PHP - Algorithms To Summarize Web News Articles
Is there any simple algorithm to summarize web news articles in PHP?
Similar TutorialsHi again PhpFreakz, yet again I have some issues with my PHP part of my website. This topic has been moved to mod_rewrite. So I have been working on a script on my local server. This script is a poll script and essentially people are voting either Republican or Democrat which is submitted with a myriad of other information into the database. The database has a single column for both the D and the R. I need to get a sum of both of those individually and display them onto a web page. Previously I had used the SQL below to achieve a dynamic database that updates with the votes and then displayed that on the page, however my host that I am going remote with, will not allow me to use it because I need root access. Code: [Select] CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `totals` AS select count(`votes`.`Party`) AS `total`,`votes`.`Party` AS `party` from `votes` group by `votes`.`Party`; Please advise how I can achieve what I need through PHP rather than the SQL way I was going before. Thanks! This topic has been moved to Miscellaneous. Hi everyone, I'm making an admin page which will contain a number of articles. Unlike most sites, these articles won't be ordered based on date, but however the admin wishes. To do this I've added an order column to the mysql, in the admin page all the articles are displayed and next to them a text input, with the value set to their current order number (1,2,3, 4 etc) Here's selections of the code <?php $o = $_GET['o']; if($o == 'new') { $order1 = $_POST['order1']; $update = "UPDATE `content` SET `order` = '$order1' WHERE `id` = '1'"; $result=mysql_query($update) or die(mysql_error()); } ?> <form method="post" action="?o=new" name="order_form"> <!-- CONTENT --> <div id="content"> <?php $sql="SELECT * FROM `content` ORDER BY `order` ASC"; $result=mysql_query($sql); while($rows=mysql_fetch_array($result)){ ?> <ul> <li class="article_left"> <input type="text" value="<?php echo $rows['order']; ?>" name="order<?php echo $rows['id']; ?>" class="order"> </li> <li class="article_left_title"> <?php echo $rows['title']; ?> </li> <li <?php if ($rows['live'] == '1') { echo 'class="live"'; }else echo 'class="launch"'; ?>> <?php if ($rows['live'] == '1') { echo 'Now Live'; }else { echo 'Launch'; } ?> </li> <div class="clear"></div> </ul> <?php } ?> </div> <!-- END CONTENT --> <div id="submit_order"> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit Re-Order"> </div> </form> My problem is hard to explain, but as you can tell $update only does it for the first article. How can I make it change the `order` column for all the articles. Feel free to ask more questions. Would really appreciate any help! Howdy colleagues,
I have a history blog where I post, well, history related essays of my own. I'd like to store the articles in .md or .txt document in my GitHub profile. My question is, would these articles get indexed by Google, since I want them to be original for my blog?
Thank you!
I have a full-text RSS component for Joomla that I was trying to modify. I wanted to be able to truncate the article to a given number of words and place a link at the end for the rest of the article. I need help figuring out how to add a link to the end of the source article. Added this script to the post.php file. It sort of works but the "$ending" tag doesn't seem to function since there is no "..." appended to the end of articles posted, when I tested it. public function truncate($text, $length = 200, $ending = '...', $exact = true, $considerHtml = false) { if ($considerHtml) { // if the plain text is shorter than the maximum length, return the whole text if (str_word_count(preg_replace('/<.*?>/', '', $text)) <= $length) { return $text; } // splits all html-tags to scanable lines preg_match_all('/(<.+?>)?