PHP - Array Contains Fieldvalue From Mysql Query 3 Times Instead Of Once
Hi all,
I have the following code that queries a MySQL database and outputs results on-screen. Code: [Select] $result= mysql_query (" SELECT email,firstname,lastname FROM tablename WHERE ID IN('".$IDs."') "); if (!$result) {die('Error: Could not search database. ' );} while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { echo $row['firstname']," ",$row['lastname'],"<br />"; $emails[]=$row['email']; } var_dump($emails); var_dump($IDs); However, the two var_dump's output the following (in the case of 2 results for the query): array(6) { => string(14) "" [1]=> string(23) "" [2]=> string(14) "" [3]=> string(23) "" [4]=> string(14) "" [5]=> string(23) "" } string(67) "9543219aa68ffa1d434dc8530f23fe48','d4384b2b493867706b0bcedda012ed48" ($IDs is an imploded array) Even though the MySQL table only contains one email per ID, both emails are listed 3 times in $emails, instead of just once. Can anyone see why this is? I'm stuck. Thanks! Similar TutorialsSo I'm querying my database to add the results (mapID's) into a PHP array. The MySQL query I used in the below code would usually return 10 values (only 10 mapID's in the database) Code: [Select] while($data = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT mapID FROM maps"))){ $sqlsearchdata[] = $data['mapID']; } Instead the page takes ages to load then gives this error: Quote Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 16 bytes) It says the error begins on the first line of the above code. I'm assuming this is not the right way to add the value from the MySQL array into a normal PHP array. Can anyone help me? Hello guys, Got a question here.. If I have a database table called features with the following columns with example f_id | f_name | f_status 1 | deck | 1 2 | Fireplace | 1 3 | Alarm | 1 I have another table another table called ads that has a column called features and it has the following 1,2,3 (for example) I want to be able to query the db and display all the f_name. Here is what I have so far but it's not working and need some help Code: [Select] // Query the ads table $result3 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ads WHERE ad_id='$id2'") or die(mysql_error()); $row3 = mysql_fetch_array( $result3 ); $features = $row3['features']; echo'This is the features ' . $features .''; $feature2 = explode(",", $features); print_r($feature2); echo "test" . $feature2[0]; // piece1 echo $feature2[1]; // piece2 $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM features WHERE f_id=$feature2[1]") or die("Sql error : " . mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc ($result)){ $f_name=$row["f_name"]; echo $f_name; } Hello Guys, I have a question I have the following query $result3 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE ad_id='$id2'") or die(mysql_error()); $row3 = mysql_fetch_array( $result3 ); // Grab all the var $features = $row3['features']; I am turning it into an array (comma separated) $feature2 = explode(",", $features); print_r($feature2); ) The result is like so Array ( [0] => 5 [1] => 9 [2] => 13 I want to query the features for just the ids (F_name) are for the features . This query will show all.. I would like to just display the f_name values from the array query. // build and execute the query $sql = "SELECT * FROM features"; $result = mysql_query($sql); // iterate through the results while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo $row['f_name']; echo "<br />"; } Please Advise.. Thanks, Dan when i run the below code i get an error...
Warning: mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in...
but when i take out the h>0 then there is no errors in the code. in table users, i need all columns in the array. How to get h>0 working?
