PHP - Redeclaring A Method I Defined
Hello folks,
So, I have decided to start a small CMS, for learning purposes. It's going pretty smooth, but I decided to implement a hook system, so you can extend the CMS without touching the core files. I have the following idea: To create a hook, a person creates a php file in the hooks folder, and simply redeclare every method of my classes he/she wants. Example: I have a class called Users that has a method called showUser, like the following: Code: [Select] class Users { function showUser($id) { echo "Welcome ". $id; } } then, in the hooks folder, a file called Users_leavePlease.php: Code: [Select] function showUser($id) { echo "Please leave " . $id; } The problem is...php won't allow it. It gives me the function redeclare error if I include the php file. Any ideas how can I make this work? thanks, bl00dshooter. Similar Tutorials
My script has 3 classes (that are relevant to this discussion): DB, User and Validate. They are all in independent files and loaded automatically, when required, by an autoloader.
The error messages I am getting a Any pointers as to what I am doing wrong, or what I should be doing, would be most welcome. This is probs. an easy one but I have in my database some values, these values are defined constants in my php code. How do I display the value of the constant not the text (constant name)? This is just a warning when you switch to PHP 5.3, you'll start seeing NOTICE messages on your page if you access a variable which is not exist or initialize. For example $id=($_GET["id"]); if ($id='home) If there is no value to id because it's not part of the link, you'll get an error. These kind of notice messages are not shown in PHP 5.2. ~ Go Condo Toronto ~ Hi, I have a small CMS I coded and developped on my local WAMP server and everything worked fine but when I decided to export everything to my hostgator server I realized that the constants I define in some of my includes are not being defined.. Here is one of the errors I get : Code: [Select] Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'LIB_PATHDSdatabase.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/nethox/public_html/photo_gallery/includes/photograph.php on line 2 You can see that LIB_PATH is not defined and even the .DS. is not working.. Here is a sample of the code I made : Code: [Select] <?php // Defining core paths // Defining them as absolute paths to make sure that require_once works as expected // DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR is a PHP pre-defined constant // (will do \ for Windows, / for Unix) defined('DS') ? null : define('DS', '/'); defined('SITE_ROOT') ? null : define('SITE_ROOT', ''.DS.'photo_gallery'); defined('LIB_PATH') ? null : define('LIB_PATH', SITE_ROOT.'/includes'); defined('LOG_PATH') ? null : define('LOG_PATH', SITE_ROOT.DS.'logs'); defined('PUBLIC_AREA') ? null : define('PUBLIC_AREA', ''.DS.'photo_gallery'.DS.'public'); // Load config file first require_once(LIB_PATH."/config.php"); // Load basic functions next so that everything after can use them require_once(LIB_PATH.DS."functions.php"); // Load core objects require_once(LIB_PATH.DS."session.php"); require_once(LIB_PATH.DS."database.php"); require_once(LIB_PATH.DS."pagination.php"); // Load database-related classes require_once(LIB_PATH.DS."user.php"); require_once(LIB_PATH.DS."photograph.php"); require_once(LIB_PATH.DS."comment.php"); ?> Any help is appreciated! EDIT : For the sake of debugging, I've changed the defined value of DS to '/' instead of DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR to see if it's what caused an issue.. In my website I want to have a rating system of stoires. I also want to avarage out the ratings (there on a scale of 1-10). I am putting all of my ratings in a array but it doesnt seem to be working. EVerytime I call the array I get a undefined error thingy. Code: [Select] $query3 = " SELECT * FROM story_commets WHERE story = '$id_get' ORDER BY date_added "; $select3 = mysql_query($query3) or die(mysql_error()); $x=1; while($rows3 = mysql_fetch_assoc($select3)) { $commetdb = $rows3['commet']; $user_com_db = $rows3['user']; $datedb = $rows3['date_added']; $stardb = $rows3['star']; //get profile picture $query4 = " SELECT * FROM