PHP - Eror : Value In Write Context
Similar TutorialsHi, I have some strange issues with my code: Code: [Select] <?PHP session_start(); $loginid = $_SESSION["valid_id"]; // First check if we are guest or user. if (!$_SESSION["valid_email"]) { $visitor = "yes"; } else { $visitor = "no"; $email = $_SESSION['valid_email']; $userid = $_SESSION['valid_id']; } //Load Header (blue menu) require("./inc/header.php"); //Load Sub-acc (silver account menu) require("./inc/sub-group.php"); //Load nav-group (Tabs) require("./inc/nav-group.php"); //Load Config file require("./inc/config.php"); //Set & get profile ID $getid = $_GET["id"]; //check ID $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE id=('$getid') LIMIT 1"); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); IF (mysql_num_rows($result) != 1) { exit("Invalid ID"); } //If we are guest, do we allow anon access to the profile IF ($row["privacy"] <= 10 && $visitor = "yes") { exit("You may not view this profile as a visitor, due to the users privacy settings"); } //Let's check if we are friends ELSEIF ($visitor = "no") { $result2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM profiles_friends WHERE user=('$getid') AND target=('$loginid') LIMIT 1"); $row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2); $friends = $row2["status"]; if (mysql_num_rows($result2) = 0) { $friends = "no"; } } //If we are friend, do we allow access to the profile IF ($row["privacy"] >= 9 && $friends != 1) { exit("You may not view this profile because of the privacy settings."); } $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $memgroup = $row["group"]; IF ($row["activated"] != 1) { exit("This account is suspended and cannot be viewed."); } //Check what group member is in. $result2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM profiles_groups WHERE id=('$memgroup') LIMIT 1"); $row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result); ?> Alright, so the error: Fatal error: Can't use function return value in write context in C:\xampp\htdocs\prog\profile.php on line 45 Code: [Select] 42. $result2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM profiles_friends WHERE user=('$getid') AND target=('$loginid') LIMIT 1"); 43. $row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2); 44. $friends = $row2["status"]; 45. if (mysql_num_rows($result2) = 0) Alright, this is one thing that bothers me, the other is: Code: [Select] //check ID $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE id=('$getid') LIMIT 1"); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); IF (mysql_num_rows($result) != 1) { exit("Invalid ID"); I tried to put an invalid ID, and already here the script should have died/exited before executing the parts of the code that doesn't work. I tested my code on another page and it works flawlessly, perhaps this error is just generated before it actually exists i dunno.. Any way, any help is much appreciated } This is my error: Code: [Select] Fatal error: Can't use function return value in write context in /home/a8152576/public_html/SecretSanta.html on line 41 confused about why. This is the line 41: if(isset($_POST('submit')){ this is the php of my page (without the mysql data): <?php class functions{ public static function chooseGiftee($SS){ $done = false; while($done=false){ $sqllink= mysql_connect($mysql_host,$mysql_user,$mysql_password); if(!$sqllink){ echo "Could not connect! Please Try Again"; mysql_close($sqllink); } else { $selectGiftee = "SELECT * FROM SecretSantas ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0,10;"; while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $results = mysql_query($selectGiftee); if(!$row['Gifter']=''){ $done=false; } else { $gifteeResults = $row['Name']; $addSS = "INSERT INTO SecretSantas (Gifter) VALUES ('" .$SS. "')"; $done=true; return $gifteeResults; } } } mysql_close($sqllink); } } } if(isset($_POST('submit')){ $echoName = functions::chooseGiftee($_POST['gifterName']); echo $echoName; } ?> This is html: <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action=""> <p> <label>Your Name: <input type="text" name="gifterName" id="gifterName" /> </label> <input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Submit" /> </p> <p> </p> </form> Confused about the issue, first time using functions. Thanks in advance, Brandon Any thoughts as to why I'm getting an error for this line of code? Code: [Select] if (isset($this->input->post('bcc[]'))) Error reads: Fatal error: Can't use method return value in write context If someone knows can they explain it to me so I understand it please. Hello! This is my code: $postdata = http_build_query( array( 'version' => '1.0', 'username' => 'YBthebest', 'password' => 'MYPASSWORD' ) ); $username = 'YBthebest'; $opts = array( 'http'=>array( 'method'=>"POST", 'header'=>"User-Agent: APIClient:YBthebest\r\n" ) ); $context = stream_context_create($opts); $result = file_get_contents('', false, $context); Warning: file_get_contents( failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! I get that error! What is failing? And yes, I need to send my username through User_agent !