PHP - Want To Add My Title After Url With Php
Hi guys,
this is my problem. I use wordpress and i have diffrent titles for every post. The php code for the title is <?php the_title(); ?> I want to add my title after this url: That means if i have a post with this title: php tutorials The url should be like this: This is the part of my php code that contains the url: <?php $url=""; $rss=new rssFeed($url); I tried this already but it is not working: <?php $url="<?php the_title(); ?>"; $rss=new rssFeed($url); Sorry, i hope you understand what i mean. Similar TutorialsHello, I am assigned a task to make alterations on a client website. The header is an include on all pages. Inside the header is the title tag which propogate to all pages. I want title different to each page, I will also add description and keyword. Is there a way to do this with PHP or should I have different header for each page. thank you I've tried mysql_error(), yet nothing is displayed, but I'm pretty sure it may be something wrong with my query. After someone inputs their new information, site title in the database is changed to 0, and description isn't updated at all.., but it's still the same data as before and isn't changed. if(!$_POST['title'] || !$_POST['description']) { echo " <table><form action='account.php' method='POST'> <input type='hidden' name='edit' value='1'> <tr><td>Site Name</td><td><input type='text' name='title' value='". $grab['title'] ."'></td></tr> <tr><td>Site Description</td><td><textarea name='description' rows='18' cols='40' maxlength='550'>". $grab['description'] ."</textarea></td></tr> <tr><td>Finished?</td><td><input type='submit' value='Update Information'></td></tr> </form></table>"; } else { $title = mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags($_POST['title'])); $description = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['description']); $to_censor = array("fag", "ass", "asshole", "douchebag", "dumbass"); $new = str_replace($to_censor, "****", $description); $description = strip_tags($new, "<b><i><a>"); mysql_query("UPDATE sites SET title = '$title' AND description = '$description' WHERE username = '". $_SESSION['user'] ."'") or die(mysql_error()); echo "Updated information successfully. <a href='account.php'>Back to My Account</a>"; } Code: [Select] Echo "<img src='".$info['img'] ."'title='.info['username']'"."' width='50' height='50'>"; im trying display the user's, username in the title when the mouse hovers over the img it displays the username of that image. no errors just displays .info as title thanks [/code] I know this topic is everywhere but I cant find a solution to my particular problem. I have been using a download center script for about a year. However, the title is static, keeping with the predefined one. I am trying to get the title to change so it matches the file name shown on the display page "index.php/?nav=display&file=25". I have spent days trying to figure something out with absolutely no luck. Does anyone have an idea how to get the title to change when dynamically? Out of desperation i used an onload javascript but it doesnt work with crawlers. Thank you in advanced. Index.php <?php /* PHP Download Center Copyright (C) 2007 Chris LaPointe This program is free softwa you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ //error_reporting(E_ERROR); define("PHP_DOWNLOADCENTER", 1); include_once('settings.php'); //Include all files in 'inc' directory $path = 'inc/'; $handle = opendir($path); while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if (substr($file, 0, 1) != '.') include($path.$file); } closedir($handle); //Start session for me! session_start(); if (mysql_connect($mysql_host, $mysql_username, $mysql_password) == FALSE){ if (file_exists("install.php")){ echo '<HTML><HEAD><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=install.php"></HEAD></HTML>'; exit; }else{ die("Fatal error. Unable to access database. In addition, unable to go to install.php to setup access!"); } } if (mysql_select_db($mysql_database) == FALSE){ if (file_exists("install.php")){ echo '<HTML><HEAD><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=install.php"></HEAD></HTML>'; exit; }else{ die("Fatal error. Unable to access database. In addition, unable to go to install.php to setup access!"); } } //because of the way it is handled, there should never be any HTML passed via arguments //do a check here foreach ($_GET as $key => $value){ $_GET[$key] = strip_tags(html_entity_decode($value, ENT_NOQUOTES), '<i><b>'); } //Run the now (Just code, ie login code) if ( isset($_GET['now']) ){ $nowfile = "pages/".