Herzegovina</option> <option value="Botswana">Botswana</option> <option value="Bouvet Island">Bouvet Island</option> <option value="Brazil">Brazil</option> <option value="British Indian Ocean Territory">British Indian Ocean Territory</option> <option value="Brunei Darussalam ">Brunei Darussalam </option> <option value="Bulgaria">Bulgaria</option> <option value="Burkina Faso">Burkina Faso</option> <option value="Burundi">Burundi</option> <option value="Cambodia">Cambodia</option> <option value="Cameroon">Cameroon</option> <option value="Canada">Canada</option> <option value="Cape Verde">Cape Verde</option> <option value="Cayman Islands">Cayman Islands</option> <option value="Central African Republic ">Central African Republic </option> <option value="Chad">Chad</option> <option value="Chile">Chile</option> <option value="China">China</option> <option value="Christmas Island">Christmas Island</option> <option value="Cocos Islands">Cocos Islands</option> <option value="Colombia">Colombia</option> <option value="Comoros">Comoros</option> <option value="Congo">Congo</option> <option value="Congo, Democratic Republic of the">Congo, Democratic Republic of the</option> <option value="Cook Islands ">Cook Islands </option> <option value="Costa Rica">Costa Rica</option> <option value="Cote d">Cote d'Ivoire</option> <option value="Croatia">Croatia</option> <option value="Cuba">Cuba</option> <option value="Cyprus">Cyprus</option> <option value="Czech Republic">Czech Republic</option> <option value="Denmark">Denmark</option> <option value="Djibouti">Djibouti</option> <option value="Dominica">Dominica</option> <option value="Dominican Republic">Dominican Republic</option> <option value="Ecuador ">Ecuador </option> <option value="Egypt">Egypt</option> <option value="El Salvador">El Salvador</option> <option value="Equatorial Guinea">Equatorial Guinea</option> <option value="Eritrea">Eritrea</option> <option value="Estonia">Estonia</option> <option value="Ethiopia">Ethiopia</option> <option value="Falkland Islands">Falkland Islands</option> <option value="Faroe Islands">Faroe Islands</option> <option value="Fiji">Fiji</option> <option value="Finland">Finland</option> <option value="France ">France </option> <option value="French Guiana">French Guiana</option> <option value="French Polynesia">French Polynesia</option> <option value="Gabon">Gabon</option> <option value="Gambia">Gambia</option> <option value="Georgia">Georgia</option> <option value="Germany">Germany</option> <option value="Ghana">Ghana</option> <option value="Gibraltar">Gibraltar</option> <option value="Greece">Greece</option> <option value="Greenland">Greenland</option> <option value="Grenada">Grenada</option> <option value="Guadeloupe ">Guadeloupe </option> <option value="Guam">Guam</option> <option value="Guatemala">Guatemala</option> <option value="Guinea">Guinea</option> <option value="Guinea-Bissau">Guinea-Bissau</option> <option value="Guyana">Guyana</option> <option value="Haiti">Haiti</option> <option value="Heard Island and McDonald Islands">Heard Island and McDonald Islands</option> <option value="Honduras">Honduras</option> <option value="Hong Kong">Hong Kong</option> <option value="Hungary ">Hungary </option> <option value="Iceland">Iceland</option> <option value="India">India</option> <option value="Indonesia">Indonesia</option> <option value="Iran">Iran</option> <option value="Iraq">Iraq</option> <option value="Ireland">Ireland</option> <option value="Israel">Israel</option> <option value="Italy">Italy</option> <option value="Jamaica">Jamaica</option> <option value="Japan">Japan</option> <option value="Jordan">Jordan</option> <option value="Kazakhstan">Kazakhstan</option> <option value="Kenya">Kenya</option> <option value="Kiribati">Kiribati</option> <option value="Kuwait">Kuwait</option> <option value="Kyrgyzstan ">Kyrgyzstan </option> <option value="Laos">Laos</option> <option value="Latvia">Latvia</option> <option value="Lebanon">Lebanon</option> <option value="Lesotho">Lesotho</option> <option value="Liberia">Liberia</option> <option