PHP - Man! I Have Such A Headache Converting Utf - Someone Help!
Hi All,
I am trying to convert HTMLentities style encoding, to UTF decimal encoding. I.e. int the text: U+001D 1d <control><br /> U+007D } 7d RIGHT CURLY BRACKET<br /> U+00A2 ¢ c2 a2 CENT SIGN<br /> I want the ¢ to be its UTF decimal equivalent. that make sense?? Basically, i'm parsing text for an epub and it wont accept special characters in the html entities form - only the decimal form. Rubbish eh? The entire test text i am using is this (there is some HTML in there you see that i DO NOT want converting - basically only things between the &.. THANKS! <html xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> <title>Testing images</title> <link href="stylesheet.css" charset="UTF-8" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" /> </head> <body><h2>Character Testing</h2><p align='justify'>U+0000 00 <control><br /> U+0001 01 <control><br /> U+0002 02 <control><br /> U+0003 03 <control><br /> U+0004 04 <control><br /> U+0005 05 <control><br /> U+0006 06 <control><br /> U+0007 07 <control><br /> U+0008 08 <control><br /> U+0009 09 <control><br /> U+000A 0a <control><br /> U+000B 0b <control><br /> U+000C 0c <control><br /> U+000D 0d <control><br /> U+000E 0e <control><br /> U+000F 0f <control><br /> U+0010 10 <control><br /> U+0011 11 <control><br /> U+0012 12 <control><br /> U+0013 13 <control><br /> U+0014 14 <control><br /> U+0015 15 <control><br /> U+0016 16 <control><br /> U+0017 17 <control><br /> U+0018 18 <control><br /> U+0019 19 <control><br /> U+001A 1a <control><br /> U+001B 1b <control><br /> U+001C 1c <control><br /> U+001D 1d <control><br /> U+001E 1e <control><br /> U+001F 1f <control><br /> U+0020 20 SPACE<br /> U+0021 ! 21 EXCLAMATION MARK<br /> U+0022 " 22 QUOTATION MARK<br /> U+0023 # 23 NUMBER SIGN<br /> U+0024 $ 24 DOLLAR SIGN<br /> U+0025 % 25 PERCENT SIGN<br /> U+0026 & 26 AMPERSAND<br /> U+0027 ' 27 APOSTROPHE<br /> U+0028 ( 28 LEFT PARENTHESIS<br /> U+0029 ) 29 RIGHT PARENTHESIS<br /> U+002A * 2a ASTERISK<br /> U+002B + 2b PLUS SIGN<br /> U+002C , 2c COMMA<br /> U+002D - 2d HYPHEN-MINUS<br /> U+002E . 2e FULL STOP<br /> U+002F / 2f SOLIDUS<br /> U+0030 0 30 DIGIT ZERO<br /> U+0031 1 31 DIGIT ONE<br /> U+0032 2 32 DIGIT TWO<br /> U+0033 3 33 DIGIT THREE<br /> U+0034 4 34 DIGIT FOUR<br /> U+0035 5 35 DIGIT FIVE<br /> U+0036 6 36 DIGIT SIX<br /> U+0037 7 37 DIGIT SEVEN<br /> U+0038 8 38 DIGIT EIGHT<br /> U+0039 9 39 DIGIT NINE<br /> U+003A : 3a COLON<br /> U+003B ; 3b SEMICOLON<br /> U+003C < 3c LESS-THAN SIGN<br /> U+003D = 3d EQUALS SIGN<br /> U+003E > 3e GREATER-THAN SIGN<br /> U+003F ? 3f QUESTION MARK<br /> U+0040 @ 40 COMMERCIAL AT<br /> U+0041 A 41 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A<br /> U+0042 B 42 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B<br /> U+0043 C 43 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C<br /> U+0044 D 44 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D<br /> U+0045 E 45 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E<br /> U+0046 F 46 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F<br /> U+0047 G 47 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G<br /> U+0048 H 48 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H<br /> U+0049 I 49 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I<br /> U+004A J 4a LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J<br /> U+004B K 4b LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K<br /> U+004C L 4c LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L<br /> U+004D M 4d LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M<br /> U+004E N 4e LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N<br /> U+004F O 4f LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O<br /> U+0050 P 50 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P<br /> U+0051 Q 51 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Q<br /> U+0052 R 52 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R<br /> U+0053 S 53 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S<br /> U+0054 T 54 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T<br /> U+0055 U 55 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U<br /> U+0056 V 56 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER V<br /> U+0057 W 57 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W<br /> U+0058 X 58 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X<br /> U+0059 Y 59 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y<br /> U+005A Z 5a LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z<br /> U+005B [ 5b LEFT SQUARE BRACKET<br /> U+005C \ 5c REVERSE SOLIDUS<br /> U+005D ] 5d RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET<br /> U+005E ^ 5e CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT<br /> U+005F _ 5f LOW LINE<br /> U+0060 ` 60 GRAVE ACCENT<br /> U+0061 a 61 LATIN SMALL LETTER A<br /> U+0062 b 62 LATIN SMALL LETTER B<br /> U+0063 c 63 LATIN SMALL LETTER C<br /> U+0064 d 64 LATIN SMALL LETTER D<br /> U+0065 e 65 LATIN SMALL LETTER E<br /> U+0066 f 66 LATIN SMALL LETTER F<br /> U+0067 g 67 LATIN SMALL LETTER G<br /> U+0068 h 68 LATIN SMALL LETTER H<br /> U+0069 i 69 LATIN SMALL LETTER I<br /> U+006A j 6a LATIN SMALL LETTER J<br /> U+006B k 6b LATIN SMALL LETTER K<br /> U+006C l 6c LATIN SMALL LETTER L<br /> U+006D m 6d LATIN SMALL LETTER M<br /> U+006E n 6e LATIN SMALL LETTER N<br /> U+006F o 6f LATIN SMALL LETTER O<br /> U+0070 p 70 LATIN SMALL LETTER P<br /> U+0071 q 71 LATIN SMALL LETTER Q<br /> U+0072 r 72 LATIN SMALL LETTER R<br /> U+0073 s 73 LATIN SMALL LETTER S<br /> U+0074 t 74 LATIN SMALL LETTER T<br /> U+0075 u 75 LATIN SMALL LETTER U<br /> U+0076 v 76 LATIN SMALL LETTER V<br /> U+0077 w 77 LATIN SMALL LETTER W<br /> U+0078 x 78 LATIN SMALL LETTER X<br /> U+0079 y 79 LATIN SMALL LETTER Y<br /> U+007A z 7a LATIN SMALL LETTER Z<br /> U+007B { 7b LEFT CURLY BRACKET<br /> U+007C | 7c VERTICAL LINE<br /> U+007D } 7d RIGHT CURLY BRACKET<br /> U+007E ~ 7e TILDE<br /> U+007F 7f <control><br /> U+0080 c2 80 <control><br /> U+0081 c2 81 <control><br /> U+0082 c2 82 <control><br /> U+0083 c2 83 <control><br /> U+0084 c2 84 <control><br /> U+0085 c2 85 <control><br /> U+0086 c2 86 <control><br /> U+0087 c2 87 <control><br /> U+0088 c2 88 <control><br /> U+0089 c2 89 <control><br /> U+008A c2 8a <control><br /> U+008B c2 8b <control><br /> U+008C c2 8c <control><br /> U+008D c2 8d <control><br /> U+008E c2 8e <control><br /> U+008F c2 8f <control><br /> U+0090 c2 90 <control><br /> U+0091 c2 91 <control><br /> U+0092 c2 92 <control><br /> U+0093 c2 93 <control><br /> U+0094 c2 94 <control><br /> U+0095 c2 95 <control><br /> U+0096 c2 96 <control><br /> U+0097 c2 97 <control><br /> U+0098 c2 98 <control><br /> U+0099 c2 99 <control><br /> U+009A c2 9a <control><br /> U+009B c2 9b <control><br /> U+009C c2 9c <control><br /> U+009D c2 9d <control><br /> U+009E c2 9e <control><br /> U+009F c2 9f <control><br /> U+00A0 c2 a0 NO-BREAK SPACE<br /> U+00A1 ¡ c2 a1 INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK<br /> U+00A2 ¢ c2 a2 CENT SIGN<br /> U+00A3 £ c2 a3 POUND SIGN<br /> U+00A4 ¤ c2 a4 CURRENCY SIGN<br /> U+00A5 ¥ c2 a5 YEN SIGN<br /> U+00A6 ¦ c2 a6 BROKEN BAR<br /> U+00A7 § c2 a7 SECTION SIGN<br /> U+00A8 ¨ c2 a8 DIAERESIS<br /> U+00A9 © c2 a9 COPYRIGHT SIGN<br /> U+00AA ª c2 aa FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR<br /> U+00AB « c2 ab LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK<br /> U+00AC ¬ c2 ac NOT SIGN<br /> U+00AD c2 ad SOFT HYPHEN<br /> U+00AE ® c2 ae REGISTERED SIGN<br /> U+00AF ¯ c2 af MACRON<br /> U+00B0 ° c2 b0 DEGREE SIGN<br /> U+00B1 ± c2 b1 PLUS-MINUS SIGN<br /> U+00B2 ² c2 b2 SUPERSCRIPT TWO<br /> U+00B3 ³ c2 b3 SUPERSCRIPT THREE<br /> U+00B4 ´ c2 b4 ACUTE ACCENT<br /> U+00B5 µ c2 b5 MICRO SIGN<br /> U+00B6 ¶ c2 b6 PILCROW SIGN<br /> U+00B7 · c2 b7 MIDDLE DOT<br /> U+00B8 ¸ c2 b8 CEDILLA<br /> U+00B9 ¹ c2 b9 SUPERSCRIPT ONE<br /> U+00BA º c2 ba MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR<br /> U+00BB » c2 bb RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK<br /> U+00BC ¼ c2 bc VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER<br /> U+00BD ½ c2 bd VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF<br /> U+00BE ¾ c2 be VULGAR FRACTION THREE QUARTERS<br /> U+00BF ¿ c2 bf INVERTED QUESTION MARK<br /> U+00C0 À c3 80 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE<br /> U+00C1 Á c3 81 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE<br /> U+00C2 Â c3 82 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX<br /> U+00C3 Ã c3 83 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH TILDE<br /> U+00C4 Ä c3 84 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS<br /> U+00C5 Å c3 85 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE<br /> U+00C6 Æ c3 86 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE<br /> U+00C7 Ç c3 87 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA<br /> U+00C8 È c3 88 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH GRAVE<br /> U+00C9 É c3 89 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE<br /> U+00CA Ê c3 8a LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX<br /> U+00CB Ë c3 8b LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS<br /> U+00CC Ì c3 8c LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE<br /> U+00CD Í c3 8d LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE<br /> U+00CE Î c3 8e LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX<br /> U+00CF Ï c3 8f LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS<br /> U+00D0 Ð c3 90 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ETH<br /> U+00D1 Ñ c3 91 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE<br /> U+00D2 Ò c3 92 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH GRAVE<br /> U+00D3 Ó c3 93 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE<br /> U+00D4 Ô c3 94 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX<br /> U+00D5 Õ c3 95 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE<br /> U+00D6 Ö c3 96 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS<br /> U+00D7 × c3 97 MULTIPLICATION SIGN<br /> U+00D8 Ø c3 98 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE<br /> U+00D9 Ù c3 99 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH GRAVE<br /> U+00DA Ú c3 9a LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE<br /> U+00DB Û c3 9b LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX<br /> U+00DC Ü c3 9c LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS<br /> U+00DD Ý c3 9d LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE<br /> U+00DE Þ c3 9e LATIN CAPITAL LETTER THORN<br /> U+00DF ß c3 9f LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S<br /> U+00E0 à c3 a0 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE<br /> U+00E1 á c3 a1 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE<br /> U+00E2 â c3 a2 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX<br /> U+00E3 ã c3 a3 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH TILDE<br /> U+00E4 ä c3 a4 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS<br /> U+00E5 å c3 a5 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE<br /> U+00E6 æ c3 a6 LATIN SMALL LETTER AE<br /> U+00E7 ç c3 a7 LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA<br /> U+00E8 è c3 a8 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE<br /> U+00E9 é c3 a9 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE<br /> U+00EA ê c3 aa LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX<br /> U+00EB ë c3 ab LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS<br /> U+00EC ì c3 ac LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE<br /> U+00ED í c3 ad LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE<br /> U+00EE î c3 ae LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX<br /> U+00EF ï c3 af LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS<br /> U+00F0 ð c3 b0 LATIN SMALL LETTER ETH<br /> U+00F1 ñ c3 b1 LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE<br /> U+00F2 ò c3 b2 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE<br /> U+00F3 ó c3 b3 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE<br /> U+00F4 ô c3 b4 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX<br /> U+00F5 õ c3 b5 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE<br /> U+00F6 ö c3 b6 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS<br /> U+00F7 ÷ c3 b7 DIVISION SIGN<br /> U+00F8 ø c3 b8 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH STROKE<br /> U+00F9 ù c3 b9 LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH GRAVE<br /> U+00FA ú c3 ba LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE<br /> U+00FB û c3 bb LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX<br /> U+00FC ü c3 bc LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS<br /> U+00FD ý c3 bd LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE<br /> U+00FE þ c3 be LATIN SMALL LETTER THORN<br /> U+00FF ÿ c3 bf LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS</p> </body> </html> Similar TutorialsHi there. I'm trying to create my own search function for users to search for events between certain dates. One option I have is 'within next 7 days'. So, within the SQL function I am searching "... WHERE eventdate between $from and $to.." The $from variable I figured would be $from = date('d-m-Y',time()); (ie- todays date)... but how would I find the date in 7 days?. I've seen strtotime mentioned about the web but can't figure how this applies. Any help would be marvelous! Cheers, Paddyfields. Hi all, I am having bit of a headache in trying to achieve what I want! Basically I have a date coming into the script as this format: Tue May 24 18:51:38 +0000 2011 These are the steps I wish to do an not quite sure how! 1. Make date read: May 24 2011 2. Add 6 Months to date and store as new variable For part 2 I am guessing I can do something like: Code: [Select] <?php $futuredate = strtotime('+6 months', $date) ?>; But part one is stumping me! Thanks Hi All,
I seem to be getting in a right mess with this, so hope someone can help.
I'm simply trying to set a cookie called 'defaultLanguage'.
