PHP - Need Help With Part Of Php Code - Encryption!
I have one line that I can't understand of PHP code used to encrypt strings: $temp = ord(substr($str,$i,1)) ^ 203; I understand everything but this " ^203 " Can you explain me what it does? Similar TutorialsI need a simple two-way encryption algorithm that does not require mcrypt. What did PHP use for 2ways prior to mcrypt? The reason for this is installing mcrypt on our production server requires a recompile of PHP and I'm not keen on doing that on a production server. Security and bit-length of the algo is not that important. Please advise. Hi, I'm trying to add encryption to a signup for a college assignment, but find that after adding the sha1 and salt encryption the code does not work. The code worked before adding the encryption. Since adding the encryption I've also adding the corresponding fields for username and password into the sql database and double checked, and triple checked all the php, html form and MySQL tables and fields, but don't see any thing wrong. Can anybody else see any immediate problems with the code snippet below? If so, can you please let me know? session_start(); $salt = 'The sky is blue and all the trees are green'; $data = array_map('mysql_escape_string', $_POST); $password = sha1($data['password'].$salt); $query = " INSERT INTO customers ( first_name, last_name, address, mobile, email, username, password ) VALUES ( '{$data['first_name']}', '{$data['last_name']}', '{$data['address']}', '{$data['mobile']}', '{$data['email']}' '{$data['username']}', '$password' ) "; if(mysql_query($query)) { echo 'Your login details have been saved.'; } else { echo 'Your login details have not been saved.<br>'; echo 'Please try again later.'; } Thanks. is this part of code correct ? Code: [Select] $query = mysql_query("select * from username WHERE username='$username'"); if(mysql_query($query) > 0) { die("Username already in use."); } else { Hello All,
Apologies if i am going about this the incorrect way, but after over 8 hours of coding and not being able to solve my problem i am forced to seek help on forums for the first time.
I have a wordpress website and have installed a third party plugin that allows me to enter item details and display them front end to users who can then filter by category.
You can see the working example here and a screenshot highlighting the different sections here.
The plugin works fine, displaying products based on the category and sub category they are assigned to, however the layout becomes distorted when the screen size is reduced. Images have been included below:
Larger screen size
Smaller screen size
I have been doing some reading and i think that rather than using multiple <div> tags (as the plugin creator has done), i have instead tried to use 3 separate tables. (one for the sidebar, one for the main section, and then a table with two columns to hold each)
My plan is shown here.
I have successfully managed to re-code the sidebar on the left into a table, however i am struggling to modify the main section.
Unfortunately i cannot explain much about the code as it was not written by me, i can tell you that three are 3 different layouts available: Thumb, List and Detail.
I am only using Detail.
I have attempted to modify the code multiple times, but i cannot get the main table and list table to work correctly.
I have included the modified code where i have only changed the sidebar. I have kept the rest as standard to show you all what i am working with to begin with.
Points of interest:
I have been applying the main table at line 431 and ending it at 437.
I have been applying the list table at line 423.
The list table items (rows) begin at 558
<?php /* The function that creates the HTML on the front-end, based on the parameters * supplied in the product-catalog shortcode */ function Insert_Product_Catalog($atts) { // Include the required global variables, and create a few new ones global $wpdb, $categories_table_name, $subcategories_table_name, $tags_table_name, $tagged_items_table_name, $catalogues_table_name, $catalogue_items_table_name, $items_table_name; global $ReturnString, $ProdCats, $ProdSubCats, $ProdTags, $ProdCatString, $ProdSubCatString, $ProdTagString, $Catalogue_ID, $Catalogue_Layout_Format, $Catalogue_Sidebar, $Full_Version; $ReturnString = ""; $Filter = get_option("UPCP_Filter_Type"); $Color = get_option("UPCP_Color_Scheme"); $Links = get_option("UPCP_Product_Links"); $Detail_Image = get_option("UPCP_Details_Image"); $Pretty_Links = get_option("UPCP_Pretty_Links"); $Mobile_Style = get_option("UPCP_Mobile_SS"); $Pagination_Location = get_option("UPCP_Pagination_Location"); $CaseInsensitiveSearch = get_option("UPCP_Case_Insensitive_Search"); $Maintain_Filtering = get_option("UPCP_Maintain_Filtering"); $Products_Per_Page = get_option("UPCP_Products_Per_Page"); $ProductSearch = get_option("UPCP_Product_Search"); $Products_Pagination_Label = get_option("UPCP_Products_Pagination_Label"); $Product_Name_Search_Label = get_option("UPCP_Product_Name_Search_Label"); $No_Results_Found_Label = get_option("UPCP_No_Results_Found_Label"); if ($Products_Pagination_Label != "") {$Products_Pagination_Text = $Products_Pagination_Label;} else {$Products_Pagination_Text = __(' products', 'UPCP');} if ($Product_Search_Text_Label != "") {$Product_Name_Text = $Product_Name_Search_Label;} else { if ($ProductSearch == "namedesc" or $ProductSearch == "namedesccust") {$Product_Name_Text = __("Search...", 'UPCP');} else {$Product_Name_Text = __("Name...", 'UPCP');} } // Get the attributes passed by the shortcode, and store them in new variables for processing extract( shortcode_atts( array( "id" => "1", "excluded_layouts" => "None", "starting_layout" => "", "products_per_page" => "", "current_page" => 1, "sidebar" => "Yes", "only_inner" => "No", "ajax_reload" => "No", "ajax_url" => "", "request_count" => 0, "category" => "", "subcategory" => "", "tags" => "", "prod_name" => ""), $atts ) ); // Select the catalogue information from the database $Catalogue = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM $catalogues_table_name WHERE Catalogue_ID=" . $id); $CatalogueItems = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $catalogue_items_table_name WHERE Catalogue_ID=" . $id . " ORDER BY Position"); // Add any additional CSS in-line if ($Catalogue->Catalogue_Custom_CSS != "") { $HeaderBar .= "<style type='text/css'>"; $HeaderBar .= $Catalogue->Catalogue_Custom_CSS; $HeaderBar .= "</style>"; } if ($Detail_Image != "") { $HeaderBar .= "<style type='text/css'>"; $HeaderBar .= ".upcp-thumb-details-link, .upcp-list-details-link, .upcp-detail-details-link {"; $HeaderBar .= "background: url('" . $Detail_Image . "');"; $HeaderBar .= "}"; $HeaderBar .= "</style>"; } $Top_JS .= "<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'>"; if ($Maintain_Filtering == "Yes") {$Top_JS .= "var maintain_filtering = 'Yes';";} else {$Top_JS .= "var maintain_filtering = 'No';";} $Top_JS .= "</script>"; $HeaderBar .= $Top_JS; $HeaderBar .= "<form id='upcp-hidden-filtering-form' method='post'>"; $HeaderBar .= "<input type='hidden' id='upcp-selected-categories' name='categories' value='" . $_POST['categories'] . "' />"; $HeaderBar .= "<input type='hidden' id='upcp-selected-subcategories' name='subcategories' value='" . $_POST['subcategories'] . "' />"; $HeaderBar .= "<input type='hidden' id='upcp-selected-tags' name='tags' value='" . $_POST['tags'] . "' />"; $HeaderBar .= "<input type='hidden' id='upcp-selected-prod-name' name='prod_name' value='" . $_POST['prod_name'] . "' />"; $HeaderBar .= "</form>"; if (get_query_var('single_product') != "" or $_GET['SingleProduct'] != "") { $ReturnString .= $HeaderBar; $ReturnString .= SingleProductPage(); return $ReturnString; } $Catalogue_ID = $id; $Catalogue_Sidebar = $sidebar; $Starting_Layout = ucfirst($starting_layout); if ($excluded_layouts != "None") {$Excluded_Layouts = explode(",", $excluded_layouts);} else {$Excluded_Layouts = array();} if (isset($_GET['categories'])) {$category = explode(",", $_GET['categories']);} elseif (isset($_POST['categories']) and $_POST['categories'] != "") {$category = explode(",", $_POST['categories']);} elseif ($category == "") {$category = array();} else {$category = explode(",", $category);} if (isset($_GET['sub-categories'])) {$subcategory = explode(",", $_GET['sub-categories']);} elseif (isset($_POST['subcategories']) and $_POST['subcategories'] != "") {$subcategory = explode(",", $_POST['subcategories']);} elseif ($subcategory == "") {$subcategory = array();} else {$subcategory = explode(",", $subcategory);} if (isset($_GET['tags'])) {$tags = explode(",", $_GET['tags']);} elseif (isset($_POST['tags']) and $_POST['tags'] != "") {$tags = explode(",", $_POST['tags']);} elseif ($tags == "") {$tags = array();} else {$tags = explode(",", $tags);} if (isset($_POST['prod_name']) and $_POST['prod_name'] != "") {$prod_name = $_POST['prod_name'];} //Pagination early work if ($products_per_page == "") {$products_per_page = $Products_Per_Page;} if ($category != "" or $subcategory != "" or $tags != "" or $prod_name != "") {$Filtered = "Yes";} else {$Filtered = "No";} $ReturnString .= "<div class='upcp-Hide-Item' id='upcp-shortcode-atts'>"; $ReturnString .= "<div class='shortcode-attr' id='upcp-catalogue-id'>" . $id . "</div>"; $ReturnString .