PHP - Repopulating Drop Down On Submit
I'm trying to repopulate a dropdown list when the user hits the submit button to add another item to the dropdown.
I'm trying to use the isset method, but am having some issues implementing it properly. Can anyone steer me in the right direction? <html> <head><title>Dynamic List</title></head> <body> <form action="test.php"><select name="list">; <? if (isset($_POST['submit'])){ $file = file("test.txt"); sort($file); foreach($file AS $country){ echo "<option>".$country."</option>\n"; } } ?> </select> </form> please enter your new country:<br> <form action=test.php method="post"> <input type="text" name="name">: enter your country<br> <input type="submit" name="submit"> </form> <? $file = "test.txt"; $tf = @fopen("$file", "a+"); $name = "\n" . $_POST["name"]; $write = fwrite($tf, $name); @fclose($file); ?> </body> </html> Similar TutorialsHere is my code: <?php //input will be start date $startdate=0; function getMondays($day,$month,$year,$i,$end){ $x = 7; $add=0; for($i; $i<$end; $i++){ $add++; //This will get the first set of Mondays //store it inside an array //time stamp 11 pm GMT on date $array[$i] = date('U', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day+$counter, $year)); //$firstDay = date('d/m/y', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 4+$counter, $year)); $counter = $x * $add; } return $array; } This gets the four weeks following the date set and store it in an array: $Weeks = getMondays(04,04,2011,0,5); Each slot is the equivalent of a week e.g. week 1, week 2, week 3, week 4,week 5 //perform equivilence test if($week1==$currentdate || $currentdate<=$week2){ //for all week 1 stick the following sentence echo "data for week 1"; } if($currentdate>$week2 && $currentdate<=$week3){ //for all week 2 stick the following sentence echo "data for week 2"; } if($currentdate>$week3 && $currentdate<=$week4){ //for all week 3 stick the following sentence echo "data for week 3"; } if($currentdate>$week4 && $currentdate<=$week5){ //for all week 4 stick the following sentence echo "data for week 3"; } if($currentdate==$week5){ //where d/m/y = the date on week 5. //will now become week 1 data getMondays(d,m,y,0,4); } Now depending on which week it is, a set data is displayed which is hardcoded. Now what I want to do is to reset the array on week 4 (for the new month), without the array being repopulated with the old date: $Weeks = getMondays(04,04,2011,0,4); everytime the script is run. How do I do this? Hi everyone, I have a form which is repopulated with cookies of user entries following an unsuccessful submit. It works on all fields except the textarea which is just blank. Can anybody suggest why this isn't working? Here is the form page code: Code: [Select] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.0//EN" ""> <?php include("functions.php"); getcompanyname(company); ?> <html> <head> <title>Nominate <?php echo getuserdetails("company", company); ?> for The WOW! Awards</title> <link href="mobile.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/form.js"></script> </head> <div id = "header"> <img src="images/mobile_banner.png"); </div> <div id="content"> <?php mobileerror(); ?> <h2>NOMINATE US!</h2> <div id = "rulesheading"> <b>There are just four criteria to be met:</b><br /> </div> <div id = "rules"> <ol> <li>It has to be for service that made you go WOW!</li> <li>It should be a recent experience</li> <li>It must have happened to you personally</li> <li>Employees of LoveFilm may not nominate</li> </ol> </div> <form id= "contactform" action="mobile_proc_nominate.php" method="post"> <fieldset><legend>Nomination Form</legend> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="nomination"/> <input type="hidden" name="jobtitle" value=" "/> <input type="hidden" name="department" value=" "/> <input type="hidden" name="mobile" value="1" /> <h4>Your Nomination Details</h4> <p> <?php if (!isset($_COOKIE['nominee'])){ ?> <!-- These stop the Java labels overwriting user text if error --> <label for="nominee">Tell us who WOW!ed you today (required)</label> <?php } ?> <input type="text" name="nominee" id="nominee" value="<?php echo readcookie('nominee'); ?