PHP - Remove Hyperlink In Some Text
I've some text and I want remove hyperlink that in text. for example this code : Code: [Select] <p align="left"><img src="" width="180" height="220" align="right"></p></br><b>Paperback:</b> 640 pages<br /><b>Publisher:</b> <a href="" >Pogue Press</a>; 1 edition (September 29, 2010)<br /><b>Language:</b> English<br /><b>ISBN-10:</b> 1449389678<br /><b>ISBN-13:</b> 978-1449389673<br /><br />Elements 9 offers much of Photoshops power without the huge price tag. Its an ideal tool for most image-editing buffs -- including scrapbookers, photographers, and aspiring graphic artists. But Elements still doesnt come with a decent manual. This bestselling book will help you get the most out of the program, from the basics to advanced tips for both Windows and Mac. <br />Quickly learn your way around. Customize Elements to suit your working style. <br />Get to work right away. Import, organize, and make quick image fixes with ease. <br />Retouch any image. Learn how to repair and restore your old and damaged photos. <br />Add some pizzazz. Give images more zip with dozens of filters, frames, and special effects. <br />Find your creative flair. Create scrapbooks, greeting cards, photo books, and more. <br />Use advanced techniques. Work with layers, blend modes, and other tools. <br />Try out your new skills. Download practice images and try new tricks as you learn.</div></div> I want remove this hyperlink <a href="" >Pogue Press</a> can anyone help me? Similar TutorialsHi, I am writing several scripts and some are used to amend extra information to a text file. However, I added a hyperlink to the text file so that the user can go back to a page where they can add extra information. However, since I have done this every time I amend more text to the text file, the extra text appears below the hyperlink rather than above it, and I was wondering if there was a way around this. My amend code is as follows: Code: [Select] <html> <head> <title>Amend File</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" a href="rcm/stylesheet.css"> </head> <?php if($_POST['append'] !=null) { $filename="C:/xampp/htdocs/rcm/denman2.txt"; $file=fopen($filename, "a"); $msg="<p>Updated Information: " .$_POST['append']. "</p><br>"; fputs ($file, $msg); fclose($file); } ?> <body> <h1>Do you want to append to a document?</h1> Enter Updated Information: <form action="amendfile2.php" method="post"> <input type="text" size="40" name="append"><br><br> <input type="submit" value="Add updated information to report"> </form> <form action="viewfile3.php" method="post"> <input type="submit" size="40" value="View Web Blog"> </form> <form action="loginform.php" method="post"> <input type="submit" value="Click here to go to the Log In Screen"> </form> </body></html> And my text file is as follows: Code: [Select] <h1>Accident Report</h1> <p>First Name: Andrew Last Name: Denman Age: 18 Complete Weeks Since Accident: 2<br> <a href="amendfile2.php">Amend to this file</a> Any help would be appreciated Hi guys, I have added a column in a database, I know how to read the information from the database but I don't know how to check with the column name called "public" whether if the cell has text called enabled or disabled, then add the href link in enabled or disabled text in my php. I need it to allow the clients to control on their own account. Code: [Select] <?php session_start(); define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); define('DB_USER', 'myusername'); define('DB_PASSWORD', 'mypass'); define('DB_DATABASE', 'mydbtable'); $errmsg_arr = array(); $errflag = false; $link = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD); if(!$link) { die('Failed to connect to server: ' . mysql_error()); } $db = mysql_select_db(DB_DATABASE); if(!