PHP - Registration Script Not Adding Correctly To The Database.
Ok Here is my Problem the following works great except it does not add the $user var to the account_details. As well as outputs md5 wrong it outputs something but its different than the password should be.
Heres my PHP code: Code: [Select] <?php session_start(); /** * @author Brian T. Flores * @copyright 2010 - 2014 */ error_reporting(E_ALL); $conn = mysql_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass) or die ('Error connecting to mysql'); mysql_select_db($db_name); if($_GET['goahead']==1){ // If GoAhead Is set if(isset($_GET['user'])){ // If isset GoAhead $user = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['user']); // Clean User for Transfer. $user_check = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `account_details` WHERE `username01` = '$user'"); // Check to see if username is taken. $ucount = mysql_num_rows($user_check); // Get Username Check Count if($ucount!=""){ // If Username is Taken. die(3); // Die Error Number 3 } // End If Username is Taken. if(isset($_GET['pass'])){ // If password is set. $pass = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['pass']); // Clean Password for Transfer. $encPass = md5($pass); // Encrypt Password if(isset($_GET['race'])){// If Race is Set. $race = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['race']); // Clean Race for Transfer. if(isset($_GET['email'])){ // If Email is set. $email = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['email']); // Clean Email for Transfer. $email_check = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `account_details` WHERE `email` = '$email'");// Check to see if Email is Taken. $ecount = mysql_num_rows($email_check); // Get Email Check Count. if($ecount!=""){ // If Email is Taken. die(2); // Die Error Number 2 } // End If Email is Taken. if(isset($_GET['email2'])){ // If email confirmation is set. $email2 = mysql_escape_string($_GET['email2']); // Clean Email Confirmation for Transfer. if($email == $email2){ // If emails match. if(isset($_GET['planet'])){ // If Planet Name is Set. $pname = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['planet']); // Clean Planet Name for Transfer. if(isset($_GET['security_code'])){ // If Security Code Input is set. $security_code = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['security_code']); // Clean Security Code. $security_enc = md5($security_code); // Encrypt Security Code. $security_code2 = $_SESSION['image_random_value']; // Get Security Code Session if($security_enc == $security_code2){ // If Codes Match. $randActive = rand(11111111111111111111,99999999999999999999); // Get Activation Link pre-encrypt. $activation_link = md5($randActive); // Get Encrypted Activation Link. $q = "INSERT INTO `account_details` (`username01`, `password01`, `loggedIn`, `currentlyLogged`, `active`, `activelink`, `race`, `email`) VALUES ('$user', '$encPass', 0, 0, 0, '$activation_link', '$race', '$email');"; // ^ Add Account Query. $res = mysql_query($q) or die("Error Detected! <br />".mysql_error()); // ^ Add Account to SQL. $q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `account_details` WHERE `username01` = '$user'")or die(mysql_error()); // ^ Get Information from New Account. $newuserinfo = mysql_fetch_array($q);// Get New User Information $id = $newuserinfo['id']; // Set New Account Id. $q="INSERT INTO `planets` (`owner`, `name`, `recource1`, `recource2`, `recource3`, `recource4`, `recource5`, `turns_01`, `untrained_units_01`, `attackers_01`, `defenders_01`, `miners_01`, `covert_01`, `anticovert_01`, `ship_01`, `ship_02`, `ship_03`, `ship_04`, `ship_05`, `ship_06`, `ship_07`, `building01`, `building02`, `building03`, `building04`, `building05`, `building06`, `building07`, `building08`, `building09`) VALUES ('$id', '$pname', 35000, 15000, 12000, 135000, 125000, 220, 150, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);"; // ^ Add Planet Query. $res2 = mysql_query($q) or die("Error Detected! <br />".mysql_error()); // Add Planet to SQL. $body = " Hello ".$user.", Congradulations! Your account on Ultimate Conquest has been Registed Today! Click the following Link to Activate Account:".$activation_link." If you have not registered an account and have found this message in error please click the following link to report this error:".$user." Thank you for registering for Ultimate Conquest - ULC, Head Admin Brian Flores AKA Photonic.... "; // Activation Email Information. if (mail($email, "Activate your ULC Ultimate Conquest Account! No-Reply!", $body)) { // If Email Is Sent. die("1"); // Die Error Number 1 } // End Send Email }else{ // If Security Codes do Not Match. die("12"); // Die Error Number 12 } }else{ // If Security Code is Not Set die("11"); // Die Error Number 13 } }else{ // If Planet Name is Not Set. die("10"); // Die Error Number 10. } }else{ // If Emails do not match. die("9"); // Die Error Number 9. } }else{ // If email confirmation is not set. die("8"); // Die Error Number 8. } }else{ // If email is not set. die("7"); // Die Error Number 7. } }else{ // If race is not set. die("6"); // Die Error Number 6. } }else{ // If Password is not set. die("5"); // Die Error Number 5. } }else{ // If Username is not set. die("4"); // Die Error Number 4. } }else{ // If GoAhead is Not Set. die("Go Ahead Not Established By Game System!"); } ?> Here is the Register Function in Javascript: Code: [Select] function regMast(){ var user = document.getElementById('username_client').value; var pass = document.getElementById('password_client').value; var race1 = document.getElementById('races1').value; if(race1 !=""){var race = document.getElementById('races1').value;} var race2 = document.getElementById('races2').value; if(race2 !=""){var race = document.getElementById('races2').value;} var race3 = document.getElementById('races3').value; if(race3 !=""){var race = document.getElementById('races3').value;} var race4 = document.getElementById('races4').value; if(race4 !