PHP - Remove A Message Printed On Screen
i have a script which deletes users and if user is deleted it just prints A message saying user is removed but, even if i refresh the page after that the message still remains.....what do i do?
if(isset($_GET['user_delete']) && isset($_GET['module_delete'])){ $user_delete = $_GET['user_delete']; $module_delete = $_GET['module_delete']; $query = mysql_query("DELETE FROM module_assign WHERE module_assign.user_id = $user_delete AND module_assign.module_id = $module_delete"); //header( 'refresh: 3; url=admin.php' ); echo "<font color ='red'>User has been unassigned</font>"; } there is no point in doing the header redirect(i cant do it as headers already send it seems) because even if the page refreshes manually, my message doesnt go off....what do i do? Similar TutorialsCan there be an auto remove oldest message from mailbox so can always get new.
I see the max is 50, kinda sucks to delete manually to make room for more.
Can't you just limit these to 49 by always removing the oldest one? To ensure can get any new messages.
A user submit a comment to my database. If the user comment includes a word that has "" it stops the rest of the comment from being printed. I guess it has to be escaped somehow. $info = "this is a "testing" comment"; echo $info; //This will only print: this is a //I need it to print everything: this is a "testing" commentecho $info; I wonder if someone can advise me on how to best tackle this issue. At the moment I am displaying a gallery of images pulled from the database. These are displayed as a thumbnail across my page, currently 4 in each row (then a new row is started dispalying the next 4 thumbnails). This works fine and does exactly what it should do. Now however I would like to display the username of who uploaded the image underneath each thumbnail. So it would go something like this: Display first 4 thumbnails pulled from database - breakline - Display username under each thumbnail - repeat for remainder of images, e.g: image image image image user user user user image image image image user user user user How would I go about this so it doesn't just display all the images in one vertical column, e.g: Image User Image User Image User I hope this makes sense. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have noticed that today that some of the content that is saved from my form is printing random characters and crap. I am using htmlentities on the form input and it seems to be adding more rubbish. I am using the UTF-8 charset as a meta tag. Is this the correct way of using htmlentities? htmlentities($string, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') Also i noticed the other day with a problem I had that using htmlentities was replacing " with &" when i thought it should have just been " I'm not sure if my problem is with the PHP, MySQL, HTML, or all of the above, but I've used a tutorial from ScriptPlayground ( to print a table to HTML. My problem isn't that I couldn't get it to work, as you can see from my site, I've used the code on my site, trying to display a list of offers, with links to each, but I actually have two questions: Is there a way to EXCLUDE columns of the table? I would rather not show the 'id' or 'points' columns, since they don't offer any worth to the user. I would also need to hopefully add a dollar sign before the 'pay' quantities if possible. I would also like use the 'title' field as a hyperlink to the URL listed in the 'URL' field, instead of simply printing the URL. Are there any simple ways to do this and not have it look terrible? I have included a copy of the script that I'm working with so far. Thank you in advance! So I have been printing out some debug information, and now I am trying to instead save it to a string, which I will print out at the end of the page. Here is some specific problematic code: $myplugin_debug_test.= "\n[GETTING COOKIES...\n"; $myplugin_debug_test.= print_r($myplugin_all_cookies);//THIS IS LINE 38 $myplugin_debug_test.= "\n... DONE]<br/>\n"; However, when I do this I get the following error: Quote Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at ...:38 So my question is how can I output the array data into a string, so that I can print it out later. Like what am I doing wrong? Is there a better way to do this? Thanks! I'm trying to show on my order printed receipt some checkout fields and extras from the products. The website is What needs to appear on the receipt are all the extras options from all the products(See checkboxes in all pasta dishes and checkboxes toppings in "create your own pizza") and 2 fields from the checkout page (Pick up Date, Pick up Time). To send the order to the printer I'm using the "Star cloud PRNT woocommerce" plugin and for the pickup date and time fields "ultimate woocommerce delivery and pickup date time", I've attached below the code that needs to be edited to add more fields to the receipt. I know that probably it's not difficult to solve my issue but I don't have any knowledge of php and I hope you guys can assist me. Also, I've attached a picture showing what is missing on the printed receipt and what result I'm trying to get. Thanks for your time!
