PHP - Save Data From .xml File To Mysql And Plus New Fields
Hi Guys,
I have stuck with my problem and i am nothing to php, i already posted this to another php script forum, but haven't solve, so i wondering if anyone here help me and many thanks. this is all about game scores from .xml file inside the xml file itself as: Code: [Select] <gesmes:Envelope> <gesmes:subject>Reference Scores</gesmes:subject> - <gesmes:Sender> <gesmes:name>Game Information Scores</gesmes:name> </gesmes:Sender> - <Cube> - <Cube time="2010-10-13"> <Cube scores="GameA1" value="1.5803"/> <Cube scores="GameA2" value="21.35"/> ............etc <Cube scores="GameA15" value="135"/> </Cube> </Cube> </gesmes:Envelope> then i got php script that can save all data of .xml above to mysql, look like <?php class Scores_Converter { var $xml_file = ""; var $mysql_host, $mysql_user, $mysql_pass, $mysql_db, $mysql_table; var $scores_values = array(); //Load convertion scores function Scores_Converter($host,$user,$pass,$db,$tb) { $this->mysql_host = $host; $this->mysql_user = $user; $this->mysql_pass = $pass; $this->mysql_db = $db; $this->mysql_table = $tb; $this->checkLastUpdated(); $conn = mysql_connect($this->mysql_host,$this->mysql_user,$this->mysql_pass); $rs = mysql_select_db($this->mysql_db,$conn); $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$this->mysql_table; $rs = mysql_query($sql,$conn); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($rs)) { $this->scores_values[$row['scores']] = $row['value']; } } /* Perform the actual conversion, defaults to 1.00 GameA1 to GameA3 */ function convert($amount=1,$from="GameA1",$to="GameA3",$decimals=2) { return(number_format(($amount/$this->scores_values[$from])*$this->scores_values[$to],$decimals)); } /* Check to see how long since the data was last updated */ function checkLastUpdated() { $conn = mysql_connect($this->mysql_host,$this->mysql_user,$this->mysql_pass); $rs = mysql_select_db($this->mysql_db,$conn); $sql = "SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM ".$this->mysql_db." LIKE '".$this->mysql_table."'"; $rs = mysql_query($sql,$conn); if(mysql_num_rows($rs) == 0 ) { $this->createTable(); } else { $row = mysql_fetch_array($rs); if(time() > (strtotime($row["Update_time"])+(12*60*60)) ) { $this->downloadValueScores(); } } } /* Download xml file, extract exchange values and store values in database */ function downloadValueScores() { $scores_domain = substr($this->xml_file,0,strpos($this->xml_file,"/")); $scores_file = substr($this->xml_file,strpos($this->xml_file,"/")); $fp = @fsockopen($scores_domain, 80, $errno, $errstr, 10); if($fp) { $out = "GET ".$scores_file." HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $out .= "Host: ".$scores_domain."\r\n"; $out .= "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8) Gecko/20051111 Firefox/1.5\r\n"; $out .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n"; fwrite($fp, $out); while (!feof($fp)) { $buffer .= fgets($fp, 128); } fclose($fp); $pattern = "{<Cube\s*scores='(\w*)'\s*value='([\d\.]*)'/>}is"; preg_match_all($pattern,$buffer,$xml_values); array_shift($xml_values); for($i=0;$i<count($xml_values[0]);$i++) { $exchange_value[$xml_values[0][$i]] = $xml_values[1][$i]; } $conn = mysql_connect($this->mysql_host,$this->mysql_user,$this->mysql_pass); $rs = mysql_select_db($this->mysql_db,$conn); foreach($exchange_value as $scores=>$value) { if((is_numeric($value)) && ($value != 0)) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$this->mysql_table." WHERE scores='".$scores."'"; $rs = mysql_query($sql,$conn) or die(mysql_error()); if(mysql_num_rows($rs) > 0) { $sql = "UPDATE ".$this->mysql_table." SET value=".$value." WHERE scores='".$scores."'"; } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO ".$this->mysql_table." VALUES('".$scores."',".$value.")"; } $rs = mysql_query($sql,$conn) or die(mysql_error()); } } } } /* Create the scores table */ function createTable() { $conn = mysql_connect($this->mysql_host,$this->mysql_user,$this->mysql_pass); $rs = mysql_select_db($this->mysql_db,$conn); $sql = "CREATE TABLE ".$this->mysql_table." ( scores char(3) NOT NULL default '', value float NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY(scores) ) ENGINE=MyISAM"; $rs = mysql_query($sql,$conn) or die(mysql_error()); $sql = "INSERT INTO ".$this->mysql_table." VALUES('GameA0',1)"; $rs = mysql_query($sql,$conn) or die(mysql_error()); $this->downloadValueScores(); } } ?