$_GET['now'].'.now.php'; if (file_exists($nowfile)){ include($nowfile); }else{ echo "<b>Warning:</b> Now file '$nowfile' doesn't exist"; } } ?> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE><?php echo $page_title; ?></TITLE> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"> </HEAD> <BODY> <!--TOP SECTION (banner)--> <table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0> <TR> <TD valign="top"><img src="theme/page/banner.gif"></TD> <TD valign="middle"><div align="right"><?php include('ads/ad_top.php'); ?></div></TD> </TR> </TABLE> <!--MIDDLE SECTION--> <table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0> <TR> <TD width=150px valign="top"><?php require('left.php'); ?></TD> <TD valign="top"> <table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0> <TR><TD><?php include('nav.php'); ?></TD></TR> <TR><TD><?php include('body.php'); ?></TD></TR> </table> </TD> </TR> </table> <BR> <div align="center"><font size="1"> This page is under the <a href="">GPLv3</a> by <a href="" target="_blank">Red Galaxy</a>. Each file is copyrighted by its respective owner.<BR> This page is not to be held responsible for any uploaded files. It is each user's responsibility to check the legality of files they upload.<BR> Please contact <i><?php echo $info_name; ?></i> at <?php echo str_replace('@', "'AT'", str_replace('.', "'DOT'", $info_email)); ?> with any questions.<BR> <?php echo $info_misc; ?></font> </div> </BODY> </HTML> <?php mysql_close(); ?> nav.php <?php if (!defined('PHP_DOWNLOADCENTER')) exit; ?> <table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0> <TR> <TD> <a href="?nav=home">Home</a> | <a href="?nav=recent">Recent Files</a> </TD> <TD align="right"> <form action="?nav=search_results" method="post"><INPUT type="text" size="20" name="search"><INPUT type="submit" value="Search"></form> </TD> </table> body.php <?php if (!defined('PHP_DOWNLOADCENTER')) exit; if (!isset($_GET['nav'])){ $location = 'pages/home.php'; }else{ $location = 'pages/'.$_GET['nav'].'.php'; } if (isset($_GET['message'])){ echo '<div align="center">'; echo BeginBorder("Message", "50%"); echo stripslashes(urldecode($_GET['message'])); echo EndBorder(); echo '</div>'; } if (file_exists($location)) include($location); else include("pages/404.php"); ?> display.php <?php $fid = $_GET['file']; $results = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM files WHERE id=$fid LIMIT 1"); if (mysql_numrows($results) == 0){ echo "File not found. It may have been removed."; return; } $who = getUserNameById(mysql_result($results,0,"uid")); echo BeginBorder(mysql_result($results, 0, "title"), "90%"); ?> <TABLE width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0> <TR><TD width=50% valign="top"> <TABLE width=100% border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2> <TR bgcolor=#F0F0F0> <TD width=50%>Name:</TD> <TD><?php echo mysql_result($results, 0, "title"); ?></TD> </TR> <TR bgcolor=#F0F0F0> <TD>File:</TD> <TD><?php echo mysql_result($results, 0, "filename"); ?></TD> </TR> <TR bgcolor=#F0F0F0> <TD>Size:</TD> <TD><?php echo round( mysql_result($results, 0, "filesize")/1024/1024,2).'MB'; ?></TD> </TR> <TR bgcolor=#F0F0F0> <TD>Extension:</TD> <TD><?php echo mysql_result($results, 0, "filetype"); ?></TD> </TR> <TR bgcolor=#F0F0F0> <TD>Category:</TD> <TD><?php echo mysql_result($results, 0, "category"); ?></TD> </TR> <TR bgcolor=#F0F0F0> <TD>User:</TD> <TD><?php echo $who; ?></TD> </TR> <TR bgcolor=#F0F0F0> <TD>Date Uploaded:</TD> <TD><?php echo mysql_result($results, 0, "date"); ?></TD> </TR> <TR bgcolor=#F0F0F0> <TD>Download Count:</TD> <TD><?php echo mysql_result($results, 0, "dcount"); ?></TD> </TR> <TR bgcolor=#F0F0F0> <TD>Downloads This Month</TD> <TD><?php echo mysql_result($results, 0, "dmonth"); ?></TD> </TR> </TABLE> </TD> <TD valign="top"> <center> <a href="<?php echo '?nav=download&file='.