PHP - How Can I Repopulate A Dynamic Text Field?
I have a form that you can add email boxes and recipients to. when you add the boxes it actually submits. I did it this way to change the session that determines how many boxes you get.
The problem is if I (as a web user) have entered X number of emails and recipients then submit to add another set of text fields then how can I keep the 3 already entered populated? <?php $start = $_SESSION['NOCStart']; $stop = $_SESSION['NOCStop']; for($m = $start; $m < $stop; $m++){ echo " <tr> <td>$m: <input id='text' type='text' name='invEmail[]' value='WHATS GOES HERE??' /></td> <td><input id='text' type='text' name='invName[]' value='WHATS GOES HERE??' /></td> </tr> "; } ?> The submitted info is captured with the following code: For testing it simply outputs the info... if (isset($_SESSION['NOC']) && $current_page == "invitations.php"){ if(isset($_POST['addemail'])){ $impEmail = implode(",", $_POST['invEmail']); $expEmail = explode(",", $impEmail); $impName = implode(",", $_POST['invName']); $expName = explode(",", $impName); $sendit = array_combine($expEmail, $expName); foreach ($sendit as $key => $value) { echo "$key belongs to $value<br />\n"; } if ($_SESSION['NOCStop'] == $_SESSION['NOC'] + 1){ $message = "<script>alert('Max Emails Reached')</script>"; }else{ $_SESSION['NOCStart'] = 1; $_SESSION['NOCStop'] = $_SESSION['NOCStop'] + 1; } }else{ $stopper = $_SESSION['NOC'] * .5; $rounder = round($stopper) + 1; $_SESSION['NOCStart'] = 1; $_SESSION['NOCStop'] = $rounder; } } Thank you for your help! Similar TutorialsHey guys, I am a webmaster for my church and I am fairly new to PHP. What am trying to is when a visitor goes to our radio ministry page and clicks a button which the message number is displayed in the read only textbox, it will go to my request CD page and auto populate the message number in that text field form the readonly text field from the previous page. I will show my code for both pages for you to review. This is the Radio page (where I want to take the message number value from) Code: [Select] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="Living Word Community Church radio ministry" /> <meta name="keywords" content="reformed radio fort worth, reformed radio dallas, biblical radio fort worth, biblical radio dfw" /> <title>In Light of Scripture-Radio Ministry</title> <link href="_css/Main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script src="SpryAssets/SpryMenuBar.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <link href="SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarHorizontal.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> </head> <body> <div class="container"> <div class="header"><a href="index.php"><img src="_images/LWCCWeb.jpg" alt="Insert Logo Here" name="Insert_logo" width="960" height="200" id="Insert_logo" style="background: #D8BF78; display:block;" /></a> <?php include("_includes/header.php"); ?> <div class="sidebar1"> <p></p> <table width="150" border="0" cellpadding="10" align="left"> <tr> <td><a href="directions.php"><img src="_images/ChurchBox.png" width="150" height="125" alt="Directions" /></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="_images/Service Times.png" width="150" height="778" alt="Service Times" /></td> </tr> </table> <!-- end .sidebar1 --></div> <div class="content"> <div id="radio"></div> <table width="600" border="0" cellpadding="10"> <tr> <td><img src="_images/ILOS.png" width="600" height="111" alt="In Light of Scripture" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td style=" padding-top:25px"><p><font size="5"><b>In Light of Scripture</b> has been locally broadcast for more than 25 years.<br /> This Sunday morning radio program features the expositional teaching of Pastor Stan McGehee Jr. </font><p/></td> </tr> </table> <div id="mediagraph"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="_images/kdkr.jpg" width="300" height="200" alt="Braodcast on KDKR 91.3 Sunday Mornings at 7:30" /></a></div> <br /><br /> <font size="2"><p align="center"><b>The sermon featured this week on "In Light of Scipture" is</b></p></font> <font size="2"><p align="center" style="color:#711726"><b><i>Peace Despite Tribulation</i></b></p></font> <div id="messagenumber" align="center"> <form action="" method="get" name="messagenumber"> <input name="" type="text" value="JR-843" size="6" readonly="readonly" /> <input name="GetMessage" type="button" value="Get Message" /> </form> </div> <!-- end .content --></div></div> <div class="sidebar2"> <table width="150" border="0" cellpadding="16" align="left"> <tr> <td><a href="reformation.php"><img src="_images/MenuBox1.png" width="150" height="125" alt="What Do We Mean by Reformed?" /></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="ServiceTimesAndCal.php"><img src="_images/MenuBox2.png" width="150" height="125" alt="Worship Service Schedule and Calendar" /></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="radio.php"><img src="_images/MenuBox3.png" width="150" height="125" alt="In Light of Scripture Radio Ministry" /></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="cable.php"><img src="_images/MenuBox4.png" width="150" height="125" alt="Living Word Today Cable Program" /></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="Sermons.php"><img src="_images/MenuBox5.png" width="150" height="125" alt="Listen to Sermons Online" /></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="_images/MenuBox6.png" width= "150" height="125" alt="Read our reformed blog" /></a></td> </tr> </table> <!-- end .sidebar2 --></div> <?php include("_includes/footer.php"); ?> <!