= "<div class='shortcode-attr' id='upcp-catalogue-sidebar'>" . $sidebar . "</div>"; $ReturnString .= "<div class='shortcode-attr' id='upcp-starting-layout'>" . $starting_layout . "</div>"; $ReturnString .= "<div class='shortcode-attr' id='upcp-current-layout'>" . $starting_layout . "</div>"; $ReturnString .= "<div class='shortcode-attr' id='upcp-exclude-layouts'>" . $excluded_layouts . "</div>"; $ReturnString .= "<div class='shortcode-attr' id='upcp-current-page'>" . $current_page . "</div>"; $ReturnString .= "<div class='shortcode-attr' id='upcp-default-search-text'>" . $Product_Name_Text . "</div>"; if ($ajax_reload == "Yes") {$ReturnString .= "<div class='shortcode-attr' id='upcp-base-url'>" . $ajax_url . "</div>";} else { $uri_parts = explode('?', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 2); if ($uri_parts[0] != "/") {$ReturnString .= "<div class='shortcode-attr' id='upcp-base-url'>" . $uri_parts[0] . "</div>";} else {$ReturnString .= "<div class='shortcode-attr' id='upcp-base-url'>/?" . $uri_parts[1] . "</div>";} } $ReturnString .= "</div>"; if (sizeOf($Excluded_Layouts)>0) {for ($i=0; $i<sizeOf($Excluded_Layouts); $i++) {$ExcludedLayouts[$i] = ucfirst(trim($Excluded_Layouts[$i]));}} else {$ExcludedLayouts = array();} if ($Starting_Layout == "") { if (!in_array("Thumbnail", $Excluded_Layouts)) {$Starting_Layout = "Thumbnail";} elseif (!in_array("List", $Excluded_Layouts)) {$Starting_Layout = "List";} else {$Starting_Layout = "Detail";} } // Make sure that the layout is set if ($layout_format != "Thumbnail" and $layout_format != "List") { if ($Catalogue->Catalogue_Layout_Format != "") {$format = $Catalogue->Catalogue_Layout_Format;} else {$format = "Thumbnail";} } else {$format = $layout_format;} // Arrays to store what categories, sub-categories and tags are applied to the product in the catalogue $ProdCats = array(); $ProdSubCats = array(); $ProdTags = array(); $ProdThumbString .= "<div id='prod-cat-" . $id . "' class='prod-cat thumb-display "; if ($Starting_Layout != "Thumbnail") {$ProdThumbString .= "hidden-field";} $ProdThumbString .= "'>\n"; $ProdThumbString .= "%upcp_pagination_placeholder_top%"; $ProdListString .= "<div id='prod-cat-" . $id . "' class='prod-cat list-display "; if ($Starting_Layout != "List") {$ProdListString .= "hidden-field";} $ProdListString .= "'>\n"; $ProdListString .= "%upcp_pagination_placeholder_top%"; $ProdDetailString .= "<div id='prod-cat-" . $id . "' class='prod-cat detail-display "; if ($Starting_Layout != "Detail") {$ProdDetailString .= "hidden-field";} $ProdDetailString .= "'>\n"; $ProdDetailString .= "%upcp_pagination_placeholder_top%"; $Product_Count = 0; foreach ($CatalogueItems as $CatalogueItem) { // If the item is a product, then simply call the AddProduct function to add it to the code if ($CatalogueItem->Item_ID != "" and $CatalogueItem->Item_ID != 0) { $Product = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM $items_table_name WHERE Item_ID=" . $CatalogueItem->Item_ID); $ProdTagObj = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT Tag_ID FROM $tagged_items_table_name WHERE Item_ID=" . $CatalogueItem->Item_ID); $ProdTag = ObjectToArray($ProdTagObj); $NameSearchMatch = SearchProductName($Product->Item_ID, $Product->Item_Name, $Product->Item_Description, $prod_name, $CaseInsensitiveSearch, $ProductSearch); if (sizeOf($tags) == 0) {$Tag_Check = "Yes";} else {$Tag_Check = CheckTags($tags, $ProdTag, $Tag_Logic);} if ($products_per_page < 1000000) {$Pagination_Check = CheckPagination($Product_Count, $products_per_page, $current_page, $Filtered);} else {$Pagination_Check = "OK";} if ($NameSearchMatch == "Yes") { if ($Product->Item_Display_Status != "Hide") { if (sizeOf($category) == 0 or in_array($Product->Category_ID, $category)) { if (sizeOf($subcategory) == 0 or in_array($Product->SubCategory_ID, $subcategory)) { if ($Tag_Check == "Yes") { if ($Pagination_Check == "OK") { $HeaderBar .= "<a id='hidden_FB_link-" . $CatalogueItem->Item_ID . "' class='fancybox' href='#prod-cat-addt-details-" . $CatalogueItem->Item_ID . "'></a>"; if (!in_array("Thumbnail", $ExcludedLayouts)) {$ProdThumbString .= AddProduct("Thumbnail", $CatalogueItem->Item_ID, $Product, $ProdTagObj, $ajax_reload, $ajax_url);} if (!in_array("List", $ExcludedLayouts)) {$ProdListString .= AddProduct("List", $CatalogueItem->Item_ID, $Product, $ProdTagObj, $ajax_reload, $ajax_url);} if (!in_array("Detail", $ExcludedLayouts)) {$ProdDetailString .= AddProduct("Detail", $CatalogueItem->Item_ID, $Product, $ProdTagObj, $ajax_reload, $ajax_url);} } $Product_Count++; }}}}} if ($ajax_reload == "No") {FilterCount($Product, $ProdTagObj);} unset($NameSearchMatch); } // If the item is a category, then add the appropriate extra HTML and call the AddProduct function // for each individual product in the category if ($CatalogueItem->Category_ID != "" and $CatalogueItem->Category_ID != 0) { if (sizeOf($category) == 0 or in_array($CatalogueItem->Category_ID, $category)) { $CatProdCount = 0; $Category = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT Category_Name FROM $categories_table_name WHERE Category_ID=" . $CatalogueItem->Category_ID); $ProdThumbString .= "<div id='prod-cat-category-" . $CatalogueItem->Category_ID . "' class='prod-cat-category upcp-thumb-category'>\n"; $ProdListString .= "<div id='prod-cat-category-" . $CatalogueItem->Category_ID . "' class='prod-cat-category upcp-list-category'>\n"; $ProdDetailString .= "<div id='prod-cat-category-" . $CatalogueItem->Category_ID . "' class='prod-cat-category upcp-detail-category'>\n"; $ProdThumbString .= "%Category_Label%"; $ProdListString .= "%Category_Label%"; $ProdDetailString .= "%Category_Label%"; $CatThumbHead = "<div id='prod-cat-category-label-" . $CatalogueItem->Category_ID . "' class='prod-cat-category-label upcp-thumb-category-label'>" . $Category->Category_Name ."</div>\n"; $CatListHead = "<div id='prod-cat-category-label-" . $CatalogueItem->Category_ID . "' class='prod-cat-category-label upcp-list-category-label'>" . $Category->Category_Name ."</div>\n"; $CatDetailHead = "<div id='prod-cat-category-label-" . $CatalogueItem->Category_ID . "' class='prod-cat-category-label upcp-detail-category-label'>" . $Category->Category_Name ."</div>\n"; $Products = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $items_table_name WHERE Category_ID=" . $CatalogueItem->Category_ID); foreach ($Products as $Product) { $ProdTagObj = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT Tag_ID FROM $tagged_items_table_name WHERE Item_ID=" . $Product->Item_ID); $ProdTag = ObjectToArray($ProdTagObj); $NameSearchMatch = SearchProductName($Product->Item_ID, $Product->Item_Name, $Product->Item_Description, $prod_name, $CaseInsensitiveSearch, $ProductSearch); if (sizeOf($tags) == 0) {$Tag_Check = "Yes";} else {$Tag_Check = CheckTags($tags, $ProdTag, $Tag_Logic);} if ($products_per_page < 1000000) {$Pagination_Check = CheckPagination($Product_Count, $products_per_page, $current_page, $Filtered);} else {$Pagination_Check = "OK";} if ($NameSearchMatch == "Yes") { if ($Product->Item_Display_Status != "Hide") { if (sizeOf($subcategory) == 0 or in_array($Product->SubCategory_ID, $subcategory)) { if ($Tag_Check == "Yes") { if ($Pagination_Check == "OK") { $HeaderBar .= "<a id='hidden_FB_link-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='fancybox' href='#prod-cat-addt-details-" . $Product->Item_ID . "'></a>"; if (!in_array("Thumbnail", $ExcludedLayouts)) {$ProdThumbString .= AddProduct("Thumbnail", $Product->Item_ID, $Product, $ProdTagObj, $ajax_reload, $ajax_url);} if (!in_array("List", $ExcludedLayouts)) {$ProdListString .= AddProduct("List", $Product->Item_ID, $Product, $ProdTagObj, $ajax_reload, $ajax_url);} if (!in_array("Detail", $ExcludedLayouts)) {$ProdDetailString .= AddProduct("Detail", $Product->Item_ID, $Product, $ProdTagObj, $ajax_reload, $ajax_url);} $CatProdCount++; } $Product_Count++; }}}} if ($ajax_reload == "No") {FilterCount($Product, $ProdTagObj);} unset($NameSearchMatch); } if ($CatProdCount > 0) { $ProdThumbString = str_replace("%Category_Label%", $CatThumbHead, $ProdThumbString); $ProdListString = str_replace("%Category_Label%", $CatListHead, $ProdListString); $ProdDetailString = str_replace("%Category_Label%", $CatDetailHead, $ProdDetailString); } else { $ProdThumbString = str_replace("%Category_Label%", "", $ProdThumbString); $ProdListString = str_replace("%Category_Label%", "", $ProdListString); $ProdDetailString = str_replace("%Category_Label%", "", $ProdDetailString); } $ProdThumbString .= "</div>"; $ProdListString .= "</div>"; $ProdDetailString .