It will initially be set to English and when someone completes a form, the form value is then passed and used in the cookie.
here's my code:
$cookie_name = 'defaultLanguage'; $cookie_value = $_GET["language"]; if ($cookie_value == ''){ $cookie_value = 'English'; }else{ $cookie_value = $_GET["language"]; } setcookie($cookie_name, $cookie_value, time() + (86400 * 30), '/'); // 86400 = 1 dayI then use this to test/check: $cookie_name = 'defaultLanguage'; if(!isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_name])) { print 'Cookie with name "' . $cookie_name . '" does not exist...'; } else { print 'Cookie with name "' . $cookie_name . '" value is: ' . $_COOKIE[$cookie_name]; }If I clear my browser cookies, this is what happens: On initial page load it says: Cookie with name "defaultLanguage" does not exist... If I reload the page or move to another, it says: Cookie with name "defaultLanguage" value is: English If I then complete my form, ?language=French is added to the URL, however, it still says: Cookie with name "defaultLanguage" value is: English I think I' missing something obvious but can't see for looking!! Any help is much appreciated I've had to rearrange a lot of code and I've been trying to put together a prepared statement in a registration form. I'm having a really hard time and being very new to PHP the issue is really confusing for me. first, I have this function: //PROCESS DB function process_database($post) { global $table; global $conn; //THIS FUCKING THING IS DRIVING ME //check database connection if ($conn->connect_error) { return false; } else { if($statement = $conn->prepare("INSERT INTO $table (username, email, password) VALUES ( ?, ?, ? )")){ $username = $post['username']; $email = $post['email']; $password = $post['password']; $statement->bind_param("sss", $username, $email, $password); $statement->execute(); //DEBUGGING echo "Added: ".$username.", ".$email.", ".$password."<br>"; if(!$statement->execute()){ printf("Connect Failed: %s\n", $conn->connect_error); } else { echo 'fuckin ay!!!'; } //END DEBUG BLOCK } else { return false; } } return true; } The issue is very strange. I'll post the function call so it's clear: //process database actions if (!process_database($data) ) { return array( 'status' => 0, 'message' => 'Unable to process database request' ); } When I run the without process_database() everything is fine, so I'm confident in the error processing. Here's where it get weird - when I process the form Quoteecho "Added: ".$username.", ".$email.", ".$password."<br>"; is returned from the //DEBUGGING BLOCK but I also get back the error from the following if statement - "Connection Failed: ...." BUT I also get back the registration successful message that only shows if the function returns true In short, it's giving me 2 positive affirmations but also the Connection failed message and of course it's not adding anything to the database. I've been working this function all day, and I'm lost for answers. What's going on with this code? I can't see where I've gone wrong Edited July 1 by TechnoDiveri Have this Form
<form action="action_page.php" method="POST"> <div class="form-group"> <label for="email">Email address:</label> <input type="email" class="form-control" id="email"> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label for="pwd">Password:</label> <input type="password" class="form-control" id="pwd"> </div> <div class="checkbox"> <label><input type="checkbox"> Remember me</label> </div> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default">Submit</button> </form>
And im trying to pass the information into a USER class and print out the result in a action_page.php.
<?php class User { private $password; private $emailAddress; function __construct() { $this->emailAddress = isset($_POST['email']) ? $_POST['email'] : null; $this->password = isset($_POST['pwd']) ? $_POST['pwd'] : null; } function start() { if (empty($this->password) || empty($this->emailAddress)) { throw new Exception("Empty Post not allowed"); } else { echo " Registration Done"; } } }
$register = new User(); if(!empty($_POST)) { $register->start(); }
Then in my action page i try to refernence the Object with
?php include "User.php"; $user = new User(); try { $user->start(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Cannot Find account"; }
but it never can do it ? Anyone any ideas ??
Hi phpfreaks, please I have being working on a media site for few months now and I have designed everything that needs to be designed but A♏ having problems with my uploading code its not storing the file size in the database, I have tried and tried and all what have being doing seem to be taking me away from the right way with my little understanding of php. Here is the code that is giving me headache , <?php //include("includes/sess.php"); ?> <?php $upload="active"; include("includes/mheader.php"); ?> <?php if(isset($_POST['Upload'])) { ////////////////////////////////// //$id=$_POST['id']; $picture=$_POST['picture']; $artiste=$_POST['artiste']; $title=$_POST['title']; $genre=$_POST['genre']; $uname=$_POST['uname']; if($title=="") { $message="unknown Title"; header("location:upload.php?message=$message"); exit(); } if($genre=="") { $message="unknown Type"; header("location:upload.php?message=$message"); exit(); } /*if($nfile=="") { $message="file not found"; header("location:upload.php?message=$message"); exit(); } */ if($uname=="") { $message="error you"; header("location:upload.php?message=$message"); exit(); } if($artiste=="") { $message="Artiste ?"; header("location:upload.php?message=$message"); exit(); } header("location:upload.php?message=$message"); ////////////////////////////////// $size=$_FILES["picture"]["size"]; $file_size1 = $size/1024 ; $file_size = $file_size1/1000 ; function UploadOne($fname) { $uploaddir = 'music/NaijaMp3_'; if (is_uploaded_file($fname['tmp_name'])) { $filname = basename($fname['name']); $uploadfile = $uploaddir . basename($fname['name']); if (move_uploaded_file ($fname['tmp_name'], $uploadfile)) $res = "File " . $filname . " was successfully uploaded and stored.