PHP - Extracting Some Digits In A Medium Long String [with Mechanize[
hi there - hello dear PHP-Friends,
good evening! - i want to extract some data ouf of a large html-file. i have - a very very large amount of data: approx 5000 x the following line-sheme!: Quote 67003 Cato Bontjes Vice Versum House 1 28832 Achim 62042 Cato Bontjes Vice Versum House 2 28832 Achim 41798 Cato Bontjes Vice Versum House 3 37139 Adelebsen 40034 Cato Bontjes Vice Versum House 4 21365 Adendorf 46218 Cato Bontjes Vice Versum House 5 31855 Aerzen 42481Cato Bontjes Vice Versum House 6 21702 Ahlerstedt 49761 Cato Bontjes Vice Versum House 7 26197 Ahlhorn Question: how can i extract the first 5 first digits...!? I have allready some solutions here - i need a very very robuste solution diblertone1 Similar TutorialsHello Guys, I need some help here.. I am trying to extract the lat and long from a json query from google. Here is what I receive back from json { "name": "795PollardBlvdSW,Atlanta,GA", "Status": { "code": 200, "request": "geocode" }, "Placemark": [ { "id": "p1", "address": "Atlanta, GA, USA", "AddressDetails": { "Accuracy" : 4, "Country" : { "AdministrativeArea" : { "AdministrativeAreaName" : "GA", "SubAdministrativeArea" : { "Locality" : { "LocalityName" : "Atlanta" }, "SubAdministrativeAreaName" : "Fulton" } }, "CountryName" : "USA", "CountryNameCode" : "US" } }, "ExtendedData": { "LatLonBox": { "north": 33.8231844, "south": 33.6747422, "east": -84.2599230, "west": -84.5160418 } }, "Point": { "coordinates": [ -84.3879824, 33.7489954, 0 ] } } ] } Here is the code I am using $geocode=file_get_contents(',Atlanta,GA'); $output= json_decode($geocode); $lat = $output->results[0]->geometry->location->lat; $long = $output->results[0]->geometry->location->lng; echo $lat; echo $long; Just not sure how to pull the lat and long out of a json into vars.. Please advise.. Dan This topic has been moved to PHP Regex. hey guys i need to extract all the IP's of a string and loop them for more operations but for some reason i only get the first one <?php $string = ''; preg_match("/\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}/", $string, $matches); foreach ($matches as $ip){ echo "$ip<br>"; } ?> The string is not really seperated by spaces ... it can actualy be messy and have ips rapped arround a lot of code. The regex works because i do get the first one ... What did i miss? I have managed to get this to work but it seems like it is a very long and messy solution. I was wondering if anyone had an idea of how this can be done better. I am new to php and don't know a lot. It shows the text between the tags <h1> and </h1> from the content of a different file Basically I had to start the substr() from the fourth position so it would actually skip the "<h1>" being included, and because I started on the fourth postion I then had to finish four places back to skip the "</h1>" being included. Code: [Select] <?php $id = $_GET['id']; $homepage = file_get_contents("./".$id.".php"); $title = stristr($homepage,"<h1>"); $titlepos = strpos($homepage,"</h1>"); $endpos = $titlepos - 4; echo "Title " . substr($title,4,$endpos); ?> I have a string that looks like /index.php?g1=111&g2=222&g3=333. How can I obtain the value of g1 (i.e. 111)? It does not represent the current state of the server thus I cannot just use $_GET. It also is not necessarily the first item. The script below appears to work, however, states This function is intended specifically for the purpose of parsing URLs and not URIs. However, to comply with PHP's backwards compatibility requirements it makes an exception for the file:// scheme where triple slashes (file:///...) are allowed. For any other scheme this is invalid. It appears that my string is a URI and not a URL, but I might be wrong. How should this be accomplished <?php $str='/index.php?g1=111&g2=222&g3=333'; $array=parse_url($str); parse_str($array['query'],$get); echo("<p>{$get['g1']}</p>"); ?