$fid; ?>"><img src="theme/download.png" border=0></a> <?php if (mysql_result($results, 0, 'private') == '1') echo "<br>You must be logged in to download this file.</b>"; ?> </center><BR><BR> <?php //PREVIEW IMAGE IF EXISTS $realname = mysql_result($results, 0, "filename"); $small_preview = 'images/'.$realname.'.small.jpg'; $large_preview = 'images/'.$realname.'.large.jpg'; if (file_exists($small_preview)){ echo "<div align='center'><a href='$large_preview' target='_blank'><img src='$small_preview' border='0'></a></div><BR>"; } //ADMIN CONTROLS if (isUserAdmin()){ echo '<b>Admin:</b> <a href="?nav=delete&file='.$fid.'">Delete This File</a> | <a href="?nav=edit&file='.$fid.'">Edit</a><BR>'; } ?> </TD></TR> </TABLE> <HR> <b>Description:</b><BR> <?php echo mysql_result($results, 0, "description"); ?> <?php echo EndBorder(); ?> On one of my pages I set the title like this Code: [Select] <{assign var="title" value=$people->getShow()|escape}> The problem is I want the title to say getShow and getName Tried to do it like this but I get an internal 500 error Code: [Select] <{assign var="title" value=$people->getShow()|escape}$people->getName()|escape}> How can I make this work? Thanks in advance Trying to figure this out... Code: [Select] <?php echo get_the_title(); ?> works to display my wordpress post title on the page. how can I echo that inside this code? Code: [Select] <?php if (function_exists('simple_feed_list')) : ?> <?php simple_feed_list('I WANT TO ECHO TITLE HERE'); ?> <?php endif; ?> Hi guys, I would like to ask your help on how to trim the output (title). for example the title is "php freaks rocks" it should be "php freaks..." Thanks.. Code: [Select] <?php $Url_Path = ""; $data_dir = "" ; $images_dir =$Url_Path."/images/"; $rel_dir = ""; //Database Setting //You must change these values in order to run this script //These value are not visible in the output page source $host = ""; //Server Name $user= ""; //Username $password= ""; //Password $database=""; //Photopost database name or forum database name //Display Setting (Changes to fit your page) $q_switch = "latest"; // "random" or "most_views" or "latest" $limit = 3; //number of image to show // CSS Setting (optional) $class_photopost = ""; $class_gallery = "gallery"; // ************************************************************************* // ************************************************************************* ///////////don't edit below this line if you are too afraid to kill the code////////////// // ---------------------- THESE FUNCS FROM pp-inc ----------------- function mysql_query_eval( $query, $database ) { global $Globals; $mysql_eval_error=""; $mysql_eval_result = mysql_query($query, $database) or $mysql_eval_error = mysql_error(); if ($mysql_eval_error) { if ( $Globals{'debug'} == 1 ) { $letter = "An error was encountered during execution of the query:\n\n"; $letter .= $query."\n\n"; $letter .="The query returned with an errorcode of: \n\n$mysql_eval_error\n\n"; $letter .= "If you need assistence or feel this is a 'bug'; please report it to our "; $letter .= "support forums at:\n\n"; $letter .= "To turn off these emails, set \$debug=0 in your config-inc.php file."; $email = $Globals{'adminemail'}; $email_from = "From: ".$Globals{'adminemail'}; $subject="Subject: ".$Globals{'webname'}." MySQL Error Report"; $subject=trim($subject); mail( $email, $subject, $letter, $email_from ); } elseif ( $Globals{'debug'} == 2 ) { dieWell( "MySQL error reported!<p>Query: $query<p>Result: $mysql_eval_error<p>Database handle: $database" ); exit; } return FALSE; } else { return $mysql_eval_result; } } function get_ext( $filename ) { $photolen = strlen($filename); $RetVal = substr( $filename, $photolen-3, $photolen); return $RetVal; } function get_filename($filename) { // strip off the last 4 $len = strlen( $filename )-4; $RetVal = substr( $filename, 0, $len); return $RetVal; } // ---------------------- THESE FUNCS FROM pp-inc ----------------- // Connecting, selecting database $link = mysql_connect ("$host", "$user", "$password") or die ('I cannot connect to the database.'); mysql_select_db ("$database")or die("Could not select database"); // Here is the hacked up display_gallery($q_switch) $catquery=""; if ( IsSet($cat) ) { $querya="SELECT catname FROM photopost_categories WHERE id=$cat"; $catq = mysql_query_eval($querya,$link); $catr = mysql_fetch_array($catq); $catname = $catr['catname']; mysql_free_result($catq); $queryb = "SELECT id FROM photopost_categories WHERE parent='$cat' ORDER BY catorder ASC"; $boards = mysql_query_eval($queryb,$link); $cnt=0; while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array($boards, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $catqid = $row['id']; if ( $cnt == 0 ) { $cnt=1; $catquery .