PHP - Show Directory Listing, Excluding Sub-directories And Only Certain Files By Ext
I must be brain dead...I've searched everywhere and can't seem to find a snippet for this. I'm just looking for some code to show a directory listing, but only certain files (by extension) and I don't want to show any sub-directories.
I thought I might have been able to do this in the .htaccess file, but I can't find anything that will get rid of the sub-directories. So, I figure there must be a way to get a file listing, check the extension, add it to the page, or skip it if it's a sub-directory or doesn't match the extension. Or, I could just be totally, way off...anyway, any help would be greatly appreciated...I'm fairly new to php. Similar TutorialsI am using the following code to list mp3 files from a directory and find out if there is a file for it in mysql if so not to include it in the list. The code below is listing each file twice I only would like them to be listed once. if($_POST['submit'] != 'select') { echo'Choose an mp3 to add information.<p><select name="file">'; $dir = "/uploads/"; $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM dj_pool") or die(mysql_error()); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); // Open a known directory, and proceed to read its contents if (is_dir($dir)) { if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { $info = explode(".", $file); if($info[1] == "mp3") { $i = 0; while ($i < $num_rows) { $file2 = mysql_result($result,$i,mp3); if ($file != $file2) { echo "<option value='$info[0]'>$info[0]</option>"; } $i++; } } }closedir($dh);} } print "</select><p><input type=submit value=select name=submit>"; Hello I have a problem. I have been trying to copy my music folders structure but not copying the mp3s; instead using the file names as a file name for a .txt file and inserting the URL to the file in the .txt file. Eg. E:\My Music folder 1 folder 1.1 file.mp3 folder 2 folder 3 to G:\My Music folder 1 folder 1.1 file.txt folder 2 folder 3 and inside "file.txt" would be one line saying " I've tried this code and a few others, but it only displays 0. I'd like the simplest working way to display the number of files in a directory. Thanks for the help! $directory = "../images/team/harry/"; $filecount = count(glob("" . $directory . "*.*")); echo $filecount; Hi guys, I've been working on a script for a while now, and I'm sure it doesn't look great and all, and it's probably really messed up.. But right now I've finally got it working! There's only 1 thing I'd really like to add.. Searching through & listing of remote directories! The directories I'm trying to list have directory listings enabled, and I think it *should* be possible. I just have no clue how. Here's my current code in a beautiful mix of HTML and PHP: <? $border_size = "0"; function returner($what) { $what=explode("/",$what); $tps=count($what); $what=$what[$tps-1]; return $what; } $page_url= ""; $home_url=returner(__FILE__); if(isset($_GET['q'])) { $qtext=$_GET['q']; } else { $qtext=""; } function getdirsize($directory, $format=FALSE) { $size = 0; if(substr($directory,-1) == '/') { $directory = substr($directory,0,-1); } if(!file_exists($directory) || !is_dir($directory) || !is_readable($directory)) { return -1; } if($handle = opendir($directory)) { while(($file = readdir($handle)) !== false) { $path = $directory.'/'.$file; if($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if(is_file($path)) { $size += filesize($path); } elseif(is_dir($path)) { $handlesize = getdirsize($path); if($handlesize >= 0) { $size += $handlesize; } else { return -1; } } } } closedir($handle); } if($format == TRUE) { if($size / 1048576 > 1) { return round($size / 1048576, 1).' MB'; } elseif($size / 1024 > 1) { return round($size / 1024, 1).' KB'; } else { return round($size, 1).' bytes'; } } else { return $size; } } if(isset($_GET['type'])){ $type=$_GET['type']; } else { $type="new"; } $textures=0; $models=0; $avatars=0; $seqs=0; $sounds=0; foreach (glob("textures/*.jpg") as $texture){ $textures++; } foreach (glob("models/*.zip") as $model){ $models++; } foreach (glob("avatars/*.zip") as $avatar){ $avatars++; } foreach (glob("seqs/*.zip") as $seq){ $seqs++; } foreach (glob("sounds/*.zip") as $sound){ $sounds++; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>ObjectPath