$db) { die("Unable to select database"); } function clean($var){ return mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags($var)); } $username = clean($_GET['user']); $password = clean($_GET['pass']); if($username == '') { $errmsg_arr[] = 'username ID missing'; $errflag = true; } if($password == '') { $errmsg_arr[] = 'PASSWORD ID missing'; $errflag = true; } if($errflag) { $_SESSION['ERRMSG_ARR'] = $errmsg_arr; echo implode('<br />',$errmsg_arr); } else { $qry="SELECT * FROM members WHERE username='$username' AND passwd='$password'"; $result=mysql_query($qry) or die('Error:<br />' . $qry . '<br />' . mysql_error()); if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { $qrytable1="SELECT images, id, public FROM members WHERE username='$username'"; $result1=mysql_query($qrytable1) or die('Error:<br />' . $qry . '<br />' . mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result1)) { echo '<p id="images"> <a href="images.php?id='.$row['id'].'">Images</a></td> | <a href="http://' . $row["links"] . '">Link</a> </td> | <a href="delete.php?id='.$row['id'].'">Delete</a> </td> | Enabled | Disabled'; } } } ?> What I am trying to achieve is to check the column name called "public" whether if it has text that stored in the database (it could be enabled or disabled) then add the hyperlink in that text of enabled or disabled in the php page so it would allow the user to click one of the link to allow the hyperlink to switch over from enabled to disabled. E.G: A user is going to click the enabled text with the hyperlink to change the text in the database from enabled to disabled and remove the hyperlink in the php page from enabled to add the hyperlink in the disabled text. Do anyone know how to do this? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance. Extremely new here and to PHP and I have exhausted my newbie resources and my brain on this one. Concept: Cron Job to INSERT 5 lines per hour (Not the whole list at once) Script to read a pipe delimited text file (about 5k Lines) Open File Get last (bottom) 5 lines of file, ignore the rest Insert those 5 lines into my database Open File, Remove last (bottom) 5 lines I am able to do parts 1-3 but not part 4 (removing last 5 lines) Please help me! Code: [Select] $data = array_slice(file('data.txt'), -5); foreach($data as $value) { $fields=explode("|",$value); $num=count($fields); for ($n=0;$n<$num;$n++) { $null=""; print ($n==0) ? "Importing Video...<BR>" : $null; } // Insert into tmpvideos table here include("includes/config.php"); $last_id_result = @mysql_query( @"SELECT ext_id FROM tmpvideos ORDER BY ext_id+0 DESC, id DESC" ); if ( 0 < @mysql_num_rows( $last_id_result ) ) { $last_id = @mysql_result( $last_id_result, 0, "ext_id" ) + 1; } else { $last_id = "1"; } copy($fields[3], "thumbs/ex_".$last_id.".jpg" ); $fields[3] = "thumbs/ex_".$last_id.".jpg"; set_time_limit(0); mysql_query("INSERT into tmpvideos (id, ext_id, title, description, duration, category, date_added, thumb, video, views, rating, votes, status) VALUES ('','".$last_id."','$fields[0]','$fields[1]','$fields[5]','$fields[6]',NOW(),'$fields[3]','$fields[2]','','','','1')"); } I understand the 'concept' but am unable to grasp the code! I have tried many snippets and really need help. Hi all! I am building a website, and the users can create a pet name. I only want them to be able to use letters, numbers and underscores in the names. How can I do this? Thanks! I would also be using this for the usernames as well. Here is my pet creation code: adopt.php: Code: [Select] <?php session_start(); include("config536.php"); ?> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" /> </head> <?php if(!isset($_SESSION['username'])) { echo "<banner></banner><ubar><a href=login.php>Login</a> or <a href=register.php>Register</a></ubar><content><center><font size=6>Error!</font><br><br>You are not Logged In! Please <a href=login.php>Login</a> or <a href=register.php>Register</a> to Continue!</center></content><content><center><font size=6>Messages</font><br><br></center></content>"; } if(isset($_SESSION['username'])) { echo "<banner></banner><nav>$shownavbar</nav><ubar>$ubear</ubar><content><center><font size=6>Adopt a Pet</font><br><br>"; $thedateis = date('F jS, Y'); $getpetid = $_GET['petid']; $adopt = $_POST['submit']; $petname = $_POST['petname']; $petgen = $_POST['gender']; $thebq = "SELECT * FROM pets WHERE petid='$getpetid'"; $theb = mysql_query($thebq); while($prr = mysql_fetch_array($theb)) { $pid = $prr['petid']; $species = $prr['pname']; $number = $prr['number']; } if(!isset($getpetid)) { $pq = "SELECT * FROM pets WHERE petid != '0'"; $p = mysql_query($pq); while($pr = mysql_fetch_array($p)) { $pid = $pr['petid']; $ptype = $pr['pname']; $im = $pr['pimage']; $number = $pr['number']; $limited = $pr['limited']; $types = $pr['types']; echo "<b>$ptype</b><br><a href=?petid=$pid><img src=/images/pets/$im></a><br>Number: $number<br><br>"; } } if(isset($getpetid)) { ?