PHP - Restore Scroll Bar Position
Hi all,
Not sure if this is a browser feature kind of thing, or if it can be done with a script. I'm looking at my page: I scroll to the bottom of the page with the vertical scroll bar, and then click the pagation link to start on page 2, record #50: Of course, the vertical scroll bar jumps back to the it jumps to the top of my page. Is there a way to make it remember that the scroll bar was at the bottom (or in the middle)? Thanks. Similar TutorialsThis topic has been moved to JavaScript Help. This topic has been moved to JavaScript Help. How would I go about using PHP to export all the data in my SQL database to a .sql file? Also how can I then import that .sql file back into the database? Thanks! hi, I am trying to restore a mysql db from a remote location below is the function it is working fine when i am passing local location, but gives error on passing remote location Code: [Select] function restore($path) { $f = fopen('restore.sql' , 'w+'); if(!$f) { echo "Error While Restoring Database"; return; } $zip = new ZipArchive(); if ($zip->open($path) === TRUE) { #Get the backup content $sql = $zip->getFromName('adobe4u_new-sqldump.sql'); #Close the Zip File $zip->close(); #Prepare the sql file fwrite($f , $sql); fclose($f); #Now restore from the .sql file //$command = "mysql --user=root --password=password --database=adobe4u < restore.sql"; //exec($command); // Name of the file $filename = 'restore.sql'; // Temporary variable, used to store current query $templine = ''; // Read in entire file $lines = file($filename); // Loop through each line foreach ($lines as $line) { // Skip it if it's a comment if (substr($line, 0, 2) == '--' || $line == '') continue; // Add this line to the current segment $templine .= $line; // If it has a semicolon at the end, it's the end of the query if (substr(trim($line), -1, 1) == ';') { // Perform the query mysql_query($templine) or print('Error performing query \'<strong>' . $templine . '\': ' . mysql_error() . '<br /><br />'); // Reset temp variable to empty $templine = ''; } } // Restoring END #Delete temporary files without any warning @unlink('restore.sql'); echo '<div class="success">Successfully Updated!</div>'; } else { echo '<div class="error">Some thing went wrong! Updation Failed</div>'; } } Please can anyone help me in it, so That if i pass a remote location of database it will extract it locally This topic has been moved to Miscellaneous. Hi Guys, My 2nd issue with my new blog is that the code used to limit the amount of content displayed from each post, is on occasion truncating the closing html tags along with the excess text! Very often this will result in any following posts being entirely italic or bold, which as you can imagine looks ridiculous. The Code that limits the content: # Limit Post function the_content_limit($max_char, $more_link_text = '', $stripteaser = 0, $more_file = '') { $content = get_the_content($more_link_text, $stripteaser, $more_file); $content = apply_filters('the_content', $content); $content = str_replace(']]>', ']]>', $content); $content = strip_tags($content, '<h1>,<h2>,<h3>,<strong>,<em>, '); if (strlen($_GET['p']) > 0) { I'd be very grateful if someone could help me out with this. Thanks Steve This topic has been moved to MySQL Help. Hi everybody. I'm pretty new in PHP programmation and really new on this forum. So, I'll try to explain my situation the best I can. I have created a modification page where the user can modify certain data of the database. To avoid spelling mistakes, I have created a scroll down menu that includes all the options they have. My problem is that I what the "actual Selection" of the database to be the "selected" option right from the start. Now, my scroll0-down menu shows the first option of my list and not the actual value contained in the database. Here is my partial code: <td><select name="equipe" value="<?php echo($result->equipe) ;?