-- end .container --></div> <script type="text/javascript"> var MenuBar1 = new Spry.Widget.MenuBar("MenuBar1", {imgDown:"SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarDownHover.gif", imgRight:"SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarRightHover.gif"}); var MenuBar2 = new Spry.Widget.MenuBar("MenuBar2", {imgDown:"SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarDownHover.gif", imgRight:"SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarRightHover.gif"}); </script> </body> </html> This is for the CD request form. I want it to populate the Message# text field Code: [Select] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="Order Living Word Community Church sermons and teachings on CD" /> <meta name="keywords" content="Stan McGehee cd, Reformed teachings on cd, Biblical teachings on cd, LWCC cds" /> <title>Order CD's Online</title> <link href="_css/Main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href="js/jquery.datepick.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script src="SpryAssets/SpryMenuBar.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="SpryAssets/SpryValidationTextField.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <link href="SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarHorizontal.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery/jquery-1.5.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.datepick.js"></script> <script src="SpryAssets/SpryValidationSelect.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="SpryAssets/SpryValidationRadio.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <link href="SpryAssets/SpryValidationTextField.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $('#popupDatepicker').datepick(); $('#inlineDatepicker').datepick({onSelect: showDate}); }); function showDate(date) { } </script> <link href="SpryAssets/SpryValidationSelect.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href="SpryAssets/SpryValidationRadio.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> </head> <body> <div class="container"> <div class="header"><a href="index.php"><img src="_images/LWCCWeb2.png" alt="Insert Logo Here" name="Insert_logo" width="960" height="200" id="Insert_logo" style="background: #D8BF78; display:block;" /></a> <?php include("_includes/header.php"); ?> <div class="sidebar1"> <p></p> <table width="150" border="0" cellpadding="10" align="left"> <tr> <td><a href="directions.php"><img src="_images/ChurchBox.png" width="150" height="125" alt="Directions" /></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="_images/Service Times.png" width="150" height="890" alt="Service Times" /></td> </tr> </table> <!-- end .sidebar1 --></div> <div class="content"> <h2 style="padding-left:50px"> Order messages on CD from LWCC</h2> <div id"form"> <form action="FormToEmail2.php" method="post"> <table width="550" border="0" cellpadding="10"> <tr> <td><table width="550" border="0" cellpadding="10"> <tr> <td width="190">First Name:</td> <td width="314"><span id="spryfirstname"> <input name="firstname" type="text" id="firstname" maxlength="20" /> <span class="textfieldMaxCharsMsg">Too many letters</span><span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">Enter first name </span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Last Name:</td> <td><span id="sprylastname"> <input name="lastname" type="text" id="lastname" maxlength="20" /> <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">Enter last name</span><span class="textfieldMaxCharsMsg">Too many letters</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Email<font size="2"> (So we can confirm if needed)</font>:</td> <td><span id="spryemail"> <input name="email" type="text" id="email" maxlength="50" /> <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">Enter Email</span><span class="textfieldInvalidFormatMsg">Must be Email.</span><span class="textfieldMaxCharsMsg">Email too long</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Street:</td> <td><span id="sprystreet"><span id="sprystreet"> <input name="street" type="text" id="street" maxlength="50" /> <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">Enter Street Address</span><span class="textfieldMaxCharsMsg">Exceeded maximum number of characters.</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td>City:</td> <td><span id="sprycity"><span id="sprytextfield5"> <input name="City" type="text" id="city" maxlength="50" /> <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">Enter your city</span><span class="textfieldMaxCharsMsg">Exceeded maximum number of characters.</span></span><span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">Enter Email</span><span class="textfieldInvalidFormatMsg">Must be Email.</span><span class="textfieldMaxCharsMsg">Email too lon</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Apartment number:</td> <td><span id="aptnum"> <input name="Apt number" type="text" id="aptnum" maxlength="6" width="80px" /> <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">Enter Email</span><span class="textfieldInvalidFormatMsg">Must be Email.