PHP - Searching For A Given Value In An Array.
Hi there,
I'm working on PHP webform and I have a variable called $weightInfo which has the value 5000|6000 Now I have a list of Arrays and I would like to see if our variable value (i.e 5000|6000) is in that list of Array: Here is the ArrayList: $WeightArray = array('' => '', '0|100' => '100g or Less', '101|250' => '101g to 250g', '251|500' => '251g to 500g', '501|1000' => '501g to 1kg', '1000|2000' => '1kg to 2kg', '2000|3000' => '2kg to 3kg', '3000|4000' => '3kg to 4kg', '4000|5000' => '4kg to 5kg', '5000|6000' => '5kg to 6kg', '6000|7000' => '6kg to 7kg', '7000|8000' => '7kg to 8kg', '8000|9000' => '8kg to 9kg', '9000|10000' => '9kg to 10kg', 'customValues' => 'Custom Values' ); Now as we can see, in this ArrayList, there is that value 5000|6000. How do we find this through code, do we need some kind of looping or how do we check it. Kindly reply. Thank you Similar TutorialsI am including my test.php for other to run. I have a very large array of concatenated hash values. I have another array that contains the first 8 hash values of the other array. I have a function to locate them in the larger array. Depending on their index value I then choose the index of the value before or behind them for adding to something else later. This 'computeWalk' method works for small arrays but for larger arrays I notice duplicates or errors with larger ones. For example. The first array returns: Array ( => 1 [1] => 18 [2] => 18 [3] => 35 [4] => 33 [5] => 33 ) The values for i's to get each of these values are I = 0 I = 19 I = 29 I = 34 I = 37 I = 39 Walking through the method by hand, 0%2 = 0 So the first element of the array will be 1. CORRECT. 19%2 = 1 So the next element will be 18. CORRECT. 29%2 = 1 The next element should be 28. It returns 18. 34%2 = 0 The next element will be 35. Correct. 37%2 = 1 The next element should be 36. It returns 33. 39%2 = 1 The next element should be 38. It returns 33. I am not sure why it's doing the above. I also tried array_search and it computed it the same way. Would appreciate any help. <?php $arrayTree = array(); $arrayTree[0] = "9d027b1c4068d81287c9170f4b291387f8327eb7"; $arrayTree[1] = "4c8fabdc24c2d8205db916a22e9459195833a272"; $arrayTree[2] = "209526afab9e85b54e1832a820a7f578b7760af0"; $arrayTree[3] = "59d6926525e941edca99493b2b2a4f0a6efcb757"; $arrayTree[4] = "c8b49b8e414a09ddb693c580ecdfa6793c845f9d"; $arrayTree[5] = "b207bea6c4833d90f6ee4e694ffb148c046b0eb3"; $arrayTree[6] = "6d72a84b3aefbd3766078ed17a19aebb0c4ae026"; $arrayTree[7] = "b00207b8944520ea3817334615a7cdbf8214232a"; $arrayTree[8] = "d934f53af9bee26f35df7206dc06211778996986"; $arrayTree[9] = "de2ecd02fd017b0311dbfe589b5faa7954ced196"; $arrayTree[10] = "7d9752d09d3097fac748b6767472f9b69a65ed2e"; $arrayTree[11] = "62630fe109b42747b4c53065ec96aabf7b14d7b6"; $arrayTree[12] = "d727b5b8ffaeadbac75123801c270fd65f19251c"; $arrayTree[13] = "e39a9141fd9ce9426e88f30b6f245fdbb8f887a5"; $arrayTree[14] = "85fe053baa7ccf469c440a7dd98381228a0c52c3"; $arrayTree[15] = "6199634d410d0c91fd6ff99af9eabd5a1c7911de"; $arrayTree[16] = "af594de7d539519445013b7c87f02edbf3c44653"; $arrayTree[17] = "b6eb6dab75d092f4be345925ccbf87ff1e17fc31"; $arrayTree[18] = "2163ca6b0a608242712af82a81599f1f95c26dee"; $arrayTree[19] = "9d027b1c4068d81287c9170f4b291387f8327eb74c8fabdc24c2d8205db916a22e9459195833a272"; $arrayTree[20] = "209526afab9e85b54e1832a820a7f578b7760af059d6926525e941edca99493b2b2a4f0a6efcb757"; $arrayTree[21] = "c8b49b8e414a09ddb693c580ecdfa6793c845f9db207bea6c4833d90f6ee4e694ffb148c046b