>"> <option <?php if (($result->equipe) == 'Colorado') echo "selected" ?>value='Colorado'>Colorado</option> <option <?php if (($result->equipe) == 'St-Louis') echo "selected" ?>value='St-Louis'>St-Louis</option> <option <?php if (($result->equipe) == 'Montreal') echo "selected" ?>value='Montreal'>Colorado</option> <option <?php if (($result->equipe) == 'Washington') echo "selected" ?>value='Washington'>Washington</option> <option <?php if (($result->equipe) == 'Islanders') echo "selected" ?>value='Islanders'>Islanders</option> <option <?php if (($result->equipe) == 'Edmonton') echo "selected" ?>value='Edmonton'>Edmonton</option> <option <?php if (($result->equipe) == 'Floride') echo "selected" ?>value='Floride'>Floride</option> <option <?php if (($result->equipe) == 'Pittsburgh') echo "selected" ?>value='Pittsburgh'>Pittsburgh</option> <option <?php if (($result->equipe) == 'Anaheim') echo "selected" ?>value='Anaheim'>Anaheim</option> </select> I have a function that reads all the picture files in a folder and displays them as thumbnails. It also displays a large version of the first image in the folder and clicking the thumbnail changes the large picture. I'm trying to use pictures of arrows as a button to allow users to click and have the next picture displayed large rather than having to click each individual thumbnail but don't really know how to get started. Can anyone suggest a method or give me a hint? This is my code so far if that helps: function displayPhotos(){ global $columns,$dir,$album; generateThumbnails(); $act = 0; $keyid = 0; $thumb_selected = (isset($_GET['thumb']) ? $_GET['thumb']:''); if ($thumb_selected !==""){ $dirName = substr($thumb_selected,0,strpos($thumb_selected,basename($thumb_selected))); $thumbName = basename($thumb_selected); $thumbFile = $dirName.$thumbName; $large = str_replace('_th.jpg','.jpg',$thumbFile); } else{ $picture_array = glob("$dir*"); $large = $picture_array[$keyid]; } echo "<tr><td colspan='3' height='300' width='400' align='center'><img src='$large' alt=''></td></tr> <tr><td><img src='gallery/icons/arrow-blue-rounded-left.jpg' alt='Previous'></td><td></td><td align='right'><img src='gallery/icons/arrow-blue-rounded-right.jpg' alt='Next'> </td></tr><tr><td height='50'></td></tr>"; if ($handle = opendir("$dir")) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { $file=$dir.$file; if (is_file($file)){ if (strpos($file,'_th.jpg')){ ++$act; if ($act > $columns) { echo "</tr><tr><td width='160' height='120' align='center'><a href='?album=$album&thumb=$file'><img src='".$file."' alt='".$file."'/></a></td>"; $act = 1; } else { echo "<td width='160' height='120' align='center'><a href='?album=$album&thumb=$file'><img src='".$file."' alt='".$file."'/></a></td>"; } } } } } } Thanks very much to anyone having a look at this! I have a working autocomplete which connects to my database using ajax. I am trying to include a function where the user can scroll through the results list using the up/down arrow keys. All of the suggestions I found in google basically broke my autocomplete and yes I've installed the latest Jquery.
