PHP - Use Variable Connection Strings Without Eval?
I have multiple servers and I'm trying to have a user connect to the right server based on their 'assigned' server. So, I need to use different variable names based on that
in an include file earlier in the main script, I have... Code: [Select] $hostSignIn0001="server1"; $userSignIn0001="xxx1"; $passwordSignIn0001="yyy1"; $dbnameSignIn0001="zzz1"; $hostSignIn0001="server2"; $userSignIn0001="xxx2"; $passwordSignIn0001="yyy2"; $dbnameSignIn0001="zzz2"; in the main script, I have a variable that has the assigned server and I want to use the right connection variables based on this. I could use eval to turn $hostSignIn into $hostSignIn0001 (and so forth for the other variables) and then it would pull the right info, but I'm looking for an alternative way to do this since I'd like to exclude eval from functioning in my scripts using php.ini. Is there an alternative way to do this without using eval? Code: [Select] if (!$cxnSignIn = mysqli_connect($hostSignIn, $userSignIn, $passwordSignIn, $dbnameSignIn)) { exit; } Thanks. Similar TutorialsHello guys,
I do not know if anyone work or have worked with the "elFinder (file manager)" .. I incorporate "elFinder" to my platform .. I have the following question .. Have its connector: <?php error_reporting(0); // Set E_ALL for debuging include_once dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'elFinderConnector.class.php'; include_once dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'elFinder.class.php'; include_once dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'elFinderVolumeDriver.class.php'; include_once dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'elFinderVolumeLocalFileSystem.class.php'; // Required for MySQL storage connector include_once dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'elFinderVolumeMySQL.class.php'; // Required for FTP connector support include_once dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'elFinderVolumeFTP.class.php'; /** * Simple function to demonstrate how to control file access using "accessControl" callback. * This method will disable accessing files/folders starting from '.' (dot) * * @param string $attr attribute name (read|write|locked|hidden) * @param string $path file path relative to volume root directory started with directory separator * @return bool|null **/ function access($attr, $path, $data, $volume) { return strpos(basename($path), '.') === 0 // if file/folder begins with '.' (dot) ? !($attr == 'read' || $attr == 'write') // set read+write to false, other (locked+hidden) set to true : null; // else elFinder decide it itself } $opts = array( // 'debug' => true, 'roots' => array( array( 'driver' => 'LocalFileSystem', // driver for accessing file system (REQUIRED) 'path' => '/home/', // path to files (REQUIRED) 'URL' => dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '/home/', // URL to files (REQUIRED) 'accessControl' => 'access' // disable and hide dot starting files (OPTIONAL) ) ) ); // run elFinder $connector = new elFinderConnector(new elFinder($opts)); $connector->run();I want him to make the call the "$screen" (folder will be created automatically by the user) of each user .. and not the "/home/" (as an example of put) .. the "$screen" comes from my platform, and I add the "elFinder" to it .. Imagine that each user creates "1/2/3 or 4, etc .." folders .. Hello guys, I do not know if anyone work or have worked with the "elFinder (file manager)" .. I incorporate "elFinder" to my platform .. and have the following question .. Have its connector: Code: ------------------------------------- //za screen imeto function clean($string) { $string = str_replace(' ', '-', $string); // Replaces all spaces with hyphens. $string = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9\-]/', '', $string); // Removes special chars. return preg_replace('/-+/', '-', $string); // Replaces multiple hyphens with single one. } //end $srvname = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['servername'])); //ime na servera $port = (int)$_POST['ports']; //port na servera $ip = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['serverip'])); //serverip $screen = clean($srvname).$port.'_'.uniqid(); //screen imeto mysql_query("INSERT INTO server (screen) VALUES('$screen')") or die(mysql_error()); $opts = array( 'locale' => 'en_US.UTF-8', 'bind' => array( // '*' => 'logger', 'mkdir mkfile rename duplicate upload rm paste' => 'logger' ), 'debug' => true, 'roots' => array( array( 'driver' => 'LocalFileSystem', 'path' => ''.$screen.'', 'startPath' => ''.$screen.'', 'URL' => dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . ''.