= "$catqid"; } else { $catquery .= ",$catqid"; } } mysql_free_result($boards); } // Connecting, selecting database // Selecting method and Perform SQL query switch ($q_switch) { case "most_views": if ( !IsSet($cat) ) { $group_title = "Most Popular Images - All Categories"; $query = "SELECT id,user,userid,cat,title,bigimage,views FROM photopost_photos WHERE bigimage!='' AND approved='1' $exclude_cat ORDER BY views DESC LIMIT $limit"; } else { $query = "SELECT id,user,userid,cat,title,bigimage,views FROM photopost_photos WHERE bigimage!='' AND approved='1' $exclude_cat AND cat in ($catquery) ORDER BY views DESC LIMIT $limit"; $group_title = "Most Popular Images - $catname"; } break; case "latest": if ( !IsSet($cat) ) { $group_title = "Most Recent Images - All Categories"; $query = "SELECT id,user,userid,cat,title,bigimage,views FROM photopost_photos WHERE bigimage!='' AND approved='1' $exclude_cat ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT $limit"; break; } else { $group_title = "Most Recent Images - $catname"; $query = "SELECT id,user,userid,cat,title,bigimage,views FROM photopost_photos WHERE bigimage!='' AND approved='1' $exclude_cat AND cat in ($catquery) ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT $limit"; break; } break; default: if ( !IsSet($cat) ) { $group_title = "Random Images - All Categories"; $query = "SELECT id,user,userid,cat,title,bigimage,views FROM photopost_photos WHERE bigimage!='' AND approved='1' $exclude_cat ORDER BY RAND() DESC LIMIT $limit"; break; } else { $group_title = "Random Images - $catname"; $query = "SELECT id,user,userid,cat,title,bigimage,views FROM photopost_photos WHERE bigimage!='' AND approved='1' $exclude_cat AND cat in ($catquery) ORDER BY RAND() DESC LIMIT $limit"; break; } break; } $i = 1; $e = 2; $col_val = $column; $result = mysql_query_eval($query,$link) or die("Query failed"); print "<ul class=\"".$class_gallery."\"> "; while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $photo_name = get_filename( $line['bigimage'] ); print "<li>"; $theext = get_ext( $line['bigimage'] ); $thecat = $line['cat']; $temp_user = ($line["userid"]); $filepath = "$data_dir"."$thecat/thumbs/$photo_name.$theext"; $image_stats = getimagesize( $filepath ); $width = $image_stats[0]; $height = $image_stats[1]; $rel_path = "$rel_dir"."$thecat/thumbs/$photo_name.$theext"; print "<a class=\"".$class_photopost."\" href=\"$Url_Path"."showphoto.php?photo=".$line['id']. "\" title=\"".$line["title"]."\">"; if ( file_exists( $rel_path ) ) print "<img src='$filepath' alt='$filepath' width='$width' height='$height' /></a>"; else print "<img src='".$images_dir."nothumb.gif' alt='$filepath' width='$width' height='$height' /></a>"; if ($q_switch == "most_views") { print "<br />".$line["title"]."<br />".$line["views"]." views"; print "</a>"; } else { print "<br /> <a class=\"".$class_photopost."\" href=\"$Url_Path"."showphoto.php?photo=".$line['id']. "\" title=\"".$line["title"]." ".$line["views"]." views\"> ".$line["title"]."<br />".$line["views"]." views"; print "</a></li>"; } } print " </ul> "; // Closing connection mysql_close($link); // mysql_close($db_link); ?> I'm displaying a row of images but I can't seem to get the title to stay under the image. When I try to insert a <br> or <br /> the the $item_title, it changes the whole dynamics of the row, placing the $item_title next to the image rather than under it. Here is the code: $image_row .= "<tr height=\"200\"><td ><img src=\"image_files/{$item_photo}\" alt=\"{$item_name}\" /><br />{$item_title} </td></tr> </table>"; I've got this code Code: [Select] <{assign var="title" value=$people->getTitle()|cat:" "|cat:$people->getName()|cat:" |"}> How do I write some text fx. 