([^<>]*)/s', $text, $lines, PREG_SET_ORDER); $total_length = str_word_count($ending); $open_tags = array(); $truncate = ''; foreach ($lines as $line_matchings) { // if there is any html-tag in this line, handle it and add it (uncounted) to the output if (!empty($line_matchings[1])) { // if it's an "empty element" with or without xhtml-conform closing slash (f.e. <br/>) if (preg_match('/^<(\s*.+?\/\s*|\s*(img|br|input|hr|area|base|basefont|col|frame|isindex|link|meta|param)(\s.+?)?)>$/is', $line_matchings[1])) { // do nothing // if tag is a closing tag (f.e. </b>) } else if (preg_match('/^<\s*\/([^\s]+?)\s*>$/s', $line_matchings[1], $tag_matchings)) { // delete tag from $open_tags list $pos = array_search($tag_matchings[1], $open_tags); if ($pos !== false) { unset($open_tags[$pos]); } // if tag is an opening tag (f.e. <b>) } else if (preg_match('/^<\s*([^\s>!]+).*?>$/s', $line_matchings[1], $tag_matchings)) { // add tag to the beginning of $open_tags list array_unshift($open_tags, strtolower($tag_matchings[1])); } // add html-tag to $truncate'd text $truncate .= $line_matchings[1]; } // calculate the length of the plain text part of the line; handle entities as one character $content_length = str_word_count(preg_replace('/&[0-9a-z]{2,8};|&#[0-9]{1,7};|[0-9a-f]{1,6};/i', ' ', $line_matchings[2])); if ($total_length+$content_length> $length) { // the number of characters which are left $left = $length - $total_length; $entities_length = 0; // search for html entities if (preg_match_all('/&[0-9a-z]{2,8};|&#[0-9]{1,7};|[0-9a-f]{1,6};/i', $line_matchings[2], $entities, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) { // calculate the real length of all entities in the legal range foreach ($entities[0] as $entity) { if ($entity[1]+1-$entities_length <= $left) { $left--; $entities_length += str_word_count($entity[0]); } else { // no more characters left break; } } } $truncate .= substr($line_matchings[2], 0, $left+$entities_length); // maximum lenght is reached, so get off the loop break; } else { $truncate .= $line_matchings[2]; $total_length += $content_length; } // if the maximum length is reached, get off the loop if($total_length>= $length) { break; } } } else { if (str_word_count($text) <= $length) { return $text; } else { $truncate = substr($text, 0, $length - str_word_count($ending)); } } // if the words shouldn't be cut in the middle... if (!$exact) { // the last occurance of a space... $spacepos = strrpos($truncate, ' '); if (isset($spacepos)) { // ...and cut the text in this position $truncate = substr($truncate, 0, $spacepos); } } // add the defined ending to the text $truncate .= $ending; if($considerHtml) { // close all unclosed html-tags foreach ($open_tags as $tag) { $truncate .= '</' . $tag . '>'; } } return $truncate; } I have attached the whole file as well if you want to see the rest. This part of the script has the function that originally automatically added the link to the source article: if($link_original==1){ if(strlen($ret->fullText)) $ret->fullText.="<p><a href='". $item->link."' target='_blank'>".$text_link_original."</a></p>"; else $ret->introText.="<p><a href='". $item->link."' target='_blank'>".$text_link_original."</a></p>"; } The problem is that it gets truncated with the rest of the article now. This topic has been moved to MySQL Help. Im running a website about health and foods. I would like that at the end of each article, it shows other related articles that I have on my website.
Im relatively new with php and mysql so I figure I have to put every page onto a database table.
I looked already everywhere but all I found is how to do with wordpress. But i'm not using anything like that.
I made the website myself with css and html and php.
Can somebody help me with a website where they explain how to do?
Also I would like that automatically it shows my latest articles in a sidebar. Without anytime adding myself manually.
Can anybody help me?
