PHP - Football League Widget Creation
Hi All
I am trying to insert a feed on my site that automatically updates the football league etc like this one is there a way to do this please? thanks Similar TutorialsI tried to code this, but failed miserably. What I wanted was a admin page that contained various stats of a football match. TEAM 1....................TEAM 2 0...........Score...........0 0.......Shots on target.......0 0.......Shots off target.......0 ect, ect.... The first way I layed it out was a table, i entered the data and it saved to a text file, which then displayed on stats.php in a table format. That then displayed elsewhere via an iframe. I was wondering if someone would code me a stats center like I've explained! You could even help me do it, I don't mind....As long as I get it! I have a query at the moment that gives a name, number of rides and number of points
SELECT COUNT( `points` ) AS 'rides', SUM( `points` ) AS 'pts', rider_name FROM tbl_heat WHERE card_id = $card GROUP BY `rider_name` ORDER BY pts DESCwhat I want to do now is add the position in a league table, I have tried amending the query and have the following SELECT @serial := @serial +1 AS pos, rider_name FROM( SELECT COUNT( `points` ) AS 'rides', SUM( `points` ) AS 'pts', rider_name FROM tbl_heat JOIN ( SELECT @serial :=0 ) AS init WHERE card_id = $card GROUP BY `rider_name` ORDER BY pts DESC ) as sortedhowever this query doesn't give what I am after, not sure how far off getting it right, any help would be great Hi all, this is my first post on this site. I've built a few amateur sites in the past but am keen to utilize php combined with mysql for my current project. However, I have little knowledge of php and am just picking it up as I go (same way I've done for all my computer knowledge) What I'm looking for may sound simple, but I really don't know where to start and I'm hoping there are some kind souls here that will lend a hand. SQL Database Name Score John 42 Peter 46 Michael 56 Angela 46 (many rows like this) I am looking to output on my page a table of the top ten scores like this. However it's not quite that simple, should there be a tie on any score I want it to appear like so: 1. Michael 56 2. Angela 46 Peter 46 4. John 42 (onwards to 10) I want this to run from positions 1 thru 10, but should the 10th score in the database be equal to the 11th (12th, 13th etc) I would like them displayed too. For example: 9. Rafael 31 10. Sandy 29 Bernard 29 Jackie 29 Is this possible or would I be better off just sorting the info in excel and hard coding the info everytime? Hope somebody can help. Thanks in advance. I have finally worked out how to get a football league table query up and running (mainly by stealing code from elsewhere and adapting it to work the way I want it to!) but need to try to tweak it for a couple of other pages. The test page with it on is at The query is $i = 1; $ht = "g.home_team = t.team_id"; $at = "g.away_team = t.team_id"; $hw = "g.home_goals > g.away_goals"; $aw = "g.home_goals < g.away_goals"; $d = "g.home_goals = g.away_goals"; $hg ="g.home_goals"; $ag ="g.away_goals"; $table = mysql_query("SELECT t.team_name as Tm, @rownum := @rownum+1 AS rank , (sum(CASE WHEN (".$ht." AND ".$hw.")OR(".$at." AND ".$aw.") THEN 3 ELSE 0 END) + sum(CASE WHEN (".$ht." OR ".$at.") AND ".$d." THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)) AS P , (sum(CASE WHEN (".$ht." AND ".$hw.") THEN 3 ELSE 0 END) + sum(CASE WHEN (".$ht.") AND ".$d." THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)) AS HP , (sum(CASE WHEN (".$at." AND ".$aw.") THEN 3 ELSE 0 END) + sum(CASE WHEN (".$at.") AND ".$d." THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)) AS AP , count(CASE WHEN (".$ht." OR ".$at.") THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as GP , sum(CASE WHEN (".$ht." ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as HGP , sum(CASE WHEN ".$at." THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as AGP , sum(CASE WHEN (".$ht." AND ".$hw.") OR (".$at." AND ".$aw.") THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS W , sum(CASE WHEN (".$ht." AND ".