$screen.'', // 'treeDeep' => 3, // 'alias' => 'File system', 'mimeDetect' => 'internal', 'tmbPath' => '.tmb', 'utf8fix' => true, 'tmbCrop' => false, 'tmbBgColor' => 'transparent', 'accessControl' => 'access', 'acceptedName' => '/^[^\.].*$/', // 'disabled' => array('extract', 'archive'), // 'tmbSize' => 128, 'attributes' => array( array( 'pattern' => '/\.js$/', 'read' => true, 'write' => false ), array( 'pattern' => '/^\/icons$/', 'read' => true, 'write' => false ) ) // 'uploadDeny' => array('application', 'text/xml') ), -------------------------------------- It doesn't work.. I need help for connect to the variable "$screen".. How can call the "table $screen" ? "table $screen": folders are automatically created by users Regards, Joob Hello there, I have a issue. My issue is that I parse PHP code executed by people via a command like so !php echo("hello there"); would output "hello there". Here is my command: case ':!php': $message = ""; for($i=4; $i <= (count($this->ex)); $i++) { $message .= $this->ex[$i]." "; } ob_start(); @eval($message); $output = ob_get_contents(); fputs($this->socket,"PRIVMSG #volt :{$output}\r\n"); ob_end_flush(); break; $message contains the code to be executed. But the problem is it won't return more than one line. I really want it to be able to output multiple lights from eval E.G if someone where to output a item that is split up into multiple lines. Does anybody know how to accomplish this? im got php code witch is there Code: [Select] <?php /* Hello World (helloworld.php) */ //Required for Active Members / Last 24 Active Members Plugins define('SCRIPTNAME', 'test.php'); //Load templates for this page to avoid extra usage of SQL queries. $LoadTemplatelist = array('test'); //Init require('./library/init/init.php'); //Set Page Title $Page_Title = get_phrase('test'); //Create & Add Breadcrumb AddBreadcrumb(array ( get_phrase('navigation_home') => $TSUE['TSUE_Settings']->settings['global_settings']['website_url'].'/?p=home&pid=1', get_phrase('test_home') => $TSUE['TSUE_Settings']->settings['global_settings']['website_url'].'/?p=test&pid='.PAGEID )); //Get Page Template $test = ''; $query = mysqli_connect(MYSQL_HOST, MYSQL_USER, MYSQL_PASS, MYSQL_DB); $sql = mysqli_query($query, "SELECT `filename`, `tid`, `info_hash`, `name`, `description`, `cid`, `size`, `added`, `leechers`, `seeders`, `times_completed`, `owner`, `options`, `nfo`, `sticky`, `flags`, `mtime`, `ctime`, `download_multiplier`, `upload_multiplier` FROM `tsue_torrents`, `tsue_attachments` WHERE `content_type`='torrent_images' AND `content_id` = `tid` LIMIT 0, 10"); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql)) { $test_row = ''; $description= $row['description']; $name= $row['name']; $leechers= $row['leechers']; $owner= $row['owner']; $filename= $row['filename']; $nunx= $row['tid']; $seeders= $row['seeders']; eval("\$test_row = \"".$TSUE['TSUE_Template']->LoadTemplate('test_row')."\";"); $test .= $test_row; } eval("\$test = \"".$TSUE['TSUE_Template']->LoadTemplate('test')."\";"); //Print HTML Output PrintOutput($test, $Page_Title); ?> any chance to call that code to other template? Code: [Select] <!DOCTYPE html> <html id="TSUE" lang="{$TSUE['TSUE_Language']->content_language}"> <head> <noscript><meta http-equiv=refresh content="0; URL={$TSUE['TSUE_Settings']->settings['global_settings']['website_url']}/?noscript=1" /></noscript> <base href="{$TSUE['TSUE_Settings']->settings['global_settings']['website_url']}/" /> <title>{$Page_Title}</title> <meta charset="{$TSUE['TSUE_Language']->charset}" /> <meta name="description" content="{$TSUE['TSUE_Settings']->settings['global_settings']['website_description']}" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=0.9, maximum-scale=3.0, user-scalable=1" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="{$TSUE['TSUE_Settings']->settings['global_settings']['website_url']}/style.php?l=style,fancybox,jqueryTools,forums,fileuploader,tinymce_ui,thread_prefixes,comments,downloads,image_gallery" type="text/css" media="screen" /> <link rel="Shortcut Icon" href="{$TSUE['TSUE_Settings']->settings['global_settings']['website_url']}/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /> </head> <body> {$newAnnouncement} <!-- start #wrap --> <div id="wrap"> <div class="over_header"> <div id="header"><div class="content">{$languageSelect}</div> {$Navigation} </div> </div> <!-- start #inner --> <div id="inner"> {$test} {$breadcrumb} {$SubNavigation} <div id="plugins"> {$sidebar} <div id="content" class="mainContent {$contentWidthClass}">{$warningHTML} {$PluginsHTML} {$Output}</div> </div> </div> <!