PHP - Php Form Sent To Multiple Emails?
Hey everyone. Here is a link to the form that I will be referring to:
So, as it stands right now, when this form is filled out, it is sent to What I would like for it to do is to be sent to different email addresses depending on what the "company number" field is. For instance, if someone enters 21234 into the "company number" field I would like the email to be sent to If the next person enters 112233 into the "company number" field, I would like it to be sent to So you see, I want to use the "company number" field as a "prefix" to be added to the Is there a way to do this? Thanks <?php error_reporting(0); foreach($_POST as $key => $value){ if (is_array($value)) { $_values[$key] = join("%,% ",$value); }else $_values[$key] = $value; $_values[$key]=stripslashes($_values[$key]); } if (!isset($_POST["_referer"])) { @$_referer = $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]; }else $_referer = $_POST["_referer"]; $_ErrorList = array(); function mark_if_error($_field_name, $_old_style = ""){ global $_ErrorList; $flag=false; foreach($_ErrorList as $_error_item_name){ if ($_error_item_name==$_field_name) { $flag=true; } } echo $flag ? "style=\"background-color: #FFCCBA; border: solid 1px #D63301;\"" : $_old_style; } function IsThereErrors($form, $_isdisplay) { global $_POST, $_FILES, $_values, $_ErrorList; $flag = false; if ($form > -1) { if ($_isdisplay) { echo "<div style=\"border: 1px solid; margin: 10px auto; padding:15px 10px 15px 50px; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 10px center; color: #D63301; background-color: #FFCCBA; max-width:600px; background-image:url('".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."?image=warning');\">"; } $flag = false; $req[0][] = array("firstname", "firstname is required."); $req[0][] = array("lastname", "lastname is required."); $req[0][] = array("email", "email is required."); $req[0][] = array("companynumber", "companynumber is required."); foreach($req[$form] as $field){ if (!isset($_values[$field[0]]) or ($_values[$field[0]]=="")) { $flag = true; if ($_isdisplay) { echo $field[1]."<br>"; $_ErrorList[] = $field[0]; } } } $files_req[0][] = array("upload1", "upload1 is required."); foreach($files_req[$form] as $field){ if (@$_FILES[$field[0]]["name"]=="") { $flag = true; if ($_isdisplay) { echo $field[1]."<br>"; $_ErrorList[] = $field[0]; } } } $fields[0][] = array("email", '/^\w+((-\w+)|(\.\w+))*\@[A-Za-z0-9]+((\.|-)[A-Za-z0-9]+)*\.[A-Za-z0-9]{2,4}$/', true, "email should be valid e-mail address."); $fields[0][] = array("companynumber", '/^[-+]?\b[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?\b$/', true, "companynumber should contain integer or floating point value only."); foreach($fields[$form] as $field){ if (!(preg_match($field[1],$_values[$field[0]])==$field[2]) && $_values[$field[0]]!=""){ $flag = true; if ($_isdisplay) { echo $field[3]."<br>"; $_ErrorList[] = $field[0]; } } } $files[0][] = array("upload1", "true", "true", "You are trying to upload file with not allowed extension.", "true", ""); $files[0][] = array("upload2", "true", "true", "", "true", ""); $files[0][] = array("upload3", "true", "true", "", "true", ""); $files[0][] = array("upload4", "true", "true", "", "true", ""); $files[0][] = array("upload5", "true", "true", "", "true", ""); foreach($files[$form] as $file){ $str = $file[1]; if (eval("if($str){return true;}")) { $_values[$file[0]] = $_FILES[$file[0]]["name"]; $dirs = explode("/","attachments//"); $cur_dir ="."; foreach($dirs as $dir){ $cur_dir = $cur_dir."/".$dir; if (!@opendir($cur_dir)) { mkdir($cur_dir, 0777);}} $_values[$file[0]."_real-name"] = "attachments/".date("YmdHis")."_".$_FILES[$file[0]]["name"]."_secure"; copy($_FILES[$file[0]]["tmp_name"],$_values[$file[0]."_real-name"]); @unlink($_FILES[$file[0]]["tmp_name"]); }else{ $flag=true; if ($_isdisplay) { //$ExtFltr = $file[2]; //$FileSize = $file[4]; if (!eval("if($file[2]){return true;}")){echo $file[3];} if (!eval("if($file[4]){return true;}")){echo $file[5];} $_ErrorList[] = $file[0]; } } } if ($_isdisplay) { echo "</div>"; } } return $flag; } function display_page_upload_form($_iserrors) { global $_values, $_referer;?