PHP - If Statement In Foreach Loop
Object- Take array of IP addresses and add up all occurrences of a particular IP address.
//$item is an array of IP addresses foreach ($item as $key => $unique_ip) { if($unique_ip == $ip) $a++; } echo $a; I get a blank page. What am I missing? Similar TutorialsBelow is my output on the browser: Student: Kevin Smith (u0867587) Course: INFO101 - Bsc Information Communication Technology Course Mark 70 Grade Year: 3 Module: CHI2550 - Modern Database Applications Module Mark: 41 Mark Percentage: 68 Grade: B Session: AAB Session Mark: 72 Session Weight Contribution 20% Session: AAE Session Mark: 67 Session Weight Contribution 40% Module: CHI2513 - Systems Strategy Module Mark: 31 Mark Percentage: 62 Grade: B Session: AAD Session Mark: 61 Session Weight Contribution 50% Now where it says course mark above it says 70. This is incorrect as it should be 65 (The average between the module marks percentage should be 65 in the example above) but for some stange reason I can get the answer 65. I have a variable called $courseMark and that does the calculation. Now if the $courseMark is echo outside the where loop, then it will equal 65 but if it is put in while loop where I want the variable to be displayed, then it adds up to 70. Why does it do this. Below is the code: Code: [Select] $sessionMark = 0; $sessionWeight = 0; $courseMark = 0; $output = ""; $studentId = false; $courseId = false; $moduleId = false; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $sessionMark += round($row['Mark'] / 100 * $row['SessionWeight']); $sessionWeight += ($row['SessionWeight']); $courseMark = ($sessionMark / $sessionWeight * 100); if($studentId != $row['StudentUsername']) { //Student has changed $studentId = $row['StudentUsername']; $output .= "<p><strong>Student:</strong> {$row['StudentForename']} {$row['StudentSurname']} ({$row['StudentUsername']})\n"; } if($courseId != $row['CourseId']) { //Course has changed $courseId = $row['CourseId']; $output .= "<br><strong>Course:</strong> {$row['CourseId']} - {$row['CourseName']} <strong>Course Mark</strong>" round($courseMark) "<strong>Grade</strong> <br><strong>Year:</strong> {$row['Year']}</p>\n"; } if($moduleId != $row['ModuleId']) { //Module has changed if(isset($sessionsAry)) //Don't run function for first record { //Get output for last module and sessions $output .= outputModule($moduleId, $moduleName, $sessionsAry); } //Reset sessions data array and Set values for new module $sessionsAry = array(); $moduleId = $row['ModuleId']; $moduleName = $row['ModuleName']; } //Add session data to array for current module $sessionsAry[] = array('SessionId'=>$row['SessionId'], 'Mark'=>$row['Mark'], 'SessionWeight'=>$row['SessionWeight']); } //Get output for last module $output .= outputModule($moduleId, $moduleName, $sessionsAry); //Display the output echo $output; I think the problem is that it is outputting the answer of the calculation only for the first session mark. How in the while loop can I do it so it doesn't display it for the first mark only but for all the session marks so that it ends up showing the correct answer 65 and not 72? HI, I have a foreach loop but after some execution it begins to show me this:Invalid argument supplied for foreach() ... so I want to exit from can I do that? Thanks Hi I am new to PHP and I am having an issue with a foreach loop combined with an if statement, basically the if statement is getting the data from the first result in the foreach but not getting the second result, I have tried implement a count by using a variable to iterate but it isnt working: Code as follows: foreach(findCustomAlerts($customerid) as $key=>$value){ echo "ID of cat : ".$rifdid = $value['Catid']."<br>"; echo "Visits required per day : ".$visitsneeded= $value['Visits required']."<br>"; } foreach(getTodaysVisits($device_id) as $rfid){ foreach($rfid as $key=> $read){ if($key ==$rifdid && $read < $visitsneeded) { echo"<br>". $key." has not visited enough"; } } } Ouput is :
ID of cat : 5609 Array ( [rfid_id] => Array ( [23641] => 1 [5609] => 3 ) ). -------> this is the array data
----------------------------------------------- How can I get the loop to iterate to the next value?