'visit' in the beginning of the title value? Tried to do it like this Code: [Select] <{assign var="title" value=Visit $people->getTitle()|cat:" "|cat:$people->getName()|cat:" |"}>But then I get an error. Any help mych appriciated Hello - I have a search page that displays urls to a details page. Currently, the url looks like this: ".com/loc_details.php?loc_id=38" but I would like it to have the contents of the 'loc_name' field display after the id. Here is how it's being called in the code: Code: [Select] $output .= "<td><a href='loc_details.php?loc_id={$row['loc_id']}'>{$row['loc_name']}</a></td>\n"; The only thing I can think of to compare it to would be the pretty links that Wordpress offers. The website for reference is, so you can see it in action. Thanks for any help! l have a video site, and each title is generated dynamically on a <li>. The problem is some titles are longer than others and spill on to the next <li> throwing my site all off. What i need to do is designate 2 lines for the titles just in case the title is too long. Code: [Select] <ul> <li><?php echo $title; ?></li> <li>///continue $title or add blank line so it doesn't throw everything off</li> </ul> Hi I am trying to pull title and meta description from an URL.. To pull the URL I am using the code from function getTitle($Url){ $str = file_get_contents($Url); if(strlen($str)>0){ preg_match("/\<title\>(.*)\<\/title\>/",$str,$title); return $title[1]; } } //Example: echo getTitle(""); And to pull the meta description I am using the code from // Assuming the above tags are at $tags = get_meta_tags('') or die("Could not fetch meta tags"); // Notice how the keys are all lowercase now, and // how . was replaced by _ in the key. echo $tags['author']; // name echo $tags['keywords']; // php documentation echo $tags['description']; // a php manual echo $tags['geo_position']; // 49.33;-86.59 So my complete code looks like this: <html> <head> </head> <body> <?php function getTitle($Url){ $str = file_get_contents($Url); if(strlen($str)>0){ preg_match("/\<title\>(.*)\<\/title\>/",$str,$title); return $title[1]; } } //Example: echo getTitle(""); // Assuming the above tags are at $tags = get_meta_tags('') or die("Could not fetch meta tags"); // Notice how the keys are all lowercase now, and // how . was replaced by _ in the key. echo $tags['author']; // name echo $tags['keywords']; // php documentation echo $tags['description']; // a php manual echo $tags['geo_position']; // 49.33;-86.59 ?> Test! </body> </html> But it wont work... All I get is "Could not fetch meta tags".. I've tried different URLs and such but still wont work .. Anyone have an idea? Hello, I'm new here and need some help. I'm a beginner with PHP Here's what I have.... The index page looks like this: <? include("header.php"); ?> <? include("sidebar.php"); ?> <? include("main.php"); ?> <? include("footer.php"); ?> On all of the pages for the site, the only thing that will change will be: <? include("main.php"); ?> When viewing the home page, the title in the browser shows: Home Page (which is what I want). However, when clicking on links in the nav bar, I want the title to reflect those page names. For example, the code above displays the home page, but then if you click on (for example) "Bio's" in the navigation bar, it will take you to the Bio's page, obviously. the link for that menu item is: bio.php. The bio.php page looks like this: <? include("header.php"); ?> <? include("sidebar.php"); ?> <div> All the data and formatting for this page </div> <? include("footer.php"); ?> ............. I would like to put some php code in the header that will automatically detect the title of each page, how can I do this? Should I put <? title=Bio's Page ?> (or whatever page) at the top of each page, then call to it somehow from the header? Any help would be appreciated. Hi firends, there is a store named "baslik". i try to creating photo gallery. i am saving photo and photo's name in database. Photo's name store named "baslik". Now, For example i am saving called "Summer Photos". i saved 10 photos. When i pull the images and names, all photos and names are pulling. I want to pull one image and its name from "baslik" store. "baslik" store's type "varchar" When i click the image's name, it should post other "Summer Photos". Image gallery should creating next to next like 1. image. And When i clicked the image, other images should open. For example when i clicked "meeting" image, it should go other "meeting" images. So, i want to categorize the images. You can look i put images.