<?php function star_cloudprnt_get_column_separated_data($columns) { $max_chars = STAR_CLOUDPRNT_MAX_CHARACTERS_THREE_INCH; $total_columns = count($columns); if ($total_columns == 0) return ""; if ($total_columns == 1) return $columns[0]; if ($total_columns == 2) { $total_characters = strlen($columns[0])+strlen($columns[1]); $total_whitespace = $max_chars - $total_characters; if ($total_whitespace < 0) return ""; return $columns[0].str_repeat(" ", $total_whitespace).$columns[1]; } $total_characters = 0; foreach ($columns as $column) { $total_characters += strlen($column); } $total_whitespace = $max_chars - $total_characters; if ($total_whitespace < 0) return ""; $total_spaces = $total_columns-1; $space_width = floor($total_whitespace / $total_spaces); $result = $columns[0].str_repeat(" ", $space_width); for ($i = 1; $i < ($total_columns-1); $i++) { $result .= $columns[$i].str_repeat(" ", $space_width); } $result .= $columns[$total_columns-1]; return $result; } function star_cloudprnt_get_seperator() { $max_chars = STAR_CLOUDPRNT_MAX_CHARACTERS_THREE_INCH; return str_repeat('_', $max_chars); } function star_cloudprnt_parse_order_status($status) { if ($status === 'wc-pending') return 'Pending Payment'; else if ($status === 'wc-processing') return 'Processing'; else if ($status === 'wc-on-hold') return 'On Hold'; else if ($status === 'wc-completed') return 'Completed'; else if ($status === 'wc-cancelled') return 'Cancelled'; else if ($status === 'wc-refunded') return 'Refunded'; else if ($status === 'wc-failed') return 'Failed'; else return "Unknown"; } function star_cloudprnt_get_codepage_1252_currency_symbol() { $symbol = get_woocommerce_currency_symbol(); if ($symbol === "£") return "\xA3"; // £ pound else if ($symbol === "$") return "\x24"; // $ dollar else if ($symbol === "€") return "\x80"; // € euro return ""; // return blank by default } function star_cloudprnt_get_formatted_variation($variation, $order, $item_id) { $return = ''; if (is_array($variation)) { $variation_list = array(); foreach ($variation as $name => $value) { // If the value is missing, get the value from the item if (!$value) { $meta_name = esc_attr(str_replace('attribute_', '', $name)); $value = $order->get_item_meta($item_id, $meta_name, true); } // If this is a term slug, get the term's nice name if (taxonomy_exists(esc_attr(str_replace('attribute_', '', $name)))) { $term = get_term_by('slug', $value, esc_attr(str_replace('attribute_', '', $name))); if (!is_wp_error($term) && ! empty($term->name)) { $value = $term->name; } } else { $value = ucwords(str_replace( '-', ' ', $value )); } $variation_list[] = wc_attribute_label(str_replace('attribute_', '', $name)) . ': ' . rawurldecode($value); } $return .= implode('||', $variation_list); } return $return; } function star_cloudprnt_create_receipt_items($order, &$printer) { $order_items = $order->get_items(); foreach ($order_items as $item_id => $item_data) { $product_name = $item_data['name']; $product_id = $item_data['product_id']; $variation_id = $item_data['variation_id']; $item_qty = $order->get_item_meta($item_id, "_qty", true); $item_total_price = floatval($order->get_item_meta($item_id, "_line_total", true)) +floatval($order->get_item_meta($item_id, "_line_tax", true)); $item_price = floatval($item_total_price) / intval($item_qty); $currencyHex = star_cloudprnt_get_codepage_1252_currency_symbol(); $formatted_item_price = number_format($item_price, 2, '.', ''); $formatted_total_price = number_format($item_total_price, 2, '.', ''); $printer->set_text_emphasized(); $printer->add_text_line(str_replace('–', '-', $product_name)." - ID: ".$product_id.""); $printer->cancel_text_emphasized(); if ($variation_id != 0) { $product_variation = new WC_Product_Variation( $variation_id ); $variation_data = $product_variation->get_variation_attributes(); $variation_detail = star_cloudprnt_get_formatted_variation($variation_data, $order, $item_id); $exploded = explode("||", $variation_detail); foreach($exploded as $exploded_variation) { $printer->add_text_line(" ".ucwords($exploded_variation)); } } $printer->add_text_line(star_cloudprnt_get_column_separated_data(array(" Qty: ". $item_qty." x Cost: ".