</span><span class="textfieldMaxCharsMsg">Email too long</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td>State:</td> <td><span id="spryselect1"> <select name="statelist"> <option value="null"></option> <option value="Alabama">AL</option> <option value="Alaska">AK</option> <option value="Arkansas">AR</option> <option value="Arizona">AZ</option> <option value="California">CA</option> <option value="Colorado">CO</option> <option value="Connecticut">CT</option> <option value="Deleware">DE</option> <option value="District of Columbia">DC</option> <option value="Florida">FL</option> <option value="Georgia">GA</option> <option value="Hawaii">HI</option> <option value="Idaho">ID</option> <option value="Iowa">IA</option> <option value="Illinois">IL</option> <option value="Indiana">IN</option> <option value="Kansas">KS</option> <option value="Kentucky">KY</option> <option value="Louisiana">LA</option> <option value="Massachusetts">MA</option> <option value="Maryland">MD</option> <option value="Maine">ME</option> <option value="Michigan">MI</option> <option value="Minnesota">MN</option> <option value="Missouri">MO</option> <option value="Mississippi">MS</option> <option value="Montana">MT</option> <option value="Nebraska">NE</option> <option value="New Hampshire">NH</option> <option value="New Jersey">NJ</option> <option value="New Mexico">NM</option> <option value="Nevada">NV</option> <option value="New York">NY</option> <option value="North Carolina">NC</option> <option value="North Dakota">ND</option> <option value="Ohio">OH</option> <option value="Oklahoma">OK</option> <option value="Oregon">OR</option> <option value="Pennslyvania">PA</option> <option value="Rhode Island">RI</option> <option value="South Carolina">SC</option> <option value="Tennessee">TN</option> <option value="Texas">TX</option> <option value="Utah">UT</option> <option value="Vermont">VT</option> <option value="Virginia">VA</option> <option value="Washington">WA</option> <option value="Wisconsin">WI</option> <option value="West Virginia">WV</option> <option value="Wyoming">WY</option> </select> <span class="selectRequiredMsg">Please select state</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Zip Code:</td> <td><span id="spryzip"><span id="sprytextfield6"> <input name="Zip Code" type="text" id="zip" maxlength="50" /> <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">Enter Zip Code</span><span class="textfieldInvalidFormatMsg">Zip Code is 5 numbers.</span></span><span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">Enter Email</span><span class="textfieldInvalidFormatMsg">Must be Email.</span><span class="textfieldMaxCharsMsg">Email too lo</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Which Pastor or Teacher?</td> <td> <div id="spryradio1"> <table width="250"> <tr> <td><label> <input type="radio" name="Speaker" value="Pastor Stan McGehee" id="radiogroup_4" /> Pastor Stan McGehee Sr</label></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label> <input type="radio" name="Speaker" value="Pastor Stan McGehee Jr" id="radiogroup_5" /> Pastor Stan McGehee Jr</label></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label> <input type="radio" name="Speaker" value="Pastor Jack McFarland" id="radiogroup_6" /> Pastor Jack McFarland</label></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label> <input type="radio" name="Speaker" value="Steve Bader" id="radiogroup_7" /> Steve Bader</label></td> </tr> </table> <span class="radioRequiredMsg">Please select speaker</span></div></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Where did you hear message?</td> <td> <div id="spryradio2"> <table width="200"> <tr> <td><label> <input type="radio" name="How did you hear?" value="At LWCC" id="RadioGroup1_0" /> At our church</label></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label> <input type="radio" name="How did you hear?" value="On the Radio" id="RadioGroup1_1" /> On the Radio</label></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label> <input type="radio" name="How did you hear?" value="On Cable" id="RadioGroup1_2" /> On Cable</label></td> </tr> </table> <span class="radioRequiredMsg">Please make a selection</span></div></td> </tr> <tr> <td>What service?</td> <td><div id="spryradio3"> <table width="248"> <tr> <td width="240"><label> <input type="radio" name="When did you hear message?" value="Sunday AM" id="When did you hear message?_0" /> Sunday AM</label></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label> <input type="radio" name="When did you hear message?" value="Sunday PM" id="When did you hear message?_1" /> Sunday PM</label></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label> <input type="radio" name="When did you hear message?" value="Wednesday PM" id="When did you hear message?_2" /> Wednesday PM</label></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label> <input type="radio" name="When did you hear message?" value="Adult Sunday School" id="When did you hear message?_3" /> Adult Sunday School</label></td> </tr> </table> <span class="radioRequiredMsg">Please make a selection.</span></div></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Message Number <font size="2">(If known)</font>: </td> <td><input name="Message#" type="text" id="messagenumber" maxlength="50" /></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><table width="550" border="0" cellpadding="10"> <h3 style="padding-left:135px">Please pick date of message</h3> <div id="selectdate" align="center"><input id="inlineDatepicker" name="When Did You Hear?" type="text" /></div> <script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); </script> <script type="text/javascript"> var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-4715900-1"); pageTracker._initData(); pageTracker._trackPageview(); </script></table></td> <tr> <td style="padding-left:250px"><input name="submit" value="Submit" type="submit" /> <input name="clearBtn" type="reset" /></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </form></div> <!-- end .content --></div></div> <div class="sidebar2"> <table width="150" border="0" cellpadding="25" align="left"> <tr> <td><a href="reformation.php"><img src="_images/MenuBox1.png" width="150" height="125" alt="What Do We Mean by Reformed?" /></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="ServiceTimesAndCal.php"><img src="_images/MenuBox2.png" width="150" height="125" alt="Worship Service Schedule and Calendar" /></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="radio.php"><img src="_images/MenuBox3.png" width="150" height="125" alt="In Light of Scripture Radio Ministry" /></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="cable.php"><img src="_images/MenuBox4.png" width="150" height="125" alt="Living Word Today Cable Program" /></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="Sermons.php"><img src="_images/MenuBox5.png" width="150" height="125" alt="Listen to Sermons Online" /></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="_images/MenuBox6.png" width="150" height="125" alt="Read our reformed blog" /></a></td> </tr> </table> <!