> but that php script above just create table of mysql below CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `scrore_table` ( `scores` char(3) NOT NULL default '', `value` float NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`scores`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; INSERT INTO `scrore_table` (`scores`, `value`) VALUES ('GameA0', 1), ('GameA1', 1.5651), ......etc ('GameA15', 95.572); while of my existing database table look like: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `scrore_table` ( `scrore_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `scrore_title` varchar(32) collate utf8_bin NOT NULL default '', `scores` varchar(3) collate utf8_bin NOT NULL default '', `decimal_place` char(1) collate utf8_bin NOT NULL, `value` float(15,8) NOT NULL, `date_updated` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', PRIMARY KEY (`currency_id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; ; INSERT INTO `scrore_table` (`scrore_id`, `scrore_title`, `scores`, `decimal_place`, `value`, `date_updated`) VALUES (1, 'Game Class A0', 'GameA0', '2', 1.00000000, '2010-04-06 22:00:54'), (2, 'Game Class A1', 'GameA1', '2', 1.52600002, '2010-04-06 22:00:54'), ..............................etc (14, 'Game Class A15', 'GameA15', '2', 1.13999999, '2010-04-06 22:00:54'); as i said i newbie to php then i dont know how to modify the php code above able to automatically create the table and insert/update new fields e.g. scrore_id, scrore_title,decimal_place, date_updated also all values to my existing database i looking for some helps and thanks in advance.. 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What is the best way to store this data coming from the api into a csv file to later put into the db. Output: rank, level, xp, rank, level, xp, etc. This api produces about 60 rows of data per name ran and x that by about roughly 300 names that equals a lot of data. Pretty much with my current code I am pretty much creating a endless loop almost that would take a long time to execute so updating said data would be a nightmare i would think. Is there a way to accomplish the same thing without the loop or I am not sure how to go about this. My current code is a mess that much I know I am gonna be told. This code works, just not efficiently. I am thinking there may be a better way to do this. $query = $conn->prepare("SELECT name FROM users LIMIT 1"); $query->execute(); while($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){ $name = $row['name']; $url = ''. $name . '';//api that the csv data is coming from $highscores = file_get_contents($url); $fields = array("Name", "Rank", "Level", "Xp");//this is to add the headers // for the csv files $implode1 = implode($fields, ",");//turn into csv format, not sure this is //even needed $implode1 .= "\n";/*this is to add a line break so that the explode below will properly put it into its own element*/ //otherwise data starts joining togather $extra_data = array("$name");/*This is to add the name that the data pertains too*/ $implode2 = implode($extra_data, ",");//turn into csv format $highscores = $implode1 . $implode2 . $highscores;//join as one array $highscores = explode("\n", $highscores);//turn each csv into an element of //its own element a bunch of unsets to remove unwanted data. Omitted them to condense the code $i = 1; header('Content-Type: text/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="name.csv"'); $data = $highscores; $fp = fopen('highscores/' . $name . '.csv', 'wb'); foreach ( $data as $line ) { $val = explode(",", $line); fputcsv($fp, $val); } fclose($fp); The pdo part I was gonna include but the way I have it setup now wouldn't work. I was thinking that I would use mysql's LOAD DATA INFILE to insert the csv data to database. The end goal here is to be able to search for player stats and to use said data to keep track of xp earned during a xp competition. I PRAY that i have included enough info... I would really appreciate any feedback if possible. <?php $GLOBALS['title']="Admission-HMS"; $base_url="http://localhost/hms/"; require('./../../inc/sessionManager.php'); require('./../../inc/dbPlayer.php'); require('./../../inc/fileUploader.php'); require('./../../inc/handyCam.php'); $ses = new \sessionManager\sessionManager(); $ses->start(); if($ses->isExpired()) { header( 'Location:'.$base_url.'login.php'); } else { $name=$ses->Get("loginId"); } $msg=""; if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { if (isset($_POST["btnSave"])) { $db = new \dbPlayer\dbPlayer(); $msg = $db->open(); echo '<script type="text/javascript"> alert("'.