$hw.") THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS HW , sum(CASE WHEN (".$at." AND ".$aw.") THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS AW , sum(CASE WHEN (".$ht." AND ".$d.") OR (".$at." AND ".$d.") THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS D , sum(CASE WHEN (".$ht." AND ".$d.") THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS HD , sum(CASE WHEN (".$at." AND ".$d.") THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS AD , sum(CASE WHEN (".$ht." AND ".$aw.") OR (".$at." AND ".$hw.") THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS L , sum(CASE WHEN (".$ht." AND ".$aw.") THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS HL , sum(CASE WHEN (".$at." AND ".$hw.") THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS AL , SUM(CASE WHEN (".$ht.") THEN ".$hg." WHEN (".$at.") THEN ".$ag." END) as GF , SUM(CASE WHEN (".$ht.") THEN ".$hg." END) as HGF , SUM(CASE WHEN (".$at.") THEN ".$ag." END) as AGF , SUM(CASE WHEN (".$ht.") THEN ".$ag." WHEN (".$at.") THEN ".$hg." END) as GA , SUM(CASE WHEN (".$ht.") THEN ".$ag." END) as HGA , SUM(CASE WHEN (".$at.") THEN ".$hg." END) as AGA , (SUM(CASE WHEN (".$ht.") THEN ".$hg." WHEN (".$at.") THEN ".$ag." END) - SUM(CASE WHEN (".$ht.") THEN ".$ag." WHEN (".$at.") THEN ".$hg." END)) as GD , (SUM(CASE WHEN (".$ht.") THEN ".$hg." END) - SUM(CASE WHEN (".$ht.") THEN ".$ag." END)) as HGD , (SUM(CASE WHEN (".$at.") THEN ".$ag." END) - SUM(CASE WHEN (".$at.") THEN ".$hg." END)) as AGD from teams t left join all_games g on t.team_id in (g.home_team,g.away_team) WHERE comp = '1' AND home_goals IS NOT NULL AND date BETWEEN '2010-07-01' AND '2011-06-31' GROUP BY t.team_id ORDER BY P desc, GD desc, GF desc and the html (although some of the css still is not done and some code still needs tidying) is Code: [Select] <table width="" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" BORDER=1 RULES=ROWS FRAME=BOX> <tr> <td></td><td></td> <td colspan="9" align="center" bgcolor="#00FF99">ALL</td> <td colspan="9" align="center" >Home</td> <td colspan="9" align="center">Away</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="hdcell" >POS</td> <td class="hdcell" >Team</td> <td width="30" class="hdcell">P</td> <td width="30" class="hdcell">W</td> <td width="30" class="hdcell">D</td> <td width="30" class="hdcell">L</td> <td width="30" class="hdcell">F</td> <td width="30" class="hdcell">A</td> <td width="30" class="hdcell">GD</td> <td width="30" class="hdcell">Pts</td> <td width="30" class="hdcell"></td> <td></td> <td width="30" class="hdcell">P</td> <td width="30" class="hdcell">W</td> <td width="30" class="hdcell">D</td> <td width="30" class="hdcell">L</td> <td width="30" class="hdcell">F</td> <td width="30" class="hdcell">A</td> <td width="30" class="hdcell">GD</td> <td width="30" class="hdcell">Pts</td> <td></td> <td width="30" class="hdcell">P</td> <td width="30" class="hdcell">W</td> <td width="30" class="hdcell">D</td> <td width="30" class="hdcell">L</td> <td width="30" class="hdcell">F</td> <td width="30" class="hdcell">A</td> <td width="30" class="hdcell">GD</td> <td width="30" class="hdcell">Pts</td> </tr> <?php while ($row_table = mysql_fetch_assoc($table)){ echo '<tr> <td style="text-align:left" width="30">'.$i.'</td>'; echo '<td style="text-align:left">'.$row_table['Tm'].'</td> <td style="text-align:left">'.$row_table['GP'].'</td> <td style="text-align:left">'.$row_table['W'].'</td> <td style="text-align:left"> '.$row_table['D'].'</td> <td style="text-align:left"> '.$row_table['L']. '</td> <td style="text-align:left"> '.$row_table['GF']. '</td> <td style="text-align:left"> '.$row_table['GA']. '</td> <td style="text-align:left"> '.$row_table['GD']. '</td> <td style="text-align:left"> '.$row_table['P']. '</td> <td style="text-align:left"></td> <td style="text-align:left"></td> <td style="text-align:left">'.$row_table['HGP'].'</td> <td style="text-align:left">'.$row_table['HW'].'</td> <td style="text-align:left">'.$row_table['HD'].'</td> <td style="text-align:left"> '.$row_table['HL']. '</td> <td style="text-align:left"> '.$row_table['HGF']. '</td> <td style="text-align:left"> '.$row_table['HGA']. '</td> <td style="text-align:left"> '.