>" title="Tell us who WOW!ed you today"/> </p> <p> <?php if (!isset($_COOKIE['comment'])){ ?> <label for="comment">How, where and when did they WOW! you? (required)</label> <?php } ?> <textarea name="comment" id="comment" value="<?php echo $_COOKIE["comment"]; ?>" title="How, where and when did they WOW! you? (required)" /></textarea> </p> <h4>Your Details</h4> <p> <?php if (!isset($_COOKIE['name'])){ ?> <label for="name">Your Name (required)</label> <?php } ?> <input type="text" name="name" id="name" value="<?php echo readcookie('name'); ?>" title="Please tell us your name"/> </p> <p> <?php if (!isset($_COOKIE['email'])){ ?> <label for="email">Your Email (required)</label> <?php } ?> <input type="text" name="email" id="email" value="<?php echo readcookie('email'); ?>" title="Please enter your email address"/> </p> <p> <?php if (!isset($_COOKIE['phone'])){ ?> <label for="phone">Your Phone Number</label> <?php } ?> <input type="text" name="phone" id="phone" value="<?php echo readcookie('phone'); ?>" title="And your phone number"/> </p> <input class="button" type="submit" value="Send" /> </fieldset> </form> </div> <div id="footer"> </div> </body> </html> And here is the form processing script: Code: [Select] <?php include("functions.php"); checkaccess(0); require_once("includes/browser.php"); $browser = new Browser(); $thebrowser = ereg_replace("[^A-Za-z]", "", $browser->getBrowser()); $ver = $browser->getVersion(); setcookie("nominee",$_POST['nominee'],time()+3600); setcookie("comment",$_POST['comment'],time()+3600); setcookie("name",$_POST['name'],time()+3600); setcookie("email",$_POST['email'],time()+3600); setcookie("phone",$_POST['phone'],time()+3600); $email = $_POST['email']; if(!eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$", $email)) { $email_error="TRUE"; } if ($thebrowser.$ver != "InternetExplorer6.0") { /* if(!captcha() ) { header("location: nominate.php?err=Spam Protection Code"); } else*/ if($_POST['name']=="" || $_POST['name']=="Your Name (required)" || $_POST['nominee']=="Tell us who WOW!ed you today (required)" || $_POST['nominee']=="" || $_POST['comment']=="How, where and when did they WOW! you? (required)" || $_POST['comment']=="" || $_POST['email']=="" || $_POST['email']=="Your Email (required)" || $email_error=="TRUE" ) { header("location: mobile.php?err=Please complete the required fields"); } else { connect(); $name=format_text_for_database($_POST['name']); $email=format_text_for_database($_POST['email']); $phone=format_text_for_database($_POST['phone']); $nominee=format_text_for_database($_POST['nominee']); $jobtitle=format_text_for_database($_POST['jobtitle']); $department=format_text_for_database($_POST['department']); $comment=format_text_for_database($_POST['comment']); $type=format_text_for_database($_POST['type']); $cid=company; $mobile=format_text_for_database($_POST['mobile']); $sql=mysql_query("insert into comments (date, name, email, phone, department, nominee, jobtitle, comment, type, cid, mobile) values (now(), '$name', '$email', '$phone', '$department', '$nominee', '$jobtitle', '$comment', '$type', $cid, $mobile)"); $lastid=mysql_insert_id(); disconnect(); senduseremail($lastid); sendclientemail($lastid); header("location: mobile_thanks.php"); } } if ($thebrowser.$ver == "InternetExplorer6.0") { /* if(!captcha_spam() ) { header("location: nominate.php?err=Please re-enter the Spam Protection Code"); } else*/ if($_POST['name']=="" || $_POST['email']=="" || $_POST['comment']=="") { header("location: nominate.php?err=Please complete the required fields"); } else { connect(); $name=format_text_for_database($_POST['name']); $email=format_text_for_database($_POST['email']); $phone=format_text_for_database($_POST['phone']); $nominee=format_text_for_database($_POST['nominee']); $jobtitle=format_text_for_database($_POST['jobtitle']); $department=format_text_for_database($_POST['department']); $comment=format_text_for_database($_POST['comment']); $type=format_text_for_database($_POST['type']); $cid=company; $sql=mysql_query("insert into comments (date, name, email, phone, department, nominee, jobtitle, comment, type, cid) values (now(), '$name', '$email', '$phone', '$department', '$nominee', '$jobtitle', '$comment', '$type', $cid)"); $lastid=mysql_insert_id(); disconnect(); senduseremail($lastid); sendclientemail($lastid); header("location: mobile_thanks.php"); } } ?> Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. KN hi all i am having a big problem that i have been trying to find out what is going on for weeks. i have a echo script that echos data that is in my database, and if i have to refresh the page it will add blank data in my database and the top echo info is blank as well. how can i fix this, and i was wanting to know how do i echo out my info in a textarea. i added a jepg to show you what i mean. here is my code echoforms.php <?php error_reporting(0); require_once('demo.php'); /*Open the connection to our database use the info from the config file.*/ $link = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD); $sql = "SELECT company_name, contact_name, address, street_number, postcode, contact_number, contact_email, budget, description FROM 3dartactforms"; $results = mysql_query($sql); if (!$results) { die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error()); } while($result = mysql_fetch_array( $results )){ echo '<div style="border: 1px solid #e4e4e4; padding: 15px; margin-bottom: 10px;">'; echo date("d/m/y"); echo '<p>Company Name: ' . $_POST['company_name'] . '</p>'; echo '<p>Contact Name: ' . $_POST['contact_name'] . '</p>'; echo '<p>Address: ' . $_POST['address'] . '</p>'; echo '<p>Street Number: ' . $_POST['street_number'] . '</p>'; echo '<p>Postcode: ' . $_POST['postcode'] . '</p>'; echo '<p>Contact Number: ' . $_POST['contact_number'] . '</p>'; echo '<p>Contact Email: ' . $_POST['contact_email'] . '</p>'; echo '<p>Budget: ' . $_POST['budget'] . '</p>'; echo '<p>Description: ' . $_POST['description'] . '</p>'; echo '</div>'; } ?> I'm simply trying to set up a form where, if when a user clicks 'Submit', and then 'Back', the values from the form are preserved. My question is, how do I preserve the values of drop down menus. The following is a snippet of my code: Code: [Select] <select name="dropdown_dept" id="dept_list"> <option value=0><?php echo "Please select one..."?></option> <?php $dropdown_dept = "select dept_name from departments"; $result_dept = $db_conn->query($dropdown_dept); if (!$result_dept) { echo '<p>Unable to get department data.</p>'; return false; } for($i=0; $i<$result_dept->num_rows; $i++) { $app_name_row = $result_dept -> fetch_array(); ?> <option><?php echo($app_name_row[0]); ?></option> <? } ?> </select> Above is where I have set up a drop down menu of departments. Given that code, how can I preserve the department name after a user clicks 'Submit'? Hi all I am trying to write a piece of code that allows a user to select a country from the drop down menu and them submit it so that it changes the delivery cost in the session. Here's the code for the drop down menu: echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"basket.php\">"; echo "<select name=\"postal_area_name\" >"; echo "<option value=\"\">--Please Select--</option>"; echo "<option value=\"England\">England</option><option value=\"Scotland\">Scotland</option><option value=\"Wales\">Wales</option>"; echo "</select>"; echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit_postal_area\" value=\"Go\" class=\"go\">"; echo "</form>"; Then here's my code to grab the delivery change from the form: if(isset($_POST['postal_area_name'])) { $_SESSION['postal_area'] = ($_POST['postal_area_name']); header("Location: basket.php"); exit; } Then this is to set the session price: if(isset($_SESSION['postal_area']) && $_SESSION['postal_area'] == "England") { $set_delivery = "5.95"; } elseif(isset($_SESSION['postal_area']) && $_SESSION['postal_area'] == "Wales") { $set_delivery = "10.00"; } elseif(isset($_SESSION['postal_area']) && $_SESSION['postal_area'] == "Scotland") { $set_delivery = "20.00"; } else { $set_delivery = "5.95"; } $subtotal += $set_price * $qty; $delivery += $set_delivery * $qty; Then I echo out the $delivery in the basket. This doesn't seem to update, it shows the value as being 0 all the time? Please help Thanks Pete This topic has been moved to Ajax Help. Hi all !