-- end .sidebar2 --></div> <?php include("_includes/footer.php"); ?> <!-- end .container --></div> <script type="text/javascript"> var MenuBar1 = new Spry.Widget.MenuBar("MenuBar1", {imgDown:"SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarDownHover.gif", imgRight:"SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarRightHover.gif"}); var MenuBar2 = new Spry.Widget.MenuBar("MenuBar2", {imgDown:"SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarDownHover.gif", imgRight:"SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarRightHover.gif"}); var sprytextfield1 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("spryfirstname", "none", {validateOn:["blur"], maxChars:20}); var sprytextfield2 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("sprylastname", "none", {maxChars:20, validateOn:["blur"]}); var sprytextfield3 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("spryemail", "email", {maxChars:50, validateOn:["blur"]}); var sprytextfield4 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("sprystreet", "none", {validateOn:["blur"], maxChars:50}); var sprytextfield5 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("sprytextfield5", "none", {maxChars:50, validateOn:["blur"]}); var spryselect1 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationSelect("spryselect1", {validateOn:["blur"]}); var sprytextfield6 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("sprytextfield6", "zip_code", {validateOn:["blur"]}); var spryradio1 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationRadio("spryradio1"); var spryradio2 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationRadio("spryradio2"); var sprytextfield7 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("sprymessagenumber", "none", {isRequired:false}); var spryradio3 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationRadio("spryradio3"); </script> </body> </html> Is it possible to have a text field on my site, and the text that is entered into it, be given to another site that I auto redirect the user to? If it is possible, could somebody give me the exact code (I'm not a programmer) I would need to use? Thanks for any help on this. Folks, I need help (Php code ) to generate a Dynamic Text on a Base Image. What i want to do is, to make this Image as header on my Site and to make this Header Specific to a Site, i want to Add the Domain Name on the Lower Left of the Image. Got the Idea? Here is the Image link: Quote PHP Variable that holds the Domain name is: $domain All i need the Dynamic PHP Codes that i can put on all my sites to generate this Text on Image (Header) Dynamically... May Anyone Help me with this Please? Cheers Natasha T. Hi i have this edit form that allows user to mofy data but the problems on the text box is that it deletes the rest of the data after the space from the first word i tried to increase the size of the varChars on mysql but did no work why it happens how can i stop from happening?? this the form input <input type="text" name="name" id="name" class='text_box' value="<?php echo $_GET['name'];?>"/> Hi All, i am trying to Generate a image dynamically. Up to here i am able to do it . But when i give any echo statement with this its not working.. Here is my code pls help me in this <?php // Create a 55x30 image $im = imagecreatetruecolor(79, 79); $unknow = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 255, 255); $white = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255); // Draw a white rectangle imagefilledrectangle($im, 4, 4, 75, 25, $unknow); imagefilledrectangle($im, 4, 29, 75, 50, $unknow); imagefilledrectangle($im, 4, 54, 75, 75, $unknow); // Save the image echo 'hi hello'; header("Content-type: image/png"); //imagepng($im, './imagefilledrectangle.png'); imagepng($im); imagedestroy($im); ?> Thanks in advance. Hello, I'm working on a dynamic text form (I guess thats what its called). Basically, I have a html page that echos in some PHP code. What the PHP code does is show different strings of text depending on a variable: Code: [Select] <PHP? $brief1_info = "brief info goes here"; $brief1 = 0; if (isset($_POST['brief1Go'])) { $brief1 = $brief1 + 1; } else if (isset($_POST['brief1Back'])) { $brief1 = $brief1 - 1; } $breif1Controller = " <form action=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."\" method=\"post\"> <input type=\"submit\" name=\"brief1Back\" id=\"brief1Back\" value=\"BACK\" /> </form> <form action=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."\" method=\"post\"> <input type=\"submit\" name=\"brief1Go\" id=\"brief1Go\" value=\"CONTINUE\" /> </form>"; if($brief1 == 0){ $brief1_info = "<b>Welcome Commander,</b> you are currently viewing the Mission Control Brief page, here you can view all your missions that you need to complete in order to advance through your prestiges. You will need to follow your briefs carefully in order to succeed. <br /><br /> "; } else if($brief1 == 1){ $brief1_info = "Okay, let me show you around the place ..."; } else if($brief1 == 2){ $brief1_info = "brief is on 2"; } ?