PHP - Moved: Wordpress Reformatting: Content Wrap Around Single Post Plugin?
This topic has been moved to PHP Applications. Similar TutorialsThis topic has been moved to Third Party PHP Scripts. This topic has been moved to PHP Applications. This topic has been moved to PHP Applications. This topic has been moved to PHP Applications. This topic has been moved to PHP Applications. This topic has been moved to PHP Applications. This topic has been moved to PHP Applications. This topic has been moved to PHP Applications. This topic has been moved to PHP Applications. This topic has been moved to PHP Applications. This topic has been moved to PHP Applications. Hi
I need to add one more function in my wordpress plugin. below is the sample code working for 2nd tier. Now i need a same function for 3rd and 4th tire.
Function explanation
I am A and i refer B and if B made any sale means I (A) will get direct commission for that sale.
If B refer C and if C made any sale means (B) will get direct commission for that sale. And in this sample code me(A) also get commission for that sale as a 2nd tier.
Now C refer D and if D made any sale means © will get direct commission for that sale and (B) will get 2nd tier commission. So here (A) me too should get 3rd tire commission and i need that function.
Please help me.
function wp_aff_award_second_tier_commission($wp_aff_affiliates_db,$sale_amount,$txn_id,$item_id,$buyer_email,$buyer_name='') { global $aff_tx_msg; $clientdate = (date ("Y-m-d")); $clienttime = (date ("H:i:s")); if (get_option('wp_aff_use_2tier') && !empty($wp_aff_affiliates_db->referrer)) { $aff_tx_msg .= '<br />Using tier model'; wp_affiliate_log_debug("Using tier model",true); $award_tier_commission = true; $duration = get_option('wp_aff_2nd_tier_duration'); if(!empty($duration)) { $join_date = $wp_aff_affiliates_db->date; $days_since_joined = round((strtotime(date("Y-m-d")) - strtotime($join_date) ) / (60 * 60 * 24)); if ($days_since_joined > $duration) { $aff_tx_msg .= '<br />Tier commission award duration expried'; wp_affiliate_log_debug("Tier commission award duration expried! No tier commission will be awarded for this sale.",true); $award_tier_commission = false; } } if ($award_tier_commission) { if(!empty($wp_aff_affiliates_db->sec_tier_commissionlevel)){ $second_tier_commission_level = $wp_aff_affiliates_db->sec_tier_commissionlevel; wp_affiliate_log_debug("Using the affiliate specific 2nd tier commission for this referral. 2nd tier commission level: ".$second_tier_commission_level,true); } else{ $second_tier_commission_level = get_option('wp_aff_2nd_tier_commission_level'); wp_affiliate_log_debug("Using global 2nd tier commission for this referral. 2nd tier commission level: ".$second_tier_commission_level,true); } if (get_option('wp_aff_use_fixed_commission')) { $commission_amount = $second_tier_commission_level; } else { $commission_amount = round(($second_tier_commission_level * $sale_amount)/100,2); } $campaign_id = ""; $is_tier_comm = "yes"; global $wpdb; $aff_sales_table = WP_AFF_SALES_TBL_NAME; $updatedb = "INSERT INTO $aff_sales_table (refid,date,time,browser,ipaddress,payment,sale_amount,txn_id,item_id,buyer_email,campaign_id,buyer_name,is_tier_comm) VALUES ('$wp_aff_affiliates_db->referrer','$clientdate','$clienttime','','','$commission_amount','$sale_amount','$txn_id','$item_id','$buyer_email','$campaign_id','$buyer_name','$is_tier_comm')"; $results = $wpdb->query($updatedb); $aff_tx_msg .= '<br />Tier commission awarded to: '.$wp_aff_affiliates_db->referrer.'. Commission amount: '.$commission_amount; wp_affiliate_log_debug('Tier commission awarded to: '.$wp_aff_affiliates_db->referrer.'. Commission amount: '.