Also, for some reason the user has to click the upper half of the search result in order for the data to display otherwise it won't register for some reason any ideas about that?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
<script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ $(".search").keyup(function() { var searchid = $(this).val(); var dataString = 'search='+ searchid; if(searchid!='') { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "search.php", data: dataString, cache: false, success: function(html) { $("#result").html(html).show(); } }); }return false; }); jQuery("#result").live("click",function(e){ var $clicked = $(; var $name = $clicked.find('.name').html(); var decoded = $("<div/>").html($name).text(); $('#searchid').val(decoded); var yourLinkHref= $(this).attr('href'); window.location = "mainpage.php?TopicName=" + $name; }); jQuery(document).live("click", function(e) { var $clicked = $(; if (! $clicked.hasClass("search")){ jQuery("#result").fadeOut(); } }); $('#searchid').click(function(){ jQuery("#result").fadeIn(); }); }); </script> Is there a code I can put with each of these errors so that, on error, the page reloads back to the bottom of the page? When you enter the wrong info, the page already reloads but it reloads to the top of the page. People who didnt correctly information into the webpage may not see that they're receiving an error if it doesnt scroll back down. I attempted to put the error at the to of the page but I couldnt find a good spot. I thought about doing an error message box but I'm not sure thats the best method Anyway heres the code, thanks a lot. <?php if ($_POST['send']) { $errors = array(); if ($_POST['captcha'] != $_SESSION['captchacode']) { $errors[] = "You didn't enter the correct letters!"; <-------------ID LIKE TO PUT A CODE HERE AND } if (empty($_POST['email'])) { $errors[] = "Please enter an e-mail address"; <-----------------HERE TO MAKE THE PAGE GO TO THE BOTTOM WHEN IT REFRESHED (IT REFRESHES UPON EVERY IMPROPERLY FILLED OUT FORM } else if (!eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$", $_POST['email'])) { $errors[] = 'Please enter a VALID e-mail address'; } if (!count($errors)) { // IMPORTANT: If you don't call this the // user will keep getting the SAME code! captchaDone(); I have made a website with a custom scroll bar and a back to top button. For some reason the back to top button doesn't show up. Code is below:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title>Adding a dynamic "Back To Top" floating button with smooth scroll</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <script src=""></script> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <link href="css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen"> <style> /* For the "inset" look only */ html { overflow: auto; } body { position: absolute; top: 8px; left: 8px; bottom: 8px; right: 1px; padding: 10px; overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x: hidden; } /* Width of bar */ ::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 8px; } /* Track */ ::-webkit-scrollbar-track { -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.3); -webkit-border-radius: 10px; border-radius: 10px; } /* Handle */ ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { -webkit-border-radius: 10px; border-radius: 10px; background: rgba(255,0,0,0.8); -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.5); } ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:window-inactive { background: rgba(255,0,0,0.4); } </style> <style> div#page { max-width: 900px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; padding: 20px; } .back-to-top { position: fixed; bottom: 1em; right: 0.5em; text-decoration: none; color: #000000; background-color: rgba(235, 235, 235, 0.80); font-size: 12px; padding: 0.8em; display: none; } .back-to-top:hover { background-color: rgba(135, 135, 135, 0.50); } </style> </head> <body> <div id="page"> <!-- [banner] --> <header id="banner"> <hgroup> <h1>Adding a dynamic "Back To Top" floating button with smooth scroll</h1> </hgroup> </header> <!