0eb3"; $arrayTree[22] = "6d72a84b3aefbd3766078ed17a19aebb0c4ae026b00207b8944520ea3817334615a7cdbf8214232a"; $arrayTree[23] = "d934f53af9bee26f35df7206dc06211778996986de2ecd02fd017b0311dbfe589b5faa7954ced196"; $arrayTree[24] = "7d9752d09d3097fac748b6767472f9b69a65ed2e62630fe109b42747b4c53065ec96aabf7b14d7b6"; $arrayTree[25] = "d727b5b8ffaeadbac75123801c270fd65f19251ce39a9141fd9ce9426e88f30b6f245fdbb8f887a5"; $arrayTree[26] = "85fe053baa7ccf469c440a7dd98381228a0c52c36199634d410d0c91fd6ff99af9eabd5a1c7911de"; $arrayTree[27] = "af594de7d539519445013b7c87f02edbf3c44653b6eb6dab75d092f4be345925ccbf87ff1e17fc31"; $arrayTree[28] = "2163ca6b0a608242712af82a81599f1f95c26dee"; $arrayTree[29] = "9d027b1c4068d81287c9170f4b291387f8327eb74c8fabdc24c2d8205db916a22e9459195833a272209526afab9e85b54e1832a820a7f578b7760af059d6926525e941edca99493b2b2a4f0a6efcb757"; $arrayTree[30] = "c8b49b8e414a09ddb693c580ecdfa6793c845f9db207bea6c4833d90f6ee4e694ffb148c046b0eb36d72a84b3aefbd3766078ed17a19aebb0c4ae026b00207b8944520ea3817334615a7cdbf8214232a"; $arrayTree[31] = "d934f53af9bee26f35df7206dc06211778996986de2ecd02fd017b0311dbfe589b5faa7954ced1967d9752d09d3097fac748b6767472f9b69a65ed2e62630fe109b42747b4c53065ec96aabf7b14d7b6"; $arrayTree[32] = "d727b5b8ffaeadbac75123801c270fd65f19251ce39a9141fd9ce9426e88f30b6f245fdbb8f887a585fe053baa7ccf469c440a7dd98381228a0c52c36199634d410d0c91fd6ff99af9eabd5a1c7911de"; $arrayTree[33] = "af594de7d539519445013b7c87f02edbf3c44653b6eb6dab75d092f4be345925ccbf87ff1e17fc312163ca6b0a608242712af82a81599f1f95c26dee"; $arrayTree[34] = "9d027b1c4068d81287c9170f4b291387f8327eb74c8fabdc24c2d8205db916a22e9459195833a272209526afab9e85b54e1832a820a7f578b7760af059d6926525e941edca99493b2b2a4f0a6efcb757c8b49b8e414a09ddb693c580ecdfa6793c845f9db207bea6c4833d90f6ee4e694ffb148c046b0eb36d72a84b3aefbd3766078ed17a19aebb0c4ae026b00207b8944520ea3817334615a7cdbf8214232a"; $arrayTree[35] = "d934f53af9bee26f35df7206dc06211778996986de2ecd02fd017b0311dbfe589b5faa7954ced1967d9752d09d3097fac748b6767472f9b69a65ed2e62630fe109b42747b4c53065ec96aabf7b14d7b6d727b5b8ffaeadbac75123801c270fd65f19251ce39a9141fd9ce9426e88f30b6f245fdbb8f887a585fe053baa7ccf469c440a7dd98381228a0c52c36199634d410d0c91fd6ff99af9eabd5a1c7911de"; $arrayTree[36] = "af594de7d539519445013b7c87f02edbf3c44653b6eb6dab75d092f4be345925ccbf87ff1e17fc312163ca6b0a608242712af82a81599f1f95c26dee"; $arrayTree[37] = "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"; $arrayTree[38] = "af594de7d539519445013b7c87f02edbf3c44653b6eb6dab75d092f4be345925ccbf87ff1e17fc312163ca6b0a608242712af82a81599f1f95c26dee"; $arrayTree[39] = "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"; $arrayTree[40] = "54u58rfhfheyrr4gfdtfvgw36tr36"; $arrayTree[41] = "54u58rfhfheyrr4gfdtfvgw36tr369d027b1c4068d81287c9170f4b291387f8327eb74c8fabdc24c2d8205db916a22e9459195833a272209526afab9e85b54e1832a820a7f578b7760af059d6926525e941edca99493b2b2a4f0a6efcb757c8b49b8e414a09ddb693c580ecdfa6793c845f9db207bea6c4833d90f6ee4e694ffb148c046b0eb36d72a84b3aefbd3766078ed17a19aebb0c4ae026b00207b8944520ea3817334615a7cdbf8214232ad934f53af9bee26f35df7206dc06211778996986de2ecd02fd017b0311dbfe589b5faa7954ced1967d9752d09d3097fac748b6767472f9b69a65ed2e62630fe109b42747b4c53065ec96aabf7b14d7b6d727b5b8ffaeadbac75123801c270fd65f19251ce39a9141fd9ce9426e88f30b6f245fdbb8f887a585fe053baa7ccf469c440a7dd98381228a0c52c36199634d410d0c91fd6ff99af9eabd5a1c7911deaf594de7d539519445013b7c87f02edbf3c44653b6eb6dab75d092f4be345925ccbf87ff1e17fc312163ca6b0a608242712af82a81599f1f95c26dee"; $arrayDocs = array(); $arrayDocs[0] = "9d027b1c4068d81287c9170f4b291387f8327eb7"; $arrayDocs[1] = "4c8fabdc24c2d8205db916a22e9459195833a272"; $arrayDocs[2] = "209526afab9e85b54e1832a820a7f578b7760af0"; $arrayDocs[3] = "59d6926525e941edca99493b2b2a4f0a6efcb757"; $arrayDocs[4] = "c8b49b8e414a09ddb693c580ecdfa6793c845f9d"; $arrayDocs[5] = "b207bea6c4833d90f6ee4e694ffb148c046b0eb3"; $arrayDocs[6] = "6d72a84b3aefbd3766078ed17a19aebb0c4ae026"; $arrayDocs[7] = "b00207b8944520ea3817334615a7cdbf8214232a"; $arrayDocs[8] = "d934f53af9bee26f35df7206dc06211778996986"; $arrayDocs[9] = "de2ecd02fd017b0311dbfe589b5faa7954ced196"; $arrayDocs[10] = "7d9752d09d3097fac748b6767472f9b69a65ed2e"; $arrayDocs[11] = "62630fe109b42747b4c53065ec96aabf7b14d7b6"; $arrayDocs[12] = "d727b5b8ffaeadbac75123801c270fd65f19251c"; $arrayDocs[13] = "e39a9141fd9ce9426e88f30b6f245fdbb8f887a5"; $arrayDocs[14] = "85fe053baa7ccf469c440a7dd98381228a0c52c3"; $arrayDocs[15] = "6199634d410d0c91fd6ff99af9eabd5a1c7911de"; $arrayDocs[16] = "af594de7d539519445013b7c87f02edbf3c44653"; $arrayDocs[17] = "b6eb6dab75d092f4be345925ccbf87ff1e17fc31"; $arrayDocs[18] = "2163ca6b0a608242712af82a81599f1f95c26dee"; foreach($arrayDocs as $doc) { $bitIndex = computeWalk($arrayTree, $doc); echo "<br/>"; print_r($bitIndex); echo "<br/>"; } function computeWalk($array, $needle) { $result = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($array) - 1; $i++) { if (false !== strpos($array[$i], $needle)) { echo " I = ".$i; if ($i % 2 == 0) { $result[] = getItemIndex($array[$i + 1], $array); } else { $result[] = getItemIndex($array[$i - 1], $array); } } } return $result; } function getItemIndex($item, $array) { $myPosition=-1; for ($i = 0; $i<count($array)-1; $i++) { if($array[$i]==$item) { $myPosition = $i; break; } } return $myPosition; } ?> I am having trouble searching for an item in a multi-dimensional array. Is there a way to search only one column in a multi-dimensional array? i.e: MULTI-DIMENSIONAL ARRAY ID Name DataTable 0 John Employee 1 Dan Employee 2 Matt Boss 3 Becky Supervisor Is there a way to only search the column "Name"(Column 2) using array_search() or similar? (i.e array_search("John",$ARRAY[Column2]) The help would be very much appreciated! Cheers, Dan Hey guys, im trying to select only certain rows that matchs the address in a array. Not sure how to do this This is making the array $siege_check3 = "SELECT address FROM planets WHERE siege='".mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['goauld'])."'"; $siege_check2 = mysql_query($siege_check3) or die(mysql_error()); $arr = array(); while($siege_check1 = mysql_fetch_array($siege_check2)) { $siege_planets = $siege_check1['address']; $arr[] = $siege_planets; } Then I want to AND grab rows where defender_planet equals one of the address in the array above tried using in_array but telling me its not a valid function $alert3 = "SELECT * FROM travel WHERE defender_id = '" .($_SESSION['user_id'])."' AND stance = 2 AND stealth_tech < '".($stealth_tech)."' AND address= in_array(defender_planet,$arr) ORDER BY arrived_time DESC"; $alert2 = mysql_query($alert3) or die(mysql_error()); while($alert1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($alert2)) { } I have a array of file path strings and trying to search the array for a string that would be the end of the path sting and return the index of the file path that contains the string. I've tried using something like this, but it finds the keyword in anyplace in the file path. I've also tried strripos() as well with the same results. Any suggestions? function array_search_partial($arr, $keyword) { foreach ($arr as $index => $string) { if(strpos($string, $keyword) !== FALSE) { return $index; } } }