$commission_amount,true); } } return $aff_tx_msg; } <?php /** * Plugin Name: Esewa * Plugin URI: * Author Name: Kamal Parajuli * Author URI: * Description: This plugin allows for local content payment systems. * Version: 0.1.0 * License: 0.1.0 * License URL: * text-domain: pay-esewa */ if ( ! in_array( 'woocommerce/woocommerce.php', apply_filters( 'active_plugins', get_option( 'active_plugins' ) ) ) ) return; add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'noob_payment_init', 11 ); function noob_payment_init() { if( class_exists( 'WC_Payment_Gateway' ) ) { class WC_Noob_pay_Gateway extends WC_Payment_Gateway { public function __construct() { $this->id = 'noob_payment'; $this->icon = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_noob_icon', plugins_url('/assets/icon.png', __FILE__ ) ); $this->has_fields = true; $this->method_title = __( 'Noob Payment', 'noob-pay-woo'); $this->method_description = __( 'Noob local content payment systems.', 'noob-pay-woo'); $this->title = $this->get_option( 'title' ); $this->description = $this->get_option( 'description' ); $this->instructions = $this->get_option( 'instructions', $this->description ); $this->init_form_fields(); $this->init_settings(); add_action( 'woocommerce_update_options_payment_gateways_' . $this->id, array( $this, 'process_admin_options' ) ); // add_action( 'woocommerce_thank_you_' . $this->id, array( $this, 'thank_you_page' ) ); } public function init_form_fields() { $this->form_fields = apply_filters( 'woo_noob_pay_fields', array( 'enabled' => array( 'title' => __( 'Enable payment', 'noob-pay-woo'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => __( 'Tick mark means its enabled.', 'noob-pay-woo'), 'default' => 'no' ), 'title' => array( 'title' => __( 'Esewa Payment', 'noob-pay-woo'), 'type' => 'text', 'default' => __( 'Esewa Payment', 'noob-pay-woo'), 'desc_tip' => true, 'description' => __( 'Add a new title for the Esewa Payment that customers will see when they are in the checkout page.', 'noob-pay-woo') ), 'description' => array( 'title' => __( 'Esewa Payment Description', 'noob-pay-woo'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'default' => __( 'Please remit your payment to the shop to allow for the delivery to be made', 'noob-pay-woo'), 'desc_tip' => true, 'description' => __( 'Add a new title for the Esewa Payment that customers will see when they are in the checkout page.', 'noob-pay-woo') ), 'instructions' => array( 'title' => __( 'Instructions', 'noob-pay-woo'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'default' => __( 'Default instructions', 'noob-pay-woo'), 'desc_tip' => true, 'description' => __( 'Instructions that will be added to the thank you page and order email', 'noob-pay-woo') ), // 'enable_for_virtual' => array( // 'title' => __( 'Accept for virtual orders', 'woocommerce' ), // 'label' => __( 'Accept COD if the order is virtual', 'woocommerce' ), // 'type' => 'checkbox', // 'default' => 'yes', // ), )); } public function process_payments( $order_id ) { $order = wc_get_order( $order_id ); $order->update_status( 'on-hold', __( 'Awaiting Noob Payment', 'noob-pay-woo') ); // if ( $order->get_total() > 0 ) { // Mark as on-hold (we're awaiting the cheque). // } else { // $order->payment_complete(); // } // $this->clear_payment_with_api(); $order->reduce_order_stock(); WC()->cart->empty_cart(); return array( 'result' => 'success', 'redirect' => $this->get_return_url( $order ), ); } // public function clear_payment_with_api() { // } public function thank_you_page(){ if( $this->instructions ){ echo wpautop( $this->instructions ); } } } } } add_filter( 'woocommerce_payment_gateways', 'add_to_woo_noob_payment_gateway'); function add_to_woo_noob_payment_gateway( $gateways ) { $gateways[] = 'WC_Noob_pay_Gateway'; return $gateways; }
this is my plugin code. I want to display a QR code below the description so people can scan that qr code and pay. However I cannot understand how to let admin upload his/her Qr code and how to display it on checkout page just like description. Edited July 13 by Barandcode tags added I'm working with a Wordpress plugin that uses that google maps api to map multiple markers depending on search terms and proximity. You can set an option so that, regardless of the default proximity when the page loads, ALL markers will first appear. In order to help with performance, the authors decided to limit that option to 250 markers. I need to lift that limit to 5,000 (though I currently only have about 500, I don't want to deal with limits as my markers grow).
Based on a comment made in one of the php files it appears the authors enforce the limit in the query itself so I'm pasting the code for the php file that performs the query. Please let me know if there is something else I should do, if this forum is the wrong place or if I should be posting on pastebin and linking rather than dumping the entire file between code tags. Thanks in advance!
