PHP - Save Array From Inputs At Mysql As Array Separated With Comma
How can i save array from inputs, witch is $igraci and it have 5 values, to mysql base, i tryed but in mysql it shows Array.
This is form: <form action="dodaj_klan.php" method="post" > <p> <label>Naziv klana:</label> <input name="naziv" type="text" size="20%" /> <label>Web Sajt:</label> <input name="website" type="text" size="20%" /> <label>E-Mail:</label> <input name="email" type="text" size="20%" /> <br /><br /> <label>Igraci klana(5):</label> <input name="lider" type="radio" value="1" /> <input name="igraci[]" type="text" size="20%" /><br /> <input name="lider" type="radio" value="2" /> <input name="igraci[]" type="text" size="20%" /><br /> <input name="lider" type="radio" value="3" /> <input name="igraci[]" type="text" size="20%" /><br /> <input name="lider" type="radio" value="4" /> <input name="igraci[]" type="text" size="20%" /><br /> <input name="lider" type="radio" value="5" /> <input name="igraci[]" type="text" size="20%" /> <label><i>(obelezi lidera klana)</i></label> <br /><br /> <input class="button" type="submit" name="submit" value="Dodaj" /> </p> </form> Now i wonna save this igraci[] array in mysql, i tried like this but it doesn't work: $igraci = $_POST['igraci']; $query = "INSERT INTO klanovi (naziv, website, email, igraci) VALUES ('{$naziv}', '{$website}', '{$email}', '{$igraci}')"; $result = mysql_query($query, $connection); How can i do this? Thanks.. Similar TutorialsSo I'm trying to create an Array from a comma separated string containing array{s}. How can I take a string full of comma separated hex values such as : <?php $myStr = ( "00ffff", "00cccc", "009999", "007777", "004444", "001111", "01ffff", "01cccc", "019999" ); ?> & turn it into 3 separated arrays like : <?php $myNewArrs = [ Array1 ( 3 ), Array2 ( 3 ), Array3 ( 3 ), ]; ?> which REALLY looks like : <?php $myNewArrs = [ Array ( "00ffff", "00cccc", "009999" ), Array ( "007777", "004444", "001111" ), Array ( "01ffff", "01cccc", "019999" ), ]; ?>
? Thank you & have a great afternoon!
Edited May 27 by AquariaXI I need to loop through my db and create strings from 2 columns on my db. data in column1 is '22,33,33,33,25,25,25,14,14,14,14,14,14' data in column2 is '11am,12pm,1pm,2pm,3pm,4pm,5pm,6pm,7pm,8pm,9pm,10pm, 11pm' the end result I need is a string such as: $body= "11am, 22 <line break> 12pm, 33 <line break> ...... If anyone has any examples of something like this or can get me started it would be much appreciated. How can i convert an array of results to a single comma separated string so that I can run it through an SQL query? Hello all, I'm trying to get better at manipulating arrays and I'm stumped on this one. What would be the most efficient way of converting an array such as this: Quote Array ( [3] => 3 [9] => 1 [15] => 9 ) Into this: Quote 3,3,3,9,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15 This topic has been moved to MySQL Help. I need to some how pull comma separated images $data[23] from this $data array and then put them into there own array so I can insert them into separate rows in a database. This is the provided array: $data[0] => VIN $data[1] => StockNumber ...(all the other number here) $data[23] => Image_URLs (comma seperated) $data[24] => Equipment // I need something like this (obviously doesn't work?!@#) $delimiter = ","; $img = explode($delimiter, $data[23]); foreach($img as $pic){ $sqlPic = "insert into class_prodimages (pid image rank) values('".$LastId['id']."', '$pic', '".rand(1,20)."')"; } Any help here? Hi, I have in column "keywords" comma separated keywords in one row/news. Example in ID "1" in column "keywords" have: "Šport, Fudbal, Četvrta Liga". I want to make a tag-s from those words to be like:,, At first I separate those words by: $input = $vest_keywords; $removed_spaces = preg_replace('/\s*,\s*/', ',', $input); $output = explode(',', $removed_spaces); foreach($output as $tags) { echo $tags; } This give me: Šport | Fudbal | Četvrta liga