Search</title> <style type="text/css"> #wrapper { width: 850px; margin: 30px auto 30px auto; padding: 10px; } body { color:#C6C6C6; background:#1E1E1E; /* margin:0; padding:0; */ overflow-x:hidden; } #tabs { font: 85% "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } .left { float: left; } .right { float: right; } a:link, a:visited, a:active { color: #3DB015; text-decoration: none; } a:hover { color: #00E0FF; } h2 { color: #3DB015; padding-bottom: 0.2em; font-size: 110%; } ul#icon {margin: 0; padding: 0;} ul#icon li {margin: 1px; position: relative; padding: 1px 0; cursor: pointer; float: left; list-style: none;} ul#icon span.ui-icon {float: left; margin: 0 1px;} </style> <link type="text/css" href="" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function formHandler(form){ var URL =[].value; window.location.href = URL; }; $(function(){ // Tabs $('#tabs').tabs(); }); </script> </head> <body> <div id="wrapper"> <div id="tabs"> <!-- Tabs start --> <ul> <li><a href="#tab-search">Search</a></li> <li><a href="#tab-list">List Objects</a></li> <li><a href="#tab-info">OP info</a></li> </ul> <div id="tab-search"><!-- Searchtab start --> Please enter a string to search for, and choose a folder to search in. <br /><br /> <form name="Search"> <input type='hidden' value='search' name='type'> <input value='<? print $qtext; ?>' type='text' name='q'> <select name='map'> <option selected='selected' value='models'>Models</option> <option value='avatars'>Avatars</option> <option value='textures'>Textures</option> <option value='seqs'>Seqs</option> <option value='sounds'>Sounds</option></select> <input type='submit' value='Search'> </form> </div> <!-- Searchtab end --> <div id="tab-list"><!-- Listtab start --> Please pick a folder to browse. <br /><br /> <form name="form"> <select name="site" onChange="javascript:formHandler()"> <option value="#">Look in folder...</option> <option value="<? print $page_url; ?>?type=list&map=models">Models</option> <option value="<? print $page_url; ?>?type=list&map=avatars">Avatars</option> <option value="<? print $page_url; ?>?type=list&map=textures">Textures</option> <option value="<? print $page_url; ?>?type=list&map=seqs">Seqs</option> <option value="<? print $page_url; ?>?type=list&map=sounds">Sounds</option> </select> </form> </div> <!-- Listtab end --> <div id="tab-info"><!-- Info tab start --> The OP currently contains: <br /><br /> <table> <tr><td><b><? echo $models; ?></b></td> <td>Models</td></tr> <tr><td><b><? echo $avatars; ?></b></td> <td>Avatars</td></tr> <tr><td><b><? echo $textures; ?></b></td> <td>Textures</td></tr> <tr><td><b><? echo $seqs; ?></b></td> <td>Seqs</td></tr> <tr><td><b><? echo $sounds; ?></b></td> <td>Sounds</td></tr> </table> </div> <!-- Info tab end --> </div> <!-- Tabs end --> </div> <!-- Start PHP generated content --> <? if($type=="search" || $type=="list") { $M=$_GET['map']; if($type=="search") { $Q=$_GET['q']; $empty="Nothing found with <b>\"" . $Q . "\"</b> in it's name.<br />\nPlease make a more general search query, or try a different folder.\n\n"; } else { $Q=""; $empty='This folder is empty'; } if($M=="textures") { $ext="jpg"; } else { $ext="zip"; } $i=0; print "<hr>\n"; $endfile=array(); $endsize=array(); $endsize2=array(); foreach (glob($M."/*".$Q."*.".$ext) as $filename) { $filename = explode(".", $filename); $filename=$filename[0]; $filename = explode("/", $filename); $filename=$filename[1]; $i++; $endfile[$i]=$filename; if($ext=="jpg") { $endfile[$i]="<a name='".$endfile[$i]."' href='".$pageurl."?type=view&name=".$endfile[$i]."&folder=".$M."&from=".$type."&addon=".$Q."'>".$endfile[$i]."</a>"; } $endsize[$i]=$size; $endsize2[$i]=$size2; } if($i != 1) { print "<b>".$i."</b> items were found.\n<hr>\n"; } else { print "<b>".$i."</b> item was found.\n<hr>\n"; } echo("<table width='100%' border='" . $border_size . "' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' >\n"); if($i!=0) { for ($t = 1; $t < $i; $t++) { $thumbfile = $M."/".$endfile[$t].'.jpg'; if(file_exists($thumbfile)) { $thumbnail = "<a name='".$endfile[$t]."' href='".$page_url."?type=view&name=".$endfile[$t]."&folder=".$M."&from=".$type."&addon=".$Q."'><ul id='icon'><li class='ui-state-default ui-corner-all' title='".$endfile[$t]."'