$currencyHex.$formatted_item_price, $currencyHex.$formatted_total_price))); } } function star_cloudprnt_create_address($order, $order_meta, &$printer) { $fname = $order_meta[_shipping_first_name][0]; $lname = $order_meta[_shipping_last_name][0]; $a1 = $order_meta[_shipping_address_1][0]; $a2 = $order_meta[_shipping_address_2][0]; $city = $order_meta[_shipping_city][0]; $state = $order_meta[_shipping_state][0]; $postcode = $order_meta[_shipping_postcode][0]; $tel = $order_meta[_billing_phone][0]; $printer->set_text_emphasized(); if ($a1 == '') { $printer->add_text_line("Billing Address:"); $printer->cancel_text_emphasized(); $fname = $order_meta[_billing_first_name][0]; $lname = $order_meta[_billing_last_name][0]; $a1 = $order_meta[_billing_address_1][0]; $a2 = $order_meta[_billing_address_2][0]; $city = $order_meta[_billing_city][0]; $state = $order_meta[_billing_state][0]; $postcode = $order_meta[_billing_postcode][0]; } else { $printer->add_text_line("Shipping Address:"); $printer->cancel_text_emphasized(); } $printer->add_text_line($fname." ".$lname); $printer->add_text_line($a1); if ($a2 != '') $printer->add_text_line($a2); if ($city != '') $printer->add_text_line($city); if ($state != '') $printer->add_text_line($state); if ($postcode != '') $printer->add_text_line($postcode); $printer->add_text_line("Tel: ".$tel); } function star_cloudprnt_print_order_summary($selectedPrinter, $file, $order_id) { $order = wc_get_order($order_id); $shipping_items = @array_shift($order->get_items('shipping')); $order_meta = get_post_meta($order_id); $printer = new Star_CloudPRNT_Star_Line_Mode_Job($selectedPrinter, $file); $printer->set_codepage("20"); // 20 hex == 32 decimal == 1252 Windows Latin-1 if (get_option('star-cloudprnt-print-logo-top-input')) $printer->add_nv_logo(esc_attr(get_option('star-cloudprnt-print-logo-top-input'))); $printer->set_text_emphasized(); $printer->set_text_center_align(); $printer->add_text_line("ORDER NOTIFICATION"); $printer->set_text_left_align(); $printer->cancel_text_emphasized(); $printer->add_new_line(1); $printer->add_text_line(star_cloudprnt_get_column_separated_data(array("Order #".$order_id, date("d-m-y H:i:s", time())))); $printer->add_new_line(1); $printer->add_text_line("Order Status: ".star_cloudprnt_parse_order_status($order->post->post_status)); $printer->add_text_line("Order Date: ".$order->order_date); if (isset($shipping_items['name'])) { $printer->add_new_line(1); $printer->add_text_line("Shipping Method: ".$shipping_items['name']); } $printer->add_text_line("Payment Method: ".$order_meta[_payment_method_title][0]); $printer->add_new_line(1); $printer->add_text_line(star_cloudprnt_get_column_separated_data(array('ITEM', 'TOTAL'))); $printer->add_text_line(star_cloudprnt_get_seperator()); star_cloudprnt_create_receipt_items($order, $printer); $printer->add_new_line(1); $printer->set_text_right_align(); $formatted_overall_total_price = number_format($order_meta[_order_total][0], 2, '.', ''); $printer->add_text_line("TOTAL ".star_cloudprnt_get_codepage_1252_currency_symbol().$formatted_overall_total_price); $printer->set_text_left_align(); $printer->add_new_line(1); $printer->add_text_line("All prices are inclusive of tax (if applicable)."); $printer->add_new_line(1); star_cloudprnt_create_address($order, $order_meta, $printer); $printer->add_new_line(1); $printer->set_text_emphasized(); $printer->add_text_line("Customer Provided Notes:"); $printer->cancel_text_emphasized(); $printer->add_text(empty($order->post->post_excerpt) ? "None" : $order->post->post_excerpt); if (get_option('star-cloudprnt-print-logo-bottom-input')) $printer->add_nv_logo(esc_attr(get_option('star-cloudprnt-print-logo-bottom-input'))); $printer->printjob(); } function star_cloudprnt_woo_on_thankyou($order_id) { $file = STAR_CLOUDPRNT_PRINTER_PENDING_SAVE_PATH.star_cloudprnt_get_os_path("/order_".