But I have a "slug-maker", and I have a problem with redeclare. /* SLUG */ $string = $output; function my_str_split($string) { $slen = strlen($string); for ($i = 0; $i < $slen; $i++) { $sArray[$i] = $string{$i}; } return $sArray; } function noDiacritics($string) { //cyrylic transcription $cyrylicFrom = array('А', 'Б', 'В', 'Г', 'Д', 'Е', 'Ё', 'Ж', 'З', 'И', 'Й', 'К', 'Л', 'М', 'Н', 'О', 'П', 'Р', 'С', 'Т', 'У', 'Ф', 'Х', 'Ц', 'Ч', 'Ш', 'Щ', 'Ъ', 'Ы', 'Ь', 'Э', 'Ю', 'Я', 'а', 'б', 'в', 'г', 'д', 'е', 'ё', 'ж', 'з', 'и', 'й', 'к', 'л', 'м', 'н', 'о', 'п', 'р', 'с', 'т', 'у', 'ф', 'х', 'ц', 'ч', 'ш', 'щ', 'ъ', 'ы', 'ь', 'э', 'ю', 'я'); $cyrylicTo = array('A', 'B', 'W', 'G', 'D', 'Ie', 'Io', 'Z', 'Z', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'F', 'Ch', 'C', 'Tch', 'Sh', 'Shtch', '', 'Y', '', 'E', 'Iu', 'Ia', 'a', 'b', 'w', 'g', 'd', 'ie', 'io', 'z', 'z', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'f', 'ch', 'c', 'tch', 'sh', 'shtch', '', 'y', '', 'e', 'iu', 'ia'); $from = array("Á", "À", "Â", "Ä", "Ă", "Ā", "Ã", "Å", "Ą", "Æ", "Ć", "Ċ", "Ĉ", "Č", "Ç", "Ď", "Đ", "Ð", "É", "È", "Ė", "Ê", "Ë", "Ě", "Ē", "Ę", "Ə", "Ġ", "Ĝ", "Ğ", "Ģ", "á", "à", "â", "ä", "ă", "ā", "ã", "å", "ą", "æ", "ć", "ċ", "ĉ", "č", "ç", "ď", "đ", "ð", "é", "è", "ė", "ê", "ë", "ě", "ē", "ę", "ə", "ġ", "ĝ", "ğ", "ģ", "Ĥ", "Ħ", "I", "Í", "Ì", "İ", "Î", "Ï", "Ī", "Į", "IJ", "Ĵ", "Ķ", "Ļ", "Ł", "Ń", "Ň", "Ñ", "Ņ", "Ó", "Ò", "Ô", "Ö", "Õ", "Ő", "Ø", "Ơ", "Œ", "ĥ", "ħ", "ı", "í", "ì", "i", "î", "ï", "ī", "į", "ij", "ĵ", "ķ", "ļ", "ł", "ń", "ň", "ñ", "ņ", "ó", "ò", "ô", "ö", "õ", "ő", "ø", "ơ", "œ", "Ŕ", "Ř", "Ś", "Ŝ", "Š", "Ş", "Ť", "Ţ", "Þ", "Ú", "Ù", "Û", "Ü", "Ŭ", "Ū", "Ů", "Ų", "Ű", "Ư", "Ŵ", "Ý", "Ŷ", "Ÿ", "Ź", "Ż", "Ž", "ŕ", "ř", "ś", "ŝ", "š", "ş", "ß", "ť", "ţ", "þ", "ú", "ù", "û", "ü", "ŭ", "ū", "ů", "ų", "ű", "ư", "ŵ", "ý", "ŷ", "ÿ", "ź", "ż", "ž"); $to = array("A", "A", "A", "AE", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "AE", "C", "C", "C", "C", "C", "D", "D", "D", "E", "E", "E", "E", "E", "E", "E", "E", "G", "G", "G", "G", "G", "a", "a", "a", "ae", "ae", "a", "a", "a", "a", "ae", "c", "c", "c", "c", "c", "d", "d", "d", "e", "e", "e", "e", "e", "e", "e", "e", "g", "g", "g", "g", "g", "H", "H", "I", "I", "I", "I", "I", "I", "I", "I", "IJ", "J", "K", "L", "L", "N", "N", "N", "N", "O", "O", "O", "OE", "O", "O", "O", "O", "CE", "h", "h", "i", "i", "i", "i", "i", "i", "i", "i", "ij", "j", "k", "l", "l", "n", "n", "n", "n", "o", "o", "o", "oe", "o", "o", "o", "o", "o", "R", "R", "S", "S", "S", "S", "T", "T", "T", "U", "U", "U", "UE", "U", "U", "U", "U", "U", "U", "W", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Z", "Z", "Z", "r", "r", "s", "s", "s", "s", "ss", "t", "t", "b", "u", "u", "u", "ue", "u", "u", "u", "u", "u", "u", "w", "y", "y", "y", "z", "z", "z"); $from = array_merge($from, $cyrylicFrom); $to = array_merge($to, $cyrylicTo); $newstring = str_replace($from, $to, $string); return $newstring; } function makeSlugs($string, $maxlen = 0) { $newStringTab = array(); $string = strtolower(noDiacritics($string)); if (function_exists('str_split')) { $stringTab = str_split($string); } else { $stringTab = my_str_split($string); } $numbers = array("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "-"); //$numbers=array("0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"); foreach ($stringTab as $letter) { if (in_array($letter, range("a", "z")) || in_array($letter, $numbers)) { $newStringTab[] = $letter; } elseif ($letter == " ") { $newStringTab[] = "-"; } } if (count($newStringTab)) { $newString = implode($newStringTab); if ($maxlen > 0) { $newString = substr($newString, 0, $maxlen); } $newString = removeDuplicates('--', '-', $newString); } else { $newString = ''; } return $newString; } function checkSlug($sSlug) { if (preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+[a-zA-Z0-9\-]*$/", $sSlug) == 1) { return true; } return false; } function removeDuplicates($sSearch, $sReplace, $sSubject) { $i = 0; do { $sSubject = str_replace($sSearch, $sReplace, $sSubject); $pos = strpos($sSubject, $sSearch); $i++; if ($i > 100) { die('removeDuplicates() loop error'); } } while ($pos !== false); return $sSubject; } $vesti_tag_slug = makeSlugs($string, $maxlen = '0'); /* /. SLUG */ So I want to have tags like: sport | fudbal | cetvrta-liga Can You help how can I get the links that You se above? Thanks in advanced! T So i have a blog that has the tags store in one field in my blog table. So tags are saved as this in each blog post with its respective tags.