> <html><SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript"> var fields = { "companynumber" : ["companynumber", /^[-+]?\b[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?\b$/, true, "companynumber should contain integer or floating point value only."], "email" : ["email", /^\w+((-\w+)|(\.\w+))*\@[A-Za-z0-9]+((\.|-)[A-Za-z0-9]+)*\.[A-Za-z0-9]{2,4}$/, true, "email should be valid e-mail address."] }; var req = { "upload1" : ["upload1", "upload1 is required."], "companynumber" : ["companynumber", "companynumber is required."], "email" : ["email", "email is required."], "lastname" : ["lastname", "lastname is required."], "firstname" : ["firstname", "firstname is required."] }; var validate_form = true;function CheckForm(){HideAllErrors();if(!validate_form)return true;var LastErrorField=null;for(var i in fields){isError=ValidateField(fields[i][0],fields[i][1],fields[i][2],fields[i][3]);if(isError)LastErrorField=isError}for(var i in req){isError=isFilled(req[i][0],req[i][1]);if(isError)LastErrorField=isError}if(LastErrorField){LastErrorField.focus();return false}else return true}function ShowTooltip(type,field,message){var IE='\v'=='v';var container;if(!(container=document.getElementById('error_list'))){var container=(IE)?(document.createElement('<div name="error_list">')):(document.createElement('div'));container=document.createElement('div');container.setAttribute('id','error_list');document.body.appendChild(container)}if(!document.getElementById(field+'_tooltip')){var elem=(IE)?(document.createElement('<div name="myName">')):(document.createElement('div'));var elem2=(IE)?(document.createElement('<div name="myName2">')):(document.createElement('div'));div_id=field+'_tooltip';elem=document.createElement('div');elem.setAttribute('id',div_id);elem.className="fe-"+type+"-container";elem.onmouseover=function(){MoveDivToTop(this)};elem.onclick=function(){HideTooltip(};elem2=document.createElement('div');elem2.className="fe-"+type;elem2.innerHTML=message;parentField=document.getElementsByName(field);var f=0;while(parentField[f].type=='hidden')f++;with({top=findPos(parentField[f])[0]+'px';left=findPos(parentField[f])[1]+parentField[f].offsetWidth+'px'}elem.appendChild(elem2);container.appendChild(elem)}}function ValidateField(name,rule,condition,message){fld=document.getElementsByName(name);var i=0;while(fld[i].type=='hidden')i++;if(!(((fld[i].value.match(rule)!=null)==condition)||(fld[i].value==""))){ShowTooltip('error',fld[i].name,message);return fld[i]}return null}function isFilled(name,message){fld=document.getElementsByName(name);var isFilled=false;var i=0;while(fld[i].type=='hidden')i++;var obj=fld[i];for(j=i;j<fld.length;j++){if((fld[j].type=='checkbox')||(fld[j].type=='radio')){if(fld[j].checked)isFilled=true}else{if(fld[j].value!="")isFilled=true}}if(isFilled){return null}else{ShowTooltip('error',name,message);return obj}}function FieldBlur(elemId){HideTooltip(elemId);fieldName=elemId.replace(/(\S{0,})_tooltip/,"$1");if(typeof fields[fieldName]!='undefined'){ValidateField(fields[fieldName][0],fields[fieldName][1],fields[fieldName][2],fields[fieldName][3])}if(typeof req[fieldName]!='undefined'){isFilled(req[fieldName][0],req[fieldName][1])}}function HideTooltip(elemId){var elem=document.getElementById(elemId);var parent=document.getElementById('error_list');if((elem)&&(parent))parent.removeChild(elem)}function HideAllErrors(){error_container=document.getElementById('error_list');if(error_container!