( // User Agent string userAgent = "APIClient:" + username;, taken from C example) Thanks ! Hello. I am now dumbfounded (once again). I am using $this inside a class. I honestly have no idea what is going on. If anyone could give me a pointer that would be brilliant. Code: [Select] /* * List of functions in this class in order (construct and destruct are the only functions not in alphabetical order) * Construct * BooleanValue * BuildColumns * Connect * Clean * Delete * Disconnect * EndTransaction * Error * Insert * IsConnected * Kill * LastInsertID * Log * Query * RollbackTransaction * RowCount * Select * StartTransaction * Update * Where * Destruct */ class MySQL extends MySQLi { private $host = HOST; private $user = USER; private $pass = PASS; private $data = DATA; private $port = PORT; private $charset = CHARSET; const quote = "'"; // what quote to use /* Internal vars */ private $lastID = ""; private $lastResult = ""; private $queries = ""; private $link = 0; private $timeStart = 0; private $timeEnd = 0; private $timeTotal = 0; private $errorString = ""; private $errorNo = 0; private $in_transaction = false; private $queryQueue = ""; /* * Construct * Starts the connection unless autoconnect = false */ public function __construct($autoconnect = true) { $autoconnect === true ? $this->Connect() : false; } /* * End construct ***************************************************************************************************/ /* * BooleanValue * Determins whether the input is a boolean value, or can be converted into a boolean value */ static function BooleanValue($value) { $value = self::Clean($value); if(gettype($value) == "boolean") { if($value == true) { return true; } else { return false; } } elseif(is_numeric($value)) { if($value > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { $str = strtoupper(mysqli_real_escape_string($this->link, trim($value))); if($str == "ON" || $str == "SELECTED" || $str == "CHECKED" || $str == "YES" || $str == "Y" || $str == "TRUE" || $str == "T") { return true; } else { return false; } } } /* * End BooleanValue ***************************************************************************************************/ /* * BuildColumns * Builds columns for use with SQL statements */ static function BuildColumns($columns, $addQuotes = true, $showAlias = true) { if($addQuotes) { $quote = self::quote; } else { $quote = ""; } switch(gettype($columns)) { case "array": $sql = ""; $i = 0; foreach($columns as $key => $value) { $key = self::Clean($key); $value = self::Clean($value); if($i == 0) { $sql = $quote.$value.$quote; $i = 1; } else { $sql .= ", ".$quote.$value.$quote; } if($showAlias && is_string($key) && (!empty($key))) { $sql .= " AS ".$quote.$key.$quote."'"; } } break; case "string": $columns = self::Clean($columns); return $quote.$columns.$string; break; default; return false; break; } return $sql; } /* * End BuildColumns ***************************************************************************************************/ /* * Connect * Connects to the database */ public function Connect() { $this->link = @mysqli_connect($this->host, $this->user, $this->pass, $this->data, $this->port); $this->IsConnected(); } /* * End Connect ***************************************************************************************************/ /* * Clean * Cleans input */ static function Clean($value) { $this->IsConnected(); $value = ltrim($value); $value = rtrim($value); $value = mysqli_real_escape_string($this->link, $value); return $value; } /* * End Clean ***************************************************************************************************/ /* * Delete * Deletes a record from the database */ public function Delete($table, $whereArray) { $sql = "DELETE FROM ".$table; $sql .= self::Where($whereArray); } /* * End Delete ***************************************************************************************************/ /* * Disconnect * Disconnects from the database */ public function Disconnect() { if($this->IsConnected()) { mysqli_close($this->link); } } /* * End disconnect ***************************************************************************************************/ /* * EndTransaction * Ends the transaction, saving all data to the database */ public function EndTransaction() { $this->IsConnected(); if($this->in_transaction) { if(!mysqli_query($this->link, "COMMIT")) { $this->RollbackTransaction(); } else { $this->in_transaction = false; return true; } } else { $this->Error("Not in a transaction", -1); return false; } } /* * End EndTransaction ***************************************************************************************************/ /* * Error * Handles Errors */ public function Error($errstr = "", $errno = 0) { try { if(strlen($errstr) > 0) { $this->errorString = $errstr; } else { $this->errorString = @mysqli_error($this->link); if(!strlen($this->errorString) > 0) { $this->errorString = "Unknown error"; } } if($errno <> 0) { $this->errorNo = $errno; } else { $this->errorNo = @mysqli_errno($this->link); } } catch(Exception $e) { $this->errorString = $e->getMessage(); $this->errorNo = -999; } $this->Kill(); } /* * End Error ***************************************************************************************************/ /* * Insert * Inserts a record into the database */ public function Insert($table, $valuesArray) { $columns = self::BuildColumns(array_keys($valuesArray), false); $values = self::BuildColumns($valuesArray, true, false); $sql = "INSERT INTO ".$table." (".$columns.") VALUES (".$values.")"; $this->queryQueue .= $sql; } /* * End Insert ***************************************************************************************************/ /* * IsConnected * Checks if there is a connection */ public function IsConnected() { if(@mysqli_ping($this->link)) { return true; } else { $this->Error(); return false; $this->RollbackTransaction(); $this->Kill("No connection present"); } } /* * End IsConnected ***************************************************************************************************/ /* * Kill * Rollsback anychanges and kills the script */ public function Kill() { $this->RollbackTransaction(); if(!$this->errorString) { $this->errorString = "Unknown"; } if(!$this->errorNo) { $this->errorNo = -999; } die("<br /><br /><strong>An error has occured.<br />".$this->errorString."<br />".$this->errorNo); } /* * End Kill ***************************************************************************************************/ /* * LastInsertID * Returns the last inserted ID */ public function LastInsertID() { return $this->lastID; } /* * End LastInsertID ***************************************************************************************************/ /* * Log * Logs all MySQL queries */ static function Log($page, $utime, $wtime, $mysql_time, $sphinx_time, $mysql_count_queries, $mysql_queries) { /*$table = "mysql-".date("Ymd"); $sql = "INSERT DELAYED INTO ".$table." (ip, page, utime, wtime, mysql_time, sphinx_time, mysql_count_queries, mysql_queries, user_agent) VALUES ("self::quote.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].self::quote.", ".self::quote.$page.self::quote.", */ } /* * End Log ***************************************************************************************************/ /* * Query * Exectues all queries */ public function Query($sql) { $this->IsConnected(); $this->timeStart = microtime(true); $this->queries = $sql; $this->StartTransaction(); $this->lastResult = @mysqli_query($this->link, $sql); if(!$this->lastResult) { $this->RollbackTransaction(); $this->Error(); } $this->EndTransaction(); if(strpos(strtolower($sql), "insert") === 0) { $this->lastID = mysqli_insert_id($this->link); if($this->lastID === false) { $this->Error(); } else { return $this->lastResult; //$this->queryQueue = ""; } } elseif(strpos(strtolower($sql), "select") === 0) { $this->LastID = 0; } $this->timeEnd = microtime(true); $this->timeTotal = ($this->timeEnd - $this->timeStart); $removeE = explode('E', $this->timeTotal); $this->timeTotal = $removeE[0]; echo $this->queryQueue; } /* * End Query ***************************************************************************************************/ /* * RollbackTransaction * Un-does the changes made */ private function RollbackTransaction() { $this->IsConnected(); if(!mysqli_query($this->link, "ROLLBACK")) { $this->Error("Rollback failed. Manual cleanup required"); return false; } else { $this->in_transaction = false; return true; } } /* * End RollbackTransaction ***************************************************************************************************/ /* * RowCount * Returns the amount of rows effected from the last query */ public function RowCount() { return mysqli_num_rows($this->lastResult); } /* * End RowCount ***************************************************************************************************/ /* * Select * Selects rows * USAGE: * $result = $sql->Select("users", array("username" => "james")); * while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { * echo $row['password']; * } */ public function Select($table, $whereArray = null, $columns = null, $sortColumns = null, $sortAscending = true, $limit = null) { if(!is_null($columns)) { $sql = self::BuildColumns($columns); } else { $sql = "*"; } $sql = "SELECT ".$sql." FROM ".$table; if(is_array($whereArray)) { $sql .= self::Where($whereArray); } if(!is_null($sortColumns)) { $sql .= " ORDER BY ".self::BuildColumns($sortColumns, true, false). " ".