<?php if ( !class_exists( 'SM_XML_Search' ) ){ class SM_XML_Search{ // Register hook to perform the search function sm_xml_search() { add_action( 'template_redirect', array( &$this, 'init_search' ) ); } // Inits the search process. Collects default options, search options, and queries DB function init_search() { if ( isset( $_GET['sm-xml-search'] ) ) { global $wpdb, $simple_map; remove_filter( 'the_title', 'at_title_check' ); $defaults = array( 'lat' => false, 'lng' => false, 'radius' => false, 'namequery' => false, 'query_type' => 'distance', 'address' => false, 'city' => false, 'state' => false, 'zip' => false, 'onlyzip' => false, 'country' => false, 'limit' => false, 'pid' => 0, ); $input = array_filter( array_intersect_key( $_GET, $defaults ) ) + $defaults; $smtaxes = array(); if ( $taxonomies = get_object_taxonomies( 'sm-location' ) ) { foreach ( $taxonomies as $key => $tax ) { $phpsafe = str_replace( '-', '_', $tax ); $_GET += array( $phpsafe => '' ); $smtaxes[$tax] = $_GET[$phpsafe]; } } // Define my empty strings $distance_select = $distance_having = $distance_order = ''; // We're going to do a hard limit to 500 for now. if ( !$input['limit'] || $input['limit'] > 500 ) $limit = "LIMIT 500"; else $limit = 'LIMIT ' . absint( $input['limit'] ); $limit = apply_filters( 'sm-xml-search-limit', $limit ); // Locations within specific distance or just get them all? $distance_select = $wpdb->prepare( "( 3959 * ACOS( COS( RADIANS(%s) ) * COS( RADIANS( lat_tbl.meta_value ) ) * COS( RADIANS( lng_tbl.meta_value ) - RADIANS(%s) ) + SIN( RADIANS(%s) ) * SIN( RADIANS( lat_tbl.meta_value ) ) ) ) AS distance", $input['lat'], $input['lng'], $input['lat'] ) . ', '; $distance_order = 'distance, '; if ( $input['radius'] ) { $input['radius'] = ( $input['radius'] < 1 ) ? 1 : $input['radius']; $distance_having = $wpdb->prepare( "HAVING distance < %d", $input['radius'] ); } $i = 1; $taxonomy_join = ''; foreach ( array_filter( $smtaxes ) as $taxonomy => $tax_value ) { $term_ids = explode( ',', $tax_value ); if ( $term_ids[0] == 'OR' ) { unset( $term_ids[0] ); if ( empty( $term_ids ) ) { continue; } $search_values = array( "IN (" . vsprintf( '%d' . str_repeat( ',%d', count( $term_ids ) - 1 ), $term_ids ) . ")" ); } else { $search_values = array(); foreach ( $term_ids as $term_id ) { $search_values[] = sprintf( '= %d', $term_id ); } } foreach ( $search_values as $search_value ) { $taxonomy_join .= " INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_relationships AS term_rel_$i ON posts.ID = term_rel_$i.object_id INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy AS tax_$i ON term_rel_$i.term_taxonomy_id = tax_$i.term_taxonomy_id AND tax_$i.taxonomy = '$taxonomy' AND tax_$i.term_id $search_value "; $i++; } } $sql = "SELECT lat_tbl.meta_value AS lat, lng_tbl.meta_value AS lng, $distance_select posts.ID, posts.post_content, posts.post_title FROM $wpdb->posts AS posts INNER JOIN $wpdb->postmeta lat_tbl ON lat_tbl.post_id = posts.ID AND lat_tbl.meta_key = 'location_lat' INNER JOIN $wpdb->postmeta lng_tbl ON lng_tbl.post_id = posts.ID AND lng_tbl.meta_key = 'location_lng' $taxonomy_join WHERE posts.post_type = 'sm-location' AND posts.post_status = 'publish' GROUP BY posts.ID $distance_having ORDER BY " . apply_filters( 'sm-location-sort-order', $distance_order . ' posts.post_name ASC', $input ) . " " . $limit; $sql = apply_filters( 'sm-xml-search-locations-sql', $sql ); // TODO: Consider using this to generate the marker node attributes in print_xml(). $location_field_map = array( 'location_address' => 'address', 'location_address2' => 'address2', 'location_city' => 'city', 'location_state' => 'state', 'location_zip' => 'zip', 'location_country' => 'country', 'location_phone' => 'phone', 'location_fax' => 'fax', 'location_email' => 'email', 'location_url' => 'url', 'location_special' => 'special', ); $options = $simple_map->get_options(); $show_permalink = !empty( $options['enable_permalinks'] ); if ( $locations = $wpdb->get_results( $sql ) ) { // Start looping through all locations i found in the radius foreach ( $locations as $key => $value ) { // Add postmeta data to location $custom_fields = get_post_custom( $value->ID ); foreach ( $location_field_map as $key => $field ) { if ( isset( $custom_fields[$key][0] ) ) { $value->$field = $custom_fields[$key][0]; } else { $value->$field = ''; } } $value->postid = $value->ID; $value->name = apply_filters( 'the_title', $value->post_title ); $the_content = trim( $value->post_content ); if ( !empty( $the_content ) ) { $the_content = apply_filters( 'the_content', $the_content ); } $value->description = $the_content; $value->permalink = ''; if ( $show_permalink ) { $value->permalink = get_permalink( $value->ID ); $value->permalink = apply_filters( 'the_permalink', $value->permalink ); } // List all terms for all taxonomies for this