> <form action="<?php echo "$PHP_SELF"; ?>" method="POST"> Please select a Name: <input type="name" name="petname" maxlength="15"><br> Pet Gender: <select name="gender"><option value="female">Female</option><option value="male">Male</option><br><br><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Adopt Pet"></form> <?php $checkitq = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM userpets WHERE userpetname='$petname'"); $gcheckit = @mysql_num_rows($checkitq); $tq = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$showusername'"; $t = mysql_query($tq); while($rw = mysql_fetch_array($t)) { $grabnum = $rw['pets']; } if(isset($adopt)) { if($grabnum >= "4") { echo "<font color=red>Error! You already have 4 pets.</font>"; } if($petname == "") { echo "<font color=red>Error! Please type in a name for your pet.</font>"; } if($qcheckit == "1") { echo "<font color=red>Error! That pet name already exists!</font>"; } if($gcheckit == "0" && $petname != "" && $grabnum < "4") { mysql_query("INSERT INTO userpets (owner, userpetname, userpetspecies, userpettype, petdatecreated, gender, strength, defence, health, level, booksread, smart, hunger) VALUES ('$showusername', '$petname', '$species', 'Normal', '$thedateis', '$petgen', '1', '1', '10', '1', '0', 'Normal', 'Full')"); mysql_QUERY("UPDATE users SET pets=pets+1 WHERE username='$showusername'"); echo "<font color=green>Success! Your pet has been created!</font>"; } } } } ?> </html> Thanks in advance for the help everyone!! First problem fixed. My second problem is if the result is 0X.XX,0 or 0X.XX,1 I would like to remove the first 0 The X.XX are numbers, but the 0 is not always there. Can anyone help please Thanks Hey guys Just a quick question: How to embed hyperlink into a database cell? Basically I echo out a table on the user interface of my site and there's an URL in one of the cells I want the user to access it by clicking on it, without copying and pasting the URL into the URL bar of the browser I tried updating the cell in phpmyadmin using <a href =></a> but didn't work out, the resulting cell only had the text format Any help would be appreciated Thanks. I am having problems with a line of code. This is what I have so far. I am missing a "," according to my error message. Im trading in deep water with this line of code. I am trying to use the data from my echo state to be a hyperlink... If that makes sense. Code: [Select] echo "\t" . '<td><a href="' . APP_ROOT . 'onlinebanking/viewtransactions.php">. $account['BankAccountID'] . </a>' '</td>' . "\n"; I am using xampp. <a href="/">Home Page</a>The above code (when clicked in browser) takes me to the localhost instead of localhost/website How can i clear this issue? Hello Everyone. Im new here, but hopefully you can help me I have designed a CMS using PHP and MySQL. Its fairly basic, I'll talk you thorugh the stages: 1.) The user inputs their product information into a form and the script uploads it to the database giving it a unique ID. 2.) The user is then asked to upload a big image for that product, the image is added to a folder on the server. 3.) Now the user must choose a thumbnail and it uploads in the same manner. My problem is linking the two together... So far I have this: <?php $images = "products/"; $big = "big/"; $cols = 2; if ($handle = opendir($images)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != rtrim($big,"/")) { $files[] = $file; } } closedir($handle); } $colCtr = 0; echo '<table width="212" cellpadding="2"><tr>'; foreach($files as $file) { if($colCtr %$cols == 0) echo '</tr><tr><td colspan="2"></td></tr><tr>'; echo '<td wdith=50% align="center"><a href="' . $images . $big . $file . '"><img border="0" class="gradualfader" src="' . $images . $file . '" /></a></td>'; $colCtr++; } echo '</table>' . "\r\n"; ?