I wish to post the value of an auto submit dropdown value to another page, be redirected to that page, and use it on that page. I am unable to achieve this in php and so I tried as :-follows:-
<form method="post" action = dropdownaction.php> <select name="myselect" onchange="this.form.submit();"> <option>blue</option> <option>red</option> </select> </form>and now I need the equivalent of dropdownaction.php <?php if(isset($_POST(['myselect']))) echo " I am selected".$_POST['myselect']; ?>Please can someone tell me how I may retrieve the value of 'myselect' in the dropdownaction.php after being redirected to it. Thanks loads. This topic has been moved to JavaScript Help. Hello, I have the following function function make_agent_drop($dropname,$parent=''){ $agents = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ad_category WHERE cat_status='1' AND parent_id='".(is_numeric($parent)?$parent:"0")."'") or die(mysql_error()); $anum = mysql_num_rows($agents); if($anum>0){ $agentdrop='<select style="width:150px; height:20px; margin-left:100px; font-size:11px;" name="'.$dropname.'" id="'.$dropname.'" class="text" '.(is_numeric($parent)?'':'onchange="update_subcatdrop($(this).val());').'"> <option value="0">Select a Category</option>'; while($row= mysql_fetch_array($agents)){ $agentdrop.='<option value="'.$row['cat_id'].'">'.$row['cat_name'].'</option>'; } $agentdrop.='</select>'; }else{ $agentdrop= 'No '.(is_numeric($parent)?'Sub':'').'Categories Found.'; } return $agentdrop; ; } I creates a drop down from database cats and sub cats.. I am trying to figure out how to add a submit button to dynamically appear when it displays the sub category... Thanks! Dan Hello all , here is another problem of my project. I need to create a textarea , drop down list and submit button . At first , I can type whatever I want in the textarea , but for certain part I can just choose the word I want from drop down list and click submit , then the word will appear in the textarea as my next word . But I have no idea how to make this works , is there any simple example for this function ? Thanks for any help provided . Say I have an "Entries" table. I want to submit same multiple entries using a form submission. And If I have other queries submitted in the same form, I want those quarries to be submitted only once. Is that possible to do? Here's my code. if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $entries = 10; $id = 55; $name = 'Smith'; $insert = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO entries(id, name) VALUES(:id, :name)"); $insert->bindParam(':id', $id); $insert->bindParam(':name', $name); $result_insert = $insert->execute(); if($result_insert == false) { echo 'Fail'; } else { echo 'Success'; } } ?> <form action="" method="post"> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="SUBMIT" /> </form> Edited January 13, 2019 by imgrooot Hi. Pretty straight forward I guess but as the name suggests am a newbie. I have a form that requires the user to enter certain parameters. If the values are blank it submits to itself and loads the error messages. What I want to do is create PHP code that submits the form to a different url. What I thought was create two forms (the second with hidden fields replicating the first form), each form having a different url in the action"" code. What I cant work out is the PHP IF ELSE code to submit form 2 if Form1 is is validated correctly. This is the PHP code relevant to the form validation. Help? <?php //If form was submitted if ($_POST['submitted']==1) { $errormsg = ""; //Initialize errors if ($_POST[width]){ $title = $_POST[width]; //If title was entered } else{ $errormsg = "Please enter width"; } if ($_POST[drop]){ $textentry = $_POST[drop]; //If comment was entered } else{ if ($errormsg){ //If there is already an error, add next error $errormsg = $errormsg . " & content"; }else{ $errormsg = "Please enter drop"; } } } if ($errormsg){ //If any errors display them echo "<div class=\"box red\">$errormsg</div>"; } //If all fields present if ($title && $textentry){ //Do something echo 'THIS IS WHERE I WANT THE CODE TO SUBMIT FORM 2 or SUBMIT FORM 1 TO A DIFFERENT URL'; } ?