value="Libya">Libya</option> <option value="Liechtenstein">Liechtenstein</option> <option value="Lithuania">Lithuania</option> <option value="Luxembourg">Luxembourg</option> <option value="Macao">Macao</option> <option value="Madagascar">Madagascar</option> <option value="Malawi">Malawi</option> <option value="Malaysia">Malaysia</option> <option value="Maldives ">Maldives </option> <option value="Mali">Mali</option> <option value="Malta">Malta</option> <option value="Marshall Islands">Marshall Islands</option> <option value="Martinique">Martinique</option> <option value="Mauritania">Mauritania</option> <option value="Mauritius">Mauritius</option> <option value="Mayotte">Mayotte</option> <option value="Mexico">Mexico</option> <option value="Micronesia">Micronesia</option> <option value="Moldova">Moldova</option> <option value="Monaco">Monaco</option> <option value="Mongolia">Mongolia</option> <option value="Montenegro ">Montenegro </option> <option value="Montserrat">Montserrat</option> <option value="Morocco">Morocco</option> <option value="Mozambique">Mozambique</option> <option value="Myanmar">Myanmar</option> <option value="Namibia">Namibia</option> <option value="Nauru">Nauru</option> <option value="Nepal">Nepal</option> <option value="Netherlands">Netherlands</option> <option value="Netherlands Antilles">Netherlands Antilles</option> <option value="New Caledonia">New Caledonia</option> <option value="New Zealand">New Zealand</option> <option value=" Nicaragua"> Nicaragua</option> <option value="Niger">Niger</option> <option value="Nigeria">Nigeria</option> <option value="Norfolk Island">Norfolk Island</option> <option value="North Korea">North Korea</option> <option value="Norway">Norway</option> <option value="Oman">Oman</option> <option value="Pakistan">Pakistan</option> <option value="Palau">Palau</option> <option value="Palestinian Territory">Palestinian Territory</option> <option value="Panama">Panama</option> <option value=" Papua New Guinea"> Papua New Guinea</option> <option value="Paraguay">Paraguay</option> <option value="Peru">Peru</option> <option value="Philippines">Philippines</option> <option value="Pitcairn">Pitcairn</option> <option value="Poland">Poland</option> <option value="Portugal">Portugal</option> <option value="Puerto Rico">Puerto Rico</option> <option value="Qatar">Qatar</option> <option value="Romania">Romania</option> <option value="Russian Federation">Russian Federation</option> <option value="Rwanda ">Rwanda </option> <option value="Saint Helena">Saint Helena</option> <option value="Saint Kitts and Nevis">Saint Kitts and Nevis</option> <option value="Saint Lucia">Saint Lucia</option> <option value="Saint Pierre and Miquelon">Saint Pierre and Miquelon</option> <option value="Saint Vincent and the Grenadines">Saint Vincent and the Grenadines</option> <option value="Samoa ">Samoa </option> <option value="San Marino">San Marino</option> <option value="Sao Tome and Principe">Sao Tome and Principe</option> <option value="Saudi Arabia">Saudi Arabia</option> <option value="Senegal">Senegal</option> <option value="Serbia">Serbia</option> <option value="Seychelles">Seychelles</option> <option value="Sierra Leone">Sierra Leone</option> <option value="Singapore">Singapore</option> <option value="Slovakia">Slovakia</option> <option value="Slovenia ">Slovenia </option> <option value="Solomon Islands">Solomon Islands</option> <option value="Somalia">Somalia</option> <option value="South Africa">South Africa</option> <option value="South Georgia">South Georgia</option> <option value="South Korea">South Korea</option> <option value="Spain">Spain</option> <option value="Sri Lanka">Sri Lanka</option> <option value="Sudan">Sudan</option> <option value="Suriname">Suriname</option> <option value="Svalbard and Jan Mayen">Svalbard and Jan Mayen</option> <option value=" Swaziland"> Swaziland</option> <option value="Sweden">Sweden</option> <option value="Switzerland">Switzerland</option> <option value="Syrian Arab Republic">Syrian Arab Republic</option> <option