PHP - Image Update & Url Update
Hi all, I have a script that is supposed to upload an image and then update a field in the table with the image's path in it. The image uploads okay but the details do not UPDATE in the table... any ideas? I have echoed after the sql statement which doesn't appear upon submitting but it shows the query printed out doing the right thing (I think) Quote
UPDATE `fleet` SET `fleetimage4` = '../fleet/last.JPG' WHERE `fleetref` = '9' LIMIT 1 Code: [Select] <?php $ref = (!empty($_GET['ref']))?trim($_GET['ref']):""; $image = (!empty($_GET['image']))?trim($_GET['image']):""; $idir = "../fleet/"; // Path To Images Directory if (isset ($_FILES['fupload'])){ //upload the image to tmp directory $url = $_FILES['fupload']['name']; // Set $url To Equal The Filename For Later Use if ($_FILES['fupload']['type'] == "image/jpg" || $_FILES['fupload']['type'] == "image/jpeg" || $_FILES['fupload']['type'] == "image/pjpeg") { $file_ext = strrchr($_FILES['fupload']['name'], '.'); // Get The File Extention In The Format Of , For Instance, .jpg, .gif or .php $copy = copy($_FILES['fupload']['tmp_name'], "$idir" . $_FILES['fupload']['name']); // Move Image From Temporary Location To Permanent Location } } if (isset($_POST['submit'])){ //$fleetref=$_POST["fleetref"]; $fleetimage1 = mysql_real_escape_string("$idir" . $_FILES['fupload']['name']); $fleetimage2 = mysql_real_escape_string("$idir" . $_FILES['fupload']['name']); $fleetimage3 = mysql_real_escape_string("$idir" . $_FILES['fupload']['name']); $fleetimage4 = mysql_real_escape_string("$idir" . $_FILES['fupload']['name']); # setup SQL statement if ($image == "1") { $query = sprintf("UPDATE `fleet` SET `fleetimage1` = '$fleetimage1' WHERE `fleetref` = '$ref' LIMIT 1"); } else if ($image == "2"){ $query = sprintf("UPDATE `fleet` SET `fleetimage2` = '$fleetimage2' WHERE `fleetref` = '$ref' LIMIT 1"); } else if ($image == "3"){ $query = sprintf("UPDATE `fleet` SET `fleetimage3` = '$fleetimage3' WHERE `fleetref` = '$ref' LIMIT 1"); } else if ($image == "4"){ $query = sprintf("UPDATE `fleet` SET `fleetimage4` = '$fleetimage4' WHERE `fleetref` = '$ref' LIMIT 1"); } #execute SQL statement echo "before exe"; $result = mysql_db_query($db,$query,$cid) or die($query."<br>".mysql_error()); echo "after exe"; # check for error if (!$result){ echo("ERROR: " . mysql_error() . "\n$SQL\n"); }} ?> <div class="controls_left"> <FORM NAME="fa" ACTION="<?php echo "fleet_edit_image.php?ref=$ref&image=$image"; ?>" METHOD="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type = "hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value = "1000000"> Select image: <input type = "file" name = "fupload"> <p>Copyright note: Please only use photographs either that you have taken yourself or that you have permission to use as we will not be held responsible for any Copyright infringement.</p> <input name="submit" type="submit" value="Edit image" /> </FORM> </div> <div class="image_right"><?php if ($image == "1") { $imageprint = "$fleetimage1"; } else if ($image == "2") { $imageprint = "$fleetimage2"; } else if ($image == "3") { $imageprint = "$fleetimage3"; } else if ($image == "4") { $imageprint = "$fleetimage4"; } echo "<div class=\"image_right\"><img src=\"../$imageprint\" alt=\"Edit image\" width=\"293\" height=\"218\"></div>"; ?> Similar TutorialsCan anyone post a generic update function to update mysql table. The manual approach: update $tablename set $column1='a', $column2='b' where $id=$value; Hi i have this simple update form and scrip but somehow it doesnt seem to be update the field on the database can someone help out please. The html form is the second form bellow where the action send to status_update.php HTML FORM Code: [Select] <?php include("../header.html"); ?> <?php include("header_news.html"); extract($_REQUEST,EXTR_SKIP); ?><?php /* print("sfilm_refnum = $sfilm_refnum<BR>"); print("sfilm_addr01 = $sfilm_addr01<BR>"); print("sfilm_postcode = $sfilm_postcode<BR>"); print("Film Client = $fclient<BR>"); */ ?> <form id="search" action="list.php" method="post" name="search"> <table width="780" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" bgcolor="#eeeeee"> <tr> <td align="right" width="140"></td> <td width="320"><span class="hofblack10"> </span> </td> <td align="center" width="100"><input type="hidden" name="lstart" value="<?php print("$lstart"); ?>" /><input type="hidden" name="lend" value="<?php print("$lend"); ?>" /><input type="hidden" name="lamount" value="<?php print("$lamount"); ?>" /></td> <td align="center" width="100"></td> <td align="right"></td> </tr> </table> </form> <table width="780" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" bgcolor="#4050c4"> <tr> <td width="60" class="hofwhite10">action</td> <td width="140"><span class="hofwhite14">DATE</span></td> <td width="80"><span class="hofwhite14">ID</span></td> <td><span class="hofwhite14">News Titile</span></td> <td width="100"><span class="hofwhite14">Status</span></td> </tr> <tr height="0"> <td bgcolor="white" width="60"></td> <td bgcolor="white" width="140" height="0"></td> <td bgcolor="white" width="80" height="0"></td> <td bgcolor="white" height="0"></td> <td bgcolor="white" width="100" height="0"></td> </tr> </table><table width="780" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4"><tr> <td width="60"></td> <td width="80"></td> <td><a class="blueullrg" href="add.php">Add News</a></td> <td align="right" width="120"></td> </tr> <tr height="0"> <td width="60" height="0"></td> <td width="80" height="0"></td> <td height="0"></td> <td align="right" width="120" height="0"></td> </tr> </table> <?php //get the DB connection variables include("../../../includes/config.php"); //connect to DB $connection = @mysql_connect($db_address,$db_username,$db_password) or die("Couldn't CONNECT."); $db = @mysql_select_db($db_name, $connection) or die("Couldn't select DATABASE."); $query2="SELECT * FROM news WHERE !(news_status='deleted')"; $result2 = mysql_query($query2) or die("Couldn't execute QUERY - Select NEWS Qty"); $fqty = mysql_num_rows($result2); //SELECT or FIND the same USERNAME $query3="SELECT * FROM news WHERE !(news_status='deleted') ORDER BY news_id DESC"; $result3 = mysql_query($query3) or die("Couldn't execute QUERY - Select NEWS"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result3)) { $news_id = $row['news_id']; $news_title = $row['news_title']; $news_story = $row['news_story']; $news_image = $row['news_image']; $news_image_caption = $row['news_image_caption']; $news_image_link = $row['news_image_link']; $news_date_day = $row['news_date_day']; $news_date_month = $row['news_date_month']; $news_date_year = $row['news_date_year']; $news_status = $row['news_status']; $news_website = $row['news_website']; $news_date_created = $row['news_date_created']; $news_date_modified = $row['news_date_modified']; ?> <table width="780" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" bgcolor="#eeeeee"> <tr> <td width="60"><span class="hofblack10"> <?php if($news_status=="deleted"){ print("<a class='hifblack10'>deleted</span>"); }ELSE{ print("<a class='blueul' href='edit.php?id=$news_id'>edit</a>"); } ?> </span></td> <td width="140"><span class="titlegrey12"> <?php if(!$news_date_day) { echo "00"; } else{ echo $news_date_day; } echo "/"; if(!$news_date_month) { echo "00"; }else{ echo $news_date_month; } echo "/"; if(!$news_date_year) { echo "0000"; }else{ echo $news_date_year; } ?> </span></td> <td width="80"><span class="titlegrey12"><?php print("$news_id"); ?></span> </td> <td><?php if($news_status=="deleted") { print("<class='hofblack10'>$news_title</span>"); }ELSE{ print("<a class='blueul' href='edit.php?id=$news_id'>$news_title</a>"); } ?