PHP - Ban Words, Number And Emails In A Text Area
Hi all, please bare with me i am a newbie to this forum, i will try my best to provide all clear accurate information where possible, please find a below breakdown, i've had a little help from a user already but as am still getting problems and confused i will take his advise am post it in the right place !
1) I have the below code and wish to ban specifc words, numbers and emails of my choice. 2) If the users enter a baned word etc either nothing will happen or it will forward them to another page. Please find attached index.php which is full working script of where i wish to add my banned words code too, also please find attached indextest.php containing the working script and code of bannng specfic words that i can't get to work. When i run indextest.php on my linux server the whole page displays perfectly but when you enter a baned or unbaned word and click submit nothing happens at all, so am very confused to where am going wrong. Any kind, helpfull guides to what i'm doing wrong would be highly appriciate as i do want to learn from my mistakes. All the best Steve Similar Tutorials<?php require_once('upper.php'); if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { //This is code in which we can choose the type and size file uploaded or upload anything. We can declare the path of folder or can do without it. if($_FILES['uploaded_file']['size']< 200000) { /*if($_FILES['uploaded_file']['error']>0) { echo "Error occurs".$_FILES['up_test']['error']."<br/>"; } else{*/ $Title=$_POST['Title']; $City=$_POST['City']; $Content=$_POST['Content']; $Date=$_POST['Date']; echo "Uploaded Title--$Title<br/>"; echo "Uploaded City--$City<br/>"; echo "Uploaded Content--$Content<br/>"; echo "Uploaded Date of Event--$Date<br/>"; /*if(file_exists("upload/". $_FILES['uploaded_file']['name'])) { echo "File".$_FILES['uploaded_file']['name']." already exists"; } else {*/ move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploaded_file']['tmp_name'],"upload/".$_FILES['uploaded_file']['name']); echo "File uploaded-- ".$_FILES['uploaded_file']['name']."<br><br><br>"; } else{ echo "File size is too large or Not Uploaded "; } $path="upload/".$_FILES['uploaded_file']['name']; require_once('database.php'); $result=mysqli_query($dbc,"insert into events (Title,City,Content,Photo,Date) values ('$Title','$City','$Content','$path','$Date')") or die ('Not Connected Events'); //echo "PAth"; } ?> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css" /> </head> <body> <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <h4>Enter Events</h4><br> Enter Title <br><textarea rows="10" cols="10" name="Title"></textarea><br> Enter City <br><input type="text" name="City"><br> Enter Content <br><textarea rows="10" cols="10" name="Content"></textarea><br> <label for="file">Upload Photo<br></label> <input type="file" name="uploaded_file" /> <br /> Enter Date of Event<br> <input type="text" name="Date" value="yyyy-mm-dd"><br> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Upload" /> </form> <?php require_once('lower.php');?> </body> </html> Hi friends............... In above code when i upload title or content within range of 20 words it works properly but when I increase numbers of words till approx. 100 words. It gives an error "Not Connected Events". Not any file is uploaded in database. I set the length of title and content in phpmyadmin is 500 and 1000 and type is varchar respectively. I can't understand where is problem???????? I think it's about something size??????? Help me Anyone??????????????? I have a string in the form of "word1-word2-word3-word4-word5-word-6-word7", but I want to shorten it to 5 words only. Hi guys, I am new to PHP/coding and am trying to look for 1. A way of comparing the words in one static array against other dynamically created arrays (created from mysql queries) 2. Work out how many similar words there are - then assign that number to that array My static array is...$comparewithme = array with values = this is an example of an array Mysql_query("select id, words from table_example") Results from query are put into an array that is named according to id.. $result2 = array with values = this is an example of queries $result3 = array with values = this is not an example of php Comparison should give the following info Comparing $comparewithme with $result2 should generate a hit rate of 5 (similar words=this is an example of)... Comparing $comparewithme with $result3 should generate a hit rate of 4 (similar words=this is an example)... Any ideas greatly appreciated...thanks in advance Hi all - I'm setting up a custom PHP blog. It pulls the data from a MySQL database which includes HTML tags (<p><div><span> etc...). I would like to display only up to 50 words per post on the blog page, which users can then read and click a link to then see the entire post. I've developed some code which does this, however, it seems to be stripping my HTML tags... Very sad! Would be very very grateful if one (or more) of you kind lot would have a look at my code and let me know if there is a easier (I'm all for easy) and proper way of implementing this so that it works without stripping my HTML tags. Cheers!!! Code: [Select] // Counts number of blog words in the content $blog_content_words = str_word_count($blog["content"], 1); // Sets the blog_words variable to 0 $blog_words = 0; // Prints title on page as a permalink to a post echo '<h1><a href="blog.php?id='.$blog["id"].'">'.$blog["title"].'</a></h1><p>'; // Loops while blog_word is under 50 while($blog_words < 50) { // Prints a word from blog_content_words array of blog post and adds a space afterwards echo $blog_content_words["$blog_words"]." "; // Adds 1 to the blog_words counter ++$blog_words; } // Adds a read more link to the post which links to full blog post echo '... <a href="blog.php?id='.$blog["id"].'">[read more]</a></p>'; I'd like to use a text editor like this one: for my forums. But I am not sure exactly how I would prevent abuse and injects to messed up the page, rather than being contained in the designated area it is meant for. Could some one please help me, I know htmlspecailchars will not work, since some of the code needs to render as html I’m trying to construct a button that simply writes an "aleph" character into a text area, see below.