value="Taiwan">Taiwan</option> <option value="Tajikistan">Tajikistan</option> <option value="Tanzania">Tanzania</option> <option value="Thailand">Thailand</option> <option value="The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia ">The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia </option> <option value="Timor-Leste">Timor-Leste</option> <option value="Togo">Togo</option> <option value="Tokelau">Tokelau</option> <option value="Tonga">Tonga</option> <option value="Trinidad and Tobago">Trinidad and Tobago</option> <option value="Tunisia">Tunisia</option> <option value="Turkey">Turkey</option> <option value="Turkmenistan">Turkmenistan</option> <option value="Tuvalu">Tuvalu</option> <option value="Uganda">Uganda</option> <option value="Ukraine">Ukraine</option> <option value="United Arab Emirates ">United Arab Emirates </option> <option selected="selected" value="United Kingdom">United Kingdom</option> <option value="United States">United States</option> <option value="United States Minor Outlying Islands">United States Minor Outlying Islands</option> <option value="Uruguay">Uruguay</option> <option value="Uzbekistan">Uzbekistan</option> <option value="Vanuatu">Vanuatu</option> <option value="Vatican City">Vatican City</option> <option value="Venezuela">Venezuela</option> <option value=" Vietnam"> Vietnam</option> <option value="Virgin Islands, British">Virgin Islands, British</option> <option value="Virgin Islands, U.S.">Virgin Islands, U.S.</option> <option value="Wallis and Futuna">Wallis and Futuna</option> <option value="Western Sahara">Western Sahara</option> <option value="Yemen">Yemen</option> <option value="Zambia">Zambia</option> <option value="Zimbabwe">Zimbabwe</option> </select></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p><strong>Friend Details</strong></p> <table style="width: 100%;" border="0" cellspacing="6px" cellpadding="0" align="center"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="1%"><span style="color: #ff0000;">*</span></td> <td width="39%">Email:</td> <td width="60%"><label> <input id="email2" type="text" name="email2" value="" /> </label></td> </tr> <tr> <td><span style="color: #ff0000;">*</span></td> <td>Title:</td> <td><label> <select id="Title" name="Title"> <option value="">[Select Title]</option> <option value="Mr.">Mr.</option> <option value="Mrs.">Mrs.</option> <option value="Miss.">Miss.</option> <option value="Ms.">Ms.</option> <option value="Dr.">Dr.</option> </select> </label></td> </tr> <tr> <td><span style="color: #ff0000;">*</span></td> <td>First Name:</td> <td><input id="FirstName" type="text" name="FirstName" value="" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td><span style="color: #ff0000;">*</span></td> <td>Last Name:</td> <td><input id="LastName" type="text" name="LastName" value="" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td><span style="color: #ff0000;">*</span></td> <td>Country:</td> <td><select id="Country" name="Country"> <option value="Albania">Albania</option> <option value="Algeria">Algeria</option> <option value="American Samoa">American Samoa</option> <option value="Andorra">Andorra</option> <option value="Angola">Angola</option> <option value="Anguilla">Anguilla</option> <option value="Antarctica">Antarctica</option> <option value="Antigua and Barbuda">Antigua and Barbuda</option> <option value="Argentina">Argentina</option> <option value="Armenia ">Armenia </option> <option value="Aruba">Aruba</option> <option value="Australia">Australia</option> <option value="Austria">Austria</option> <option value="Azerbaijan">Azerbaijan</option> <option value="Bahamas">Bahamas</option> <option value="Bahrain">Bahrain</option> <option value="Bangladesh">Bangladesh</option> <option value="Barbados">Barbados</option> <option value="Belarus">Belarus</option> <option value="Belgium">Belgium</option> <option value="Belize">Belize</option> <option value="Benin">Benin</option> <option value="Bermuda ">Bermuda </option> <option value="Bhutan">Bhutan</option> <option value="Bolivia">Bolivia</option> <option