=""){var race = document.getElementById('races4').value;} var planet_name = document.getElementById('pname').value; var email = document.getElementById('email').value; var email2 = document.getElementById('email2').value; var security_code = document.getElementById('security_code').value; var ajaxRequest; // The variable that makes Ajax possible! try{ // Opera 8.0+, Firefox, Safari ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch (e){ // Internet Explorer Browsers try{ ajaxRequest = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { try{ ajaxRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e){ // Something went wrong alert("Your browser broke!"); return false; } } } // Create a function that will receive data sent from the server ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function(){ if(ajaxRequest.readyState == 4){ var returni = ajaxRequest.responseText; if(returni == "1"){ document.getElementById('reg_error').innerHTML = 'Registration Completed! Check Activation Email for more information.'; } if(returni == "2"){ document.getElementById('reg_error').innerHTML = 'Registration Incomplete! Email Address Already Taken!'; } if(returni == "3"){ document.getElementById('reg_error').innerHTML = 'Registration Incomplete! Username Already Taken!'; } if(returni == "4"){ document.getElementById('reg_error').innerHTML = 'Registration Incomplete! Username Field Empty!'; } if(returni == "5"){ document.getElementById('reg_error').innerHTML = 'Registration Incomplete! Password Field Empty!'; } if(returni == "6"){ document.getElementById('reg_error').innerHTML = 'Registration Incomplete! You must select a race!'; } if(returni == "7"){ document.getElementById('reg_error').innerHTML = 'Registration Incomplete! Email Field Empty!'; } if(returni == "8"){ document.getElementById('reg_error').innerHTML = 'Registration Incomplete! Email Confirmation Field Empty!'; } if(returni == "9"){ document.getElementById('reg_error').innerHTML = 'Registration Incomplete! Emails did not Match!'; } if(returni == "10"){ document.getElementById('reg_error').innerHTML = 'Registration Incomplete! Planet Name Field Empty!'; } if(returni == "11"){ document.getElementById('reg_error').innerHTML = 'Registration Incomplete! You did not Input the Security Code!'; } if(returni == "12"){ document.getElementById('reg_error').innerHTML = 'Registration Incomplete! The Security Code you Inputed did not Match the Image!'; }else{ document.getElementById('reg_error').innerHTML = returni; } } } var queryString = "?goahead=1&user=" + user + "&pass=" + pass + "&race=" + race + "&email=" + email + "&email2=" + email2 + "&security_code=" + security_code + "&planet=" + planet_name;"GET", "register.php" + queryString, true); ajaxRequest.send(null); } Similar TutorialsHello, iv got a code that validates form fields: ////////////////////duomenys is regform.php $username = $_POST['regname']; $email= $_POST['regemail']; $password1 = $_POST['regpass1']; $password2 = $_POST['regpass2']; /////////////////////////////////////////// ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 1); $result = pg_query('SELECT 1 FROM duom WHERE LOWER(name)=\''.strtolower(pg_escape_string($username)).'\'')or exit(pg_last_error()); if(isset($_POST['regsubmit'])){ ////////////////////////////////////tikrina ar viskas uzpildyta if($username !="" && $email !="" && $password1 !="" && $password2 !="" && $password1 == $password2) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (pg_num_rows($result)) { exit('Toks vartotojas jau egzistuoja, pasirinkite kita vartotojo varda'); } else ///////////////////ideda duomenys is regform.php i duomenu baze $insert = "INSERT into duom(name, email, pass) VALUES('".$username."','".$email."','".$password1."')"; pg_query($insert); echo "Registracija pavyko!"; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } else echo "Blogai uzpildyti domenys!"; } everything is working but i need to add 1 more thing to this - to see if email already exists in the databse. I did it for username but idk how to add the same code for email. Heres the code to check if username already exists: ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 1); $result = pg_query('SELECT 1 FROM duom WHERE LOWER(name)=\''.strtolower(pg_escape_string($username)).'\'')or exit(pg_last_error()); if (pg_num_rows($result)) { exit('Username already exists); thanks in advance Could anyone help me making a login function that checks the txt document if user and pw exists/are correct? -and if they are, sends you to a logged in page. This is for a assignment which is why I have to store the information in a text document, I know it's unsafe. Also i know i should use $_Sessions but I'm not sure how to use it and where to put it.
So far I have created the form which has 2 buttons one for registering and one for logging in. I have also created the registration function which checks the text file if the username already exists if not it will register it. <html lang="eng"> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> <title>name</title> </head> <body> <div class="formdiv"> <h2>Log in or register</h2> <form action="" method="post"> <p>Username<p style="color:black">*</p> <input type="text" name="user" placeholder="Type in your username" required> <p>Password<p style="color:black">*</p> <input type="password" name="pw" placeholder="Type in your password" required> <?php if (isset($_POST['saveBtn'])){ $username = $_POST['user']; $password = $_POST['pw']; $error = register($username); if ($error == '') { echo "User: $username has been registered!<br/>"; } else echo $error; } ?> <input type="submit" name="saveBtn" value="Save new user"> <input type="submit" name="loginBtn" value="Login"> </form> </div> <?php // Registration function register($user){ $textError = ''; // Check and see if user exists $UserPassTxt = fopen("userpwd.txt","a+"); // Opens text doc rewind($UserPassTxt); while (!feof($UserPassTxt)) { $line = fgets($UserPassTxt); $tmp = explode(':', $line); if ($tmp[0] == $user) { $textError = "Username already exists!"; break; } } if ($textError == ''){ $hash = password_hash('', PASSWORD_DEFAULT); fwrite($UserPassTxt, "\n$user: $hash"); } fclose($UserPassTxt); // Closes txt doc return $textError; } ?> <?php //Login function login($user, $pass){ } ?> </body> ///here's my best attempt at the function <?php //Login $error = '0'; if (isset($_POST['loginBtn'])){ $username = $_POST['user']; $password = $_POST['pw']; $error = login($username,$password); } function login($user, $pass){ $errorText = ''; $validUser = false; $UserPassTxt = fopen("userpwd.txt","r"); rewind($UserPassTxt); while (!feof($UserPassTxt)) { $line = fgets($UserPassTxt); $tmp = explode(':', $line); if ($tmp[0] == $user) { if (trim($tmp[1]) == trim(password_hash('', PASSWORD_DEFAULT))){ $validUser= true; $_SESSION['user'] = $user; } break; } } fclose($UserPassTxt); if ($validUser != true) $errorText = "Not correct username or password"; if ($validUser == true) $_SESSION['validUser'] = true; else $_SESSION['validUser'] = false; return $errorText; } function logoutUser(){ unset($_SESSION['validUser']); unset($_SESSION['user']); } function checkUser(){ if ((!isset($_SESSION['validUser'])) || ($_SESSION['validUser'] != true)){ header('Location: index.php'); } } ?>