Edited October 3, 2020 by Barand code block/indents I have some code that will update a record and is generic, meaning any POST variables can be used - whatever you have on the form. See below: Code: [Select] $set = array(); foreach($_POST as $field => $value){ $field = mysql_real_escape_string($field); $value = mysql_real_escape_string($value); $set[] = "`{$field}` = '{$value}'"; } $query .= implode(", ",$set) . " WHERE $id_name = '".$id."' LIMIT 1"; mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); My question is, how would I modify this to insert a NEW record (not update an existing one). I'm not sure how to order this within a foreach statement because the add query has a different form: insert into tabel (all the fieldnames here) VALUES (all the values here) I am having a go at writing my own simple gallery. As the I want to display an image from a folder in a directory of all the images... for example, I have 10 folders each containing images. I want my code to take image 01.jpg out of each folder and display it on my page, so that when I add folders to my main images folder, they will automatically be added to the page... but I only want the last 10 folders to display... so once I have 20 folders, it only shows 10. I also want the images to be 5 across and then make a new row. My folders will be numbered in order... 001, 002, 003, etc... and I need them sorted in reverse order, so the folder added last is displayed first. So... this is where I am at with the code : Code: [Select] $dir = "gallery/"; if (is_dir($dir)) { [color=red] foreach(array_keys($file) as $n) {[/color] if ($n+1 == 5) { echo "<td><img src=\"" . $dir . $file . "/01.jpg\" width=\"140px\" height=\"93px\" alt=\"\" /></td></tr><tr>"; } elseif ($n+1 > 10) { echo ""; } else { echo "<td><img src=\"" . $dir . $file . "/01.jpg\" width=\"140px\" height=\"93px\" alt=\"\" /></td>"; } closedir($dh); } } For some reason, I am getting the following error on the page : Warning: First argument to array_keys() should be an array in /path/to/gallery.php on line 8 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /path/to/gallery.php on line 8 line 8 is the one in red above. So... I have a couple of questions... 1. What have I done wrong so far? I cannot see it 2. How would I then go about putting the galleries in reverse order? I know it must be rsort, but not to sure if I need to do this first or after... ? Any help greatly appreciated, and I would also be greatful f an idiot's explanation, as I am really trying to understand all this! I'm getting there... slowly! hi, i am having issues with sorting within a conditional statement. please see the code below. right now, i ve commented out the sorting below. basically i want to sort by: $venue1->hereNow->count. I am managing to pull the data correctly. see: <?php if (is_object($venue->response)) { //sort($venue->response->groups[0]->items->hereNow->count); foreach ($venue->response->groups[0]->items as $venue1) { if ($venue1->hereNow->count != '0'){ //var_dump ($venue1); echo "<div style='font-weight:bold;'>".$venue1->name."</div>"; echo "<div>".$venue1->location->address." ".$venue1->location->city."</div>"; echo "<div>".$venue1->hereNow->count."</div>"; echo "</br>"; } } }?>() any idea what i need to do to make it happen? thank you. marine Hey guys, Got another question im hoping someone can help me with. I have a foreach loop (for use in a mysql query): foreach ($interests as $interest) { $query .= "($id, $interest), "; } problem is i do not want the comma(,) in the last loop. Is there some kinda of function i can use so it does not insert it on last loop? Or should i just use a for loop with a nested if loop? something like ; for($i=0; $i < count($interests); $i++){ $query .= "($id, '$interests[$i]')"; if($i + 1 < count($interests)) { $query .= ", "; } } Cheers guys Does anybody know how to make the following code correct? real sorry but its just absolutely blowing my mind im awful with loops and have pretty much no clue what the hell im doing in honesty, any help would be great, Thanks Code: [Select] $addIDs_ary = array_map('intval', $_POST['chkInv']); $addIDs_ary = array_filter($addIDs_ary); $value = $addIDs_ary; //Check if hit_id is already in hitlist $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM hitlist WHERE player_id = '$playerID'"); $result = mysql_query($query); while ($result = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) foreach ($result as $hit_id => $value){ if($result[$hit_id] == $value); $str = ""; } } else how do I echo "blah" after the first loop in a foreach loop and the in the rest of them echo "crazy"? I have a foreach loop which shows the breadcrumb display. But it's stopped working. For some reason the links are no longer links. They are just echoed on screen with no <a> tags. setting up array: $crumb_query = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT f.forum_id, f.forum_cat_id, f.forum_name, c.cat_id, c.cat_name FROM ".TBL_PREFIX."forums as f LEFT JOIN ".TBL_PREFIX."categories as c ON c.cat_id = f.forum_cat_id WHERE f.forum_id = '$forum_id' ") or die(mysqli_error($link)); $crumb_info = mysqli_fetch_array($crumb_query, MYSQLI_ASSOC); $crumbs = array("index.php" => "Board Index", "./view_category.php?cid={$crumb_info['cat_id']}" => $crumb_info['cat_name'], "./view_topics.php?fid=$forum_id" => $crumb_info['forum_name']); echo build_crumbs($crumbs); the function: function build_crumbs($crumbs) { foreach($crumbs as $key => $value) { $crumb_display = "<a href=\"{$key}\">{$value}</a>"; $crumb_display = implode(" - ", $crumbs); } return $crumb_display; } can anyone see where im going wrong? I am working on a photo gallery script in which I need to show 9 images at a time. Here is my script so far Code: [Select] <?php foreach($pictures->result() as $p): ?