My code does not work, can anyone tell me why ? How should I fix it ?
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <head> <title>Example</title> <script type="text/javascript"> //JavaScript code goes here function insertAtEnd(text) { var theArea = document.getElementById("thisArea"); theArea.value += '' + text + '';; } </script> </head> <body> <input type="button" id="aleph" name="aleph" value="Write an aleph" onClick="javascript:insertAtEnd(\'<span>א</span>\');return(false)" /> <textarea id="thisArea"> </textarea> </body> </html> Create a data form that should accept odd number of words in a particular sentence
Input Example: I am working in retailon.
and should display the output as reversing first and last word and second word to fourth word
and so on and the middle word should be same and should also display the number of words.
Output Example: retailon in working am i.
Input:I am Working in Google.
Output:Google in Working am I.
Merry xmas and happy new in advance to you all. I have a web form where user submit an ad. Everything is working just fine. However there is a field name brief. The brief field is where user add info about their ad. Now people are including web url, phone numbers and email address in this field which make the ad look like spam. In the code there is already a function that check if they have entered their email address in the email field. I want to add a function to the check field to include the brief field. The function should either automatically delete any phone number/email addr/web url or replace with with my website name if detected in the brief field. Your help will be highly appreciated. Code: [Select] <?php function check_fields() { global $db_entry, $visible_val, $cat_fields, $email, $HTTP_POST_VARS, $photos_count, $phptomaxsize, $userfile, $prviewphotomax, $incl_prevphoto, $incl_mtmdfile, $mtmdfile_maxs, $userfile_name, $select_text, $msg2; if(!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { foreach ($HTTP_POST_VARS as $key5 => $value ) { $HTTP_POST_VARS[$key5]=addslashes($HTTP_POST_VARS[$key5]); } } foreach ( $cat_fields as $key => $value ) { $HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]=ereg_replace('<', '&#060;', $HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]); $HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]=ereg_replace('>', '&#062;', $HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]); if ($cat_fields[$key][2]=="minmax") { $HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]=ereg_replace(',', '', $HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]); $HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]=preg_replace ('/[A-Za-z]|\$|,|\?|\+/', "", $HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]); } if ($cat_fields[$key][4]=="date") { $key_d=$key."_dd"; $key_m=$key."_mm"; $key_y=$key."_yy"; $HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]=$HTTP_POST_VARS[$key_y]."-".$HTTP_POST_VARS[$key_m]."-".$HTTP_POST_VARS[$key_d]; if (($HTTP_POST_VARS[$key_m] > 12) or ($HTTP_POST_VARS[$key_m] < 1) or ($HTTP_POST_VARS[$key_d] > 31) or ($HTTP_POST_VARS[$key_d] < 1) or ($HTTP_POST_VARS[$key_y] < 1)) { $message=" <center> <font class='msgf2' > ".$msg2['incorr_date_f']." ".$cat_fields[$key][0]." </font> </center> "; output_mssg_ex($message); return; } } if ($cat_fields[$key][4]=="checkbox") { $aa5=split('<option>',$cat_fields[$key][7]); $i_aa5=0; foreach ($aa5 as $value1) { $i_aa5++; $namechbx=$key.$i_aa5; if ($HTTP_POST_VARS[$namechbx]!="") {$HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]=$HTTP_POST_VARS[$key].$HTTP_POST_VARS[$namechbx]."; ";} } } $str_length1=strlen($HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]); $aa4=split(':',$cat_fields[$key][3]); $fmaxsize=$aa4[1]; if ($aa4[2]!