Ok, first off, I tested my own coded reg system and when I make an error test, the error shows but the user info gets added to the database. How can I stop letting the code add the user to the database when an error occurs. <?php include "lang.php"; ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>PokePals - Registering</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" /></head> <body> <?php include "navbar.php"; ?> <?php // Important stuff goes here include "sql_local.php"; include "ban.php"; // Now for the registration page echo "<div class='panel'>"; if (isset($_POST["submit"])) { // Define the variables here $user = mysql_real_escape_string ($_POST["user"]); $pass1 = mysql_real_escape_string ($_POST["pass"]); $pass2 = mysql_real_escape_string ($_POST["passconf"]); $email = mysql_real_escape_string ($_POST["email"]); $email2 = mysql_real_escape_string ($_POST["email2"]); $dpfc = mysql_real_escape_string ($_POST["dpfc"]); $platinumfc = mysql_real_escape_string ($_POST["platinumfc"]); $hgssfc = mysql_real_escape_string ($_POST["hgssfc"]); $otherfc = mysql_real_escape_string ($_POST["otherfc"]); $favoritepkmn = mysql_real_escape_string ($_POST["favoritepkmn"]); $aboutme = mysql_real_escape_string ($_POST["aboutme"]); $hobbies = mysql_real_escape_string ($_POST["hobbies"]); $favorites = mysql_real_escape_string ($_POST["favorites"]); $gender = mysql_real_escape_string ($_POST["gender"]); // Now check for some errors // Did he/she fill out the form completely? Lets find out function errors() { if (!$_POST["user"] | !$_POST["pass"] | !$_POST["email"] ) { echo "<div class='error'>Please fill in the required fields</div>"; } // Passwords match if ($_POST['pass'] != $_POST['passconf']) { echo "<div class='error'>Password does not match with the other one</div>"; } // Email match if ($_POST['email'] != $_POST['email2']) { echo "<div class='error'>Email does not match with the other one</div>"; } } // Is the user banned? foreach($banned_ips as $ip_ban) { if($user_ip == $ip_ban) { die ("<div class='error'>Your IP address is banned from registering. Contact the site administrator for more info</div>"); } } // If there are no errors, start adding the information to the database if (!errors()) { // Secure the passwords $securepass = md5($pass1); // Submit to the database $insertuser = "INSERT INTO users (user, password, email, dpfc, platinumfc, hgssfc, otherfc, favoritepkmn, aboutme, hobbies, favorites, gender, regip) values ('$user', '$securepass', '$email', '$dpfc', '$platinumfc', '$hgssfc', '$otherfc', '$favoritepkmn', '$aboutme', '$hobbies', '$favorites', '$gender', '$user_ip')"; $add = mysql_query($insertuser, $con) or die ('Error: ' . mysql_error() . ' Please contact an admin'); if ($add) { echo ("<h3>Registration Success</h3><p>You may now login using your username and password. Start hatching some eggs now!</p>"); } } } ?> <div class='registerform'><form action='register.php' method='post'> <label>Username *</label> <input type='text' name='user' class='form1' value='<?php echo @$_POST['user']; ?>' /> <fieldset><legend>Password</legend> <label>Enter your password *</label> <input type='password' name='pass' class='form1' value='<?php echo @$_POST['pass']; ?>' /> <label>Password again *</label> <input type='password' name='passconf' class='form1' value='<?php echo @$_POST['passconf']; ?>' /> </fieldset> <fieldset><legend>Email</legend> <label>Enter your email *</label> <input type="text" name="email" class="form1" value="<?php echo @$_POST['email']; ?>" /> <label>Enter email again *</label> <input type="text" name="email2" class="form1" value="<?php echo @$_POST['email2']; ?>" /> </fieldset> <input type="submit" name="submit" class="submitbutton" value="Register!" /> </form> Hello i have this registration script.
I need help adding mybb forum user check to here. That script checks your insterted user and pw is it correct.
Script attached.
Attached Files
rega.php 9.52KB
2 downloads I've only modified the code below for the query, I just removed that to make it shorter, the query works fine. I've added human verification to the script and it displays the image and numbers fine, I also echo'd out the variables and they match using SHA1(). My captcha script is displaying the image properly and sets the $_SESSION['pass_phrase'] variable fine. It isn't throwing any errors or creating the account. As of right now I have a headache and figured I could use some help here. Let me know if you spot the error. <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); require_once('cons.php'); // Get the variable sent by AJAX script if it is typed in // Connect to the database $dbc = mysqli_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME); if (isset($_REQUEST['username'])) { $ok = 'okay'; $den = 'denied'; // Secure the information $passname = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, trim($_REQUEST['username'])); // Lookup the username in the database $query = "SELECT username FROM info WHERE username = '$passname'"; $data = mysqli_query($dbc, $query); // Allow some time to get the response sleep(3); // If 1 is returned that name exsists, if 0 then we can move forward if (mysqli_num_rows($data) == 0) { // Send okay back to the ajax script so it knows to stop bothering the user echo $ok; return $ok; } else { // Send denied back to the ajax script so the user knows that name is taken echo $den; return $den; } // Close If / Else statement } // Close (isset($_REQUEST['username'])) { // Start of Main Submit Function Script session_start(); require_once('aprs.php'); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { // Grab the profile data from the POST and secure it $avatar = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, trim($_POST['avatar'])); $usern = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, trim($_POST['username1'])); $password1 = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, trim($_POST['password1'])); $password2 = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, trim($_POST['password2'])); $email = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, trim($_POST['email'])); $side = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, trim($_POST['side'])); $class = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, trim($_POST['class'])); $vercap = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, trim($_POST['verify'])); // convert username to all lowercase $userna = strtolower($usern); $username = stripslashes($userna); // Check the CAPTCHA pass-phrase for verification $phrase = SHA1($vercap); if ($_SESSION['pass_phrase'] == $phrase) { // Expression for validating the username is properly formatted. if (preg_match('/[^0-9A-Za-z]/',$username)) { // Expression for validating the e-mail is properly formatted. if (preg_match('/^[^@]+@[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]+$/', $email)){ // Check to make sure all the form fields are filled in if (!empty($avatar) && !empty($username1) && !empty($password1) && !empty($password2) && ($password1 == $password2) && !empty($email) && !empty($side) && !empty($class)) { // If all the fields are filled in correctly then we can check the username to see if it's registered // Make sure someone isn't already registered using this username $query = "SELECT * FROM info WHERE username = '$username'"; $data = mysqli_query($dbc, $query); if (mysqli_num_rows($data) == 0) { // The username is unique, so insert the data into the database $hash = md5( rand(0,1000) ); $query = "INSERT INTO"; mysqli_query($dbc, $query); // Confirm success with the user echo '<div id="signconf">'; echo '<p>Your new account has been successfully created. Please check your Email for the final verification.'; echo '</div>'; // Send the registration e-mail so the user can activate thier account $to = $email; // Send email to our user $subject = 'Signup | Verification'; // Give the email a subject $message = ' Thanks for signing up! Your account has been created, you can login with the following credentials after you have activated your account by clicking the url below. ------------------------ Username: '.