Hi guys, I'm trying to search an array to show if a user is attending an event ID and output "You are attending this event". I need to search the array 'data', then all the numbers, then check if the 'id' matches and if they 'attending' or 'not attending'. I have figured out how to search the array using: <?php echo ((in_array('107510232628186', $movies['data'][]['id']))? 'You are attending the event' : 'You are not attending the event'); ?> but it only outputs an error as I don't know how to search all the middle numbered arrays. Here is my array: Code: [Select] Array ( [data] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Test2 [id] => 137233316308949 [rsvp_status] => attending ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Party Animals [id] => 107510232628186 [rsvp_status] => attending ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Ibiza Opening Party @ EDEN [TICKETS] [id] => 111456325542560 [rsvp_status] => attending ) ) Think I'm probably missing a trick here, as it seems like it should be simple! Hope someone can help Hi all, I'm a first time poster here and I would really appreciate some guidance with my latest php challenge! I've spent the entire day googling and reading and to be honest I think I'm really over my head and need the assistance of someone experienced to advise the best way to go! I have a multi dimensional array that looks like (see below); the array is created by CodeIgniter's database library (the rows returned from a select query) but I think this is a generic PHP question as opposed to having anything to do with CI because it related to working with arrays. I'm wondering how I might go about searching the array below for the key problem_id and a value equal to a variable which I would provide. Then, when it finds an array with a the matching key and variable, it outputs the other values in that part of the array too. For example, using the sample data below. How would you recommend that I search the array for all the arrays that have the key problem_id and the value 3 and then have it output the value of the key problem_update_date and the value of the key problem_update_text. Then keep searching to find the next occurrence? Thanks in advance, as above, I've been searching really hard for the answer and believe i'm over my head! Output of print_r($updates); CI_DB_mysql_result Object ( [conn_id] => Resource id #30 [result_id] => Resource id #35 [result_array] => Array ( ) [result_object] => Array ( ) [current_row] => 0 [num_rows] => 5 [row_data] => ) Output of print_r($updates->result_array()); Array ( [0] => Array ( [problem_update_id] => 1 [problem_id] => 3 [problem_update_date] => 2010-10-01 [problem_update_text] => Some details about a paricular issue [problem_update_active] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [problem_update_id] => 4 [problem_id] => 3 [problem_update_date] => 2010-10-01 [problem_update_text] => Another update about the problem with an ID of 3 [problem_update_active] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [problem_update_id] => 5 [problem_id] => 4 [problem_update_date] => 2010-10-12 [problem_update_text] => An update about the problem with an ID of four [problem_update_active] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [problem_update_id] => 6 [problem_id] => 4 [problem_update_date] => 2010-10-12 [problem_update_text] => An update about the problem with an ID of 6 [problem_update_active] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [problem_update_id] => 7 [problem_id] => 3 [problem_update_date] => 2010-10-12 [problem_update_text] => Some new update about the problem with the ID of 3 [problem_update_active] => 1 ) ) Hi, I want to create a search which uses the 'title' of my 'product' table and matches the terms the user has submitted. At the moment, my products are displaying one by one. For example, I have an apple and apricot in my table. The user searches 'a' and the search results show 'apple' but not apricot. Here's my code: Code: [Select] <?php require_once('inc/'); # /* * This is the search content module. * This page is included by index.php. * This page expects to receive $_GET['terms']. */ // Redirect if this page was accessed directly: if (!defined('BASE_URL')) { // Need the BASE_URL, defined in the config file: require_once ('../includes/'); // Redirect to the index page: $url = BASE_URL . 'index.php?p=search'; // Pass along search terms? if (isset($_GET['terms'])) { $url .= '&terms=' . urlencode($_GET['terms']); } header ("Location: $url"); exit; } // End of defined() IF. // Print a caption: echo '<h2>Search Results</h2>'; // Display the search results if the form // has been submitted. if (isset($_GET['terms']) && ($_GET['terms'] != 'Search...') ) { $terms = $_GET['terms']; $dbc = mysqli_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME) or die *('Error connecting to MySQL server'); // Query the database. $query = "SELECT * FROM product WHERE title LIKE '%$terms%'"; $result = mysqli_query($dbc, $query); // Fetch the results. $row = mysqli_fetch_array($result); // Print the results: $output[] = '<ul>'; $output[] = '<li>'.$row['title'] .': £'.$row['price'].'<br /><img src="'.$row['img'].'" alt="'.$row['title'].'" /></li>'; $output[] = '</ul>'; echo join('',$output); } else { // Tell them to use the search form. echo '<p class="error">Please use the search form at the top of the window to search this site.</p>'; } ?> A friend told me I need to use a for-each loop but I can't figure it out. Any help is appreciated, thanks for reading. Hi im really confused and annoyed Im making a real estate website and im stuck ont eh searching for a house part. Im trying to set up some searches on the different parts of the house usign text boxes for area and postcode and drop boxes for type and bedrooms and bathrooms i now you have to set up a form with input type text and then call it a name use get/post on a php side and then $_POST['search']; But i dnt seem to be able to make a search was hoping someone was kind enough to knock me up some quick code so it is functional and makbe i can work from it A;so any help towards searching using dropboxes would be awsume and if i have 2 boxes for price upper and lower how would this work Much appreciated So I've full text indexed the columns I want searchable: I have some rows inserted: Yet when I run a match() against(), I get 0 results: If I do: Code: [Select] SELECT * FROM video WHERE MATCH (name) AGAINST ('test') I get 2 results. Why does that work, yet keywords don't? Ok I have a set of PDF files that i need to be searchable. My question how do i go about doing this. Can this be achieved with php or do a need to do something else? I'm having some trouble with a GET search code; everything works until the stringresult but then it dies to Error Querying Database Code: [Select] <html> <body> <?php //Get sort setting and search terms from URL with GET $usersearch = $_GET['usersearch']; echo 'Search word: ' . $usersearch; echo '<br>'; require_once("dbvars.php"); //Connect to Database $dbc = mysqli_connect (DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PW, DB_NAME) or die ("Error connecting to database."); //Build the Query $query = "SELECT * FROM customers" . 