post $value->taxes = array(); foreach ( $smtaxes as $taxonomy => $tax_value ) { $phpsafe_tax = str_replace( '-', '_', $taxonomy ); $local_tax_names = ''; // Get all taxes for this post if ( $local_taxes = wp_get_object_terms( $value->ID, $taxonomy, array( 'fields' => 'names' ) ) ) { $local_tax_names = implode( ', ', $local_taxes ); } $value->taxes[$phpsafe_tax] = $local_tax_names; } } } else { // Print empty XML $locations = array(); } $locations = apply_filters( 'sm-xml-search-locations', $locations ); $this->print_json( $locations, $smtaxes ); } } // Prints the JSON output function print_json( $dataset, $smtaxes ) { header( 'Status: 200 OK', false, 200 ); header( 'Content-type: application/json' ); do_action( 'sm-xml-search-headers' ); do_action( 'sm-print-json', $dataset, $smtaxes ); echo json_encode( $dataset ); die(); } } } I wanted to develop a Wordpress plugin. There's a few existing plugins for the subject I wanted to code. I thought I would get some inspiration by looking at the code. It's a gigantic mess of spaghetti! The code I looked at, looks like it's been made using an IDE. There seems to be so many folders and files - it's crazy. Others I looked at seem to be similar. It seems like an enterprise application. I'm more than capable of writing a spec and coding myself. The only thing I'm missing would be Wordpress practices - setting up tables and using hooks and other things. Any advice? Or do I just get dirty and sink my head into the code and untangle? QUESTIONS: - Do you use an IDE to code PHP? - What are the most popular IDE's? Thanks. dear folks
this question is regarding the plugin update, file uploader and SFTP - on a wordpress that runs on secured- server
I think I know the answer to the following question as "not possible" but I figured I would check. my sites are on servers where we disable FTP access and only use SFTP access, and also on a different port (not port 22). what if i want to use a automated maintaining service like the following automated Installing and updating plugins to the sites does not seem to work and I assume this is the reason why. I'm also assuming the File uploader extension will not work either. Can anyone confirm this for sure though? Any ideas as far as workaround? one might think of the following way: Can you try adding your SFTP settings into the wp-config of one of my sites to see if that allows the functions to work? we can see an example in http://codex.wordpre...g_wp-config.php under WordPress Upgrade Constants or possibly try this plugin SSH SFTP Updater Support do you have any idear!? cf: Hello everyone. I'm new here and to php mvc. Been trying to hone my skills with mvc, mysql, classes and functions. But I am stuck. Can display all blog posts from DB but not a single post. The Readmore link only leads to post 1 (or the next published post from the db). Please I need your help. My code is below. Thanx in advance. BlogsModel.php (PDO db): public static function getBlog($blogsID) { try { $db = static::getDB(); $stmt = $db->query('SELECT * FROM blogs WHERE blogsStatus=1 AND blogsID=blogsID '); $result = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); return $result; } catch (PDOException $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } } Blogs.php (Controller): public function blogAction() { $blog = BlogsModel::getBlog($blogsID = 'blogsID'); $user = BlogsModel::getBlog($blogsUserID = 'blogsUserID'); $data = [ 'blog' => $blog, 'user' => $user ]; View::renderTemplate("Services/Blogs/blog.php", $data); } index.php (front controller): $router->add('blogs/{id:[\w-]+}', ['controller' => 'Services\Blogs', 'action' => 'show']); ReadMore link: <a id="readMore" href="/blogs/{{ blog.blogsAlias }}" >ReadMore</a>
This topic has been moved to Other. Hi I have a simple form and when the user submits, php is putting a \ before every single quote entered in the field. So for example, if a user enters O'Neill, once i do $lastName = $_POST["lastname"]; $lastName comes back as: O\'Neill is there some way I can turn this off? Hello, I have a website designed in simple php It has a wordpress blog installed under sub-directory called "business-debt-collection-agency-blog" To query posts from blog on home page, I am using: <? foreach($sql->select("wp_posts", "where post_status = 'publish' order by post_date desc limit 3") as $row){ ?> <div class="bEntry"> <h2><?= $row['post_title'] ?></h2> <h3><?= date('F j, Y', strtotime($row['post_date'])) ?></h3> <p> <?= $row['post_excerpt'] ?> <a href="<?= $row['guid'] ?>">Read More</a></p> </div> <? } ?> It is working fine. I want to put post thumbnails on homepage. Post thumbnail should be automatically resized to width=110px and will be placed in : <div class="blogThumb"> POST THUMBNAIL PHP SCRIPT WILL COME HERE </div> Could anyone provide php script for this? Thank you |