="") $fmaxsize=$aa4[2]; $fmaxsize=2*$fmaxsize; if ( $str_length1 > $fmaxsize) { $message=" <center> <font class='msgf2' > ".$msg2['Ad_info_in_field']." <font class='msgf1' >".$cat_fields[$key][0]." </font> ".$msg2['is_too_large_inf']."</font> </center> "; output_mssg_ex($message); return; } if ($HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]==$select_text) {$HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]="";} if ($cat_fields[$key][5]=='1') { if (( $HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]=="") or ( $HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]=="http://")) { $message=" <center> <font class='msgf2' > ".$msg2['Ad_field_c']." <font class='msgf1' > ".$cat_fields[$key][0]." </font> ".$msg2['was_mising_on_form']."</font> </center> "; output_mssg_ex($message); return; } } } if ($cat_fields['email'][5]=='1'){ $HTTP_POST_VARS['email']=check_email($HTTP_POST_VARS['email']); } for ($i=1; $i<=$photos_count; $i++) { $i1=$i-1; if (file_exists($userfile[$i1])){ if (filesize($userfile[$i1]) > $phptomaxsize) { $phptomaxsize1=$phptomaxsize/1000; $message=" <center> <font class='msgf2' > ".$msg2['Your_photo_n']." $i ( ".$userfile_name[$i1]." ) ".$msg2['is_too_large_ph']." < $phptomaxsize1 ".$msg2['Kbyte_v'].". </font></font> </center> "; output_mssg_ex($message); return; } } } if ($incl_prevphoto=="yes") { $i1++; if (file_exists($userfile[$i1])){ if (filesize($userfile[$i1]) > $prviewphotomax) { $prviewphotomax1=$prviewphotomax/1000; $message=" <center> <font class='msgf2' > ".$msg2['Your_preview_photo_d']." ( ".$userfile_name[$i1]." ) ".$msg2['is_too_large_prph']." < $prviewphotomax1 ".$msg2['Kbyte_v'].". </font></font> </center> "; output_mssg_ex($message); return; } } } if ($incl_mtmdfile=="yes") { $i1++; if (file_exists($userfile[$i1])){ if (filesize($userfile[$i1]) > $mtmdfile_maxs) { $mtmdfile_maxs1=$mtmdfile_maxs/1000; $message=" <center> <font class='msgf2' > ".$msg2['Your_multimedia_file']." ".$userfile_name[$i1]." ".$msg2['is_too_large_mmf']." < $mtmdfile_maxs1 ".$msg2['Kbyte_v'].". </font></font> </center> "; output_mssg_ex($message); return; } } } } function checknusrads() { global $cat_fields, $table_ads, $ct, $page, $adsonpage, $html_header, $html_footer, $usrads_chcktime, $usrads_max, $categories,$ch_nmusr, $REMOTE_ADDR, $msg2, $msg, $templ, $indx_url; $timech1=time() - $usrads_chcktime*86400; $sql_query="select count(idnum) from $table_ads where ipaddr1='$REMOTE_ADDR' and time > $timech1"; $sql_res=mysql_query("$sql_query"); $row=mysql_fetch_row($sql_res); $count=$row[0]; if ($count >= $usrads_max) { $message=" <font class='msgf2'> <center> ".$msg2['exceeded_max_n_ads']." ($usrads_max) ".$msg2['allowed_per_time_p']." ($usrads_chcktime ".$msg2['days_v']." <p> <font class='stfnt'> <a href='{$indx_url}md=browse&ipaddr1=$REMOTE_ADDR&visunvis=1'>".$msg2['Click_here_v']." </a> ".$msg2['to_see_your_ads']." </font> </center> </font> "; $thtml= " <center><table width='400'><tr><td> <font class='stfntb'> <b><a href='$indx_url'>".$msg['top'].":</a></b></font> <font class='stfntb'> <b> <a href='{$indx_url}ct=$ct'>".$categories[$ct][0]." </b></a> </font> <hr size='1'><p> $message <p><hr size='1'> </tr></td></table> </center> "; include($templ['msg']); return; } } function check_duplication() { global $pradsdupl, $HTTP_POST_VARS, $table_ads, $msg2, $ct, $indx_url; if ($pradsdupl=='yes'){ $email_d=$HTTP_POST_VARS['email']; $title_d=$HTTP_POST_VARS['title']; $dupl_k="0"; $time1=time() - 1000; $sql_query="select idnum from $table_ads where title='$title_d' and email='$email_d' and catname='$ct' and (time > $time1)"; $sql_res=mysql_query("$sql_query"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($sql_res)) { $dupl_id=$row['idnum']; $dupl_k="1"; } if ($dupl_k=="1"){ global $moderating; $title_d=stripslashes($title_d); if ($moderating!