$username.' Password: '.$password1.' ------------------------ Please click this link to activate your account:'.$email.'&hash='.$hash.' '; // Our message above including the link $headers = '' . "\r\n"; // Set from headers mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); // Send our email mysqli_close($dbc); exit(); // If there was an issue with the username already taken, display an error } else { echo '<div id="signconf">'; echo '<p class="error">An account already exists for this username. Please use a different address.</p>'; echo '</div>'; $username = ""; } // End the if(mysqli_num_rows($data) == 0) { check // If there was an issue with the user not filling in the form correctly we post an error } else { echo '<div id="signconf">'; echo '<p class="error">You must enter all of the sign-up data, including the desired password twice.</p>'; echo '</div>'; } // End the if(mysqli_num_rows($data) == 0) { check // If there was an error with the e-mail address entered we need to post an error } else { echo '<div id="signconf">'; echo 'The email you have entered is invalid, please try again.'; echo '</div>'; } // End the if(mysqli_num_rows($data) == 0) { check // If there was an error with the format of the username we need to post an error } else { echo '<div id="signconf">'; echo 'The email you have entered is invalid, please try again.'; echo '</div>'; } // End the if(mysqli_num_rows($data) == 0) { check // If there was an error with the captcha not matching we post an error } else { echo '<div id="signconf">'; echo "The verification text didn't match the picture."; echo '</div>'; } // End else for Captcha check } // End the if(mysqli_num_rows($data) == 0) { check // Connection to the database is no longer needed so we can close it mysqli_close($dbc); // We no longer need php so let's close that and start the submit form ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title> Registration</title> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="tlstyle.css" /> <script src="scripts/utils.js" type ="text/javascript"></script> <script src="scripts/validation.js" type="text/javascript"></script> </head> <body> <div id="csignup"> <div id="signform"> <p>Please enter all the information below to sign up.</p> <form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>"> <label for="username1">Username:</label> <input type="text" id="username1" name="username1" value="<?php if (!empty($username1)) echo $username; ?>" maxlength = "7" /><br /> <label>Password:</label> <input type="password" id="password1" name="password1" value="<?php if (!empty($password1)) echo $password1; ?>" class="jcinput"/><br /> <label>Password (retype):</label> <input type="password" id="password2" name="password2" value="<?php if (!empty($password2)) echo $password2; ?>" class="jcinput"/><br /> <label>E-Mail Address:</label> <input type="text" id="email" name="email" value="<?php if (!empty($email)) echo $email; ?>" class="jcinput"/><br /> <label for="verify">Verification:</label> <img src="captcha.php" alt="Verification" /><br /> <label for="verify">Verification:</label> <input type="text" id="verify" name="verify" class="jcinput" /><br /> <label>Choose Your Avatar:</label> <input type="radio" name="avatar" value="/images/smile.png" /> <img src="/images/smile.png" alt="1" /> <input type="radio" name="avatar" value="/mages/smile.png" /> <img src="/images/smile.png" alt="1" /> <input type="radio" name="avatar" value="/mages/smile.png" /> <img src="/images/smile.png" alt="1" /> <input type="radio" name="avatar" value="/images/smile.png" /> <img src="/images/smile.png" alt="1" /><br /> <label>Choose Your Side:</label> <input type="radio" name="side" value="A" />A <input type="radio" name="side" value="B" />B <div id="signclassb"> <div id="signclass"> Choose a Class: <ul><li><input type="radio" name="class" value="A" /> A</li> <li><input type="radio" name="class" value="B" /> B</li> <li><input type="radio" name="class" value="C" /> C</li></ul> </div> </div> <input type="submit" value="Sign Up" name="register" class="signsub" /> </form> </div> </div> </body> </html> I need help trying to figure out why my form won't write the database it is supposed to - i checked the connection to the database and it works and the user seems to have permission to edit database - the error I get is "Error: User not added to database." from "register.php". Can someone please look over my code and see if the problem is coming from somewhere within?
I created a connection file (connect.php)
<? session_start(); // Replace the variable values below // with your specific database information. $host = "localhost"; $user = "master"; $pass = "hidden"; $db = "user"; // This part sets up the connection to the // database (so you don't need to reopen the connection // again on the same page). $ms = mysql_pconnect($host, $user, $pass); if ( !$ms ) { echo "Error connecting to database.\n"; } // Then you need to make sure the database you want // is selected. mysql_select_db($db); ?>Then there is the php script (register.php): <?php session_start(); // connect.php is a file that contains your // database connection information. This // tutorial assumes a connection is made from // this existing file. require('connect.php'); // If the values are posted, insert them into the database. if (isset($_POST['email']) && isset($_POST['password'])){ $firstname = $_POST['firstname']; $lastname = $_POST['lastname']; $email = $_POST['email']; $password = $_POST['password']; $query = "INSERT INTO `member` (firstname, lastname, email, password) VALUES ('$firstname', '$lastname', '$email' '$password')"; $result = mysql_query($query); if ( !mysql_insert_id() ) { die("Error: User not added to database."); } else { // Redirect to thank you page. Header("Location: surveylanding_no-sidebar.html"); } } ?