$order_id."_".time().".bin"); $selectedPrinter = ""; $printerList = star_cloudprnt_get_printer_list(); if (!empty($printerList)) { foreach ($printerList as $printer) { if (get_option('star-cloudprnt-printer-select') == $printer['name']) { $selectedPrinter = $printer['printerMAC']; break; } } if ($selectedPrinter === "" && count($printerList) === 1) $selectedPrinter = $printer['printerMAC']; if ($selectedPrinter !== "") star_cloudprnt_print_order_summary($selectedPrinter, $file, $order_id); } } function star_cloudprnt_setup_order_handler() { if (selected(get_option('star-cloudprnt-select'), "enable", false) !== "" && star_cloudprnt_is_woo_activated()) { add_action('woocommerce_thankyou', 'star_cloudprnt_woo_on_thankyou', 1, 1); } }
First problem fixed. My second problem is if the result is 0X.XX,0 or 0X.XX,1 I would like to remove the first 0 The X.XX are numbers, but the 0 is not always there. Can anyone help please Thanks Hey Guys, I have followed a tutorial and got a SMS text message script working. Although what i would like to do now is allow a registered user to add another user via a form. This form will contain the users mobile number, email, who its from, and a textarea for the message to send to them in the text message. *** It also stores it into a database. But dont worry about that. I have run into a problem, when i type in a mobile number and an email address and then press send. It doesnt seem to store the email address in the $vars echo (message). **It does echo in the email bit but i wont it to show in the message bit. ** Here is a screenshot. right ive setup my own messaging feature on my website but it still allowes me to message myself if tried <? }else{ if($to == username){ ?> the whole code so you can get a better understanding <?php session_start(); include_once "includes/db_connect.php"; include_once "includes/functions.php"; logincheck(); $username=$_SESSION['username']; $fetch=mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$username'")); if ($fetch->texts < '1'){ echo "<font color=red>You don't have No Texts Left</font><br>"; }elseif($fetch->texts >= '1'){ ?> <body onLoad="goaway();"><? $towho=$_GET['fromper']; $oldmsg=$_GET['oldmsg']; $text=$_POST['text']; $subject=$_POST['subject']; $fsubject=$_GET['fsubject']; $info=mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("SELECT rank FROM users WHERE username='$username'")); $goody = mysql_query("SELECT `inbox`, `date`, `from` FROM `messages` WHERE `id`='$rep'"); while($success = mysql_fetch_row($goody)){ $ini = $success[0]; $dateon = $success[1]; $fromper = $success[2]; } if(strip_tags($_POST['Send'])){ $text=strip_tags(addslashes($text)); $to = strip_tags(addslashes($_POST['to'])); $rep = $_GET['rep']; if((!$to)){ ?> <p class="style4">Please enter a username!</p> <span class="style4"> <? }else{ if(!$text){?> </span> <p class="style4">You cannot send a blank message!</p> <span class="style4"> <? }else{ if($to == username){ ?> </span> <p class="style4">You cannot send a message to yourself!</p> <span class="style4"> <? }else{ $sql_username_check = mysql_query("SELECT username FROM users WHERE username='$to'"); $username_check = mysql_num_rows($sql_username_check); if ($username_check == 0){ ?> </span> <p class="style4">Invalid Username!</p> <span class="style4"> <? }else{ $date = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `inbox` (`id`, `to`, `from`, `message`, `date`, `read`, `subject`) VALUES ('', '$to', '$username', '$text', '$date', '0', '$subject');") or die (mysql_error()); $sqll = mysql_query("UPDATE users SET texts = texts-1 WHERE username='$username'"); if(!$sql){ ?> </span> <p class="style4">There has been an error please contact an Admin !