Tags: john, carlos, the great tag, this is a tag
What i want to do is get random tags from each blog post and display them. I am not sure how i can begin to make this query. Do you guys have an idea on how to do this?
I have a file that is uploaded by the user that has a series of rows of data in an html table. The columns are always a constant, but the number of rows in the file can change. These rows of the html table are the only information in the file when I am processing it. I need to either convert the file to a CSV file or write the values to a CSV list so that I can then insert them into a database. Any suggestions would be wonderful...I've spent the last three hours spinning my wheels. Here is an example of one row of data from the file: Code: [Select] <tr><td bgcolor=#dddddd class=dataFT >5 (Excellent)</td><td bgcolor=#dddddd class=dataFT >5 (Excellent)</td><td bgcolor=#dddddd class=dataFT >5 (Excellent)</td><td bgcolor=#dddddd class=dataFT > </td><td bgcolor=#dddddd class=dataFT > </td><td bgcolor=#dddddd class=dataFT >DATA</td><td bgcolor=#dddddd class=dataFT >1015020</td><td bgcolor=#dddddd class=dataFT >155498322</td><td bgcolor=#dddddd class=dataFT >DATA</td><td bgcolor=#dddddd class=dataFT >4731751</td><td bgcolor=#dddddd class=dataFT >2011-09-25 11:18:33 (-5:00)</td><td bgcolor=#dddddd class=dataFT >2011-09-25 12:16:50 (-5:00)</td><td bgcolor=#dddddd class=dataFT >0:58:17</td><td bgcolor=#dddddd class=dataFT >0:58:16</td><td bgcolor=#dddddd class=dataFT >DATA</td><td bgcolor=#dddddd class=dataFT >DATA</td><td bgcolor=#dddddd class=dataFT >DATA</td><td bgcolor=#dddddd class=dataFT >Resolved</td></tr> Hi Guys I'm returning to programming after 5 years, almost a newbie. I have a field(column) in a MySQL database table that has strings of characters separated by a delimiter (||). For example: (TOM||PAUL||HARRIS) I would like to separate the strings into an array. Something like this: ARRAY[0] = 'TOM'; ARRAY[1]='PAUL'; ARRAY[3]='HARRIS'; Can some one tell me how to do this? TIA. I am trying to give role based access here. I want to display the pages which user has access in checkbox format. Here is my code $sql = "SELECT p.page_id AS pid,, p.href, ra.pages AS rpage FROM pages p INNER JOIN role_access ra WHERE p.page_id IN ( AND ra.role=1"; $query = mysqli_query($con, $sql) or die(mysqli_error($con)); $checked_arr = array(); while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($query)) { $checked_arr = explode(",",$row['rpage']); foreach ($checked_arr as $page) { echo "<br/><input type='checkbox' name=\"pages[]\" value='$page' />$page<br>"; } My tables are like this ROLE CREATE TABLE `role` ( `rid` int(5) NOT NULL, `role_name` varchar(50) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; INSERT INTO `role` (`rid`, `role_name`) VALUES (1, 'Admin'), (2, 'Others'); ALTER TABLE `role` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`rid`); ROLE-ACCESS CREATE TABLE `role_access` ( `id` int(10) NOT NULL, `page` varchar(160) NOT NULL, `role` int(7) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; INSERT INTO `role_access` (`id`, `page`, `role`) VALUES (1, '1,2,3,4,5', 1), (2, '2,4,5', 2); ALTER TABLE `role_access` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); PAGES CREATE TABLE `pages` ( `page_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `code` varchar(10) NOT NULL, `page` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `href` varchar(255) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; INSERT INTO `pages` (`page_id`, `code`, `page`, `href`) VALUES (1, 'Patient', 'Registration', '/patient_registration.php'), (2, 'Patient', 'List', '/patient_list.php'), (3, 'Patient', 'Edit', '/edit_patient.php'), (4, 'Patient', 'Export', '/export_patient.php'), (5, 'Patient', 'MRD', '/patient_MRD.php'); ALTER TABLE `pages` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`page_id`);
In above query i get result like this
But required result is