-- [content] --> <section id="content"> <h1>The first heading</h1> <p> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut nec felis sed velit auctor luctus id quis arcu. Ut dui augue, euismod nec justo a, pretium consequat nisi. Vivamus dictum nec quam in sollicitudin. Nullam non augue at risus condimentum consequat eu ut sem. Ut quis tortor quam. Nulla ullamcorper in metus egestas sagittis. In rhoncus feugiat sagittis. Cras eu arcu dui. Nulla non urna varius, facilisis sapien quis, tristique urna. </p> <h2>The first sub-heading</h2> <p> Duis tincidunt eleifend felis ac porttitor. Aenean facilisis elit eget orci vulputate scelerisque. Nulla justo sem, fringilla nec gravida vel, sollicitudin vitae libero. Donec vitae consequat lorem. Cras eros nunc, varius id dictum sit amet, posuere quis augue. Vivamus quis ipsum eget lectus porta vestibulum. Sed malesuada id orci eu rhoncus. Proin eleifend lacus non libero facilisis interdum. </p> <h2>The second sub-heading</h2> <p> Nulla luctus lorem et justo posuere, vitae ornare elit accumsan. Donec semper tincidunt lacus ut sagittis. Donec nec adipiscing nunc, quis rutrum tortor. Vivamus aliquam orci nulla, non ornare mauris eleifend et. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus id nunc sapien. Suspendisse luctus pharetra lorem, quis scelerisque eros ultricies in. Vivamus hendrerit fermentum justo eget sagittis. Pellentesque cursus at turpis id cursus. Pellentesque sed rhoncus enim. Nam et ante feugiat, luctus enim in, tincidunt lectus. In feugiat neque quam. Curabitur mi ante, dictum non aliquam placerat, suscipit sed sem. Integer dictum, nulla vitae accumsan dignissim, augue justo laoreet diam, quis semper lectus orci vel mi. </p> <h3>The first sub-sub-heading</h3> <p> Vestibulum mollis elementum libero a blandit. Fusce placerat odio quis euismod elementum. Maecenas rhoncus quam viverra odio fringilla blandit. Curabitur erat mi, malesuada ac tempor eu, tincidunt vitae erat. Nunc consequat faucibus feugiat. Integer ornare dui metus, sed consectetur erat vulputate a. Sed porttitor eu magna in aliquet. Cras quis tempus lacus, ac fermentum lorem. </p> <h1>The second heading</h1> <p> Nullam dignissim nibh ac eros iaculis, quis aliquam nibh lacinia. Donec et ullamcorper nunc. Sed convallis aliquet ullamcorper. Donec non leo enim. Ut orci ante, viverra fringilla lorem nec, pretium volutpat lorem. Phasellus elit arcu, posuere at nibh at, facilisis adipiscing dolor. Duis hendrerit metus at turpis congue ornare. Aliquam orci nisi, malesuada at adipiscing non, pharetra a lectus. Mauris in rhoncus ipsum, et sagittis nulla. Duis laoreet luctus lorem, at malesuada sem bibendum at. Pellentesque ultrices massa eget lacus tempus, id ornare lacus fermentum. Sed id fermentum tellus. Suspendisse tincidunt posuere arcu quis fermentum. </p> <h2>The third sub-heading</h2> <p> Phasellus vitae lacinia sapien. Nam eget congue lorem. Donec viverra tortor eget tellus iaculis interdum. Vivamus sollicitudin egestas auctor. Vivamus sit amet justo sit amet eros sodales egestas. Nulla nec pharetra metus. Integer rutrum, ipsum in dignissim scelerisque, arcu est adipiscing tortor, nec varius eros mauris vel augue. In condimentum lobortis eros, sed facilisis neque imperdiet vel. Nullam ut commodo lectus, a luctus mi. Aliquam varius quis tortor a interdum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam pellentesque augue enim, eget posuere mi ultrices sodales. Vivamus vel varius quam. Donec sed ante placerat sapien consequat facilisis. Fusce vestibulum ipsum urna, nec tincidunt lacus hendrerit quis. Donec ornare dignissim risus. </p> <h2>The fourth sub-heading</h2> <p> Ut mauris mauris, porta bibendum dictum id, porttitor eu odio. Nam posuere in dui vitae pellentesque. Praesent commodo eros mattis posuere hendrerit. Suspendisse felis tellus, laoreet vitae erat non, laoreet gravida quam. Phasellus a augue non leo venenatis tempus. Curabitur ornare purus a mollis vulputate. Quisque vulputate euismod enim sed elementum. Duis id urna iaculis felis consequat vulputate. Mauris sollicitudin, leo eu sollicitudin porttitor, purus lacus sodales ipsum, vitae lobortis velit libero at libero. </p> <h1>The third heading</h1> <p> Quisque iaculis magna ac risus posuere ultricies. Sed tincidunt, sem ac pellentesque fringilla, sapien purus sagittis odio, eget aliquam ante lorem ac risus. In euismod dignissim leo ut eleifend. Proin accumsan velit