></td> <td width="100"> <form id="list_update" action="status_update.php" method="post" name="list_update"> <select name="newnstatus" size="1"> <option <?php if($row['news_status'] == "") { print("selected"); } ?> selected="selected" value="">Status...</option> <option <?php if($row['news_status'] == "on") { print("selected"); } ?> value="on">On</option> <option <?php if($row['news_status'] == "off") { print("selected"); } ?> value="off">Off</option> <option <?php if($row['news_status'] == "deleted") { print("selected"); } ?> value="deleted">Delete</option> </select> <input type="hidden" name="nstatus" value="<?php echo $row[news_status]; ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $row[news_id]; ?>" /> <input type="submit" name="update" value="update" /> </form> </td> </tr> <tr height="0"> <td bgcolor="white" width="60"></td> <td bgcolor="white" width="140" height="0"></td> <td bgcolor="white" width="80" height="0"></td> <td bgcolor="white" height="0"></td> <td bgcolor="white" width="100" height="0"></td> </tr> </table> <?php } mysql_close($connection);//}?> <table width="780" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4"> <tr> <td width="60"></td> <td width="80"></td> <td><a class="blueullrg" href="add.php">Add News</a></td> <td align="right" width="120"></td> </tr> </table><?php // include("list_navigation.html"); ?> <?php include("../footer.html"); ?> </div></body></html> The action script php Code: [Select] <?php /* echo "fstatus: ".$fstatus."<BR>"; echo "id: ".$id."<BR>"; echo "fclient: ".$fclient."<BR>"; echo "newfstatus: ".$newfstatus."<BR>";*/ //set the date of agreement $timestamp = date('l jS \of F Y h:i:s A'); //get the DB connection variables include("../../../includes/config.php"); //connect to DB $connection = @mysql_connect($db_address,$db_username,$db_password) or die("Couldn't CONNECT."); $db = @mysql_select_db($db_name, $connection) or die("Couldn't select FILMS DATABASE."); // All appears well, so enter into database $query= "UPDATE news SET news_status = '$newnstatus' WHERE news_id='$id'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die("could not execute query - Update FILMS Record to DB"); //setup an email to the Admin @ hof, w/o attachment $emailto=""; $emailfrom=""; $emailsubject="xx Record Updated"; $emailmessage="Hello Registrar\n\n"; $emailmessage.="News ID: ".$id."\n"; $emailmessage.="Updated on: ".$timestamp."\n\n"; $emailmessage.="Status was: ".$nstatus."\n"; $emailmessage.="Status now: ".$newfnstatus."\n"; $emailmessage.="Thank you,\n\n"; $emailmessage.="Web Site ROBOT\n"; $emailmessage.="(Administrator)\n"; $emailmessage.=" |\n"; $emailmessage.="----------------------------------------------\n"; $emailmessage.="e.\n"; $emailmessage.="w.\n"; $emailheader="From:<$emailfrom>"; $emailheader .= 'Cc:'."\r\n"; $emailheader .= 'Bcc:'."\r\n"; $ok=mail($emailto,$emailsubject,$emailmessage,$emailheader); mysql_close($connection); if ($ok) { header("Location: list.php"); /* Redirect browser */ exit; } else { $errmsg="There was a problem, please try later or telephone us direct."; $errsta="1"; include("edit_error.html"); //echo "<p>Mail could not be sent. Sorry!</p>"; exit; } ?> Thanks in advance what Im basically trying to do is just like a phpmyadmin function... you select rows you want to update with a checkbox and then it takes you to a page where the rows that are clicked are shown in forms so that you can view and edit info in them... and then have 1 submit button to update them all at once. I created this code to upload a member's main picture on his member page on website. I'll only include the query part of the code since that's what is relevant to my problem. The idea is basically to upload a new picture onto the database if no picture already exists for that member and display the picture on the page. If a picture already exists, then the script replaces the old picture with the new one upon upload. But for whatever reason I don't understand, when I try to replace the old pic, it gets inserted in a new row on the database instead of replacing the old row, and the new pic gets displayed on the web page alongside the old. Code: [Select] $query = "SELECT username FROM images WHERE member_id = '".$_SESSION['id']."' AND image_cartegory = 'main'"; $result = @mysql_query($query); $num = @mysql_num_rows($result); if ($num> 0) { //Update the image $update = mysql_query("UPDATE images SET image = '" . $image['name'] . "' WHERE member_id = '".$_SESSION['id']."' AND image_cartegory = 'main'"); $_SESSION['error'] = "File updated successfully."; //really should be session success message. header("Location: member.php"); exit; } else { // NOTE: This is where a lot of people make mistakes. // We are *not* putting the image into the database; we are putting a reference to the file's location on the server $sql = "insert into images (member_id, image_cartegory, image_date, image) values ('{$_SESSION['id']}', 'main', NOW(), '" . $image['name'] . "')"; $result = mysql_query($sql) or die ("Could not insert data into DB: " . mysql_error()); $_SESSION['error'] = "File uploaded succussfully."; //really should be session success message. header("Location: member.php"); } So can anyone tell me what the problem is? Could the fact that my insert script actually uploads the image onto a folder on my server and only stores the path name in the database have anything to contribute to the mixup? Appreciate your responses in advance. I'm new to PHP and I was able to figure out how to populate data from my database into my text fields. I am trying to add the update information to the same php file; however, I am now receiving errors within the data I was able to populate,
Notice: Undefined variable: stmt in C:\xampp\htdocs\Cust_App\update.php on line 47 and errors with the Update statement
Notice: Undefined variable: stmtupdate in C:\xampp\htdocs\Cust_App\update.php on line 96 I had defined the customerID variable above in the code, but it isn't being captured from here. I tried setting up this query like the one which gathered the data, but I'm off by a little bit. I would like the option to be able to update all fields. Any help is appreciated. I'm trying to learn as I may get asked to update other forms in the future. (new boss asks a lot) <?php require_once('database.php'); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <!-- the head section --> <head> <title>My Guitar Shop</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="main.css" /> </head> <!-- the body section --> <body> <div id="page"> <div id="header"> <h1>SportsPro Technical Support</h1> <p>Sports management software for the sports enthusiast.</p></h1> </div> <div id="main"> <h1>View/Update Customer</h1> <form action="update.php" method="get" > <?php if(isset($_GET['customerID'])) { $customerID = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'customerID', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); $sql = "SELECT * FROM customers WHERE customerID =$customerID "; $stmt = $db->query($sql); } ?> <div id="content"> <!-- display a table of products --> <h2>Customers</h2> <form method = "edit"> <?php foreach ($stmt as $cust) { ?> <div> <label>First Name</label> <input type="text" name="name" class ="form-control" value ="<?php echo $cust['firstName']; ?>"> </div><br> <div> <label>Last Name</label> <input type="text" name="name" class ="form-control" value ="<?php echo $cust['lastName']; ?>"> </div><br> <div> <label>Address</label> <input type="text" name="address" class ="form-control" value ="<?php echo $cust['address']; ?