PHP - Php Sessions, And Random Strings. Help Completing Code.
I've created a code to allow the user to change the background color and scheme of my site. However, I'm having trouble getting a random color to show up if the user has not yet set a color choice. Here's my code. Could someone put it together to make it work?
<?php if ($_POST['change']){ $thevar = $_POST['change']; $_SESSION['bcg'] = $thevar; } if(isset($_SESSION['thecolor'])) { $thecolor = $_SESSION['thecolor']; } else { $num = rand(0,9); if ($num == 0) $thecolor = "0DEBDF"; // CYAN if ($num == 1) $thecolor = "AE00FF"; // PURPLE if ($num == 2) $thecolor = "FFDC01"; // YELLOW if ($num == 3) $thecolor = "FF6D2D"; // PEACH if ($num == 4) $thecolor = "20ff7f"; // LIGHTER-GREEN if ($num == 5) $thecolor = "00E612"; // GREEN if ($num == 6) $thecolor = "E6005D"; // PINK if ($num == 7) $thecolor = "E600CF"; // PINK-PURPLE if ($num == $thecolor = "e2ff20"; // LIME if ($num == 9) $thecolor = "8868ff"; // LAVENDER // send a cookie that never expires setcookie("thecolor",$thecolor, time()+604800); } ?> Similar TutorialsI'm trying to work on my php skills by creating an online content "finder". I'm using cURL to grab webpage HTML and store it in a variable. I then want my program to find the article title, keywords and the content. I'm using articles from Ezine. here is an example webpage. Code: [Select] I don't have any problems grabbing the webpage html. But when I try to grab the title, keywords, and content using this code. Code: [Select] $title = getbetween($html, "<title>", "</title>"); $keywords = getbetween($html, "<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"", "\">"); $content = getbetween($html, "<div id=\"body\">", "</div>"); $content = "<P>" . getbetween($content . "<E>", "<P>", "<E>"); echo "Title: " . $title . "<P>"; echo "Keywords: " . $keywords . "<P>"; echo "Content: " . $content . "<P>"; Only the title comes out of the page, the rest of the values are blank... I'm not sure why the getbetween is only working to extract the title from the html. Does anyone have any ideas why?? I tried testing to see if it was grabbing the propper webpage and when I used 'echo $html;' the webpage came out fine on my page.. I am totally lost on this, I just want to practice using cURL and my webrequest coding. Thanks for any help, I appreciate it. Hi !
I am created this form - well it's more of a view and less of a form since the form part is only the check-boxes column and the rest is the data displayed from a database. But now I want to have this submitted with a SUBMIT button centered beneath the form after I have checked the required check boxes. I am unable to find a way to do this maybe simple task. Please help,
<?php $dbhost = 'localhost'; $dbuser = 'root'; $dbpass = ''; $db = 'testdb'; // CHANGE THIS TO ANY EXISTING DB ON PHPMYADMIN OR CREATE THIS DB FIRST IN PHPMYADMIN // $fcon = mysqli_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $db); if(!$fcon ) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } // echo 'Connected successfully'; /* /////////// UNCOMMENT TO CREATE A TABLE IN A DATABASE NAMED testdb THEN COMMENT BACK ///////////// $sql = "CREATE TABLE member( mid INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, reg_date Date NOT NULL, email VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, cell INT NOT NULL, status VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL, primary key ( mid ))"; if (mysqli_query($fcon,$sql)) { echo "Table member created successfully"; } else { echo "Error creating table: " . mysqli_error($con); } $query = "Insert into member (name, reg_date, email, status) VALUES ('John','1980-08-12','','9878954323','cc')"; mysqli_query($fcon, $query); $query = "Insert into member (name, reg_date, email, status) VALUES ('Bill','1988-03-21','','9878900123','cc')"; mysqli_query($fcon, $query); $query = "Insert into member (name, reg_date, email, status) VALUES ('Jack','1990-05-18','','9878912300','cc')"; mysqli_query($fcon, $query); */ $check = true; $query = "SELECT * from member"; $result = mysqli_query($fcon, $query); if(isset($_POST['submit']) && $_POST['submit'] == 'Submit') { echo "<br> Member = ".$_POST['name']."<br>" ; echo "RegDate = ".$_POST['reg_date']."<br>" ; echo "Email = ".$_POST['email']."<br>" ; echo "Status = ".$_POST['status']."<br>" ; /// more code would go here once I have submitted the check box information successfully ///// } ?> <html> <head> <title> CLUB ADMIN </title></head> <body> <table> <?php echo "<table class = 'TFtable' border = 1 cellspacing =2 cellpadding = 5 >"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<th> S.No. </th>"; echo "<th> Member </th>"; echo "<th> Reg Date </th>"; echo "<th> Email </th>"; if($check == true) echo "<th> <Input type='checkbox' id='selecctall' /> All </th>"; else echo "<th> Status </th>"; echo "</tr>"; $cnt = 1; while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { $name = htmlspecialchars($row['name']); $reg_date = htmlspecialchars($row['reg_date']); $cell = htmlspecialchars($row['cell']); $email = htmlspecialchars($row['email']); $mid = htmlspecialchars($row['mid']); if($check == false) $status = htmlspecialchars($row['status']); echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>".