($sortAscending ? "ASC" : "DESC"); } if(!is_null($limit)) { $sql .= " LIMIT ".$limit; } self::Query($sql); $return = ""; return $this->lastResult; } /* * End Select ***************************************************************************************************/ /* * StartTransaction * Starts the transaction */ private function StartTransaction() { if(!$this->IsConnected()) { die(); } if(!$this->in_transaction) { if(!mysqli_query($this->link, "START TRANSACTION")) { $this->Error(); return false; } else { $this->in_transaction = true; return true; } } else { $this->Error("Already in a transaction"); } } /* * End StartTransaction ***************************************************************************************************/ /* * Update * Updates the rows */ public function Update($table, $valuesArray, $whereArray = null) { $sql = ""; $i = 0; foreach($valuesArray as $key => $value) { $key = self::Clean($key); $value = self::Clean($value); if($i == 0) { $sql = $key." = ".self::quote.$value.self::quote; $i = 1; } else { $sql .= ", ".$key." = ".self::quote.$value.self::quote; } } $sql = "UPDATE ".$table." SET ".$sql; if(is_array($whereArray)) { $sql .= self::Where($whereArray); } self::Query($sql); return $this->lastResult; } /* * End Update ***************************************************************************************************/ /* * Where * Select rows where X */ public function Where($whereArray) { $where = ""; foreach($whereArray as $key => $value) { $key = self::Clean($key); $value = self::Clean($value); if(strlen($where == 0)) { if(is_string($key)) { $where = " WHERE ".$key." = ".self::quote.$value.self::quote; } else { $where = " WHERE ".self::quote.$value.self::quote; } } else { if(is_string($key)) { $where .= " AND ".$key." = ".self::quote.$value.self::quote; } else { $where .= " AND ".self::quote.$value.self::quote; } } } return $where; } /* * End where ***************************************************************************************************/ /* * Destruct * Closes the connection and cleans up */ public function __destruct() { if($this->queryQueue) { $this->Query($this->queryQueue); } $this->Disconnect(); } /* * End destruct ***************************************************************************************************/ } The code I am using to get the error is this: Code: [Select] $sql = new Mysql; $sql->Insert("users", array("username" => "James")); $sql->Insert("users", array("username" => "fds")); $sql->Insert("users", array("username" => "le")); Thanks. EDIT: Added code to call the error. [Edit: Sorry I found my answer by searching for "period", then finding out that it is a string operator, then read about that. Doesn't seem easy to search for ".=" in Google. Thanks] I got some help here earlier, and I can pretty much understand everything, except I don't understand why there is Code: [Select] $recordOptions .= "<option value=\"{$row['id']}\">"; $recordOptions .= " {$row['firstname']} {$row['lastname']}, {$row['gender']}, {$row['dob']}"; $recordOptions .= "</option>\n"; Why does this whole thing break without .= ? I am new to PHP so, sorry if the answer is really obvious. Code: [Select] $recordOptions = ''; $query = "SELECT * FROM people"; $result = mysql_query($query); if(!$result) { $recordOptions = "<option>Error Retrieving Records</option>\n";; } else { while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $recordOptions .= "<option value=\"{$row['id']}\">"; $recordOptions .= " {$row['firstname']} {$row['lastname']}, {$row['gender']}, {$row['dob']}"; $recordOptions .= "</option>\n"; } } ?> <html> <body> <?php echo $confirmMsg; ?><br /> <form action ='' method='post'> I'm trying to build a Wordpress plugin where all the archives are nicely listed in a tabular form. I'm reading the book Wordpress Plugin Development - A Beginner's Guide And I'm having an error when trying to call the function to display the archives on a separate page. Here's the function: function display() { global $wpdb; // these variables store the current year, month and date // processed $curyear=''; $curmonth=''; $curday=''; // the beginning of our output $result=' <div class="snazzy"> <table cellspacing="15" cellpadding="0" border="0"> <tbody> <tr>'; // query to get all published posts $query= "SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_status = 'publish' AND post_password='' ORDER BY post_date_gmt DESC "; $posts = $wpdb->get_results($query); foreach ($posts as $post) { // retrieve post information we need $title = $post->post_title; $excerpt= $this->get_excerpt($post->post_content); $url=get_permalink($post->ID); $date = strtotime($post->post_date); // format the date $day = date('d', $date); $month = date('M', $date); $year = date('Y', $date); // look for image in the post content $imageurl=""; preg_match('/<\s*img [^\>]*src\s*=\s*[\""\']?