="yes"){ $ttlad1="<a href='{$indx_url}md=details&ct=$ct&id=$dupl_id'>$title_d (ID# $dupl_id)</a>"; } else {$ttlad1="<font color='#000077'>$title_d (ID# $dupl_id)</font>";} $message=" <center> <font FACE='ARIAL, HELVETICA' COLOR='#880000' > <b> ".$msg2['tried_duplicate_ad']." <br> $ttlad1 </font></b></font> </center> "; output_mssg_ex($message); return; } } } function submit_ad() { global $db_entry, $visible_val, $cat_fields, $email, $HTTP_POST_VARS, $ch_nmusr, $photo_url, $photo_path, $id_count, $userfile, $userfile_name, $visible_val, $html_header, $html_footer, $msg, $msg2, $paymgtw, $photos_url, $photos_path, $photos_count, $moderating, $ad_idnum, $sndadmnotif,$use_spmg, $templ; global $actadoptv; if($actadoptv=="yes"){$moderating="yes"; include_once("actlink.php");} global $usevrfcode; if ($usevrfcode=="yes"){include_once("vrfuncs.php"); if(!ch_vrcode()){return;}} if($paymgtw=="yes"){include("ecmc.php"); check_pmsubmit();} if ($ch_nmusr=="yes"){checknusrads();} check_fields(); ?> Many thanks again Hello, recently I changed host of my website and when a visitor clicks "contact us" button in my website (in which one needs to enter his/ her email, name, phone , etc) and submit his/her message then I get email. Before this hosting I used to get emails from the visitor who filled the form so it was easier for me to reply but now after I changed the host I get email as "mydomain@hosting-company-domain" instead of the visitor's email. I messaged them then they told me something about SMTP authenticate using PHP, please guide me to fix this. Hello everyone, I have a website where users are able to send and receive messages. I am trying to devise a way that I can prevent abusive messages from being sent. The best way that I can think of to do this is to use a few key words that would likely be used in an abusive message (basically, any curse word). Does anyone have any ideas on how I can check the text before it is sent for certain key words? Thanks in advance for any help or ideas. I'm looking for (1) a code to analyze the current page and show main words of the text, and (2) capturing similar words from the internet. I want to add a text area to this so when an Administrator of the site clicks the refusal button, they will be able to type in a reason for the refusal. Code: [Select] <?php echo '<a href="adminDeleteGoodie.php?delete_id=' . $delete_s_find . '" onClick="return confirm(\'Are you sure you want to delete ' . $makesure_s . ' from the Goodies Approval List? If so, please leave a reason for the upload being denied. NEED A TEXT AREA RIGHT HERE \');"><img src="images_new/remove.jpg" border="0" /></a>'; ?> Note that my code still use the old mysql query and I am aware of that. I want to migrate it to mysqli soon but it will have to wait until I learn how to do so. Meanwhile, please help me with the code that I have now. Thank you
I've looked around the internet to find how to do this and I found two methods:
I wrapped my text into one of the two function in order to pass in text with apostrophe in it to the database.
However I encountered a problem.
With mysql_real_escape_string, I got the desired effect that I want but the problem is that, the function also apply its effect onto html img tag. So <img src="test"> turns into <img src=/"test/"> and therefore images (and also links) will not appear.
With htmlspecialchars, again I got the desired function that I want which is to pass in apostrophe into the database. The problem with this is that when I pull the data out from the database and echo it onto my page, it doesn't render and show as a plain html code.
What confuse me a lot is that, it works fine inside my localhost.
Please help
Thank you!