value="Bosnia and Herzegovina">Bosnia and Herzegovina</option> <option value="Botswana">Botswana</option> <option value="Bouvet Island">Bouvet Island</option> <option value="Brazil">Brazil</option> <option value="British Indian Ocean Territory">British Indian Ocean Territory</option> <option value="Brunei Darussalam ">Brunei Darussalam </option> <option value="Bulgaria">Bulgaria</option> <option value="Burkina Faso">Burkina Faso</option> <option value="Burundi">Burundi</option> <option value="Cambodia">Cambodia</option> <option value="Cameroon">Cameroon</option> <option value="Canada">Canada</option> <option value="Cape Verde">Cape Verde</option> <option value="Cayman Islands">Cayman Islands</option> <option value="Central African Republic ">Central African Republic </option> <option value="Chad">Chad</option> <option value="Chile">Chile</option> <option value="China">China</option> <option value="Christmas Island">Christmas Island</option> <option value="Cocos Islands">Cocos Islands</option> <option value="Colombia">Colombia</option> <option value="Comoros">Comoros</option> <option value="Congo">Congo</option> <option value="Congo, Democratic Republic of the">Congo, Democratic Republic of the</option> <option value="Cook Islands ">Cook Islands </option> <option value="Costa Rica">Costa Rica</option> <option value="Cote d">Cote d'Ivoire</option> <option value="Croatia">Croatia</option> <option value="Cuba">Cuba</option> <option value="Cyprus">Cyprus</option> <option value="Czech Republic">Czech Republic</option> <option value="Denmark">Denmark</option> <option value="Djibouti">Djibouti</option> <option value="Dominica">Dominica</option> <option value="Dominican Republic">Dominican Republic</option> <option value="Ecuador ">Ecuador </option> <option value="Egypt">Egypt</option> <option value="El Salvador">El Salvador</option> <option value="Equatorial Guinea">Equatorial Guinea</option> <option value="Eritrea">Eritrea</option> <option value="Estonia">Estonia</option> <option value="Ethiopia">Ethiopia</option> <option value="Falkland Islands">Falkland Islands</option> <option value="Faroe Islands">Faroe Islands</option> <option value="Fiji">Fiji</option> <option value="Finland">Finland</option> <option value="France ">France </option> <option value="French Guiana">French Guiana</option> <option value="French Polynesia">French Polynesia</option> <option value="Gabon">Gabon</option> <option value="Gambia">Gambia</option> <option value="Georgia">Georgia</option> <option value="Germany">Germany</option> <option value="Ghana">Ghana</option> <option value="Gibraltar">Gibraltar</option> <option value="Greece">Greece</option> <option value="Greenland">Greenland</option> <option value="Grenada">Grenada</option> <option value="Guadeloupe ">Guadeloupe </option> <option value="Guam">Guam</option> <option value="Guatemala">Guatemala</option> <option value="Guinea">Guinea</option> <option value="Guinea-Bissau">Guinea-Bissau</option> <option value="Guyana">Guyana</option> <option value="Haiti">Haiti</option> <option value="Heard Island and McDonald Islands">Heard Island and McDonald Islands</option> <option value="Honduras">Honduras</option> <option value="Hong Kong">Hong Kong</option> <option value="Hungary ">Hungary </option> <option value="Iceland">Iceland</option> <option value="India">India</option> <option value="Indonesia">Indonesia</option> <option value="Iran">Iran</option> <option value="Iraq">Iraq</option> <option value="Ireland">Ireland</option> <option value="Israel">Israel</option> <option value="Italy">Italy</option> <option value="Jamaica">Jamaica</option> <option value="Japan">Japan</option> <option value="Jordan">Jordan</option> <option value="Kazakhstan">Kazakhstan</option> <option value="Kenya">Kenya</option> <option value="Kiribati">Kiribati</option> <option value="Kuwait">Kuwait</option> <option value="Kyrgyzstan ">Kyrgyzstan </option> <option value="Laos">Laos</option> <option value="Latvia">Latvia</option> <option value="Lebanon">Lebanon</option> <option value="Lesotho">Lesotho</option> <option