= "</div>"; }} // If the item is a sub-category, then add the appropriate extra HTML and call the AddProduct function // for each individual product in the sub-category if ($CatalogueItem->SubCategory_ID != "" and $CatalogueItem->SubCategory_ID != 0) { if (sizeOf($subcategory) == 0 or in_array($CatalogueItem->SubCategory_ID, $subcategory)) { $Products = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $items_table_name WHERE SubCategory_ID=" . $CatalogueItem->SubCategory_ID); foreach ($Products as $Product) { $ProdTagObj = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT Tag_ID FROM $tagged_items_table_name WHERE Item_ID=" . $Product->Item_ID); $ProdTag = ObjectToArray($ProdTagObj); $NameSearchMatch = SearchProductName($Product->Item_ID, $Product->Item_Name, $Product->Item_Description, $prod_name, $CaseInsensitiveSearch, $ProductSearch); if (sizeOf($tags) == 0) {$Tag_Check = "Yes";} else {$Tag_Check = CheckTags($tags, $ProdTag, $Tag_Logic);} if ($products_per_page < 1000000) {$Pagination_Check = CheckPagination($Product_Count, $products_per_page, $current_page, $Filtered);} else {$Pagination_Check = "OK";} if ($NameSearchMatch == "Yes") { if ($Product->Item_Display_Status != "Hide") { if (sizeOf($category) == 0 or in_array($Product->Category_ID, $category)) { if ($Tag_Check == "Yes") { if ($Pagination_Check == "OK") { $HeaderBar .= "<a id='hidden_FB_link-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='fancybox' href='#prod-cat-addt-details-" . $Product->Item_ID . "'></a>"; if (!in_array("Thumbnail", $ExcludedLayouts)) {$ProdThumbString .= AddProduct("Thumbnail", $Product->Item_ID, $Product, $ProdTagObj, $ajax_reload, $ajax_url);} if (!in_array("List", $ExcludedLayouts)) {$ProdListString .= AddProduct("List", $Product->Item_ID, $Product, $ProdTagObj, $ajax_reload, $ajax_url);} if (!in_array("Detail", $ExcludedLayouts)) {$ProdDetailString .= AddProduct("Detail", $Product->Item_ID, $Product, $ProdTagObj, $ajax_reload, $ajax_url);} } $Product_Count++; }}}} if ($ajax_reload == "No") {FilterCount($Product, $ProdTagObj);} unset($NameSearchMatch); } }} //if ($Pagination_Check == "Over") {break;} } if ($Product_Count == 0) { $ProdThumbString .= $No_Results_Found_Label; $ProdListString .= $No_Results_Found_Label; $ProdDetailString .= $No_Results_Found_Label; } $ProdThumbString .= "<div class='upcp-clear'></div>\n"; $ProdListString .= "<div class='upcp-clear'></div>\n"; $ProdDetailString .= "<div class='upcp-clear'></div>\n"; if ($Pagination_Location == "Bottom" or $Pagination_Location == "Both") { $ProdThumbString .= "%upcp_pagination_placeholder_bottom%"; $ProdListString .= "%upcp_pagination_placeholder_bottom%"; $ProdDetailString .= "%upcp_pagination_placeholder_bottom%"; /*$ProdThumbString .= "<div class='upcp-clear'></div>\n"; $ProdListString .= "<div class='upcp-clear'></div>\n"; $ProdDetailString .= "<div class='upcp-clear'></div>\n";*/ } $ProdThumbString .= "</div>\n"; $ProdListString .= "</div>\n"; $ProdDetailString .= "</div>\n"; if (in_array("Thumbnail", $ExcludedLayouts)) {unset($ProdThumbString);} if (in_array("List", $ExcludedLayouts)) {unset($ProdListString);} if (in_array("Detail", $ExcludedLayouts)) {unset($ProdDetailString);} //Deal with creating the page counter, if pagination is neccessary if ($Filtered == "Yes") {$Total_Products = $Product_Count;} else {$Total_Products = $Catalogue->Catalogue_Item_Count;} if ($Total_Products > $products_per_page) { $Num_Pages = ceil($Total_Products / $products_per_page); $PrevPage = max($current_page - 1, 1); $NextPage = min($current_page + 1, $Num_Pages); $PaginationString .= "<div class='catalogue-nav'>"; $PaginationString .= "<span class='displaying-num'>" . $Total_Products . $Products_Pagination_Text . "</span>"; $PaginationString .= "<span class='pagination-links'>"; $PaginationString .= "<a class='first-page' title='Go to the first page' href='#' onclick='UPCP_DisplayPage(\"1\")'>«</a>"; $PaginationString .= "<a class='prev-page' title='Go to the previous page' href='#' onclick='UPCP_DisplayPage(\"" . $PrevPage . "\")'>‹</a>"; $PaginationString .= "<span class='paging-input'>" . $current_page . __(' of ', 'UPCP') . "<span class='total-pages'>" . $Num_Pages . "</span></span>"; $PaginationString .= "<a class='next-page' title='Go to the next page' href='#' onclick='UPCP_DisplayPage(\"" . $NextPage . "\")'>›</a>"; $PaginationString .= "<a class='last-page' title='Go to the last page' href='#' onclick='UPCP_DisplayPage(\"" . $Num_Pages . "\")'>»</a>"; $PaginationString .= "</span>"; $PaginationString .= "</div>"; if ($current_page == 1) {$PaginationString = str_replace("first-page", "first-page disabled", $PaginationString);} if ($current_page == 1) {$PaginationString = str_replace("prev-page", "prev-page disabled", $PaginationString);} if ($current_page == $Num_Pages) {$PaginationString = str_replace("next-page", "next-page disabled", $PaginationString);} if ($current_page == $Num_Pages) {$PaginationString = str_replace("last-page", "last-page disabled", $PaginationString);} /*if ($current_page != 1) {$PaginationString .= "<a href='#' onclick='UPCP_DisplayPage(\"1\")>" . __('First', 'UPCP') . "</a>";} if ($current_page != 1) {$PaginationString .= "<a href='#' onclick='UPCP_DisplayPage(\"" . $current_page - 1 . "\")>" . __('Previous', 'UPCP') . "</a>";} $PaginationString .= "<span class='paging-input'>" . $current_page . __(' of ', 'UPCP') . "<span class='total-pages'>" . $Num_Pages . "</span></span>"; if ($current_page != $Num_Pages) {$PaginationString .= "<a href='#' onclick='UPCP_DisplayPage(\"" . $current_page + 1 . "\")>" . __('Next', 'UPCP') . "</a>";} if ($current_page != $Num_Pages) {$PaginationString .= "<a href='#' onclick='UPCP_DisplayPage(\"" . $Num_Pages . "\")>" . __('Last', 'UPCP') . "</a>";}*/ } if ($Pagination_Location == "Bottom") { $ProdThumbString = str_replace("%upcp_pagination_placeholder_top%", "", $ProdThumbString); $ProdListString = str_replace("%upcp_pagination_placeholder_top%", "", $ProdListString); $ProdDetailString = str_replace("%upcp_pagination_placeholder_top%", "", $ProdDetailString); } if ($Pagination_Location == "Top") { $ProdThumbString = str_replace("%upcp_pagination_placeholder_bottom%", "", $ProdThumbString); $ProdListString = str_replace("%upcp_pagination_placeholder_bottom%", "", $ProdListString); $ProdDetailString = str_replace("%upcp_pagination_placeholder_bottom%", "", $ProdDetailString); } $ProdThumbString = str_replace("%upcp_pagination_placeholder_top%", $PaginationString, $ProdThumbString); $ProdListString = str_replace("%upcp_pagination_placeholder_top%", $PaginationString, $ProdListString); $ProdDetailString = str_replace("%upcp_pagination_placeholder_top%", $PaginationString, $ProdDetailString); $ProdThumbString = str_replace("%upcp_pagination_placeholder_bottom%", $PaginationString, $ProdThumbString); $ProdListString = str_replace("%upcp_pagination_placeholder_bottom%", $PaginationString, $ProdListString); $ProdDetailString = str_replace("%upcp_pagination_placeholder_bottom%", $PaginationString, $ProdDetailString); // Create string from the arrays, should use the implode function instead foreach ($ProdCats as $key=>$value) {$ProdCatString .= $key . ",";} $ProdCatString = trim($ProdCatString, " ,"); foreach ($ProdSubCats as $key=>$value) {$ProdSubCatString .= $key . ",";} $ProdSubCatString = trim($ProdSubCatString, " ,"); foreach ($ProdTags as $key=>$value) {$ProdTagString .= $key . ",";} $ProdTagString = trim($ProdTagString, " ,"); // If the sidebar is requested, add it if (($sidebar == "Yes" or $sidebar == "yes" or $sidebar == "YES") and $only_inner != "Yes") { $SidebarString = BuildSidebar($category, $subcategory, $tags, $prod_name); } if ($Mobile_Style == "Yes") { $MobileMenuString .= "<div id='prod-cat-mobile-menu' class='upcp-mobile-menu'>\n"; $MobileMenuString .= "<div id='prod-cat-mobile-search'>\n"; if ($Tag_Logic == "OR") {$MobileMenuString .= "<input type='text' id='upcp-mobile-search' class='jquery-prod-name-text mobile-search' name='Mobile_Search' value='" . __('Product Name', 'UPCP') . "...' onfocus='FieldFocus(this);' onblur='FieldBlur(this);' onkeyup='UPCP_Filer_Results_OR();'>\n";} else {$MobileMenuString .= "<input type='text' id='upcp-mobile-search' class='jquery-prod-name-text mobile-search' name='Mobile_Search' value='" . __('Product Name', 'UPCP') . "...' onfocus='FieldFocus(this);' onblur='FieldBlur(this);' onkeyup='UPCP_Filer_Results();'>\n";} $MobileMenuString .= "</div>"; $MobileMenuString .= "</div>"; } $HeaderBar .= "<div class='prod-cat-header-div " . $Color . "-prod-cat-header-div'>"; $HeaderBar .= "<div class='prod-cat-header-padding'></div>"; $HeaderBar .= "<div id='starting-layout' class='hidden-field'>" . $Starting_Layout . "</div>"; if (!in_array("Thumbnail", $ExcludedLayouts)) { $HeaderBar .= "<a href='#' onclick='ToggleView(\"Thumbnail\");return false;' title='Thumbnail'><div class='upcp-thumb-toggle-icon " . $Color . "-thumb-icon'></div></a>"; } if (!in_array("List", $ExcludedLayouts)) { $HeaderBar .= "<a href='#' onclick='ToggleView(\"List\"); return false;' title='List'><div class='upcp-list-toggle-icon " . $Color . "-list-icon'></div></a>"; } if (!in_array("Detail", $ExcludedLayouts)) { $HeaderBar .= "<a href='#' onclick='ToggleView(\"Detail\"); return false;' title='Detail'><div class='upcp-details-toggle-icon " . $Color . "-details-icon'></div></a>"; } $HeaderBar .= "<div class='upcp-clear'></div>"; $HeaderBar .= "</div>"; $Bottom_JS .= "<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'>"; if (isset($_GET['Product_ID'])) {$Bottom_JS .= "jQuery(window).load(OpenProduct('" . $_GET['Product_ID'] . "'));";} $Bottom_JS .= "</script>"; $InnerString .= "<div class='prod-cat-inner'>" . $ProdThumbString . "<div class='upcp-clear'></div>" . $ProdListString . "<div class='upcp-clear'></div>" . $ProdDetailString . "<div class='upcp-clear'></div></div>"; if ($only_inner == "Yes") { $ReturnArray['request_count'] = $request_count; $ReturnArray['message'] = $InnerString; return json_encode($ReturnArray); } $ReturnString .