$msg.'");</script>'; if ($msg = "true") { $userIds = $db->getAutoId("U"); $flup = new fileUploader\fileUploader(); $perPhoto = $flup->upload("/hms/files/photos/",$_FILES['perPhoto'], $userIds[1]); // var_dump($perPhoto); $handyCam=new \handyCam\handyCam(); if (strpos($perPhoto, 'Error:') === false) { $dateNow=date("Y-m-d"); $data = array( 'userId' => $userIds[1], 'userGroupId' => "UG004", 'name' => $_POST['name'], 'studentId' => $_POST['stdId'], 'cellNo' => $_POST['cellNo'], 'gender' => $_POST['gender'], 'dob' => $handyCam->parseAppDate($_POST['dob']), 'passportNo' => $_POST['passportNo'], 'fatherName' => $_POST['fatherName'], 'fatherCellNo' => $_POST['fatherCellNo'], 'perPhoto' => $perPhoto, 'admitDate' => $dateNow, 'isActive' => 'Y' ); $result = $db->insertData("studentinfo",$data); if($result>=0) { $data = array( 'userId' => $userIds[1], 'userGroupId' => "UG004", 'name' => $_POST['name'], 'loginId' => $_POST['stdId'], 'verifyCode' => "vhms2115", 'expireDate' => "2115-01-4", 'isVerifed' => 'Y' ); $result=$db->insertData("users",$data); if($result>0) { $id =intval($userIds[0])+1; $query="UPDATE auto_id set number=".$id." where prefix='U';"; $result=$db->update($query); // $db->close(); echo '<script type="text/javascript"> alert("Admitted Successfully.");</script>'; } else { echo '<script type="text/javascript"> alert("' . $result . '");</script>'; } } elseif(strpos($result,'Duplicate') !== false) { echo '<script type="text/javascript"> alert("Student Already Exits!");</script>'; } else { echo '<script type="text/javascript"> alert("' . $result . '");</script>'; } } else { echo '<script type="text/javascript"> alert("' . $perPhoto . '");</script>'; } } else { echo '<script type="text/javascript"> alert("' . $msg . '");</script>'; } } I would like to store PDF file into mysql (this part works) and then send it as email attachment and it should be retrieved from mysql table. Here's the code I have for now, but what it gives me is 0bytes large PDF file Saving PDF to mysql (it works), because size of blob in mysql table is OK. $fp = fopen('generated.pdf', 'r'); $content = fread($fp,filesize('generated.pdf')); $content = addslashes($content); fclose($fp); $DB->Query('insert into pdf_files (pdf_file, name) values ("'.$content.'", "'.$name.'")'); And here's the mailing part <?php $query = "SELECT name, pdf_file FROM pdf_files $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ( $result)) { $fileContent =$row['pdf_file']; $fileName=$row['name']; } $fileatt = $fileContent; // getting file $fileatt_type ="application/pdf"; //type of file $fileatt_name = "attachment.pdf"; // name $fileatt_size = $fileSize; $email_from = ""; // mail from $email_subject = "Testtt"; // subject $email_message = "Testtt.<br>"; $email_message .= "Testtt.<br>"; // Message $email_to = $mail_user; // users mail $headers = "From: ".$email_from; $file = fopen($fileatt,'rb'); $data = fread($file,filesize($fileatt)); fclose($file); $semi_rand = md5(time()); $mime_boundary = "==Multipart_Boundary_x{$semi_rand}x"; $headers .= "\nMIME-Version: 1.0\n" . "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;\n" . " boundary=\"{$mime_boundary}\""; $email_message .= "Testtt.\n\n" . "--{$mime_boundary}\n" . "Content-Type:text/html; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"\n" . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n\n" . $email_message .= "\n\n"; $data = chunk_split(base64_encode($data)); $email_message .= "--{$mime_boundary}\n" . "Content-Type: {$fileatt_type};\n" . " name=\"{$fileatt_name}\"\n" . //"Content-Disposition: attachment;\n" . //" filename=\"{$fileatt_name}\"\n" . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n\n" . $data .= "\n\n" . "--{$mime_boundary}--\n"; $ok = @mail($email_to, $email_subject, $email_message, $headers); if($ok) { echo "<font face=verdana size=2><center>Mail was sent</center>"; } else { die("Error!"); } ?> hello, I need xml file as playlist.xml and i want to retrive data from my mysql table. I have the following code as i am trying to use php code inside playlist.xml file. Code: [Select] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <xml> <?php $dbhost='localhost'; $dbuser='pavel'; $dbpass='pavel123'; mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass); mysql_select_db("amarmusic"); $sql=("select *from bband where artist='Meghdol' and album='Drohe Montre Valobasha';"); $res = mysql_query($sql); while ($result = mysql_fetch_array($res)){ ?> <track> <path> <? $result['link']?></path> <title><? $result['title']?></title> </track> <? } ?