Hello all, I am using a simple iframe to include a facebook like box on my webpage. Code: [Select] <iframe src="<?php echo $pageID;?>&width=<?php echo $width;?>&colorscheme=<?php echo $colorScheme;?>&show_faces=<?php echo $showFaces;?>&connections=<?php echo $connection;?>&stream=<?php echo $streams;?>&header=<?php echo $header;?>&height=<?php echo $height;?>" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:<?php echo $width;?>px; height:<?php echo $height;?>px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe> The problem is that I want to limit the title of the facebook page to 15 characters. Any ideas on how I could do this? Hi guys, I'm pretty much stuck and require someones help, I've got this script: Code: [Select] <?PHP $con = mysql_connect("localhost","****","*****"); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("samdb", $con); /* check to see if an artist has been selected */ if(!$_GET['artist']) { $artist = 0; }else{ $artist = $_GET['artist']; } /* if artist is set display the artist */ if($artist>0) { $query = "SELECT * FROM songlist WHERE artist='$artist' ORDER BY id DESC"; $result = mysql_query($query); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $artist = $row['artist']; $song = $row['title']; ?><p> <b><font size="5"><?PHP echo $artist; ?></font> </b><br /> Songs: <?PHP echo $song; ?></p> <br> <br> <a href="artist.php">Back to artist listings</a> <?PHP }else{ /* create query */ $query = "SELECT * FROM songlist GROUP BY artist ORDER BY artist DESC LIMIT 10"; /* execute the query */ $result = mysql_query($query); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $artist = $row['artist']; $song = $row['title']; ?><p> <b><font size="5"><?PHP echo $artist; ?></font></b> <br> <a href="artist.php?artist=<?PHP echo $row['artist']; ?>">See more</a></p> <?PHP } } ?> It lists the artist right and thats great, however when i click on a artist's name it shows the same page does not go anywhere? I've tired everything, it might be so simple its infront of me.. any help will be great! Thanks J I have a header.php, which I include in all my pages, but I'd like to have an individual title for all pages for better SEO - how can I do that? Explanation: header.php <!DOCTYPE> <head> <title>MyWebsite </title> </head> <body> And I would like to have something like this: header.php <!DOCTYPE> <head> <title>MyWebsite | $InsertPageTitle </title> </head> <body> And then: example.php include('header.php'); $InsertPageTitle = "Contact Form"; I tried this exact method, unfortunately it didn't work, so how can I make it work? Thanks I have written the following php statement and it works to show pages titles if I have an id in the url example. then the right page title is displayed but if I am on my home page with no id the page title isn't displayed. I am running the code in the header in the title brackets. here is the code. The last else doesn't display my home page title any help would be great thank you very much... <title> <? if (isset($_GET['id'])) if($_GET['id'] == '1') { echo "LBT Services Page"; } else if($_GET['id'] == '2') { echo "About LBT"; } else if($_GET['id'] == '3') { echo "Contact LBT"; } else if($_GET['id'] == '4') { echo "Your Message to LBT has been Submitted"; } else if($_GET['id'] == '5') { echo "LBT Links Page"; } else if($_GET['id'] == '6') { echo "LBT Back-UP Plans"; } else { echo "LBT Home page"; } ?></title> I am trying to set the HTML Page Title dynamically, but this code from my book doesn't work... <title> <?php // Dynamically set Page Title. if (isset($page_title)){ echo $page_title; } else { // Default Page Title. echo 'Knowledge is Power: And It Pays To Know'; } ?> </title> What is wrong with it? (All I see is the code in the Webpage/Window Title...) TomTees |