> The problem is, the BACK and CONTINUE buttons don't work. If $brief1 equals 0, and the user presses continue, the is should go to 1, and the brief1_info string is changed (so some different text shows in my html). It actually works when brief1 is on '0', but when its on 1 and the user pressed continue, the brief1 is changed to 1, but because the submit button refreshes the page, the variable is re-read again, and thus is reset back to 0. Is there a way around this? Or is there a better method than what I'm doing? Thanks Hi all, I am relatively new to coding but wondered if someone can helpe me with this. I currently have a PHP file which outputs text that has been entered into a text box and saved. The original output code was this: if ( $this->theme->conf->item_description AND $this->doc->data->dmdescription ) : <?php echo $this->doc->data->dmdescription;?> but I want the text that shows to be truncated to say, 100 characters plus '...' so I came up with the following... <?php $someText = ($this->doc->data->dmdescription);?> <?php echo(substr($someText, 0,100)).'...'; ?> However it shows nothing. I guess $someText is bing linked to dmdescription rather than the text within dmdescription? Any ideas greatly appreciated! bplumb Hello, I have a field in which when a user types something into it, it saves it into a table in my SQL. But is it possible to remove a particular phrase from the field if the user enters it. Example: I have a text field that says 'please enter your website domain here'. The user then enters ''. Is it possible for PHP to remove the 'www.' and only save the '' to my SQL (bearing in mind that not all users may enter www.) Here is the code for the text field: Code: [Select] <input name="website_name" type="text" class="text-box" id="website_name" value="<?php echo $website_name; ?>" size="24" /> Here is the code for the _POST: if(isset($_POST['send'])) { $database->updateUserField($session->username, "website_name", $_POST['website_name']); } (the code so far all works fine - I just want to add an extra 'variable', if you will, to the code) Thanks for your help!! Hi there, I have a simple question - is it possible to send out an html email containing PHP/MySQL code so that when the user receives the email it checks the date and serves up content from a database? I have created a page that works fine online, but when I try to email the page, it doesn't work from within the user's email client (such as outlook, or gmail). When I look at the raw email source, it looks like the PHP code isn't getting executed by the email program. If anyone knows a reason or workaround, I would appreciate it! Thanks in advance, Rick Code: [Select] <?php $day = date("Y-m-d"); // Connects to your Database mysql_connect("", "username", "password") or die(mysql_error()) ; mysql_select_db("etd_emails") or die(mysql_error()) ; if (!function_exists("GetSQLValueString")) { function GetSQLValueString($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "") { $theValue = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($theValue) : $theValue; $theValue = function_exists("mysql_real_escape_string") ? mysql_real_escape_string($theValue) : mysql_escape_string($theValue); switch ($theType) { case "text": $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL"; break; case "long": case "int": $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? intval($theValue) : "NULL"; break; case "double": $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . doubleval($theValue) . "'" : "NULL"; break; case "date": $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL"; break; case "defined": $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? $theDefinedValue : $theNotDefinedValue; break; } return $theValue; } } $query = sprintf("SELECT * FROM daily WHERE date = '%s'", mysql_real_escape_string($day)); // Perform Query $Recordset1 = mysql_query($query); // Check result // This shows the actual query sent to MySQL, and the error. Useful for debugging. if (!$Recordset1) { $message = 'Invalid query: ' . mysql_error() . "\n"; $message .= 'Whole query: ' . $query; die($message); } $row_Recordset1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($Recordset1); $totalRows_Recordset1 = mysql_num_rows($Recordset1); ?> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta name="description" content="Free inspirational Picture of the Day as well as a Free daily Wellness Break. Start your day off right and Empower Yourself Today. Empowerment of the Day is meant to inpire you each and every day and is brought to you by the Remakable Success Group Team.Empower Yourself Today." /> <meta name="keywords" content="inspirational quote, picture of the day, wellness quote, inspirational saying, inspirational story, today's wellness break, empowerment, empower yourself, empowerment of the day, health tip, wellness tip" /> <title>Empowerment Of The Day</title> </head> <body marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0"> <table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="100%" align="center"> <div style="background:#DBAE13"> <img src="" alt="Empowerment of the Day" width="650" height="77" /></div> <div> <table width="650" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td align="center" valign="middle"><img src="" alt="Picture of the Day" width="306" height="34" vspace="15" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" valign="middle"> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" bgcolor="#000000"> <tr height="10px"> <td height="10px"></td> <td height="10px"></td> <td height="10px"></td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td><img src="<?php echo $row_Recordset1['photo']; ?>" alt="Picture of the Day" /></td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td align="center"> <div><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"><?php echo $row_Recordset1['quote']; ?