([^\""\'>]*) /i' , $post->post_content, $matches); $imageurl=$matches[1]; // get comments for this post $comcount = $wpdb->get_var(" SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_approved = '1' AND comment_post_ID=$post->ID AND NOT (comment_type = 'pingback' OR comment_type = 'trackback')"); // additional formatiing if ($year!=$curyear) { // close the previous day/month if ($curday) $result.="</div></div></td>"; $curday=''; $curmonth=''; // year start in a new column (<td>) $result.= '<td valign="top"><div class="sz_date_yr">' .$year.'</div><div class="sz_cont">'; $result.= '</div></td>'; $curyear=$year; } if ($month!=$curmonth) { // close the previous day/month if ($curday) $result.="</div></div></td>"; $curday=''; // month starts in a new column (<td>) $result.= '<td valign="top"><div class="sz_date_mon">' .$month.'</div><div class="sz_month">'; $curmonth=$month; } if ($day!=$curday) { // close previous day if ($curday) $result.="</div>"; $result.= '<div class="sz_date_day">'.$day.' </div><div class="sz_day">'; $curday=$day; } // retrieve the archive entry representation ob_start(); include('snazzy-layout-1.php'); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $result.=$output; } // close the previous day/month if ($curday) $result.="</div></div></td>"; // close the main page elements $result.="</tr></tbody></table></div>"; // return the result return $result; } This is the part to which the error message is referring to: // retrieve post information we need $title = $post->post_title; $excerpt= $this->get_excerpt($post->post_content); $url=get_permalink($post->ID); $date = strtotime($post->post_date); // format the date $day = date('d', $date); $month = date('M', $date); $year = date('Y', $date); The error message says that I'm using $this when not in "object context". The part where $this is used is needed to display an excerpt of the post content. This is the same way how it's shown in the book, for some reason it doesn't work for me. What would be an alternative way that I could do to make it work, any ideas? I get the error code "Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in /home/feenetwo/public_html/language/english/mails/sale_third_party_notification.php on line 7" when I complete the form from the link in the screenshot atached... the site is and im getting really fustrated with it.... Can anyone help? I have php code that searched for results of properties from my MYSQL database, but how can i position it and style it with font and colours etc? any help will be appreciated,thanks. First i will show the code that activates the error: Code: [Select] if($current_host != null) { print_r2("1"); print_r2($current_host); print_r2($current_foundResult); print_r2("2"); $current_host::addFoundResult($current_foundResult); } this is the output: Quote 1 Host Object ( [hostname] => [foundResults] => Array ( ) ) FoundResult Object ( [url] => [title] => [visits] => ) 2 Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ on line 385 the error comes from this line: $this->foundResults[] = $foundResult; Code: [Select] class Host { public $hostname; public $foundResults; public function __construct($hostname) { $this->hostname = $hostname; $this->foundResults = array(); } public function addFoundResult($foundResult) { $this->foundResults[] = $foundResult; } } what i don't get about it is that both the Host Object and the FoundResult Object exist... Hello dear friends, let say we have text file (file.txt) i wanna php code that makes me able to write some text to this text file (file.txt) then save it as zipped file to be ( 1) I know how to write , will use this Code: [Select] <?php $File = "file.txt"; $Handle = fopen($File, 'w'); $Data = "Hello phpfreaks\n"; fwrite($Handle, $Data); $Data = "Hello World\n"; fwrite($Handle, $Data); print "Data Written"; fclose($Handle); ?> now the (file.text) will be saved with the following text Code: [Select] Hello phpfreaks Hello World Now the question which i do not know how to save it as zipped file not text file ? OR save it normally as text file (file.txt) then create zipped file of it ( thank you so much for help I want to create a xml-based rss which is readable by RSS readers Code: [Select] <?xml version="1.0"?> <rss version="2.0"> <channel> <title>Title</title> <link></link> How I can write php strings from a php file into it as Code: [Select] <item> <title><? echo $title ?></title> <link><? echo $link ?></link> <description><? echo $description ?></description> <pubDate><? echo $date ?></pubDate> <guid><? echo $id?></guid> </item> Code: [Select] if (file_exists("images/".$id."/img01.jpg")) { echo "<a href=\"/v1/images/".$id."/img01.jpg\" rel=\"lightbox\"><img src=\"/v1/images/".$id."/thumb01.jpg\" class=\"img\" border=\"0\" width=\"60\" height=\"60\"></a> "; } if (file_exists("images/".$id."/img02.jpg")) { echo "<a href=\"/v1/images/".