</p> <span class="style1"> <? }else{ echo "<table width=300 border=1 align=center cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 bordercolor=#003300 class=thinline2> <tr> <td height=20 align=center bgcolor=#74CE59 scope=col><span class=style1>Your Message As Been Sent </span></td> </tr> </table>"; }}}}}} ?> i am making a private messaging system like hotmails where the message list appears on the left. Then when you click on one of them the box on the right loads the email. The problem is i dont really know how to go about it. Anyone have any pointers? Let me know if i am understanding this correctly Below is the form code i put in my HTML editor followed by the php code that i right out as a text doc. then save as .php and upload to the appropriate location? if the above is correct what do i name the php file scripts/send_sms.php? when i do it this way i get this error message Not Found The requested URL /scripts/sms_error.php was not found on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. Code: [Select] <?php $from = $_POST['from']; $to = $_POST['to']; $carrier = $_POST['carrier']; $message = stripslashes($_POST['message']); if ((empty($from)) || (empty($to)) || (empty($message))) { header ("Location: sms_error.php"); } else if ($carrier == "verizon") { $formatted_number = $to.""; mail("$formatted_number", "SMS", "$message"); // Currently, the subject is set to "SMS". Feel free to change this. header ("Location: sms_success.php"); } else if ($carrier == "tmobile") { $formatted_number = $to.""; mail("$formatted_number", "SMS", "$message"); header ("Location: sms_success.php"); } else if ($carrier == "sprint") { $formatted_number = $to.""; mail("$formatted_number", "SMS", "$message"); header ("Location: sms_success.php"); } else if ($carrier == "att") { $formatted_number = $to.""; mail("$formatted_number", "SMS", "$message"); header ("Location: sms_success.php"); } else if ($carrier == "virgin") { $formatted_number = $to.""; mail("$formatted_number", "SMS", "$message"); header ("Location: sms_success.php"); } ?> Code: [Select] <form id="sms" name="sms" method="post" action="scripts/send_sms.php"> <table width="400"> <tr> <td align="right" valign="top">From:</td> <td align="left"><input name="from" type="text" id="from" size="30" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" valign="top">To:</td> <td align="left"><input name="to" type="text" id="to" size="30" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" valign="top">Carrier:</td> <td align="left"><select name="carrier" id="carrier"> <option value="verizon">Verizon</option> <option value="tmobile">T-Mobile</option> <option value="sprint">Sprint</option> <option value="att">AT&T</option> <option value="virgin">Virgin Mobile</option> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" valign="top">Message:</td> <td align="left"><textarea name="message" cols="40" rows="5" id="message"></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="right"><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" /></td> </tr> </table> </form> Basically, All I want to do is save a .txt (doesn't have to be .txt) to my FTP and PHP simple echos it. The .txt is where a message is stored. But when I write the message my self like this: Hello This is a message. - And then upload it to my FTP, PHP echos it like this "HelloThis is a message". Is there anyway for PHP to notice the 'white space'? --OR-- If you know of a better way to make a message system, then also let me know Thanks, Ollie! Along the same lines as a "Thank you for you submission" message, is there a simple way to echo the CHANGES made to a record AFTER it has been UPDATED. For example: You have added 2 skirts and 1 shirt to your order OR You're order has been reduced by 2 pair of socks. This would compare what was stored with the change. Alternately, is there a way to show a message that ONLY addresses the values that have CHANGED as a result