PHP - Display Text Underneath Each Printed Image
I wonder if someone can advise me on how to best tackle this issue.
At the moment I am displaying a gallery of images pulled from the database. These are displayed as a thumbnail across my page, currently 4 in each row (then a new row is started dispalying the next 4 thumbnails). This works fine and does exactly what it should do. Now however I would like to display the username of who uploaded the image underneath each thumbnail. So it would go something like this: Display first 4 thumbnails pulled from database - breakline - Display username under each thumbnail - repeat for remainder of images, e.g: image image image image user user user user image image image image user user user user How would I go about this so it doesn't just display all the images in one vertical column, e.g: Image User Image User Image User I hope this makes sense. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Similar TutorialsI'm trying to show on my order printed receipt some checkout fields and extras from the products. The website is What needs to appear on the receipt are all the extras options from all the products(See checkboxes in all pasta dishes and checkboxes toppings in "create your own pizza") and 2 fields from the checkout page (Pick up Date, Pick up Time). To send the order to the printer I'm using the "Star cloud PRNT woocommerce" plugin and for the pickup date and time fields "ultimate woocommerce delivery and pickup date time", I've attached below the code that needs to be edited to add more fields to the receipt. I know that probably it's not difficult to solve my issue but I don't have any knowledge of php and I hope you guys can assist me. Also, I've attached a picture showing what is missing on the printed receipt and what result I'm trying to get. Thanks for your time!
<?php function star_cloudprnt_get_column_separated_data($columns) { $max_chars = STAR_CLOUDPRNT_MAX_CHARACTERS_THREE_INCH; $total_columns = count($columns); if ($total_columns == 0) return ""; if ($total_columns == 1) return $columns[0]; if ($total_columns == 2) { $total_characters = strlen($columns[0])+strlen($columns[1]); $total_whitespace = $max_chars - $total_characters; if ($total_whitespace < 0) return ""; return $columns[0].str_repeat(" ", $total_whitespace).$columns[1]; } $total_characters = 0; foreach ($columns as $column) { $total_characters += strlen($column); } $total_whitespace = $max_chars - $total_characters; if ($total_whitespace < 0) return ""; $total_spaces = $total_columns-1; $space_width = floor($total_whitespace / $total_spaces); $result = $columns[0].str_repeat(" ", $space_width); for ($i = 1; $i < ($total_columns-1); $i++) { $result .= $columns[$i].str_repeat(" ", $space_width); } $result .= $columns[$total_columns-1]; return $result; } function star_cloudprnt_get_seperator() { $max_chars = STAR_CLOUDPRNT_MAX_CHARACTERS_THREE_INCH; return str_repeat('_', $max_chars); } function star_cloudprnt_parse_order_status($status) { if ($status === 'wc-pending') return 'Pending Payment'; else if ($status === 'wc-processing') return 'Processing'; else if ($status === 'wc-on-hold') return 'On Hold'; else if ($status === 'wc-completed') return 'Completed'; else if ($status === 'wc-cancelled') return 'Cancelled'; else if ($status === 'wc-refunded') return 'Refunded'; else if ($status === 'wc-failed') return 'Failed'; else return "Unknown"; } function star_cloudprnt_get_codepage_1252_currency_symbol() { $symbol = get_woocommerce_currency_symbol(); if ($symbol === "£") return "\xA3"; // £ pound else if ($symbol === "$") return "\x24"; // $ dollar else if ($symbol === "€") return "\x80"; // € euro return ""; // return blank by default } function star_cloudprnt_get_formatted_variation($variation, $order, $item_id) { $return = ''; if (is_array($variation)) { $variation_list = array(); foreach ($variation as $name => $value) { // If the value is missing, get the value from the item if (!$value) { $meta_name = esc_attr(str_replace('attribute_', '', $name)); $value = $order->get_item_meta($item_id, $meta_name, true); } // If this is a term slug, get the term's nice name if (taxonomy_exists(esc_attr(str_replace('attribute_', '', $name)))) { $term = get_term_by('slug', $value, esc_attr(str_replace('attribute_', '', $name))); if (!is_wp_error($term) && ! empty($term->name)) { $value = $term->name; } } else { $value = ucwords(str_replace( '-', ' ', $value )); } $variation_list[] = wc_attribute_label(str_replace('attribute_', '', $name)) . ': ' . rawurldecode($value); } $return .