quam. Phasellus sollicitudin nulla ligula, sit amet mollis lectus pellentesque consectetur. Nunc non dictum ante, fringilla lobortis nulla. Nullam ullamcorper volutpat velit, ut laoreet justo pellentesque ornare. Praesent aliquet eros eu magna sodales, ac pharetra erat dignissim. Nulla pulvinar neque at fermentum eleifend. </p> <h2>The fifth sub-heading</h2> <p> Praesent dictum interdum condimentum. Suspendisse in tortor blandit, lobortis libero eu, cursus libero. Donec vulputate ligula sit amet arcu porta imperdiet. Nam sodales, justo eu eleifend placerat, dui eros suscipit mi, quis congue dolor velit vitae nisi. Pellentesque mollis felis est. Etiam vitae justo laoreet, rutrum felis sed, porttitor dui. Sed cursus tincidunt turpis. Maecenas gravida commodo urna eget hendrerit. Ut suscipit mi sit amet turpis euismod, luctus suscipit turpis egestas. </p> <h1>The fourth heading</h1> <p> Mauris malesuada eros ac nisl pretium, at vehicula sem porttitor. Vestibulum porta erat leo, nec posuere enim pellentesque vel. Praesent libero est, laoreet quis scelerisque nec, egestas vel enim. Vivamus quis vulputate sapien. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vivamus consequat ligula lectus, sed fermentum elit auctor vitae. Duis iaculis sagittis est sit amet semper. Morbi rutrum fermentum vulputate. Proin tincidunt elementum sem, a faucibus dui malesuada sit amet. Vivamus vel enim laoreet, iaculis nunc ac, tristique nisl. Nulla consequat arcu et dolor porta, non ullamcorper augue pharetra. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Integer sed nibh lectus. Sed pulvinar nunc magna, eget placerat mi pharetra ac. Vestibulum hendrerit, nulla nec vestibulum aliquam, arcu tortor blandit ipsum, eget sollicitudin nulla tellus quis libero. Duis sodales fringilla lacus vel auctor. </p> <h2>The sixth sub-heading</h2> <p> Vivamus erat turpis, condimentum vitae neque sit amet, tincidunt malesuada odio. Mauris mollis ante vitae quam condimentum lobortis. Integer sodales odio sit amet metus tempus, vel dignissim libero sagittis. Suspendisse ornare libero elit, quis sollicitudin leo pellentesque id. Sed pharetra mattis sapien nec condimentum. Mauris convallis arcu eget massa fringilla, nec pellentesque dolor semper. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum vitae odio a sem iaculis tempor. Fusce placerat viverra lorem mollis fermentum. Sed porta sit amet sapien eu venenatis. </p> <h3>The second sub-sub-heading</h3> <p> Aenean ut ipsum ultrices, sollicitudin massa quis, bibendum magna. Sed id porttitor diam, et vestibulum tortor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus vel magna dolor. Etiam cursus nibh ligula, id vestibulum metus varius feugiat. Etiam vitae dolor ligula. Aliquam eu consectetur lorem. Quisque nulla nulla, facilisis semper laoreet non, eleifend in dolor. </p> <a href="#" class="back-to-top"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-up"></span></a> </section> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function() { var offset = 220; var duration = 500; jQuery(window).scroll(function() { if (jQuery(this).scrollTop() > offset) { jQuery('.back-to-top').fadeIn(duration); } else { jQuery('.back-to-top').fadeOut(duration); } }); jQuery('.back-to-top').click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); jQuery('html, body').animate({scrollTop: 0}, duration); return false; }) }); </script> </div> <!-- [/page] --> <script src="//"></script> <script src="js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> </body> </html> Hi guys, In an application I'm working on, I'm looking to embed a youtube video with [YOUTUBE][/YOUTUBE]. Code: [Select] echo preg_replace('#(?:<\>]+href=\")?(?:http://)?((?:[a-zA-Z]{1,4}\.)?\?v=(.{11}?))[^"]*(?:\"[^\<\>]*>)?([^\<\>]*)(?:)?#', '<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="'.$matches[2].'"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="'.$matches[2].'" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>', $ENTIREPAGE?); The problem is that the video appears with a slider control at the bottom. How do I get rid of the Youtube slider control at the bottom? Thanks. As mention in my title, I am using wordpress, bought a theme and the support team is not able to assist me without the FTP access.