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-image'></span></li></ul></a>"; } else { $thumbnail = ""; } if($t=="1") { echo("<tr><td width='10%'>Number</td><td width='3%'><ul id='icon'><li class='ui-state-default ui-corner-all' title='".$endfile[$t]."'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-image'></span></li></ul></td><td width='60%'>Name</td></tr>\n"); } echo("<tr><td>" . $t . "</td><td>".$thumbnail."</td><td>" . $endfile[$t] . "</td></tr>\n"); flush(); } $thumbfile = $M."/".$endfile[$t].'.jpg'; if(file_exists($thumbfile)) { $thumbnail = "<a name='".$endfile[$t]."' href='".$page_url."?type=view&name=".$endfile[$t]."&folder=".$M."&from=".$type."&addon=".$Q."'><ul id='icon'><li class='ui-state-default ui-corner-all' title='".$endfile[$t]."'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-image'></span></li></ul></a>"; } else { $thumbnail = ""; } echo("<tr><td>" . $t . "</td><td>".$thumbnail."</td><td>" . $endfile[$t] . "</td></tr>\n"); } print "</table>\n"; if($i=="0") { print $empty; } } elseif($type=="view") { $filename=$_GET['name']; $folder=$_GET['folder']; if($_GET['from']=="list"){ $addon="?type=list&map=".$folder."#".$filename; } if($_GET['from']=="search"){ $addon="?type=search&q=".$filename."&map=".$folder."#".$filename; } print"<center><a href='".$home_url."'>Home</a></center>"; print "<hr>\n<center><img src='".$folder."/".$filename.".jpg'></img></center>\n<hr>\n<br />\n<a href='".$page_url."".$addon."'>Previous Page</a>\n"; } $htmlshow=""; if($_GET['type']=="returnOPfile") { if(isset($_GET['split'])) { $splitter=$_GET['split']; } else { $splitter=" | "; } if(isset($_GET['html'])) { $htmlshow="<br />"; } foreach (glob("textures/*.jpg") as $texture){ if(isset($_GET['size'])) { $size=$splitter.filesize($texture); } $texture = explode("/", $texture); $texture=$texture[1]; print "textures".$splitter.$texture.$size."\n".$htmlshow; } foreach (glob("models/*.zip") as $model){ if(isset($_GET['size'])) { $size=$splitter.filesize($model); } $model = explode("/", $model); $model=$model[1]; print "models".$splitter.$model.$size."\n".$htmlshow; } foreach (glob("avatars/*.zip") as $avatar){ if(isset($_GET['size'])) { $size=$splitter.filesize($avatar); } $avatar = explode("/", $avatar); $avatar=$avatar[1]; print "avatars".$splitter.$avatar.$size."\n".$htmlshow; } foreach (glob("seqs/*.zip") as $seq){ if(isset($_GET['size'])) { $size=$splitter.filesize($seq); } $seq = explode("/", $seq); $seq=$seq[1]; print "seqs".$splitter.$seq.$size."\n".$htmlshow; } foreach (glob("sounds/*.zip") as $sound){ if(isset($_GET['size'])) { $size=$splitter.filesize($sound); } $sound = explode("/", $sound); $sound=$sound[1]; print "sounds".$splitter.$sound.$size."\n".$htmlshow; } } ?> <!-- End PHP generated content --> </body> </html> So right now my question to you PHP freaks is, can you please help me edit my script so I can search through a remote directory? *This* is one of the directories I wish to be able to search through & list.. Thanks in advance. Edit; It might help if you know what the site currently looks like. *Click* i am getting this as a echo, Code: [Select] Directory handle: Resource id #2 Files: . ..why? Code: [Select] <? if ($handle = opendir('images')) { echo "Directory handle: $handle\n"; echo "Files:\n"; /* This is the correct way to loop over the directory. */ while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))){ if (is_dir($file)){ echo "$file\n"; } } closedir($handle); } ?> I have used the following script to correctly display the first file from the array across the selected directory and its sub-directories. Does anyone know how to modify this code to only echo the most recent file based on filemtime across the directory/subdirectories? Code: [Select] function ListFiles($dir) { if($dh = opendir($dir)) { $files = Array(); $inner_files = Array(); while($file = readdir($dh)) { if($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file[0] != '.') { if(is_dir($dir . "/" . $file)) { $inner_files = ListFiles($dir . "/" . $file); if(is_array($inner_files)) $files = array_merge($files, $inner_files); } else { array_push($files, $dir . "/" . $file); } } } closedir($dh); return $files; } } echo array_shift(ListFiles('media/media/images')); directory listing: hi guys, im using a PHP script to output a list of documents in different directory's using a single index.php (apart from the style obv), its not a major issue but bugging me as to how to get it to ignore the "up" link for directory navigation. its outputting the below: . .. this is annoying me... is it possible to get it to ignore these and not output them? Code: [Select] <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"> <span class="note"> <?php echo "directoryname3"; ?