$row_table['HGD']. '</td> <td style="text-align:left"> '.$row_table['HP']. '</td> <td style="text-align:left"></td> <td style="text-align:left">'.$row_table['AGP'].'</td> <td style="text-align:left">'.$row_table['AW'].'</td> <td style="text-align:left">'.$row_table['AD'].'</td> <td style="text-align:left"> '.$row_table['AL']. '</td> <td style="text-align:left"> '.$row_table['AGF']. '</td> <td style="text-align:left"> '.$row_table['AGA']. '</td> <td style="text-align:left"> '.$row_table['AGD']. '</td> <td style="text-align:left"> '.$row_table['AP']. '</td> </tr>'; $i++; } ?> </table> As I said, this works fine in the test page but there are two other things that I am looking to do with it and one way I hope to streamline the code. Firstly the code bit..... There is a bit of replication that I was hoping to eliminate by using the sum function but from what I can see this cannot be done with Alias's. I was hoping to change the code , sum(CASE WHEN (".$ht." AND ".$hw.") OR (".$at." AND ".$aw.") THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS W , sum(CASE WHEN (".$ht." AND ".$hw.") THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS HW , sum(CASE WHEN (".$at." AND ".$aw.") THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS AW to , sum(HW + PW) AS W , sum(CASE WHEN (".$ht." AND ".$hw.") THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS HW , sum(CASE WHEN (".$at." AND ".$aw.") THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS AW but that just causes no records to be shown. Is there a way around this or is there no way to aggregate alias's? Secondly, the other pages. There are 2 other pages that I want to use similar data on and I think what I want to do is quite simple. On the front page of the site I want a stripped down version of the table which shows just five records, that of my team, Margate, and the two positions above and two below. At the moment Margate are in 19th position so I would want it to show rows 17,18,19,20,21. If Margate were 10th I would want it to show 8,9,10,11,12. I would imagine that there is a way of finding which position Margate is in then setting the OFFSET to that -2 but after extensive Googling (I did spot it in exactly the context I need some time back when I did not need it!) I cannot find anything as I basically do not know what I need to ask for! The final thing is that each team has its own page and on that page I want to show their position in the League in a friendly style, such as 19th as opposed to 19. I would imagine that I would need to pull the whole league table in as opposed to using a query that matches the team otherwise it would only have one result and each team would show as being 1st. I would only want to show the position of the relevant team but obviously the whole query would need to be run to get that position. How would I then find the relative teams position? I think that the ideal thing would be to use a VIEW but am working with a MySQL 4 database. Any help or advice will, as always, be appreciated. Thanks in advance Steve I have this code:
<td><form action="" method="post" name="TableData" class="style5" id="TableData"> <table width="800" border="0" bordercolor="#000000" background="Assets/Tablebar.gif"> <!--DWLayoutTable--> <tr> <td width="183" height="20" align="center"><div align="center" class="style11 style1"></div></td> <td width="317" align="center"><div align="center" class="style11"><span class="style2"><?php echo $row_TableData['UserID']; ?></span></div></td> <td width="136" align="center"><div align="center" class="style11"><span class="style2"><?php echo $row_TableData['UserName']; ?></span></div></td> <td width="136" align="center"><div align="center" class="style2 style11"><span class="style11"><span class="style2"><?php echo $row_TableData['Score']; ?></span></span></div></td> <td width="103" align="center" valign="top"><span class="style2 style11"> <?php for($i = 0; $i < $row_TableData['TourWins']; $i++) { echo '<img src="Assets/Medal.gif" />'; } ?> </span></td> </tr> </table> </form> </td> The Table displays fine and it sorts fine win Highest to lowest score, I am wanting to put place numbers Like 1,2,3,4 etc in the first Colom which is in bold, but I don't know what to use. any help would be great. Hi Everyone, I was looking for some direction on how to go about this. A client has asked to set up a small league table with 12 teams where simply they can add fixtures and the result of that fixture. So pending on what the result is if they win they get 2 points and if they loose they get nothing and this will determine what position they are in the league table. Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated even a small step in the right direction Thanks Barry Hi all,