>"> </div><br> <div> <label>City</label> <input type="text" name="city" class ="form-control" value ="<?php echo $cust['city']; ?>"> </div><br> <div> <label>State</label> <input type="text" name="state" class ="form-control" value ="<?php echo $cust['state']; ?>"> </div><br> <div> <label>Country</label> <input type="text" name="countryCode" class ="form-control" value ="<?php echo $cust['countryCode']; ?>"> </div><br> <div> <label>Zip Code</label> <input type="text" name="postalCode" class ="form-control" value ="<?php echo $cust['postalCode']; ?>"> </div><br> <div> <label>Email </label> <input type="text" name="email" class ="form-control" value ="<?php echo $cust['email']; ?>"> </div><br> <div> <label>Phone Number </label> <input type="text" name="phone" class ="form-control" value ="<?php echo $cust['phone']; ?>"> </div><br> <div> <label>Password </label> <input type="text" name="password" class ="form-control" value ="<?php echo $cust['password']; ?>"> </div><br> <div> <?php } ?> <input type="Submit" name="Update_Data" value="Update Data"></input> <?php $sql2 = "UPDATE customers SET firstName = ". $stmtupdate['firstName']." WHERE customerID =$customerID "; $stmtupdate = $db->query($sql2); ?> </div> </div> <div id="footer"> <p> © <?php echo date("Y"); ?> SportsPro, Inc. </p> </div> </div><!-- end page --> </body> </html>
As the title says I need help with multiple update system.. Can't really get it to work at all >.< Here's some code: $selectt = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM exercises WHERE user='" . $_SESSION["user"] . "' AND exname='" . $_GET["edit"] . "'"); echo '<form method="POST" action="exercises.php?edited">'; echo '<div id="newexx">'; while($raw = mysql_fetch_array($selectt)) { echo '<input type="text" name="up[' . $raw["id"] . ']" value="' . $raw["swe"] . '">'; echo '<input type="text" name="up1[' . $raw["id"] . ']" value="' . $raw["eng"] . '"><br>'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="id[' . $raw["id"] . ']">'; } echo '</div>'; echo '<input type="submit" value="Update Exercise">'; echo '</form>'; if(isset($_GET["edited"])) { $swe = $_POST["up"]; $eng = $_POST["up1"]; $id = $_POST["id"]; foreach($id as $value => $index) { $update = "UPDATE exercises SET swe='".$swe."', eng='".$eng."' WHERE id='".$index."'"; mysql_query($update); } Would be thankful for reply! Hi Guys, I want my UPDATE function from the code below to only update those fields that are NOT empty - if they are empty on submit then do not update or change any values from that field. I know that sounds odd, but with my file fields, when I submit to change something else at a later date it will overwrite the photo, download1,2 & 3 values and as a result I loose my files from the mysql table. Cheers, S <?php include('config.php'); if (isset($_GET['Ter']) ) { $ter = (int) $_GET['Ter']; if (isset($_POST['submitted'])) { //Photo & Document Upload Upload $timestamp_photo = time(); $timestamp_download1 = time(); $timestamp_download2 = time(); $timestamp_download3 = time(); //This is the directory where the files will be saved //Photos $photo_target = "images/"; $photo_target = $photo_target .$timestamp_photo. basename( $_FILES['photo']['name']); //Documents $download_target = "documents/"; $download_target1 = $download_target .$timestamp_download1. basename( $_FILES['download1']['name']); $download_target2 = $download_target .$timestamp_download2. basename( $_FILES['download2']['name']); $download_target3 = $download_target .$timestamp_download3. basename( $_FILES['download3']['name']); //This gets all the other information from the form $photo = ($_FILES['photo']['name']); $download1 = ($_FILES['download1']['name']); $download2 = ($_FILES['download2']['name']); $download3 = ($_FILES['download3']['name']); //Pause Photo/Document Upload foreach($_POST AS $key => $value) { $_POST[$key] = mysql_real_escape_string($value); } $sql= "UPDATE `ter` SET `Ter` = '{$_POST['Ter']}' , `BranchName` = '{$_POST['BranchName']}' , `BranchAddress` = '{$_POST['BranchAddress']}' , `BranchTel` = '{$_POST['BranchTel']}' , `BranchEmail` = '{$_POST['BranchEmail']}' , `BranchLink` = '{$_POST['BranchLink']}' , `Theme` = '{$_POST['Theme']}' , `LocalInfo` = '{$_POST['LocalInfo']}' , `BranchInfo` = '{$_POST['BranchInfo']}' , `photo` = '$timestamp_photo{$_FILES['photo']['name']}' , `download1` = '$timestamp_download1{$_FILES['download1']['name']}' , `download1name` = '{$_POST['download1name']}' , `download2` = '$timestamp_download2{$_FILES['download2']['name']}' , `download2name` = '{$_POST['download2name']}' , `download3` = '$timestamp_download3{$_FILES['download3']['name']}' , `download3name` = '{$_POST['download3name']}' WHERE `Ter` = '$ter' "; mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); //Unpause Photo/Document Upload //Writes the photo to the server if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['photo']['tmp_name'], $photo_target)) { echo "<br />The file ".$timestamp_photo. basename( $_FILES['photo']['name']). " has been uploaded. <br />"; } else { echo ""; } //End of Photo/Document Upload //Writes the photo to the server if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['download1']['tmp_name'], $download_target1)) { echo "<br />The file ".$timestamp_download1. basename( $_FILES['download1']['name']). " has been uploaded. <br />"; } else { echo ""; } //End of Photo/Document Upload //Writes the photo to the server if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['download2']['tmp_name'], $download_target2)) { echo "<br />The file ".$timestamp_download2. basename( $_FILES['download2']['name']). " has been uploaded. <br />"; } else { echo ""; } //End of Photo/Document Upload //Writes the photo to the server if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['download3']['tmp_name'], $download_target3)) { echo "<br />The file ".$timestamp_download3. basename( $_FILES['download3']['name']). " has been uploaded. <br />"; } else { echo ""; } //End of Photo/Document Upload echo (mysql_affected_rows()) ? "<br />Edited Branch.<br />" : "<br />Nothing changed. <br />"; } $row = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `ter` WHERE `Ter` = '$ter' ")); ?> Good morning. I am looking fo some help with an update script to update all rows in a table. This is what I have for a form and all looks well. form.php <?php // run the query and put the results in an array variable called $result $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY 'id', 'title', 'text', 'number'"); print "<form method='post' action='update.php'> <table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='1'><tr> <td align='center'><strong>ID</strong></td> <td align='center'><strong>Title</strong></td> <td align='center'><strong>text</strong></td> <td align='center'><strong>Number</strong></td> </tr>\n"; // start a loop to print all of the courses with their book information // the mysql_fetch_array function puts each record into an array. each time it is called, it moves the array counter up until there are no more records left while ($Update = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { // start displaying the info; the most important part is to make the name an array (notice bookinfo[$i]) print "<td align='center'><p>{$Update['id']}</p></td>\n"; print "<td align='center'><input type='text' name='title' value='{$Update['title']}' /></td>"; print "<td align='center'><input type='text' size='40' name='text' value='{$Update['text']}' /></td>\n"; print "<td align='center'><input type='text' size='40' name='number' value='{$Update['number']}' /></td>\n"; print "</tr>\n"; // add 1 to the count, close the loop, close the form, and the mysql connection } print "<tr> <td colspan='4' align='center'><input type='submit' value='submit' />"; print "</td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </form> </table>"; print "</tr>\n"; ?