>Here is the HTML form: <form name="htmlform" method="post" class="form" action="register.php"> <p class="firstname"> <input type="text" name="firstname" id="firstname" /> <label for="firstname">First Name</label> </p> <p class="lastname"> <input type="text" name="lastname" id="lastname" /> <label for="lastname">Last Name</label> </p> <p class="email"> <input type="email" name="email" id="email" /> <label for="email">Email</label> </p> <p class="Password"> <input type="password" name="password" id="password" /> <label for="password">Password</label> </p> <p class="submit"> <input type="submit" value="Register"/> </p> </form> Hi all, I'm starting with php and I've made a Registration Script here's the code Code: [Select] <?php include("skrypty PHP/baza.php"); include("skrypty PHP/funkcjewalidacji.php"); if(isset($_POST['Rejestruj'])) { $username = $_POST['username']; $email = $_POST['email']; $password = $_POST['password']; $password_confirm = $_POST['password_confirm']; $firstname = $_POST['firstname']; $lastname = $_POST['lastname']; $data = $_POST['data']; $telefon = $_POST['telefon']; $ulica = $_POST['ulica']; $miasto = $_POST['miasto']; $wojewodztwo = $_POST['wojewodztwo']; $Nr_domu = $_POST['Nr_domu']; $Nr_mieszkania = $_POST['Nr_mieszkania']; $Kod_pocztowy = $_POST['Kod_pocztowy']; $regulamin1 = $_POST['regulamin1']; $regulamin2 = $_POST['regulamin2']; if ((compare($password,$password_confirm)) && (!(walidacja_email($email))) && (!(czywypelnione($firstname))) && (!(czywypelnione($lastname))) && (!(czywypelnione($telefon))) && (!(czywypelnione($ulica))) && (!(czywypelnione($miasto))) && (!(czywypelnione($wojewodztwo))) && (!(czywypelnione($Nr_domu))) && (!(czywypelnione($Kod_pocztowy))) && (sprawdzCheckbox($regulamin1)) && (sprawdzCheckbox($regulamin2)) && wal($username)) { ///// filtrujemy dane $username = trim(strip_tags( mysql_real_escape_string(HTMLSpecialChars($username)))); $email = trim(strip_tags( mysql_real_escape_string(HTMLSpecialChars($email)))); $password = trim(strip_tags( mysql_real_escape_string(HTMLSpecialChars($password)))); $password_confirm = trim(strip_tags( mysql_real_escape_string(HTMLSpecialChars($password_confirm)))); $firstname = trim(strip_tags( mysql_real_escape_string(HTMLSpecialChars($firstname)))); $lastname = trim(strip_tags( mysql_real_escape_string(HTMLSpecialChars($lastname)))); $data = trim(strip_tags( mysql_real_escape_string(HTMLSpecialChars($data)))); $telefon = trim(strip_tags( mysql_real_escape_string(HTMLSpecialChars($telefon)))); $ulica = trim(strip_tags( mysql_real_escape_string(HTMLSpecialChars($ulica)))); $miasto = trim(strip_tags( mysql_real_escape_string(HTMLSpecialChars($miasto)))); $wojewodztwo = trim(strip_tags( mysql_real_escape_string(HTMLSpecialChars($wojewodztwo)))); $Nr_domu = trim(strip_tags( mysql_real_escape_string(HTMLSpecialChars($Nr_domu)))); $Nr_mieszkania = trim(strip_tags( mysql_real_escape_string(HTMLSpecialChars($Nr_mieszkania)))); $Kod_pocztowy = trim(strip_tags( mysql_real_escape_string(HTMLSpecialChars($Kod_pocztowy)))); $password = md5($pass); $query = "INSERT INTO `rejestr` (`username`, `email`, `password`, `firstname`, `lastname`, `data`, `telefon`, `ulica`, `miasto`, `wojewodztwo`, `Nr_domu`, `Nr_mieszkania`, `Kod_pocztowy`) VALUES ('$username', '$email', '$password', '$firstname', '$lastname', '$data', '$telefon', `$ulica`, '$miasto', '$wojewodztwo', '$Nr_domu', '$Nr_mieszkania', '$Kod_pocztowy')"; if(mysql_query($query)) { $mesage = 'Rejestraca Zakoñczona Powodzeniem'; } } } else { mysql_error(); } if (!compare($password,$password_confirm) && (!($_POST['$password'] == $_POST['$password_confirm'])) && (isset($_POST['Rejestruj'])) ){ $mesage='Wprowadzone has³a nie s± identyczne'; } elseif (!sprawdzCheckbox($regulamin1) && (isset($_POST['$regulamin1'])) ) { $mesage='Wymagana akceptacja regulaminu';} elseif (!sprawdzCheckbox($regulamin2) && (isset($_POST['$regulamin2'])) ) { $mesage='Wymagana akceptacja na przetwarzanie';} elseif (czywypelnione($username) && (isset($_POST['Rejestruj']))) { $mesage='Wype³nij Wszystkie dane';} elseif (czywypelnione($email) && (isset($_POST['Rejestruj']))) { $mesage='Wype³nij Wszystkie dane';} elseif (czywypelnione($firstname) && (isset($_POST['Rejestruj']))) { $mesage='Wype³nij Wszystkie dane';} elseif (czywypelnione($lastname) && (isset($_POST['Rejestruj']))) { $mesage='Wype³nij Wszystkie dane';} elseif (czywypelnione($data) && (isset($_POST['Rejestruj']))) { $mesage='Wype³nij Wszystkie dane';} elseif (czywypelnione($telefon) && (isset($_POST['Rejestruj']))) { $mesage='Wype³nij Wszystkie dane';} elseif (czywypelnione($ulica) && (isset($_POST['Rejestruj']))) { $mesage='Wype³nij Wszystkie dane elseif (czywypelnione($miasto) && (isset($_POST['Rejestruj']))) { $mesage='Wype³nij Wszystkie dane';} elseif (czywypelnione($wojewodztwo) && (isset($_POST['Rejestruj']))) { $mesage='Wype³nij Wszystkie dane';} elseif (czywypelnione($Nr_domu) && (isset($_POST['Rejestruj']))) { $mesage='Wype³nij Wszystkie dane';} elseif (czywypelnione($Kod_pocztowy) && (isset($_POST['Rejestruj']))) { $mesage='Wype³nij Wszystkie dane';} elseif (!wal() && (isset($_POST['Rejestruj'])) ) { $mesage = 'Podany login jest ju¿ zajêty';} // mysql_close(); ?> I'm sorry but it's in polish because I'm from Poland , but i hope you'll understand it. When i complete the form there's nothing happens. What's the problem ? MOD EDIT: manual tags changed to code tags . . . This topic has been moved to Third Party PHP Scripts. ok so im sure this is only a small problem but still here it is: im making a shopping list app where users can create a list...when they view the list they can populate it with categories such as frozen food, fruit, veg etc etc...they can then populate categories with items such as apples, potatoes or ice cream etc etc. now i have some data in the database already...and i wanted to display it on the page like this. ASDA SHOPPING LIST fruit apples bananas plums veg potatoes carrots frozen burgers chips ice cream however at the moment with my code it displays like this: ASDA SHOPPING LIST fruit apples bananas plums potatoes carrots burgers chips ice cream veg frozen here is my code: include_once("config_class.php"); $db = new db(); // open up the database object $db->connect(); // connect to the database //getting id of the data from url $id = $_GET['id']; $sql=mysql_query("SELECT listname FROM list WHERE listid=$id") or die("cannot select: ".mysql_error()); $sql2=mysql_query("SELECT catid, category FROM cat WHERE listid=$id") or die("cannot select: ".mysql_error()); $sql3=mysql_query("SELECT items.itemname, items.itemid, cat.catid FROM items, cat WHERE cat.catid=items.catid") or die("cannot select: ".mysql_error()); $temp_cat = ""; $res=mysql_fetch_array($sql); echo "<b>" . $res['listname'] . "</b>" . "<br><br>"; echo "<form action='addcat.php?id=$id' method='post'>"; echo "<input type='text' id='addcat' name='addcat'>"; echo "<input type='submit' value='Add Category'>"; echo "</form>"; while($res2=mysql_fetch_array($sql2)) { echo "<table cellpadding='2' cellspacing='2' width='800'>"; echo "<tr>"; if($res2['category'] != $temp_cat ) { echo "<td width='20%'>"; echo "<b>" . $res2['category'] . "</b>" . "</td>"; echo "<td width='20%'><a href='delcat.php?id=$res2[catid]&id2=$id'>Delete Category</a></td>"; echo "<form action='additem.php?id=$res2[catid]&id2=$id' method='post' name='form1'>"; echo "<td width='20%'>"; echo "<input type='text' name='itemname'></td>"; echo "<td width='20%'>"; echo "<input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Add Item'></td>"; echo "</form>"; echo "</tr>"; $temp_cat=$res2['category']; } while($res3=mysql_fetch_array($sql3)) { echo "<tr>"; echo "<td width='20%'>"; echo "$res3[itemname]" . "</td>"; echo "<td width='20%'>"; echo "<a href='delitem.php'>Delete Item</a>" . "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } echo "</table>"; } could someone please help me display this correctly? thanks in advance Hiya peeps! I have built this. <?php class extract { private $link; private $rec; public function __construct() { } public function __init($link, $rec = 0) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$link); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 50); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $this->_data = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $this->_emails = array(); if($rec == 1) { if(preg_match_all('/((?:http|https):\/\/(?:www\.)