= implode('||', $variation_list); } return $return; } function star_cloudprnt_create_receipt_items($order, &$printer) { $order_items = $order->get_items(); foreach ($order_items as $item_id => $item_data) { $product_name = $item_data['name']; $product_id = $item_data['product_id']; $variation_id = $item_data['variation_id']; $item_qty = $order->get_item_meta($item_id, "_qty", true); $item_total_price = floatval($order->get_item_meta($item_id, "_line_total", true)) +floatval($order->get_item_meta($item_id, "_line_tax", true)); $item_price = floatval($item_total_price) / intval($item_qty); $currencyHex = star_cloudprnt_get_codepage_1252_currency_symbol(); $formatted_item_price = number_format($item_price, 2, '.', ''); $formatted_total_price = number_format($item_total_price, 2, '.', ''); $printer->set_text_emphasized(); $printer->add_text_line(str_replace('–', '-', $product_name)." - ID: ".$product_id.""); $printer->cancel_text_emphasized(); if ($variation_id != 0) { $product_variation = new WC_Product_Variation( $variation_id ); $variation_data = $product_variation->get_variation_attributes(); $variation_detail = star_cloudprnt_get_formatted_variation($variation_data, $order, $item_id); $exploded = explode("||", $variation_detail); foreach($exploded as $exploded_variation) { $printer->add_text_line(" ".ucwords($exploded_variation)); } } $printer->add_text_line(star_cloudprnt_get_column_separated_data(array(" Qty: ". $item_qty." x Cost: ".$currencyHex.$formatted_item_price, $currencyHex.$formatted_total_price))); } } function star_cloudprnt_create_address($order, $order_meta, &$printer) { $fname = $order_meta[_shipping_first_name][0]; $lname = $order_meta[_shipping_last_name][0]; $a1 = $order_meta[_shipping_address_1][0]; $a2 = $order_meta[_shipping_address_2][0]; $city = $order_meta[_shipping_city][0]; $state = $order_meta[_shipping_state][0]; $postcode = $order_meta[_shipping_postcode][0]; $tel = $order_meta[_billing_phone][0]; $printer->set_text_emphasized(); if ($a1 == '') { $printer->add_text_line("Billing Address:"); $printer->cancel_text_emphasized(); $fname = $order_meta[_billing_first_name][0]; $lname = $order_meta[_billing_last_name][0]; $a1 = $order_meta[_billing_address_1][0]; $a2 = $order_meta[_billing_address_2][0]; $city = $order_meta[_billing_city][0]; $state = $order_meta[_billing_state][0]; $postcode = $order_meta[_billing_postcode][0]; } else { $printer->add_text_line("Shipping Address:"); $printer->cancel_text_emphasized(); } $printer->add_text_line($fname." ".$lname); $printer->add_text_line($a1); if ($a2 != '') $printer->add_text_line($a2); if ($city != '') $printer->add_text_line($city); if ($state != '') $printer->add_text_line($state); if ($postcode != '') $printer->add_text_line($postcode); $printer->add_text_line("Tel: ".$tel); } function star_cloudprnt_print_order_summary($selectedPrinter, $file, $order_id) { $order = wc_get_order($order_id); $shipping_items = @array_shift($order->get_items('shipping')); $order_meta = get_post_meta($order_id); $printer = new Star_CloudPRNT_Star_Line_Mode_Job($selectedPrinter, $file); $printer->set_codepage("20"); // 20 hex == 32 decimal == 1252 Windows Latin-1 if (get_option('star-cloudprnt-print-logo-top-input')) $printer->add_nv_logo(esc_attr(get_option('star-cloudprnt-print-logo-top-input'))); $printer->set_text_emphasized(); $printer->set_text_center_align(); $printer->add_text_line("ORDER NOTIFICATION"); $printer->set_text_left_align(); $printer->cancel_text_emphasized(); $printer->add_new_line(1); $printer->add_text_line(star_cloudprnt_get_column_separated_data(array("Order #".$order_id, date("d-m-y H:i:s", time())))); $printer->add_new_line(1); $printer->add_text_line("Order Status: ".star_cloudprnt_parse_order_status($order->post->post_status)); $printer->add_text_line("Order Date: ".$order->order_date); if (isset($shipping_items['name'])) { $printer->add_new_line(1); $printer->add_text_line("Shipping Method: ".$shipping_items['name']); } $printer->add_text_line("Payment Method: ".