></font></div> </td> <td> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" valign="middle"> <img src="" alt="Today's Wellness Break" width="360" height="44" vspace="15" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" valign="middle"><p><font color="#000000" face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"><?php echo $row_Recordset1['wellness']; ?><br> <br> </font></p></td> </tr> </table> <script language="JavaScript1.2" type="application/javascript"> /* Disable right click script II (on images)- By For full source, Terms of service, and 100s DTHML scripts Visit */ var clickmessage="Right click disabled on images!" function disableclick(e) { if (document.all) { if (event.button==2||event.button==3) { if (event.srcElement.tagName=="IMG"){ alert(clickmessage); return false; } } } else if (document.layers) { if (e.which == 3) { alert(clickmessage); return false; } } else if (document.getElementById){ if (e.which==3&&"IMG"){ alert(clickmessage) return false } } } function associateimages(){ for(i=0;i<document.images.length;i++) document.images[i].onmousedown=disableclick; } if (document.all) document.onmousedown=disableclick else if (document.getElementById) document.onmouseup=disableclick else if (document.layers) associateimages() </script> </div> <div style="background:#D0A615"> <img src="" alt="Copyright 2010 Remarkable Success Group Inc. Design by" width="650" height="74" border="0" usemap="#Map" /> <map name="Map"><area shape="rect" coords="456,28,617,55" href="" alt="Design by" target="_blank"></map> </map></div> <!-- GOOGLE ANALYTICS --> <script type="text/javascript"> var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-2910054-6']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); (function() { var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + ''; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })(); </script> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> <?php mysql_free_result($Recordset1); ?> I have text field in database, where I have let's say 5000 words. I want to split this text having 5000 words in pages, each one having 500 words. How can I realise this ? A practical example would be appreciate ! Thank you in advance. i have a form that has a price field, but if anything other than a decimal (0.00) a zero is entered into the database. There is the problem of people trying to add a dollar sign before their amount. What is the best way to validate a price amount to be entered into the database. The column in the database type is decimal(6,2). Any suggestions? Does anyone know how I can validate US currency using php that is entered into a textbox? The textbox is setup as a decimal in mysql and i'm trying to make sure only decimals are entered so when php calculates the values entered I don't receive errors. Ok so I basically have two textfields and a submit button. The first text field basically allows the user to input a duration of an event in the format of Hours:Minutes:Seconds such as: 02:30:00 is two and a half hours. The second textfield allows the user to put in an average time 'something' does something in the same format as above. So for example 00:20:00 is 20 minutes. 1st Textfield: Code: [Select] <input name="tmarrtextfield" type="text" class="textbox" id="tmarrtextfield" value="00:00:00"> 2nd Textfield: Code: [Select] <input name="tmatttextfield" type="text" class="textbox" id="tmatttextfield" value="00:00:00"> What I need is for when the form is submitted to the same page.. the code to...: 1. Convert the normal text info into actual time data. 2. Divide the duration by the average timing so for example: 02:30:00 (150 minutes) / 00:20:00 (20 minutes) = 7.5 (Would return a rounded down number or up, doesn't matter) then store the number as a variable that will be echoed later. Harry. could anyone pls check this coding? i need to display the data from database into the text field for editing then submit to the existing database. mysql_select_db("uni", $con); $sql=mysql_query("select * from student"); $res=0; while($row=mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { if($row['StudentID']==$_POST["sid"]) { ?> <form id="form2" name="form2" method="post" action="update.php"> <h2><p><?php echo "StudentID :" ?> <input type="text" name="sid" id="sid" value="<?php echo"".$row['StudentID'] ?>" /> <p><?php echo "StudentName :" ?> <input type="text" name="stname" id="stname" value="<?php echo"".$row['StudentName'] ?>" /> </p> <?php $res=1; } }?> <h2> <?php if($res==0) { echo "Please enter the Correct ID. "; } update.php mysql_select_db("uni", $con); mysql_query("UPDATE student SET StudentID = .$row['StudentID'] WHERE student.StudentID = '.$row['StudentID']'"); mysql_query("UPDATE student SET StudentName = .$row['StudentName'] WHERE student.StudentID = '.$row['StudentID']'"); echo "Successfully Edited"; //submit button Hi guys i have to create text field & enter data and store in the data base. here im able to create text field but couldn't insert the data. so could anyone please check this code for me. <body> <form method="POST" action="cell.php"> Enter the number of question <input type="text" name="question"> <input type="submit"> <?php $value=$_POST['question']; for($i=0;$i<$value;$i++) { echo "Question NO:"; echo '<input type="text" name="qno">'."\t"; echo "Enter Marks:"; echo '<input type="text" name="marks">'."\t"; echo "<br>"; } ?> </form> <form name="form1" method="post" action="cellresult.php"> <label> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit"> </label> </form> </body> cellresult.php <body> <?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("test", $con); $sql="INSERT INTO cell (QNO,MARKS) VALUES ('$_POST[qno]','$_POST[marks]')"; if (!mysql_query($sql,$con)) { die('Error: ' . mysql_error()); } echo "1 record added"; mysql_close($con) ?