<br>"; else $res = "Could not move ".$fname['tmp_name']." to ".$uploadfile."<br>"; } else $res = "File ".$fname['name']." failed to upload."; return ($res); } ?> <?php if ($_FILES['picture']['name'] != "") { $res = UploadOne($_FILES['picture']); $filname = $_FILES['picture']['name']; $filname=addslashes($filname); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $alt_file_name = "NaijaMp3_" .$filname ; $date_created=date("Y-m-d h:i:A"); include("includes/db_connect.php"); $sql="INSERT INTO upmp3(uname,file_name,alt_file_name,file_size,artiste,title,genre,date_created) VALUES('$uname','$filname','$alt_file_name','$file_size','$artiste','$title','$genre','$date_created')"; mysql_query($sql) or die (mysql_error()); $message="Upload Sucessful"; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// echo ($res); } } ?> <div class="main_but"> </div> </div> <!-- Navigation begins here --> <!-- Header section ends here --></div> <div class="login"> </div> <div id="feature"> <blockquote/> <div align="center"><em><strong>UPLOAD FILE </strong></em></div> <form action="upload.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="form1" id="form1"> <p> <br /> </p> <p>{Note: All * fields are Mandatory} </p> <p> <label> <input name="picture" type="file" id="picture" /> </label> </p> <p>File Type <label> <select name="type" id="type"> <option value="mp3">mp3</option> </select> </label> </p> <p>Artiste*<span class="style1"><sub>(e.g Alashine)</sub></span> <label> <input name="artiste" type="text" id="artiste" /> </label> Title <label> <input name="title" type="text" id="title" /><span class="style1"> </label> <p>Genre <label><input name="genre" type="text" id="genre" />(Genre e.g Hiphop, RnB, Reggae . . .)</span></label> <input type='hidden' name='id' value='<?php echo"$id" ?>' id='id'/> <input type='hidden' name='uname' value='<?php echo"$uname" ?>' id='uname'/> <label></label> </p> </p> <p> <label> <input name="Upload" type="submit" id="Upload" value="Upload Mp3" /> </label> </p> </form> </div> </div> <?php include("includes/footer.php"); ?> </div> Thanks for your help in anticipation Hi there I'm trying to insert audi files' records into mysql database this is how the records insertion looks like: Code: [Select] $fileName = $_FILES['uploaded']['name'];//name $tmpName = $_FILES['uploaded']['tmp_name'];//temp location $fileSize = $_FILES['uploaded']['size'];//size of the file $fileType = $_FILES['uploaded']['type'];//type of file $error = $_FILES['uploaded']['error'];//verifys errprs $ext = substr($fileName, strrpos($fileName, '.') +1); //this will get the extention out of the file name e.g. .mp3 //check that a file is passed by and no errors if(isset($fileName) && $error == 0 && $fileSize != 0){ //condition to accept only certain file types/extentions if($ext == "mp3" || $ext == "wma" || $ext == "wav"){ //get file content $fp = fopen($tmpName, 'r'); $content = fread($fp, filesize($tmpName)); $content = addslashes($content); fclose($fp); if(!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $fileName = addslashes($fileName); } //query to retrieve user's id $userid = mysql_query("select userID from user where username = '$username'"); //to get id by username $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($userid); $userid = $row['userID']; $query = "INSERT INTO tracks (trackName, userID, tag, price, file, fileName, fileSize, fileType) VALUES ('$tname','$userid','$tag','$price','$content','$fileName','$fileSize' , '$fileType)"; mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error()); when i send it i get this error: Unknown column 'application' in 'field list' i did set data type for the fileType field to varchar. when i remove the fileType all together the record is inserted successfully into database though. ?!! can anyone help please xml file: Code: [Select] <PRICES> <PRICE> <WIC>HDE0AAFGRBOX</WIC> <STOCK>100+</STOCK> <MY_PRICE>219.00</MY_PRICE> </PRICE> </PRICES>php file: Code: [Select] <? $filexml='stock.xml'; if (file_exists($filexml)) { $xml = simplexml_load_file($filexml); $f = fopen('stock.csv', 'w'); foreach($xml->PRICES->PRICE as $price) { fputcsv($f, get_object_vars($price),',','"'); } fclose($f); } ?