PHP - Warning: File_get_contents() Http Request Failed
Hey guys, every now and then some of my scripts that consistently access headers seem to fail to open the stream. I'm running about 1-50 of these shell scripts at once, but it doesn't seem to make a difference weather I have 1 or 50 scripts open at once. I was wondering if there was a way to tell PHP: Alright, so it failed to open the http stream, I want you to try again until it works. I just want it to try again until it works, because when it doesn't load certain headers, things go very wrong. Thanks.
Here's an example of the code where the problem occurs: $Attack = file_get_contents($MobLink."attack?user_id=".$UserID."&target_id=".$TargetID."&auth_key=".$AuthKey); xml_parse_into_struct($iP=xml_parser_create(), $Attack, $iS, $iX);xml_parser_free($iP); echo "$i :.:.: ".strip_tags($iS[$iX['MESSAGE'][0]]['value'])." :.:.:\n\n"; Similar TutorialsHey! I am trying to get a database table of users but am running into the error: Warning: file_get_contents( [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 500 in get_user_from_parameter(nabble:utilities.naml:890) - <> - public v in C:\xampp\htdocs\website4js\stanford\loadUsernames.php on line 32 I have looked it up and it may be a security thing...The urls I am getting are but the error adds an nodes& part that screws it up. Any way around this? Code: [Select] <?PHP $maxPage = 0; $mainPage = ""; $mainContent = file_get_contents($mainPage); $pattern = "/(?<=\"Page )\d\d+/"; preg_match_all($pattern, $mainContent, $pageNumb); //find the max page for($i=0;$i<sizeof($pageNumb[0]);$i++) { if($pageNumb[0][$i] > $maxPage) { $maxPage = $pageNumb[0][$i]; } } //echo('Max page is: '.$maxPage.'\n'); //Get an array of all the pages $pages = array(); for($i=1;$i<$maxPage;$i++) { $pages[$i] = "".($i*20); } //print_r($userPages); //Get personal page urls and add to MySQL mysql_connect("localhost" , "root") or die("Cant connect"); mysql_select_db("protegeusers") or die("Cant find database"); foreach($pages as $url) { $urlContents = file_get_contents($url); $pattern = "/http:\/\/protege-ontology-editor-knowledge-acquisition-system\.136\.n4\.nabble\.com\/template\/NamlServlet\.jtp\?macro=.+;user=\d+/"; preg_match_all($pattern, $urlContents, $personalPage); foreach($personalPage as $user) { for($i=0; $i<sizeof($user);$i++) { [color=green]$userContents = file_get_contents($user[$i]);[/color] $pattern1 = "/user\/SendEmail\.jtp\?type=user.+;user=\d+/"; $pattern2 = "/(?<=\">Send Email to ).+(?=<)/"; preg_match_all($pattern1, $userContents, $userEmail); preg_match_all($pattern2, $userContents, $username); [color=green]print_r($username); print_r($email);[/color] //$query = "INSERT INTO users (username, userurl) values ('$userName','$userUrl')"; //mysql_query($query); } } } ?> I am trying to figure how to code around this. I have a DOM scraper function that pulls urls from my database, opens the page, scrapes the data, and then moves onto the next URL to scrape. my issue is that if the page fails to load the script bombs and I have to restart it again. Trying to figure out how if the Code: [Select] $html->find('div[class="itemHeader address"]') as $div fails to open the page it just skips the DOM inspection. Here is my error... Failed to open stream: HTTP Request failed. Here is where I am at with my script.... Code: [Select] mysql_select_db("scraped") or die(mysql_error()); $result = mysql_query("SELECT PKEY, URL, HASSCRAPED, SHOULDSCRAPE FROM CRAWLED WHERE SHOULDSCRAPE ='1' AND HASSCRAPED = '0'") or die(mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $result )) { mysql_query("UPDATE CRAWLED SET CRAWLED.HASSCRAPED = '1' WHERE CRAWLED.URL = '" . $row['URL'] . "'"); $html = file_get_html($row['URL']); foreach($html->find('div[class="itemHeader address"]') as $div) { foreach($div->find('a') as $element){ $CleanData = CleanData($element->innertext); if (strlen($CleanData[0]) > 5){ mysql_query("INSERT INTO SCRAPED (ADDR1, CITY, STATE, ZIP, URL, DATE) VALUES ('" . $CleanData[0] . "','" . $CleanData[1] . "','" . $CleanData[2] . "','" . $CleanData[3] . "','". $row['URL'] . "','". date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s ' ) ."')"); } } } $html->clear(); unset($html); unset($CleanData); } function CleanData($data) { $NewData = trim($data); $NewData = str_replace("<em>", "", $NewData); $AddrCityStateZip = explode("</em>",$NewData); $CityStateZip = explode(",",$AddrCityStateZip[1]); $StateZip = explode(' ',$CityStateZip[1]); $NewDataArray = array ($AddrCityStateZip[0], $CityStateZip[0], $StateZip[1], $StateZip[2]); return $NewDataArray; unset($NewData); unset($AddrCityStateZip); unset($CityStateZip); unset($StateZip); } mysql_close($link); echo 'Scraping has compleated without error'; Ok, I'm having some trouble with file_get_contents failing & am trying to make a loop that will sleep & then retry a maximum of 3 times before giving up & moving to the next item. I tried using a while loop but I'm getting unexpected T_WHILE, which I assume is because it's already in a while loop? I found this: Code: [Select] $maxTries = "3"; for ($try=1; $try<=$maxTries; $try++) { but could use some clarification. Will that only trigger if it failes or do I need to include another if statement like Code: [Select] $myfile = file_get_contents(""); if ($myfile === FALSE) { $maxTries = "3"; for ($try=1; $try<=$maxTries; $try++) { sleep(3); $myfile = file_get_contents(""); } else { //continue with script I hope that makes sense...trying to explain it as best I can without having to post my actual source code as I've had it stolen off forums before & now I have a clone to compete with. I'm not great at putting this into words so if I need to clarify, please feel free to ask. I appreciate any & all help given. Thanks! I am trying to use the google maps to geocode a location but I get this error: Warning: file_get_contents( London,+Connecticut,+United States&sensor=false): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request Code: [Select] $location_request = "{$city},+{$real_state},+{$real_country}&sensor=false"; $geocode = file_get_contents($location_request); What am I doing wrong? I tried URL encoding the location request but that also didn't work. Here is my code, below. It is gathering the $url with the corret images. But poduces and error on line 50. Failed to open stream. No such file or directory. By this line: readfile($file_name); What Am I missing, beyond strong programmer mind set. Code: [Select] $merch_map = "http://spot_map"; $dir = "/opt/digistrive/tmp/media/current"; class merch_imgs { public function __construct() { $this->merch_imgs1(); } public function __call($method, $_) { $count = str_replace('merch_imgs', '', $method); echo "$count "; $this->{"merch_imgs" . ++$count}(); } } class thousand_printer extends merch_imgs { public function merch_imgs1000() {} } //03-2012. Location of merchant, if no image use place holder $thumbnails = implode(',', range(1, 10000)); $ext = ".png"; for($thumbnails = 0; $thumbnails < 10000; $thumbnails++) { $url = $merch_map.'/'.$thumbnails.''.$ext; echo $url . '<br>'; //echo '<img src='.$url.' border=0/>'; downloader($url, $dir); } function downloader($url){ $file_name = basename($url); $generated_files = geturl($url, $url); //file_put_contents($file_name); file_put_contents($url, $url = var_export($file_name,true)); $size=strlen($generated_files); if($size==0){exit(0);("<b>Error:</b>not found!");} //header('Content-type: application/force-download'); //header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . $file_name); //header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); //header('Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT'); //header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); //header('Pragma: public'); //header('Content-Length: ' . $size); readfile($file_name); unlink($file_name); } function geturl($url, $referer) { $headers[] = 'Accept: image/png'; $headers[] = 'Connection: Keep-Alive'; $headers[] = 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8'; $user_agent = 'ONLY_MY_HOST'; //$useragent = $url; $process = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $user_agent); curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_REFERER, $referer); curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30); curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); $return = curl_exec($process); curl_close($process); return $return; } //downloader($dir, $url); //Merchant Images if($url && $user_agent){ file_get_contents($url); die(); } I need to send two cookie name/value pairs to the page I am trying to open using file_get_contents, in order for the person viewing the page to have associated dynamic content, but it isn't working, and I'm wondering if I'm setting it up right: if(isset($_COOKIE['bwd_data']) && isset($_COOKIE['bwd'])){ $cookie_val = $_COOKIE['bwd_data']; $cookie_val2 = $_COOKIE['bwd']; $opts = array( 'http'=>array( 'method'=>"GET", 'header'=>"Accept-language: en\r\n" . "Cookie: bwd_data=" . $cookie_val . "\r\n" . "Cookie: bwd=" . $cookie_val2 ) ); $context = stream_context_create($opts); echo(file_get_contents(url::site('httperrors','http'), FALSE , $context)); }else{ echo(file_get_contents(url::site('httperrors','http'))); } I am trying to retrieve an xml file from a webservice. I cant use the original server since it gags on non latin characters, unicode?, that is what the LOC says. The other server does work with non latin characters BUT it is too slow with file_get_contents, takes a minute to get anything, so slow you cant even use it in the program. YET, retrieves the xml fast in the browser window. So, what can I do that will work fast like it should? Code: [Select] //original database server, file_get_contents is faster, about 3 to 10 seconds //$request= ''.$query.$test2.'&startRecord='.$offset.'&maximumRecords=20'; //new one that can handle non latin characters //file_get_contents is SLOW, so slow to be unusable, about a minute or more $request=''.$query.$test2.'&startRecord='.$offset.'&maximumRecords=20'; $raw_xml = file_get_contents($request); $filename = dirname(__FILE__)."/loc.xml"; $fp = fopen($filename, "w"); fwrite($fp, $raw_xml); fclose ($fp); Hi, I don't know very much about php. I don't know any at all, actually. I play a game called Roblox where you get to use the programming languange, "Lua" to script your own games. What I am requesting has been done before on this game, but I only know Lua. I was also told PHP cURL is needed. Anyways, let me get to the point. I am essentially trying to create a system on my webserver (You can send HTTP Requests to external sites in this game via script) that will essentially log into an account on Roblox, to perform a task. My current idea would be to have the Lua script send a request to my webserver with an generated code that would access the username and password of my roblox account (Which would be on the webserver). It would then perform a task. Is this a good way to go about this? If not, I am open to suggestions. If you can find the time to actually help me set this up on my webserver, I would greatly appreciate it! I'm also sorry if this is the wrong place for this post, I'm new here. I'm trying to integrate w/ a few APIs, and getting started is causing me fits. I'm using PHP locally to add common headers and as a contact form, and those are working fine. The Code: <?php require('HTTP/Request.php'); $url = ""; $request =& new HTTP_Request($url); $request->sendRequest(); $response = $request->getResponseBody(); ?> The Result: Warning: require(HTTP/Request.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/stodgy5/public_html/trackstart/start.php on line 3 Warning: require(HTTP/Request.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/stodgy5/public_html/trackstart/start.php on line 3 Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'HTTP/Request.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/home/stodgy5/php') in /home/stodgy5/public_html/trackstart/start.php on line 3 I'm assuming this is a directory issue, as my cPanel says Pear is installed. Any advice? It seems to me that this should be easy, but I can't find it in the manual or the on the web, and the values in $_SERVER don't suggest anything. Context: script A loads script B using HTTPS. Now script B has to load resources (images, style sheets, etc). Browsers often object to HTTP references from a script run by an HTTPS request, so script B should generate URLs that use HTTPS. Thus it has to know that it was loaded with HTTPS. I can do this by brute force if I have to (defining a "protocol" constant in the script itself), but I'd rather make the test automatic. Hi Guys,
Total PHP Noob here. I’ve run into a brick-wall and would appreciate some words of wisdom. I can do this with a browser: // will echo hello World I can’t do this with my server: <?php $url = ''; $contents = file_get_contents($url); echo ($contents); ?> It looks like the server-side HTTP -request never “touches” my Arduino-chip. No network activity detected. Obviously there is going to be a lot more data transfer happening but I need to solve this issue first. Is there anything I can do to make this work? Any and all input greatly appreciated. Cheers!!