> </xml> but unfortunately its not working. any1 have any idea how to fix it? please help me. Hey guys, first post and I've just returned to PHP after about 4 years of no coding, so be gentle! In a nutshell I'm creating a photo album and I've pretty much got the majority of it complete, apart from a few tweaks and the obvious ongoing development. I'm at the stage now where I need to moderate images being uploaded, so I've made an admin only script which displays the uploaded images with links that say approve and delete. Uploaded images are stored in uploads/ which are left there until i move them to img/, plus the filename is stored in mysql so I can "<img src='../uploads/".$row['filename']."' width='200'>". Now, I would like to make the Approve button move the image from uploads/ to img/ and I'd like the delete button to remove both the entry from MySQL and the file from the uploads folder and I'm not too sure on how to make it work. Here's what I have so far in the mod.php file (mod for moderation) Code: [Select] $image = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM images WHERE id"); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($image)) { echo " <table> <td> <tr> <img src='../uploads/".$row['filename']."' width='200'><br /> </tr> </td> <td> <tr> <a href=''>Approve</a> <a href=''>Delete</a> </tr> </td> </table> "; } You'll have to ignore the table tags, I'm still getting used to positioning items on the screen lol. Any clues would be greatly appreciated Live long and prosper.
I need help here. I am creating a system where the user will be able to update the product stock by uploading the stock of the products according to the id that has been assigned to the product.
I tried the code below but all i could not update my data into my database. And there's not error shown on my code. I do not know what is wrong with my codes. Please help me. <?php include 'conn.php'; if(isset($_POST["add_stock"])) { if($_FILES['product_file']['tmp_name']) { $filename = explode(".", $_FILES['product_file']['tmp_name']); if(end($filename) == "csv") { $handle = fopen($_FILES['product_file']['tmp_name'], "r"); while($data = fgetcsv($handle)) { $product_id = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $data[0]); $product_stock = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $data[1]); $product_status = 1 ; $query = "UPDATE products SET `product_stock` = '$product_stock', `product_status` = '$product_status' WHERE id = '$product_id'"; mysqli_query($conn, $query); } fclose($handle); header("location: upload-product.php?updation=1"); } else { echo '<script>alert("An error occur while uploading product. Please try again.") window.location.href = "upload-product.php"</script>'; } } else { echo '<script>alert("No file selected! ") window.location.href = "upload-product.php"</script>'; } } if(isset($_GET["updation"])) { echo '<script>alert("Product Stock Updated successfully!")</script>'; } ?> <div class="col-12"> <div class="card card-user"> <div class="card-header"> <h5 class="card-title">Update Product Stock</h5> <div class="card-body"> <div class="form-group"> <label for="file">Update Products stock File (.csv file)</label> <a href="assets/templates/product-template.xlsx" title="Download Sample File (Fill In Information and Export As CSV File)" class="mx-2"> <span class="iconify" data-icon="fa-solid:download" data-inline="false"> </a> </div> <form class = "form" action="" method="post" name="uploadCsv" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <div> <input type="file" name="product_file" accept=".csv"> <div class="row"> <div class="update ml-auto mr-auto"> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-round" name="add_stock"> Import .cvs file</button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </form> </div> </div>
This is the template that i require user to key in and saved it in CSV format before uploading it. I think this is the right section to post this is in..... Anyway.....I'm building a web site that requires i have functionality to upload a tab delimited file (or some file format that is easiest) via php and insert the data into MYSQL. I've searched for many third party scripts but none seem to work. So I've decided to move to the community to see if someone can give me insight on how i might accomplish this script. I have some third party scripts but I'm not sure if they'd be of any use. Thank you kindly HI All, I have a form submission that uploads a photo as well as submitting other data. I would like to change the name of the photo to the id of the person record (created automatically on by the database) then a hyphen, then their first name and lastname. (i am flexible on this). This file name will also need to be submitted into the person record so the photo and the person can be linked. I am struggling with this one - but here is the code i have so far.