= "<div class='prod-cat-container'>"; $ReturnString .= $HeaderBar; $ReturnString .= $MobileMenuString; $ReturnString .= $InnerString; $ReturnString .= $SidebarString; $ReturnString .= $Bottom_JS; $ReturnString .= "<div class='upcp-clear'></div></div>"; return $ReturnString; } /* Function to add the HTML for an individual product to the catalog */ function AddProduct($format, $Item_ID, $Product, $Tags, $AjaxReload = "No", $AjaxURL = "") { // Add the required global variables global $wpdb, $categories_table_name, $subcategories_table_name, $tags_table_name, $tagged_items_table_name, $catalogues_table_name, $catalogue_items_table_name, $items_table_name, $item_images_table_name; global $ProdCats, $ProdSubCats, $ProdTags, $ReturnString; $ReadMore = get_option("UPCP_Read_More"); $Links = get_option("UPCP_Product_Links"); $Pretty_Links = get_option("UPCP_Pretty_Links"); $Detail_Desc_Chars = get_option("UPCP_Desc_Chars"); $CF_Conversion = get_option("UPCP_CF_Conversion"); $Details_Label = get_option("UPCP_Details_Label"); if ($Details_Label != "") {$Details_Text = $Details_Label;} else {$Details_Text = __("Details", 'UPCP');} if ($Links == "New") {$NewWindow = true;} else {$NewWindow = false;} if ($CF_Conversion != "No") {$Description = ConvertCustomFields($Product->Item_Description);} else {$Description = $Product->Item_Description;} $Description = str_replace("[upcp-price]", $Product->Item_Price, $Description); //Select the product info, tags and images for the product $Item_Images = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT Item_Image_URL, Item_Image_ID FROM $item_images_table_name WHERE Item_ID=" . $Item_ID); $TagsString = ""; if ($Product->Item_Photo_URL != "" and strlen($Product->Item_Photo_URL) > 7 and substr($Product->Item_Photo_URL, 0, 7) != "http://") { $PhotoCode = $Product->Item_Photo_URL; $PhotoCode = do_shortcode($PhotoCode); } elseif ($Product->Item_Photo_URL != "" and strlen($Product->Item_Photo_URL) > 7) { $PhotoURL = htmlspecialchars($Product->Item_Photo_URL, ENT_QUOTES); $PhotoCode = "<img src='" . $PhotoURL . "' alt='" . $Product->Item_Name . " Image' id='prod-cat-thumb-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-thumb-image upcp-thumb-image'>"; } else { $PhotoURL = plugins_url('ultimate-product-catalogue/images/No-Photo-Available.jpg'); $PhotoCode = "<img src='" . $PhotoURL . "' alt='" . $Product->Item_Name . " Image' id='prod-cat-thumb-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-thumb-image upcp-thumb-image'>"; } //Create the tag string for filtering foreach ($Tags as $Tag) {$TagsString .= $Tag->Tag_ID . ", ";} $TagsString = trim($TagsString, " ,"); // Check whether the FancyBox for WordPress plugin is activated $plugin = "fancybox-for-wordpress/fancybox.php"; include_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' ); $FancyBox_Installed = is_plugin_active($plugin); $uri_parts = explode('?', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 2); $FB_Perm_URL = $uri_parts[0] . "?" . $uri_parts[1]; if ($uri_parts[1] == "") {$FB_Perm_URL .= "Product_ID=" . $Product->Item_ID;} else {$FB_Perm_URL .= "&Product_ID=" . $Product->Item_ID;} if ($AjaxReload == "Yes") {$Base = $AjaxURL;} else {$Base = $uri_parts[0];} if ($Product->Item_Link != "") {$ItemLink = $Product->Item_Link;} elseif ($FancyBox_Installed) {$ItemLink = "#prod-cat-addt-details-" . $Product->Item_ID; $FancyBoxClass = true;} elseif ($Pretty_Links == "Yes") {$ItemLink = $Base . "product/" . $Product->Item_Slug . "/?" . $uri_parts[1];} else {$ItemLink = $Base . "?" . $uri_parts[1] . "&SingleProduct=" . $Product->Item_ID;} //Create the listing for the thumbnail layout display if ($format == "Thumbnail") { $ProductString .= "<div id='prod-cat-item-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-item upcp-thumb-item'>\n"; $ProductString .= "<div id='prod-cat-thumb-div-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-thumb-image-div upcp-thumb-image-div'>"; $ProductString .= "<a class='upcp-catalogue-link "; if ($FancyBoxClass and !$NewWindow) {$ProductString .= "fancybox";} $ProductString .= "' "; if ($NewWindow) {$ProductString .= "target='_blank'";} $ProductString .= " href='" . $ItemLink . "' onclick='RecordView(" . $Product->Item_ID . ");'>"; $ProductString .= $PhotoCode; $ProductString .= "</a>"; $ProductString .= "</div>\n"; $ProductString .= "<div id='prod-cat-title-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-title upcp-thumb-title'>"; $ProductString .= "<a class='upcp-catalogue-link "; if ($FancyBoxClass and !$NewWindow) {$ProductString .= "fancybox";} $ProductString .= " no-underline'"; if ($NewWindow) {$ProductString .= "target='_blank'";} $ProductString .= " href='" . $ItemLink . "' onclick='RecordView(" . $Product->Item_ID . ");'>" . $Product->Item_Name . "</a>"; $ProductString .= AddCustomFields($Product->Item_ID, "thumbs"); $ProductString .= "</div>\n"; $ProductString .= "<div id='prod-cat-price-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-price upcp-thumb-price'>" . $Product->Item_Price . "</div>\n"; $ProductString .= "<a class='upcp-catalogue-link "; if ($FancyBoxClass and !$NewWindow) {$ProductString .= "fancybox";} $ProductString .= "' "; if ($NewWindow) {$ProductString .= "target='_blank'";} $ProductString .= " href='" . $ItemLink . "' onclick='RecordView(" . $Product->Item_ID . ");'>"; $ProductString .= "<div id='prod-cat-details-link-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-details-link upcp-thumb-details-link'>" . $Details_Text . "</div>\n"; $ProductString .= "</a>"; } //Create the listing for the list layout display if ($format == "List") { $ProductString .= "<div id='prod-cat-item-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-item upcp-list-item'>\n"; $ProductString .= "<div id='prod-cat-title-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-title upcp-list-title' onclick='ToggleItem(" . $Product->Item_ID . ");'>" . $Product->Item_Name . "</div>\n"; $ProductString .= "<div id='prod-cat-price-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-price upcp-list-price' onclick='ToggleItem(" . $Product->Item_ID . ");'>" . $Product->Item_Price . "</div>\n"; $ProductString .= "<div id='prod-cat-details-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-details upcp-list-details hidden-field'>\n"; $ProductString .= "<div id='prod-cat-thumb-div-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-thumb-image-div upcp-list-image-div'>"; $ProductString .= "<a class='upcp-catalogue-link "; if ($FancyBoxClass and !$NewWindow) {$ProductString .= "fancybox";} $ProductString .= "' "; if ($NewWindow) {$ProductString .= "target='_blank'";} $ProductString .= " href='" . $ItemLink . "' onclick='RecordView(" . $Product->Item_ID . ");'>"; $ProductString .= $PhotoCode; $ProductString .= "</a>"; $ProductString .= "</div>\n"; $ProductString .= "<div id='prod-cat-desc-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-desc upcp-list-desc'>" . $Description . "</div>\n"; $ProductString .= "<a class='upcp-catalogue-link "; if ($FancyBoxClass and !$NewWindow) {$ProductString .= "fancybox";} $ProductString .= "' "; if ($NewWindow) {$ProductString .= "target='_blank'";} $ProductString .= " href='" . $ItemLink . "' onclick='RecordView(" . $Product->Item_ID . ");'>"; $ProductString .= "<div id='prod-cat-details-link-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-details-link upcp-list-details-link'>" . __("Images", 'UPCP') . "</div>\n"; $ProductString .= "</a>"; $ProductString .= "</div>"; } //Create the listing for the detail layout display if ($format == "Detail") { $ProductString .= "<div id='prod-cat-item-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-item upcp-detail-item'>\n"; $ProductString .= "<div id='prod-cat-detail-div-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-detail-image-div upcp-detail-image-div'>"; $ProductString .= "<a class='upcp-catalogue-link "; if ($FancyBoxClass and !$NewWindow) {$ProductString .= "fancybox";} $ProductString .= "' "; if ($NewWindow) {$ProductString .= "target='_blank'";} $ProductString .= " href='" . $ItemLink . "' onclick='RecordView(" . $Product->Item_ID . ");'>"; $ProductString .= $PhotoCode; $ProductString .= "</a>"; $ProductString .= "</div>\n"; $ProductString .= "<div id='prod-cat-mid-div-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-mid-detail-div upcp-mid-detail-div'>"; $ProductString .= "<div id='prod-cat-title-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-title upcp-detail-title'>" . $Product->Item_Name . "</div>\n"; if ($ReadMore == "Yes") {$ProductString .= "<div id='prod-cat-desc-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-desc upcp-detail-desc'>" . strip_tags(substr($Description, 0, $Detail_Desc_Chars));} else {$ProductString .= "<div id='prod-cat-desc-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-desc upcp-detail-desc'>" . strip_tags($Description);} if ($ReadMore == "Yes") { if (strlen($Description) > $Detail_Desc_Chars) { $ProductString .= "... <a class='upcp-catalogue-link "; if ($FancyBoxClass and !$NewWindow) {$ProductString .= "fancybox";} $ProductString .= "' "; if ($NewWindow) {$ProductString .= "target='_blank'";} $ProductString .= " href='" . $ItemLink . "' onclick='RecordView(" . $Product->Item_ID . ");'>" . __("Read More", 'UPCP') . "</a>"; } } $ProductString .