$id."/img02.jpg\" rel=\"lightbox\"><img src=\"/v1/images/".$id."/thumb02.jpg\" class=\"img\" border=\"0\" width=\"60\" height=\"60\"></a> "; } if (file_exists("images/".$id."/img03.jpg")) { echo "<a href=\"/v1/images/".$id."/img03.jpg\" rel=\"lightbox\"><img src=\"/v1/images/".$id."/thumb03.jpg\" class=\"img\" border=\"0\" width=\"60\" height=\"60\"></a> "; } if (file_exists("images/".$id."/img04.jpg")) { echo "<a href=\"/v1/images/".$id."/img04.jpg\" rel=\"lightbox\"><img src=\"/v1/images/".$id."/thumb04.jpg\" class=\"img\" border=\"0\" width=\"60\" height=\"60\"></a> "; } if (file_exists("images/".$id."/img05.jpg")) { echo "<a href=\"/v1/images/".$id."/img05.jpg\" rel=\"lightbox\"><img src=\"/v1/images/".$id."/thumb05.jpg\" class=\"img\" border=\"0\" width=\"60\" height=\"60\"></a> "; } if (file_exists("images/".$id."/img06.jpg")) { echo "<a href=\"/v1/images/".$id."/img06.jpg\" rel=\"lightbox\"><img src=\"/v1/images/".$id."/thumb06.jpg\" class=\"img\" border=\"0\" width=\"60\" height=\"60\"></a> "; } if (file_exists("images/".$id."/img07.jpg")) { echo "<a href=\"/v1/images/".$id."/img07.jpg\" rel=\"lightbox\"><img src=\"/v1/images/".$id."/thumb07.jpg\" class=\"img\" border=\"0\" width=\"60\" height=\"60\"></a> "; } if (file_exists("images/".$id."/img08.jpg")) { echo "<a href=\"/v1/images/".$id."/img08.jpg\" rel=\"lightbox\"><img src=\"/v1/images/".$id."/thumb08.jpg\" class=\"img\" border=\"0\" width=\"60\" height=\"60\"></a> "; } if (file_exists("images/".$id."/img09.jpg")) { echo "<a href=\"/v1/images/".$id."/img09.jpg\" rel=\"lightbox\"><img src=\"/v1/images/".$id."/thumb09.jpg\" class=\"img\" border=\"0\" width=\"60\" height=\"60\"></a>"; } This code works but it just seems a bit tedious. I may also include up to 20 images to check if they exist. Better way to do this? hello how would i write, if $a has 1 or more of $b do something ? for example Code: [Select] if($a >1 $b){ do something }else{ do nothing } or >2 or >3 etc... thanks Hi all, I have fwrite() writing to a text file called 'numbers.txt'. The text file content is "23". I learn't fwrite() from the manual, so did: f$fp = fopen('/opt/numbers.txt', 'w'); fwrite($fp, '1'); fclose ($fp); I have used fwrite() to try and make the file content "123", but fwrite() writes over the content of the file, resulting in it just containing "1". I couldn't find anywhere about writing into, rather over, and hoping someone could please help me out. like I said I'm not very good in coding. so your help to solve this one is more than appreciate. this is what I want to do.... IF I have an image_id1 in the database please show it. other than that please show me the TBC.jpg picture. in php/sql how this will be write. thanks sebastien Hi, I have a form on my homepage which on submit sends the data to my email. I need to know if it it possible to include in the form a read only field containing the refererid in the URL (for instance, if someone were to have visited my homepage by entering;, could I capture that 7777 in one of the form fields so that when the form is submitted I recieve the refererid?) Thanks, any help appreciated... how can i find reference to something like this "navigationID=3" or "navigationID=44" within a string and then re write it to become something like this "/en/content/3/Link_Name"? there could be more than one reference within the string and the integer val (ie 3 and or 44) will not be known. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. I am trying to create a query that selects results from a table called matches. The results from this table must be based on whether or not there are results from another table called match_results. The results from the match_results table must be based on whether or not the row has either a home_id equal to the current team id, or a visitor_id equal to the current team id. If the current team id is equal to the home_id of the result from the match_results table, then the home_score must be greater than the visitor_score. If the current team id is equal to the visitor_id of the result from the match_results table, then the visitor_score must be greater than the home_score. In short, I am trying to make a query that finds a team's match record(wins and losses). If the result from the matches table doesn't have any results from the match_results table with the same match id, then it hasn't been played it. I hope this makes sense. Is there any way to do this in one single query? [attachment deleted by admin] I have a web site where users can gain points, when they use my site. For example, if the user spends $10.00 then the user will get 10 points. In my web site there is a list of 10 retails (name). When the user clicks the link it will redirect to retailers website, where user can buy items. How can I find out how much the user has spent on the retailer? Thank you. |