> Hi All, I have 2 tables: one CarMake - CarMakeID - CarMakeDesc two CarModel - CarModelID - CarModelMake - CarModelDesc Depending on what the user selects in the first dropdown (carmake) the possible selection in the second dropdown (model) needs to be limited to only the models from the selected carmake. in the second table (Carmodel : the 'CarModelMake' = CarMakeID, to identify the make) How do I limit the dropdown 'CarModel' based on the selected CarMake in the first dropdown. link : code : -- -- -- Code: [Select] <label> <select name="carmake" id="CarMake" class="validate[required]" style="width: 200px;"> <option value="">Select CAR MAKE...</option> <?php while($obj_queryCarMake = mysql_fetch_object($result_queryCarMake)) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $obj_queryCarMake->CarMakeID;?>" <?php if($obj_queryCarMake->CarMakeID == $CarAdCarMake) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> > <?php echo $obj_queryCarMake->CarMakeDesc;?></option> <?php } ?> </select> </label> <label> <select name="carmodel" id="CarModel" class="validate[required]" style="width: 200px;"> <option value="">Select MODEL...</option> <?php while($obj_queryCarModel = mysql_fetch_object($result_queryCarModel)) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $obj_queryCarModel->CarModelID;?>" <?php if($obj_queryCarModel->CarmodelID == $CarAdCarModel) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> > <?php echo $obj_queryCarModel->CarModelDesc;?></option> <?php } ?> </select> </label> I'm a novice.. and appreciates all the help ! I am creating a form that will allow the user to select the make of vehicle "FORD" for example. If that make of vehicle is selected among different makes of vehicles, then another box will appear, with all the models for that particular model "Fiesta" for example. What type of code accomplishes this setup in my web page? I do not want to list 500 models in one drop down list, but just those for each make in the first drop down list. Thanks much! the info posts beautifully i just canst seem to get the button to auto click or submit, tried numerous ways! help Code: [Select] <?php require_once "../store/paypal/utility.php"; require_once "../store/paypal/constants.php"; $url = "https://www.".DEFAULT_ENV.""; $postFields = "cmd=".urlencode("_notify-synch"). "&tx=".urlencode(htmlspecialchars($_GET["tx"])). "&at=".urlencode(DEFAULT_IDENTITY_TOKEN); $ppResponseAr = Utils::PPHttpPost($url, $postFields, true); if(!$ppResponseAr["status"]) { Utils::PPError($ppResponseAr["error_msg"], $ppResponseAr["error_no"]); exit; } $httpParsedResponseAr = $ppResponseAr["httpParsedResponseAr"]; // assign posted variables to local variables $item_name = $httpParsedResponseAr['item_name']; $item_number = $httpParsedResponseAr['item_number']; $receiver_email = $httpParsedResponseAr['receiver_email']; $receiver_id = $httpParsedResponseAr['receiver_id']; $quantity = $httpParsedResponseAr['quantity']; $first_name = $httpParsedResponseAr['first_name']; $last_name = $httpParsedResponseAr['last_name']; $payer_email = $httpParsedResponseAr['payer_email']; $txn_type = $httpParsedResponseAr['txn_type']; $address_street = $httpParsedResponseAr['address_street']; $address_city = $httpParsedResponseAr['address_city']; $address_state = $httpParsedResponseAr['address_state']; $address_zip = $httpParsedResponseAr['address_zip']; $item_number = $httpParsedResponseAr['item_number']; $option_name1 = $httpParsedResponseAr['option_name1']; $option_selection1 = $httpParsedResponseAr['option_selection1']; $option_name2 = $httpParsedResponseAr['option_name2']; $option_selection2 = $httpParsedResponseAr['option_selection2']; $invoice = $httpParsedResponseAr['invoice']; $custom = $httpParsedResponseAr['custom']; $payer_id =$httpParsedResponseAr['payer_id']; ?> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Rec</title> <link REL="stylesheet" href="include/style.css" type="text/css"> <!--[if IE]> <link REL="stylesheet" href="include/styleIE.css" type="text/css"> <![endif]--> <style> #center_block {width:50%;margin:0 auto;min-width:500px;} #contents_block {text-align:center;} #header_block {white-space:nowrap;height:25px;padding:0 10px 5px;text-align:center;} #fields_block {width:100%;margin:0;padding:10px} #header_block span {margin:0 5px} #buttons_block {padding:10px 10px 5px} #buttons_block div {padding:3px} #delimiter {margin:2px} #fields_block td {padding:3px 14px} #username_block td {padding-top:13px;white-space:nowrap;} #remember_block td {padding-bottom:13px;white-space:nowrap;} #required_block {text-align:left;padding:5px} </style> <!