$query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE h>0 ORDER BY id"; $result = mysqli_query($link, $query); $data = array(); while($row1 = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { $data[] = $row1; } print_r($data); Edited by kalster, 27 October 2014 - 07:38 PM. I have tried many ways of storing an array of data that comes from a multiple selection form into a mysql table, including serialization. I am currently trying to do it by forming a string, and using the string in the insert query, but keep getting errors, or just nothing happening. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Code: [Select] $categoryString = array(); if ($categoryArray){ foreach ($categoryArray as $category){ $categoryString[] = $category.'<br />';} } $categoryquery= "INSERT INTO categoryname VALUES('$categoryString')"; mysql_query($categoryquery); Thank you for your time as always. I have a MySQL table with a list of albums and there is a field called "views" with the number of views each album has received. I'm looking to generate an array of all the albums in the table and sort the array by the number of views (descending). I have a list of functions defined in a ContentController.php file. I created a new function called build_albumlist, which I've pasted below. The function "get_ip_log" already exists and works, and I used it as a template to create the "build_albumlist" function: public function build_albumlist(){ return $this->select_raw("SELECT * FROM albums WHERE deleted = '0' ORDER BY views DESC",array(),'all'); } public function get_ip_log(){ return $this->select_raw("SELECT * FROM sessions ORDER BY ID DESC",array(),'all'); } When I use the function, I get this warning: Warning: mysql_real_escape_string() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given inC:\xampp\htdocs\Controllers\DBController.php on line 10 [font=cabin, 'trebuchet ms', helvetica, arial, sans-serif]The "select_raw" function that I used in "build_albumlist" is defined in the DBController.php file, and is defined as below:[/font] private function clean_array($params){ $final=array(); foreach($params as $param){ $final[]=mysql_real_escape_string($param); } return $final; } public function select_raw($query,$params,$type=''){ $query=str_replace("?","'%s'",$query); $final_query= call_user_func_array('sprintf', array_merge((array)$query, $this->clean_array($params))); if($type==''){ $result=mysql_query($final_query) or die(mysql_error()); return mysql_fetch_assoc($result); } elseif($type=='all'){ $result=mysql_query($final_query) or die(mysql_error()); $final=array(); while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ $final[]=$row; } return $final; } Does anyone know why the "build_albumlist" function is generating this warning, while the "get_ip_log" is not? Any help would be great, as I am obviously pretty new to this. I have these two tables...
schedule (gameid, homeid, awayid, weekno, seasonno)
teams (teamid, location, nickname)
This mysql query below gets me schedule info for ALL 32 teams in an array...
$sql = "SELECT h.nickname AS home, a.nickname AS away, h.teamid AS homeid, a.teamid AS awayid, s.weekno FROM schedule s INNER JOIN teams h ON s.homeid = h.teamid LEFT JOIN teams a ON s.awayid = a.teamid WHERE s.seasonno =2014"; $schedule= mysqli_query($connection, $sql); if (!$schedule) { die("Database query failed: " . mysqli_error($connection)); } else { // Placeholder for data $data = array(); while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($schedule)) { if ($row['away'] == "") {$row['away']="BYE";} $data[$row['homeid']][$row['weekno']] = $row['away']; $data[$row['awayid']][$row['weekno']] = '@ '.$row['home']; } }However, I only want to get info for one specific team, which is stored in the $teamid variable. This should be very easy, right? I have tried multiple things, including this one below (where I added an AND statement of "AND (h.teamid=$teamid OR a.teamid=$teamid)"), but this one still outputs too much... $sql = "SELECT h.nickname AS home, a.nickname AS away, h.teamid AS homeid, a.teamid AS awayid, s.weekno FROM schedule s INNER JOIN teams h ON s.homeid = h.teamid LEFT JOIN teams a ON s.awayid = a.teamid WHERE s.seasonno =2014 AND (h.teamid=$teamid OR a.teamid=$teamid)"; $schedule= mysqli_query($connection, $sql); if (!$schedule) { die("Database query failed: " . mysqli_error($connection)); } else { // Placeholder for data $data = array(); while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($schedule)) { if ($row['away'] == "") {$row['away']="BYE";} $data[$row['homeid']][$row['weekno']] = $row['away']; $data[$row['awayid']][$row['weekno']] = '@ '.