value="Liberia">Liberia</option> <option value="Libya">Libya</option> <option value="Liechtenstein">Liechtenstein</option> <option value="Lithuania">Lithuania</option> <option value="Luxembourg">Luxembourg</option> <option value="Macao">Macao</option> <option value="Madagascar">Madagascar</option> <option value="Malawi">Malawi</option> <option value="Malaysia">Malaysia</option> <option value="Maldives ">Maldives </option> <option value="Mali">Mali</option> <option value="Malta">Malta</option> <option value="Marshall Islands">Marshall Islands</option> <option value="Martinique">Martinique</option> <option value="Mauritania">Mauritania</option> <option value="Mauritius">Mauritius</option> <option value="Mayotte">Mayotte</option> <option value="Mexico">Mexico</option> <option value="Micronesia">Micronesia</option> <option value="Moldova">Moldova</option> <option value="Monaco">Monaco</option> <option value="Mongolia">Mongolia</option> <option value="Montenegro ">Montenegro </option> <option value="Montserrat">Montserrat</option> <option value="Morocco">Morocco</option> <option value="Mozambique">Mozambique</option> <option value="Myanmar">Myanmar</option> <option value="Namibia">Namibia</option> <option value="Nauru">Nauru</option> <option value="Nepal">Nepal</option> <option value="Netherlands">Netherlands</option> <option value="Netherlands Antilles">Netherlands Antilles</option> <option value="New Caledonia">New Caledonia</option> <option value="New Zealand">New Zealand</option> <option value=" Nicaragua"> Nicaragua</option> <option value="Niger">Niger</option> <option value="Nigeria">Nigeria</option> <option value="Norfolk Island">Norfolk Island</option> <option value="North Korea">North Korea</option> <option value="Norway">Norway</option> <option value="Oman">Oman</option> <option value="Pakistan">Pakistan</option> <option value="Palau">Palau</option> <option value="Palestinian Territory">Palestinian Territory</option> <option value="Panama">Panama</option> <option value=" Papua New Guinea"> Papua New Guinea</option> <option value="Paraguay">Paraguay</option> <option value="Peru">Peru</option> <option value="Philippines">Philippines</option> <option value="Pitcairn">Pitcairn</option> <option value="Poland">Poland</option> <option value="Portugal">Portugal</option> <option value="Puerto Rico">Puerto Rico</option> <option value="Qatar">Qatar</option> <option value="Romania">Romania</option> <option value="Russian Federation">Russian Federation</option> <option value="Rwanda ">Rwanda </option> <option value="Saint Helena">Saint Helena</option> <option value="Saint Kitts and Nevis">Saint Kitts and Nevis</option> <option value="Saint Lucia">Saint Lucia</option> <option value="Saint Pierre and Miquelon">Saint Pierre and Miquelon</option> <option value="Saint Vincent and the Grenadines">Saint Vincent and the Grenadines</option> <option value="Samoa ">Samoa </option> <option value="San Marino">San Marino</option> <option value="Sao Tome and Principe">Sao Tome and Principe</option> <option value="Saudi Arabia">Saudi Arabia</option> <option value="Senegal">Senegal</option> <option value="Serbia">Serbia</option> <option value="Seychelles">Seychelles</option> <option value="Sierra Leone">Sierra Leone</option> <option value="Singapore">Singapore</option> <option value="Slovakia">Slovakia</option> <option value="Slovenia ">Slovenia </option> <option value="Solomon Islands">Solomon Islands</option> <option value="Somalia">Somalia</option> <option value="South Africa">South Africa</option> <option value="South Georgia">South Georgia</option> <option value="South Korea">South Korea</option> <option value="Spain">Spain</option> <option value="Sri Lanka">Sri Lanka</option> <option value="Sudan">Sudan</option> <option value="Suriname">Suriname</option> <option value="Svalbard and Jan Mayen">Svalbard and Jan Mayen</option> <option value=" Swaziland"> Swaziland</option> <option value="Sweden">Sweden</option> <option value="Switzerland">Switzerland</option> <option value="Syrian Arab Republic">Syrian