></span> <?php $dir="directoryname3"; if ($dir_list = opendir($dir)) { while(($filename = readdir($dir_list)) !== false) { ?> <p><a href="<?php echo $filename; ?>"><?php echo $filename; ?></a></p> <?php } closedir($dir_list); } ?> <br><br> <span class="note"> <?php echo "<b>directoryname3</B>"; ?></span> <?php $dir="directoryname3"; if ($dir_list = opendir($dir)) { while(($filename = readdir($dir_list)) !== false) { ?> <p><a href="<?php echo $filename; ?>"><?php echo $filename; ?></a></p> <?php } closedir($dir_list); } ?> <br><br> <span class="note"> <?php echo "<b>directoryname3</B>"; ?></span> <?php $dir="directoryname3"; if ($dir_list = opendir($dir)) { while(($filename = readdir($dir_list)) !== false) { ?> <p><a href="<?php echo $filename; ?>"><?php echo $filename; ?></a></p> <?php } closedir($dir_list); } ?> <br><br> <span class="note"> <?php echo "<b>directoryname</B>"; ?></span> <?php $dir="directoryname"; if ($dir_list = opendir($dir)) { while(($filename = readdir($dir_list)) !== false) { ?> <p><a href="<?php echo $filename; ?>"><?php echo $filename; ?></a></p> <?php } closedir($dir_list); } ?> Hey guys I have found this peice of code and messed around with it. I got it to work with Thickbox and I would like to know how to seperate my images aka files to every 4th column. Heres the code I found and tweaked. The images would look great if it was every 4th column they break. Also where would I place he echo command if I want it to display information about that image. Heres the code... Code: [Select] <? /** * Change the path to your folder. * * This must be the full path from the root of your * web space. If you're not sure what it is, ask your host. * * Name this file index.php and place in the directory. */ // Define the full path to your folder from root $path = "images/default/"; // Open the folder $dir_handle = @opendir($path) or die("Unable to open $path"); // Loop through the files while ($file = readdir($dir_handle)) { if($file == "." || $file == ".." || $file == "default.php" ) continue; echo "<a href=\"images/default/$file\" class=\"thickbox\"><img src=\"images/default/$file\" height=\"150\" width=\"150\" border=\"0\"></a>"; } // Close closedir($dir_handle); ?> Ok so I don't even know where to start with this idea so I thought I would poke around here for some inspiration. On my server I have a Directory. In that directory I have roughly 300 folders with 5,000 files + 1 index.php (so 5,001 files but I want to ignore the index.php in the listings) per directory. Anyway what I am trying to do is list all the files and load them into a database. What my ideal goal would be is device a script that I would put in the root directory with the 300 or so subdirectories and let it run through the directories automatically one by one, listing all the files in them and then storing them in the database. I'd break it down more but that part I can figure out on my own cause I do want to do more than just store the file names and corresponding directory its in in the DB. My issue is I can find anything or figure anything out that will cycle through all directories, thats what I need to figure out first. Hey, I dont know whats wrong but i was hoping someone could take a look at the code and provide some errors that maybe causing this script not to work. I want it to display all the .jpg pictures in thumbnails, it currently does not even get the pictures. code: <?php $pic_listing = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM toplist WHERE id='". $id ."'") or die(mysql_error()); while($serverpic = mysql_fetch_array($pic_listing)) { $servername = $serverpic["servername"]; } $directory = "images/serverpic/" . $servername . ""; $images = glob("" . $directory . "*.jpg"); if(empty($images)) { ?> <div class="highslide-gallery"> <?php foreach($images as $image) { ?> <a href="images/serverpic/<?php echo $servername . "/" . $image; ?>" class="highslide" onclick="return hs.expand(this)"> <img src="images/serverpic/<?php echo $servername . "/" . $image; ?