$order_meta[_payment_method_title][0]); $printer->add_new_line(1); $printer->add_text_line(star_cloudprnt_get_column_separated_data(array('ITEM', 'TOTAL'))); $printer->add_text_line(star_cloudprnt_get_seperator()); star_cloudprnt_create_receipt_items($order, $printer); $printer->add_new_line(1); $printer->set_text_right_align(); $formatted_overall_total_price = number_format($order_meta[_order_total][0], 2, '.', ''); $printer->add_text_line("TOTAL ".star_cloudprnt_get_codepage_1252_currency_symbol().$formatted_overall_total_price); $printer->set_text_left_align(); $printer->add_new_line(1); $printer->add_text_line("All prices are inclusive of tax (if applicable)."); $printer->add_new_line(1); star_cloudprnt_create_address($order, $order_meta, $printer); $printer->add_new_line(1); $printer->set_text_emphasized(); $printer->add_text_line("Customer Provided Notes:"); $printer->cancel_text_emphasized(); $printer->add_text(empty($order->post->post_excerpt) ? "None" : $order->post->post_excerpt); if (get_option('star-cloudprnt-print-logo-bottom-input')) $printer->add_nv_logo(esc_attr(get_option('star-cloudprnt-print-logo-bottom-input'))); $printer->printjob(); } function star_cloudprnt_woo_on_thankyou($order_id) { $file = STAR_CLOUDPRNT_PRINTER_PENDING_SAVE_PATH.star_cloudprnt_get_os_path("/order_".$order_id."_".time().".bin"); $selectedPrinter = ""; $printerList = star_cloudprnt_get_printer_list(); if (!empty($printerList)) { foreach ($printerList as $printer) { if (get_option('star-cloudprnt-printer-select') == $printer['name']) { $selectedPrinter = $printer['printerMAC']; break; } } if ($selectedPrinter === "" && count($printerList) === 1) $selectedPrinter = $printer['printerMAC']; if ($selectedPrinter !== "") star_cloudprnt_print_order_summary($selectedPrinter, $file, $order_id); } } function star_cloudprnt_setup_order_handler() { if (selected(get_option('star-cloudprnt-select'), "enable", false) !== "" && star_cloudprnt_is_woo_activated()) { add_action('woocommerce_thankyou', 'star_cloudprnt_woo_on_thankyou', 1, 1); } }
A user submit a comment to my database. If the user comment includes a word that has "" it stops the rest of the comment from being printed. I guess it has to be escaped somehow. $info = "this is a "testing" comment"; echo $info; //This will only print: this is a //I need it to print everything: this is a "testing" commentecho $info; i have a script which deletes users and if user is deleted it just prints A message saying user is removed but, even if i refresh the page after that the message still remains.....what do i do? if(isset($_GET['user_delete']) && isset($_GET['module_delete'])){ $user_delete = $_GET['user_delete']; $module_delete = $_GET['module_delete']; $query = mysql_query("DELETE FROM module_assign WHERE module_assign.user_id = $user_delete AND module_assign.module_id = $module_delete"); //header( 'refresh: 3; url=admin.php' ); echo "<font color ='red'>User has been unassigned</font>"; } there is no point in doing the header redirect(i cant do it as headers already send it seems) because even if the page refreshes manually, my message doesnt go off....what do i do? I have noticed that today that some of the content that is saved from my form is printing random characters and crap. I am using htmlentities on the form input and it seems to be adding more rubbish. I am using the UTF-8 charset as a meta tag. Is this the correct way of using htmlentities? htmlentities($string, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') Also i noticed the other day with a problem I had that using htmlentities was replacing " with &" when i thought it should have just been " So I have been printing out some debug information, and now I am trying to instead save it to a string, which I will print out at the end of the page. Here is some specific problematic code: $myplugin_debug_test.= "\n[GETTING COOKIES...\n"; $myplugin_debug_test.= print_r($myplugin_all_cookies);//THIS IS LINE 38 $myplugin_debug_test.