*(?:[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]{1,15}\.+[a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,}){1,}(?:[a-zA-Z0-9_\/\.\-\?\&\:\%\,\!\;]*))/', $this->_data, $urls)) { foreach($urls[0] as $k => $v) { $this->__init($v, 1); } } } return $this->emails(); } public function emails() { if(preg_match_all('/(\w+\.)*\w+@(\w+\.)*\w+(\w+\-\w+)*\.\w+/', $this->_data, $emails, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach($emails as $dk => $dv) { foreach($dv as $fk => $fv) { if(preg_match('/^[^@]+@[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]+$/', $fv)) { $this->_emails[] = $fv; } } } } return $this->_emails; } public function multi_unique($array) { foreach ($array as $k => $na) { $new[$k] = serialize($na); $uniq = array_unique($new); } foreach($uniq as $k => $ser) { $new1[$k] = unserialize($ser); } return $new1; } } $go = new extract(); $done = $go->__init($_POST['site'], $_POST['deep']); print_r($done); ?> <center><form action="#" method="post"> Site:<br /><input type="text" name="site"><br /><br /> Go-Deep:<br /><select name="deep"><option value="0" selected>No</option><option value="1">Yes</option></select><br /><br /> <input type="submit" name="submit"> </form></center> It works, but only on one URL, I have setup a html page containing an email address and a link to another page containing an email address, so technically it should return two email addresses. But it doesn't, it only displayed the email address on the url that is inputted. Does anyone have any idea why? Many thanks, James. I am trying to develop a browser interface for an embedded system. The code written so far consists of one HTML page and one PHP script. The HTML page creates a form containing a select widget and a submit button. When the submit button is pressed, the selected item is posted to the PHP script for processing. The PHP script does a MySQL query using the form data and generates HTML to display the query result in a table, which displays in a new Web page. All of this works fine. However... I need to change the HTML page to create the select widget choices using a the result of a query run when the HTML page gets displayed. I created a PHP script to do this, and included it in my HTML page in this manner: Code: [Select] <form action="procSomeForm.php" method="post"> <?php include "genSelectList.php"; ?> <input class="main" type="submit" name="submit[view]" value="View" style="width:70px"/> </form> When I tried this, the select didn't appear. I tried moving the <select> </select> out of the PHP script and placing them around the "include". The select now displayed but with no contents. After many failed attempts to resolve any errors in the script, I began to suspect that the browser was ignoring the include directive. I then reduced the problem to this trivial code: Code: [Select] <html> <head> <title>PHP Test</title> </head> <body> <?php include "tmp.php"; echo "<p>This message brought to you by PHP!</p>"; ?> </body> </html> The PHP script looks like this: Code: [Select] <?php echo "<p>Hello from tmp.php!</p>"; ?> My Web browser rendered the result as: Code: [Select] This message brought to you by PHP! ";?> The "hello" message in tmp.php wasn't displayed, and the the browser printed the last few characters of the embedded PHP statement as if they were simple text! I have tried this same experiment on two PCs with the same result. My development PC runs Debian 6.0 (Squeeze) in VMWare on top of WinXP; I access the Web pages locally from within VMWare using IceWeasel. My embedded PC also runs Debian 6.0; I access the Web pages from my WinXP box using Firefox. Interestingly, when I use IE8 to call up the trivial page from the embedded PC, it displays a blank page! Sorry for the long-winded setup to the problem, but I wanted to point out that generating a separate HTML page from a PHP script works; it appears that the issue is with putting PHP statements in an HTML page. Any help will be greatly appreciated - thanks in advance! Chris Hi I'm using an IP database to correctly (+/-) serve related ads based on country. This seems to work fine BUT when tested on a USA proxy (I'm in the UK) I am getting TWO ads served, one for USA (correctly) and one for the UK (proxy error?). When surfing via proxy from the Netherlands I get no image at all. Looking for somebody to see what I've done wrong he $server = 'localhost'; // MySQL hostname $username = '***'; // MySQL username $password = '***'; // MySQL password $dbname = '***'; // MySQL db name $db = mysql_connect($server, $username, $password) or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db($dbname) or die(mysql_error()); $sql = 'SELECT country FROM ip2nation WHERE ip < INET_ATON("'.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].'") ORDER BY ip DESC LIMIT 0,1'; list($country) = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query($sql)); switch ($country) { case 'us': // Image or USA echo '<img src="impact/samsungN210PLUS_usa.jpg">'; case 'uk': // Image for UK echo '<img src="impact/samsungN210PLUS_uk.jpg">'; default: // Image for everybody else (europe) echo '<img src="impact/samsungN210PLUS_europe.jpg">'; end; } echo '<div width="420" class="loc"><span class="loc" align="center">Not from '; $sql = 'SELECT FROM ip2nationCountries c, ip2nation i WHERE i.ip < INET_ATON("'.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].'") AND c.code = ORDER BY i.ip DESC LIMIT 0,1'; list($countryName) = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query($sql)); // Output full country name echo $countryName; $domain = str_replace("www.","", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); echo '? Choose your flag: <a href="http://uk.' .$domain. '"><img src="images/flags/ukflag.gif"></a> <a href="http://usa.' .$domain. '"><img src="images/flags/usaflag.gif"></a> <a href="http://europe.' .