PHP - Read Actual Folders And Compare With Database
Sorry for my english... Well, I make a smaill website. members has to login and then member can see pictures (saved in a folder). When the admin upload pictures a folder wil be created. To get the actual folders in the "album" folder I use this code. <?php //get the folders $handle = opendir(realpath('../album/Album/.')); while ($direc = readdir($handle)) { if($direc == '.' || $direc == '..') continue; else { echo "\t\t<input type='checkbox' name='map[]' id='map[]' value='" . $direc. "' />" . $direc . "<br />\n"; } } closedir($handle); ?> The admin has to assign the folders wich are allowed to see by a member. I use checkboxes for that. And now my problem: When a member can see folder 1 to 4 and the admin upload 2 new folders and want to give that member to see these 2 new folders I want the following: 6 checkboxes (checkbox 1 > album 1, checkbox 2 > album 2... etc). As is said, this member can see folder 1 to 4, so in the CMS album 1 to 4 has to be checked ans album 5 to 6 not. This is my code for that: <?php $sql2 = "SELECT url FROM url WHERE gebruiker_id =" . $_GET['id'] . " ORDER BY url ASC"; $res2 = mysql_query($sql2); while ($rij = mysql_fetch_array($res2)) { $url = $rij['url']; // mappen ophalen $handle = opendir(realpath('../album/Album/.')); while ($direc = readdir($handle)) { if($direc == '.' || $direc == '..' || $direc == $url) { continue; } echo "\t\t<input type='checkbox' name='map[]' id='map[]' value='" . $direc. "' />" . $direc . "<br />\n"; } closedir($handle); } ?> Now my output is: <input type='checkbox' name='map[]' id='map[]' value='album 2' />album 2<br /> <input type='checkbox' name='map[]' id='map[]' value='album 3' />album 3<br /> <input type='checkbox' name='map[]' id='map[]' value='album 4' />album 4<br /> <input type='checkbox' name='map[]' id='map[]' value='album 5' />album 5<br /> <input type='checkbox' name='map[]' id='map[]' value='album 6' />album 6<br /> <input type='checkbox' name='map[]' id='map[]' value='album 1' />album 1<br /> <input type='checkbox' name='map[]' id='map[]' value='album 2' />album 2<br /> <input type='checkbox' name='map[]' id='map[]' value='album 4' />album 4<br /> <input type='checkbox' name='map[]' id='map[]' value='album 5' />album 5<br /> <input type='checkbox' name='map[]' id='map[]' value='album 6' />album 6<br /> <input type='checkbox' name='map[]' id='map[]' value='album 1' />album 1<br /> <input type='checkbox' name='map[]' id='map[]' value='album 2' />album 2<br /> <input type='checkbox' name='map[]' id='map[]' value='album 3' />album 3<br /> <input type='checkbox' name='map[]' id='map[]' value='album 5' />album 5<br /> <input type='checkbox' name='map[]' id='map[]' value='album 6' />album 6<br /> What do I have to do to check the checkboxes (album 1-4) and not to check the album 5-6??? My guess it has to do with the While in While loop but... Greetings, Ferdi Similar Tutorials
Query About How To Retrieve A Password From The Database And Compare To The One The User Has Entered
Hi, I have coded a site, whereby users can log in, and depending on their group, view all files within their group directory: Code: [Select] if ($handle = opendir("storage/Admin/$group")) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { echo "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"storage/Admin/$group/$file\">$file</a> <br />"; } } closedir($handle); } In this example, a user can click on their file, and it will let them download it, but if there is a folder (directory) in there, once clicked on, it will open a index of the directory. Is there a way instead, to let it open a custom page and list the files within it there? Hi everyone. Well, i need help how to check a file line by line, (each line contains 1 ip address) and compare it with a variable. I have written some code but it doesn't work. Please help!! Code: [Select] $refile=''; while(!feof($file)) { $refile=fgets($file); if (strcmp($refile,"YES") == 0) echo $refile ."OK". "<br />"; else echo $refile . "NO OK ". "<br />"; } fclose($file); ?> Hi there! On a page of mine, random tables get generated. The tables consist of 8 characters, so there's 5 . 10^13 possibilities. Yet ofcourse there is a possibility that 2 tables with the same name can be generated, which ofcourse is not desired. So I need an adjustment that can see whether there is already a name that's the same, and if so, make another random name. And if that one also exists, make a new one again. Untill the name doesn't exist yet and it remains. Here's the script I have right now: function createName($length) { $chars = "abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; $i = 0; $password = ""; while ($i <= $length) { $password .= $chars{mt_rand(0,strlen($chars))}; $i++; } return $password; } $name = createName(8); mysql_select_db($database, $con); $sql = "CREATE TABLE " . $name . "( id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY(id), devraag varchar(500), weergave varchar(500), naam varchar(500), inhoud varchar(500), tijd varchar(100))"; mysql_query($sql, $connection)or die(mysql_error()); I'm not goot with the combination of PHP and mysql, and really have no Idea how to do this. Any help? Has anyone got any script or refence to a tut where i can find a script that compares two mysql database (current) and outdated db and then takes the current db and updates the outdated one to match accordingly. Thanks i am developing online test ,after succesful completion of the test i want to display the correct answe,in databse i have stored corect answer as radio button values(ex 1,2,3,4,) i want to display the coreect answer with a right mark,how can i achive this?could anybody help?