story_commet WHERE user = '$user_com_db' "; $select4 = mysqli_query($dbc, $query4); $rows4 = mysqli_fetch_array($select4); $profile_pic = $rows4['profile_pic']; $user_id = $rows4['id']; echo " <div class='com_info'> <img src='$profile_pic' width='600' height='568' /> <br /> <a href='$user_id'> $user_com_id </div> <br /> $datedb <br /> </div> Rating: $stardb/10 <br /> $commetdb "; $ratav[$x]=$stardb; $x++; } <?PHP ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////// SCRIPT SETTINGS /////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $iLoginsFile = "logins.txt"; // filename where account logins are stored. $iListID = ""; // IDs TO LIST $iListID2 = ""; $iBounty = 100000000; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////each account on its own line ///////////////////// ///////email pass seperated by only a space ///////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// echo "::: STARTING PROGRAM, GRABBING ACCOUNTS :::\n"; $iLogins = file($iLoginsFile, FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES); if(!is_file($iLoginsFile)) { echo "The logins file couldn't be found, try putting it in your php directory (Generally C:/Program Files/PHP/)"; sleep(999999); } foreach($iLogins as $line_num => $line) { $iLogin = explode(" ", htmlspecialchars(str_replace(" "," ",$line))); if(stristr($iLogin[1], "\n")) $iLogin[1] = substr($iLogin[1], 0, strlen($iLogin[1])-2); $iAccountData[$line_num] = array($iLogin[0], $iLogin[1]); echo "Login #$line_num: $iLogin[0]\n"; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// echo "\n::: ACCOUNTS RETREIVED, BEGIN LISTING IDS :::\n"; $iMobLink="http://mob-dynamic-lb".rand(1,5).".mobsters0".rand(1,9).".com/mob/"; for($i=0; $i!=count($iAccountData); $i++) { echo "\n::: ".strtoupper($iAccountData[$i][0])." :::\n"; if($iAccountData[$i][1] != "" && stristr($iAccountData[$i][0], "@") && stristr($iAccountData[$i][0], ".")) { list($iStore[0],$iStore[1],$iStore[2],$iStore[3]) = iAuthorize($iAccountData[$i], $iMobLink); if($iStore[2] > 1 && strlen($iStore[3]) == 40) { $iReward = file_get_contents($iMobLink."add_hit_list?user_id=".$iStore[2]."&target_id=".$iListID."&bounty=".$iBounty."&auth_key=".$iStore[3]); xml_parse_into_struct($iP=xml_parser_create(), $iReward, $iS, $iX);xml_parser_free($iP); echo "1: ".strip_tags(str_replace("<br>","\n",$iS[$iX['MESSAGE'][0]]['value']))."\n"; } else echo "Account Skipped: wrong password/email combo, or a login error...\n"; } else echo "Account Skipped: invalid email or blank password...\n"; } echo "\n::: PROGRAM FINISHED, YOU CAN CLOSE THIS AT ANY TIME :::"; sleep(10000); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////// SCRIPT FUNCTIONS /////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function iAuthorize($iHeader, $iGameLink) { curl_setopt($ch = curl_init(), CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, ""); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, "iAuthKeyCookie.txt"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, "iAuthKeyCookie.txt"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, ""); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091016 Firefox/3.5.4 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)"); $result = curl_exec($ch); if($result == "") { echo "The myspace login form couldn't be loaded, skipping this account...\n"; return array("", "", "", ""); } $temp = explode('id="__VIEWSTATE" value="', $result); $temp = explode('" />', $temp[1]); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, ""); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "__VIEWSTATE=".urlencode($temp[0])."&NextPage=&ctl00%24ctl00%24cpMain%24cpMain%24LoginBox%24Email_Textbox=".urlencode($iHeader[0])."&ctl00%24ctl00%24cpMain%24cpMain%24LoginBox%24Password_Textbox=".urlencode($iHeader[1])."