> Error: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\xampp\htdocs\stock.php on line 6 Please help with this. Would someone please take a look at this. I am trying to use a form to allow users to answer yes or no with radio buttons, and then print it out on another page. I can only get the script to print the number 1 no matter which button is selected. When I check the database the number 1 is recorded no matter which button is selected. In the top of the input form I have Code: [Select] <input type='hidden' name='electricity' value='0'>In the body of the input form I have Code: [Select] Electricity <input type='radio' name='electricity' value='0'>no <input type='radio' name='electricity' value='1'>yesAnd on the output page I have Code: [Select] $electricity = $row['electricity']; if ($electricity == 1) { $answer = "YES"; } else { $answer = "NO"; }and Code: [Select] echo $row['electricity'];I have been over and over this and can not discover my error. Thank you for looking. Hi All, I am trying to "echo" a result from a SQL query, that returns a size in KB, but I want this to read in MB or GB - can PHP change this for me, or is it something I need to do in SQL? Cheers Matt Hi Guys, I am trying to use htmlentities and htmlspecialchars to convert a ampersand (&) to the html markup eqivalant (&) to no avail. any ideas ? htmlentities("this is & that"); Hi All, I have a php form which is posting a country variable which is currently a number value, but before I post this to a flat text file I want to convert the number into a string (E.G. in the DB 1 = France 3=UK 6-Germany)... I was thinking something along the lines of: $Country = $_REQUEST['Country']; if ($Country =1) {$CountryW = 'France';} else if ($Country =3) {$Country = 'UK';} else if ($Country =9) {$Country = 'Test';} else {$Country = 'Germany';} But this doesn't seem to be working and there would be around 180 Countries so I can see its not efficient. Any help would be much appreciated. If you need more code let me know. Thanks so much for any help Martin Hello guys,
I have been away for a couple of days. Its nice to be back
Yesterday night I was practicing an AJAX/PHP delete tutorial and file "delete.php" was wrtiten in mysql* which I converted to PDO but it didnt seem to work after conversion. The three bits of code are as follows
//I got the results using PDO::FETCH_ASSOC in following div getting ID of row in link while ($r = $getData->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){ echo (" <div class='record' id='record-".$r['id']."'> <a href='?delete=".$r['id']."' class='delete'>[x]</a> </div> "); } $(document).ready(function() { $('a.delete').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var parent = $(this).parent(); $.ajax({ type: 'get', url: 'delete.php', data: 'ajax=1&delete=' + parent.attr('id').replace('record-',''), beforeSend: function() { parent.animate({'backgroundColor':'#fb6c6c'},300); }, success: function() { parent.slideUp(300,function() { parent.remove(); }); } }); }); });and delete.php contains include "inc.connect.php"; if(isset($_GET['delete'])){ $id = $_GET['delete']; $query = "DELETE FROM tempdata WHERE id=?"; $runThis = $db->prepare($query); $runThis->bindValue(1,$id); $runThis->execute(); } /*The problem I am facing is in delete.php. because If i run the same script in mysql_*, it works, which is as follows first (I had to write connect in mysql as original connection is written in PDO) ------------------------------------------------------ $con = mysql_connect('localhost','munni****','*******'); mysql_select_db('stockcontrol',$con); if(isset($_GET['delete'])) { $result = mysql_query('DELETE FROM tempdata WHERE id = '.(int)$_GET['delete'],$con); } mysql_close($con); */ Edited by Digitizer, 11 September 2014 - 07:08 AM. OK. So, I am getting a date with the date in m/d/y format and then the hour and the minute. How can I convert this the correct way. This is what I am currently trying: Code: [Select] $started = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($_POST['started'] . ' ' . $_POST['started_hour'] . ': ' . $_POST['started_min'])); echo $started; It give me the standard "1969-12-31 17:00:00". When all I tried was $_POST['started'], I at least got the date right. Need help converting a wp theme. I got it to display the menu items, but I need it to display them in the slider like it does in the theme.
Here is a link to what the theme looks like: http://www.redfactor...rant/menu-card/
I included menucard-1.php which is the code from the theme and menu_cat_nav-1.php which my code. What am I missing?
menu_cat_nav-1.php 6.44KB
menucard-1.php 5.81KB
Hi guys, I need some help from you pro's please with converting code from a TPL template file to PHP. My client has payment gateway scripts in an ecommerce site that he wants to offer to other merchants. The code currently is in numerous TPL files (currently being used in Opencart). What is involved in converting to plain ol' PHP? Do I need the TPL files at all? Can I rename the TPL extension to PHP as it looks like they contain PHP code?? Example of one of the TPL's is below: <form action="<?php echo $action; ?>" method="post" id="checkout"> <input type="hidden" name="instId" value="<?php echo $merchant; ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="cartId" value="<?php echo $order_id; ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="<?php echo $amount; ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="currency" value="<?php echo $currency; ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="desc" value="<?php echo $description; ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="name" value="<?php echo $name; ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="address" value="<?php echo $address; ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="postcode" value="<?php echo $postcode; ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="country" value="<?php echo $country; ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="tel" value="<?php echo $telephone; ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="email" value="<?php echo $email; ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="testMode" value="<?php echo $test; ?