= AddCustomFields($Product->Item_ID, "details"); $ProductString .= "</div>\n"; $ProductString .= "</div>"; $ProductString .= "<div id='prod-cat-end-div-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-end-detail-div upcp-end-detail-div'>"; $ProductString .= "<div id='prod-cat-price-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-price upcp-detail-price'>" . $Product->Item_Price . "</div>\n"; $ProductString .= "<a class='upcp-catalogue-link "; if ($FancyBoxClass and !$NewWindow) {$ProductString .= "fancybox";} $ProductString .= "' "; if ($NewWindow) {$ProductString .= "target='_blank'";} $ProductString .= " href='" . $ItemLink . "' onclick='RecordView(" . $Product->Item_ID . ");'>"; $ProductString .= "<div id='prod-cat-details-link-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-details-link upcp-detail-details-link'>" . $Details_Text . "</div>\n"; $ProductString .= "</a>"; $ProductString .= "</div>"; } if ($FancyBox_Installed) { $ProductString .= "<div style='display:none;' id='upcp-fb-" . $Product->Item_ID . "'>"; $ProductString .= "<div id='prod-cat-addt-details-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-addt-details'>"; $ProductString .= "<div id='prod-cat-addt-details-thumbs-div-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-addt-details-thumbs-div'>"; $ProductString .= "<img src='" . $PhotoURL . "' id='prod-cat-addt-details-thumb-P". $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-addt-details-thumb' onclick='ZoomImage(\"" . $Product->Item_ID . "\", \"0\");'>"; foreach ($Item_Images as $Image) {$ProductString .= "<img src='" . htmlspecialchars($Image->Item_Image_URL, ENT_QUOTES) . "' id='prod-cat-addt-details-thumb-". $Image->Item_Image_ID . "' class='prod-cat-addt-details-thumb' onclick='ZoomImage(\"" . $Product->Item_ID . "\", \"" . $Image->Item_Image_ID . "\");'>";} $ProductString .= "</div>"; $ProductString .= "<div id='prod-cat-addt-details-right-div-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-addt-details-right-div'>"; $ProductString .= "<h2 class='prod-cat-addt-details-title'><a class='no-underline' href='http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $FB_Perm_URL . "'>" . $Product->Item_Name . "<img class='upcp-product-url-icon' src='" . get_bloginfo('wpurl') . "/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-product-catalogue/images/insert_link.png' /></a></h2>"; $ProductString .= "<div id='prod-cat-addt-details-main-div-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-addt-details-main-div'>"; $ProductString .= "<a class='upcp-no-pointer' onclick='return false'>"; $ProductString .= "<img src='" . $PhotoURL . "' alt='" . $Product->Item_Name . " Image' id='prod-cat-addt-details-main-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-addt-details-main'>"; $ProductString .= "</a>"; $ProductString .= "</div>"; $ProductString .= "<div class='upcp-clear'></div>"; $ProductString .= "<div id='prod-cat-addt-details-desc-div-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-addt-details-desc-div'>"; $ProductString .= $Description; $ProductString .= AddCustomFields($Product->Item_ID, "details"); $ProductString .= "</div>"; $ProductString .= "</div></div></div>"; //$ProductString .= "</div>"; } // Add hidden fields with the category, sub-category and tag ID's for each product $ProductString .= "<div id='prod-cat-category-jquery-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-category-jquery jquery-hidden'> " . $Product->Category_ID . ",</div>\n"; $ProductString .= "<div id='prod-cat-subcategory-jquery-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-subcategory-jquery jquery-hidden'> " . $Product->SubCategory_ID . ",</div>\n"; $ProductString .= "<div id='prod-cat-tag-jquery-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-tag-jquery jquery-hidden'> " . $TagsString . ",</div>\n"; $ProductString .= "<div id='prod-cat-title-jquery-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-title-jquery jquery-hidden'> " . $Product->Item_Name . ",</div>\n"; $ProductString .= "<div class='upcp-clear'></div>\n"; $ProductString .= "</div>\n"; return $ProductString; } function SingleProductPage() { global $wpdb, $items_table_name, $item_images_table_name, $fields_table_name, $fields_meta_table_name, $tagged_items_table_name, $tags_table_name; $Pretty_Links = get_option("UPCP_Pretty_Links"); $Filter_Title = get_option("UPCP_Filter_Title"); $Single_Page_Price = get_option("UPCP_Single_Page_Price"); $Custom_Product_Page = get_option("UPCP_Custom_Product_Page"); $Product_Page_Serialized = get_option("UPCP_Product_Page_Serialized"); $Mobile_Product_Page_Serialized = get_option("UPCP_Product_Page_Serialized_Mobile"); $PP_Grid_Width = get_option("UPCP_PP_Grid_Width"); $PP_Grid_Height = get_option("UPCP_PP_Grid_Height"); $Top_Bottom_Padding = get_option("UPCP_Top_Bottom_Padding"); $Left_Right_Padding = get_option("UPCP_Left_Right_Padding"); $CF_Conversion = get_option("UPCP_CF_Conversion"); $Back_To_Catalogue_Label = get_option("UPCP_Back_To_Catalogue_Label"); if ($Back_To_Catalogue_Label != "") {$Back_To_Catalogue_Text = $Back_To_Catalogue_Label;} else {$Back_To_Catalogue_Text = __("Back to Catalogue", 'UPCP');} if ($Pretty_Links == "Yes") {$Product = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM $items_table_name WHERE Item_Slug='" . trim(get_query_var('single_product'), "/? ") . "'");} else {$Product = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM $items_table_name WHERE Item_ID='" . $_GET['SingleProduct'] . "'");} $Item_Images = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT Item_Image_URL, Item_Image_ID FROM $item_images_table_name WHERE Item_ID=" . $Product->Item_ID); $Links = get_option("UPCP_Product_Links"); if ($CF_Conversion != "No") {$Description = ConvertCustomFields($Product->Item_Description);} else {$Description = $Product->Item_Description;} $Description = str_replace("[upcp-price]", $Product->Item_Price, $Description); $Description = do_shortcode($Description); //Edit the title if that option has been selected if ($Filter_Title == "Yes") { add_action( 'init', 'UPCP_Filter_Title', 20, $Product->Item_Name); } //Create the tag string for filtering $Tags = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT Tag_ID FROM $tagged_items_table_name WHERE Item_ID=" . $Product->Item_ID); if (is_array($Tags)) { foreach ($Tags as $Tag) { $TagInfo = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT Tag_Name FROM $tags_table_name WHERE Tag_ID=" . $Tag->Tag_ID); $TagsString .= $TagInfo->Tag_Name . ", "; } } $TagsString = trim($TagsString, " ,"); if ($Product->Item_Photo_URL != "" and strlen($Product->Item_Photo_URL) > 7 and substr($Product->Item_Photo_URL, 0, 7) != "http://") { $PhotoCode = $Product->Item_Photo_URL; $PhotoCode = do_shortcode($PhotoCode); } elseif ($Product->Item_Photo_URL != "" and strlen($Product->Item_Photo_URL) > 7) { $PhotoURL = htmlspecialchars($Product->Item_Photo_URL, ENT_QUOTES); $PhotoCode .= "<img src='" . $PhotoURL . "' alt='" . $Product->Item_Name . " Image' id='prod-cat-addt-details-main-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-addt-details-main'>"; $PhotoCodeMobile .= "<img src='" . $PhotoURL . "' alt='" . $Product->Item_Name . " Image' id='prod-cat-addt-details-main-mobile-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-addt-details-main'>"; } else { $PhotoURL = plugins_url('ultimate-product-catalogue/images/No-Photo-Available.jpg'); $PhotoCode .= "<img src='" . $PhotoURL . "' alt='" . $Product->Item_Name . " Image' id='prod-cat-addt-details-main-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-addt-details-main'>"; $PhotoCodeMobile .= "<img src='" . $PhotoURL . "' alt='" . $Product->Item_Name . " Image' id='prod-cat-addt-details-main-mobile-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-addt-details-main'>"; } $uri_parts = explode('?', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 2); $SP_Perm_URL = $uri_parts[0] . "?" . $uri_parts[1]; $Return_URL = $uri_parts[0]; if ($Pretty_Links == "Yes") {$Return_URL = substr($uri_parts[0], 0, strrpos($uri_parts[0], "/", -2)-8) . "/?" . $uri_parts[1];} elseif ($uri_parts[0] == "/") {$Return_URL .= "?" . substr($uri_parts[1], 0, strpos($uri_parts[1], "&"));} if ($uri_parts[1] == "") {$SP_Perm_URL .= "Product_ID=" . $Product->Item_ID;} else {$SP_Perm_URL .= "&Product_ID=" . $Product->Item_ID;} if ($Custom_Product_Page == "No") { $ProductString .= "<div class='upcp-standard-product-page'>"; $ProductString .= "<div class='prod-cat-back-link'>"; $ProductString .= "<a class='upcp-catalogue-link' href='" . $Return_URL . "'>« " . $Back_To_Catalogue_Text . "</a>"; $ProductString .= "</div>"; $ProductString .= "<div id='prod-cat-addt-details-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-addt-details'>"; $ProductString .= "<div id='prod-cat-addt-details-thumbs-div-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-addt-details-thumbs-div'>"; if (isset($PhotoURL)) {$ProductString .= "<img src='" . $PhotoURL . "' id='prod-cat-addt-details-thumb-P". $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-addt-details-thumb' onclick='ZoomImage(\"" . $Product->Item_ID . "\", \"0\");'>";} foreach ($Item_Images as $Image) {$ProductString .