here is my code
<?php $testid=$_GET['testid']; include_once("header.php"); ?> <html> <head> <body> <?php include_once('connect.php'); $sqltest="select testname from test where testid='$testid'"; $sqltestresult=mysql_query($sqltest) or die(mysql_error()); while($result=mysql_fetch_array($sqltestresult)) { $testname=$result['testname']; } ?> <!--pass test name and time left --> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td width="50%" valign="middle"> <h1 style="margin-left:0;"><?php if(isset($testname)) { echo $testname ; } ?></h1> </td> <td width="50%" align="right" valign="middle"> <ul class="tabs" id="tabs"> <li id="showtime" style="font-weight:bold; color:#FF0000; bottom:5px; font-size:16px; float:right"></li> </ul> </td> </tr></table> <div class="div-tabs-container" class="div-tabs-container" style="width:79%;margin-left:3%" > <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" id="questiontable" > <tr> <?php include_once('connect.php'); $sql="select * from testquestions where testid='$testid'"; $result=mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($result)>0) { $data = array(); // create a variable to hold the information while (($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) !== false) { $data[] = $row; // add the row in to the results (data) array } //shift off the first value array_shift($data[0]); $merge = call_user_func_array('array_merge', $data); $size=sizeof($merge); $newdata=array(); $num=1; $correctanswerarray=array(); $selctedanswers=array(); /* echo "<form action='fetchquestion.php' method='post' id='formsubmit' onsubmit='return out()' name='test'>"; */ foreach ($merge as $key => $value ) { $sql2="select qid, question,option1,option2,option3,option4,correct_answer from question where qid='$value' "; $result2=mysql_query($sql2) or die(mysql_error()); while($row2=mysql_fetch_assoc($result2)) { $questionid=$row2['qid']; $question=$row2['question']; $option1=$row2['option1']; $option2=$row2['option2']; $option3=$row2['option3']; $option4=$row2['option4']; $correctanswer=$row2['correct_answer']; #array to store the correct answer. $correctanswerarray[] = $questionid.$correctanswer; #$newdata[]=$row2; echo " <table class='bix-tbl-container' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' width='100%' id='questiontable'><tr> <td class='bix-td-qno jq-qno-2413' rowspan='2' valign='top' align='left'>$num</td> <td class='bix-td-qtxt' valign='top'><p>$question</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td class='bix-td-miscell' valign='top'><table class='bix-tbl-options' id='tblOption_2413' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%'><tr><td nowrap='nowrap' class='bix-td-option bix-td-radio' width='1%' id='tdOptionNo_A_2413'> <input type='radio' class='result-option cls_2413' name='option_$questionid' value='1' id='disable'/> </td><td class='bix-td-option' width='1%'>A.</td> <td class='bix-td-option' width='48%' id='tdOptionDt_A_2413'><table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'> <tr> <td class='bix-inner-td-option'>$option1</td> <td id='tdAnswerIMG_A_2413' class='jq-img-answer' valign='middle'style='display:none;padding-left:10px;'> <img src='/_files/images/website/accept.png' alt='' /> </td> </tr> </table></td></tr><tr><td nowrap='nowrap' class='bix-td-option bix-td-radio' width='1%' id='tdOptionNo_B_2413'> <input type='radio' class='result-option cls_2413' name='option_$questionid' value='2' id='disabble'/> </td><td class='bix-td-option' width='1%'>B.</td> <td class='bix-td-option' width='48%'id='tdOptionDt_B_2413'><table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'> <tr> <td class='bix-inner-td-option'>$option2</td> <td id='tdAnswerIMG_B_2413' class='jq-img-answer' valign='middle' style='display:none;padding-left:10px;'> <img src='/_files/images/website/wrong.gif' alt=''/> </td> </tr> </table></td></tr><tr><td nowrap='nowrap' class='bix-td-option bix-td-radio' width='1%' id='tdOptionNo_C_2413'> <input type='radio' class='result-option cls_2413' name='option_$questionid' value='3' id='disable'/> </td><td class='bix-td-option' width='1%'>C.</td> <td class='bix-td-option' width='48%' id='tdOptionDt_C_2413'><table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'> <tr> <td class='bix-inner-td-option'>$option3</td> <td id='tdAnswerIMG_C_2413' class='jq-img-answer' valign='middle' style='display:none;padding-left:10px;'> <img src='/_files/images/website/wrong.gif' alt='' /> </td> </tr> </table></td></tr><tr><td nowrap='nowrap' class='bix-td-option bix-td-radio' width='1%' id='tdOptionNo_D_2413'> <input type='radio' class='result-option cls_2413' name='option_$questionid' value='4' id='disable'/> </td><td class='bix-td-option' width='1%'>D.</td> <td class='bix-td-option' width='48%' id='tdOptionDt_D_2413'><table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'> <tr> <td class='bix-inner-td-option'>$option4</td> <td id='tdAnswerIMG_D_2413' class='jq-img-answer' valign='middle' style='display:none;padding-left:10px;'> <img src='/_files/images/website/wrong.gif' alt='' /> </td> </tr> </table></td></tr></table> \n <input type='hidden' name='count' value='$num' id='count'> <input type='hidden' name='queId[]' value='$questionid' id='queId'> </td> </tr> </table> "; $num++; } } echo " </tr> </table> "; #array of correct answrer #echo "array of correct answer<br/>"; #print_r($correctanswerarray); #echo "size of the coreect answer array"; $size1=sizeof($correctanswerarray); echo "<br/>"; } else { echo " no questions available for selected test"; } ?