Mobile: Android 4.4.2
Chrome: version 39.0.2171.93
Safari: star safari version 1.1
I am not able to scroll only on the above browser, other browser like firefox and default internet explorer on mobile have no such issue.
In fact the older version of chrome have no such issue too,
If anyone could give me a hint where might the problem lies at or any help at all, would be great.
I have been struggling with this for awhile now.
Thanks and happy holiday!
Hi,I used bootstrap to create a webpage and one of the special effects is when you scroll down the page the section you are at is highlighted in the menu. This seems to work ok for all of my sections except the About Me section in which case the next section down (resume) is highlighted instead.
Here is the specific area on the page (http://www.inspired-...p#section-about).
I was wondering if anyone familiar with Boostrap and the Amoeba theme had any suggestions on a fix for this.
thanks in advance.
Hey Guys Ok I can postion text using the GD library using the following: Code: [Select] imagefttext($rImg, 13, 0, 105, 55, $black, $font_file,$Username); How would do the same using an image? For example Code: [Select] whateverfunction($rImg, 13, 0, 105, 55,$ImagePath); Thanks a million. I have a query at the moment that gives a name, number of rides and number of points
SELECT COUNT( `points` ) AS 'rides', SUM( `points` ) AS 'pts', rider_name FROM tbl_heat WHERE card_id = $card GROUP BY `rider_name` ORDER BY pts DESCwhat I want to do now is add the position in a league table, I have tried amending the query and have the following SELECT @serial := @serial +1 AS pos, rider_name FROM( SELECT COUNT( `points` ) AS 'rides', SUM( `points` ) AS 'pts', rider_name FROM tbl_heat JOIN ( SELECT @serial :=0 ) AS init WHERE card_id = $card GROUP BY `rider_name` ORDER BY pts DESC ) as sortedhowever this query doesn't give what I am after, not sure how far off getting it right, any help would be great I'm looking for one or two talented Laravel guys in the Dallas area who write clean code, document well, and love pushing the limits of their own abilities. It is important that the developers we hire are local. Please do not respond if you do not live in the Dallas area.
Preferred knowledge
- Laravel
- AngularJS
- NodeJS
- jQuery
- e-Commerce
- Paranoid about security
- Performance minded
We are developing applications that will process millions of dollars in transactions every month. Performance, security, and the ability to scale is paramount.
Thank you
Hi, I have 2 pages, config.php and category.php config.php is Code: [Select] class CategoryWork { public $form = ""; public $error = ""; public $add_form = "<br /><p><strong>Add New Category</strong></p><form id=\"form1\" name=\"form1\" method=\"post\" action=\"category.php?action=add\"> <table width=\"550\" height=\"170\" border=\"0\"> <tr> <td width=\"153\">Name :</td> <td colspan=\"2\"><label for=\"cat_name\"></label> <input name=\"cat_name\" type=\"text\" id=\"cat_name\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"50\" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Slug :</td> <td colspan=\"2\"><label for=\"cat_slug\"></label> <input name=\"cat_slug\" type=\"text\" id=\"cat_slug\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"50\" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Description</td> <td colspan=\"2\"><label for=\"cat_desc\"></label> <textarea name=\"cat_desc\" id=\"cat_desc\" cols=\"48\" rows=\"10\"></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td width=\"97\"><input type=\"submit\" name=\"button\" id=\"button\" value=\"Submit\" /></td> <td width=\"286\"><input type=\"reset\" name=\"button2\" id=\"button2\" value=\"Reset\" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td colspan=\"2\"></td> </tr> </table> </form>"; public $edit_form1_first = "<br /><p><strong>Edit Category</strong></p><form id=\"form1\" name=\"form1\" method=\"post\" action=\"category.php?action=edit\"> <table width=\"454\" height=\"79\" border=\"0\"> <tr> <td width=\"110\">Category :</td> <td width=\"334\"><label for=\"select\"></label> <select name=\"select_cat\" id=\"select\">"; public $edit_form1_last = "</select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td><input type=\"submit\" name=\"button\" id=\"button\" value=\"Submit\" /></td> </tr> </table> </form>"; public $invalid_get_error = "<br /><br /><p><font color=\"#990000\"><strong><em>ERROR : Invalid Option.