I'm using the fairly simple below code to output a list of the latest articles, but I'm wanting (not sure if it's possible) to display the articles from the current day in bold so users recognise that they are new and the older ones non-bold. I've tried a few things, but they're not giving the desired results. Code: [Select] <?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost","xxx","xxx"); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("xxx", $con); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `articles` WHERE `quotes` NOT LIKE '%yes%' ORDER BY `date` DESC limit 0,14"); echo "<table class='links' border='0' width='100%'>"; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo '<tr><td width="270" valign="top"><h4>» <a href="news/display/'.$row['id'].'">'.$row['title'].'</a></td><td width="40" valign="top"><span class="small">'.date("M d", strtotime($row['date'])).'</span></h4></td></tr>'; } mysql_close($con); ?> Cheers! This topic has been moved to Miscellaneous. I have this code.. <?php if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { mysql_query("INSERT INTO blog (date, name, desc) VALUES ('" . date("Y-m-d") . "', '". realEscape($_POST['name']) ."', '". realEscape($_POST['desc']) ."') ") or die(mysql_error()); echo "News Added."; } ?> <center><h1>Adding News</h1> <form action="news.php" method="POST"> Your News Name:<br> <input id="name" type="text" name="name" autocomplete="off" maxlength="25"><br>Your News Description: <br> <textarea name="desc" id="desc" rows="3" cols="60" maxlength="250"> </textarea><br> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Add News"> </form> And the error is Code: [Select] You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'desc) VALUES ('2010-09-02', 'vcv', ' xcvxc')' at line 1 Note: vcv and xcvxc are the inputs we(I) used for a test so we(I) could get the error. Hi guys i have been racking my brains been on about 5 different forums now with no joy either.. so here goes I am looking for a PHP news script thing, so I can have a column on the right hand side of my home page updating students results in passing or failing. I have looked and looked for php news scripts and none work they all are defect i am using a windows server, using wampserver to test my files locally.. any ideas or help.. would be oh so much appreciated Before I posted in here about a content management system for posting news. I was wondering how I could make so that when you fill out a form and send all the data to the database, it creates a new page from a template and includes that data within it? I know I asked this before, and some mentioned the _get method, but im using _post to process the form data and have no idea where to integrate the _get method. Here's the form in question: Code: [Select] <form action="" method="post" id="news"> <h1>Post New Article</h1> <p>Please fill out all of the following fields:</p> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td height="55" class="cmsNewsformText">Type*:</td> <td><font size="1"> <input name="type" type="text" class="Form1" size="50" /> </font></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="55" class="cmsNewsformText">News Topic/Title*: </td> <td><font size="1"> <input name="title" type="text" class="Form1" size="50" /> </font></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="55" class="cmsNewsformText">Username*:</td> <td><font size="1"> <input name="user" type="text" class="Form1" value="DJ Smiley" size="50" /> </font></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="55" class="cmsNewsformText">Url*:</td> <td><font size="1"> <input name="url" type="text" class="Form1" size="50" /> </font></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="55" class="cmsNewsformText">Message*:</td> <td><font size="1"> <textarea name="message" cols="43" rows="10" class="TextField1"></textarea> </font></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="55" class="cmsNewsformText"> </td> <td><font size="1"> <input name="Submit" type="submit" class="Button1" value="Submit" /> <input name="Submit2" type="reset" class="Button1" value="Reset" /> </font></td> </tr> </table> </form> and here's the code that sends the data from the forms to the database: Code: [Select] <?php $user=$_POST['user']; $title=$_POST['title']; $message=$_POST['message']; $type=$_POST['type']; $url=$_POST['url']; mysql_connect("hostname", "username", "password") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("database") or die(mysql_error()); $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO mynews (user, title, message, type, url) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')", mysql_real_escape_string($user), mysql_real_escape_string($title), mysql_real_escape_string($message), mysql_real_escape_string($type), mysql_real_escape_string($url)); $result = mysql_query($sql); Print "The article has successfully been posted"; ?