> <?php for($i = 1; $i <= 9; $i++) { ?> <div class="item"> <ul> <li><a href="images/gallery/<?=$p->category;?>/<?=$p->photo_name;?>" rel="example1" ><img src="images/gallery/<?=$p->category;?>/thumb_<?=$p->photo_name;?>" alt="#" /></a></li> </ul> </div><!-- end item --> <?php } ?> <?php endforeach; ?> At the moment the script is showing one image at a time 9 times and for every entry in my database. I have been battling this for a little while now. Thanks in advance for all of your help! For some reason I'm getting an invalid argument supplied for foreach error and I'm not sure why. Code: [Select] <?php // Include the database page require ('../inc/dbconfig.php'); if (isset($_POST['edit_event_lineup'])) { $event_items = $_POST['event_items']; $event_id = (int)$_POST['event_id']; foreach ($event_items as $items) { print_r($items); $segment_writer_id = (int)$_POST['segment_writer_id']; $introduction = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, $_POST['introduction']); $conclusion = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, $_POST['conclusion']); $segment_type = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, $_POST['segment_type']); $match_number = (int)$_POST['match_number']; $segment_number = (int)$_POST['segment_number']; $match_type_id = (int)$_POST['match_type_id']; $segment_title = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, $_POST['segment_title']); $match_type_id = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, $_POST['match_type_id']); $titles_id_list = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, $_POST['titles_id_list']); $stipulations_id_list = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, $_POST['stipulations_id_list']); $characters_id_list = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, $_POST['character_id_list']); $preview = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, $_POST['preview']); } $query = "INSERT INTO `event_segments` (event_id, segment_writer_id, segment_type, sort_order_preview, segment_title, preview, is_submitted_yes_or_no_id) VALUES ('".$event_id."', '".$match_writer_id."', '".$segment_type."' ,'".$sort_order_preview."','".$segment_title."','".$preview."',2)"; mysqli_query($dbc, $query); } ?> what im trying to do is echo all of the results from the database query but add bold to results with a pid of 0. here is my code: $list = ''; $query = $link->query("SELECT * FROM ".TBL_PREFIX."forums ORDER BY f_lid ASC"); $result = $query->fetchAll(); foreach($result as $key => $val) { if($result[$key]['f_pid'] == 0) { $list .= '<b>'.$result[$key]['f_name'].'</b><br />'; } $list .= $result[$key]['f_name'].'<br />'; } echo $list; this works fine but the ones with a pid of 0 are displayed twice. once as bold and then once normal like so: General General New Features Testing Testing Sandbox Bugs my question is how to prevent this. Hey guys, need help on some addition. foreach($login as $line_num => $line) { $login = explode(" ", htmlspecialchars(str_replace(" "," ",$line))); if(stristr($login[1], "\n")) $login[1] = substr($login[1], 0, strlen($login[1])-2); $account_data[$line_num] = array($login[0], $login[1]); $UserID = $login[0]; $AuthKey = $login[1]; $MobLink = ""; $RefreshStat = file_get_contents($MobLink."refresh_stat_manual?user_id=".$UserID."&auth_key=".$AuthKey); $Cash = explode ("<cash>", $RefreshStat); $Cash = explode ("<", $Cash[1]); $Cash = $Cash[0]; $CashForEcho = "$".number_format($Cash[0]); echo $CashForEcho."<br/>"; echo "<br/><br/>"; } The variable $Cash will be dynamic for each user I put in the $login_file, and I need to add all of those values up. So say I put in 3 users within the $login_file, and the $Cash for user 1 was $3,000, the $cash for user 2 was $6,000 and the $cash for user 3 was $1,000, I want to be able to automatically add them all up, so it would echo '$10,000' at the end. Hope I've explained it for you guys to understand easily enough, if not let me know. Thanks hello why does my div move when i use a foreach loop ? if i use the code below i get the following i added a border style to the div so i can see that some are in and some are out: result 1 = not in a div result 2 = in a div result 3 = in a div etc then on the end i get a div with no result in it Code: [Select] function name(){ echo' <div id="divName">'; $a = Class::find_all(); foreach ($a as $ab){ $name = $ab->name; $dest = $ab->destination; <ul> <li><a href="index.php?pageID='.$dest.'">'.$name.'</a></li> </ul>'; } echo'</div>'; } thanks rick Hello all,
I have the following code (which obviously has unnecessary redundancy) and I would like to replace it with a ForEach loop in order to make the code shorter, and perhaps more efficient.