= "<img src='" . htmlspecialchars($Image->Item_Image_URL, ENT_QUOTES) . "' id='prod-cat-addt-details-thumb-". $Image->Item_Image_ID . "' class='prod-cat-addt-details-thumb' onclick='ZoomImage(\"" . $Product->Item_ID . "\", \"" . $Image->Item_Image_ID . "\");'>";} $ProductString .= "</div>"; $ProductString .= "<div id='prod-cat-addt-details-right-div-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-addt-details-right-div'>"; $ProductString .= "<h2 class='prod-cat-addt-details-title'><a class='no-underline' href='http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $SP_Perm_URL . "'>" . $Product->Item_Name . "<img class='upcp-product-url-icon' src='" . get_bloginfo('wpurl') . "/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-product-catalogue/images/insert_link.png' /></a></h2>"; if ($Single_Page_Price == "Yes") {$ProductString .= "<h3 class='prod-cat-addt-details-price'>" . $Product->Item_Price . "</h3>";} $ProductString .= "<div id='prod-cat-addt-details-main-div-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-addt-details-main-div'>"; $ProductString .= $PhotoCode; $ProductString .= "</div>"; $ProductString .= "<div class='upcp-clear'></div>"; $ProductString .= "<div id='prod-cat-addt-details-desc-div-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-addt-details-desc-div'>"; $ProductString .= $Description . "</div>"; $ProductString .= "<div class='upcp-clear'></div>\n"; $ProductString .= "</div>\n"; $ProductString .= "</div>\n"; $ProductString .= "</div>\n"; $ProductString .= "<div class='upcp-standard-product-page-mobile'>"; $ProductString .= "<div class='prod-cat-back-link'>"; $ProductString .= "<a class='upcp-catalogue-link' href='" . $Return_URL . "'>« " . $Back_To_Catalogue_Text . "</a>"; $ProductString .= "</div>"; $ProductString .= "<h2 class='prod-cat-addt-details-title'><a class='no-underline' href='http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $SP_Perm_URL . "'>" . $Product->Item_Name . "<img class='upcp-product-url-icon' src='" . get_bloginfo('wpurl') . "/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-product-catalogue/images/insert_link.png' /></a></h2>"; if ($Single_Page_Price == "Yes") {$ProductString .= "<h3 class='prod-cat-addt-details-price'>" . $Product->Item_Price . "</h3>";} $ProductString .= $PhotoCodeMobile; $ProductString .= "<div class='upcp-clear'></div>"; $ProductString .= "<div id='prod-cat-addt-details-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-addt-details'>"; $ProductString .= "<div id='prod-cat-addt-details-thumbs-div-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-addt-details-thumbs-div'>"; if (isset($PhotoURL)) {$ProductString .= "<img src='" . $PhotoURL . "' id='prod-cat-addt-details-thumb-P". $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-addt-details-thumb' onclick='ZoomImage(\"" . $Product->Item_ID . "\", \"0\");'>";} foreach ($Item_Images as $Image) {$ProductString .= "<img src='" . htmlspecialchars($Image->Item_Image_URL, ENT_QUOTES) . "' id='prod-cat-addt-details-thumb-". $Image->Item_Image_ID . "' class='prod-cat-addt-details-thumb' onclick='ZoomImage(\"" . $Product->Item_ID . "\", \"" . $Image->Item_Image_ID . "\");'>";} $ProductString .= "<div class='upcp-clear'></div>"; $ProductString .= "</div>"; $ProductString .= "<div id='prod-cat-addt-details-desc-div-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-addt-details-desc-div'>"; $ProductString .= $Description . "</div>"; $ProductString .= "<div class='upcp-clear'></div>\n"; $ProductString .= "</div>\n"; $ProductString .= "</div>\n"; } else { if ($Custom_Product_Page == "Large" or $Mobile_Product_Page_Serialized != "") {$ProductString .= "<div class='upcp-custom-large-product-page'>";} echo "<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'>"; echo "var pp_grid_width = " . $PP_Grid_Width . ";"; echo "var pp_grid_height = " . $PP_Grid_Height . ";"; echo "var pp_top_bottom_padding = " . $Top_Bottom_Padding . ";"; echo "var pp_left_right_padding = " . $Left_Right_Padding . ";"; echo "</script>"; $Gridster = json_decode(stripslashes($Product_Page_Serialized)); $ProductString .= "<div class='gridster'>"; $ProductString .= "<ul>"; $ProductString .= BuildGridster($Gridster, $Product, $Item_Images, $Description, $PhotoURL, $SP_Perm_URL, $Return_URL, $TagsString); $ProductString .= "</ul>"; $ProductString .= "</div>"; if ($Custom_Product_Page == "Large") { $ProductString .= "</div>"; $ProductString .= "<div class='upcp-standard-product-page-mobile'>"; $ProductString .= "<div class='prod-cat-back-link'>"; $ProductString .= "<a class='upcp-catalogue-link' href='" . $Return_URL . "'>« " . $Back_To_Catalogue_Text . "</a>"; $ProductString .= "</div>"; $ProductString .= "<h2 class='prod-cat-addt-details-title'><a class='no-underline' href='http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $SP_Perm_URL . "'>" . $Product->Item_Name . "<img class='upcp-product-url-icon' src='" . get_bloginfo('wpurl') . "/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-product-catalogue/images/insert_link.png' /></a></h2>"; if ($Single_Page_Price == "Yes") {$ProductString .= "<h3 class='prod-cat-addt-details-price'>" . $Product->Item_Price . "</h3>";} $ProductString .= $PhotoCodeMobile; $ProductString .= "<div class='upcp-clear'></div>"; $ProductString .= "<div id='prod-cat-addt-details-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-addt-details'>"; $ProductString .= "<div id='prod-cat-addt-details-thumbs-div-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-addt-details-thumbs-div'>"; if (isset($PhotoURL)) {$ProductString .= "<img src='" . $PhotoURL . "' id='prod-cat-addt-details-thumb-P1-". $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-addt-details-thumb' onclick='ZoomImage(\"" . $Product->Item_ID . "\", \"0\");'>";} foreach ($Item_Images as $Image) {$ProductString .= "<img src='" . htmlspecialchars($Image->Item_Image_URL, ENT_QUOTES) . "' id='prod-cat-addt-details-thumb-". $Image->Item_Image_ID . "' class='prod-cat-addt-details-thumb' onclick='ZoomImage(\"" . $Product->Item_ID . "\", \"" . $Image->Item_Image_ID . "\");'>";} $ProductString .= "<div class='upcp-clear'></div>"; $ProductString .= "</div>"; $ProductString .= "<div id='prod-cat-addt-details-desc-div-" . $Product->Item_ID . "' class='prod-cat-addt-details-desc-div'>"; $ProductString .= $Description . "</div>"; $ProductString .= "<div class='upcp-clear'></div>\n"; $ProductString .= "</div>\n"; $ProductString .= "</div>\n"; } elseif ($Mobile_Product_Page_Serialized != "") { $ProductString .= "</div>"; $ProductString .= "<div class='upcp-standard-product-page-mobile'>"; $Gridster = json_decode(stripslashes($Mobile_Product_Page_Serialized)); $ProductString .= "<div class='gridster-mobile'>"; $ProductString .= "<ul>"; $ProductString .= BuildGridster($Gridster, $Product, $Item_Images, $Description, $PhotoURL, $SP_Perm_URL, $Return_URL, $TagsString); $ProductString .= "</ul>"; $ProductString .= "</div>"; $ProductString .= "</div>\n"; } } return $ProductString; } function BuildSidebar($category, $subcategory, $tags, $prod_name) { global $wpdb, $Full_Version, $ProdCats, $ProdSubCats, $ProdTags, $ProdCatString, $ProdSubCatString, $ProdTagString; global $categories_table_name, $subcategories_table_name, $tags_table_name; $Color = get_option("UPCP_Color_Scheme"); $Tag_Logic = get_option("UPCP_Tag_Logic"); $ProductSearch = get_option("UPCP_Product_Search"); $Product_Sort = get_option("UPCP_Product_Sort"); $Sidebar_Order = get_option("UPCP_Sidebar_Order"); $Categories_Label = get_option("UPCP_Categories_Label"); $SubCategories_Label = get_option("UPCP_SubCategories_Label"); $Tags_Label = get_option("UPCP_Tags_Label"); $Sort_By_Label = get_option("UPCP_Sort_By_Label"); $Product_Name_Search_Label = get_option("UPCP_Product_Name_Search_Label"); $Product_Search_Text_Label = get_option("UPCP_Product_Name_Text_Label"); if ($Categories_Label != "") {$Categories_Text = $Categories_Label;} else {$Categories_Text = __("Categories:", 'UPCP');} if ($SubCategories_Label != "") {$SubCategories_Text = $SubCategories_Label;} else {$SubCategories_Text = __("Sub-Categories:", 'UPCP');} if ($Tags_Label != "") {$Tags_Text = $Tags_Label;} else {$Tags_Text = __("Tags:", 'UPCP');} if ($Sort_By_Label != "") {$Sort_Text = $Sort_By_Label;} else {$Sort_Text = __('Sort By:', 'UPCP');} if ($Product_Name_Search_Label != "") {$SearchLabel = $Product_Name_Search_Label;} else { if ($ProductSearch == "namedesc" or $ProductSearch == "namedesccust") {$SearchLabel = __("Product Search:", 'UPCP');} else {$SearchLabel = __("Product Name:", 'UPCP');} } if ($prod_name != "") {$Product_Name_Text = $prod_name;} elseif ($Product_Search_Text_Label != "") {$Product_Name_Text = $Product_Search_Text_Label; } else { if ($ProductSearch == "namedesc" or $ProductSearch == "namedesccust") {$Product_Name_Text = __("Search...", 'UPCP');} else {$Product_Name_Text = __("Name...", 'UPCP');} } // Get the categories, sub-categories and tags that apply to the products in the catalog if ($ProdCatString != "") {$Categories = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT Category_ID, Category_Name FROM $categories_table_name WHERE Category_ID in (" . $ProdCatString . ") ORDER BY Category_Name");} if ($ProdSubCatString != "") {$SubCategories = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT SubCategory_ID, SubCategory_Name, Category_ID FROM $subcategories_table_name WHERE SubCategory_ID in (" . $ProdSubCatString . ") ORDER BY SubCategory_Name");} if ($ProdTagString != "") {$Tags = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT Tag_ID, Tag_Name FROM $tags_table_name WHERE Tag_ID in (" . $ProdTagString . ") ORDER BY Tag_Date_Created");} else {$Tags = array();} // My code $SidebarString .