$domain. '"><img src="images/flags/euflag.gif"></a></span></div>'; All help appreciated and thanks in advance. PS. The script is working he if somebody in the USA wishes to check and let me kow if it is a proxy surfing error (seeing BOTH IP's). Not a real website just a 'play' page to get the bones of the script working. Hey im trying to come up with a simple script that shows the databases in my localhost then create a insert box with a "submit button" and when i type in any name lets just say test1234 it should show up in the list and i want it to show the results below such as you successfully added a database. I have started this not too long ago but i've had experience with previous database adding and i just threw it in there to get me started. Here is my code as of now. By the way I am using PHP my admin and i have it so it creates it to the list but it does it automatically but i want it to add it by me typing it in the text box and when i hit the submit button it shows up in the list and below as well. Code: [Select] <? $connection = @mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die(mysql_error());; $dbs = @mysql_list_dbs($connection)or die(mysql_error()); $db_list="<ul>"; $i =0; while ($i < mysql_num_rows($dbs)){ $db_names[$i] = mysql_tablename($dbs,$i); $db_list .="<li>$db_names[$i]"; $i++; } $db_list .="</ul>"; ?> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>MySQL Databases</TITLE> </HEAD> <P><strong>Databases on localhost</strong>:</p> <? echo "$db_list"; ?> </BODY> </HTML> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Adding a Database to MySQL</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY><H3> <FORM METHOD="post" ACTION="pretask.php"> <P>Database Name <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="val1" SIZE=10></P> <P><INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="submit" VALUE="Add database"></P> </FORM> </BODY></H3> </HTML> </font> <? $connection = @mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die(mysql_error()); if ($connection) { $msg = "YES!"; } $sql = "CREATE DATABASE my_music "; $result = @mysql_query($sql,$connection) or die(mysql_error()) ?> <HTML> <BODY> <h1><center><? echo "$msg"; ?></h1></center> </BODY> </HTML> I am making a price sheet for extended warranties that my company sells and am having a problem with the math. There is a base price of $1380, plus certain surcharges and certain exclusions. The exclusions are working properly, but something funky is happening with the surcharges... This link more clearly explains the problem I am having: Here is the code, then I'll explain the problem Code: [Select] // TMU if ($row['TMU'] == "x") { $extended = 'N/A'; // Salvage Title } elseif ($row['cleantitle'] != "x") { $extended = 'N/A'; // 150,000+ miles } elseif ($row['mileage'] > "150000") { $extended = 'N/A'; // Snowplow } elseif ($row['ftr003'] == "x") { $extended = 'N/A'; // Category 3 } elseif ($row['make'] == "Jaguar" || $row['make'] == "Land Rover") { $extended = 'N/A'; // 10+ cyls } elseif ($row['engine_cylinders'] > "8") { $extended = 'N/A'; // Older than 13 years } elseif ($year < date("Y")-12) { $extended = 'N/A'; // Qualifies for warranty } else { if ($row['mileage'] > "99999" && $row['mileage'] < "125000") {$surcharge[] = 200;} if ($row['mileage'] > "125000" && $row['mileage'] < "150001") {$surcharge[] = 400;} if ($row['drivetrain'] == "AWD" || $row['drivetrain'] == "4x4") {$surcharge[] = 150;} if ($row['fuel'] == "Diesel") {$surcharge[] = 100;} if ($row['make'] == "Audi" || $row['make'] == "BMW" || $row['make'] == "Cadillac" || $row['make'] == "Infiniti" || $row['make'] == "Lexus" || $row['make'] == "Lincoln" || $row['make'] == "Mercedes-Benz" || $row['make'] == "Mini" || $row['make'] == "Saab" || $row['make'] == "Volvo") {$surcharge[] = 550;} if (date("Y")-11 == $year) {$surcharge[] = 50;} if (date("Y")-12 == $year) {$surcharge[] = 100;} if (date("Y")-13 == $year) {$surcharge[] = 200;} if ($surcharge) {$surcharges = array_sum($surcharge);} $extended = '$'.number_format(1380 + $surcharges); } The 9th vehicle on the list: 08 Hyundai Sante Fe SE the warranty price is correct, but the vehicle after, the 08 Honda Accord EX should be 1,380, yet its adding the surcharges from the the Hyundai, and it keeps repeating down the list. Where is the error? Code: [Select] $product_id=$_GET['product']; $sql500="SELECT * FROM $tbl_name3 WHERE product_id='$product_id'"; $result500=mysql_query($sql500); $num_rows500=mysql_num_rows($result500); while($row500=mysql_fetch_array($result500)){ extract($row500); $review_product_rating_total=$review_product_rating; //What do I do here? } $average_rating=$review_product_rating_total/$num_rows500; I need a way to take a column of product ratings (0-5 in 1/2 increments), add them together, and divide by the number of rows taken from the database. I know how to get the number of rows with mysql_num_rows. But how would I add together the data from database? Hey i have set up a database and im trying to ad records to it also upload an image, when i submit my form it clears the fields but does not add to the database. There are no errors that get outputted or anything so it gives no help I have read thru my code over and over and just cant see why its not adding. Any help would be great <html> <script language="JavaScript"> function validated(){ var matric = document.s.matric.value; var name =; var course = document.s.course.value; var sem = document.s.sem.value; var semint = parseInt(sem); var tel =; var telint = parseInt(tel); var address = document.s.address.value; var picture = document.s.picture.value; if(matric==""){ window.alert("Please enter matric number!"); document.s.matric.focus(); return false; } if(name==""){ window.alert("Please enter student name!");; return false; } if(course==""){ window.alert("Please enter student course!"); document.s.course.focus(); return false; } if(isNaN(semint)){ window.alert("Please enter student semester!"); document.s.sem.focus(); return false; } if(isNaN(telint)){ window.alert("Please enter contact number!");; return false; } if(address==""){ window.alert("Please enter student address!"); document.s.address.focus(); return false; } if(picture==""){ window.alert("Please enter student picture!"); document.s.picture.focus(); return false; } } </script> <body> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td align="center"><h1><font color="#0000FF" face="Arial">ADD STUDENT PROFILE</font></h1></td> </tr> </table> <br><br> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td align="right"><font size="1" face="Arial"><a href='main.php'>Student List</a></font></td> </tr> </table> <br><br> <form method="post" action="student_form.