// validate input $valid = true; if (empty($store_name)) { $storeNameError = 'Please enter a Store Name'; $valid = false; } if (empty($item_description)) { $itemDdescriptionError = 'Please enter an Item Description'; $valid = false; } if (empty($qty_pkg)) { $qtyPkgError = 'Please enter Quantity or Package'; $valid = false; } if (empty($pkg_of)) { $pkgOfError = 'Please enter the Count/Quantity'; $valid = false; }At this point (being a newbie) I'm trying to wrap my head around the ForEach statement, but all I can achieve is to tie-my-knickers-in-a-knot. I know this is childs-play for some of you here, and I hope you can help me get a working ForEach statement. The following is the declaration of some related arrays (which potentially may be incorrect/inefficient as well): // Create an array of the fields we want to capture, along with their labels $fields = array( 'store_name'=>'Store Name', 'item_description'=>'Item Description', 'qty_pkg'=>'Qty / Pkg', 'pkg_of'=>'Pkg. Of', 'price'=>'Price', 'flyer_page'=>'Flyer Page #', 'limited_time_sale'=>'Limited Time Sale Days', 'nos_to_purchase'=>'Nos. to Purchase' ); // Create an array-type variable to keep track of validation errors $fieldsErrorMsgs = array( 'storeNameError'=>'Please enter a Store Name', 'itemDescriptionError'=>'Please enter an Item Description', 'qtyPkgError'=>'Please enter Qty or Pkg', 'pkgOfError'=>'Please enter the Qty', 'priceError'=>'Please enter the Price', 'flyerPageError'=>'Please enter the Flyer Page #', 'limitedTimeSaleError'=>'Please enter the Limited Time Sale Days', 'nosToPurchaseError'=>'Please enter the No(s). to Purchase' );And here's what I've tried...but there seems to be the following two problems with the ForEach portion of the code: 1) No errors are being displayed (inspite of the fact that I'm leaving all fields blank and clicking on the [Create] button 2) A row is being created (with all blank columns) $valid = true; $errors = array(); foreach($fields AS $field=>$label){ //The following line is using the ternary operator, it's basically a shorthand if/else assignment. $errors[$field] = (!isset($values['store_name']) || !strlen($values['store_name'])) ? $errors[$label] = 'Mandatory field, input required!' : NULL; if(!strlen($errors[$label])){ $valid = false; } } // insert data if ($valid) { $pdo = Database::connect(); $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $sql = "INSERT INTO shoplist (store_name,item_description,qty_pkg,pkg_of,price,flyer_page,limited_time_sale,nos_to_purchase,shopper1_buy_flag,shopper2_buy_flag,purchased_flag,purchase_later_flag) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; $q = $pdo->prepare($sql); $q->execute(array($store_name,$item_description,$qty_pkg,$pkg_of,$price,$flyer_page,$limited_time_sale,$nos_to_purchase,$initialize_flag,$initialize_flag,$initialize_flag,$initialize_flag)); Database::disconnect(); header("Location: index.php"); }The following is the FORM portion of the code, which is where the logic for displaying the "error messages" is defiend <form class="form-horizontal" action="create.php" method="post"> <?php foreach($fields AS $field=>$label){ //Print the form element for the field. echo "<label>{$label}:<br>"; //If the field had an error, display it. if(isset($errors[$field])){ echo ' <span class="error">'.$errors[$field].'</span><br>'; } //Echo the actual input. If the form is being displayed with errors, we'll have a value to fill in from the user's previous submission. echo '<input type="text" name="'.$field.'"'; if(isset($values[$field])){ echo ' value="'.$values[$field].'"'; } echo '/></label>'; } ?> <div class="form-actions"> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-success">Create</button> <a class="btn" href="index.php">Back</a> </div> </form>Appreciate the help guys. Thanks Hi everyone, greetings from Brazil.