> I have a string Code: [Select] <p>Bollywood romcom: a pair of wouldbe suicides choose the same bridge at the same time.</p><p><a href="">Vue Cinema</a> (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>), Ozone Leisure Park, Grenoble Road (next Kassam Stadium), Oxford OX4 4XP; Tel. 08712 240 240 (10p per min from BT).<br /> </p> Using php i want to extract Code: [Select] from the <a> tag. I have already tried using <?php $pattern = "/<a href=\"([^\"]*)\">(.*)<\/a>/iU"; preg_match_all($pattern, $link, $matches); var_dump($matches); ?> The output I get is array 0 => array 0 => string '<a href="">Vue Cinema</a>' (length=81) 1 => array 0 => string '' (length=56) 2 => array 0 => string 'Vue Cinema' (length=10) so I'm working on this system which requires me to inject anime show names into a DB for an index. I get them in this form: [Kira-Fansub]_HIGHSCHOOL_OF_THE_DEAD_-_04_(BD_1920x1080_x264_AAC) [F0E73009].mkv I need to get it in this form: Highschool Of The Dead sometimes the words are space seperated. the main part is to extract the text in between the ] and ( and with that i mean [stuff]extract this(other stuff) and sometimes it looks like this: [stuff]extract[stuff] I have NO CLUE how to do this preg_match_all doesn't get me any further.. maybe in stages? What I'm trying to do is take two arrays and combine them using array_combine. After they are combined I want to take each key and value pair and use them in a string to build a MySQL query. See below for some pseudo-code =D <?php $fields = array('first_name', 'last_name'); //the fields that will be set with an UPDATE query. $newvals = array('Joe', 'Blow');//The values that will go into $fields $arr = array_combine($fields, $newvals);//Each value now has a key of the field it will update. /** This is where I want to return my SET string with something like 'SET ' . $arr['first_name'] ' = ' . $arr['first_name_value'] ', etc etc. */ There it is, I suppose. Are there any easier ways of doing what I'm trying to accomplish, that is, am I on the right track or just making things harder for myself? Both arrays will have dynamic values throughout my application, so I need to be able to get both each field and value for each query. Any links to some constructs, etc, etc? That's all I really need and I can post the solution when I've figured it out. Here is the error: Code: [Select] Warning: image_type_to_extension() expects parameter 1 to be long, string given in C:\wamp\www\Login\inc\edit-profile.php on line 23 Here is the code for line 23: Code: [Select] $type = image_type_to_extension($_FILES['pic']['type'], true); Here is the code for the whole page: Code: [Select] <?php if(!$userb) { login('?p=edit-profile'); die(); } if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $mottof = mysql_real_escape_string(bb($_POST['motto'])); $aboutf = mysql_real_escape_string(bb($_POST['about'])); $interesrsf = mysql_real_escape_string(bb($_POST['interests'])); $booksf = mysql_real_escape_string(bb($_POST['books'])); $authorsf = mysql_real_escape_string(bb($_POST['author'])); $randf = mysql_real_escape_string(bb($_POST['random'])); if($_FILES['pic']['type'] == 'image/gif' || $_FILES['pic']['type'] == 'image/jpeg' || $_FILES['pic']['type'] =-'image/pjpeg' || $_FILES['pic']['type'] == 'image/png') { if($_FILES['pic']['size'] < 8388608) { if($_FILES['pic']['name'] != '') { //mkdir('/images/user_images/' .$user_log); $type = image_type_to_extension($_FILES['pic']['type'], true); move_uploaded_file($_FILES['pic']['tmp_name'], 'images/user_images/' .$user_log .'pp' .$type); $path = 'images/user_images/' .$user_log .'pp' .