<?php include 'includes/dbconn.php'; $target_dir = "img/people/"; $target_file = $target_dir . basename($_FILES["personHeadshot"]["name"]); $uploadOk = 1; $imageFileType = strtolower(pathinfo($target_file,PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']=='POST'){ $fn = $_POST['fname']; $ln = $_POST['lname']; $ad1 = $_POST['ad1']; $ad2 = $_POST['ad2']; $city = $_POST['city']; $post = $_POST['postcode']; $tel = $_POST['phone']; $email = $_POST['email']; $crole = $_POST['comRole']; $OFA = $_POST['OFA']; $playerType = $_POST['playerType']; $team = $_POST['primaryTeam']; $stmt = $conn->prepare(" INSERT IGNORE INTO person (fname, lname, committee_role_id, player_type_id, team_id, ad1, ad2, city, postcode, mobile, email, on_field_auth_id) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) "); $stmt -> bind_param(ssiiissssssi, $fn, $ln, $crole, $playerType, $team, $ad1, $ad2, $city, $post, $tel, $email, $OFA); $stmt -> execute(); // Check if image file is a actual image or fake image //photo upload $check = getimagesize($_FILES["personHeadshot"]["tmp_name"]); if($check !== false) { echo "File is an image - " . $check["mime"] . "."; $uploadOk = 1; } else { echo "File is not an image."; $uploadOk = 0; } //photo upload header("location: ../admin-people-list.php"); } // Check if file already exists if (file_exists($target_file)) { echo "Sorry, file already exists."; $uploadOk = 0; } // Check file size if ($_FILES["personHeadshot"]["size"] > 500000) { echo "Sorry, your file is too large."; $uploadOk = 0; } // Allow certain file formats if($imageFileType != "jpg" && $imageFileType != "png" && $imageFileType != "jpeg" && $imageFileType != "gif" ) { echo "Sorry, only JPG, JPEG, PNG & GIF files are allowed."; $uploadOk = 0; } // Check if $uploadOk is set to 0 by an error if ($uploadOk == 0) { echo "Sorry, your file was not uploaded."; // if everything is ok, try to upload file } else { if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES["personHeadshot"]["tmp_name"], $target_file)) { echo "The file ". basename( $_FILES["personHeadshot"]["name"]). " has been uploaded."; } else { echo "Sorry, there was an error uploading your file."; } }
I have html form and verify post data via pgp how can I save someone data if some one fill incorrect information Hi i m new with php. i entered data in fckeditor ,now i want to save that data in file with.html extension. please anybody has idea then help me.... Hi, I'm trying to save data from an array to database but something is wrong. This is from i send data, as you see im using arrays [] because the user have the posibility to clone the row <div class="box-body"> <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-sm-2">Student</label> <div class="col-sm-10"> <table id="table" border="1" bordercolor="#00acc1"> <thead> <tr> <th><p>Name</p></th> <th><p>Mode</p></th> <th><p>Sport</p></th> <th> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td><select style="width:325px" name="Name[]" class="form-control"> <option value="">Select</option> <?php $search = "SELECT * FROM prof"; $data = $connect->prepare($search); $data->execute(); while($re=$data -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){ echo "<option value = '".$re['id']."'>"; echo $re['n_prof'].' '.$re['ap_prof'];} ?> </select> </td> <td> <select class="form-control" name="mode[]" style="width:150px" /> <option value="">Select</option> <option value="Administrator">Administrator</option> <option value="Scholar">Scholar</option> <option value="External student">External student</option> <option value="Thesis">Thesis</option> <option value="Voluntary">Voluntary</option> </select> </td> <td> <select class="form-control" name="Sport[]" style="width:150px" /> <option value="">Select</option> <option value="Football">Football</option> <option value="Baseball">Baseball</option> <option value="Swimming">Swimming</option> <option value="Horse riding">Horse riding</option> <option value="basketball">basketball</option> </select> </td> <td class="Delete">Delete</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <input type="button" id="add" value="+ add student" class="btn btn-primary"/> </div> </div> </div> my db.table is like this id | name | mode | sport | idstudent_fk And Im using an algorithm to read the array and every time can save every row, but im usind PDO and im having problems try{ here i insert data in a table here i got the last id from that table then ... if($_POST['name']!