if i change checkbox display like while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($query)) { $checked_arr = explode(",",$row['rpage']); $pname = $row['page']; foreach ($checked_arr as $page) { echo "<br/><input type='checkbox' name=\"pages[]\" value='$page' />$pname<br>"; } } i get result
How to get the names for that file.
good day here! I'm new in php, and i want to save diff array at the same time. is it possible? if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $user_Id = $_POST['user_Id']; $se_Id = $_POST['se_Id']; $status = $_POST['status']; foreach ($_POST['user_Id'] as $user_Id) <-- this is working, but I want to include the other array { mysql_query("INSERT tbl_data (user_Id,se_Id,status) VALUES ('$user_Id','$se_Id,'$status'')") or die(mysql_error()); } } help me guys. Is there a way to take data that is listed like a,b,c,d,e and turn that into an unordered list? Basically, I'm going to have a list of schools that will be listed with comma separators. I'll print that data out in two places, one will be printed as it's in the database. The other I would like to echo as an unordered list. So I'm querying my database to add the results (mapID's) into a PHP array. The MySQL query I used in the below code would usually return 10 values (only 10 mapID's in the database) Code: [Select] while($data = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT mapID FROM maps"))){ $sqlsearchdata[] = $data['mapID']; } Instead the page takes ages to load then gives this error: Quote Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 16 bytes) It says the error begins on the first line of the above code. I'm assuming this is not the right way to add the value from the MySQL array into a normal PHP array. Can anyone help me? Hey, my code doesnt work and I dont know why: $update_weed_world_data_sql = "SELECT weed_factor, weed_basis FROM worlds"; $update_weed_world_data_res = mysql_query($update_weed_world_data_sql) OR DIE (mysql_error()); while($update_weed_world_data_while = mysql_fetch_assoc($update_weed_world_data_res)){ $update_weed_world_basis[''.$update_weed_world_data_while['id'].''] = $update_weed_world_data_while['weed_basis']; $update_weed_world_factor[''.$update_weed_world_data_while['id'].''] = $update_weed_world_data_while['weed_factor']; } I want to save some rows in variables identifiable by the value in the array. As example. When I want to echo $update_weed_world_factor['1'] - I want to get the row with ID 1 and the column "world_factor". I've used this code long time ago - but know something was going wrong. Thanks for helping :-) Hi, I'm trying to save data from an array to database but something is wrong. This is from i send data, as you see im using arrays [] because the user have the posibility to clone the row <div class="box-body"> <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-sm-2">Student</label> <div class="col-sm-10"> <table id="table" border="1" bordercolor="#00acc1"> <thead> <tr> <th><p>Name</p></th> <th><p>Mode</p></th> <th><p>Sport</p></th> <th> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td><select style="width:325px" name="Name[]" class="form-control"> <option value="">Select</option> <?php $search = "SELECT * FROM prof"; $data = $connect->prepare($search); $data->execute(); while($re=$data -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){ echo "<option value = '".$re['id']."'>"; echo $re['n_prof'].' '.$re['ap_prof'];} ?> </select> </td> <td> <select class="form-control" name="mode[]" style="width:150px" /> <option value="">Select</option> <option value="Administrator">Administrator</option> <option value="Scholar">Scholar</option> <option value="External student">External student</option> <option value="Thesis">Thesis</option> <option value="Voluntary">Voluntary</option> </select> </td> <td> <select class="form-control" name="Sport[]" style="width:150px" /> <option value="">Select</option> <option value="Football">Football</option> <option value="Baseball">Baseball</option> <option value="Swimming">Swimming</option> <option value="Horse riding">Horse riding</option> <option value="basketball">basketball</option> </select> </td> <td class="Delete">Delete</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <input type="button" id="add" value="+ add student" class="btn btn-primary"/> </div> </div> </div> my db.table is like this id | name | mode | sport | idstudent_fk And Im using an algorithm to read the array and every time can save every row, but im usind PDO and im having problems try{ here i insert data in a table here i got the last id from that table then ... if($_POST['name']!