I've got a problem with a php code on my website. I don't know why, but the hyperlink is wrong, because it's taken also the link of the current page, before the one of the page of destination. (see the attachment)
Where is the mistake? Thanks all for the help $post_id = $instance['posts_name']; $title = apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title']); if ( empty($title) ) $title = false; echo '<div class="widget top-story">'; if ( $title ) echo $before_title . $title . $after_title . "\n"; ?> <div> <?php $post = get_post( $post_id ); ?> <a href="<?php echo $post->post_name; ?>" class="image"><?php echo get_the_post_thumbnail( $post_id, 'top-story'); ?><span class="comment-icon"><?php echo $post->comment_count; ?></span></a> <span><?php the_time('d.m.Y | g:i A'); ?></span> <span class="rating"><a href="#" class="active"></a><a href="#" class="active"></a><a href="#"></a><a href="#"></a><a href="#"></a></span> <p><a href="<?php echo $post->post_name; ?>"><?php echo $post->post_title; ?></a></p> </div> <?php echo '</div>'; } /* Update widget settings */ function update( $new_instance, $old_instance ) { $instance = $old_instance; $instance['title'] = strip_tags( $new_instance['title'] ); $instance['posts_name'] = $new_instance['posts_name']; return $instance; } /* Widget form */ function form( $instance ) { $defaults = array( 'title' => '', 'posts_name' => '', ); $instance = wp_parse_args( (array) $instance, $defaults ); ?> <p> <label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'title' ); ?>">Title:</label> <input type="text" class="widefat" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'title' ); ?>" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name( 'title' ); ?>" value="<?php echo $instance['title']; ?>" /> </p> <p> <label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('posts_name'); ?>">Choose Post:</label> <select name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name('posts_name'); ?>" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('posts_name'); ?>" class="widefat"> <?php $posts_array = get_posts( array('numberposts' => -1) ); ?> <?php foreach( $posts_array as $post ) : setup_postdata($post); ?> <option value="<?php echo $post->ID; ?>"<?php selected( $instance['posts_name'], $post->ID ); ?>><?php echo $post->post_title; ?></option> <?php endforeach; ?> </select> </p> <?php } } Edited by AV88, 18 October 2014 - 06:39 AM. Hello everyone, I have created a widget with php which allows users to put on their webpage and displays some information. To display the widget I am creating a javascript code for users to put on their websites. The javascript has a source of php page like src="widget.php?id=123" When they put the code on their websites php file is executed and displays some texts which is read from a remote XML file. There is no problem up to this point. But while I am reading from this XML file, the texts which are displayed on users webpage, are not in good format becouse I am converting string texts to ISO_8859-9 charset with "iconc" function. If the charset of webpage is ISO-8859-9 text are displayed correctly but if it is not, text are not displayed as expected. In example if the webpage charset is set to UTF-8, characters become unreadable. If I know the charset of webpage I can then convert strings to that charset. But could not find a predifined function thats doing this. Any idea about this problem ? or any other solutions you advice for this problem ? Thank you... With the following code i can create an xml file. Code: [Select] <?php $myXML = new SimpleXMLElement("<myroot></myroot>"); $title= $myXML->addChild('title'); $title->addAttribute('number','12'); $titleName= $title->addChild('titleName', 'title1'); $titleLink= $title->addChild('titleLink', 'link1'); Header('Content-type: text/xml'); echo $myXML->asXML(); ?