><br /><br /> My question is. How do I update this info into the database with the proper info. ie. Update.php? Hi, I wrote the function below. It switches out one color for another. The pictures going in are css sprites with various colors and a white background. So.. sprite 1 might by blue and sprite 2 might be green. The function would be run twice to replace the blue + green with whatever colors were required. /** * Changes the color of a graphic. * $settings = array ( * 'icon' * 'new_icon' * 'old_color' = array * 'new_color' = array * ); */ function updateIconColor($settings=array()) { // Create Image $image = imagecreatefrompng($settings['icon']); // Convert True color image to a palatte imagetruecolortopalette($image, false, 255); // Restore Alpha $white = imagecolorclosest($image, 255, 255, 255); imagecolortransparent($image, $white); // Find + Set color $index = imagecolorclosest($image, $settings['old_color'][0],$settings['old_color'][1],$settings['old_color'][2]); imagecolorset($image, $index, $settings['new_color'][0], $settings['new_color'][1], $settings['new_color'][2]); // Restore Alpha imageAlphaBlending($image, true); imageSaveAlpha($image, true); // Save imagepng($image, $settings['new_icon']); // save image as gif imagedestroy($image); } How could this be updated to allow some dithering (is that what it is called?) - the thing that smooths out an image to avoid pixelation around the edges? Minor question. 1) Is there any reason why imagecolorexact doesn't work in this function. When I use imagecolorexact nothing happens and the picture remains the same. have 2 scripts one that allows me to insert and upload image and one that allows me to delete and remove image so i was thinking in mix both together so it would be like this first the delete image in an if statment then close } and then { an insert image but with an update mysql query} i am trying to do a modify form where user can modify the data so i will need to update the image on the directory so with both delete and insert would it do the job??? <?php define('ROOT_DIR', './'); define('PROPER', TRUE); /** * include common files */ include_once(ROOT_DIR. 'includes/'); // No album id has been selected if (isset($_GET['drivers'])) { // get the image file name so we // can delete it from the server $sql = "SELECT id, image FROM driversnew WHERE id = {$_GET['drivers']}"; $result = mysql_query($sql) or die('Delete photo failed. ' . mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 1) { $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); define("GALLERY_IMG_DIR", "./images/"); // remove the image and the thumbnail from the server unlink(GALLERY_IMG_DIR . $row['image']); unlink(GALLERY_IMG_DIR . 'thumbs/' . $row['image']); // and then remove the database entry } } /////////// this where the upload script starts/////////// this where the upload script starts//////// this where the upload script starts //define a maxim size for the uploaded images define ("MAX_SIZE","100"); // define the width and height for the thumbnail // note that theese dimmensions are considered the maximum dimmension and are not fixed, // because we have to keep the image ratio intact or it will be deformed define ("WIDTH","150"); define ("HEIGHT","100"); // this is the function that will create the thumbnail image from the uploaded image // the resize will be done considering the width and height defined, but without deforming the image function make_thumb($img_name,$filename,$new_w,$new_h) { //get image extension. $ext=getExtension($img_name); //creates the new image using the appropriate function from gd library if(!strcmp("jpg",$ext) || !strcmp("jpeg",$ext)) $src_img=imagecreatefromjpeg($img_name); if(!strcmp("png",$ext)) $src_img=imagecreatefrompng($img_name); //gets the dimmensions of the image $old_x=imageSX($src_img); $old_y=imageSY($src_img); // next we will calculate the new dimmensions for the thumbnail image // the next steps will be taken: // 1. calculate the ratio by dividing the old dimmensions with the new ones // 2. if the ratio for the width is higher, the width will remain the one define in WIDTH variable // and the height will be calculated so the image ratio will not change // 3. otherwise we will use the height ratio for the image // as a result, only one of the dimmensions will be from the fixed ones $ratio1=$old_x/$new_w; $ratio2=$old_y/$new_h; if($ratio1>$ratio2) { $thumb_w=$new_w; $thumb_h=$old_y/$ratio1; } else { $thumb_h=$new_h; $thumb_w=$old_x/$ratio2; } // we create a new image with the new dimmensions $dst_img=ImageCreateTrueColor($thumb_w,$thumb_h); // resize the big image to the new created one imagecopyresampled($dst_img,$src_img,0,0,0,0,$thumb_w,$thumb_h,$old_x,$old_y); // output the created image to the file. Now we will have the thumbnail into the file named by $filename if(!strcmp("png",$ext)) imagepng($dst_img,$filename); else imagejpeg($dst_img,$filename); //destroys source and destination images. imagedestroy($dst_img); imagedestroy($src_img); } // This function reads the extension of the file. // It is used to determine if the file is an image by checking the extension. function getExtension($str) { $i = strrpos($str,"."); if (!$i) { return ""; } $l = strlen($str) - $i; $ext = substr($str,$i+1,$l); return $ext; } // This variable is used as a flag. The value is initialized with 0 (meaning no error found) //and it will be changed to 1 if an errro occures. If the error occures the file will not be uploaded. $errors=0; // checks if the form has been submitted if(isset($_POST['Submit'])) { //reads the name of the file the user submitted for uploading $image=$_FILES['image']['name']; // if it is not empty if ($image) { // get the original name of the file from the clients machine $filename = stripslashes($_FILES['image']['name']); // get the extension of the file in a lower case format $extension = getExtension($filename); $extension = strtolower($extension); // if it is not a known extension, we will suppose it is an error, print an error message //and will not upload the file, otherwise we continue if (($extension != "jpg") && ($extension != "jpeg") && ($extension != "png")) { echo '<h1>Unknown extension!</h1>'; $errors=1; } else { // get the size of the image in bytes // $_FILES[\'image\'][\'tmp_name\'] is the temporary filename of the file in which the uploaded file was stored on the server $size=getimagesize($_FILES['image']['tmp_name']); $sizekb=filesize($_FILES['image']['tmp_name']); //compare the size with the maxim size we defined and print error if bigger if ($sizekb > MAX_SIZE*1024) { echo '<h1>You have exceeded the size limit!</h1>'; $errors=1; } //we will give an unique name, for example the time in unix time format $image_name=time().'.'.$extension; //the new name will be containing the full path where will be stored (images folder) $newname="images/".$image_name; $copied = copy($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'], $newname); //we verify if the image has been uploaded, and print error instead if (!$copied) { echo '<h1>Copy unsuccessfull!</h1>'; $errors=1; } else { // the new thumbnail image will be placed in images/thumbs/ folder $thumb_name='images/thumbs/'.$image_name; // call the function that will create the thumbnail. The function will get as parameters //the image name, the thumbnail name and the width and height desired for the thumbnail $thumb=make_thumb($newname,$thumb_name,WIDTH,HEIGHT); }} }} //If no errors registred, print the success message and show the thumbnail image created if(isset($_POST['Submit']) && !