'WHERE customers.given_name=\'' . $usersearch . '\''; echo $query; //Execute the Query $result = mysqli_query($dbc, $query) or die ("Error querying database."); //Create the Table Headings echo '<table border="1"><tr>'; echo '<td><b>First Name</b></td>'; echo '<td><b>Last Name</b></td>'; echo '<td><b>Address</b></td>'; echo '<td><b>City</b></td>'; echo '<td><b>Province</b></td>'; echo '<td><b>Postal Code</b></td>'; echo '<td><b>Phone Number</b></td>'; echo '</tr>'; //Display Results through Array Loop While ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { echo '<tr><td>' . $row['given_name'] . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . $row['surname'] . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . $row['address'] . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . $row['city'] . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . $row['province'] . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . $row['postal_code'] . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . $row['phone_number'] . '</td></tr>'; } '</table>'; // Close the database connection mysqli_close($dbc); ?> <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="get"> <input name="usersearch" type="text" size="30" /> <input name="submit" type="submit" value="go" /> </form> </body> </html> I've been reading a few tutorials on how the best way to search key words in a database and at the moment im trying to get this query to work but its coming back with a error:
#1191 - Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column listquery: SELECT title, description FROM items WHERE MATCH(title, description) AGAINST('xbox')any help or advise on how the best way to search 2 columns on matching words...thank you I am trying to perform a search but it doesn't see to pass through i thing its because of this \ does any one know how i can pass this trought to search in mysql table 12\019PB (i cant search this item) Code: [Select] $searchlading = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['searchlading']) ; // get the query for the search engine (if applicable) $trimmed = trim($searchlading); //trim whitespace from the stored variable //query for pedimento $sql_ped = "SELECT order_id, bill_of_lading, pedimento_num FROM `".TABLE_ORDERS."` WHERE bill_of_lading LIKE '%$trimmed%'"; Hi, as a newbee i'm trying to figure this code out: $search = get_the_title(); $lines = file('links.txt'); // Store true when the text is found $found = false; foreach($lines as $line) { if(strpos($line, $search) !== false) { $found = true; echo $line,"<br/>"; } } // If the text was not found, show a message if(!$found) { echo 'not found'; links.txt file contains links like: <a href=" word or file to search" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">The word or file to search</a> I just want to search the this part: ( ">The word or file to search</a> ) of the url then return it as an clickable url and also limit search results to 3. Could somebody help me which code and where to put in php code above? Thanks in advance. I have a text string and I need to find the value that appears after a certain value: Value that appears after "XXX:" "Test 123 Hello XXX: 1 Test 555"; So the value would be "1" Any ideas? Hi everyone,
I've got a simple script that is searching for the results of running races in a database.