Hello I am working on my graduation project and I have a critical problem with my php code and I am just beginner in php coding. I am reading from text file IDs of papers and want to link between the ID that I read form my text file and the XML file so that is my code : <?php $file = fopen("abstract/Temp_id.txt","r"); $ids; while(!feof($file)) { $ids = fgets($file); $xml = simplexml_load_file("abstract/$ids");//abstract is the folder which I save my files and //read from it $title="bibliomisc =".$xml->articleinfo[0]->bibliomisc; echo $title; echo"<a href=abstract/$ids title='Click to open '>$ids</a>"; } fclose($file); ?> BUT I worked on openssl and it is working if I give it the name of ID e.g. $xml = simplexml_load_file("abstract/8104317");//it is working but if I read from file I got that error Warning: simplexml_load_file() [function.simplexml-load-file]: I/O warning : failed to load external entity "8104317.xml " in /opt/lampp/htdocs/GP/xml_test.php on line 9 Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /opt/lampp/htdocs/GP/xml_test.php on line 12 Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /opt/lampp/htdocs/GP/xml_test.php on line 12 bibliomisc = 8104317.xml Warning: simplexml_load_file() [function.simplexml-load-file]: I/O warning : failed to load external entity "" in /opt/lampp/htdocs/GP/xml_test.php on line 9 Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /opt/lampp/htdocs/GP/xml_test.php on line 12 Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /opt/lampp/htdocs/GP/xml_test.php on line 12 bibliomisc = help please thanks I am testing a url for http post request. It connects to the site then it is disconnected. In fire fox it is giving error that the "connection was reset". In google chrome it is giving error that "Unable to load the webpage because the server sent no data". Following is the script. I am new to curl and also new to http request response. The provider of this site tells me that everything is ok and it is sending data but i am not getting any data or any header of this site. <?php $data = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Request><Source ClientID="test_xml" Password="1234" /><RequestDetails Language="En"><SearchHotelPriceRequest><ServiceDestination DestinationType="city" DestinationCode="477" /><ImmediateConfirmationOnly>1</ImmediateConfirmationOnly><PeriodOfStay><CheckInDate>2012-03-01</CheckInDate><Duration>3</Duration></PeriodOfStay><Rooms> <Room NumberOfRooms="1" NumberOfAdults="2" /> </Rooms></SearchHotelPriceRequest></RequestDetails></Request>'; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, ''); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, $data); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); $data = curl_exec($ch); curl_close ($ch); echo $data; ?> Hello I am a total beginner and don't know first thing about php, but still trying to figure this out. So what I am trying to achieve is, send a http request from a software to my website with a ticket number, is it possible in php to receive that request and show it on a different webpage of the same site? It would be helpful if you can point me to some related articles. Hello, If i am not posting this question at right location then i apologize for it. My problem is: I need to send HTTP get request to the webservice end point which must include the following http headers: GET / HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Authorization: WRAP access_token=AuthToken (here AuthToken is the Access Token String) Note: I am using OAuth for getting an access Token but for getting contents I need to send an HTTP get request. Any kind of help will be appreciated. Thanks Hey all, I viewed this tutorial and the guy used $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] to reference a view layout for his specific index file. So I tried to imitate and did exactly what he did, but for me I got the following error: Code: [Select] Warning: include(/Users/jmerlino/Sites/mark/public/diet/views/layouts/shop.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /Users/jmerlino/Sites/diet/index.php on line 22 Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '/Users/jmerlino/Sites/mark/public/diet/views/layouts/shop.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php') in /Users/jmerlino/Sites/diet/index.php on line 22 This is the php code that is causing this error: include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/'.'diet/views/layouts/'.$controller.'.php'); I'm not sure why it's going to: /Users/jmerlino/Sites/mark/public/diet/views/layouts/shop.php instead of: /Users/jmerlino/Sites/diet/views/layouts/shop.php Thanks for any response First thanks for any help that you can provide. I am somewhat new to PHP and this is the first "Web Service" I have had to create. THE GOAL: I need to pull XML data from another server. This company's API is setup so that you must give an IP and so you can only pull data from server to server instead of client to server. The data is pulled from the API using HTTP requests...very similar to YQL. (in essence the structured query is located in the URL). This API also requires that my server only ping's their server every 10-15 mins, in order to cut down on server requests. The logical thought in my head was to setup: a cron job to run a PHP script every 10 mins. The PHP scripts would then do the following: 1. Make the HTTP request 2. Open an existing file or create one (on my server) 3. Take the returned XML data from the API and write to the newly opened file. 4. Convert that XML to JSON. 5. Save the JSON 6. Cache the JSON file 7. STOP My thought was to use curl and fopen for the first 3 steps. I found a basic script that will do this on (as shown below). After that I am pretty much lost on how to proceed. Code: [Select] <?php $ch = curl_init(""); $fp = fopen("example_homepage.txt", "w"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); fclose($fp); ?> I would REALLY appreciate any help on this. Also, if you have the time to please comment and explain what you are doing in any code examples and why....that would HELP out a lot. I truly want to learn not just grab a snippet and run. So, your comments are vital for me. thank!!! My images generator comprises
an array of image names extracted form an images table from a database using a select statement
a random number generator,
and a string that builds the correct pathname for the selected file.