> </body> Does anyone have suggestions on how the following can be accomplished? Objective: I need a method to grab the {$email} variable from from via $_GET and populate (display) that variable string in the textbox of the form. Example: Code: [Select] <form action='index.php' method='post' name='emailForm' id="emailForm"> <div><input type='text' name='email' id="emailBox" size="40" value='<?php echo $_POST[email]; ?>' /></div> <div><input type='submit' name='frm2' class="button2" value='submit'/> Right now, the email (captured string) variable will show once the form is submitted (based on the "POST" function but i want to be able to capture and immediately insert the email address - if provided in the top URL on initial load. Is there a way to accomplish this with PHP or do I need JavaScript? Merry xmas and happy new in advance to you all. I have a web form where user submit an ad. Everything is working just fine. However there is a field name brief. The brief field is where user add info about their ad. Now people are including web url, phone numbers and email address in this field which make the ad look like spam. In the code there is already a function that check if they have entered their email address in the email field. I want to add a function to the check field to include the brief field. The function should either automatically delete any phone number/email addr/web url or replace with with my website name if detected in the brief field. Your help will be highly appreciated. Code: [Select] <?php function check_fields() { global $db_entry, $visible_val, $cat_fields, $email, $HTTP_POST_VARS, $photos_count, $phptomaxsize, $userfile, $prviewphotomax, $incl_prevphoto, $incl_mtmdfile, $mtmdfile_maxs, $userfile_name, $select_text, $msg2; if(!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { foreach ($HTTP_POST_VARS as $key5 => $value ) { $HTTP_POST_VARS[$key5]=addslashes($HTTP_POST_VARS[$key5]); } } foreach ( $cat_fields as $key => $value ) { $HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]=ereg_replace('<', '&#060;', $HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]); $HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]=ereg_replace('>', '&#062;', $HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]); if ($cat_fields[$key][2]=="minmax") { $HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]=ereg_replace(',', '', $HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]); $HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]=preg_replace ('/[A-Za-z]|\$|,|\?|\+/', "", $HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]); } if ($cat_fields[$key][4]=="date") { $key_d=$key."_dd"; $key_m=$key."_mm"; $key_y=$key."_yy"; $HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]=$HTTP_POST_VARS[$key_y]."-".$HTTP_POST_VARS[$key_m]."-".$HTTP_POST_VARS[$key_d]; if (($HTTP_POST_VARS[$key_m] > 12) or ($HTTP_POST_VARS[$key_m] < 1) or ($HTTP_POST_VARS[$key_d] > 31) or ($HTTP_POST_VARS[$key_d] < 1) or ($HTTP_POST_VARS[$key_y] < 1)) { $message=" <center> <font class='msgf2' > ".$msg2['incorr_date_f']." ".$cat_fields[$key][0]." </font> </center> "; output_mssg_ex($message); return; } } if ($cat_fields[$key][4]=="checkbox") { $aa5=split('<option>',$cat_fields[$key][7]); $i_aa5=0; foreach ($aa5 as $value1) { $i_aa5++; $namechbx=$key.$i_aa5; if ($HTTP_POST_VARS[$namechbx]!="") {$HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]=$HTTP_POST_VARS[$key].$HTTP_POST_VARS[$namechbx]."; ";} } } $str_length1=strlen($HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]); $aa4=split(':',$cat_fields[$key][3]); $fmaxsize=$aa4[1]; if ($aa4[2]!="") $fmaxsize=$aa4[2]; $fmaxsize=2*$fmaxsize; if ( $str_length1 > $fmaxsize) { $message=" <center> <font class='msgf2' > ".$msg2['Ad_info_in_field']." <font class='msgf1' >".$cat_fields[$key][0]." </font> ".$msg2['is_too_large_inf']."</font> </center> "; output_mssg_ex($message); return; } if ($HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]==$select_text) {$HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]="";} if ($cat_fields[$key][5]=='1') { if (( $HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]=="") or ( $HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]=="http://")) { $message=" <center> <font class='msgf2' > ".$msg2['Ad_field_c']." <font class='msgf1' > ".$cat_fields[$key][0]." </font> ".$msg2['was_mising_on_form']."</font> </center> "; output_mssg_ex($message); return; } } } if ($cat_fields['email'][5]=='1'){ $HTTP_POST_VARS['email']=check_email($HTTP_POST_VARS['email']); } for ($i=1; $i<=$photos_count; $i++) { $i1=$i-1; if (file_exists($userfile[$i1])){ if (filesize($userfile[$i1]) > $phptomaxsize) { $phptomaxsize1=$phptomaxsize/1000; $message=" <center> <font class='msgf2' > ".$msg2['Your_photo_n']." $i ( ".$userfile_name[$i1]." ) ".$msg2['is_too_large_ph']." < $phptomaxsize1 ".$msg2['Kbyte_v'].". </font></font> </center> "; output_mssg_ex($message); return; } } } if ($incl_prevphoto=="yes") { $i1++; if (file_exists($userfile[$i1])){ if (filesize($userfile[$i1]) > $prviewphotomax) { $prviewphotomax1=$prviewphotomax/1000; $message=" <center> <font class='msgf2' > ".$msg2['Your_preview_photo_d']." ( ".$userfile_name[$i1]." ) ".$msg2['is_too_large_prph']." < $prviewphotomax1 ".$msg2['Kbyte_v'].". </font></font> </center> "; output_mssg_ex($message); return; } } } if ($incl_mtmdfile=="yes") { $i1++; if (file_exists($userfile[$i1])){ if (filesize($userfile[$i1]) > $mtmdfile_maxs) { $mtmdfile_maxs1=$mtmdfile_maxs/1000; $message=" <center> <font class='msgf2' > ".$msg2['Your_multimedia_file']." ".$userfile_name[$i1]." ".$msg2['is_too_large_mmf']." < $mtmdfile_maxs1 ".