="" and $_POST['mode']!="" and $_POST['sport']!=""){ if(is_array($_POST['name'])){ while(list($key, $name) = each($_POST['name']) and list($val,$mode) = each($_POST['mode']) and list($id, $sport) = each($_POST['sport'])){ $sql = "INSERT INTO sports(id_studentfk, mode_stu, sport, id_projfk) values(:value, :mode, :sport, :lastid)"; $statement = $connect ->prepare($sql); $statement -> bindParam(':name', $name, PDO::PARAM_INT); $statement -> bindParam(':mode', $mode, PDO::PARAM_STR); $statement -> bindParam(':sport', $sport, PDO::PARAM_STR); $statement -> bindParam(':lastid', $lastid, PDO::PARAM_INT); $pdoExec = $statement -> execute(); } }//end if array }//end if post } catch (PDOException $e) { print 'ERROR: '. $e->getMessage(); print '<br/>Data Not Inserted'; } the idea is creating a loop to read the array and every time can insert data. Im using PDO this time is not working, im geeting this error
ERROR: SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: parameter was not defined I hope someone can help me to solve this
I want to save files to a directory. I am using a input type="text" to let user paste directory, then they choose the file from an upload form, then press submit. So here is my script: ============== <form method="post" action="" enctype=...> <input type="text" name="textboxDir" /> <input type="file" name="uploadedFile"/> </form> So how do I now save the uploaded file via $_POST['uploadedFile'] to the text box directory: $_POST["textBoxDir"]? Any help much appreciated! Hi.. I have query for insert then I just want to add condition that after it save it will locate on the previous page: here is my code: Code: [Select] $sql = "INSERT INTO receiving_materials (sr_date, sr_number, si_num, s_name, po_num, qty, mat_code, mat_desc, wh_code, bin_loc) VALUES ('$sr_date', '$sr_number', '$si_num', '$s_name', '$po_num', '$qty', '$mat_code', '$mat_desc', '$wh_code', '$bin_loc') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE sr_date = '$sr_date', sr_number = '$sr_number', si_num = '$si_num', s_name = '$s_name', po_num = '$po_num', qty = '$qty', mat_code = '$mat_code', mat_desc = '$mat_desc', wh_code = 'wh_code', bin_loc = '$bin_loc'"; $res_receiving = mysql_query($sql, $con) or die(mysql_error()); Thank you So if I change the user his data to banned or something he don't change Here is the part of the code: Code: [Select] $userInfo = $db->getuserInfo($_GET['id']); if ($userInfo) { echo '<form action="'.coreLink('admin', 'users').'" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="userID" value="'.$userInfo['ID'].'"><ul class="inputs"> <li> <div style="float:right"><input type="text" name="username" class="input" value="'.$userInfo['username'].'"></div> '.__('Username').'<br /><small>'.__('Nickname of the user').'</small> </li> <li> <div style="float:right"><input type="text" name="pass" class="input" value=""></div> '.__('Change password').'<br /><small>'.__("Fill this input if you want to change it's password").'</small> </li> <li> <div style="float:right"><input type="text" name="email" class="input" value="'.$userInfo['email'].'"></div> '.__('Email').'<br /><small>'.__('Email of the user').'</small> </li> <li> <div style="float:right"><input type="text" name="api" class="input" value="'.$userInfo['api'].'"></div> '.__('API Code').'<br /><small>'.__('Used to access through the API').'</small> </li> <li> <div style="float:right"><select class="input" name="status" style="width:311px">'; foreach (array('ok'=>__('Active'), 'nc'=>__('Not confirmed'), 'banned'=>__('Banned')) as $key=>$long) { echo '<option value="'.$key.'"'; if ($key == $userInfo['status']) echo ' selected'; echo '>'.$long.'</option>'; } echo '</select> </div> '.__('Status').'<br /><small>'.__('It can be active, banned..').'</small> </li> <li> <fieldset id="shorters" style="border: 1px solid #ddd;-moz-border-radius:2px;-webkit-border-radius:2px"><legend>'.__('Profile').'</legend><br /><div style="padding-left:40px;margin-bottom:20px;width:110px">'; $avatar = getAvatar($userInfo['ID'], '48'); if (!$userInfo['gravatar'] && ($avatar != $jk->base."static/img/avatar/default_note.png")) echo '<div style="float:right;font-size:.8em"><input type="checkbox" name="avatar"> <img src="'.