To select one of the images for display, i generate a random number between 1 and the length of the array.
Though the generator is working, I noticed one of the random numbers is throwing up this error:
Warning: getimagesize(images/): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in
An inspection of the array reveals 2 array elements (representing my number of images) but one array element is NULL ( the first entry in the banner table
require_once(''); $sql = 'SELECT `filename` FROM banner'; $result = $mysqli->query($sql, MYSQLI_STORE_RESULT) or die(mysqli_error()); $row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC);//an array of image names $count = $result->num_rows; for ($i = 1; $i <= $count; ++$i) { $row[$i] = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC); } $i = rand(1, $count); //a random number generator, //The random number is used in the final line to build the correct pathname for the selected file. $selectedImage = "images/{$row[$i]['filename']}"; if (file_exists($selectedImage) && is_readable($selectedImage)) { $imageSize = getimagesize($selectedImage); }var_dump($row) array (size=1) 'filename' => string 'ginsomin2.jpg' (length=13) nullRANDON IMAGE DISPLAY require_once 'image_generator.php'; <div id="banner" class="wrapper clearfix"> <img src="<?php echo $selectedImage; ?>" alt="banner"> </div>Kindly advice how i may proceed from here? Thanks. Doing something wrong, but don't see it. How should one retrieve a POST parameter? My $request->toArray()['html'] works, but I am sure it is not the "right way". <?php namespace App\DataPersister; use ApiPlatform\Core\DataPersister\DataPersisterInterface; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack; class ArchivePersister implements DataPersisterInterface { public function __construct(RequestStack $requestStack) { $request = $requestStack->getCurrentRequest(); syslog(LOG_ERR, '$request->getMethod(): '.$request->getMethod()); syslog(LOG_ERR, '$request->getContent(): '.$request->getContent()); syslog(LOG_ERR, '$request->request->get(html): '.$request->request->get('html')); syslog(LOG_ERR, '$request->query->get(html): '.$request->query->get('html')); syslog(LOG_ERR, '$request->get(html): '.$request->get('html')); syslog(LOG_ERR, '$request->toArray(): '.json_encode($request->toArray())); syslog(LOG_ERR, '$request->toArray()[html]: '.$request->toArray()['html']); } } output $request->getMethod(): POST $request->getContent(): {"project":"/projects/1","description":"","html":"<p>{{ project_name }}</p>"} $request->request->get(html): $request->query->get(html): $request->get(html): $request->toArray(): {"project":"\/projects\/1","description":"","html":"<p>{{ project_name }}<\/p>"} $request->toArray()[html]: <p>{{ project_name }}</p> Trying to run a simple program that, when submitted, stores the username and password as cookies. When clicking Submit, I get the error "HTTP Error 405 - The HTTP verb used to access this page is not allowed". If the username and password fields are left blank when submitting it's suppose to give a message to enter a username and password, but, I still get that error message. HTML form: Code: [Select] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <title>Week 1 Project--Cookies</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> </head> <body> <form action="cookie1.php" method="post"> <h2 align="center">Cookies</h2> <br /> <div> <p>Enter your username and password and click "Submit":</p><br /> <p>Username:<input type="text" name="username" size="20"></p> <p>Password:<input type="text" name="password" size="20"></p> </div> <br /> <div><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" /></div> <br /> <div> <input type="reset" name="Reset" value="Start Over" /> </div> </form> </body> </html> PHP file: Code: [Select] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <title>Cookie File</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> </head> <body> <div> <?php if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { setcookie('username', $_POST['username'], time() + 2592000); setcookie('password', $_POST['password'], time() + 2592000); } if(($_POST['username'] == "") || ($_POST['password'] == "")) { print "You must enter both a username and password. Press the Back button on your browser and try again."; } else if (isset($_COOKIE['username'])) { print "Welcome, " .$_COOKIE['username']; } ?> </div> </body> </html> |