$cnt++."</td>"; echo "<td>".$name."</td>"; echo "<td>".$reg_date. "</td>"; echo "<td>".$email. "</td>"; if($check == true) { echo "<form name = 'form1' action='unclubbed.php' method='post' > "; echo "<td align ='center'><Input type='hidden' name='mid' value=$mid> <Input class='checkbox1' type = 'checkbox' name='check[]' value='$mid'> </td>"; echo "</form>"; echo "</tr>"; } else echo "<td>".$status. "</td> </tr> "; } ?> </table> </body> </html>Thanks ! Hi, I wouder if someone can help me with this issue? I want a user to click submit on a form which posts the data of to a processing page! but i only want a user to be taken to the processing page if the data in the fields passes some vailation. If the data does not pass the validation error message appear! What way could this be done? I have two files with coding in. One of them is the HTML form file: Code: [Select] <?php <html><head><title>Car Accident Program</title></head> <body> <!----In this block of code I am creating a form with 4 text boxes and a button as well as user prompts to get user inputted values to work with----> <h4>Car Accident Report Form</h4> <form action="Car.php" method="post"> <b>First Name:<b><br> <input type="text" size = "45" name="firstname"><br> <b>Surname:<b><br> <input type="text" size = "45" name="surname"><br> <b>Age:<b><br> <input type="text" size = "45" name="age"><br> <b>Number of weeks since accident:<b><br> <input type="text" size = "45" name="weeks"><br> <input type="submit" value="Submit report"> </form> </body> </html> and the PHP/Validation file: Code: [Select] <!----In this block of code, I am creating a PHP script that gets the user inputted values and can display them in a report as well as use an IF statement to show an extra line to appear if the user enters an age below 18 or a time since accident below 1 week or if they miss out a field or more----> <?php $firstname= $_POST ['firstname']; $surname =$_POST ['surname']; $age=$_POST ['age']; $weeks=$_POST ['weeks']; //Here, I am providing various paths and the outcomes in a PHP script if (empty($_POST['firstname']) or empty($_POST['surname']) or empty($_POST['age']) or empty($_POST['weeks'])) {$msg= "You missed out one or more fields. Click on the link below to go back to the form and enter information into all of the fields";} else if (is_numeric($age) && $age<0) {$msg="You cannot be under 0 years of age";} else if (is_numeric($weeks) && $weeks<0) {$msg="The number of weeks since an accident cannot be below 0";} else if (is_numeric($age) && $age>0 && $age<18) {$msg= "You are too young to file an accident report";} else if (is_numeric($weeks) && $weeks<2) {$msg= "You cannot file an accident report that happened less than two weeks ago";} else { setcookie(" $msg= "First Name: $firstname<br>"; $msg .="Surname: $surname<br>"; $msg .= "Age: $age<br>"; $msg .="Number of weeks since accident: $weeks<br>"; $msg .="Your report has been accepted. Please click on the link below to go back to the Accident Report Page";} echo ($msg) ?> </body> </html> <html> <a href="http://localhost/Car.htm"><br><br>Click here to add/edit an Accident Report</a> I was wondering how, if suitable, I would add a cookie or session into coding like this. Any help is appreciated, Andrew Please i'm working on a project and i need to write a code that generates a unique random serial number.How can i go about it? As above, I have a lottery style site that picks a random number between 1-8 but my users complain for some reason that this is not enough. So i was told to look into using fopen and to generate a random number. Anyone have experience of this and perhaps a code snippet for me to look at and possibly use? help will be appreciated. How can i break down strings for example i have a simple search database for products where as a user searches a term this can be one, two three words and so on. I'm using a wildcard; but i want the best way to get the possible search so i would like to break down the string into separate words and then use that to search the database using wildcards is this possible? Thanks for reading. Not sure if there is a better way to do this, but I want to check whether the value in a Sticky Field is the same as what is in the Database. If what is in the Sticky Field is *exactly* what is in the Database, then the User didn't update that field, and so I would NOT do an UPDATE. Seem reasonable? Here is where I grab the value out of the Form... Code: [Select] // **************************** // Process Each Form Field. * // **************************** foreach($_POST['answerArray'] as $questionID => $response){ // Copy trimmed Form array to PHP array. $answerArray[$questionID] = trim($response); And here is where I grab the existing value in the Database... Code: [Select] // ******************** // Check for Answer. * // ******************** // Build query. $q1 = "SELECT response FROM bio_answer WHERE member_id=? AND question_id=?"; // Prepare statement. $stmt1 = mysqli_prepare($dbc, $q1); // Bind variable to query. mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt1, 'ii', $memberID, $questionID); // Execute query. mysqli_stmt_execute($stmt1); // Store results. mysqli_stmt_store_result($stmt1); // Check # of Records Returned. if (mysqli_stmt_num_rows($stmt1)==1){ // Answer Found. // Bind result-set to variable. mysqli_stmt_bind_result($stmt1, $currResponse); // Fetch record. mysqli_stmt_fetch($stmt1); So I guess I want to compare $answerArray[$questionID] against $currResponse and see if there are any differences?! What is the best way to do that? Any better ideas of how to check to see if the User made any changes to a field so I only do an UPDATE if there was actually a change? Thanks, Debbie hello, here is what i have, obviosly it doesnt work. Code: [Select] $year=$_POST['y']; $yr=substr($year,-2); $mth=$_POST['m']; $init=$_POST['initial']; $jobnumber=$yr$mth2343$init; echo "$jobnumber"; P.S. thanks to everybody for their help lately! Hey guys!! So basically what I am doing here is pulling the directory out of a url. URL ex: is there a way I can make something like a ticket in pdf format that can have $name or the likes echo in it? if you could help get me started, that would be great! Hi I am having troubles using a string in a cookie.. This doesnt work: setcookie("background", "$image_name", $expire, "/", ""); Neither does this: setcookie("background", "" . $image_name . "", $expire, "/", ""); If I write something before $image_name like: setcookie("background", "hello" . $image_name . "", $expire, "/", ""); It will save "hello" in the cookie.. So in other words, $image_name doesnt look like it is defined.. But the funny thing is that this works on the same page: echo "File Uploaded Successfully!<br><img src='images/$image_name'>"; Anyone have any idea on what I am doing wrong? I was thinking how can I make a script that will build strings incrementing through each letter starting with "a" and ending with "zzzzzz" or what ever ending length I want such as 12. So if your were to output everything, you could find the words: "dog" "spider" "superman" "hippo" etc What would be the best way to do this, so I don't have to have a loop that is 500 blocks deep to show a word that is 500 letters example Quote a ... z aa ab ac ... az ba bb bc ... ... aaa aab aac Hello, I was wondering if someone could help me to "get" the webaddress of a current webpage and then pull off pieces of the page. All of my pages look like: http://localhost:8888/algebra_book/Chapters/Quadratic_Functions/introductory_problem.php BUT, the stuff to the left of Quadratic Functions WILL change in the future. So all will look like: *Quadratic_Functions/introductory_problem.php Then, I'd like to pull off a $chapter variable, which in this case is Quadratic_Functions and a $page_name variable which in this case will be introductory_problem. Thanks so much. Hi there, In my attached PHP script, I extract text between two strings in the input file and write the extracted text to an output file. Everything seems to work fine, except I can't figure out how to include the row that says "Richland" (after the row that says "Creighton") in the extracted text. If someone could guide me how to do this, I'd greatly appreciate it. The PHP script is attached. The input file is in htm format and I can't attach that here so I will provide a link to the file I'm calling: Many thanks!!! Hmm, not quite sure how to do this one... If i have lots of strings saved in a mysql table and one was... "A man and a dog took a nice walk in the park" If a user then wanted to input another string into the table, but i wanted to check the new string was at least 5% different to all other in the table, how would i about doing this? Is it possible to do this via mysql, or would i have to pull out all the strings into a php array and process it that way... somehow? I can successfully concatenate strings and vars to assemble a php var using an echo statement like this: Code: [Select] echo "<input type='radio' id='radio_btn_" . $Row['question_number'] . "_0' name='question[question_" . $Row['question_number'] . "]' value='0' checked='checked' />"; However, when attempting to reference the same var in an IF statement, I can't seem to get the syntax right. I know this syntax is wrong, but I list it for reference to describe the issue I am trying to solve. Code: [Select] if ($_POST['radio_btn_' . $Row['question_number'] . '_0'] == '0'){ I also tried curly braces but can't arrive at a solution. Any advise would be appreciated. How can I make it so that $year-$month-$day is the value of $shutoff. So when it posts to database, it will be in date something like $shutoff = $_POST['$year-$month-$day'] or [year-month-day]. Those are dashes not that correct format also? How do I do something like this? Hello guys, need some help. Let us say i have an array = 2011 ipad 2011 ipad review 2011 ipad price 2011 ipad design 2011 ipad reviews review 2011 ipad 2011 ipad feature I would like to review all the array elements that contain "review"...So the final array should look like 2011 ipad 2011 ipad price 2011 ipad design 2011 ipad feature Thanks |