</em></strong></font></p>"; public function CheckAction($action){ if(!isset($action)) { header("Location:dashboard.php"); } else { $action = $action; if($action == "add") { $this->form = NULL; $this->form = $this->add_form; } else if ($action == "edit") { $this->form = NULL; $this->form = $this->GenerateDropDown(); } else if ($action == "del") { $this->form = "del"; } else { $this->form = $this->invalid_get_error; } // if else .. else if ends here }// if else ends here } // Function CheckAction ends public function ValidateAddForm($name, $slug, $desc){ if(isset($name) || isset($slug) || isset($desc)) { if($name == NULL || $slug == NULL || $desc == NULL) { $this->error = "<br /><br /><p><font color=\"#990000\"><strong><em>ERROR : All 3 fields are required.</em></strong></font></p>"; } else { // Data Insert in database $name = $name; $slug = $slug; $desc = $desc; $check_category_query = "SELECT * FROM category where slug = '$slug'"; $check_category_result = mysql_query($check_category_query); $check_category_count = mysql_num_rows($check_category_result); if($check_category_count == 1) { $this->error = "<br /><br /><p><font color=\"#990000\"><strong><em>ERROR : Slug Already exists.</em></strong></font></p>"; } else if ($check_category_count == 0) { // Do insertion in database $categoryinsert_query = "INSERT INTO category (name, slug, description) VALUES ('$name', '$slug', '$desc')"; $categoryinsert_result = mysql_query($categoryinsert_query); $this->error = "<br /><br /><font color=\"#009900\"><p><em><strong>Success, Category added.</strong></em></p></font>"; } } } } // function ends here public function GenerateDropDown(){ $dropdown_query = "SELECT * FROM category ORDER BY name"; $dropdown_result = mysql_query($dropdown_query); echo $this->edit_form1_first; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($dropdown_result)) { echo "<option value=".$row['id'].">".$row['name']."</option>"; } echo $this->edit_form1_last; } // end of GenerateDropDown function } Here is the code of category.php page Code: [Select] <?php include('config.php'); $system = new SystemAdmin; $categorywork = new CategoryWork; $system->ValidateToken($_COOKIE['token']); $categorywork->CheckAction($_GET['action']); $categorywork->ValidateAddForm($_POST['cat_name'], $_POST['cat_slug'], $_POST['cat_desc']); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Welcome <?php echo $system->username; ?></title> <?php echo $system->metalines; ?> <?php echo $system->slug_javascript; ?> </head> <body> <h1>Welcome <?php echo $system->username; ?>,</h1> <?php echo $system->mainmenu; ?> <?php echo $system->spryfunctions; ?> <?php echo $categorywork->error; ?> <?php echo $categorywork->form; ?> </body> </html> Problem is that when I go to /category.php?action=edit, it shows dropdown at the top of page and not at the position of <?php echo $categorywork->form; ?> I have attached a screenshot, please go through it. How can I solve this ? Second problem is how can I hide undefined index notice ? Hello. i have created a template in dreamweaver, however when i added php code to a page the position of my bottom div got messed up... it works 100% with just text. I have a container div with other divs in it. inside the container div i have a div named content, and this div is the only div which is editable. in the bottom (outside of the container div) i have a bottom div which is centered with margin:0 auto; this divs position gets totally messed up once i add php code in the content div. here is the link to the page with php with it, as u can see the div with facebook etc in it got a messed up position. |