>" alt="Highslide JS" width="100" height="100" title="Click to enlarge" /> </a> <div class="highslide-caption"> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php } ?> Is it possbile to use PHP to list directories outside of the root of the web server - for example c:\images or d:\images? I can use this script to list the files from the root down, but when I change the path to look at something outside the web server directory I get zero results back. Thank you. <?php filesInDir('d:\policy'); function filesInDir($tdir) { echo ("<p><h1>List of files in ($tdir):</h1></p><hr><br />"); $dirs = scandir($tdir); foreach($dirs as $file) { if (($file == '.')||($file == '..')) { } elseif (is_dir($tdir.'/'.$file)) { filesInDir($tdir.'/'.$file); } else { echo $tdir.'/'.$file.' --- '.date("F d Y H:i:s", filemtime('$file'))."<br>"; } } } ?> Sorry for such a simple question, or at least even I think it is. What id like to do is create a function for creating a list of directories/folders in a given base directory and turn the results into an array. It does not have to be recursive. No files. And prefer in alphabetical order BaseUrl = '/'; BaseDir = '/path/to/dir'; For each directory create array as such: Code: [Select] $config['ResourceType'][] = Array( 'name' => '$directory_name', 'url' => $baseUrl . '$directory_name', 'directory' => $baseDir . '$directory_name', 'maxSize' => 0, 'allowedExtensions' => 'htm,html,php,cgi', 'deniedExtensions' => 'asp'); Thanks, and sorry again, Im reading on arrays and how to create the list, figuring out how to put them together is driving me nuts I'm trying to get a listing of my directory that shows the first letter and then all the names that start with that letter. Here is my code: Code: [Select] for($i = 65; $i < 91; $i++) { foreach (glob("{".chr($i).",".chr($i+32)."}*", GLOB_BRACE|GLOB_ONLYDIR) as $directoryname) { echo chr($i)."| ".$directoryname; } } But here's my output: Quote P | Project Red P | Projects P | Pants R | Resumes W | Warehouse Files W | warrior I want it to be like: Quote P | Project Red Projects Pants R | Resumes W | Warehouse Files Warrior I know I have to move the chr($i) since it loops, but I'm not sure where to go from there. Hello everyone, This is a fairly simple question, but the explanation of the question isn't... I'll do my best. I have a site where my folders/sub-folders/files are arranged similar to this: _ Root Folder -| Root-IncludeFile1.php | Root-IncludeFile2.php | _ | Sub-Folder 1 -| Sub1-File1.php | |_Sub1-File2.php | _ | Sub-Folder 2 -| Sub2-File1.php | |_Sub2-File2.php | _ |_Sub-Folder 3 -| Sub3-IncludeFile1.php |_Sub3-IncludeFile2.php Hopefully that makes sense to everyone. Anyway, I know that to include a file that is in the root folder in file in a sub-folder, I can do this - include("../includefile1.php"); -but I'm trying to include a file that is in a sub folder in a file that is in another sub-folder. For example, I'm trying to include "Sub3-IncludeFile1.php" in "Sub-File1.php" I'm lost on this because I can't get it to work. I'm not getting any error messages except to say that the variables located in the file that should be included are not found. I've tried to do this: include(""); and it doesn't work. Can someone please point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance for your help. I've got a php script creating directories but it seems when I open them it says 'Failed to retrieve directory listing' within Filezilla as though the directory doesn't exist. I'm giving them the 0700 permission and in Filezilla if I give them 777 it still doesn't work. Am I doing something wrong or is this a limitation of somesort? // If directory does not exist, create it if (!is_dir($fullDirPath)){ mkdir($fullDirPath, 0700); } It's definitely there cauase I can see it and my code works with the files inside the directory but... just in FTP :/ Thanks! Code: [Select] <?php $path = "../assets/tattoos/"; $path2 = "../assets/tattoos-thumbs/"; if(isset($_POST['file']) && is_array($_POST['file'])) { foreach($_POST['file'] as $file) { unlink($path. "/" . $file) or die("Failed to delete file"); unlink($path2. "/" . $file) or die("<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0; url=index.php\" />"); } } ?