> </div> <!-- add div right side --> <div style="height:500px;width:150px;float:right;margin-top:-500px;border:1px solid #99CCFF"> </div> <div style="height:30px"> </div> <!-- add div bottom --> <div style="height:125px;border:1px solid #99CCFF"> </div> <?php include('footer.html'); ?> </body> </html> Edited by mac_gyver, 25 October 2014 - 10:05 AM. code tags around code please Hi, after following lots of advice and changing to MySqli I am running into a few probs. This is me just probably missing something stupid, I know what I want, but can't figure out what query I should use and where I should place it. All the queries I have tried have failed.
I just need a query that gets the $current_stored_password from the password field on the database, to confirm the last check
elseif ($current_password !== $current_stored_password) { include 'includes/overall/header.php'; echo $current_password . ' AND ' . $_POST['current_password'] . ' Password and password again do not match'; include 'includes/overall/header.php'; }Here is the whole script. <?php session_start(); error_reporting(0); //ini_set('display_errors', '1'); require( 'database.php' ); $username = $_SESSION['loggedinuser']; $current_stored_password = $_SESSION['password']; $current_password = $_POST['current_password']; $password = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, md5( $_POST['password'])); $password_again = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, md5( $_POST['password_again'])); // Run checks if (isset($_POST['current_password'], $_POST['password'], $_POST['password_again'])) { if( strlen( $_POST['current_password'] ) < 8 ) { include('includes/overall/header.php'); echo "Password Must Be 8 or More Characters."; include('includes/overall/footer.php'); } elseif( strlen( $_POST['password'] ) < 8 ) { include('includes/overall/header.php'); echo "Password Must Be 8 or More Characters."; include('includes/overall/footer.php'); } elseif ( strlen( $_POST['password_again'] ) < 8 ) { include('includes/overall/header.php'); echo "Password Must Be 8 or More Characters."; include('includes/overall/footer.php'); } elseif ($password !== $password_again) { include 'includes/overall/header.php'; echo ' Password and password again do not match'; include 'includes/overall/header.php'; } elseif ($current_password !== $current_stored_password) { include 'includes/overall/header.php'; echo $current_password . ' AND ' . $_POST['current_password'] . ' Password and password again do not match'; include 'includes/overall/header.php'; } else { // Define a query to run $query = "UPDATE `user` SET `password` = '$password' WHERE `username` = '$username'"; // Query the database $result = mysqli_query($con,$query); // Check if the query failed if( !$result ) { die('There was a problem executing the query ('.$query.'):<br>('.mysqli_errno($con).') '.mysqli_error($con)); } else { include 'includes/overall/header.php'; echo 'Password has been changed'; include 'includes/overall/footer.php'; } } } // Close the connection mysqli_close($con); ?>At the moment the message displayed when the form is submitted is echo $current_password . ' AND ' . $_POST['current_password'] . ' Password and password again do not match';How do I retrieve the password from the database to compare against the current password entered by the user? Any help is much appreciated. PS. Yes I know I have repeated code and that md5 is not secure, but I am just building onto a template I got and will be making changes to shorten the code and secure the password soon Hi On my xampp server's database I get the warning that my database is read-only when I try to insert something into a table. I think I may know what cause this, because I created an export/import app that exports/import important data to the database... How can I remove the read-only from the database, because I am scared that the same thing might happen to my server's database? And is there a mysql query that test if the database is read-only? Thanks in advance hi i was wondering if anyone has any idea how to read text from a database and if that text = "mytexthere" then goto header("Location: index.php"); sorry i have no code on this post reason is all the code i have tried on my own is crap I am new to PHP and currently trying to develop a website... i am stuck at one place. Lets say i'm a user(mrX) that has 4 types of car that are Ferrari, Lamborghini, Evo and BMW. So, i will register to the system about my details and all of my car info such as their cc, transmission, plat number, engine capacity. Then, i will log on into the system and after log on, there will be a drop down list. If i pick Ferrari for example, under the drop down list there will be all the information about the car. The same on the other car also. Hello PHPfreaks members, I want my PHP coding to