$type; } else { $path = 'images/user_images/user.jpg';} } $q2 = "UPDATE login_info SET profile_picture = '$path' WHERE user='$user_log' "; mysql_query($q2) or die(mysql_error()); } $query = " UPDATE login_info SET motto = '$mottof', about = '$aboutf', fav_books = '$booksf', fav_authors = '$authorsf', interests = '$interesrsf', random = '$randf' WHERE user='$user_log' "; mysql_query($query); echo '<h3> Profile Updated </h3>'; } $q = "SELECT * FROM login_info WHERE user='$user_log' "; $s = mysql_query($q) or die(mysql_error()); $r = mysql_fetch_assoc($s); $motto = $r['motto']; $about = $r['about']; $books= $r['fav_books']; $authors = $r['fav_authors']; $rand = $r['random']; $interests = $r['Interests']; if(isset($_GET['act'])){$red = '?p=' .$rpage ;} else {$red='?p=edit_profile';} echo" <form action='?p=edit-profile' enctype='multipart/form-data' method='post' > <label>Motto: </label> <input type='text' name='motto' value='$motto' placeholder='Motto' /> <label> About :</label> <textarea name='about' cols='40' rows='10'> $about</textarea> <label> Interests: </label> <textarea name='interests' cols='40' rows='10'> $interests </textarea> <label> Favorite Books: </label> <textarea name='books' cols='40' rows='10'> $books </textarea> <label> Favorite Authors </label> <textarea name='author' cols='40' rows='10'> $authors </textarea> <label> Random: </label> <textarea name='random' cols='40' rows='10'> $rand </textarea> "; ?> <script type='text/javascript'> function if_checked() { if($('#cur').is(':checked')) { $('#pic').attr('disabled', true); } else { $('#pic').removeAttr('disabled'); } } </script> <label> Profile Pictu </label> <input type='checkbox' name= 'current' id='cur' onchange="if_checked();" checked /> <label for='current' style='display:inline;'> Current profile picture </label> <br /> <input type='file' id='pic' name='pic' disabled="disabled" /> <br /> <input type='submit' value ='Submit' name='submit' /> </form> Ive used the function before and I havent encountered this error. Im not sure what it means. Hi, I'm getting this error: Warning: mktime() expects parameter 5 to be long, string given in /home/user/public_html/include/functions.php on line 58 The code is: if($Date_Format == 1) #For dd-mm-yyyy { $Date_Output = date("d-m-Y",mktime(0,0,0,$Month,$Day,$Year)); } elseif($Date_Format == 2) #For dd/mm/yyyy { $Date_Output = date("d/m/Y",mktime(0,0,0,$Month,$Day,$Year)); } elseif($Date_Format == 3) #For mm-dd-yyyy { $Date_Output = date("m-d-Y",mktime(0,0,0,$Month,$Day,$Year)); } elseif($Date_Format == 4) #For mm/dd/yyyy { $Date_Output = date("m/d/Y",mktime(0,0,0,$Month,$Day,$Year)); } elseif($Date_Format == 5) #For Mon Day YYYY { $Date_Output = date("M D Y",mktime(0,0,0,$Month,$Day,$Year)); } elseif($Date_Format == 6) #For Month Day YYYY { $Date_Output = date("F D Y",mktime(0,0,0,$Month,$Day,$Year)); } elseif($Date_Format == 7) #For Date"nd" Month YYYY { $Date_Output = date("d\\t\h F Y",mktime(0,0,0,$Month,$Day,$Year)); } elseif($Date_Format == 8) #For Month Day YYYY { $Date_Output = date("F d Y",mktime(0,0,0,$Month,$Day,$Year)); } elseif($Date_Format == 9) #For Month Day YYYY { $Date_Output = date("d/m/Y H:i",mktime($DateDispsplittimehr,$DateDispsplittimemin,0,$Month,$Day,$Year)); // Line 58 } return $Date_Output; } else { return NULL; Line 58 says $Date_Output = date("d/m/Y H:i",mktime($DateDispsplittimehr,$DateDispsplittimemin,0,$Month,$Day,$Year)); I really appreciate any help on this. This topic has been moved to Miscellaneous. good day dear php-freaks This is a posting that is related to an image-display-topic. I ve got a list of 5500 websites and need to grab a little screenshot of them- to create a thumbnail that is ready to show - as a thumbnail of course - on a website. How do i do that. Dynamically - with by using