> But when i check the validity of xml file This error occurs: Can not find declaration of element 'myroot'. I suppose that the problem is missing of !DOCTYPE and !ELEMENT lines. How can i create valid XML documents with PHP automatically?? Is it possible to make it without writing doctype and element types for the whole element types of xml by hand $title, $titleName and $titleLink Thank you i have mysql community server 5.5 workbench 5.2 php 5.3.8 apache http server 2.2 summary: can i write the same code using less variables for the file name and content? okay so i managed to write a code that creates a filename, and each new filename is 1 higher. colony1 colony2 colony3. it also uses the same mysql query created variable to write idcol as 1 higher in the new file than in the previous written file. however to write the code i had to use a buttload of variables. here is the code, the resultant filename and the resultant content of the created file. is there a way to write such a code with less than 15 variables? the problem seems to be that when writing text to a file, i cannot insert certain characters outside of a variable into the final variable which is put in the $string variable input into the fwrite() function. File Name: Colony$.php where $=the last entry in the idcol column in table coltest. File Code: Code: [Select] <?php $idcol = $; include('Colony0.php'); ?> </body> </html> where $=the last entry in the idcol column in table coltest. Code: Code: [Select] <?php $dbhost = 'localhost:3306'; $dbuser = 'root'; $dbpass = 'root'; $dbname = 'aosdb'; $conn = mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass) or die ('Error connecting to mysql'); mysql_select_db($dbname); $query = "SELECT idcol FROM coltest ORDER BY idcol DESC LIMIT 1"; $result = mysql_query($query); $id = mysql_result($result, 0); $vcol = "Colony"; $vcolp = ".php"; $File = "$vcol$id$vcolp"; $FileHandle = fopen($File, 'w') or die("can't open file"); fclose($FileHandle); $File = "$vcol$id$vcolp"; $myFile = $File; $fh = fopen($myFile, 'w') or die("can't open file"); $idw = "$"; $icol= "idcol"; $ique = "?"; $iphp = "Colony0.php"; $ief = "<"; $ieb = ">"; $irese = "= "; $iresn = ";"; $iii= "include('$iphp');"; $ihtml ="</body> </html>"; $hph = "php"; $string = "$ief$ique$hph $idw$icol $irese$id$iresn $iii $ique$ieb $ihtml"; fwrite($fh, $string); fclose($fh); ?> Whats is the best way to create a forum using php? Should I use any frameworks? If not is there any guide/tutorial/book that descibe this procedure? Thank you. I am attempting to create an image and I have run into a snag. I want to add both text and another image to the image I am making. Here is the code so far minus unnecessary parts: header ("Content-type: image/png"); $name = $fetch_user['username']; $rank = $fetch_rank['rank_title']; $img_url = 'path''. $fetch_rank['rank_image']; $im = @imagecreatefrompng("$img_url") or die("Cannot Initialize new GD image stream"); // try changing this as well $font = 4; $width = imagefontwidth($font) * strlen($string) ; $height = imagefontheight($font) ; $im = imagecreatefrompng("image.png"); $x = imagesx($im) - $width ; $y = imagesy($im) - $height; $backgroundColor = imagecolorallocate ($im, 255, 255, 255); $textColor = imagecolorallocate ($im, 255, 255, 255); //imagestring ($im, $font, $x, $y, $string, $textColor); imagestring ($im, $font, 100, 10, $name, $textColor); imagestring ($im, $font, 100, 22, $rank, $textColor); imagepng($im); Everything works UNTIL I added in this part: $im = @imagecreatefrompng("$img_url") or die("Cannot Initialize new GD image stream"); Any idea what I am doing wrong? All that comes up is "Cannot Initialize new GD image stream"; and I know the URL's work. I am trying to create a basic image with GD library, but my browser says that the image cannot be displayed because it contains errors... I have no idea why. Here's my code: Code: [Select] switch($_GET['case']){ case "progressbar": header('Content-Type: image/jpeg'); $barWidth = 6; $barHeight = 14; $barPadding = 2; $imageWidth = ($barWidth * 10) + (10 * $barPadding); $imageHeight = ($barHeight + ($barPadding * 2)); $img = @imagecreate($imageWidth, $imageHeight); $imgBorder = imagecolorallocate($img, 0, 0, 0); //imagefilledrectangle($img, 1, $imageHeight -1, $imageWidth - 1, $imageHeight - 1, $imgBorder); $output = "Hello, world!"; imagestring($img, 1, 4, 4, $output, $imgBorder); imagejpeg($img); imagedestroy($img); break; } I have a file called image.php that i use to create images and I use the URL image.php?case=progressbar. Hi, I am wanting to check to see if a folder exists, if not create it. PHP on a windows machine so I would like to know how to handle the folder separators. I am wanting to use a path which includes the drive letter, such as... $foldername ="C:\folder1\images\$checkfolder" I was thinking about using something like this: if(!is_dir($foldername)) mkdir ("$foldername",777); What would be the best way of tackling this using windows paths? I am not sure what to look for to even get started. If some one could help point me in the right direction that would be appreciated.
I created a customer system that tracks contracts and invoices ect. Where do I start if I would want a customer to be able to go to the website, sign up, and their own version of the system would be created.
Do I just write a script that creates a new database with the correct credentials? Do all of the users access the same files but just have different database. Do I have to copy the directory of files to a specific folder for each customer?
I know there must be tons of websites that once you sign up for example a calendar app that keeps your data seperate from everyone else.
Any help is appreciated.
I'm using Codeigniter and inside the framework I create a file with PHP code If I try to point to it, the web-server doesn't deliver due to permission issues.
All this is done in a 'register function' where I create some fields in a SQL
If I put the user credentials into the database 'by hand' and likewise when I
I'm pretty sure this issue has been existed before and I'd appreciate any help.
Thanks for your help in forward. Gee Edited August 17, 2020 by bogusHey, guys, in the following code, why i cannot see my ~/test.txt file? It seem he is not doing what i want, to create a .txt file with 'is just a test'. I'm using Debian.
<?php $f = fopen("~/test.txt","w+"); fwrite($f,'is just a test'); fclose($f); ?>Thank you! This topic has been moved to mod_rewrite. Hi So I have successfully set up a website and database where a user can create a listing and view listings on a listing details page. The viewing can only be done, however, only from either from either running a search query from the search form or from clicking one of the listings from the listing table. The listings are not being indexed from the search engines from the direct page, instead from the listing table which is about 3,000 listings, not very user friendly to land on this page and have to go through the table or use the table filter. Here's what I am trying to accomplish: A web page that has a dynamic presence / URL like a Wordpress page: The title of the page has the listing information in it: This page is about a $listing_title $listing_item listing number $listing_number that is online! Each individual Listing / page is indexed on the search engines and has a direct link to it I am familiar with PHP and have created this site but I am far from an expert! Please give me a code example or link to one because if you just say "do this to this and that" you will totally loose me. Thank you so much for any help. Hi all, Weird one: I am re-working a site for a client. Their old site currently grabs text from a DB and somehow automatically puts it into a <ul>. The only thing to signify a <li> is a linebreak. So if I entered: Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 into the database, they would come out looking like: Item1 Item 2 Item 3 on the site. Anyone know of a way to recreate this? An example of this in action is he (please remember - I am redesigning the site!) Thanks heaps! |