= "<table><tbody>"; $SidebarString .= "<form onsubmit='return false;' name='Product_Catalog_Sidebar_Form'>\n"; $SidebarString .= "<tr><td>" . $SearchLabel . "</td></tr>"; $SidebarString .= "<tr><td>"; if ($Filter == "Javascript" and $Tag_Logic == "OR") { $SidebarString .= "<input type='text' id='upcp-name-search' class='jquery-prod-name-text' name='Text_Search' value='" . $Product_Name_Text . "' onfocus='FieldFocus(this);' onblur='FieldBlur(this);' onkeyup='UPCP_Filer_Results_OR();'>\n"; } elseif ($Filter == "Javascript") { $SidebarString .= "<input type='text' id='upcp-name-search' class='jquery-prod-name-text' name='Text_Search' value='" . $Product_Name_Text . "' onfocus='FieldFocus(this);' onblur='FieldBlur(this);' onkeyup='UPCP_Filer_Results();'>\n"; } else { $SidebarString .= "<input type='text' id='upcp-name-search' class='jquery-prod-name-text' name='Text_Search' value='" . $Product_Name_Text . "' onfocus='FieldFocus(this);' onblur='FieldBlur(this);' onkeyup='UPCP_DisplayPage(\"1\");'>\n"; } $SidebarString .= "</td></tr>"; if (sizeof($Categories) > 0) { foreach ($Categories as $key => $row) { $ID[$key] = $row->Category_ID; $Name[$key] = $row->Category_Name; } array_multisort($Name, SORT_ASC, $ID, SORT_DESC, $Categories); unset($ID); unset($Name); $SidebarString .= "<tr><td>" . $Categories_Text . "</td></tr>\n"; foreach ($Categories as $Category) { $SidebarString .= "<tr><td "; if (in_array($Category->Category_ID, $category)) {$SidebarString .= " highlightBlue";} $SidebarString .= "'>\n"; if ($Filter == "Javascript" and $Tag_Logic == "OR") { $SidebarString .= "<input type='checkbox' class='jquery-prod-cat-value' name='Category" . $Category->Category_ID . "' value='" . $Category->Category_ID . "' onclick='UPCP_Filer_Results_OR(); UPCPHighlight(this, \"" . $Color . "\");'>" . $Category->Category_Name . " (" . $ProdCats[$Category->Category_ID] . ")\n"; } elseif ($Filter == "Javascript") { $SidebarString .= "<input type='checkbox' class='jquery-prod-cat-value' name='Category" . $Category->Category_ID . "' value='" . $Category->Category_ID . "' onclick='UPCP_Filer_Results(); UPCPHighlight(this, \"" . $Color . "\");'>" . $Category->Category_Name . " (" . $ProdCats[$Category->Category_ID] . ")\n"; } else { $SidebarString .= "<input type='checkbox' name='Category" . $Category->Category_ID . "' value='" . $Category->Category_ID . "' onclick='UPCP_DisplayPage(\"1\"); UPCPHighlight(this, \"" . $Color . "\");' class='jquery-prod-cat-value'"; if (in_array($Category->Category_ID, $category)) { $SidebarString .= "checked=checked"; } $SidebarString .= "> " . $Category->Category_Name . " (" . $ProdCats[$Category->Category_ID] . ")\n"; } $SidebarString .= "</td></tr>"; if ($Sidebar_Order == "Hierarchical") { foreach ($SubCategories as $SubCategory) { if ($SubCategory->Category_ID == $Category->Category_ID) { $SidebarString .= "<tr><td "; if (in_array($SubCategory->SubCategory_ID, $subcategory)) { $SidebarString .= " highlightBlue"; } $SidebarString .= "'>\n"; if ($Filter == "Javascript" and $Tag_Logic == "OR") { $SidebarString .= "<input type='checkbox' class='jquery-prod-sub-cat-value' name='SubCategory[]' value='" . $SubCategory->SubCategory_ID . "' onclick='UPCP_Filer_Results_OR(); UPCPHighlight(this, \"" . $Color . "\");'> " . $SubCategory->SubCategory_Name . " (" . $ProdSubCats[$SubCategory->SubCategory_ID] . ")\n"; } elseif ($Filter == "Javascript") { $SidebarString .= "<input type='checkbox' class='jquery-prod-sub-cat-value' name='SubCategory[]' value='" . $SubCategory->SubCategory_ID . "' onclick='UPCP_Filer_Results(); UPCPHighlight(this, \"" . $Color . "\");'> " . $SubCategory->SubCategory_Name . " (" . $ProdSubCats[$SubCategory->SubCategory_ID] . ")\n"; } else { $SidebarString .= "<input type='checkbox' name='SubCategory[]' value='" . $SubCategory->SubCategory_ID . "' onclick='UPCP_DisplayPage(\"1\"); UPCPHighlight(this, \"" . $Color . "\");' class='jquery-prod-sub-cat-value'"; if (in_array($SubCategory->SubCategory_ID, $subcategory)) {$SidebarString .= "checked=checked";} $SidebarString .= "> " . $SubCategory->SubCategory_Name . " (" . $ProdSubCats[$SubCategory->SubCategory_ID] . ")\n"; } $SidebarString .= "</td></tr>"; } } } } } if (sizeof($Tags) > 0) { foreach ($Tags as $key => $row) { $ID[$key] = $row->Tag_ID; $Name[$key] = $row->Tag_Name; } array_multisort($Name, SORT_ASC, $ID, SORT_DESC, $Tags); unset($ID); unset($Name); $SidebarString .= "<tr><td>" . $Tags_Text . "</td></tr>"; foreach ($Tags as $Tag) { $SidebarString .= "<tr><td "; if (in_array($Tag->Tag_ID, $tags)) { $SidebarString .= " highlightBlue"; } $SidebarString .= "'>"; if ($Filter == "Javascript" and $Tag_Logic == "OR") { $SidebarString .= "<input type='checkbox' class='jquery-prod-tag-value' name='Tag[]' value='" . $Tag->Tag_ID . "' onclick='UPCP_Filer_Results_OR(); UPCPHighlight(this, \"" . $Color . "\");'>" . $Tag->Tag_Name . "\n"; } elseif ($Filter == "Javascript") { $SidebarString .= "<input type='checkbox' class='jquery-prod-tag-value' name='Tag[]' value='" . $Tag->Tag_ID . "' onclick='UPCP_Filer_Results(); UPCPHighlight(this, \"" . $Color . "\");'> " . $Tag->Tag_Name . "\n"; } else { $SidebarString .= "<input type='checkbox' name='Tag[]' value='" . $Tag->Tag_ID . "' onclick='UPCP_DisplayPage(\"1\"); UPCPHighlight(this, \"" . $Color . "\");' class='jquery-prod-tag-value'"; if (in_array($Tag->Tag_ID, $tags)) { $SidebarString .= "checked=checked"; } $SidebarString .= ">" . $Tag->Tag_Name . "\n"; } $SidebarString .= "</td></tr>"; } } $SidebarString .= "</form></tbody></table>\n"; return $SidebarString; } /*$SidebarString .= "<div id='prod-cat-sidebar-" . $id . "' class='prod-cat-sidebar'>\n"; //$SidebarString .= "<form action='#' name='Product_Catalog_Sidebar_Form'>\n"; $SidebarString .= "<form onsubmit='return false;' name='Product_Catalog_Sidebar_Form'>\n"; //Create the 'Sort By' select box if ($Full_Version == "Yes" and $Product_Sort != "None") { $SidebarString .= "<div id='prod-cat-sort-by' class='prod-cat-sort-by'>"; $SidebarString .= $Sort_Text . "<br>"; $SidebarString .= "<div class='styled-select styled-input'>"; $SidebarString .= "<select name='upcp-sort-by' id='upcp-sort-by' onchange='UPCP_Sort_By();'>"; $SidebarString .= "<option value=''></option>"; if ($Product_Sort == "Price" or $Product_Sort == "Price_Name") { $SidebarString .= "<option value='price_asc'>" . __('Price (Ascending)', 'UPCP') . "</option>"; $SidebarString .= "<option value='price_desc'>" . __('Price (Descending)', 'UPCP') . "</option>"; } if ($Product_Sort == "Name" or $Product_Sort == "Price_Name") { $SidebarString .= "<optio Code: [Select] <? $out = preg_replace('/^(.{701}[^.]*).*/i','$1.',$detrsltnewsrow[news_desc]); echo $out; ?> </td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" class="para" style="padding-left:10px;"> <?= substr(stripslashes(trim($detrsltnewsrow[news_desc])),701) ?> </td></tr> I have the above snippet.. The first php statement, basically grasp the first 701 characters with the closet next stop "." character and out puts it. then out puts the HTML tags I have a problem with the second statement. I want to output anything after what has been outputted by: Code: [Select] <? $out = preg_replace('/^(.{701}[^.]*).*/i','$1.',$detrsltnewsrow[news_desc]); echo $out; ?> So need the correct syntax for Code: [Select] <?= substr(stripslashes(trim($detrsltnewsrow[news_desc])),701) ?> Currently it breaks at exactly the 701 character, want it to continue from the sentence the first code ended in. My query gets the results and orders by one of the fields. Once I get the MySQL results I would like to find the first entry that has a letter as the first character of the same field that the list was ordered by, then split the results in to two parts and swap them. So that the results that have a letter at the start of the same sorted field are as the begining and the results that have the numbers as the start at the end of the array. But also so that the array works the same way as the original results string, so i can use say $results['mysqlfield'] I have a form that users input user name, password, and email... all writes to csv fine. My problem is I need to concatenate a a string with a variable and some html code will preserving the html when written to the csv.. I need the csv to be this username,password,email,user,category,text with,something,something here's what i have Code: [Select] <?php if($_POST['formSubmit'] == "Submit") $varUserName = $_POST['username']; $varPW = $_POST['PW']; $varEmail = $_POST['email']; { $fs = fopen("testcsv.csv","a"); fputcsv($fs, array($varUserName,$varPW,$varEmail,"user","title",",category","some text '<a href="http://$></a>',)); fclose($fs); exit; } ?> and of course I'm getting Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting ')' on line 9 Hi Guys,
First off, not sure if this is the correct area to post. My question is a little bit mixed, including SQL and PHP.