Arab Republic</option> <option value="Taiwan">Taiwan</option> <option value="Tajikistan">Tajikistan</option> <option value="Tanzania">Tanzania</option> <option value="Thailand">Thailand</option> <option value="The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia ">The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia </option> <option value="Timor-Leste">Timor-Leste</option> <option value="Togo">Togo</option> <option value="Tokelau">Tokelau</option> <option value="Tonga">Tonga</option> <option value="Trinidad and Tobago">Trinidad and Tobago</option> <option value="Tunisia">Tunisia</option> <option value="Turkey">Turkey</option> <option value="Turkmenistan">Turkmenistan</option> <option value="Tuvalu">Tuvalu</option> <option value="Uganda">Uganda</option> <option value="Ukraine">Ukraine</option> <option value="United Arab Emirates ">United Arab Emirates </option> <option selected="selected" value="United Kingdom">United Kingdom</option> <option value="United States">United States</option> <option value="United States Minor Outlying Islands">United States Minor Outlying Islands</option> <option value="Uruguay">Uruguay</option> <option value="Uzbekistan">Uzbekistan</option> <option value="Vanuatu">Vanuatu</option> <option value="Vatican City">Vatican City</option> <option value="Venezuela">Venezuela</option> <option value=" Vietnam"> Vietnam</option> <option value="Virgin Islands, British">Virgin Islands, British</option> <option value="Virgin Islands, U.S.">Virgin Islands, U.S.</option> <option value="Wallis and Futuna">Wallis and Futuna</option> <option value="Western Sahara">Western Sahara</option> <option value="Yemen">Yemen</option> <option value="Zambia">Zambia</option> <option value="Zimbabwe">Zimbabwe</option> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td><span style="color: #ff0000;">*</span></td> <td>Telephone (Home):</td> <td><input id="telhome" type="text" name="telhome" value="" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td><span style="color: #ff0000;">*</span></td> <td>Telephone (Work):</td> <td><input id="telwork" type="text" name="telwork" value="" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td><span style="color: #ff0000;">*</span></td> <td>Telephone (Mobile):</td> <td><input id="telmobile" type="text" name="telmobile" value="" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td><label> <input id="button" type="submit" name="button" value="Submit" /> </label></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </form> <?php /* Set e-mail recipient */ $myemail = ""; /* Check all form inputs using check_input function */ $clentEmail = check_input($_POST['clentEmail']); $yourname = check_input($_POST['clentFname'], "Enter your name"); $clentLname = check_input($_POST['clentLname'], "Enter your last name"); $lastname = check_input($_POST['lastname'], "Write your last name"); $Country2 = check_input($_POST['Country2'], "Your Country"); $email2 = check_input($_POST['email2'], "Enter your email"); $Title = check_input($_POST['Title']); $FirstName = check_input($_POST['FirstName'], "Enter your name222"); $LastName = check_input($_POST['LastName'], "Enter your last name"); $Country = check_input($_POST['Country'], "Your Country"); $telhome = check_input($_POST['telhome'], "Enter your home nomber"); $telwork = check_input($_POST['telwork'], "Enter your work nomber"); $telmobile = check_input($_POST['telmobile'], "Enter your mobile nomber"); /* If e-mail is not valid show error message */ if (!preg_match("/([\w\-]+\@[\w\-]+\.[\w\-]+)/", $email)) { show_error("E-mail address not valid"); } /* If URL is not valid set $website to empty */ if (!preg_match("/^(https?:\/\/+[\w\-]+\.