&ctl00%24ctl00%24cpMain%24cpMain%24LoginBox%24SingleSignOnHash=&ctl00%24ctl00%24cpMain%24cpMain%24LoginBox%24SingleSignOnRequestUri=&ctl00%24ctl00%24cpMain%24cpMain%24LoginBox%24nexturl=&ctl00%24ctl00%24cpMain%24cpMain%24LoginBox%24apikey=&ctl00%24ctl00%24cpMain%24cpMain%24LoginBox%24ContainerPage=&ctl00%24ctl00%24cpMain%24cpMain%24LoginBox%24SMSVerifiedCookieToken=&dlb=Log+In"); $result = curl_exec($ch); if(stristr($result, "captcha.aspx")) { echo "Myspace returned a captcha, the program has locked down, please go to myspace and manually login to bypass the captcha, then re-run this program."; sleep(10000); } curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, ""); $temp = explode('MySpace.ClientContext = {"UserId":', curl_exec($ch)); $temp2 = explode('_canvas" name="apppanel_', $temp[1]); $myID = explode(',"Display', $temp[1]); $temp2 = explode('', $temp2[1]); $myToken = explode('&opensocial_surface', $temp2[1]); $result = @file_get_contents("".$myToken[0]."&opensocial_url=".urlencode($iGameLink)."refresh_stat%3Fuser_id%3D".$myID[0]); if($result == "") echo "There was an error logging into the account..."; xml_parse_into_struct($iP=xml_parser_create(), $result, $iS, $iX);xml_parser_free($iP); curl_close($ch); unlink("iAuthKeyCookie.txt"); return array($iHeader[0], $iHeader[1], $myID[0], $iS[$iX['AUTH_KEY'][0]]['value']); } ?> How can I get $myToken to echo at the top? like $myToken is defined at the bottom curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, ""); $temp = explode('MySpace.ClientContext = {"UserId":', curl_exec($ch)); $temp2 = explode('_canvas" name="apppanel_', $temp[1]); $myID = explode(',"Display', $temp[1]); $temp2 = explode('', $temp2[1]); $myToken = explode('&opensocial_surface', $temp2[1]); $result = @file_get_contents("".$myToken[0]."&opensocial_url=".urlencode($iGameLink)."refresh_stat%3Fuser_id%3D".$myID[0]); if($result == "") echo "There was an error logging into the account..."; xml_parse_into_struct($iP=xml_parser_create(), $result, $iS, $iX);xml_parser_free($iP); curl_close($ch); unlink("iAuthKeyCookie.txt"); return array($iHeader[0], $iHeader[1], $myID[0], $iS[$iX['AUTH_KEY'][0]]['value']); } ?> How can I get myToken to echo before { $iReward = file_get_contents($iMobLink."add_hit_list?user_id=".$iStore[2]."&target_id=".$iListID."&bounty=".$iBounty."&auth_key=".$iStore[3]); xml_parse_into_struct($iP=xml_parser_create(), $iReward, $iS, $iX);xml_parser_free($iP); echo "1: ".strip_tags(str_replace("<br>","\n",$iS[$iX['MESSAGE'][0]]['value']))."\n"; } Hey, I'm in the process of making a site that involves multiple layers of folders. I have a form that uploads an image which i then try to move to the image folder using a define function using the document root + image folder but the image never gets saved to the defined location and the location isnt inserted into the sql query. Its a simple thing I want to do but since Im making a bigger site I want to maximize includes to reduce duplicate code. Include File - defines the document root Code: [Select] srvRoot = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; $serverRoot = str_replace('/', '\/', $serverRoot); define('SRV_ROOT', $srvRoot); Image Upload Code: [Select] $image = $_FILES["catImage"]["name"]; $image = addImage($image, SRV_ROOT . "images/shop/img_cat"); function addImage($image, $path){ // FIX FIX FIX $fileExtension = getExtension($image); //this function works fine have tested in previous scripts so not needed $image = substr(md5(rand() * time()), 0, 10).".".$fileExtension; $imgDestination = $path.$image; if($_FILES['catImage']['type'] != "image/gif" && $_FILES['catImage']['type'] != "image/jpg" && $_FILES['catImage']['type'] != "image/jpeg" && $_FILES['catImage']['type'] !="image/png" ){ echo "You may only upload image files"; }else{ //Moves the uploaded file to destination folder via the variable which includes image filename if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES["catImage"]["tmp_name"],$imgDestination)){ return($imgDestination); }else{ header("Location: ../../home.php"); } echo $imgDestination; } } I have defined my database connection data as constants in a separate file for security reasons. How can I simply access the data stored in those constants. I have to call the file to get the value of the constants. If I inadvertently call the file twice in a script using an include or require statement, I get an error that I am trying to define the constants again. Can I somehow just call the constants without including the file where they are defined? --Kenoli Hello. I have an array like this: Code: [Select] Array ( [1] => MOR [2] => CON [3] => CP1 [4] => CP2 [5] => EMAIL [6] => NIF [7] => BI [8] => DIS ) And then I defined, for example this one