--[if IE]> <style> #main_block {width:100%} </style> <![endif]--> </head> <body> <script language="JavaScript" src="include/jquery.js"></script> <script language="JavaScript" src="include/jsfunctions.js"></script> <script language="JavaScript" src="include/runnerJS/RunnerBase.js"></script> <form action="rec.php" method="post" id="rec" name="rec.php"> <table id="center_block" align="center"> <tr><td id="contents_block"> <div class="main_table_border2 loginshade" id="main_block"> <table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 id="fields_block" class="loginshade"> <tr id="email_fieldblock"> <td align=left width=50% class=loginshade> <div align="left"><label for="value_email_1">Email:</label></div> </td> <td width=50% class=loginshade> <span id="edit1_email_0" style="white-space: nowrap;"><input id="value_email_1" style="" type="text" name="value_email_1" maxlength=50 value="<?php echo urldecode($httpParsedResponseAr["payer_email"]) ?>"> <font color="red">*</font></span> <div class="error"></div> </td> </tr> <tr id="pass_fieldblock"> <td align=left width=50% class=loginshade> <div align="left"><label for="value_pass_1">Pass:</label></div> </td> <td width=50% class=loginshade> <span id="edit1_pass_0" style=""><input style="" id="value_pass_1" type="Password" name="value_pass_1" maxlength=50 value="1234"> <font color="red">*</font></span> <div class="error"></div> </td> </tr> <tr id="confirm_block"> <td align=left width=50% class=loginshade> <div align="left"><label for="value_confirm_1">Re-enter password:</label></div> </td> <td width=50% class=loginshade> <span id="edit1_confirm_0" style=""><input style="" id="value_confirm_1" type="Password" name="value_confirm_1" value="1234"> <font color="red">*</font></span> <div class="error"></div> </td> </tr> <tr id="fname_fieldblock"> <td align=left width=50% class=loginshade> <div align="left"><label for="value_fname_1">First Name:</label></div> </td> <td width=50% class=loginshade> <span id="edit1_fname_0" style="white-space: nowrap;"><input id="value_fname_1" style="" type="text" name="value_fname_1" maxlength=50 value="<?php echo urldecode($httpParsedResponseAr["first_name"]) ?>"> <font color="red">*</font></span> </td> </tr> <tr id="lname_fieldblock"> <td align=left width=50% class=loginshade> <div align="left"><label for="value_lname_1">Last Name:</label></div> </td> <td width=50% class=loginshade> <span id="edit1_lname_0" style="white-space: nowrap;"><input id="value_lname_1" style="" type="text" name="value_lname_1" maxlength=50 value="<?php echo urldecode($httpParsedResponseAr["last_name"]) ?>"> <font color="red">*</font></span> </td> </tr> <tr id="address_fieldblock"> <td align=left width=50% class=loginshade> <div align="left"><label for="value_address_1">Address:</label></div> </td> <td width=50% class=loginshade> <span id="edit1_address_0" style="white-space: nowrap;"><input id="value_address_1" style="" type="text" name="value_address_1" maxlength=50 value="<?php echo urldecode($httpParsedResponseAr["address_street"]) ?>"> <font color="red">*</font></span> </td> </tr> <tr id="city_fieldblock"> <td align=left width=50% class=loginshade> <div align="left"><label for="value_city_1">City:</label></div> </td> <td width=50% class=loginshade> <span id="edit1_city_0" style="white-space: nowrap;"><input id="value_city_1" style="" type="text" name="value_city_1" maxlength=50 value="<?php echo urldecode($httpParsedResponseAr["address_city"]) ?>"> <font color="red">*</font></span> </td> </tr> <tr id="state_fieldblock"> <td align=left width=50% class=loginshade> <div align="left"><label for="value_state_1">State:</label></div> </td> <td width=50% class=loginshade> <span id="edit1_state_0" style="white-space: nowrap;"><input id="value_state_1" style="" type="text" name="value_state_1" maxlength=50 value="<?php echo urldecode($httpParsedResponseAr["address_state"]) ?>"> <font color="red">*</font></span> </td> </tr> <tr id="zip_fieldblock"> <td align=left width=50% class=loginshade> <div align="left"><label for="value_zip_1">Zip:</label></div> </td> <td width=50% class=loginshade> <span id="edit1_zip_0" style="white-space: nowrap;"><input id="value_zip_1" style="" type="text" name="value_zip_1" maxlength=50 value="<?php echo urldecode($httpParsedResponseAr["address_zip"]) ?