> can someone help or at least point me in the right direction? Hi all, i have a form for add-/edit- news. my fields are :id postdate title newstxt formember preimg img1 img2 img3 authr. i store (modified by concat date)names of news images in table and upload theme in folder /dir/newsimg. i want my images in jpg/gif format and for preimage (103*103 pixel & <5KB) and for img1,2,3 (width:650 pixel & <50KB ). Here is my (multipart)form: <form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <div><input id="post_title" type="text" size="30" tabindex="1" value="news title" /></div> <textarea cols="80" rows="10"></textarea> <div > <h3>Just For Members:</h3> <ul> <li> <label><input type="checkbox" name="chbox" />yes</label></li> </ul><BR/> <ul> <h4>news pics</h4> <li><p>preimg pic must be 103*103 pixel and maxsize <5kb. </p></li> <li><p> for image1,image2,image3 weightsize must ebe 650pixel and maxsize mustbe <50 kb. </p></li> <li> <INPUT TYPE=file NAME="preimg" size=20 accept="image/jpeg,image/gif"> </li> <li><INPUT TYPE=file NAME="image1" size=20 accept="image/jpeg,image/gif"> </li> <li><INPUT TYPE=file NAME="image2" size=20 accept="image/jpeg,image/gif"> </li> <li><INPUT TYPE=file NAME="image3" size=20 accept="image/jpeg,image/gif"> </li> </ul> <p> <input type="submit" value="preview" /> <input type="submit" value="save" /> </p> </div> </form> in INSERT and for TEST MY IMAGES what should i add? my php code is : include_once '../../'; if (!include '../autorization.php') { echo 'Access denied!'; exit (); } if ($_POST['submit']) { $SQL = 'INSERT INTO news VALUES(?:for images); if (!(mysql_query ($SQL))) { exit ('Can\'t PUBLISH news!'); ; } if ($_FILES['logo']['name']) { if (copy ($_FILES['preimg']['tmp_name'], $documentroot . ('' . ' /dir/newsimg/' . NOW() . '.') . substr ($_FILES['preimg']['type'], 6))) { unlink ($_FILES['logo']['tmp_name']); } } if ($_FILES['image1']['name']) { if (copy ($_FILES['image1']['tmp_name'], $documentroot . ('' . ' /dir/newsimg/' . NOW() . '.') . substr ($_FILES['image1']['type'], 6))) { unlink ($_FILES['image1']['tmp_name']); } } if ($_FILES['image2']['name']) { if (copy ($_FILES['image2']['tmp_name'], $documentroot . ('' . ' /dir/newsimg/' . NOW() . '.') . substr ($_FILES['image2']['type'], 6))) { unlink ($_FILES['image2']['tmp_name']); } } if ($_FILES['image3']['name']) { if (copy ($_FILES['image3']['tmp_name'], $documentroot . ('' . ' /dir/newsimg/' . NOW(). '.') . substr ($_FILES['image3']['type'], 6))) { unlink ($_FILES['image3']['tmp_name']); } } } TNX. Got this script he Everything works, and I mean EVERYTHING. The problem is, when the form gets submitted, the database isn't being queried/updated/whatever. It worked at first, but after I started customizing/modifying it, it quit working. Here's my modified script: Code: [Select] <?php //**********************************// //**********************************// /*******user config variables********/ /* max number of news items to show */ //**********************************// //**********************************// $max_items = 5; //***********************// //***********************// //***********************// //make database connection// //***********************// //***********************// //***********************// $db = mysql_connect ('my hostname','my username','my password'); mysql_select_db ('my database name',$db); //If not all of the news articles are being displayed... function displayNews($all = 0) { /* bring in two variables * $db is our database connection * $max_items is the maximum number * of news items we want to display */ global $db, $max_items; /* query for news items */ if ($all == 0) { /* this query is for up to $max_items; only five news articles will be displayed */ $query = "SELECT id,title,body," . "DATE_FORMAT(date, '%m-%d-%Y') as date " . "FROM news ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $max_items"; } else { /* this query will get all news; $max_items will be false */ $query = "SELECT id,title,body," . "DATE_FORMAT(date, '%Y-%m-%d') as date " . "FROM news ORDER BY id DESC"; } $result = mysql_query ($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc ($result)) { /* place table row data in * easier to use variables. * Here we also make sure no * HTML tags, other than the * ones we want are displayed */ $date = $row['date']; $title = htmlentities ($row['title']); $news = nl2br (strip_tags ($row['body'], '<a><b><i><u>')); $url = $row['id']; /* display the data (news) */ echo "<table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\"><tr><td><strong><h2><a href=\"{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}" . "?action=show&id={$row['id']}\">$title</a></h2></strong> <em>posted on $date</em> | by <strong>DJ Smiley</strong></td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td>"; echo stripslashes(substr($news, 0, 500)); echo "...