> This displays a lovely list of thumbnails, which when clicked opens the larger image. What i would like to do is insert a "ID" for each image so the product data can be grabbed from the database ? I think i've explained this well enough? reply if not and illl try and add more detail. To see it in action you can go to Thanks in Advance! Hello im wondering how i can make a hyperlinks adress be a set after a variable. this is my php: $result1 = mysql_query("SELECT id, namn, url FROM stuff ORDER BY id desc limit 1;"); $result2 = mysql_query("SELECT id, namn, url FROM stuff ORDER BY id desc limit 1,1;"); <html> <a href="???"> <p class="note-general"> The first link </p> <a href="???"> <p class="note-general"> The the second link </p> </html> The important thing is that the url from $result1 will link under "the first link" and url from $result2 link under "the second link". Hi there, im trying to echo a hyperlink and parse a url parameter. Its not quite working as iam getting T-string error. If someone with fresh eyes could quickly glance for me that would be ace. Code: [Select] <?php if ($row_ship['PlayerName'] == '$_SESSION['MM_Username']'){ echo '<a href="ship_edit.php?recordID='.$row_Ship['ShipID'].'">Edit</a>';} ?> Thank You I have searched this forum and haven't found a solution to my question. please don't flame... I am trying to send a table field from one page to another. the field i'm sending is id. I have managed to populate the field updateplayer.php?id=***** now i have a syntax error trying to get the field to show up on the update player form. Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in /home/netman13/public_html/ on line 7 The id field is supposed to get the id variable from the previous page ?id=***** Here is the update player code: Code: [Select] <?php include 'dbc.php'; $qP = "SELECT * FROM players WHERE id = '$_GET['$id']' "; $rsP = mysql_query($qP); $row = mysql_fetch_array($rsP); extract($row); $id = trim($id); $first = trim($first); $last = trim($last); $address = trim($address); $city = trim($city); $postal = trim($postal); $phone = trim($phone); $feet = trim($feet); $inches = trim($inches); $weight = trim($weight); $birth = trim($birth); $status = trim($status); $number = trim($number); mysql_close(); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Update Player</title> <link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.validate.js"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $.validator.addMethod("username", function(value, element) { return this.optional(element) || /^[a-z0-9\_]+$/i.test(value); }, "Username must contain only letters, numbers, or underscore."); $("#regForm").validate(); }); </script> </head> <body> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- /*********************************************** * Required field(s) validation v1.10- By NavSurf * Visit Nav Surf at * Visit for full source code ***********************************************/ function formCheck(formobj){ // Enter name of mandatory fields var fieldRequired = Array("first", "last", "address", "city", "postal", "phone", "hft", "hinch", "weight", "birthdate", "status"); // Enter field description to appear in the dialog box var fieldDescription = Array("First Name", "Last Name", "Address", "City", "Postal Code", "Phone Number", "Feet", "Inches", "Weight", "Birthdate YYYY/MM/DD", "Player Status"); // dialog message var alertMsg = "Please complete the following fields:\n"; var l_Msg = alertMsg.length; for (var i = 0; i < fieldRequired.length; i++){ var obj = formobj.elements[fieldRequired[i]]; if (obj){ switch(obj.type){ case "select-one": if (obj.selectedIndex == -1 || obj.options[obj.selectedIndex].text == ""){ alertMsg += " - " + fieldDescription[i] + "\n"; } break; case "select-multiple": if (obj.selectedIndex == -1){ alertMsg += " - " + fieldDescription[i] + "\n"; } break; case "text": case "textarea": if (obj.value == "" || obj.value == null){ alertMsg += " - " + fieldDescription[i] + "\n"; } break; default: } if (obj.type == undefined){ var blnchecked = false; for (var j = 0; j < obj.length; j++){ if (obj[j].checked){ blnchecked = true; } } if (!blnchecked){ alertMsg += " - " + fieldDescription[i] + "\n"; } } } } if (alertMsg.length == l_Msg){ return true; }else{ alert(alertMsg); return false; } } // --> </script> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"class="main" > <tr> <td colspan="1"><p></p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="17%"><? //Call Menu include 'menu.php'; ?