-- end #inner --> <!-- start #footer --> <div id="footer"> <div class="footer_top"></div> <div class="footer_mid"> <div id="panel"> <p> None of the files shown here are actually hosted on this server. 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And, well I got it down to the function in PHP as Eval. I have my code set up like this: Code: [Select] $query="SELECT * FROM info"; $results = mysql_query($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($results)) { $x = $row['pointtext']; echo $x; } As you can see this, this is a simple query to grab all the rows under pointtxt. I have only 1 at the moment which is to text it, and it echo's it fine! It echo's this: Code: [Select] Imagettftext($im, 12, 0, $start_x, $start_y, $black, 'verdana.ttf', "text to write"); This is a PHP script for TEXT-TO-IMAGE. SO then considering the echo worked, I used this code: Code: [Select] $query="SELECT * FROM info"; $results = mysql_query($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($results)) { $x = $row['pointtext']; header("Content-Type: image/jpeg"); $im = ImageCreateFromPng("test.png"); $black = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 255, 255); $start_x = 10; $start_y = 20; eval($x); Imagejpeg($im, '', 100); ImageDestroy($im); } And as you can imagine, it doesn't work. As I said in my 2 day old topic, I want it to have the ability to put more text onto the image and save it. So, do I get help this time? PLEASE. Does the eval function not support the TEXT TO IMAGE got an error in the script. What, please at least answer this time. _______ Also forgot to mention that how the script doesn't work, is it displays the picture fine, but it doesn't place any text onto it. Or any I can see with the set coords. hi i know eval is not best way to run php code via database but its required to me. What is happening i am reading a feed and if i use eval it just repeat same rss links but if i put a direct code it show proper feed. here is my code which works proper $xml = simplexml_load_file($feedurl); foreach ($xml->channel->item as $item) { echo $item->title . "\n"; echo $item->link . "\n"; } results of above code are fine. Code: [Select] Feed one title feed one link feed two title feed two link feed three title feed three link and so on for 10 times as 10 feeds are available...... But if i use eval my database contains <?php echo $item->title . "\n"; echo $item->link . "\n"; ?> and i run it like this $xml = simplexml_load_file($feedurl); foreach ($xml->channel->item as $item) { eval('?>' . $fromadatabase['code'] . '<?php '); } and i get this results Code: [Select] Feed one title feed one link Feed one title feed one link Feed one title feed one link and so on...... means it just repeat first feed for 10 times Thanks for any help. Basically I am making a class which displays a set of data. Now sometimes the data returned from the database will be a unix time stamp so this needs to be displayed in a correct form. For this I use str_replace $replace - below this will contain a way of converting the data Replace is defined by: $replace = 'date(\'d-m-y\',$row_data[\'lastupdate\'])'; $row.= str_replace('{data}',eval($replace),'<td>{data}</td>'); This just gives me Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in C:\xampp\htdocs\z\src\lib\lib.table.php(348) : eval()'d code on line 1 Is this possible at all? So i need to dynamically call a function in my object, depending on certain parameters. Currently, I'm doing this: Code: [Select] <?php $myObject = new Object_Class; $the_function_to_call = "do_something"; // this is not really a static variable; it changes each time the script loads. eval("\$myObject->". $the_function_to_call ."();"); // run $myObject->do_something(); ?> This works fine but I'd rather not use eval() if I can help it. Is there an easy way to do this that I'm just missing? Hello guys i used the eval function but it does not echo anything back in the while loop ..the $new_string function contains "preg_split("/\.\(.*\)\.\(.*\)/", $file);", same as $parts..i need some guidance, thanks! <?php //"$DOCUMENT_ROOT"."new/"; $current_dir = 'C:\xampp\htdocs\Audit_Reports'; //Put in second part, the directory - without a leading slash but with a trailing slash! $dir = opendir($current_dir); // Open the sucker $newArgument = $_POST[argument]; $newArgument1 = $_POST[argument1]; $string ='preg_split("/\.\(.*\)\.\(.*\)/", $file);'; $new_string = preg_replace("#\/\\\.\\\\\(\.\*\\\\\)#","/\.\\($newArgument\)",$string); $new_string = preg_replace("#\\\.\\\\\(\.\*\\\\\)#","\.\\($newArgument1\)", $new_string); echo ("<p><h1>List of Audit Reports:</h1></p><hr><br />"); while ($file = readdir($dir)) // while loop { $parts = preg_split("/\.