<a href=\"{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}" . "?action=show&id={$row['id']}\">read more</a></td></tr>\n"; /* get number of comments from database */ $comment_query = "SELECT count(*) FROM comments " . "WHERE news_id={$row['id']}"; $comment_result = mysql_query ($comment_query); $comment_row = mysql_fetch_row($comment_result); /* display number of comments with link; add twitter, facebook, digg, and share widgets; and add email sharing widget */ echo "</table>\n<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\"> <tr> <td width=\"6%\"><a href=\"{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}" . "?action=show&id={$row['id']}\"><img src=\"images/Icons/Comment/2.png\" width=\"20\" height=\"20\" class=\"fltlft2\"/></a>$comment_row[0]</td> <td width=\"13%\"><!-- FreeTellaFriend BEGIN --> <a href=\"\" onclick=\"'{$row['id']}', 'freetellafriend', 'scrollbars=1,menubar=0,width=435,height=500,resizable=1,toolbar=0,location=0,status=0,left='+(screen.width-435)/2+',top='+(screen.height-500)/3);return false;\"><img alt=\"Tell a Friend\" src=\"\" border=\"0\" /></a> <!-- FreeTellaFriend END --></td> <td width=\"81%\"><span class=\"st_twitter_hcount\" st_url=\"{$row['id']}\" displayText=\"Tweet\" st_title=\"{$row['title']}\"></span><span class=\"st_facebook_hcount\" st_url=\"{$row['id']}\" displayText=\"Share\" st_title=\"{$row['title']}\"></span><span class=\"st_email_hcount\" st_url=\"{$row['id']}\" displayText=\"Email\"></span><span class=\"st_sharethis_hcount\" st_url=\"{$row['id']}\" displayText=\"Share\"></span></td> </tr> </table><br>"; } /* if we aren't displaying all news, * then give a link to do so */ if ($all == 0) { echo "<br><div style=\"border-radius: 10px; border: solid 2px #E5E5E5; padding: 10px; margin: 5px; background: #F6F6F6;\"></p><a href=\"{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}" . "?action=all\">View All Articles</a></p></div>"; } } //function for displaying only one item function displayOneItem($id) { global $db; /* query for item */ $query = "SELECT * FROM news WHERE id=$id"; $result = mysql_query ($query); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); /* easier to read variables and * striping out tags */ $title = htmlentities ($row['title']); $news = nl2br (strip_tags ($row['body'], '<a><b><i><u>')); /* if we get no results back, error out */ if (mysql_num_rows ($result) == 0) { echo "This news article does not exist!\n"; return; } echo "<TABLE border=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n"; /* displays individual article user visits */ echo "<tr><td><strong><h2><a href=\"{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}" . "?action=show&id={$row['id']}\">$title</a></h2></strong> <em>posted on $date</em> | by <strong>DJ Smiley</strong></td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td>"; echo stripslashes($news); echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo "</table>\n"; echo "<br>\n"; echo ("</table>\n<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\"> <tr> <td width=\"6%\"><a href=\"{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}" . "?action=show&id={$row['id']}\"><img src=\"images/Icons/Comment/2.png\" width=\"20\" height=\"20\" class=\"fltlft2\"/></a>$comment_row[0]</td> <td width=\"13%\"><!-- FreeTellaFriend BEGIN --> <a href=\"\" onclick=\"'{$row['id']}', 'freetellafriend', 'scrollbars=1,menubar=0,width=435,height=500,resizable=1,toolbar=0,location=0,status=0,left='+(screen.width-435)/2+',top='+(screen.height-500)/3);return false;\"><img alt=\"Tell a Friend\" src=\"\" border=\"0\" /></a> <!-- FreeTellaFriend END --></td> <td width=\"81%\"><span class=\"st_twitter_hcount\" st_url=\"{$row['id']}\" displayText=\"Tweet\"></span><span class=\"st_facebook_hcount\" st_url=\"{$row['id']}\" displayText=\"Share\"></span><span class=\"st_email_hcount\" st_url=\"{$row['id']}\" displayText=\"Email\"></span><span class=\"st_sharethis_hcount\" st_url=\"{$row['id']}\" displayText=\"Share\"></span></td> </tr> </table>"); /* now show the comments */ displayComments($id); } function displayComments($id) { /* bring db connection variable into scope */ global $db; /* query for comments */ $query = "SELECT * FROM comments WHERE news_id=$id"; $result = mysql_query ($query); echo "<h2>Comments</h2>"; /* display the all the comments */ while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc ($result)) { //sets variables $comment = strip_tags ($row['comment'], '<a><b&><i><u>'); $comment = nl2br ($comment); $name = htmlentities ($row['name']); $time = ($row['time']); echo "<div style=\"border-radius: 10px; border: solid 2px #E5E5E5; padding: 10px; margin: 5px; background: #F6F6F6;\"><p><table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\"><tr><td><strong>$name</strong> says:</td></tr></table> <table><tr><td><img src=\"images/Icons/People/Anonymous 2.