variable: define("DIS","District"); When I try to... echo $array[8]; All I get is "DIS". I'm obviously trying to echo a string and it won't work that way... but I still gave it a try. How can I do this then? I need "District" to be outputted instead of the actual variable name. I know that if I were to "echo DIS;" this would work but that defeats the purpose as I have various defined variables per row... Thanks. hey guys i used defined variables inside my index.php and these defined varaibles are called and used through the this good or bad? defined varaibles Code: [Select] define('DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); define('PARENT_DIRECTORY_PATH', dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . DS); define('PUBLIC_DIRECTORY', BASE_URL . DS .'public' . DS); define('PRIVATE_DIRECTORY', BASE_URL .'private' . DS ); thank you I'm getting an undefined array key warning from an array key that has been defined like the other keys in the array. The method call is as follows: $post_obj->addNews( $_POST['title'], $_POST['content'], $_POST['category'], $_POST['status'], $_POST['post_type'], $_POST['tags'], $_POST['post_image'] ); The method and class a class Post { private $conn; private $user_obj; public function __construct($conn, $user) { $this->conn = $conn; $this->user_obj = new User($conn, $user); } public function addNews($title, $content, $category, $status, $type, $tags, $image) { if(!empty($title) && !empty($content)) { $title = strtoupper($title); $title = mysqli_real_escape_string($this->conn, $title); $content = nl2br($content); $content = mysqli_real_escape_string($this->conn, $content); $added_by = $this->user_obj->getUsername(); $query = mysqli_query($this->conn, "SELECT top_cat_id FROM top_categories WHERE top_cat_title='$category'"); $row = mysqli_fetch_array($query); $cat_id = $row['top_cat_id']; $insert_sql = mysqli_query($this->conn, "INSERT INTO news VALUES ('', '$title', '$content', '$added_by', '$category', '$cat_id', '$image', '$tags', '$status', '$type', '0', '0', '0', '0');"); } } } the relevant HTML is: <div class="form-group"> <label>Image</label> <input type="file" name="post_image" accept="image/*" onchange="preview_image(event)" value="Choose Image"> <br> <label>Image Preview</label><br> <img class="img-rounded" id="output_image" width="150" height="150" /> </div> The warning is an undefined array key on 'post_image'. But it's been defined like all the others. There's nothing I could find relevant to this and I'm lost. Is the problem because it's an image? I see no reason why 'post_image' remains undefined. If anyone feels like looking it over, I always appreciate the extra direction, I'm lost on this As my title said the question, i want to destroy my session after a particular time if user is being ideal.. currently i am using this code to define my session: Code: [Select] session_start(); // Check, if username session is NOT set then this page will jump to login page if (!isset($_SESSION['myusername'])) { header('Location: admin.php'); } Code: [Select] <?php $user_name = 'bazarr'; $user_password = '*******'; if($_POST['user_name'] != $user_name || $_POST['user_password'] != $user_password) { ?> <h3>The Login</h3> <form method="post" action=""> <input type="text" name="user_name" /> <input type="password" name="user_password" /> <input type="submit" name="blog_creation_login_submit" value="Submit" /> </form> <?php } else { ?> <h3>The Article</h3> With the above script I am getting following notice: Code: [Select] Notice: Undefined index: user_name It is regarding the user name variable, my question is how to solve this one and avoid the notice? I am having trouble with passing values with a POST to another php file. I am getting the error : undefined index : productID and undefined index: filename. I have also tried : <form method = \"POST?pdib=$processID&filename=$filename\" action = \"upload2.php\" > When I look at the array of superglobals, they are both defined. Thank you! Here is the code : drawfirsttwoforms: $sql = "SELECT ProductFilename, ProductName, ProductID, ProductDescription,ProductCost,ProductQuantity, ProductCatTitle FROM products INNER JOIN customers ON customers.CustomerID = products.CustomerID WHERE ((products.ProductKeyWord1 = ?) OR (products.ProductKeyWord2 = ?) OR (products.ProductKeyWord3 = ? )) AND (products.ProductCatTitle = ?) "; $stmt = $dbo->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam(1, $keyword1); $stmt->bindParam(2, $keyword1); $stmt->bindParam(3, $keyword1); $stmt->bindParam(4, $titleOfSelectedDropDown); $stmt->execute(); while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) { //these variables do have values here $productID = $row['ProductID']; $filename = $row['ProductFilename']; $string1 .