file_get_contents($url): $url = '; $output = file_get_contents($url); or should i download all the images first secondly store it on a folder (as a thumbnail) on the server and thrdly: retrieve it with a certain call. The goal: i want to retrieve the image of a given website - as a screenshot. As an example - what i have in mind we can have a look at the site and there - see "Sites Made with Drupal" You see that there the image is changing from time to time. It changes every visit (i guess). Well how do they do that?! whats the solution? But: with PHP, it is easy to get the HTML contents of a web page by using file_get_contents($url): $url = '; $output = file_get_contents($url); Some musings about the method: well - what do you think. Can i add a list of URLS into a database and then let the above mentioned image gallery do a call and show the image, or should i fetch all the images with a perl - programme (see below) or httrack and store it locally to do calls to the locally based file. Hmm - i hope that you understand my question ... or do i have to expalin it more... ?! Which method is more smart is just less difficult and just easiser to accomplish? Thats pretty easy -no scraping that goes into the deepnes of the site. Thank god it is that easy! With the second code i can store the files into and folder using the corresponding names To sum it up: this is a question that is related to a method - fetching data on the fly eg with $output = file_get_contents($url); ...or getting the data (more than 5500 images - that are screenshots from given webpages [nothing more nothing less] and store it here locally - and do calls to them ... Which method is smarter!? love to hear from you greetings dilbertone Note: i only need the screenshots - nothing more. Thats pretty easy - noscraping that goes into the deepnes of the site. Thank god it is that easy! Here is Perl solution: Code: [Select] #!/usr/bin/perl use WWW::Mechanize::Firefox; my $mech = WWW::Mechanize::Firefox->new(); open(INPUT, "urls.txt") or die "Can't open file: $!"; while (<INPUT>) { chomp; $mech->get($_); my $png = $mech->content_as_png(); } close(INPUT); exit; From the docs: Returns the given tab or the current page rendered as PNG image. All parameters are optional. $tab defaults to the current tab. If the coordinates are given, that rectangle will be cut out. The coordinates should be a hash with the four usual entries, left,top,width,height. Well this is specific to WWW::Mechanize::Firefox. Currently, the data transfer between Firefox and Perl is done Base64-encoded.It would be beneficial to find what's necessary to make JSON handle binary data more gracefully. Well the source is he Filename: urls.txt (for example like here shown) Code: [Select] Code: [Select] open my $out, '>', "$_.png" or die "could not open '$_.png' for output $!"; print $out $png; close $out; Again: Note: i only need the screenshots - nothing more. Thats pretty easy - no scraping that goes into the deepnes of the site. Thank god it is that easy! And the alternative is - to work with the dynamically solution - with by using file_get_contents($url): Code: [Select] $url = '; $output = file_get_contents($url); which is the smarter solution!? love to hear from you! How do I get the number as pairs? (i.e. 05, 20, 01, 70) $query = "SELECT statez, COUNT(statez)FROM distributors GROUP BY statez"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ echo $row['COUNT(statez)'] ." Distributors in ". $row['statez']; echo "<br />"; } ?