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"50\" height=\"50\"/></td><td>$comment</td></tr></table><table><tr><td>added on $time</td></tr></table></p></div>"; } /* add a form where users can enter new comments */ echo "<form action=\"{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}" . "?action=addcomment&id=$id\" method=post> <h2>Comment</h2><table width=\"37%\" border=\"0\"> <tr> <td width=\12%\">Name:</td> <td width=\"88%\"><label> <input type=\"text\" name=\"name\" id=\"name\" class=\"commentBoxforms\"> </label></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Comment:</td> <td><label> <textarea name=\"comment\" id=\"comment\" cols=\"45\" rows=\"5\" class=\"commentField1\"></textarea> </label></td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td><label> <input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" id=\"submit\" value=\"Comment\" class=\"Button1\"> </label></td> </tr> </table> </form>\n"; } function addComment($id) { global $db; /* insert the comment */ $query = "INSERT INTO comments " . "VALUES('',$id,'{$_POST['name']}'," . "'{$_POST['comment']}')"; mysql_query($query); echo "Your comment has been posted!<br>\n"; echo "<a href=\"{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}" . "?action=show&id=$id\">Return To Previous Page</a>\n"; } /* this is where the script decides what do do */ switch($_GET['action']) { case 'show': displayOneItem($_GET['id']); break; case 'all': displayNews(1); break; case 'addcomment': addComment($_GET['id']); break; default: displayNews(); } ?> Can anyone tell me where this script is going wrong? I've literally tried EVERYTHING. I even went back to the original script and compared every single character to mine, but NO luck. PLEASE HELP! I have a news code that posts news on the home page like a CMS would. How would i make it so when I post news using the code, I can use HTML within the post to change around what it looks like? Instead of just having it display the HTML like "<font color="blue">Example</font>" Regards, NW Hello everyone, I'm making a site with PHP script and PHPmyadmin database, i need some help with how to add news and then edit them or delete them on the site, not in the Database(if that is even possible to do it there), so far i can only delete the news, but when i try to add new stuff i just get the error message of my code, which is not very nice of it but hey, i'm a noob at this PHP so i must be doing something wrong. this is the code i have for the current situation. Code: [Select] <?php include_once( 'database_functions.php' ); $connectID = connectToDatabase( 'login' ); mysql_set_charset( 'utf8', $connectID ); $categories = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM ref_categories', $connectID); if( @$_POST && @$_POST['submitted'] && ( !@$_GET[ 'id' ] ) ) { $title = ( $_POST[ 'topic_name' ] ); $topic = ( $_POST[ 'topic_desc' ] ); //write to database mysql_query ( "INSERT into news (title, topic) VALUES ('$title', '$topic')", $connectID ) or die ("Unable to insert record into database"); print "Record successfully added"; } elseif( !$_POST && $_GET && $_GET['id'] ) { $id = $_GET['id']; $thisRecord = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ref_categories WHERE id = $id", $connectID ) or die( "Can't Read this record." ); $recordData = mysql_fetch_array( $thisRecord, MYSQL_ASSOC ); } elseif( $_POST && $_POST['submitted'] && ( $_GET['id'] ) ) { $title = ( $_POST[ 'title' ] ); $topic = ( $_POST[ 'topic_desc' ] ); $id = $_GET['id']; $success = mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM news", $connectID ) or die( "Can't Update this record" ); if( $success ) { header( 'Location: links_admin.php?updated=1' ); } } else { } ?> I need to set when new news is posted from 7 days to now, to put echo that it is new.. Code: [Select] while ($var = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $name = $var['name']; $date = $var['date']; echo " - {$s_name} [new]<br />"; }Now i need to put "[new]" when news is written in past 7 days(1 week), can someone help me? hi i want to make a script like and i dont have problem too add dogs but i want a auto news update after specific change like the link example : after add new dog or update dog or add image to a dog the link tell exactly what i want but also it has a feature that group added dogs and send a news any one have idea for make it? it is also so similar to facebook profile that after user do something page will auto update like : user change his cover |