="" and $_POST['mode']!="" and $_POST['sport']!=""){ if(is_array($_POST['name'])){ while(list($key, $name) = each($_POST['name']) and list($val,$mode) = each($_POST['mode']) and list($id, $sport) = each($_POST['sport'])){ $sql = "INSERT INTO sports(id_studentfk, mode_stu, sport, id_projfk) values(:value, :mode, :sport, :lastid)"; $statement = $connect ->prepare($sql); $statement -> bindParam(':name', $name, PDO::PARAM_INT); $statement -> bindParam(':mode', $mode, PDO::PARAM_STR); $statement -> bindParam(':sport', $sport, PDO::PARAM_STR); $statement -> bindParam(':lastid', $lastid, PDO::PARAM_INT); $pdoExec = $statement -> execute(); } }//end if array }//end if post } catch (PDOException $e) { print 'ERROR: '. $e->getMessage(); print '<br/>Data Not Inserted'; } the idea is creating a loop to read the array and every time can insert data. Im using PDO this time is not working, im geeting this error
ERROR: SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: parameter was not defined I hope someone can help me to solve this
Hey all.. I'm trying to pick up PHP by reading ebooks and follow tutorials. I am now busy with creating a thumbnailgallery from uploaded pics per user. I want to let the visitor scroll through a row of thumbnails by clicking next or previous. There are 3 different rows of thumbnails. Here's how it looks like: <<previous (row1 of 6thumbnails) next>> <<previous (row2 of 6thumbnails) next>> <<previous (row3..... ) next>> when page loads mysql fetches rows of information for the filenames...then there is a foreach row loop that does first a do ..while loop to build up the thumbnailrows...and then creates the navigation links previous and next who send the "page"+1 or "page"-1 to _GET array so that the thumbnail 7 until 12 will be shown. The problem i run into is that i want the main code page to remember at which "page" of scrolling through the thumnails he is. Now it is that when a user scrolls one row of thumbnails and stops at the 3rd "page" of it and then clicks on a different row to go to "page" 2 of that row that all the rows jump together back to "page" 1. I thought there may be a solution in storing the number of row and the number of page into an array but can't seem to find a solution.... Has anybody got experience in this? Help would be very welcome i'm totally stuck and cant read about it in tutorials/ebooks.... greets from holland.. GJ I have a kind of search and react on my site. The user can search for a number in a column as below $search = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $_POST["query"]); $query = "SELECT * FROM $table[$i] WHERE oemnr LIKE '".$search."%' ORDER BY model";
The code works fine but I want to expand the function to get match for other numbers also. The oemnr column today can be 12345 which shows up if the user type 12.... I want to expand the oemnr column as 12345/03124/34713, numbers separated with / or another character. If the user type 03... or 34... I want to find and show 12345 because it is on the same row and corresponds to the numbers on the same row. Is it possible to do in mysql? In php that kind of operation can be done with the explode function but I don't know how to use with mysql. Edited February 14 by jiggaHello everyone, Sorry if this has been answered but if it has I can't find it anywhere. So, from the begining then. Lets say I had a member table and in it I wanted to store what their top 3 interests are. Their$ row has all the usual things to identify them userID and password etc.. and I had a further 3 columns which were labled top3_1 top3_2 & top3_3 to put each of their interests in from a post form. If instead I wanted to store this data as a PHP Array instead (using 1 column instead of 3) is there a way to store it as readable data when you open the PHPmyadmin? At the moment all it says is array and when I call it back to the browser (say on a page where they could review and update their interests) it displays 'a' as top3_01 'r' as top3_02 and 'r' as top3_03 (in each putting what would be 'array' as it appears in the table if there were 5 results. Does anyone know what I mean? For example - If we had a form which collected the top 3 interests to put in a table called users, Code: [Select] <form action="back_to_same_page_for_processing.