$row['home']; } }Below is the array that the above outputs. In a nutshell, all I want is that 1st array ([1]) which has, in this example, the Eagles full schedule. It's not giving me too much else and I guess I could live with it and just ignore the other stuff, but I'd rather be as efficient as possible and only get what I need... Array ( [1] => Array ( [1] => Jaguars [2] => @ Colts [3] => Redskins [4] => @ 49ers [5] => Rams [6] => Giants [7] => BYE [8] => @ Cardinals [9] => @ Texans [10] => Panthers [11] => @ Packers [12] => Titans [13] => @ Cowboys [14] => Seahawks [15] => Cowboys [16] => @ Redskins [17] => @ Giants ) [27] => Array ( [1] => @ Eagles ) [28] => Array ( [2] => Eagles ) [4] => Array ( [3] => @ Eagles [16] => Eagles ) [14] => Array ( [4] => Eagles ) [15] => Array ( [5] => @ Eagles ) [3] => Array ( [6] => @ Eagles [17] => Eagles ) [] => Array ( [7] => @ Eagles ) [16] => Array ( [8] => Eagles ) [25] => Array ( [9] => Eagles ) [11] => Array ( [10] => @ Eagles ) [7] => Array ( [11] => Eagles ) [26] => Array ( [12] => @ Eagles ) [2] => Array ( [13] => Eagles [15] => @ Eagles ) [13] => Array ( [14] => @ Eagles ) ) Hi all, I have the following MySQL insert query: Code: [Select] $insert= mysql_query ("INSERT INTO tablename (column1,`".$EXPfields."`) VALUES ('$something','".$EXPvalues."')"); where $EXPfields is an array of table-field-names and $EXPvalues is an array of table-field-values. Now I want to write an equivalent query, but using UPDATE instead of INSERT INTO, but I don't want to write out all the field names/values separately, but again want to use $EXPfields and $EXPvalues. So something like this: Code: [Select] $update = mysql_query ("UPDATE tablename SET (column1,`".$EXPfields."`) = ('$something','".$EXPvalues."') WHERE .... "); Is this possible? If so, what is the proper syntax? Thanks! Hi All, First time posting here. I've googled the problem, but can't seem to find a response that's the same. All I want to do is have a list of id numbers and for each id number in the array, submit a MySQL query to retrieve information relating to the id number. When I execute the code below however, I end up with only the last item in the array being printed in the echo statement. Any clues? Thanks, Code: [Select] // get array of ids $ids = getIDs($ids); // loop through input list foreach ($ids as &$id) { getVarDetails($id); } function getVarDetails($local) { $con = mysql_connect('localhost:3306', 'root', '********'); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } // set database as Ensembl mysql_select_db("Ensembl", $con); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM variations WHERE name = '$local' LIMIT 1"); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo $row['name'] . " " . $row['id']; echo "<br />"; } // close connection mysql_close($con); } I only see one "mysql_query($memberquery);" Yet the record is inserted 4 times when I check the db. Anyone see why? Thank you for your time! Code: [Select] <?php $link_register = 1; session_start(user); include("header.php"); $firstname = $_SESSION['firstname']; $middleinitial = $_SESSION['middleinitial']; $lastname = $_SESSION['lastname']; $phone = $_SESSION['phone']; $email = $_SESSION['email']; $street = $_SESSION['street']; $city = $_SESSION['city']; $state = $_SESSION['state']; $categoryArray = $_SESSION['categoryArray']; $gender = $_SESSION['gender']; $con = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", ""); if (!$con) { die("Could not connect: ". mysql_error()); } //The database is selected with the mysql_select_db() function. mysql_select_db("hobbyclub", $con); //put the data insert into a varaible so it can be checked later $memberquery = "INSERT INTO member (firstname, middleinitial, lastname, phone, email, street, city, state, gender) VALUES ('$firstname', '$middleinitial', '$lastname', '$phone', '$email', '$street', '$city', '$state', '$gender')"; // if ($categoryArray){ // foreach ($categoryArray as $category){ // $categoryString .= "'$".$category."',"; // } // } // $categoryquery = "INSERT INTO category (categoryname) VALUES('$categoryString')"; // $categoryquery = "INSERT INTO category (categoryname) VALUES(".$categoryString.")"; //insert the data mysql_query($memberquery); ?