$jk->base.'static/img/trash.gif"></div>'; echo '<img src="'.getAvatar($userInfo['ID'], '48').'" style="border: 1px solid #ddd"></div> <ul> <li> <div style="float:right"><input type="text" name="profile_name" class="input" value="'.$userInfo['realname'].'"></div> '.__('Name').'<br /><small>'.__('Real name of the user').'</small> </li> <li> <div style="float:right"><input type="text" name="profile_web" class="input" value="'.$userInfo['profile']['url'].'"></div> '.__('Website').'<br /><small>'.__('Website of the user').'</small> </li> <li> <div style="float:right"><input type="text" name="profile_location" class="input" value="'.$userInfo['location'].'"></div> '.__('Location').'<br /><small>'.__('Location of the user').'</small> </li> <li> <div style="float:right"><input type="text" name="profile_bio" class="input" value="'.$userInfo['profile']['bio'].'"></div> '.__('Bio').'<br /><small>'.__('Description of the user').'</small> </li> </ul></fieldset> </li> <li> <div style="float:right"><select class="input" name="language" style="width:311px">'; foreach (return_languages() as $short=>$lang) { echo '<option value="'.$short.'"'; if ($short == $userInfo['language']) echo ' selected'; echo '>'.$lang.'</option>'; } echo '</select> </div> '.__('Language').'<br /><small>'.__('Language of the user').'</small> </li> <li> <div style="float:right"><select class="input" name="theme" style="width:311px">'; foreach ($jk->allowed_themes as $theme) { echo '<option value="'.$theme.'"'; if ($theme == $userInfo['theme']) echo ' selected'; echo '>'.$theme.'</option>'; } echo '</select> </div> '.__('Theme').'<br /><small>'.__('Skin of Jisko').'</small> </li> <li> <div style="float:right"><input type="text" name="invitations" class="input" value="'.$userInfo['invitations'].'"></div> '.__('Number of invitations').'<br /><small>'.__('Number of invitations that the user has').'</small> </li> <li> <div style="float:right"><input type="text" name="openid" class="input" value="'.$userInfo['openid'].'"></div> '.__('OpenID').'<br /><small>'.__('Used to access Jisko trough an OpenID account').'</small> </li> <li> <div style="float:right"><input type="text" name="facebook" class="input" value="'.$userInfo['facebook'].'"></div> '.__('Facebook ID').'<br /><small>'.__('Used to access Jisko trough a Facebook account').'</small> </li> </ul> <br /><input type="submit" value="'.__('Save').'"><br /><br /></form>'; } else header('Location: '.coreLink('admin', 'users')); } Hello all. I have a script that exports data from mysql to a csv file. Everything works great. However, I do not know how to save the csv file to the server. Does anyone have any ideas how I would do that? The script is below. Thanks for all help! Code: [Select] <?php $host = 'localhost'; $user = ''; $pass = ''; $db = ''; $table = ''; $file = 'export'; function escape_csv_value($value) { $value = str_replace('"', '""', $value); // First off escape all " and make them "" if(preg_match('/,/', $value) or preg_match("/n/", $value) or preg_match('/"/', $value)) { // Check if I have any commas or new lines return '"'.$value.'"'; // If I have new lines or commas escape them } else { return $value; // If no new lines or commas just return the value } } $link = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die("Can not connect." . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db($db) or die("Can not connect."); $result = mysql_query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM ".$table.""); $i = 0; if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $csv_output .= $row['Field'].", "; $i++; } } $csv_output .= "\n"; $values = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$table.""); while ($rowr = mysql_fetch_row($values)) { for ($j=0;$j<$i;$j++) { $csv_output .= escape_csv_value($rowr[$j]).','; //$csv_output .= $rowr[$j].", "; } $csv_output .= "\n"; } $filename = $file."_".date("Y-m-d_H-i",time()); //header( "Content-Type: application/save-as" ); header("Content-type: application/"); header("Content-disposition: csv" . date("Y-m-d") . ".csv"); header( "Content-disposition: attachment; filename=".$filename.".csv"); //header( "Content-disposition: filename=".$filename.".csv"); print $csv_output; exit; ?> Hi, I am trying to save some content with form which has php code in it. i.e $submittedphpcode <?php echo 'test'; ?> my code to save that $submittedphpcode $file = "file.php"; $ourFileHandle = fopen($filefile, 'w+') or die("can't open file"); fwrite($ourFileHandle, "$submittedphpcode"); fclose($ourFileHandle); and i am getting this file created with slashes <?php\r\n\r\necho \'test\';\r\n\r\n?