Attached Files
content-insert.php 3.92KB
4 downloads Hi, I've been asked to modify a section on a site for a local club. Basically, I've been asked to improve the name input section (a user may have to input up 15 names in one visit to the site). At the moment the site works like this: The user enters one members first name in one form box, then the surname in another, then presses "add name" which adds it to the list. What i want to be able to do (and i'm sure i've seen it somewhere), is have the user enter the list of names into one big text area: Type in the first name then the surname, hit enter for a new line in the text area then type the next name....etc. When the list is complete press "add names" button. Is there a name for this type of input? And does it work on the following principle: 1. The entire text sent from the text area can be exploded into an array using the line break as the delimiter 2. Each value in the array is then the first name and second name. 3. I can then explode each value further now using the space as the delimiter. 4. I am left with a bunch of arrays containing the first name in one value and the surname in the second Any help or pointers here would be class Cheers, John How can I make this textarea box height larger? The width is fine but I need to make it a little taller so I don't have to scroll to see what I've typed in. Thanks Code: [Select] <tr> <td colspan="4"><b>Notes:</b> <textarea style= "width: 100%"> </textarea> </td> </tr> Hi, I'm not sure if this should be in PHP or HTML so apologies if it's in the wrong area. I have a form with a text area element but when the text is submitted, tags such as <br> aren't included so the outputted text is never formatted correctly such as there being no paragraphs. Is there a way make sure such tags are included in the output text? Ta. Hi, Im trying to make a script to mass update a load of links in my database but im stuck on the basics, How can i detect a new line in a text area? Anyone know why this dosen't work? Code: [Select] <?php if($_POST[newlinks]) { $newlinks = preg_split("\n", ($_POST['newlinks'])); $i = 1; foreach ($newlinks as $newlink) { echo "$i - $newlink <br />"; $i++; } } else { echo "<form method=\"POST\" action=\"changehost.php\">"; echo "<br /> <strong>Enter the new links to try and replace old ones</strong> <br />"; echo "<textarea rows=\"16\" name=\"newlinks\" cols=\"84\"></textarea>"; echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\" name=\"B1\">"; ?> Hi, I am trying to make a php website to create listings however I am having problems with the following code: <?php require_once("/home/a9653716/public_html/functions.php"); if(!$_SESSION['uid']){ header("Location: index.php"); } $id = mss($_GET['id']); if ($id) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM `forum_sub_cats` WHERE `id`='" . $id . "'"; $res = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($res) == 0) { echo "The forum you are trying to create a topic on, does not exist!\n"; } else { $row1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res); if ($row1['admin'] == 1 && $admin_user_level == 0) { echo "You are not an administrator, therefore you cannot post on this forum!\n"; } else { if (!$_POST['submit']) { echo "<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"3\" cellpadding=\"3\">\n"; echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"./index.php?act=create&id=".$id."\">\n"; echo "<tr><td>Forum Sub Category</td><td><select name=\"cat\">\n"; $sql2 = "SELECT * FROM `forum_cats` WHERE `admin` < " . $admin_user_level . "+1"; $res2 = mysql_query($sql2) or die(mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res2)) { $sql3 = "SELECT * FROM `forum_sub_cats` WHERE `cid`='" . $row['id'] . "'"; $res3 = mysql_query($sql3) or die(mysql_error()); echo "<option value=\"0\">" . $row['name'] . "</option>\n"; while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res3)) { $selected = ($row2['id'] == $id) ? " SELECTED" : ""; echo "<option value=\"" . $row2['id'] . "\"" . $selected . "> " . $row2['name'] . "</option>\n"; } } echo "</select></td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td>Topic Title</td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"title\"></td></tr>\n"; ?> <script>edToolbar('message'); </script> <?php echo "<tr><td>Message</td><td><textarea id=\"message\" name=\"message\" class=\"ed\"></textarea></td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td>Tags (Seperate with commas)</td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"tags\"></td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"right\"><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Create Topic\"></td></tr>\n"; echo "</form></table>\n"; } else { $cat = mss($_POST['cat']); $title = mss($_POST['title']); $msg = mss($_POST['message']); $tags = mss($POST['tags']); if ($cat && $title && $msg && $tags) { $sql = "SELECT admin FROM `forum_sub_cats` WHERE `id`='" . $cat . "'"; $res = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($res) == 0) { echo "This forum sub category does not exist!