> <form name="form1" method="post"> <?php $imageDir = "../assets/tattoos/"; $dir_handle = @opendir($path) or die("Unable to open folder"); while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir_handle))) { if($file == "index.php") continue; if($file == ".") continue; if($file == "..") continue; echo "<input type='CHECKBOX' name='file[]' value='$file'>"; echo "<img src='../assets/tattoos/$file' style='height:auto;width:8%;' alt='$file'>"; } closedir($dir_handle); ?> <input type="submit" name="Delete" value="Delete"> </form> I have this code, which calls an image directory and adds a checkbox next to it, you check the boxes you wish, hit delete and the pictures are removed from the server. I need them to display in a grid view, like 4 columns by X amount of rows. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Hey I have this code which works fine, it echos the file names from a directory into a dropdown box how can I change it to include more then one directory <?php $dirname = "../images/staff"; $dir = opendir($dirname); echo '<select name="file2">'; echo '<option value="">none</option>'; while(false != ($file = readdir($dir))) { if(($file != ".") and ($file != "..")) { echo "<option value=".$file.">$file</option>"; } } echo '</select>'; ?> I tried this but it didnt work any help <?php $dirname = "../images/staff"; $dirname .= "../images/boarddirectors"; $dir = opendir($dirname); echo '<select name="file2">'; echo '<option value="">none</option>'; while(false != ($file = readdir($dir))) { if(($file != ".") and ($file != "..")) { echo "<option value=".$file.">$file</option>"; } } echo '</select>'; ?> not sure if this is the right place to post about help with FTP clients but i see an FTP thread stickied here and no other forums seems more appropriate. please move if im in the wrong place.
we have a reseller hosting account with crocweb. their service has been great the first few months. we recently hit a hiccup where for the last few days we have difficulty ftp-ing to the server. nothing that i can think of was changed on our side. the problem just started spontaneously from our perspective. i am in NY and my partner in NC. on the same night we both had trouble getting or staying connected via ftp. i was using WINSCP and he tried FileZilla, the built-in Mac FTP client, and CyberDuck. we could connect but sometimes while surfing directories, we would get a FAIL TO RETRIEVE DIRECTORY LISTING error. or the ftp client would timeout.
the problem seems to have cleared up for my colleague but continues sporadically for me. crocweb support was very quick to say they could not replicate the problem but insisted it has to be client side so they refuse to investigate any further. their "solution" was for me to switch ftp programs. theyve told me its my problem and they wont assist with it.
i did download and try filezilla both in passive and active mode. same problems. tried both modes in WINSCP too and still problems. not sure what else to do at this point. have been googling the topic but no luck figuring this out. from what ive read, it frequently can be a setting in the ftp program that (such as switching to passive mode) can be the fix. tried whatever ive found. also have read that there could be a server configuration problem. port not configured properly or something. i really dont know.
anyone have any ideas what i can do?
Hi. I'm making a website where users can upload files along with title, description and image. I can get them making the page (str replace) but I only know how to list the files with just the file title in a basic links directory. Any ideas how I could include title, description and a picture (as well as the link to the page). Sort of like with Youtube search results or Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks i have made an delete files script which works for only one directory but not sub directory so i want to delete files of same extention from directory and subdirectory. My current code is Code: [Select] <? $dir = 'hmm/'; function scanr($dir){ $arr = glob($dir.'/*.jpg'); foreach($arr as $vv){ //check if $vv is a file if(is_file($vv)){ //if file, get the filename $vx=explode('/',$vv); $file=$vx[count($vx)-1]; // if no extension delete the file unlink($vv); // print the deletion message echo $vv." deleted!<br>";}else{ // if $vv is a dir then scan it again for files scanr($vv); }} } scanr($dir); ?> |