= "\n... DONE]<br/>\n"; However, when I do this I get the following error: Quote Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at ...:38 So my question is how can I output the array data into a string, so that I can print it out later. Like what am I doing wrong? Is there a better way to do this? Thanks! I'm not sure if my problem is with the PHP, MySQL, HTML, or all of the above, but I've used a tutorial from ScriptPlayground ( to print a table to HTML. My problem isn't that I couldn't get it to work, as you can see from my site, I've used the code on my site, trying to display a list of offers, with links to each, but I actually have two questions: Is there a way to EXCLUDE columns of the table? I would rather not show the 'id' or 'points' columns, since they don't offer any worth to the user. I would also need to hopefully add a dollar sign before the 'pay' quantities if possible. I would also like use the 'title' field as a hyperlink to the URL listed in the 'URL' field, instead of simply printing the URL. Are there any simple ways to do this and not have it look terrible? I have included a copy of the script that I'm working with so far. Thank you in advance! Would like to be able to click on a radio button that represents an image. Once selected and submitted, have that image display on another page. I have an idea, but need some guidance. BTW, is using php only doable? Is there a simpler or more elegant way to do this? Thanks all! Hello, Five images will be displayed inside a division. There will be a previous and next button/link. If someone click the next button the next image will be added in that div and the first image will be gone from that div. The previous button/link will do the same thing. Is it possible with php? I am confused if it's a javascript or ajax question. Thanks. I built a basic form with certain fields required. When a required field isn't filled, the errors are echoed but not in the best area. I'd like for each error message to be displayed underneath their respected input fields. What do I need to look into? <?php if(!empty($_POST['submit'])) { // set variables $name = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['name']); $email = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['email']); $email2 = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['email2']); $age = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['age']); $city = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['city']); $state = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['state']); // 1A. REQUIRED FIELDS VERIFICATION if(!empty($name) && !empty($email) && !empty($email2) && !empty($city) && !empty($state)) { // 1B. END REQUIRED FIELDS VERIFICATION } else { echo '<img src="images/icon_error.png" alt="" title="" /> Please fill out the required fields.<br />'; if (empty($name)) { echo 'Whats your name?!<br />'; } if (empty($email)) { echo 'No email given.<br />'; } if (empty($email2)) { echo 'Please verify your email<br />'; } if (empty($city)) { echo 'What city are you from?<br />'; } if (empty($state)) { echo 'What State!<br />'; } echo '<br /><br />'; } // 1B. END REQUIRED FIELDS ERROR CODES } ?> <form action="<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post"> <div class="formSec"><label for="name" class="required">Full Name:</label> <input type="text" name="name" id="name" value="" /></div> <div class="formSec"><label for="email" class="required">Email:</label> <input type="text" name="email" id="email" value="" /></div> <div class="formSec"><label for="email2" class="required">Confirm Email:</label> <input type="text" name="email2" id="email2" value="" /></div> <div class="formSec"><label for="age" class="required">Age:</label> <input type="text" name="age" id="age" value="" /></div> <div class="formSec"><label for="city" class="required">City:</label> <input type="text" name="city" id="city" value="" /></div> <input class="submit" type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" /> </form> Sorry if this is too obvious or hard to understand. I'm echoing a database value onto a webpage, the value in question is a large paragraph of text. I need it to only display the first 40 characters or so of that text, then trail off with a "..." So the users will be able to click a 'More Info' button which will take them to a page containing the full paragraph of text. I'm just not sure how to cut off the text after 40 characters. Any help HUGELY appreciated Hello, I have started a DB for simple web based inventory system, I have only dabbled in PHP before 6 weeks ago, within the last 6 weeks with some help and going through countless tutorials and asking questions when I need. At this time setup an insert, delete and update function for this db and are working perfectly, now what I need to know is there a way to display something like 'in stock' and 'out of stock' using php, based on the value of the quantity in my db next to the item in a table?