\n"; } else { $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res); if ($row['admin'] == 1 && $admin_user_level != 1) { echo "You are not an admin therefore you cannot post a new topic on this forum!\n"; } else { if (strlen($title) < 3 || strlen($title) > 32) { echo "The title must be between 3 and 32 characters!\n"; } else { if (strlen($msg) < 3 || strlen($msg) > 10000) { echo "The message must be between 3 and 10,000 characters!\n"; } else { if (strlen($tags) < 2 || strlen($tags) > 200) { echo "You must submit at least 1 tag and the total length mustn't be more than 200 characters!\n"; } else { $date = date("m-d-y") . " at " . date("h:i:s"); $time = time(); $sql2 = "INSERT INTO `forum_topics` (`cid`,`title`,`uid`,`date`,`time`,`message`,`tags`) VALUES('" . $cat . "','" . $title . "','" . $_SESSION['uid'] . "','" . $date . "','" . $time . "','" . $msg . "','" . $tags . "')"; $res2 = mysql_query($sql2) or die(mysql_error()); $tid = mysql_insert_id(); topic_go($tid); } } } } } } else { echo "Please supply all the fields! \n"; } } } } } else { if (!$_POST['submit']) { echo "<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"3\" cellpadding=\"3\">\n"; echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"./index.php?act=create\">\n"; echo "<tr><td>Forum Sub Category</td><td><select name=\"cat\">\n"; $sql2 = "SELECT * FROM `forum_cats` WHERE `admin` < " . $admin_user_level . "+1"; $res2 = mysql_query($sql2) or die(mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res2)) { $sql3 = "SELECT * FROM `forum_sub_cats` WHERE `cid`='" . $row['id'] . "'"; $res3 = mysql_query($sql3) or die(mysql_error()); echo "<option value=\"0\">" . $row['name'] . "</option>\n"; while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res3)) { $selected = ($row2['id'] == $id) ? " SELECTED" : ""; echo "<option value=\"" . $row2['id'] . "\"" . $selected . "> " . $row2['name'] . "</option>\n"; } } echo "</select></td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td>Listing Title</td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"title\"></td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td>Message</td><td><textarea id=\"markItUp\" name=\"message\" style=\"width:300px;height:100px;\"></textarea></td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"right\"><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Create Topic\"></td></tr>\n"; echo "</form></table>\n"; } else { $cat = mss($_POST['cat']); $title = mss($_POST['title']); $msg = mss($_POST['message']); $tags = mss($POST['tags']); if ($cat && $title && $msg && $tags) { $sql = "SELECT admin FROM `forum_sub_cats` WHERE `id`='" . $cat . "'"; $res = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($res) == 0) { echo "This forum sub category does not exist!\n"; } else { $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res); if ($row['admin'] == 1 && $admin_user_level != 1) { echo "You are not an admin therefore you cannot post a new topic on this forum!\n"; } else { if (strlen($title) < 3 || strlen($title) > 32) { echo "The title must be between 3 and 32 characters!\n"; } else { if (strlen($msg) < 3 || strlen($msg) > 10000) { echo "The message must be between 3 and 10,000 characters!\n"; } else { if (strlen($tags) < 2 || strlen($tags) > 200) { echo "You must submit at least 1 tag and no more than a total of 200 characters!\n"; } else { $date = date("m-d-y") . " at " . date("h:i:s"); $time = time(); $sql2 = "INSERT INTO `forum_topics` (`cid`,`title`,`uid`,`date`,`time`,`message`,`tags`) VALUES ('" . $cat . "','" . $title . "','" . $_SESSION['uid'] . "','" . $date . "','" . $time . "','" . $msg . "','" . $tags . "')"; $res2 = mysql_query($sql2) or die(mysql_error()); $tid = mysql_insert_id(); header("Location: index.php?act=topic&id=" . $tid . ""); } } } } } } else { echo "Please supply all the fields!\n"; } } } ?> It seems to work fine until I put the tags text box in. It works fine however when I submit something it says that I havn't supplied all the fields. I have spent quite a while trying to figure this one out but I am very new to php and understand that it's probably a missing comma or something! I'm trying to retrieve the text from a text area and put this in a PHP variable without submitting the form. The text is provided by a database and I want to format it for the user. How can I do this with PHP? So basically: Code: [Select] <form id="createForm" name="createForm" method="post" action=""> <textarea name="subjectTextArea" id="subjectTextArea" cols="45" rows="5"> This is the text I want to put in a PHP variable before the form is submitted. </textarea> </form> <?php $txtArea = ? ?> Thanks for the help. Hi! I have a text area on my webpage which takes in user php scripts and produces an output in an adjacent window. I am trying to find out how I can auto include some php tags into the input text area so that the user doesn't have to keep typing them in every time. Code: [Select] <form name="form1" method="post" ACTION="editor.php"> <textarea rows="10" cols="60" id="code" name="code"></textarea> <span class="submitbutton">Test code</span> </form> Thanks in advance, Jay |