of the UPDATE. Example: You have altered the quantity of the following items: dresses, hats, gloves. im trying to get new user messages to show up on my site.. i have looked around on google but can only find info on popup alerts.. i just need a simple javscript code that will display the number of new messages next to the link that takes them to their inbox.. if someone could point me to a site or if they have the code handy i would appreciate it more than you know.. thank you I am looking for someone that would be willing to provide the code for a message box that will popup after a PHP file upload completes. It will simply display a message stating that the upload is complete. Thank you in advance for your assistance. why am I getting You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '7'' at line 1: Code: [Select] <?php session_start(); // Must start session first thing /* Created By Adam Khoury @ -----------------------June 20, 2008----------------------- */ // Here we run a login check if (!isset($_SESSION['id'])) { echo 'Please <a href="login.php">log in</a> to access your account'; exit(); } //Connect to the database through our include include_once "connect_to_mysql.php"; // Place Session variable 'id' into local variable $id=$_SESSION['id']; // Process the form if it is submitted if ($_POST['startdate']) { $event = $_POST['event']; $startdate = $_POST['startdate']; $enddate = $_POST['enddate']; $description = $_POST['description']; $subevent1 = $row['subevent1']; $subevent2 = $row['subevent2']; $subevent3 = $row['subevent3']; $subevent4 = $row['subevent4']; $subevent5 = $row['subevent5']; $subevent6 = $row['subevent6']; $subevent7 = $row['subevent7']; $subevent8 = $row['subevent8']; $title1 = $row['title1']; $title2 = $row['title2']; $title3 = $row['title3']; $title4 = $row['title4']; $title5 = $row['title5']; $title6 = $row['title6']; $title7 = $row['title7']; $title8 = $row['title8']; $price1 = $row['price1']; $price2 = $row['price2']; $price3 = $row['price3']; $price4 = $row['price4']; $price5 = $row['price5']; $price6 = $row['price6']; $price7 = $row['price7']; $price8 = $row['price8']; $sql = mysql_query("UPDATE Registration SET event='$event', startdate='$startdate', enddate='$enddate', description='$description', subevent1='$subevent1', subevent2='$subevent2', subevent3='$subevent3', subevent4=$subevent4', subevent5='$subevent5', subevent6='$subevent6', subevent7='$subevent7', subevent8='$subevent8', title1='$title1', title2='$title2', title3='$title3', title4='$title4', title5='$title5', title6='$title6', title7='$title7', title8='$title8', price1='$price1', price2='$price2', price3='$price3', price4='$price4', price5='$price5', price6='$price6', price7='$price7', price8='$price8', id='$id'") or die (mysql_error()); printf("Records updated: %d\n", mysql_affected_rows()); exit(); } // close if post ?> Code: [Select] switch($_GET['action']){ case 'write_ok': $error=false; $msg=''; if($_POST['dateofbirth']=='' || !preg_match( "/^(19|20)\d\d[-\\./](0[1-9]|1[012])[-\\./](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$/",$_POST['dateofbirth'])){ $error=true; $msg.='Date of birth is required and in the correct format 00/00/0000\n'; } the message at the end appears if the error is true. I wanted to know how to not show an errors message if the error is false. Any help on this? Can anyone help me with this delete confirm box. I have tried but somehow its not working. Can anyone help me with this? Thankz. html codes : echo "<td><a href=delete.php?id=" . $rows['id'] ." onclick=\"return confirm(Are you sure?);\">Delete</a></td>"; delete.php : <?php include "config.php"; ?> <?php $id=$_GET['id']; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function confirmation() { var answer = confirm('Are you sure you want to delete?') if (answer){ $sql="DELETE FROM document WHERE id='$id'"; } else{ alert("Cancelled the delete!") } } </script> |