I am an average php coder, much more a designer than an programer, and i am in a looper trouble..
Can anyone try to help me?
Here is my code:
<table border="1"> <tr> <?php //pega cada uma das operadoras do campo operadoras $operadoras = $opers_trazOperadoras ; $logos = explode(",",$operadoras); $x = 0 ; foreach ($logos as $v) { mysql_select_db($database_webroker, $webroker); $query_trazLogoOperadora = "SELECT * FROM tb_operadora WHERE tb_operadora.id_operadora = " . $v ; $trazLogoOperadora = mysql_query($query_trazLogoOperadora, $webroker) or die(mysql_error()); $row_trazLogoOperadora = mysql_fetch_assoc($trazLogoOperadora); $totalRows_trazLogoOperadora = mysql_num_rows($trazLogoOperadora); ?> <td><img src="http://www.we-broker...imagens_upload/<?php echo $row_trazLogoOperadora['logo']; ?>"> <?php do { ?> <?php } while ($x++ < 4); { echo $x ;?> </td></tr><tr> <?php } $x = 0 ; } ?> </table> The URL for this code is: http://valsegs.we-br...radorasPATO.php Tks! Hello to all I have problem a with my foreach loop.. First : Is it possible to rename each element that's been outputted everytime the loop execute? Code: [Select] <?php $arr = array(mikel, 17, cambodia, 50kgs, 5 feet, anna, 21, peru, 45kgs, 6 feet); foreach ($arr as &$value) { $value = $value; } ?> What i would like on the result of the foreach loop is name : mikel Age : 17 address : cambodia weight : 50kgs height : 5 feet is this possible? Second : i want to echo the result of the for each loop in every 5 turns. result 1 = mikel, 17, cambodia, 50kgs, 5 feet result 2 = anna, 21, peru, 45kgs, 6 feet Can anyone help me on this? thanks Hello. I was wondering if anyone could please help with a problem I seem to be having a problem with my foreach loops. I have an array that holds other arrays. When I am trying to populate the database tables with the information in each array, things are going horribly wrong. This is my code: $tabledata = $this->db->get('tableinfo'); $i = 0; $_temp = array(); foreach($tabledata->result() as $row) { $data[$i] = $this->callAPI("lateststandings&records=3&category=" . $row->category . "&distance=" . $row->distance_id); array_push($_temp, $row->dbname); $i++; } $j = 0; foreach($data[$j]['Records']['Record'] as $record) { $record['FirstName'] .= " " . $record['LastName']; $this->db->replace($_temp[$j], $record); $j++; }
When this is run 2 things are happening:
1) What I am expecting to happen is, there should be 3 rows added to each table. But only 1 is being added to each table. I am not sure what I am doing wrong in these loops.
Hey Guys. I have a custom function that simply loops through an array and outputs the menu categories it finds in the array.
The foreach loop passes the function an array and the function returns the the value. The problem is that the function returns that last value.
Now I know some of you might say ... "Why don't you put the foreach inside the function and return the value when the foreach loop has been completed"
The reason why is because I to use that foreach loop through another function as well. I was thinking about using globals to get the return value. But just wanted to get your perspective on the best option here.
Please let me know what you guys think Thanks
User Defined Function
function displayMenuCategories($menu_category){ $display_menu =""; $category_id = $menu_category['menu_cat_id']; $display_menu .= "<div class='menu_cat'>{$menu_category['menu_cat_name']}</div><br>\n"; if(!empty($menu_category['menu_cat_desc'])) { $display_menu .= "<div class='menu_desc'>{$menu_category['menu_cat_desc']}</div>\n"; } $category_info = array("display" => $display_menu, "category_id" => $category_id ); return $category_info; }Foreach loop $left_menu_categories // Is the array that contains all the menu categories foreach($left_menu_categories as $left_menu_category){ $get_categories = displayMenuCategories($left_menu_category); } var_dump($get_categories); Edited by eldan88, 06 July 2014 - 05:01 PM. |