> Hi, I'd like to know what the most efficient code is for checking the first 2 digits of a string. eg a strings first 2 digits must equal '07' thanks, Below is some PHP code that looks at a DB and outputs a value within the user declared time and date period, via user recall using a web app attached to it. The code is rounding the numbers but I want it to include 2 of the decimal places. The original numbers in the DB have up to 5 decimal digits. This code is making them whole numbers. i would like to include the first 2 digits. I suspect the float should somehow be float(2) . Not sure how to do that. thanks in advance <?php $sql = ";WITH TOTAL_FULL_ENERGY_SUM_BASE_WEEKDAY_SUMMER AS ( SELECT cdate, datepart(hh, cdate) as trans_hour, datepart(mi, cdate) as trans_minute, comm_id, max(cast(total_full_energy_b AS FLOAT)/1000) * meter_multiplier AS totalUsage, meter_multiplier FROM [radiogates].[dbo].[purge_data] LEFT OUTER JOIN [radiogates].[dbo].[ops_invoice] on [radiogates].[dbo].[purge_data].[comm_id] = [radiogates].[dbo].[ops_invoice].[meter_id] where comm_id='$comm_id' and meter_multiplier is not null group by comm_id, cdate, meter_multiplier ) SELECT top 1 *, datepart(weekday, cdate) as trans_date_day, datepart(month, cdate) as trans_date_month, datepart(hour, cdate) as trans_date_hour, DATEPART(minute, cdate) as trans_date_minute FROM TOTAL_FULL_ENERGY_SUM_BASE_WEEKDAY_SUMMER where datepart(weekday, cdate) IN ('2', '3', '4', '5', '6') AND DATEPART(MONTH, cdate) IN ('5','6','7','8','9','10') and cdate between '$base_date $base_start_time' and '$base_date $base_end_time' ORDER BY totalUsage desc"; $query = sqlsrv_query($conn, $sql);if ($query === false){ exit("<pre>".print_r(sqlsrv_errors(), true));}while ($row = sqlsrv_fetch_array($query)){ $sumUsageWKW += $row[totalUsage];}sqlsrv_free_stmt($query);?> Edited by Butterbean, 15 October 2014 - 01:31 PM. I need a way to find numbers 0000-9999 where no number has more than 2 digits in the same place in common. I know PHP but this is a little beyond me, can anyone help? I have an integer that I'd like to validate to ensure that it is a valid number between 1 and 99999999999999999999(20 digits). I'm thinking about using the following, but I'm not sure what the max range is on the FILTER_VALIDATE_INT options. return filter_var($_REQUEST['r'], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array("options" => array("min_range"=>1, "max_range"=>99999999999999999999))); Can someone advise the edit required to include validation of US phone numbers ($phone_number3) when entered with no spaces between the area code and/or prefix. Note: I have working code (regular expression) that validates phone numbers that enclose the area code with parenthesis or having a space, hyphen, or dot between area code, prefix, or last four digits. Examples: all three shown below are validated based on regular expresion (123) 456-7890 123.456.7890 123 456 7890 However, I want to also include the option for 1234567890 (phone number have NO spaces) as valid. I know the edit will be within ( |-|.) using the PIPE but not sure how to denote the "no space" syntax within the regular expression. See the regular expression: $good_phone = "^\(?[0-9]{3}\)?( |-|.)[0-9]{3}(-|.)[0-9]{4}$"; and if you wan to view the entire php snippet // function which validates an American phone number function validate_phone($phone_number) { $good_phone = "^\(?[0-9]{3}\)?( |-|.)[0-9]{3}(-|.)[0-9]{4}$"; if (preg_match("/$good_phone/", $phone_number)) { echo "$phone_number is valid.<br/>"; } else echo "$phone_number is NOT valid.<br/>"; } $phone_number1 = "123.456.7890"; validate_phone($phone_number1); $phone_number2 = "(123) 456-7890"; validate_phone($phone_number2); $phone_number3 ="1234567890"; validate_phone($phone_number3); Here's what I'm wanting to do: Number = 100 In a for loop take that number, 100, and break it down into 5 random numbers to equal 100. So the for loop would output something like this: 1. 32 2. 5 3. 18 4. 9 5. 36 Total = 100 Everytime the numbers would be different. I hope that explains it Thanks! |