>"> <font color="red">*</font></span> </td> </tr> <tr id="cosponsor_fieldblock"> <td align=left width=50% class=loginshade> <div align="left"><label for="value_cosponsor_1">Cosponsor:</label></div> </td> <td width=50% class=loginshade> <span id="edit1_cosponsor_0" style=""><input id="type_cosponsor_1" type="hidden" name="type_cosponsor_1" value="checkbox"><input id="value_cosponsor_1" type="Checkbox" name="value_cosponsor_1" ></span> </td> </tr> <tr id="recipients_fieldblock"> <td align=left width=50% class=loginshade> <div align="left"><label for="value_recipients_1">Recipients:</label></div> </td> <td width=50% class=loginshade> <span id="edit1_recipients_0" style="white-space: nowrap;"><input id="value_recipients_1" style="" type="text" name="value_recipients_1" maxlength=50 value="<?php echo urldecode($httpParsedResponseAr["quantity"]) ?>"> <font color="red">*</font></span> </td> </tr> <tr id="clients_fieldblock"> <td align=left width=50% class=loginshade> <div align="left"><label for="value_clients_1">Clients:</label></div> </td> <td width=50% class=loginshade> <span id="edit1_clients_0" style=""><input id="type_clients_1" type="hidden" name="type_clients_1" value="checkbox"><input id="value_clients_1" type="Checkbox" name="value_clients_1" ></span> </td> </tr> <tr id="space_block"></tr> </table> </div> </td></tr> </table> <input type=submit value="Submit" class=button id="saveButton1" onload="Submit"></form> </body> </html> I am trying to make my website submit a file when the submit button is pressed. I tried to use isset but when I press submit it doesn't work. This is just an example of when I am trying to do: <?php if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { echo "clicked"; } else { echo "not_clicked"; } ?> <form id="myform" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="test.php" method="POST"> <input type="submit" value="Upload" /> </form> how do I code the submit into this form? echo "<form action='#' method='post'><b>Prerent Update :<br /><br /> <table border='1'> <tr> <th>dep</th> <th>tenant</th> </tr>"; while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { echo "<tr> <td><input type='text' name='dep' value='" . $row['dep'] . "'></td> <td><input type='text' name='name' value='" . $row['name'] . "'></td> </tr>"; } echo "</table> // *** <input type="submit" name="submit" value="update record"/> // *** echo</form>"; } else{echo "No listing for appartment $apt.<br />Please select another.<br />";} } if(!empty($_POST["update"])) { $sql = "UPDATE testtable SET dep, name, amtpaid, prevbal, misc, tentpay, hudpay, datepaid WHERE apt='apt'"; mysql_query($sql) or die("Update query failed."); echo "Record for appartment ".$_POST["apt"]." has been updated ..."; } ?> Can anyone tell me why this will not submit? It's pretty simple code and the reason there is an if else for whether it does a select or update is unrelated.
It does however submit, Name, stars and location. However the testimonial will not update. If we update every field everything will update except for testimonial. The only difference I can see is testimonial is a textarea and an input field? Please help it's driving me crazy.
if($_POST){ $name = $_POST['name']; $stars = $_POST['stars']; $testimonial = $_POST['testimonial']; $location = $_POST['location']; mysql_query("UPDATE testimonials SET name='$name', stars='$stars', testimonial='$testimonial', location='$location' WHERE testimonialID='$testimonialID'", $retreat); echo '<a href="./">Back Home</a> | <a href="./testimonials">Tesimonials</a><br><br>'; echo 'Yay, Successful. PS: There is no error handling so this really just means you submitted it.'; } else { $getTestimonial = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM testimonials WHERE testimonialID='$testimonialID' LIMIT 1", $retreat); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($getTestimonial)){ $testimonialID = $row['testimonialID']; $name = $row['name']; $stars = $row['stars']; $testimonial = $row['testimonial']; $location = $row['location']; } ?> <a href="./">Back Home</a> | <a href="./testimonials">Tesimonials</a><br><br> <form action="testimonials?p=edit&id=<?php echo $testimonialID; ?>" method="POST"> Name:<br> <input type="text" name="name" value="<?php echo $name; ?>"/><br><br> Stars:<br> <input type="text" name="stars" value="<?php echo $stars; ?>"/><br><br> Testimonial:<br> <textarea type="text" name="testimonial" ><?php echo $testimonial; ?></textarea><br><br> Location:<br> <input type="text" name="location" value="<?php echo $location; ?>"/> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" /> </form> |