>" /> </form> <div class="buttons"> <table> <tr> <td align="left"><a onclick="location = '<?php echo $back; ?>'" class="button"><span><?php echo $button_back; ?></span></a></td> <td align="right"><a onclick="$('#checkout').submit();" class="button"><span><?php echo $button_confirm; ?></span></a></td> </tr> </table> </div> I also have 3 PHP files as well, which look like (example): <?php class ControllerPaymentOnlineVoucher extends Controller { protected function index() { $this->data['button_confirm'] = $this->language->get('button_confirm'); $this->data['button_back'] = $this->language->get('button_back'); $this->load->model('checkout/order'); $order_info = $this->model_checkout_order->getOrder($this->session->data['order_id']); $this->load->library('encryption'); $this->data['action'] = ''; $this->data['merchant'] = $this->config->get('onlineVoucher_merchant'); $this->data['order_id'] = $order_info['order_id']; $this->data['amount'] = $order_info['total']; $this->data['currency'] = $order_info['currency']; $this->data['description'] = $this->config->get('config_store') . ' - #' . $order_info['order_id']; $this->data['name'] = $order_info['payment_firstname'] . ' ' . $order_info['payment_lastname']; if (!$order_info['payment_address_2']) { $this->data['address'] = $order_info['payment_address_1'] . ', ' . $order_info['payment_city'] . ', ' . $order_info['payment_zone']; } else { $this->data['address'] = $order_info['payment_address_1'] . ', ' . $order_info['payment_address_2'] . ', ' . $order_info['payment_city'] . ', ' . $order_info['payment_zone']; } $this->data['postcode'] = $order_info['payment_postcode']; $payment_address = $this->customer->getAddress($this->session->data['payment_address_id']); $this->data['country'] = $payment_address['iso_code_2']; $this->data['telephone'] = $order_info['telephone']; $this->data['email'] = $order_info['email']; $this->data['test'] = $this->config->get('onlineVoucher_test'); $this->data['back'] = $this->url->https('checkout/payment'); $this->id = 'payment'; $this->template = $this->config->get('config_template') . 'payment/onlineVoucher.tpl'; $this->render(); } public function callback() { if (isset($this->request->post['callbackPW']) && ($this->request->post['callbackPW'] == $this->config->get('onlineVoucher_password'))) { $this->language->load('payment/onlineVoucher'); $this->data['title'] = sprintf($this->language->get('heading_title'), $this->config->get('config_store')); if (!isset($this->request->server['HTTPS']) || ($this->request->server['HTTPS'] != 'on')) { $this->data['base'] = HTTP_SERVER; } else { $this->data['base'] = HTTPS_SERVER; } $this->data['charset'] = $this->language->get('charset'); $this->data['language'] = $this->language->get('code'); $this->data['direction'] = $this->language->get('direction'); $this->data['heading_title'] = sprintf($this->language->get('heading_title'), $this->config->get('config_store')); $this->data['text_response'] = $this->language->get('text_response'); $this->data['text_success'] = $this->language->get('text_success'); $this->data['text_success_wait'] = sprintf($this->language->get('text_success_wait'), $this->url->https('checkout/success')); $this->data['text_failure'] = $this->language->get('text_failure'); $this->data['text_failure_wait'] = sprintf($this->language->get('text_failure_wait'), $this->url->https('checkout/payment')); $this->data['button_continue'] = $this->language->get('button_continue'); if (isset($this->request->post['transStatus']) && $this->request->post['transStatus'] == 'Y') { $this->load->model('checkout/order'); $this->model_checkout_order->confirm($this->request->post['cartId'], $this->config->get('onlineVoucher_order_status_id')); $message = ''; if (isset($this->request->post['transId'])) { $message .= 'transId: ' . $this->request->post['transId'] . "\n"; } if (isset($this->request->post['transStatus'])) { $message .= 'transStatus: ' . $this->request->post['transStatus'] . "\n"; } if (isset($this->request->post['countryMatch'])) { $message .= 'countryMatch: ' . $this->request->post['countryMatch'] . "\n"; } if (isset($this->request->post['AVS'])) { $message .= 'AVS: ' . $this->request->post['AVS'] . "\n"; } if (isset($this->request->post['rawAuthCode'])) { $message .= 'rawAuthCode: ' . $this->request->post['rawAuthCode'] . "\n"; } if (isset($this->request->post['authMode'])) { $message .= 'authMode: ' . $this->request->post['authMode'] . "\n"; } if (isset($this->request->post['rawAuthMessage'])) { $message .= 'rawAuthMessage: ' . $this->request->post['rawAuthMessage'] . "\n"; } if (isset($this->request->post['wafMerchMessage'])) { $message .= 'wafMerchMessage: ' . $this->request->post['wafMerchMessage'] . "\n"; } $this->model_checkout_order->update($this->request->post['cartId'], $this->config->get('onlineVoucher_order_status_id'), $message, FALSE); $this->data['continue'] = $this->url->https('checkout/success'); $this->template = $this->config->get('config_template') . 'payment/onlineVoucher_success.tpl'; $this->render(); } else { $this->data['continue'] = $this->url->https('checkout/payment'); $this->template = $this->config->get('config_template') . 'payment/onlineVoucher_failure.tpl'; $this->render(); } } } } ?