$errors) { $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("eurico_edy", $con); $query = "UPDATE products SET name = '$name', location = '$location', date_of_birth='$date_of_birth', car_number='$car_number', favourite_track='$favourite_track', least_favourite_track='$least_favourite_track', achievements='$achievements', achievements='$achievements' email='$email', image='$image' WHERE id = '$id'"; echo "<h1>Thumbnail created Successfully!</h1>"; echo '<img src="'.$thumb_name.'">'; echo ''.$newname.''; mysql_close($con); } ?> Hello i kinda new to programing mostly learning myself stuf there so i need some help to figure out. so i have lets say static link who always same and i write something in input field and press search button. so i get new link and immediately going to dat link, which means i leaving my site. in my case i working with image so my problem, is it somehow possible to display image in same page while writing someting in input field when presing button and image just change down below not going directly to link ? P.S. sory for my english
i have this code
<html> <body>
<form action="#" method="POST">
<?php require_once 'linkgenerator.php' ?>
PHP link generator code
Edited March 18, 2020 by eagle101 Hi
I am winning I think
I have got the records displayed for the current user logged in so basically they can only see their submitted listings and just working on the edit of them so the current user logged in can update their listing and is all working apart from the update of the images
the images are stored by the file name on the database and then gets moved onto the server so the actual images are not stored on the database only the file names are and the images are moved onto the server, hope that makes sense
what I can't do at the mo is work out how to update the file names of the images on the database and update on the server
I get the following error
Notice: Undefined index: photo on line 209 and line 211
the coding for them lines are below
$pic1= basename($_FILES['photo']['name'][0]); $pic2= basename($_FILES['photo']['name'][1]);The rest of the coding below that is if(!empty($_FILES['photo']['tmp_name'])) { // Number of uploaded files $num_files = count($_FILES['photo']['tmp_name']); /** loop through the array of files ***/ for($i=0; $i < $num_files;$i++) { // check if there is a file in the array if(!is_uploaded_file($_FILES['photo']['tmp_name'][$i])) { $messages[] = 'No file uploaded'; } else { // move the file to the specified dir if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['photo']['tmp_name'][$i],$target.'/'.$_FILES['photo']['name'][$i])) { $messages[] = $_FILES['photo']['name'][$i].' uploaded'; } else { // an error message $messages[] = 'Uploading '.$_FILES['photo']['name'][$i].' Failed'; } } }The update query is below // save the data to the database mysql_query("UPDATE privatelistings SET listingtitle='$listingtitle', make='$model', model='$model', exteriorcolour='$exteriorcolour', enginesize='$enginesize', fueltype='$fueltype', yearregistered='$yearregistered', transmission='$transmission', mileage='$mileage', nodoors='$nodoors', bodystyle='$bodystyle', price='$price', photo='$pic1', photo1='$pic2' WHERE id='$id'") or die(mysql_error());I am going to be updating to mysqli just want to get it working first My HTML form coding is below <form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $id; ?>"/> <div> <strong>Listing Title: *</strong> <input type="text" name="listingtitle" value="<?php echo $listingtitle; ?>"/> <br/> <strong>Make: *</strong> <input type="text" name="make" value="<?php echo $make; ?>"/> <br/> <strong>Model: *</strong> <input type="text" name="model" value="<?php echo $model; ?>"/> <br/> <strong>Exterior Colour: *</strong> <input type="text" name="exteriorcolour" value="<?php echo $exteriorcolour; ?>"/> <br/> <strong>Engine Size: *</strong> <input type="text" name="enginesize" value="<?php echo $enginesize; ?>"/> <br/> <strong>Fuel Type: *</strong> <input type="text" name="fueltype" value="<?php echo $fueltype; ?>"/> <br/> <strong>Year Registered: *</strong> <input type="text" name="yearregistered" value="<?php echo $yearregistered; ?>"/> <br/> <strong>Transmission: *</strong> <input type="text" name="transmission" value="<?php echo $transmission; ?>"/> <br/> <strong>Mileage: *</strong> <input type="text" name="mileage" value="<?php echo $mileage; ?>"/> <br/> <strong>Number of Doors: *</strong> <input type="text" name="nodoors" value="<?php echo $nodoors; ?>"/> <br/> <strong>Body Style: *</strong> <input type="text" name="bodystyle" value="<?php echo $bodystyle; ?>"/> <br/> <strong>Price: *</strong> <input type="text" name="price" value="<?php echo $price; ?>"/> <br/> <strong>Photo One:</strong> <input type='hidden' name='size' value='350000'><input type='file' name='photo[]'> <br> <strong>Photo Two:</strong> <input type='hidden' name='size' value='350000'><input type='file' name='photo[]'> <br> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"> </div> </form>sorry was not sure what other I need to show, so you guys get the idea? Hi folks, This has been wrecking my brain. I did do a google a few times to see if I can find a solution but nothing unfortunately. I want to be able to update the details on a page without having to reupload a new image each time. But if I don't open a new image for upload, I cannot update any of the other details. Below is the code and form etc for this particular thing... Please note this is just a project and will not be going live. I know there are vulnerabilities and I will work on those at a later stage. Thanks for any help with this current issue. <?php include_once('includes/header.php'); if(isset($_POST['new']) && $_POST['new']==1){ if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { if(!empty($_FILES['image']['name'])) { // Get image name $image = $_FILES['image']['name']; $image = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_FILES['image']['name']); $slide_text = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['slide_text']); $youtube = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['youtube']); $vid_text = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['vid_text']); // image file directory $target = "uploads/".basename($image); if($_POST['image'] = ""){ $sql = "UPDATE slide SET slide_text='".$slide_text."', image='".$image."', youtube='".$youtube."', vid_text='".$vid_text."'"; } else{ $sql = "UPDATE slide SET slide_text='".$slide_text."', youtube='".$youtube."', vid_text='".$vid_text."'"; } $result = mysqli_query($con, $sql); if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'], $target)) { $msg = "Image uploaded successfully"; }else{ $msg = "Failed to upload image"; } if(!$result){ die('Error: ' . mysqli_error($con)); } else{ $message = ' - <i class="fa fa-check success"> Record Updated!</i>'; } } } } $sql = "SELECT * FROM slide"; $result = $con->query($sql); if ($result->num_rows > 0) { while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { ?> <!-- Header--> <div class="breadcrumbs"> <div class="col-sm-4"> <div class="page-header float-left"> <div class="page-title"> <h1>Slide Show</h1> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-8"> </div> </div> <div class="content mt-3"> <div class="animated fadeIn"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <div class="card"> <div class="card-header"><strong>Image </strong><small>Slide</small></div> <div class="card-body card-block"> <form role="form" method="post" action"" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="hidden" name="new" value="1" /> <div class="modal-body"> <div class="row form-group"> <div class="col-6"> <div class="form-group"><label for="image" class=" form-control-label">Image</label> <input type="file" id="image" name="image" value="<?php echo $row['image']; ?