Searching for a finisher's position works perfectly with this script:
$position = $_POST['position']; $pos_operator = $_POST['pos_operator']; if ($pos_operator == '=' && $position != '' ) { $where .= " AND position='$position'"; } if ($pos_operator == '<' && $position != '' ) { $where .= " AND position<'$position'"; }$position refers to a text field in the form where the user can type in a digit. $pos_operator refers to a text field in the form where a user can select = or < However, when I try to do a similar thing with time, I'm not getting the expected results. $time_stated = strtotime($_POST['time_stated']); if ($time_stated != '' ) { $where .= " AND time < '$time_stated'"; }$time_stated refers to a text field where the user is asked to look for a time less than the time they input in xx:xx:xx format. I tried this with and without the strtotime Any tips? Cheers, Dave hey guys, im new to all this php stuff. I have a project in this semester to create an HR contract system for the university, here are my requirements: 1. Add Contracts 2. Delete Contracts 3. Edit Contracts 4. View Contracts 5. Search Contracts i have done all the 4 options but now im stuck in the 5th option. i have to use checkboxes filters for search and first and the last name fields. here is my form code <form method="post" action="searchCode.php"> First Name: <input name="name" type="text" id="name" /> Middle Name: <input name="mname" id="mname" type="text" /> Last Name: <input name="lname" id="lname" type="text" /> Date: <input type="text" name="date" id="currentdate" /> <input type="checkbox" name="gender[]" value="male" />Male<br /> <input type="checkbox" name="gender[]" value="female" />Female <input name="desig[]" type="checkbox" value="lecturar"/>Lecturar <input type="checkbox" name="desig[]" value="professor" />Professor <input type="checkbox" name="desig[]" value="assistantProfessor" />Assistant Professor <input type="checkbox" name="desig[]" value="associateProfessor" />Associate Professor <input type="checkbox" name="desig[]" value="researchAssociate" />Research Associate<br /> <input type="checkbox" name="desig[]" value="advisor" />Advisor <input type="checkbox" name="desig[]" value="HOD" </span> <input name="dept[]" type="checkbox" value="Comuter Science" />Computer Science <input type="checkbox" name="dept[]" value="Health Informatics Unit" />Health Informatics Unit <input name="dept[]" type="checkbox" value="Electrical Engineering" />Electrical Engineering <input type="checkbox" name="dept[]" value="Management Sciences" />Management Sciences<br /> <input type="checkbox" name="dept[]" value="Mathamatics" />Mathamatics <input type="checkbox" name="dept[]" value="Physics" />Physics <input type="checkbox" name="dept[]" value="Bio Sciences" />Bio Sciences <input type="checkbox" name="dept[]" value="Meteorology" />Meteorology <input type="checkbox" name="dept[]" value="Architecture" />Architecture <input name="scales[]" type="checkbox" value="sg1" />SG-I <input name="scales[]" type="checkbox" value="sg2" />SG-II <input name="scales[]" type="checkbox" value="sg3" />SG-III <input name="scales[]" type="checkbox" value="sg4" />SG-IV <input name="scales[]" type="checkbox" value="ras" />RA <input name="scales[]" type="checkbox" value="og1nphd" />OG-I- <input name="scales[]" type="checkbox" value="og2nphd" />OG-II-NonPhd <input name="scales[]" type="checkbox" value="og3nphd" />OG-III-NonPhd <input name="scales[]" type="checkbox" value="og4nphd" />OG-IV-NonPhd <input name="scales[]" type="checkbox" value="og2phd" />OG-II-Phd <input name="scales[]" type="checkbox" value="og3phd" />OG-III-Phd <input name="scales[]" type="checkbox" value="og4phd" />OG-IV-Phd</p> now i cant seem to get it in my mind tht how the hell im going to do tht...shud i use ifs and elses, in tht case it can get upto 256 combinations. and 1 more thing all these things are in one table....please gyus help me I was kind of looking for a little direction, I have scoured the internet and exhausted every other resource I could think of before coming here... Does anyone know of any classes or resources that have some solid explanation or can give an explanation on how to go about searching within a PDF file?? I have literally beren trying to figure it out for over a year...I need to wrap this up it is consuming my life. All help is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance Hi, I was wondering what would be a good way to search through html for specific tags using php so that I can insert some other html in to that? I have used some parsing of an html that was converted in to a string, but the way I did it might not be fully efficient lol So i was wondering how everyone else would go about this? I don't need a complete in depth description but at least a pointer to what i could do that way i can just search for it on my own. I need to do some searching through PDF or Doc files, whichever will be more efficient. All the files will be in one folder, and I've written a script that will let me search the file names just fine. Each file though, has a header, with the actual title of of the document, since sometimes the file names are abbreviated. How would I search through the document (only the header) and return the matching results? If you need a sample document, let me know. Thanks! |