> Any guidance would be highly appreciated... Phil Hello. I need help adding a text file content by one and then saving. My current code is $myFile = "serving"; $fh = fopen($myFile, 'w+') or die("can't open file"); $conv = fread($fh, 4); $stringData = $conv++; fwrite($fh, $stringData); fclose($fh); I was told this would work, but of course, it doesn't. It always returns 1. I also tried casting it as an int by using $stringData = (int) $conv++; I am working on convering an old PHP form mail script to do error checking on the same page as the form rather then using redirects and I am having a bit of trouble with the logic. Right now it seems to work okay in general, but will send blank emails without doing the error check. Can someone please help me get it sorted out so that it works correctly. Also any ideas or input on how to make it more secure are appreciated. Thanks in advance, kaiman Here is the section of code in question: Code: [Select] // validate form if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ // check for empty form fields if (empty($name) || empty($email) || empty($category) || empty($formsubject) || empty($message)) { echo "<p>Please complete all required form fields.</p>"; } // sanitize and validate email address $email = filter_var($_POST['email'], FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL) ; if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { echo "<p>Please enter a valid email address.</p>"; } // check for special characters in the message field and reformat if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $message = stripslashes($message); } } if(isset($_POST['email'])){ // if valid send email mail($mailto, $subject, $messageproper, "From: \"$name\" <$email>\r\n" . "Reply-To: \"$name\" <$email>\n" . "X-Mailer: PHP 5.2.5" ); header( "Location: $successurl" ); } else { echo "<!-- begin form -->\n"; echo "<form name=\"Contact\" class=\"contentform\" method=\"post\" action=\"" . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . "\">\n"; echo "<fieldset>\n"; echo "<legend>Contact Form</legend>\n"; echo "<ol class=\"form\">\n"; echo "<li class=\"formleft\">\n"; echo "<label for=\"name\"><span class=\"asterisk\">*</span> Your Name:</label>\n"; echo "<input class=\"textfield\" id=\"name\" name=\"name\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" />\n"; echo "</li>\n"; echo "<li class=\"formright\">\n"; echo "<label for=\"email\"><span class=\"asterisk\">*</span> Email Address:</label>\n"; echo "<input class=\"textfield\" name=\"email\" type=\"text\" id=\"email\" value=\"\" />\n"; echo "</li>\n"; echo "<li class=\"formleft\">\n"; echo "<label for=\"category\"><span class=\"asterisk\">*</span> Form Category:</label>\n"; echo "<select class=\"select\" name=\"category\" id=\"category\" onchange=\"javascript:enableOther();\">\n"; echo "<option value=\"\">Please Select an Option:</option>\n"; echo "<option value=\"Question\" >Question</option>\n"; echo "<option value=\"Comment\" >Comment</option>\n"; echo "<option value=\"Idea\">Idea</option>\n"; echo "<option value=\"Other\">Other</option>\n"; echo "</select>\n"; echo "</li>\n"; echo "<li class=\"formright\">\n"; echo "<label for=\"formsubject\"><span class=\"asterisk\">*</span> Form Subject:</label>\n"; echo "<input class=\"textfield\" name=\"formsubject\" type=\"text\" id=\"formsubject\" value=\"\" />\n"; echo "</li>\n"; echo "<li>\n"; echo "<label for=\"message\"><span class=\"asterisk\">*</span> Your Message:</label>\n"; echo "<textarea name=\"message\" class=\"textarea\" rows=\"5\" cols=\"20\" id=\"message\" value=\"\"></textarea>\n"; echo "</li>\n"; echo "<li>\n"; echo "<label for=\"submitbutton\"></label>\n"; echo "<button class=\"submitbutton\" type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" title=\"Submit\">Submit</button>\n"; echo "</li>\n"; echo "</ol>\n"; echo "</fieldset>\n"; echo "</form>\n"; echo "<!-- end form -->\n"; } I am not a developer and am learning so forgive lack of what may be obvious knowledge to you folks.
Our hosting provider has upgraded our version of SQL 5.7.7 which sets the default SQL mode to strict. As strict mode controls how MySQL handles invalid or missing values in data-change statements such as INSERT or UPDATE we now have an error with some of our old PHP code. We are trying to insert a timestamp as follows
$insertSQL = sprintf("INSERT INTO tournaments (tourn_id, tourn_name, tourn_year, site_visible, tourn_type, ranking_type, tourn_class, how_seed, status) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", But we now get an error stating "Column tourn_year cannot be null"
The hosting provider has stated that since MySQL version 5.7.7 the default sql_mode is strict a value is missing when a new row to be inserted does not contain a value for a non-NULL column that has no explicit DEFAULT clause in its definition. As specified in I am wondering what is the easiest least impactful way to fix this. Do I change to varchar (see image) or change the code? Thanks for your help in advance
I'm having a problem on a PayPal payment completed page when clicking their "Return to Website" button. The button is configured to return to a static HTML (SHTML) page and I'm getting the following error: METHOD NOT ALLOWED The requested method GET is not allowed for the URL (my site's page URL) I'm assuming that this occurs because PayPal is sending some type of form as part of the redirect and of course, the HTML page chokes on trying to receive it. My question is, will simply changing the file extension of my page from ".shtml" to ".PHP" be a kosher solution? Would I need to assign the "_GET" variable to a local variable in the page, or will a PHP page just accept a passed form without requiring any variable assignments? |