>" class="form-control"> </div> </div> <div class="col-6"> <div class="form-group"><label for="name" class=" form-control-label">Uploaded Image</label> <img src="uploads/<?php echo $row['image']; ?>" width="150" height="150" class="img-fluid hover-shadow" /> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row form-group"> <div class="col-6"> <div class="form-group"><label for="youtube" class=" form-control-label">Video</label> <input type="text" id="youtube" name="youtube" value="<?php echo $row['youtube']; ?>" placeholder="Enter Video URL" class="form-control"> </div> </div> <div class="col-6"> <div class="form-group"><label for="vid_text" class=" form-control-label">Video Text</label> <input type="text" id="vid_text" name="vid_text" value="<?php echo $row['vid_text']; ?>" placeholder="Video Text" class="form-control"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"><label for="slide_text" class=" form-control-label">Text Overlay</label> <textarea is="slide_text" name="slide_text" class="form-control"><?php echo $row['slide_text']; ?></textarea> </div> <div class="modal-footer"> <button type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Confirm</button> </div> </form> </div> </div> </div><!-- .animated --> </div><!-- .content --> <?php } } ?> </div><!-- /#right-panel --> <!-- Right Panel --> <script src="assets/js/vendor/jquery-2.1.4.min.js"></script> <script src="assets/js/popper.min.js"></script> <script src="assets/js/plugins.js"></script> <script src="assets/js/main.js"></script> <script src="assets/js/lib/data-table/datatables.min.js"></script> <script src="assets/js/lib/data-table/dataTables.bootstrap.min.js"></script> <script src="assets/js/lib/data-table/dataTables.buttons.min.js"></script> <script src="assets/js/lib/data-table/buttons.bootstrap.min.js"></script> <script src="assets/js/lib/data-table/jszip.min.js"></script> <script src="assets/js/lib/data-table/pdfmake.min.js"></script> <script src="assets/js/lib/data-table/vfs_fonts.js"></script> <script src="assets/js/lib/data-table/buttons.html5.min.js"></script> <script src="assets/js/lib/data-table/buttons.print.min.js"></script> <script src="assets/js/lib/data-table/buttons.colVis.min.js"></script> <script src="assets/js/lib/data-table/datatables-init.js"></script> <script src="" referrerpolicy="origin"></script> <script> tinymce.init({ selector: 'textarea', plugins: 'advlist autolink lists link image charmap print preview hr anchor pagebreak', toolbar_mode: 'floating', }); </script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('#customer-table').DataTable(); } ); </script> </body> </html> As you can see I am trying to use an If clause if the image field in the form is empty then I just want to update the other details. Else, if I fill the image field with a file, then update the lot. if($_POST['image'] = ""){ $sql = "UPDATE slide SET slide_text='".$slide_text."', image='".$image."', youtube='".$youtube."', vid_text='".$vid_text."'"; } else{ $sql = "UPDATE slide SET slide_text='".$slide_text."', youtube='".$youtube."', vid_text='".$vid_text."'"; } This doesn't work. Any ideas, besides give up?
This topic has been moved to Miscellaneous. hi all i have a problem here, Iv got a form that uploads images to a folder and updates the db with the name of that image, that work ok but if one of the upload field are left blank then the script updates the db with empty values how can i get it to only update the db with only submitted form field data???? here is the form Code: [Select] <?php if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $id = $_GET['id']; } ?> <form action="ud_image.php?id=<? echo "$id"?>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="form1" id="form1"> <table class="udp"> <tr> <th>Thumbnail:</th> <td><input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="1029120" /> <input name="ufile[]" type="file" id="ufile[]" size="50" /></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Image 1:</th> <td><input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="1029120" /> <input name="ufile[]" type="file" id="ufile[]" size="50" /></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Image 2:</th> <td><input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="1029120" /> <input name="ufile[]" type="file" id="ufile[]" size="50" /></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Image 3:</th> <td><input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="1029120" /> <input name="ufile[]" type="file" id="ufile[]" size="50" /></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Image 4:</th> <td><input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="1029120" /> <input name="ufile[]" type="file" id="ufile[]" size="50" /><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Upload" /></td> </tr> </table> </form> and here is the processing page <?php include("protect/password_protect.php"); error_reporting(E_ALL); include ("../includes/db_config.php"); $con = mysql_connect($db_hostname,$db_username,$db_password); @mysql_select_db($db_database) or die( "Unable to select database"); $path1= "../thumbnails/".$_FILES['ufile']['name'][0]; $path2= "../images/".$_FILES['ufile']['name'][1]; $path3= "../images/".$_FILES['ufile']['name'][2]; $path4= "../images/".$_FILES['ufile']['name'][3]; $path5= "../images/".$_FILES['ufile']['name'][4]; //copy file to where you want to store file copy($_FILES['ufile']['tmp_name'][0], $path1); copy($_FILES['ufile']['tmp_name'][1], $path2); copy($_FILES['ufile']['tmp_name'][2], $path3); copy($_FILES['ufile']['tmp_name'][3], $path4); copy($_FILES['ufile']['tmp_name'][4], $path5); ?> <html> <head> <title>Update Project Images</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../project/backend/style.css" /> </head> <body> <table class="udip"> <tr> <th><? echo "<img src=\"$path1\" width=\"150\" height=\"150\">";?></th> <th><? echo "<img src=\"$path2\" width=\"150\" height=\"150\">";?></th> <th><? echo "<img src=\"$path3\" width=\"150\" height=\"150\">";?></th> <th><? echo "<img src=\"$path4\" width=\"150\" height=\"150\">";?></th> <th><? echo "<img src=\"$path5\" width=\"150\" height=\"150\">";?></th> </tr> <tr> <td><? echo "File Name :".$_FILES['ufile']['name'][0]."<BR/>";?></td> <td><? echo "File Name :".$_FILES['ufile']['name'][1]."<BR/>";?></td> <td><? echo "File Name :".$_FILES['ufile']['name'][2]."<BR/>";?></td> <td><? echo "File Name :".$_FILES['ufile']['name'][3]."<BR/>";?></td> <td><? echo "File Name :".$_FILES['ufile']['name'][4]."<BR/>";?></td> </tr> <tr> <td><?echo "File Size :".$_FILES['ufile']['size'][0]."<BR/>";?></td> <td><?echo "File Size :".$_FILES['ufile']['size'][1]."<BR/>";?></td> <td><?echo "File Size :".$_FILES['ufile']['size'][2]."<BR/>";?></td> <td><?echo "File Size :".$_FILES['ufile']['size'][3]."<BR/>";?></td> <td><?echo "File Size :".$_FILES['ufile']['size'][4]."<BR/>";?></td> </tr> <tr> <td><? echo "File Type :".$_FILES['ufile']['type'][0]."<BR/>";?></td> <td><? echo "File Type :".$_FILES['ufile']['type'][1]."<BR/>";?></td> <td><? echo "File Type :".$_FILES['ufile']['type'][2]."<BR/>";?></td> <td><? echo "File Type :".$_FILES['ufile']['type'][3]."<BR/>";?></td> <td><? echo "File Type :".$_FILES['ufile']['type'][4]."<BR/>";?