I'm building a basic private messaging system, and planned to use PHP, SQL for the storage, and a little bit of JS on the client. I'm a little confused when it comes to encryption though. My understanding with user password encryption is that the password is stored in the database as a hash, and then a user sent password is compared to the original hash for verification. I've implemented this successfully using password_verify() and password_hash() functions, and I'm pretty sure it's working fine.
However, my big question is in regards to the storage of message data. As far as I can tell, this system won't work, it's really only suitable for password verification because the hash can't really be reverted to the original data, it can only be compared? How should I go about encrypting message data? Is it possible? If I open up a SQL database containing private message data on a server, I don't want to be able to read the contents.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I seen the sticky but that didn't have my answer and no place I go is really answering my core question. This just doesn't make sense in my brain, how is using md5 safe. What if someone got say an encrypted pass. The code md5 uses is available to anyone, no? So if they got a hold of it how is it not as easily cracked as it is encrypted. Someone please explain this to me lol, it's like a thorn in my brain. Hi Guys
I am fairly new to php, I am trying to build a registration form but I am struggling with encrypting the password (I will also be salting the password at a later stage to make it more secure).
The below line of code encrypts the password but saves the values as the values states in the code e.g password saves as 'pass'
$q = "INSERT INTO users (first_name,last_name,email,pass,registration_date) VALUES ('first_name','last_name','email', SHA1('pass'), NOW())";
The below code saves all the values that the user inputs xcept the password which is blank and the message 'Undefined index: SHA1('pass')' is returned
$q = "INSERT INTO users (first_name,last_name,email,pass,registration_date) VALUES ('".$_POST["first_name"]."','".$_POST["last_name"]."','".$_POST["email"]."','".$_POST["SHA1('pass')"]."', NOW())";
I am hoping someone may be able to help me as I have no idea how to fix this. Thank you in advance
Hi guys, i'm new to this forum, and a junior php guy.
i need to encrypt a google address like this:
i use picasa for my client to store car video etc to show and i want embed in iframe with a jwplayer that i'm customizing.
i see some sample that transform a address like this https://redirector.g...=web&cver=html5 in something like this --> http:\/\/\/picasa\/redirect.php?encrypt=0f10fd0fd0f90c30b80b80fb0ee0ed0f20fb0ee0ec0fd0f80fb0b70f00f80f80f00f50ee0ff0f20ed0ee0f80b70ec0f80f60b80ff0f20ed0ee0f80f90f50ea1020eb0ea0ec0f40c80f20ed0c60bc0bc0bc0be0c00bb0c00c00c10ed0bf0ed0ee0b90bb0bb0af0f20fd0ea0f00c60bb0bb0af0fc0f80fe0fb0ec0ee0c60f90f20ec0ea0fc0ea0af0ec0f60f80c60fc0ee0f70fc0f20fd0f20ff0ee0e80ec0f80f70fd0ee0f70fd0ae0bc0cd1020ee0fc0af0f20f90c60b90b70b90b70b90b70b90af0f20...etc etc...
i see that there is a redirect.php?encrypt=....... how i can do that?
Thanks in advance 'cause frankly speaking i don't know also what i must search on google.
Hy 2 all, I have some questions about password security that I haven't been able to find an answer yet. Hopefully you guys know. Here it goes: 1. Is it better to hash(sha2) the password and then salt it or salt it and than hash it ? 2. I'm guessing that using a random salt is better than the same salt used for every password. 3. How can you generate a different random salt for each password ? I mean how will the login page know which random salt to mix with the hashed user inserted password and then to compare it with the password stored in the db. (an example would be great(for both: generating and authentication) 4. I saw some codes in which the salt and/or hash and/or password was split into two (ex: hash.salt1a.password.salt1b or password1a.salt.password1b or salt.hash1a.password.hash1b etc.) Is this a good idea ? Is it really more secure ? If so which would be more secure (splitting the password, the hash or the salt) ? 5. Is double hashing (ex: (sha1(md5($password))) any good ? 6. I've been reading something about password salt and pepper ?? What exactly is pepper ? Is it some sort of second salt ? If somebody could enlighten me about these questions, that would be great. Thanks in advance! Hey, I'm a bit stuck. I'm looking for a simple yet secure way to encrypt a string (not hash, I need to retrieve it later) so that I can store legally sensitive data which I need to use again later. I am aware that any kind of reversable data is by nature not properly secure, but it's not my decision. I'd rather see if there's a pre-built function or class for this rather than just writing my own, which wouldn't be too good Thanks in Advance Gareth I am looking for a way to encrypt a string using PKCS7. I have seen openssl_pkcs7_encrypt() but this involves the creation of temporary files which I don't really need. Is there a way to do this? Dear All respective friend, I'm asking for help. during I know how to code in php. I alway use md5() but I had some problem with abit. can anyone introduce me with persona code encryption without using md5()? Your ideal are very important to me especially small example code. Looking forward from you soon. Kindly Regards, Steve. Is there any tutorial or book where i can learn about how to do the encryption?? thanks in advance I would like to add md5 encryption into the create and login functions but I'm having difficulties with the process. user.php - create user and login functions Code: [Select] <?php function create_user($params) { db_connect_posts(); $query = sprintf("INSERT INTO users SET users.screen_name = '%s', users.user_email = '%s', users.user_pwd = '%s', users.image = '%s', created_at = NOW()" , mysql_real_escape_string($params['screen_name']), mysql_real_escape_string($params['user_email']), mysql_real_escape_string($params['user_pwd']), mysql_real_escape_string($params['image']) ); $result = mysql_query($query); if(!$result) { return false; } else { return true; } } function login($username, $password) { db_connect_posts(); $query = sprintf("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_email = '%s' AND user_pwd = '%s'" , mysql_real_escape_string($username), mysql_real_escape_string($password) ); $result = mysql_query($query); $number_of_posts = mysql_num_rows($result); if($number_of_posts == 0) { return false; } $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $_SESSION['user'] = $row; return true; } ?> Register form: Code: [Select] <form action="<?php echo '/'.APP_ROOT.'/'; ?>sessions/signup" method="post"> <fieldset> <legend>Register</legend> <div> <label>Screen Name</label> <input name="user[screen_name]" size="40" type="text" /> </div> <div> <label>E-mail</label> <input name="user[user_email]" size="40" type="text" /> </div> <div> <label>Password</label> <input name="user[user_pwd]" size="40" type="password" /> </div> <div> <label>Image</label> <input name="user[image]" size="40" type="text" /> </div> <input type="submit" name="Register" value="Register" /> </fieldset> </form> Login form: Code: [Select] <form action="<?php echo '/'.APP_ROOT.'/'; ?>sessions/login_user" method="post"> <fieldset> <legend>Login</legend> <div> <label>E-mail</label> <input name="user[user_email]" size="40" type="text" /> </div> <div> <label>Password</label> <input name="user[user_pwd]" size="40" type="password" /> </div> <input type="submit" value="Login" /> </fieldset> </form> I am reworking some code from a password authentication I did a long long time ago. The original code is using SHA1() function to encrypt the passwords for storage in the MySQL database. Is that still considered the way to go, or should I be using a different method for encrypting the little buggers? Thanks hello everyone i'm new to PHP and i need your help. I'm developing a code which implements shannon-fano encryption algorithm with php. But i have problems with my function. Basicly i try to do this: 1.Specofy a string to be coded. 2.Count the number of occurences of a character and write it in assoc array like this : "A"=>4,"B"=>2 etc. then i copy this array 3.After i have the array i sort it descending. 4.Divide the given array into two arrays where the sum of the values is almost equal.In the Copied array i set the value of the elements which fit into the fisrt divided array with 0 the rest with 1. 5.Each of the divided arrays i divide with recursion again until every symbol is into different array.and add to the value in the copied array 0 or 1; 6.I try to print the copied array. here is my function which doesnt work and gives a lot of errors function divide_array($array) { $sum=0; $mid=array_sum($array)/2; foreach($array as $k=>$v) { if($sum<$mid){ $sum=$sum+$array[$k]; $up[$k]=$array[$k]; $codeArr[$k]=0; } else { $down=array_slice($array,$k+1); $codeArr[$k]=1; } } divide_array($up); divide_array($down); echo "<pre>"; print_r($codeArr); echo "</pre>"; } i appreciate any help PS:I know this can be done easier with trees but i don't understand them. |