= " <div class = \"A\" id = \"$mainDiv\"> <p id = \"link1\">product id :$productID</p> <p>category id :$category</p> <div class = \"A\" id = \"endz\"></div> <div class = \"A\" id = \"startz\"></div> <div class=\"container\"> <div id = \"testing\" >testing <div> <div id = \"$displayID\" > </div> <div class=\"row\" > <div class=\"col\"> <form method = \"POST\" action = \"upload2.php\" > <input type=hidden id='$productID' name= '$productID' value=\"A\"> <input type=hidden id=\"$filename\" name=$filename value=\"B\"> <button value = \"Submit\" type = \"submit\" >submit it</button> </form> <iframe id=\"upload_target\" name=\"upload_target\" style=\"width:0;height:0;border:0px solid #fff;\"></iframe> <img width=\"120\" height =\"120\" id = \"$imageID\" src=\"../php proj/uploads/$filename?<?php echo filemtime($filename)?>\"> <button onclick = \"imageRefresh( '{$filename}', '{$imageID}', '{$_SESSION["msg"]}' )\" >Display</button> </div> AFTER: if (!isset($myObj) && isset($string1)) { $myObj = new stdClass(); $myObj->htmlstuff = $string1; //Encode the data as a JSON string $jsonStr = json_encode($myObj); echo $jsonStr; }
function printHTML1(keyword){ const element = document.getElementById("dropDown1"); //const checkValue = element.options[element.selectedIndex].value; const checkText = element.options[element.selectedIndex].text; var val1 = checkText; var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); var keyword1 = keyword; var url = "drawfirsttwoforms.php?keyword=" + keyword.value + "&" + "val1=" + val1; xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { var jsonData = JSON.parse(this.responseText); var answerHtml = jsonData.htmlstuff; document.getElementById("codehere").innerHTML = answerHtml; createAndModifyDivs(); } };"GET", url , true); xmlhttp.send(); }
upload2.php <?php session_start(); $productID = $_POST['productID']; $filename = $_POST['filename'];
First off, let me say that this will not be a public use site. We want to create a site that allows us to run queries in our database; this way we don't need to log into the MySQL server when ever we want to run a query. Basically, I am trying to create something as simple as a form with a text-input and a submit button. In this text-input, we will write a query (such as SELECT * FROM xxxx). When we hit submit, we would like to have the MySQL table printed out in a large textbox below. Our database has multiple tables, so something that works across the entire database seamlessly is key. Has anyone ever made anything like this? Is there another way to go about this? We really just want an easy way to run queries on the go. Thanks in advance to anyone who replies! Hello all, I have a 14 column csv that I load into an array, retrieving only the required fields, load the array into columns and perform a sort: Code: [Select] foreach ($array as $key => $row) { $firstname[$key] = $row["firstn"]; $lastname[$key] = $row["lastn"]; $address1[$key] = $row["addr1"]; $address2[$key] = $row["addr2"]; $address3[$key] = $row["addr3"]; $city[$key] = $row["cit"]; $stateprov[$key] = $row["state"]; $country[$key] = $row["cntry"]; $membernumber[$key] = $row["num"];} array_multisort($membernumber,$lastname,$firstname,$address1,$address2,$address3,$city,$stateprov,$country,$array);When I pass say the first three letters of a last name ($find = "smi"), all records matching the search criteria are returned: Code: [Select] foreach ($array as $key => $row) { if (strncasecmp($find, $lastname[$key], strlen($find)) == 0) { echo "<tr><td>" . $firstname[$key] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $lastname[$key] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $address1[$key] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $address2[$key] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $address3[$key] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $city[$key] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $stateprov[$key] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $country[$key] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $membernumber[$key] . "</td></tr>" . chr(13); }}}So far so good. However, I'd like to put the search part into a function so I can call it a number of times without having to reload the entire csv: Code: [Select] function FindMember() { foreach ($array as $key => $row) { if (strncasecmp($find, $membernumber[$key], strlen($find)) == 0) { echo "<tr><td>" . $firstname[$key] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $lastname[$key] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $address1[$key] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $address2[$key] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $address3[$key] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $city[$key] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $stateprov[$key] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $country[$key] . "</td>"; echo "<td align='right'>" . $membernumber[$key] . "</td></tr>" . chr(13); }}}}The search criteria would come from a second txt file with every line containing 2 numbers, separated by a comma: Code: [Select] foreach ($lines as $member => $numbers) { $exploded = explode(",", $numbers); $find = $exploded[1]; FindMember();here $exploded[1] corresponds to $membernumber[$key], so this is where I would call the function, but this is where I run into trouble, nothing gets returned. Does this have something to do with the scope of variables inside a user-defined function? I'd appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction. TIA Hi guys, Basically I am developing a page where the order status of customers are listed in a tabular form, what I need now is to mail these data to my email address at a defined date (e.g. 1st day of next month) automatically. I do not know how to code this since I am just self studying and is still a noob. Thanks. Long time lurker, first time poster here. I am having a problem with a multiple file uploader form I am trying to build. I am using the CodeIgniter framework, but I believe my problem is with the form itself. Here is the form: Code: [Select] <form action="http://localhost/show/submit" id="sendfiles" method="post" name="sendfiles" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="hidden" name="doup" value="1" /> <input type="file" name="userfile1" value="" id="userfile1" size="20" /> <br /> <input type="file" name="userfile2" value="" id="userfile2" size="20" /> <br /> <input type="file" name="userfile3" value="" id="userfile3" size="20" /> <br /> <input type="submit" name="submit_btn" value="Upload" /> </form> The form is being passed to this function: if(empty($_POST['doup'])){ foreach($_REQUEST as $k => $v) print ">>> $k : $v <br />"; $data['form_open'] = form_open_multipart(uri_string(), array( 'id' => 'sendfiles', 'method' => 'post', 'name' => 'sendfiles' )); $data['form_flag'] = form_hidden('doup', '1'); $data['file1'] = form_input(array( 'id' => 'userfile1', 'name' => 'userfile1', 'size' => '20', 'type' => 'file', )); $data['file2'] = form_input(array( 'id' => 'userfile2', 'name' => 'userfile2', 'size' => '20', 'type' => 'file', )); $data['file3'] = form_input(array( 'id' => 'userfile3', 'name' => 'userfile3', 'size' => '20', 'type' => 'file', )); $data['form_submit'] = form_submit('submit_btn', 'Upload'); $data['form_close'] = form_close(); $this->load->view('show/submit', $data); } else { $config['allowed_types'] = 'mp3'; $config['max_size'] = '10240'; $config['upload_path'] = $this->config->item('file_upload_path'); $uploaded_files = array(); for($nona=1; $nona<4; $nona++){ if (strlen($_FILES['userfile'.$nona]['tmp_name']) <=0){ echo "tempname$nona failed"; continue; } //print "------ USERFILE $nona ------ <br />"; //print sizeof($_FILES['userfile'.$nona])."<br />"; //foreach ($_FILES['userfile'.$nona] as $k => $v){ // print "$k : $v <br />"; //} $this->upload->initialize($config); $upload = $this->upload->do_upload('userfile'.$nona); if (!