[\w\-]+)/i", $website)) { $website = ''; } /* Let's prepare the message for the e-mail */ $message = "Hello! Your contact form has been submitted by: Client Name: $clentFname Client Last Name: $clentLname Client E-mail: $email Client Country: $Country2 Friend Detail: E-mail: $email2 Title: $Title First Name: $FirstName Last Name: $LastName Country: $Country Home Nomber: $telhome Work Nomber: $telwork Mobile Nomber: $telmobile End of message "; /* Send the message using mail() function */ mail($myemail, $subject, $message); /* Redirect visitor to the thank you page */ header('Location: '); exit(); /* Functions we used */ function check_input($data, $problem='') { $data = trim($data); $data = stripslashes($data); $data = htmlspecialchars($data); if ($problem && strlen($data) == 0) { show_error($problem); } return $data; } function show_error($myError) { ?> <html> <body> <b>Please correct the following error:</b><br /> <?php echo $myError; ?> </body> </html> <?php exit(); } ?> Hi, I'm quite a newbie to PHP and am doing a website. Have got a login working and the registration half way there, but am now in process of putting validation in Registration form. Have got the errors appearing if domething isn't filled in or if the username is taken however, it clears all the fields and i would like it to keep the values in them if possible. Is there an easy way round this? I can give my code if needed Cozzy Hi, I have a separate form created using Dreamweaver that calls a separate php script when the Submit button is clicked. Currently I am able display form validation messages in a new html page. If the user leaves fields blank, I would like the messages to appear on the form itself instead of in a new page. How do you make the messages from the php form validation code display into the calling html form? I know I could just do this with Dreamweaver but I would like to learn to do this using php. It might be easier to embed the code within the html page but I was thinking that using the separate script would be more secure. My form can be found here. Validation is working but opens a new page: Thanks! Rob I am trying to use the new way of validating the entered email in a register form. Code: [Select] /* REGISTER FORM */ // check if submit button has been clicked if (isset($_POST['submit_signup'])) { // process and assign variables after post submit button has been clicked $user_email = strip_tags(trim($_POST['email'])); $user_email = filter_var($user_email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL); $nickname = strip_tags(trim($_POST['nickname'])); $password = $_POST['password']; $repassword = $_POST['repassword']; $month = $_REQUEST['month']; $day = $_REQUEST['day']; $year = $_REQUEST['year']; $dob = $year . "-" . $month . "-" . $day; $find_us_question = strip_tags(trim($_POST['find_us_question'])); // connect to database $dbc = mysqli_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME); $check_query = "SELECT * FROM user WHERE nickname = '$nickname'"; $check_connect = mysqli_query($dbc, $check_query) or die(mysqli_error($dbc)); $check_count = mysqli_num_rows($check_connect); // Check if the email exists twice $query_get = "SELECT email FROM user WHERE email = '$user_email'"; $query_run = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_get); $num_rows = mysqli_num_rows($query_run); // check if username is already taken if ($check_count != 0) { echo "Username already exists!"; } elseif ($num_rows != 0) { echo "This email address is already registered in the database, you can not register it twice."; // check if fields are empty } elseif (empty($user_email) || empty($nickname) || empty($password) || empty($day) || empty($month) || empty($year)) { echo "Please fill out all the fields!"; // check char length of input data } elseif (strlen($nickname) > 30 || strlen($user_email) > 50) { echo "Maximum allowed character length for nickname/firstname/lastname are 30 characters!"; // check password char length } elseif (strlen($password) > 25 || strlen($password) < 6) { echo "Your password must be between 6 and 25 characters!"; // check if passwords match with each other } elseif ($password != $repassword) { echo "Please make sure your passwords are matching!"; } else { // encrypt password $password = sha1($password); I would like to implement now an error message stating something along the lines that the entered email address is not valid, how