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input name="top3_01" type="text" value="enter interest number 1 here" /> <input name="top3_02" type="text" value="enter interest number 2 here" /> <input name="top3_03" type="text" value="enter interest number 3 here" /> <input type="submit" name="update_button" value=" Save and Update! " /> </form> // If my quick code example for this form is not correct dont worry its not the point im getting at :) And they put 'bowling' in top3_01, 'running' in top3_02 and 'diving' in top3_03 and we catch that on the same page with some PHP at the top --> Code: [Select] if (isset($_POST)['update_button']) { $top3_01 = $_POST['top3_01']; // i.e, 'bowling' changing POST vars to local vars $top3_02 = $_POST['top3_02']; // i.e, 'running' $top3_03 = $_POST['top3_03']; // i.e, 'diving' With me so far? If I had a table which had 3 columns (1 for each interest) I could put something like - Code: [Select] include('connect_msql.php'); mysql_query("Select * FROM users WHERE id='$id' AND blah blah blah"); mysql_query("UPDATE users SET top3_01='$top3_01', top3_02='$top3_02', top3_03='$top3_03' WHERE id='$id'"); And hopefully if ive got it right, it will put them each in their own little column. Easy enough huh? But heres the thing, I want to put all these into an array to be stored in the 1 column (say called 'top3') and whats more have them clearly readable in PHPmyadmin and editable from there yet still be able to be called back an rendered on page when requested. Continuing the example then, assuming ive changed the table for the 'top3' column instead of individual colums, I could put something like this - Code: [Select] if (isset($_POST)['update_button']) { $top3_01 = $_POST['top3_01']; // i.e, 'bowling' changing POST vars to local vars $top3_02 = $_POST['top3_02']; // i.e, 'running' $top3_03 = $_POST['top3_03']; // i.e, 'diving' $top3_array = array($top3_01,$top3_02,$top3_03); include('connect_msql.php'); mysql_query("UPDATE members SET top3='$top3_array' WHERE id='$id' AND blah blah blah"); But it will appear in the column as 'Array' and when its called for using a query it will render the literal string. a r r in each field instead. Now I know you can use the 'serialize()' & 'unserialize()' funtcions but it makes the entry in the database practically unreadable. Is there a way to make it readable and editable without having to create a content management system? If so please let me know and I'll be your friend forever, lol, ok maybe not but I'd really appreciate the help anyways. The other thing is, If you can do this or something like it, how am I to add entries to that array to go back into the data base? I hope ive explained myself enough here, but if not say so and I'll have another go. Thanks very much people, L-PLate (P.s if I sort this out on my own ill post it all here) Hi Guys, I have been racking my brain all of today trying to get this to work, im pretty new to it all! What im trying to do is use the following code whcih works fine and returns all the correct information in an Array, and insert this into a MySQL DB. Can anyone point me in the right direction? foreach($html->find('div.rsshelper') as $article) { $item['title'] = $article->find('div.prodlistboxbg', 0)->plaintext; $item['link'] = $article->find('.prodimgurl', 0)->href; $item['image_url'] = $article->find('.image-thumb', 0)->src; $item['old_price'] = $article->find('span.text-pricestrike', 0)->plaintext; $item['current_price'] = $article->find('span.text-pricespecial', 0)->plaintext; $item['saving'] = $article->find('span.price-percentage', 0)->plaintext; $articles[] = $item; } print_r($articles); This is the code that generates the Array with the given data. I know how to connect to the DB but how do I get each row into each row of the DB? Thanks Rory |