></td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> <? $filesize1=$_FILES['ufile']['size'][0]; $filesize2=$_FILES['ufile']['size'][1]; $filesize3=$_FILES['ufile']['size'][2]; $filesize4=$_FILES['ufile']['size'][3]; $filesize5=$_FILES['ufile']['size'][4]; if($filesize1 && $filesize2 && $filesize3 && $filesize4 && $filesize5 != 0) { echo "We have recieved your files<p>"; } else { echo "Error in you images check and try again Database has been updated to blank images so no images will be shown on details page."; } $query = "UPDATE $db_table SET thumbnail = '".$_FILES['ufile']['name'][0]."', image1 = '".$_FILES['ufile']['name'][1]."', image2 = '".$_FILES['ufile']['name'][2]."', image3 = '".$_FILES['ufile']['name'][3]."', image4 = '".$_FILES['ufile']['name'][4]."' WHERE id = '".$_GET['id']."'"; if (!mysql_query($query,$con)) { die('Error: ' . mysql_error()); } echo "1 record added"; mysql_close($con) ?> Hi all, As you will see this is my first post in I really hope somebody can nail this for me, as I have been working on this for some time and I cannot get it to work. Basically this is the final part of a CMS I'm building, and all was fine until I needed to build in an option of a multiple image uploader to accompany all other stock details. I have managed to nail the 'insert' part of the multiple image uploader in this case up to 4 images, and the code is below for this part, any help with improvements though will be greatly appreciated. Code: [Select] if(isset($_POST['btnsubmit'])) { $flag=$_POST['flag']; if ($flag==0) { $name=$_POST['txtname']; $desc1=$_POST['e1m1']; $meta=$_POST['txtmeta']; $sr=$_POST['srno1']; $name=$_POST['txtname']; $ref=$_POST['Ref']; $desc=$_POST['e1m1']; $maker=$_POST['Maker']; $date=$_POST['Date']; $weight=$_POST['Weight']; $height=$_POST['Height']; $depth=$_POST['Depth']; $width=$_POST['Width']; $price=$_POST['txtprice']; $sold=$_POST['txtsold']; $active=$_POST['active']; $pcats=$_POST['pcats']; $subcats=$_POST['subcats']; $str_str=''; $p=''; $j=0; for($i=0;$i<=3;$i++){ $j++; $p=$_REQUEST['p$j']; $file=$_FILES['pic']['name'][$i]; if(!empty($file) ){ $str_str.=",pic$j='$file'"; } else if(!empty($p))$str_str.=",pic$j='$p'"; $path1="imgdata/stock/".$file; copy($_FILES['pic']['tmp_name'][$i], $path1); } $q24=mysql_query("update stock set stock_Name='$name', stock_MetaTitle='$meta', parent_Category='$pcats', sub_Category='$subcats', stock_Image='imgdata/stock/$pic[0]', stock_Image2='imgdata/stock/$pic[1]', stock_Image3='imgdata/stock/$pic[2]', stock_Image4='imgdata/stock/$pic[3]', stock_Ref='$ref', stock_Description='$desc1', stock_Maker='$maker', stock_Date='$date', stock_Weight='$weight', stock_Height='$height', stock_Depth='$depth',stock_Width='$width', stock_Price='$price', stock_Sold='$sold', stock_Active='$active', stock_DateTime='$dt2' where stock_Id=$sr") or die (mysql_error()); $flag=1; $conf="Data Updated Successfully - Click <a href=''>here</a> to continue"; $update="1"; Code: [Select] <tr> <td bgcolor="#A0B050" width="161"> <div style="font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; position:relative; font-size:12px; color:#293334; font-weight:bold; position:relative; float:left; left:1px;">Stock Image 1 (Main):</div> </td> <td bgcolor="#888888"> <input type="file" name="pic1[]" id="pic1[]" size="50" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#A0B050" width="161"> <div style="font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; position:relative; font-size:12px; color:#293334; font-weight:bold; position:relative; float:left; left:1px;">Stock Image 2:</div> </td> <td bgcolor="#888888"> <input type="file" name="pic1[]" id="pic1[]" size="50" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#A0B050" width="161"> <div style="font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; position:relative; font-size:12px; color:#293334; font-weight:bold; position:relative; float:left; left:1px;">Stock Image 3:</div> </td> <td bgcolor="#888888"> <input type="file" name="pic1[]" id="pic1[]" size="50" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#A0B050" width="161"> <div style="font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; position:relative; font-size:12px; color:#293334; font-weight:bold; position:relative; float:left; left:1px;">Stock Image 4:</div> </td> <td bgcolor="#888888"> <input type="file" name="pic1[]" id="pic1[]" size="50" /> </td> </tr> <input type="submit" name="btnsubmit" value="Submit"> <input type="submit" name="btndelete" value="Delete" DEFANGED_OnClick="return check();"> <input type="hidden" name="srno1" value="<?= $rows["stock_Id"];?>"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="Upload"> All seems to be fine above, I can upload 1,2,3 or 4 images and the image goes into the server and the path to the database. But I then needed the option for my client to be able to click to edit a certain stock and then aswel as edit the other details, if he wanted to change one pic, no pics or all 4 he could and when he clicked submit, if there was a new image it would change if not it would stay as it is. So here is my attempt and at the moment it doesnt work, so I'm looking for help of any kid and anything can change. Code: [Select] $name=$_POST['txtname']; $ref=$_POST['Ref']; $desc=$_POST['e1m1']; $maker=$_POST['Maker']; $date=$_POST['Date']; $weight=$_POST['Weight']; $height=$_POST['Height']; $depth=$_POST['Depth']; $width=$_POST['Width']; $price=$_POST['txtprice']; $sold=$_POST['txtsold']; $meta=$_POST['txtmeta']; $active=$_POST['active']; $pcats=$_POST['pcats']; $subcats=$_POST['subcats']; $pic1=''; for($i=0;$i<4;$i++){ if(isset($_FILES['pic1']['name'][$i]))$pic1[$i]=$_FILES['pic1']['name'][$i]; else $pic1[$i]=''; } for($i=0;$i<4;$i++){ if(isset($_FILES['pic1']['name'][$i]))$path1= "./imgdata/stock/".$_FILES['pic1']['name'][$i]; //echo $_FILES['pic1']['tmp_name'][$i]." :". $path1; if(!empty($_FILES['pic1']['name'][$i])&&isset($_FILES['pic1']['name'][$i]))copy($_FILES['pic1']['tmp_name'][$i], $path1); } $q=mysql_query("insert into stock (stock_Name, stock_MetaTitle, parent_Category, sub_Category, stock_Ref, stock_Description, stock_Maker, stock_Date, stock_Weight, stock_Height, stock_Depth, stock_Width, stock_Price, stock_Sold, stock_Image, stock_Image2, stock_Image3, stock_Image4, stock_Active, stock_DateTime) values('$name','$meta','$pcats','$subcats','$ref','$desc','$maker','$date','$weight','$height','$depth','$width','$price','$sold','imgdata/stock/$pic1[0]','imgdata/stock/$pic1[1]','imgdata/stock/$pic1[2]','imgdata/stock/$pic1[3]','$active','$dt2')") or die (mysql_error()); $conf="Data Inserted Successfully - Click <a href=''>here</a> to continue"; $update=1; Code: [Select] <tr> <td bgcolor="#A0B050" width="161"> <div style="font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; position:relative; font-size:12px; color:#293334; font-weight:bold; position:relative; float:left; left:1px;">Stock Image 1 (Main):</div> </td> <td bgcolor="#888888"> <input type="file" name="pic[]" size="50" /> <input type="hidden" name="p1" value="<?php echo $pic1;?>" /> <img src="<?php echo $pic1;?>" height="100px" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#A0B050" width="161"> <div style="font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; position:relative; font-size:12px; color:#293334; font-weight:bold; position:relative; float:left; left:1px;">Stock Image 2:</div> </td> <td bgcolor="#888888"> <input type="file" name="pic[]" size="50" /> <input type="hidden" name="p2" value="<?php echo $pic2;?>" /> <img src="<?php echo $pic2;?