> The commented out block of code is just me trying to figure out how to insert an array into the db. Is there a way to put the value of every 15mins into an array starting and finishing at 2 var times $time1=10.00am $time2=1.30pm $timearray=array($time1, and every 15min interval up to but not including $time2) eg $timearray=array(10.00am,10.15am,10.30am..........1.15pm) Well I'm hoping someone will have some fun with this. My database has a list of times for a given date, and a schedule for each time. I'm trying to change the input backgrounds for rows between 2 different times. Like this: 8:00 enter some data 8:10 enter some data 8:20 enter some data etc. What I want is to change the background color of any input field between say 9:00 and 10:00, but leave everything else white. I can change the color, just can't figure out how to compare the times. Here's part of the code: Code: [Select] while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $result )) { $opentimeID = date("g:i",strtotime(1530)); //not sure if these statements are correct. $closetimeID = date("g:i",strtotime(1730)); if (strtotime($row['Time']) //...not sure how to finish this statement to compare the time in the database row to $opentime and $closetime. { echo "<tr><td>"; echo date("g:i ", strtotime($row[Time])); echo "</td><td>"; echo "<input type='text' size='20' value= '$row[Player1]' name='player1[$i]' style ='background-color: #FFFF66;'>"; echo "</td><td>"; echo "<input type='text' size='20' value= '$row[Player2]' name='player2[$i]' style ='background-color: #FFFF66;'>"; echo "</td><td>"; echo "<input type='text' size='20' value= '$row[Player3]' name='player3[$i]' style ='background-color: #FFFF66;'>"; echo "</td><td>"; echo "<input type='text' size='20' value= '$row[Player4]' name='player4[$i]' style ='background-color: #FFFF66;'>"; echo "</td><td>"; echo "<input type='text' size='20' value= '$row[Player5]' name='player5[$i]' style ='background-color: #FFFF66;'>"; } else { echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>"; echo date("g:i ", strtotime($row[Time])); echo "</td><td>"; echo "<input type='text' size='20' value= '$row[Player1]' name='player1[$i]'>"; echo "</td><td>"; echo "<input type='text' size='20' value= '$row[Player2]' name='player2[$i]'>"; echo "</td><td>"; echo "<input type='text' size='20' value= '$row[Player3]' name='player3[$i]'>"; echo "</td><td>"; echo "<input type='text' size='20' value= '$row[Player4]' name='player4[$i]'>"; echo "</td><td>"; echo "<input type='text' size='20' value= '$row[Player5]' name='player5[$i]'>"; } Thanks for any advice! Hi, got a problem with my arrays, every string gets duplicated 11 times instead of just one time. How to fix this? I need to find out how many times the "mac" key show is in an array. Code: [Select] Array ( [serial] => Robert [added] => Peter [mac] => 1232091823 [mac] => 7538572375 [mac] =>943820348239804 [place] =>home ) i HAVE FOLLOWING VALUES IN FEED TABLE
a1a a1b a1c a1d ......
7 8 7 7
8 9 8 8
9 7 7 8
7 8 10 9
6 4 6 7
7 8 8 5
9 7 7 6
This in an array ( select a1a,a1b,a1c,a1d from feed where .....)
1) I want to know how many times each values has occured in the array ( eg: 7 occured 10 times, 8 occured 8 times)
2) How many 7's, 8's, 9's are there in a1a, howmany a1b
Number of times each values occured OVERALL in array as well as also under each head
Please help
I have been researching regain the function parse_ini_file() I know you can pass it an actual ini file but what if you already saved the ini file as a string and saved the string in a variable can you pass that variable to the function? I am getting the following error Code: [Select] [function.parse-ini-file]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in this is how I am calling it. Code: [Select] $settings = parse_ini_file($data); echo $settings["mac"]; I need to find the earliest and latest times, but there must be at least 3 to count it. $array[] = "09:00 - 15:00" $array[] = "09:00 - 15:00" $array[] = "09:00 - 15:00" $array[] = "09:00 - 17:00" $array[] = "09:00 - 15:30" $array[] = "07:30 - 15:00" $array[] = "07:00 - 12:00" So the above would return 09:00 - 15:00 I thin would need to ensure that a maximum 4 hours inbetween, so I then get something like 10:00 - 14:00 returned I am currently working on an application to schedule conferences. I have everything completed to create a conference including start time and duration. The problem I have now though is how do I monitor MySQL for the conferences that are created and perform actions when the duration of the conference is up? I was looking into MySQL events but those seem to be only internal events and are not able to execute anything outside of that. I was thinking about a infinite loop that queries MySQL and sleeps for one second but thought that this might be a lot of load on the server. Any thoughts I really appreciate it. Here is my code: // Start MySQL Query for Records $query = "SELECT codes_update_no_join_1b" . "SET orig_code_1 = new_code_1, orig_code_2 = new_code_2" . "WHERE concat(orig_code_1, orig_code_2) = concat(old_code_1, old_code_2)"; $results = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); // End MySQL Query for Records This query runs perfectly fine when run direct as SQL in phpMyAdmin, but throws this error when running in my script??? Why is this??? Code: [Select] You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '= new_code_1, orig_code_2 = new_code_2WHERE concat(orig_code_1, orig_c' at line 1 |