would I have to do the if statement to check the condition? Hello all! Very frustrated PHP newbie here. I am trying to simply get my code to display errors. I have gone into the php.ini file, changed error_reporting to E_ALL, changed display_errors to On, changed display_startup_errors to On, and even added the line ini_set('display_errors', 'on'); to my code. I restarted the server after every change, and still I see no errors. My boss wants me to reach out to the community for answers rather than handing them to me himself. So here I am. Please advise! Thank you very much in advance. Hi, Im getting this error with my script that im using to try and echo content for my website: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ECHO in /home/a9855336/public_html/test.php on line 16 my php code is <?php $host=""; // Host name $username="a9855336_root"; // Mysql username $password="n4th4n%"; // Mysql password $db_name="a9855336_mail"; // Database name // Connect to server and select databse. mysql_connect($host, $username, $password); mysql_select_db($db_name); $query = "SELECT title, content, FROM members where ID = 1"; $result = mysql_query($query); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) echo $row['title']; ?> html stuff <?php echo $row['content']; ?> If anyone can help me fix this problem or sugguest a dfiferent way to go about this it would be greatly appriciated. Thanks, Blink359 Ok I'm setting the error. I debugged my code and it's catching the phrase in the set_error() function. But it's returning NULL when I try to display it from the display_error() function. These functions are in the form class. I create a new instance of it on the register.php and I'm trying to grab the values. Here is my Form class (only showing the part you need to see): Code: [Select] class Form { private $error; public function set_error($errmsg){ $this->error = $errmsg; return; } public function display_error() { $error = "<p style='color:red;'>".$this->error."</p>"; return $error; } } Then here is my register process: Code: [Select] if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { if(isset($_POST['name']) && isset($_POST['username']) && isset($_POST['password']) && isset($_POST['password2']) && isset($_POST['email']) && isset($_POST['email2']) && isset($_POST['dob']) && isset($_POST['gender']) && isset($_POST['security'])) { if ($user->register_user($_POST['name'], $_POST['username'], $_POST['password'], $_POST['password2'], $_POST['email'], $_POST['email2'], $_POST['dob'], $_POST['gender'], $_POST['security'])) { $message = "User has been registered successfully."; } else { $message = $form->display_error(); } } else { $message = "Please fill out all parts of the form!"; } } It display the $message just fine when I call isset($message), but it won't display it when I assign it the form->display_error() value because it returns NULL. Thank you! i have a form, and if the form has not been sent, it shows the form. here is my code for the beginning: Code: [Select] if($sent != true) { echo" ?> <div class='form'><form action='' method='post'> [b]!!![/b] <p class='form'>User ID: <br /><input name='memberID' type='hidden' value='<?php echo $row['id'] ?>' /> Your User ID will be logged for identity purposes. <br /><input type='checkbox' name='noIdentity' id='noIdentity' value='noIdentity' <?php if(isset($_POST['errors']) && isset($_POST[noIdentity])) { [b]!!![/b] echo ' checked='checked '"; } ?> /> and the end: Code: [Select] <?php "; } ?> it doesn't like what i have the exclamations next to. also, am i doing this right? Hi all, I have a html form list box that needs to show all the types of products that are for sale and have a number in the list box saying how many of that type are for sale. eg. If the mysql database looks like this productType | productDetails chair | outdoor large chair table | 2m x 1m chair | indoor chair chair | childs chair I would want the form list box to show the values inside as: chair (3) table (1) could someone give me the heads up on how to do this Thanks |