Example : when the table is generated it will display:
| Part number | Description | Stock | (normally Stock would show the quantity of each part, I just wish to
|10-1111 | Some info | In Stock | display In or out os stock)
|10-1112 | Some Info | Out of Stock |
I the only code I have is the tables and just not sure what to do next to get the results I have described above. So I will include the table code I have and see where we can go from there. Or if you have some webs site that I can read through that will be great as well as long as it can give me basic instruction on how to do this.
Reminder, I am self taught and still learning.
<?php $con = mysqli_connect("localhost","user","pass","part_inventory"); // Check connection if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { printf("Connect failed: %s\n", mysqli_connect_error()); exit(); } else { $result = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM amp20"); echo "<table border='1'> <tr> <th>ID</th> <th>Part number</th> <th>description</th> <th>location</th> <th>Quantity</th> </tr>"; while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>" . $row['amp20ptid'] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $row['partnum'] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $row['description'] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $row['location'] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $row['quantity'] . "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } echo "</table>"; mysqli_close($con); } ?> Edited by Thunder_Wolf, 22 October 2014 - 11:16 AM. I have a field in my database called description. How can I echo out only 500 out of the 2000 max characters? Like for example: Code: [Select] $query = mysql_query("SELECT description FROM `servers` ORDER BY votes DESC LIMIT 5"); If I were to echo out the value of description for the database, how can I only echo out the first 500 characters? Hi all I have a MySQL data base that is saving information from a form. One the form a user can add a business name which is text and a logo if they have one. Now on my web page I want to beabe to display the picture if present if not I would like it to display the business name. How do I do this please. I know how to conect to DB etc just having problems getting my head around this problem. Hi, Wonder if someone could help with the problem below. Got a main page that includes a header, footer and a link to a database. I can get the two Includes to work but can't seem to display the database fields in the body of the page. What has me baffled is that it appears to be connecting to the database, (Opening the connection to the database server The connection worked. The link is: Resource id #3) but no text (see below for database text) is appearing on the screen. Yet I'm not getting a "page_not_found" message. I can go to the database in MYSQL console and query it successfully. Read and (hopefully) applied the section Debugging: A Beginner's Guide, but still can't see the problem. Any help greatly appreciated. Bren --------------------CODE FOR MAIN PAGE START------------------- <?php $page_name = $_REQUEST['name']; /*http://localhost/exemples/page.php?name=about_us*/ // Get the body of the page mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("test") or die(mysql_error()); $sql = "SELECT * from pages WHERE name='$page_name'"; print "Opening the connection to the database server<br>"; $link = mysql_connect("localhost","root", ""); print "The connection worked. The link is: $link <br>"; /* --------------What is being selected from the database-------------- +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | name | body | +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | about_us | <h1>About Us</h1> ACME Toys has been established in 1850 to provide toys | to children all over the world +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error() ); // If the page is not found, redirect to a static page if(mysql_num_rows($result) == 0 ) { header("Location: page_not_found.html"); } $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result ); $body = stripslashes( $row["body"] ); // Include the header include("c:/wamp/www/exemples/header.php"); // Print the body of the page echo $body; // Include the footer include("c:/wamp/www/exemples/footer.php"); ?> --------------------CODE FOR MAIN PAGE END------------------- Hi, I have the following code in a WordPress theme which displays a companies website, Twitter and Facebook links. What I am trying to do is display the text "Useful Links:" if one of the links exists, and hide the text if all are not present. <p>Useful Links:</p> <?php if ( $website = get_the_company_website() ) : ?> <a class="company-website" href="<?php echo esc_url( $website ); ?>" itemprop="url" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><?php _e('Website', 'jobseek'); ?></a> <?php endif; ?> <?php if ( get_the_company_twitter() ) : ?> <a class="company-twitter" href="<?php echo get_the_company_twitter(); ?>" target="_blank"><?php _e('Twitter', 'jobseek'); ?></a> <?php endif; ?