$msg2['Kbyte_v'].". </font></font> </center> "; output_mssg_ex($message); return; } } } } function checknusrads() { global $cat_fields, $table_ads, $ct, $page, $adsonpage, $html_header, $html_footer, $usrads_chcktime, $usrads_max, $categories,$ch_nmusr, $REMOTE_ADDR, $msg2, $msg, $templ, $indx_url; $timech1=time() - $usrads_chcktime*86400; $sql_query="select count(idnum) from $table_ads where ipaddr1='$REMOTE_ADDR' and time > $timech1"; $sql_res=mysql_query("$sql_query"); $row=mysql_fetch_row($sql_res); $count=$row[0]; if ($count >= $usrads_max) { $message=" <font class='msgf2'> <center> ".$msg2['exceeded_max_n_ads']." ($usrads_max) ".$msg2['allowed_per_time_p']." ($usrads_chcktime ".$msg2['days_v']." <p> <font class='stfnt'> <a href='{$indx_url}md=browse&ipaddr1=$REMOTE_ADDR&visunvis=1'>".$msg2['Click_here_v']." </a> ".$msg2['to_see_your_ads']." </font> </center> </font> "; $thtml= " <center><table width='400'><tr><td> <font class='stfntb'> <b><a href='$indx_url'>".$msg['top'].":</a></b></font> <font class='stfntb'> <b> <a href='{$indx_url}ct=$ct'>".$categories[$ct][0]." </b></a> </font> <hr size='1'><p> $message <p><hr size='1'> </tr></td></table> </center> "; include($templ['msg']); return; } } function check_duplication() { global $pradsdupl, $HTTP_POST_VARS, $table_ads, $msg2, $ct, $indx_url; if ($pradsdupl=='yes'){ $email_d=$HTTP_POST_VARS['email']; $title_d=$HTTP_POST_VARS['title']; $dupl_k="0"; $time1=time() - 1000; $sql_query="select idnum from $table_ads where title='$title_d' and email='$email_d' and catname='$ct' and (time > $time1)"; $sql_res=mysql_query("$sql_query"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($sql_res)) { $dupl_id=$row['idnum']; $dupl_k="1"; } if ($dupl_k=="1"){ global $moderating; $title_d=stripslashes($title_d); if ($moderating!="yes"){ $ttlad1="<a href='{$indx_url}md=details&ct=$ct&id=$dupl_id'>$title_d (ID# $dupl_id)</a>"; } else {$ttlad1="<font color='#000077'>$title_d (ID# $dupl_id)</font>";} $message=" <center> <font FACE='ARIAL, HELVETICA' COLOR='#880000' > <b> ".$msg2['tried_duplicate_ad']." <br> $ttlad1 </font></b></font> </center> "; output_mssg_ex($message); return; } } } function submit_ad() { global $db_entry, $visible_val, $cat_fields, $email, $HTTP_POST_VARS, $ch_nmusr, $photo_url, $photo_path, $id_count, $userfile, $userfile_name, $visible_val, $html_header, $html_footer, $msg, $msg2, $paymgtw, $photos_url, $photos_path, $photos_count, $moderating, $ad_idnum, $sndadmnotif,$use_spmg, $templ; global $actadoptv; if($actadoptv=="yes"){$moderating="yes"; include_once("actlink.php");} global $usevrfcode; if ($usevrfcode=="yes"){include_once("vrfuncs.php"); if(!ch_vrcode()){return;}} if($paymgtw=="yes"){include("ecmc.php"); check_pmsubmit();} if ($ch_nmusr=="yes"){checknusrads();} check_fields(); ?> Many thanks again Hi guys, Here is what I have so far: What I am trying to do is instead of having Line 1 and Line 2, I want to just have one big textarea so I don't have to limit the user so much. I did it this way because I want to have two versions of text, the light version and the bold version. Is it possible to have two different fonts with just one textarea of text? Right now I have two functions: Quote ImageTTFText($image, $fontSize, $fontRotation, 435, 80, $color, $font1, wordwrap($first, 18, "\n", true)); ImageTTFText($image, $fontSize, $fontRotation, 485,120, $color_black, $font2, wordwrap($last, 18, "\n", true)); So I would limit that to just 1, and it would automatically wordwrap but what would I put for the $font variable? Is this even possible? I was thinking of just using BBCode so they could type in [b*]Bold Text[/b*] and it would use the Bold version of the font if it sees that. Any help is appreciated. Thanks! Here is the full code: Quote <?php $first = $_GET['first']; $last = $_GET['last']; $font_color = $_GET['color']; header("Content-type: image/png"); $image = imagecreatefrompng ( "banner_blank.png" ); $color_black = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0); $color_red = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 0, 0); if($font_color == "Red") { $color = $color_red; } elseif($font_color == "Black") { $color = $color_black; } $font1 = 'HelveticaNeueLTStd-BdEx.ttf'; $font2 = 'HelveticaNeueLTStd-LtEx.ttf'; $fontSize = "21"; ImageTTFText($image, $fontSize, $fontRotation, 435, 80, $color, $font1, wordwrap($first, 18, "\n", true)); ImageTTFText($image, $fontSize, $fontRotation, 485,120, $color_black, $font2, wordwrap($last, 18, "\n", true)); imagepng ( $image ); imagedestroy ( $image ); ?> I am not very advanced in web programming I need help..
I am using an API and my sql database. I would to implement live/ dynamic updates in the text field where user will input their text, and the web should first check the database then the api live. I would also like to retrieve the user input without refreshing the page, so the retrieved information regarding the inputted text should be automatically loaded without refreshing the page.
please help .
I am looking for a dynamic image script that handles word wrapping and possible font resizing. Basically, I have a dimensions, a font and a company name. So, lets say I am trying to make a 300x300 image for Bob's Boats in verdana. I want a script that not only creates the image, but tries to use up the available space (putting each word on a line, using a large font, horizontally and vertically aligning everything) Worst case I'll write my own, but the algorithm seems pretty complex. For example, lets say the companies name was: Chocolates in a Basket, it could be: Chocolates in a Basket Or: Chocolates in a Basket But never: Chocolates in a Basket Worst case, I might make it so that it supports 3 lines, but only ever puts the company name on 2 by default, and if the user wants to manually change it, they can. Even that isn't perfect though, because if the dimensions are something like 300x35, you wouldn't want a second line, let alone a 3rd. |