></td> <td width="3%"> </td> <td width="80%"><p align="center">Update Player Information</p> <p align="center"><? if (isset($_GET['msg'])) { echo "<div class=\"msg\">$_GET[msg]</div>"; } ?></p> <p align="center"> </p> <form action="playerupdate.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="form" id="form" onsubmit="return formCheck(this);"> <table width="653" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="148" height="29">First Name</td> <td width="153"><label> <input name="first" type="text" disabled="disabled" class="required" id="first" value="<?=$first ?>" /> </label></td> <td width="91" height="30">Last Name</td> <td width="261"><label> <input name="last" type="text" class="required" id="last" value="<?=$last ?>" readonly="readonly" /> </label></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="30">Address</td> <td><input name="address" type="text" class="required" id="address" value="<?=$address ?>" /></td> <td>City</td> <td><label> <input name="city" type="text" class="required" id="city" value="<?=$city ?>" /> </label></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="28">Postal Code</td> <td><label> <input name="postal" type="text" class="required" id="postal" value="<?=$postal ?>" size="12" /> </label></td> <td>Phone Number</td> <td><label> <input name="phone" type="text" class="required" id="phone" value="<?=$phone ?>" size="13" /> </label></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="29">Height <strong>(ft / in)</strong></td> <td><label> <input name="feet" type="text" class="required" id="feet" value="<?=$feet ?>" size="3" /> / <input name="inches" type="text" class="required" id="inches" value="<?=$inches ?>" size="3" /> </label></td> <td>Weight (lbs)</td> <td><input name="weight" type="text" class="required" id="weight" value="<?=$weight ?>" size="5" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="35">Birthdate <strong>(yyyy/mm/dd)</strong></td> <td><label> <input name="birth" type="text" class="required" id="birth" value="<?=$birth ?>" size="13" readonly="readonly" /> </label></td> <td><label>Player Type:</label></td> <td><p> <label> <input name="status" type="radio" id="type_0" value="1" checked="checked" /> Church</label> <br /> <label> <input type="radio" name="status" value="2" id="type_1" /> Import</label> <br /> <label> <input type="radio" name="status" value="3" id="type_2" /> Witness</label> <br /> </p> <label></label></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="35">Player ID:</td> <td><input name="id" type="text" id="id" value="<?=$id ?>" readonly="readonly" /></td> <td>Player Number:</td> <td><input name="number" type="text" class="required" id="number" value="<?=$number ?>" size="5" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="29"> </td> <td><label></label></td> <td><p> <input name="teamid" type="hidden" id="teamid" value="<? echo $_SESSION['teamid'];?>" /> <input name="division" type="hidden" id="division" value="<? echo $_SESSION['divisionid'];?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="currentdate" size=11 > </p> <p> <input name="teamname" type="hidden" id="teamname" value="<? echo $_SESSION['team_name'];?>" /> </p> <p> <script> /*Current date in form credit: JavaScript Kit ( Over 200+ free scripts here! */ var mydate=new Date() var theyear=mydate.getYear() if (theyear < 1000) theyear+=1900 var theday=mydate.getDay() var themonth=mydate.getMonth()+1 if (themonth<10) themonth="0"+themonth var theday=mydate.getDate() if (theday<10) theday="0"+theday //////EDIT below three variable to customize the format of the date///// var displayfirst=theyear var displaysecond=themonth var displaythird=theday //////////////////////////////////// document.form.currentdate.value=displayfirst+"/"+displaysecond+"/"+displaythird </script> <input name="approved" type="hidden" id="approved" value="0" /> </p></td> <td> </td> </tr> </table> <p align="center"> <label> <input type="submit" name="submit2" id="submit2" value="Submit" /> </label> <label> <input type="reset" name="reset2" id="reset2" value="Clear" /> </label> </p> </form> <p align="center"> </p> <p align="center"> <label></label> </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3"> </td> </tr> </table> <p> </p> </body> </html> Thanks