> i tried with stripslashes but it just remove \ not r n , i need to keep spaces etc. any help on how to save it as php file properly? Thanks Hi Everyone, i need some help how can i save this jsonfile to the webserver? my code // Load initial values from JSON 'file' jsonfile = '[{"lane 1":"1","lane 2":"1","lane 3":"5","lane 4":"2"}]'; var initialstate = JSON.parse(jsonfile); setLaneState("lane1",initialstate[0]['lane 1']) setLaneState("lane2",initialstate[0]['lane 2']) setLaneState("lane3",initialstate[0]['lane 3']) setLaneState("lane4",initialstate[0]['lane 4'])
I have this code header("Content-type: text/xml"); $database = "rprice"; $linkID = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die("Could not connect to host."); mysql_select_db($database, $linkID) or die("Could not find database."); $query = "SELECT * FROM plist ORDER BY date DESC"; $resultID = mysql_query($query, $linkID) or die("Data not found."); $xml_output = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n"; $xml_output .= "<graph>\n"; for($x = 0 ; $x < mysql_num_rows($resultID) ; $x++){ $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($resultID); $xml_output .= "\t<set date =\"" . $row['date'] . "\" value =\"" . $row['sprice'] . "\">\n"; $xml_output .= "\t</set>\n"; } $xml_output .= "</graph>"; echo $xml_output; I want to save this xml file into the folder name Data what is the code of that please help Hello, I'm editing an XML file using PHP, the XML file contains a playlist of songs for a flash mp3 player. Now I'm able to edit the XML file, but I'm not able to save it . Here's my code: $random_speed = mt_rand(1,15); // Discspeed $song_title = /*mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['song_title'])*/ "My First XML Edit"; $song_artist = /*mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['song_artits'])*/ "A great author"; $song_filename = /*basename(mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['song_filename']))*/ "myfirstxmledit.mp3"; /* Open image directory and get a random image name */ $dir = "./img"; /* Scan the directory and put everything in an array */ $files = scandir($dir); /* Count the elements in the array */ $count_array = count($files); /* Pick a random index from the array */ $rand_array = array_rand( $files, 1 ); /* Pick the value of the random index */ $random_image = $files[$rand_array]; /* Loop through array and if element is not equal to "." or ".." then set the random_image variable */ if( ($random_image == "." ) || ($random_image == ".." ) ){ while( ($random_image == "." ) || ($random_image == ".." ) ){ $random_image = $files[$rand_array]; } }elseif( ($random_image != "." ) || ($random_image != ".." ) ){ echo $random_image; } /* Open the music.xml file */ $xml = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8'); $xml->formatOutput = true; $xml->preserveWhiteSpace = false; $xml->load('music.xml'); /* Begin settin new element to music.xml file */ $newItem = $xml->createElement('song'); $newItem->appendChild($xml->createElement('title', "'$song_title'")); $newItem->appendChild($xml->createElement('artist', "'$song_artist'")); $newItem->appendChild($xml->createElement('url', "songs/'$song_filename'")); $newItem->appendChild($xml->createElement('image', "img/'$random_image'")); $newItem->appendChild($xml->createElement('discspeed', $random_speed)); /* Add the new elements to the xml tag 'song' */ $xml->getElementsByTagName('song')->item(0)->appendChild($newItem); /* Save the xml file */ $xml->save(); I've tried to enter the filename in the last $xml->save() function, didn't work, added the location + filename, didn't work ... Anyone knows what or how do I save the file? Thanks! Hello, I want to do, when someone click on button/link will open this: but not Save As, but Open. I know how to make simple form: <html> <body> <form action="edit.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <label for="file">File:</label> <input type="file" name="file" id="file" /> <br><br> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Open"/> </form> </body> </html> But here You must click Browse, but I want to do like in photo: if You click on button, then at once will open form like photo. Many thanks, Tadas P.S. Sorry for my really bad English. |