\(CLIENT\)\.\(.*\)/", $file); // $part = eval($new_string); if (is_array($parts) && count($parts) > 1) { // does the dissected array have more than one part $extension = reset($parts); // set to we can see last file extension if ($extension == "Audit_Report" OR $extension == "audit_report") // is extension ext or EXT ? echo "<a href=\"$file\" target=\"_blank\"> $file </a><br />"; // If so, echo it out else do nothing cos it's not what we want } } echo "<hr><br />"; closedir($dir); // Close the directory after we are done ?> The below codes are done in a while loop Result:ArrayArrayArrayArrayArrayArrayArrayArrayArrayArra yArrayArray $parts = preg_split("/\.\(A\)\.\(A\)/", $file); echo $parts; Result:No Output $part = eval($new_string); echo $part; hi everyone i've just finnished a course and began coding my own site.. i want to be able to put the script it self in the database. Then from read and execute the script from content.php BUT i get this error Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or T_NUM_STRING in C:\wamp\www\content.php(35) : eval()'d code on line 1 Call Stack so far it's has been fairly easy to correct the errors, but this one i don't know how to handle.. can anyone give me a hint where I've mistaken The script i put in the database if (!isset($_GET['category'])) { $query = "SELECT * FROM links ORDER BY category ASC"; $result = mysql_query($query); echo "<table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\"> <tr> <td> <ul>"; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { echo "<li><a href=\"links.php?content=links&category=" . $row['category'] . "\">" . $row['category'] . "</a></li>"; } echo "</ul> </td> </tr> </table>"; } if (isset($_GET['category'])) { $linkcat = $_GET['category']; $query = "SELECT * FROM links WHERE category='{$linkcat}' ORDER BY title ASC"; $result = mysql_query($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { echo "<table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" height=\"160\"> <tr> <td colspan=\"3\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\"> <h1><a href=\"" . $row['address'] . "\">" . $row['title'] . "</a></h1> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=\"3\" align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\"> <p>" . $row['description'] . "</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align=\"left\" valign=\"bottom\" style=\"float:right\"><a href=\"profile.php?username=" . $row['author'] . "\">" . $row['author'] . "</a></td> <td align=\"center\" valign=\"bottom\"><p>" . $row['votes'] . "</p></td> <td align=\"right\" valign=\"bottom\" style=\"margin-right:10;\"><p>" . $row['clicks'] . "</p></td> </tr> </table> <br /> <hr /> <br />"; } } content.php <?php require_once('includes/connection.php'); ?> <?php $content = $_GET['content']; $query = "SELECT * FROM pages WHERE page_name='{$content}'"; $result = mysql_query($query); if (!$result) { echo "Could not successfully run query from DB: " . mysql_error(); exit; } if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { echo "No rows found, nothing to print so am exiting"; exit; } $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $str = $row['content']; eval("\$str = \"$str\";"); echo $str; ?> Thank you in advance Dokter G I am working on a very simple templating engine and I ran into a problem. Here's the basic template.class.php file <?php class Template { public $template; function load($filepath) { $this->template = file_get_contents($filepath); } function replace($var, $content) { $this->template = str_replace("#$var#", $content, $this->template); } function publish() { eval("?>".$this->template."<?"); } } ?> That is called in whatever model I am using, like this: public function createTemplate() { $templatePath = TEMPLATE_PATH . strtolower(__CLASS__) . ".php"; require_once (APPLICATION_PATH . 'libraries/template.class.php'); $template = new Template; $template->load($templatePath); $template->replace("productid", $this->product_id); $template->replace("price", $this->price); $template->replace("sidebar_message", $this->sidebarmsg); $template->publish(); } My problem is that my template.php ($templatePath) file uses include() to bring in the sidebar, head and footer. Any values that I passed to the template which are in the sidebar, header or footer are not evaluated. They just show their placeholders like #sidebar_message#... Is there another way to do this and publish the template so that they are evaluated properly? Hello dear Community, i have a large document - and i want it to parse it and spit out only this part: schule.php?schulnr=80287&lschb= Question: How to i parse the stuff!? Well i try it with FireBug and FirePath (the Xpath-tool) i do it like the following: * Load the document into my browser, if possible * start Firebug extension/add-on * run the FirePath extension * and run the xpath //a[contains(@href, "schule")]/@href * then i click "Eval" button. i find 2030 results - that are marked - how do i get them out of the firebug - to work with them?! If i have to be more precise - please let me know!! Perhaps i have to write more - and to add more information See the screenshot - here how can i copy and paste the results - in order to do further processing from thereon. look forward to hear from you regards Hey guys!! So basically what I am doing here is pulling the directory out of a url. URL ex: is there a way I can make something like a ticket in pdf format that can have $name or the likes echo in it? if you could help get me started, that would be great! Hello, I was wondering if someone could help me to "get" the webaddress of a current webpage and then pull off pieces of the page. All of my pages look like: http://localhost:8888/algebra_book/Chapters/Quadratic_Functions/introductory_problem.php BUT, the stuff to the left of Quadratic Functions WILL change in the future. So all will look like: *Quadratic_Functions/introductory_problem.php Then, I'd like to pull off a $chapter variable, which in this case is Quadratic_Functions and a $page_name variable which in this case will be introductory_problem. Thanks so much. How can i break down strings for example i have a simple search database for products where as a user searches a term this can be one, two three words and so on. I'm using a wildcard; but i want the best way to get the possible search so i would like to break down the string into separate words and then use that to search the database using wildcards is this possible? Thanks for reading. Hi I am having troubles using a string in a cookie.. This doesnt work: setcookie("background", "$image_name", $expire, "/", ""); Neither does this: setcookie("background", "" . $image_name . "", $expire, "/", ""); If I write something before $image_name like: setcookie("background", "hello" . $image_name . "", $expire, "/", ""); It will save "hello" in the cookie.. So in other words, $image_name doesnt look like it is defined.. But the funny thing is that this works on the same page: echo "File Uploaded Successfully!<br><img src='images/$image_name'>"; Anyone have any idea on what I am doing wrong? Not sure if there is a better way to do this, but I want to check whether the value in a Sticky Field is the same as what is in the Database. If what is in the Sticky Field is *exactly* what is in the Database, then the User didn't update that field, and so I would NOT do an UPDATE. Seem reasonable? Here is where I grab the value out of the Form... Code: [Select] // **************************** // Process Each Form Field. * // **************************** foreach($_POST['answerArray'] as $questionID => $response){ // Copy trimmed Form array to PHP array. $answerArray[$questionID] = trim($response); And here is where I grab the existing value in the Database... Code: [Select] // ******************** // Check for Answer. * // ******************** // Build query. $q1 = "SELECT response FROM bio_answer WHERE member_id=? AND question_id=?"; // Prepare statement. $stmt1 = mysqli_prepare($dbc, $q1); // Bind variable to query. mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt1, 'ii', $memberID, $questionID); // Execute query. mysqli_stmt_execute($stmt1); // Store results. mysqli_stmt_store_result($stmt1); // Check # of Records Returned. if (mysqli_stmt_num_rows($stmt1)==1){ // Answer Found. // Bind result-set to variable. mysqli_stmt_bind_result($stmt1, $currResponse); // Fetch record. mysqli_stmt_fetch($stmt1); So I guess I want to compare $answerArray[$questionID] against $currResponse and see if there are any differences?! What is the best way to do that? Any better ideas of how to check to see if the User made any changes to a field so I only do an UPDATE if there was actually a change? Thanks, Debbie I was thinking how can I make a script that will build strings incrementing through each letter starting with "a" and ending with "zzzzzz" or what ever ending length I want such as 12. So if your were to output everything, you could find the words: "dog" "spider" "superman" "hippo" etc What would be the best way to do this, so I don't have to have a loop that is 500 blocks deep to show a word that is 500 letters example Quote a ... z aa ab ac ... az ba bb bc ... ... aaa aab aac |