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" name='s' onsubmit='return validated()';> <table width="70%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"> <tr> <td width="33%" align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial"><strong>Matric Number</strong></font></td> <td width="5%" align="center">:</td> <td width="62%"><input type='text' name='matric' size=30 maxlength=15></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial"><strong>Name</strong></font></td> <td align="center">:</td> <td><input type='text' name='name' size=30 maxlength=50></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial"><strong>Course</strong></font></td> <td align="center">:</td> <td><input type='text' name='course' size=30 maxlength=50></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial"><strong>Semester</strong></font></td> <td align="center">:</td> <td><input type='text' name='sem' size=5 maxlength=2></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial"><strong>Sex</strong></font></td> <td align="center">:</td> <td><input type='radio' name='sex' value='Male' checked> Male <input type='radio' name='sex' value='Female'> Female</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial"><strong>Contact Number</strong></font></td> <td align="center">:</td> <td><input type='text' name='tel' size=30 maxlength=50></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial"><strong>Address</strong></font></td> <td align="center">:</td> <td><input type='text' name='address' size=50 maxlength=100></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial"><strong>Picture</strong></font></td> <td align="center">:</td> <td> <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="10485760"> <input type="file" name="picture" size="40"> <font size="1" face="Arial"> Maxsize 1MB</font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td><input type='submit' name="submit" value='Submit'> <input type='reset' value='Reset'></td> </tr> </table> <?php if ($submit) { include 'db_connect.php'; $data = addslashes(fread(fopen($picture, "r"), filesize($picture))); $pjpeg="image/pjpeg"; $jpeg="image/jpeg"; $gif="image/gif"; $png="image/png"; $bmp="image/bmp"; if ($picture_type == $pjpeg OR $picture_type == $jpeg OR $picture_type == $gif OR $picture_type == $png OR $picture_type == $bmp) { $sql="INSERT INTO info (matric, name, course, sem, sex, tel, address ,bin_data,filename,filesize,filetype) VALUES ('$matric', '$name', '$course', '$sem', '$sex', '$tel', '$address', '$data','$picture_name','$picture_size','$picture_type')"; $result=mysql_query($sql); header ("Location: main.php"); } else{ echo "<script language='JavaScript'>"; echo "window.alert('Error! You only can upload jpeg, gif, png, bmp file type.')"; echo "</script>"; } } ?> </form> </body> </html> Thanks, Hi, how to make this form + php to make it work this way from the drop-down box choose the database title, or ID, and then the form in which I write some content will be added to the database that matches the title or ID that is sometimes so as not to invade a mistake and content that I type is not added to another title or ID I created something like this: <?php $db = new mysqli('localhost','xxxxx','xxxx','xxxx'); mysqli_query($db,'SET NAMES `utf8`'); $sqlnowe = mysqli_query($db,'SELECT * FROM `cc` ORDER BY `id` DESC '); ?> <form action="formu.php" method="post"> <select name="tytul"> <?php while ($rownowe = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlnowe)) { ?> <option><? echo $rownowe['tytul']; ?></option><?php };?> </select> opismax:<br /> <input type="text" name="opismax" /><br /> <textarea name="opismax" cols="50" rows="10">Proszę, wpisz tutaj jakiś komentarz...</textarea> <input type="submit" value="dodaj" /> </form> <?php // odbieramy dane z formularza $tytul = $_POST['tytul']; $opismax = $_POST['opismax']; if($tytul and $opismax) { // dodajemy rekord do bazy $ins = mysqli_query("INSERT tytul='$tytul' INTO publications SET opismax='$opismax'"); if($ins) echo "Good"; else echo "Bad"; } ?> Hey anybody can please guide me where I m wrong in this php code please reply here is the code Only variables should be passed by reference on line 3 in that function area function get_file_extension($file_name) main error I guess is the explode one Aand yeah I checked adding $file_name = $_FILES['fld']; before the function is started <?php require("include/dbconn.php"); //$username = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['username1']); function get_file_extension($file_name) { return end(explode('.',$file_name)); } function errors($error){ if (!empty($error)) { $i = 0; while ($i < count($error)){ $showError.= '<div class="msg-error">'.$error[$i].'</div>'; $i ++;} return $showError; }// close if empty errors } // close function if (isset($_POST['submit'])){ $username = "Sunny"; $date1 = date("d m y"); mysql_select_db("deals") or die(mysql_error()); if($username == "") { //header("location:newnewuser1.php"); echo "Username empty"; //header("location:newnewuser1.php"); } else { function createRandomPassword() { $chars = "abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz023456789"; srand((double)microtime()*1000000); $i = 0; $pass = '' ; while ($i <= 7) { $num = rand() % 33; $tmp = substr($chars, $num, 1); $pass = $pass . $tmp; $i++; } return $pass; } // Usage $password = createRandomPassword(); //$password = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['Password']); $date = strtotime("+2hours"); $date1 = date("d-m-y",$date); if(get_file_extension($_FILES["fld"]["name"])!= 'csv') { $error[] = 'Only CSV files accepted!'; echo "Wrong Input"; }//get_file_extension if (!$error) { $tot = 0; $handle = fopen($_FILES["fld"]["tmp_name"], "r"); while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) { for ($c=0; $c < 1; $c++) { try { mysql_query("INSERT INTO newusers (email,password,location,company,name,contact,sourcename,date)VALUES('".mysql_real_escape_string($data[0])."','$password','".mysql_real_escape_string($data[1])."', '".mysql_real_escape_string($data[2])."','".mysql_real_escape_string($data[3])."','".mysql_real_escape_string($data[4])."','$username1','$date1')"); $tot++; } catch(Exception $e) { PRINT 'ERROR:' +$e; } }//for }//while fclose($handle); }// end no error }//close if isset upfile } ?> and this is the form code <form name="f1" action="" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <table><tr><td><input type="file" value="Browse" name="fld" onselect="CheckExtension(fld)"><br/></td><td> </td></tr><tr><td>Username :<input type="text" name="username1" value="" id="user" onfocus="validateForm1()"></td> <td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" id="submit"></td></tr></table> </form> Please help me I m stuck in this quite badly Please [attachment deleted by admin] Hey All, first off Merry X-Mas ok so I'm trying to insert something into the batabse in one of three areas' let me explain there are three fields in the users database bounceone, bouncetwo and bouncethree now what I want to do is when the user clicks add to bounce list insert a value into the databse in one of these three hole, if bounceone is empty put it there, if not check bouncetwo if it's empty put it there, if not check the final one and if it's empty put it there else echo sorry please either remove a bounce any ideas on how this can be done. |