$upload){ $form_errors = array('form_errors' => $this->upload->display_errors()); $this->load->view('show/submit', $form_errors); break; } else { $data = array('upload_data' => $this->upload->data()); $data = $data['upload_data']; $fp = $data['full_path']; $filename = strtolower(random_string('numeric', 16) . $data['file_ext']); $rel_path = 'show/submissons/uploaded/'; $path = $this->config->item('media_root_path') . $rel_path; exec('mkdir -p ' . $path , $a1, $r1); exec('mv ' . $fp . ' ' . $path . $filename, $a2, $r2); array_push($uploaded_files, $path . $filename); } } $this->session->set_flashdata('img_data',implode("||", $uploaded_files)); // redirect("show/submit_info"); } The problem is this: When I choose only one file to upload, it works. I can choose any of the 3 inputs and it works great. But as soon as I try to choose 2 or more files, the form fails to post. When I press submit, the page simply reloads and none of the form variables get posted. I have checked settings in php.ini and tried building and rebuilding this form. I'm hoping someone here can provide some insight into what I'm doing wrong? I have the following code just to insert a username and hashed password into the database but somehow I am getting this error and I couldn't find out where I am doing it wrong...can someone please give me a hand?
I tried it in two ways and both errors...
the first few lines are just connecting database which worked fine and a password.php so I can use password_hash() with my php version
$hash = password_hash('xx', PASSWORD_BCRYPT, array('cost' => 10)); $username = 'xx'; $insertQuery = $db->prepare(" INSERT INTO et_todo (username, password) VALUES (:username, :hash) "); $insertQuery->execute(array( 'username' => $username, 'password' => $hash ));also tried $hash = password_hash('xx', PASSWORD_BCRYPT, array('cost' => 10)); $insertQuery = $db->prepare(" INSERT INTO et_todo (username, password) VALUES ('xx', :hash) "); $insertQuery->execute(array( 'username' => 'xx', 'password' => $hash )); Hi, I have a problem and can't seem to figure out how to do it.. Basically i have these 2 tables: Quote People Pid Pname Pdateadded Pdeleted And.. Quote Quote: PeopleCon PCid Pid PCorder Pdateadded Pdeleted Now, currently i insert the data into a table "People".. like you guys have helped me with.. But what i need to do is, first check to see if the author already exists in the People table, if so then just INSERT into PeopleCon, ELSE INSERT into both People and PeopleCon... Also if there are 4 authors, and 2 exist in People, and 2 do not. What needs to happen is the first 2 are simply inserted into PeopleCon, but the last 2 are INSERTED into both People and PeopleCon. When the authors are inserted into PeopleCon, the PCorder row needs to increment by the number of authors byt order of author. So this is the logic: Multiple authors are entered in textboxes Fire the script Check to see if author already exists in "People" table IF it does exist, INSERT into PeopleCon table ELSE do the insert into the People AND PeopleCon table, first it will INSERT into the People, and GET the MAX (ID) and insert into the PeopleCon So i currently have this, but as 3 separate methods: class People { public function checkNameExists(){ $query = "SELECT * FROM People WHERE Pname = '". mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['author'])."'"; $result = mysql_query($query); if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0): $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); return true; else: return false; endif; } public function insertAuthor(){ $callback = create_function('$author','return "(\'".mysql_real_escape_string($author)."\',NOW(),0)";'); $sql = sprintf( 'INSERT INTO People (Pname, Pdateadded, Pdeleted) VALUES %s' ,implode(',',array_map($callback,$_POST['author'])) ); $result = mysql_query($sql); return "Successfully added NEW author"; } public function insertAuthorCon(){ $sql = "INSERT INTO PeopleCon (Pid, PCorder, PCdateadded, PCdeleted) VALUES ( 'MAX ID WILL GO HERE', 'INCREMENT OF ORDER GOES HERE', now(), 0 )"; $result = mysql_query($sql); return "Successfully added existing author"; } But obviously i need to combine these together into one method to match what i am trying to achieve.. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks again... |