for your help. This forum has been an awesome resource for me. This is my code for a 'gallery' so to call on my website ( I would like to introduce a hyperlink, so that I can link to an article, in with the caption. It works for the original image, but I would like to add different links to the captionbox when each image is called. (I.e. see the image that says 'why won't this work' - how can i make that sentence a hyperlink; something like that) Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! p.s. this gallery only works on Firefox and Chrome; not on Internet Explorer Here is the code for that portion: <div> <div id="gallery"> <div id="gallery-wrapper"><img class="output" src="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/images/img01.jpg" width="512" height="202" alt="" /> <div class="caption-box"> <span class="caption">Nourished Canuck</span><span class="caption2">Welcome to the Nourished Canuck.</span></div> <br class="clear" /> <ul class="thumbnails"> <li><<img class="active" src="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/images/img01.jpg" title="Why won't this work?"></li> <li><img src="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/images/img04.jpg"></li> <li><img src="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/images/img05.jpg"></li> </ul> <br class="clear" /> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> $('#gallery').gallerax({ outputSelector: '.output', // Output selector thumbnailsSelector: '.thumbnails li img', // Thumbnails selector captionSelector: '.caption', // Caption selector captionLines: 2, // Caption lines (2 lines) fade: 'fast', // Transition speed (fast) }); </script> <!-- end --> </div> This is a partial script but I can't get the hyperlink. It shows the whole code instead of just showing "link" as a link. Code: [Select] $email=$_POST['email']; $password=$_POST['password1']; $username=$_POST['username']; $to=$email; // Your subject $subject="My Website - Your login info"; // From $header="from: Mywebsite<>"; $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n"; // Your message $message="This is your log in information: \r\n"; $message.=" Username: $username \r\n"; $message.=" Password: $password \r\n"; $message.="Click on <a href=\"\">link</a> and login to start posting."; // send email $sentmail = mail($to,$subject,$message,$header); for example, I will like harrypotter as the hyperlink and it holding a hidden value "books"
I have researched the subject and found a few 'solutions' for my problem but cannot get it to work (I looked at ones in this forum). <?php //loop to collect and output db data as hyperlink with target="_blank" while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { //output data from each row echo "<a href='".$row[link]."'>♦ ".$row[title]."</a><br>"; } ?>
The $_SESSION['record_to_chage'] variable is set- I know this as I can echo it out. $openedfile = file("myfile.txt"); sort($openedfile); // foreach($openedfile as $key => $newpick) { echo "<a href=\"/editpage.php?request=$_SESSION['record_to_chgange']&newcat=$newpick\" target=\"_parent\">$newpick</a>"; echo "<br>"; } The Resulting error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or T_NUM_STRING in For the life of me I can not figure where I am going wrong. Going to get coffee and some fresh eyes. Cheers Can someone tell me why this gives me undefined variables? The $id variable is showing up fine in this bit of code. When I click the link it is supposed to pull the data from the database related to the $id. Code: [Select] <a href='javascript: window.document.Vids<?php echo $id; ?>.submit();'>Watch</a> <form name="Vids<?php echo $id; ?>" action="<?php echo $PHP_SELF; ?>" method="post"> <input value="<?php echo $id; ?>" type="hidden" name="Vids" /> </form> here is the code which is supposed to display the info. Code: [Select] if (isset($_POST['Vids'])) { $result = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT * FROM vidaud where id =".$_POST['Vids']); echo $id; the error i get is Quote Notice: Undefined variable: id in /services5/webpages/util/b/b/ on line 32 I'm just not sure why the $id variable isn't being posted by my form and read by the code. Thanks. |