read/fetch my database's first attribute/entry like the first number of the client in that first row and then fetch it to be shown on PHP so that it will show '1'. How would I do that? Here's the table of my example database (MySQL) I know the command to select the line via the database is this: SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER WHERE CUST_NO=1; This topic has been moved to Microsoft SQL - MSSQL. I have a MySQL database with each record of a person who has registered for an event, I am displaying the information on a web page for a user, but he wants to be able to print out all the records in alphabetical order by last name, first name later on so he will have a hard copy of each person who has registered at the table when they arrive. How can I write each record to a Txt file that he can print out later that will be formated with the record contents along with each fields definition (Ex. Last Name - Smith, First Name - John, etc)? Hi, Currently I am making a module for joomla. every article has an publish date, if the article was published in 7 days ago, it will displayed as "article in last week", My idea is to use today's date - publish date, if the result is greater than 7 and smaller than 14, the article will be displayed as "article in last week. Any one know how to write this code? Here is what I have got, but not working. <?php $todays_date = date("Y-m-d"); $result = mysql_query("select * from jos_content where $test between $todays_date-14 and $todays_date-7"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo "$todays_date - $row[title]"; } ?> Hello,
I try to get website speed of some website, but i can read only '''' i can't read website files like css , js ... why ? i use proxies for this job.
here is the php code:
$options = array( 'useragent' => "Firefox (+", // who am i 'connecttimeout' => 120, // timeout on connect 'timeout' => 120, // timeout on response 'redirect' => 10, // stop after 10 redirects 'referer' => "", 'proxyhost' =>'' ); $response = http_get("", $options , $info);but it works fine with , but with files css or js it gives 404, using some free proxy servers available ? Thanks. Say I have a string (stored in a variable we'll call $mystring) that could be something like this... "cat / dog / monkey / / / / / / / /" Or this string could also have no real data in it, in which case it would look like... "/ / / / / / / / / /" QUESTION: What is the easiest/most efficient way to run a check on that string to see if there are any non-slash characters in it. In plain english, the check would say, "Are there any letters in this string, or is it only spaces and slashes?" Any ideas? Hi, I have a file which contains settings for a user. Similar to wordpress except simpler like setting a default email for error messages or something. The idea is that it's used as an installation script for web-ware where someone fills in a form with their database details, my script will hard-code them into the settings file and then delete itself. I'll admit I did get the idea from wordpress. Only the way it's coded currently requires a certain combination of characters at the end and seems really messy. The script looks like this (and does work): $endpos = strpos ( $contents, '"; //replace with name//', $startpos); The settings file looks like this: $hard_name = "Smith"; //replace with name// As you can see I use the comment in the settings file, which follows what I'm actually changing, to find the end of the variable. I am sure there must be a better way of doing things but don't know what. It just seems really inefficient because if the comment is removed the script breaks. Any info and tips would be much appreciated. IceKat Good day all
My site is hosted on yahoo server. Due to security reason, .htaccess is not allowed. I need to hide (or mask) actual url, or atleast .php file name. Can anyone help.
Warm regards.
Trying to get this done: Page_1 has many external links, when certain links are clicked i do not want user to go directly to page, but rather go to a special add page_2 where user must click a second time on the link to finally get there. The add page_2 must show on screen the name of the initial link from page_1, it must change accordingly with the link it came from page_1,once on page_2 the hyperlink redirects outside the site. So far i am thinking give an id to the div or "<a href..." on page_1 then somehow have page_2 detect that id and fill in the variable for the final external link. Other wise is there a way to detect a url from incoming? I guess a similar example is how some domain name sellers landing page will indicate the name of the site. Such as "" is for sale. same landing page but the name changes according to the domain that was typed. I have got a date field in my mysql database with events, and as you know date in MYSQL uses yyyy/mm/dd but I would first like to turn this around to dd/mm/yyyy but also turn this into for example "Tuesday - May 1990" would anyone like to point me into the right direction? Much appreciated! Can you see if a request (post/get) is from a curl request or an actual user? I am trying to defeat a little bit of fraud. |