>" height="100px" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#A0B050" width="161"> <div style="font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; position:relative; font-size:12px; color:#293334; font-weight:bold; position:relative; float:left; left:1px;">Stock Image 3:</div> </td> <td bgcolor="#888888"> <input type="file" name="pic[]" size="50" /> <input type="hidden" name="p3" value="<?php echo $pic3;?>" /> <img src="<?php echo $pic3;?>" height="100px" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#A0B050" width="161"> <div style="font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; position:relative; font-size:12px; color:#293334; font-weight:bold; position:relative; float:left; left:1px;">Stock Image 4:</div> </td> <td bgcolor="#888888"> <input type="file" name="pic[]" size="50" /> <input type="hidden" name="p4" value="<?php echo $pic4;?>" /> <img src="<?php echo $pic4;?>" height="100px" /> </td> </tr> What happens above as its all on the same page, is when a stock item is selected to be edited the form to update the images changes to the image upload options above, instead of the original ones for a new stock item at the top of this post. I can provide anything you need to help me with this, so please can somebody take a look and see if it can be got working, as its been a long problem for me this. Cheers Please help me with this: been doing this for 2 days and still cannot solve it. it won't update... I have attached my file: <?php include('connect-database.php'); if (isset($_POST['submit']) AND $_POST['submit'] == 'update') { $error = false; extract($_POST); if (empty($full_name)) $error = true; if (!$error) { $update = "UPDATE users SET full_name = '$full_name', WHERE id=$id "; mysql_query($update) or die(mysql_error() . "<br><br>" . $update); $full_name = ''; $message = "Record successfully updated."; } else { $message = "There is an error in your entry"; } } else { $id = intval(isset($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : 0); } if ($id == 0) { echo "<div style='margin-bottom:10px'>Invalid ID.</div>"; exit; } $query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=$id"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error() . "<br><br>" . $query); if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { echo "<div style='margin-bottom:10px'>Record Not Found in Database!</div>"; exit; } $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); extract($row); ?> <div id="mainContent" class="tab_container"> <div id="tab1" class="tab_content"> <h1>Edit Personal Data</h1> <div style="color:red;font-weight:bold"><? echo $message; ?></div> <form name="submit" action="" method="post"> <ul> <li><b>ID # :</b> <?php echo $id?></li> <li><b>Name :</b> <input type="text" name="full_name" id="" size="30" value="<?php echo $full_name ?>" /></li> <li><b>Address :</b> <input type="text" name="address" id="" size="55" maxlength="100" value="<?php echo $address ?>" /></li> <li><b>Contact Number :</b> <input type="text" name="contact_number" id="" size="11" value="<?php echo $contact_number ?>" /></li> <li><b>Email Address :</b> <input type="text" name="user_email" id="" size="30" value="<?php echo $user_email ?>" /></li> <li><b>Status :</b> <input type="text" name="status" id="" size="10" value="<?php echo $status ?>" /></li> <li><b>Nationality :</b> <input type="text" name="nationality" id="" size="20" value="<?php echo $nationality ?>" /></li> <li><b>Religion :</b> <input type="text" name="religion" id="" size="20" value="<?php echo $religion ?>" /></li> </ul> <h2>Self Description</h2> <p><textarea rows="9" cols="40" name="self_description" ><?php echo $self_description ?></textarea></p> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $id; ?>" /> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="update" /> </form> </div> I am still quite new to php and mysql but i've managed to setup a login system, where a member can register and login to our website. Once they have logged in they can view the secure section of the site and also view their profile. This profile stores the information that relates to the database, ie personal details etc. I am able to retrieve the data using php and display it in a form using the echo commands but I want my members to be able to update their information if necessary. I have tried many solutions to no avail. I have started an update script in which once the form is submitted the data is stored successfully into the database but i don't know how to retrieve that data and display it on the profile page again where they submitted their new information. Hope this all makes sense. Here is my php code: <?php // connect to your MySQL database here require_once "config2.php"; $conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die ('Error connecting to mysql'); mysql_select_db($dbname); // the values you want to change to $id = "1"; $fname = $_POST['firstname']; $lname = $_POST['lastname']; $address = $_POST['address']; $address2 = $_POST['address2']; $county = $_POST['county']; $postcode = $_POST['postcode']; $email = $_POST['email']; $telephone = $POST['telephone']; $login = $_POST['login']; // Build sql command to update just one record or "row" $sqlCommand = "UPDATE members SET firstname='$fname', lastname='$lname', address='$address', address2='$address2', county='$county', postcode='$postcode', telephone='$telephone', email='$email', login='$login' WHERE member_id='$id' LIMIT 1"; // Execute the query here now $query = mysql_query($sqlCommand) or die (mysql_error()); // Replace sql command to Select the data now $sqlCommand = "SELECT firstname, lastname, address, address2, county, postcode, email, telephone, login FROM members WHERE member_id='$id' LIMIT 1"; $query = mysql_query($sqlCommand) or die (mysql_error()); ?? ?> I know the code isn't the best thought out but it works, just can't get the information they entered back to the previous form Any help would be great appreciated ) [attachment deleted by admin] I'm not sure if this is possible but is it possible to update an xml file using php which in turn the xml updates the flash file? so say the user enters some data into the database the database is then read by the php which sends to xml and then updates the flash file? hope that makes some form of sense and if it does exist or some form of system that does this could you please give me some guidance in the right direction Thanks James any reason why this may not be updating Code: [Select] <?php if(isset($_POST['submitbtn'])){ //will open up the db connection require_once"../includes/connect.php"; $errors = ""; $welcometitle = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['welcometitle']); $welcomesection = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['welcomesection']); $infotitle = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['infotitle']); $infosection = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['infosection']); $videotitle = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['videotitle']); $videosection = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['videosection']); if(isset($welcometitle, $welcomesection) && !empty($welcometitle) && !empty($welcomesection)){ if(isset($infotitle, $infosection) && !empty($infotitle) && !empty($infosection)){ if(isset($videotitle, $videosection) && !empty($videotitle) && !empty($videosection)){ //adding them to the db $query = mysql_query("UPDATE `home` SET `welcometitle`=`$welcometitle`,`welcomesection`=`$welcomesection`,`infotitle`=`$infotitle`, `infosection`=`$infosection`,`videotitle`=`$videosection`"); header("location:"); }else{ $errors = "Please fill in the Video Section"; } }else{ $errors = "Please fill in the Info Section"; } }else{ $errors = "Please fill in the Welcome Section"; } mysql_close();//will close the inlcude db connection } ?> |