> <?php $facebook_link = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), '_facebook_link', true ); if ( ! empty($facebook_link) ) : ?> <a class="company-facebook" href="<?php echo $facebook_link; ?>" target="_blank">Facebook</a> <?php endif; ?> What would be the best way to show/hide the text depending on if the items are present or not? Thanks Hi there, I am trying to write a simple piece of code that will display a little text phrase on every Friday 13th in any year. How would I best go about doing this? Thank you. hey guys so im trying to display data into text boxes that are fetched from database according to checkbox with value id. processing is located before <!DOCTYPE html>: if(isset($_POST['edit_event']) && isset($_POST['check'])) { require "connection.php"; foreach ($_POST['check'] as $edit_id) { $edit_id = intval($GET['event_id']); //i tried (int)$edit_id; $sqls = "SELECT event_name,start_date,start_time,end_date,end_time,event_venue FROM event WHERE event_id IN $edit_id "; $sqlsr = mysqli_query($con, $sqls); $z = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlsr); { }button and form opens: <form method="post" action="event.php"> <input type="submit" name="edit_event" value="Edit Event">this is the html where the data will be echoed: <div id="doverlay" class="doverlay"></div> <div id="ddialog" class="ddialog"> <table class="cevent"> <thead><tr><th>Update Event</th></tr></thead> <tbody> <tr> <td> <input type="text" name="en_" value="<?php echo $z['event_name']; ?>"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <input type="text" name="dates_" value="<?php echo $z['start_date']; ?>"> <input type="text" name="times_" value="<?php echo $z['start_time']; ?>"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type="text" name="datee_" value="<?php echo $z['end_date']; ?>"> <input type="text" name="time_" value="<?php echo $z['end_time']; ?>"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type="text" name="ev_" value="<?php echo $z['event_venue']; ?>"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type="submit" name="update" value="Update Event" id="update"> <input type="submit" id="cancelupdate" name="cancel" value="Cancel" > </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div>this is the part which is populated by data from database where isset($_POST['check']) gets the 'check' from: echo "<tr> <td><input type='checkbox' name='check[]' value='$id'>$name </td> </tr>";</form> thanks in advance! Edited by noobdood, 19 May 2014 - 10:42 PM. Hello.
I'm not sure whether this would come under PHP or HTML, but some sites display how many shares an article has had in a font, like this:
What would the best way of doing this be?
Hey there I am having a problem where I am pulling the records for images from my database and then trying to display them. What happens is there are three images in the database and I want to display them. My code displays the images but it only shows two of the three. I know there are three images in the database I put them in and checked just to make sure. It just seems to only want to display two images instead of three. Here's the code:$getImages = "SELECT * FROM Images WHERE SKU = '".$sku."'"; $resultGetImages = mysql_query($getImages); $records = mysql_fetch_assoc($resultGetImages); ?> while($records = mysql_fetch_assoc($resultGetImages)){ echo "<a onclick=\"document.getElementById('placeholder').src='../../".$records['Path']."'\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"../../".$records['ThumbPath']."\" alt=\"".$records['Description']."\" height=\"".$records['ThumbWidth']."\" /></a>\n"; } ?> I have tried a for loop as well but it displayed more images than were in the database and just a single image over and over again. I know that was a flaw in my code and I'm not even sure a for loop would even be a reasonable way to go. Don't know if it is php or html but the image won't display. Code: [Select] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en" > <head> <meta name="google-site-verification" content="y_kspZkCZOQM-WGNB_lQ8BhJS8p7-B66hkHI_UhzKbs" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-language" content="en" /> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="css/reset.css" /> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="css/960.css" /> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="css/custom.css" /> <title>Bay Area Remote Control Society</title> </head> <body> <div id="wrapper" class="container_12"> <div id="header" class="grid_12"> <div id="left-header" class="grid_5 alpha"><?php include('content/left-header.php'); ?></div> <div id="newsflash" class="grid_7 omega"><?php include('content/newsflash.php'); ?></div> </div> <div id="leftmenu" class="grid_3"><?php include('content/menu2.php'); ?></div> <div id="maincontent" class="grid_9"><?php include('content/maincontent.php'); ?></div> <div id ="footer" class="grid_12"><?php include('content/footer.php'); ?></div> </div><!-- end wrapper --> </body> </html> left-header.php Code: [Select] <?php ?> <img src="Pictures_Other/concorde.jpg" alt="concorde" border="0" width="250" height="188" /> |