=null){while(error_container.childNodes.length>0){error_container.removeChild(error_container.firstChild)}}}function MoveDivToTop(div_to_top){div_container=document.getElementById('error_list');for(i=0;i<div_container.childNodes.length;i++)div_container.childNodes[i].style.zIndex="998";"999"}function findPos(obj){var curleft=curtop=0;do{curleft+=obj.offsetLeft;curtop+=obj.offsetTop}while(obj=obj.offsetParent);return[curtop,curleft]} </SCRIPT> <style type="text/css"> .form_expert_style {display: none;}.fe-info,.fe-error{font:13px arial,helvetica,verdana,sans-serif;padding:2px;position:relative;top:-7px}.fe-error{border:solid 1px #d51007;background:#fbe3e4;color:#d51007}.fe-info{border:solid 1px #0187c5;background:#eff9ff;color:#0187c5}.fe-info-container,.fe-error-container{position:absolute;padding:0;border-left:8px solid transparent;-border-left:8px solid white;filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Chroma(color="white")}.fe-error-container{border-top:8px solid #d00}.fe-info-container{border-top:8px solid #0187c5} </style> <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] ?>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="return CheckForm(this);"> <?php IsThereErrors("0", $_iserrors); ?> <input type="hidden" name="_referer" value="<?php echo $_referer ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="_next_page" value="1"> <p class="form_expert_style"><input name="URL" type="text" value=""/></p> <table> <tr> <td>First Name *</td> <td><input type='text' size='51' name='firstname' onblur="FieldBlur('_tooltip')" <?php mark_if_error("firstname", "") ?> value="<?php echo isset($_values["firstname"]) ? htmlspecialchars($_values["firstname"]) : "" ?>"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Last Name *</td> <td><input type='text' size='51' name='lastname' onblur="FieldBlur('_tooltip')" <?php mark_if_error("lastname", "") ?> value="<?php echo isset($_values["lastname"]) ? htmlspecialchars($_values["lastname"]) : "" ?>"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>E-mail *</td> <td><input type='text' size='51' name='email' onblur="FieldBlur('_tooltip')" <?php mark_if_error("email", "") ?> value="<?php echo isset($_values["email"]) ? htmlspecialchars($_values["email"]) : "" ?>"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Company Number *</td> <td><input type='text' size='51' name='companynumber' onblur="FieldBlur('_tooltip')" <?php mark_if_error("companynumber", "") ?> value="<?php echo isset($_values["companynumber"]) ? htmlspecialchars($_values["companynumber"]) : "" ?>"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Upload</td> <td><input class="image" type='file' size='30' name='upload1' onblur="FieldBlur('_tooltip')" <?php mark_if_error("upload1", "") ?>></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Upload</td> <td><input class="image" type='file' size='30' name='upload2'></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Upload</td> <td><input class="image" type='file' size='30' name='upload3'></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Upload</td> <td><input class="image" type='file' size='30' name='upload4'></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Upload</td> <td><input class="image" type='file' size='30' name='upload5'></td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td><input type="submit" name="SubmitBtn" onclick="CheckForm1();" value="SUBMIT" /></td> </tr> </table> </form> </html> <?php } function display_thankyou() { global $_values, $_referer;?> <html> <p align=center><b>Thank you for your submission</b></p> </html> <?php } function display_default() { ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><html xmlns=""><head><title>Successful submission</title><link rel="shortcut icon" href="" /><style>html,body,form,fieldset{margin:0;padding:0}html,body{ height:100%}body{color:#000;background:#FFF;font-family:Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;line-height:160%}body#bd{padding:0;color:#333;background-color:#FFF}body.fs4{font-size:12px}.componentheading{color:#4F4F4F;font-family:"Segoe UI","Trebuchet MS",Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-weight:bold}small,.small{color:#666;font-size:92%}ul{list-style:none}ul li{padding-left:30px;background:url(../images/bullet-list.gif) no-repeat 18px 9px;line-height:180%}.componentheading{padding:0 0 15px 0;margin-bottom:0px;color:#4F4F4F;background:url( repeat-x bottom;font-size:250%;font-weight:bold}#ja-header{height:60px;position:relative;z-index:999;width:920px;margin:0 auto;clear:both}#ja-containerwrap,#ja-footer{width:920px;margin:0 auto;clear:both}#main-container{ min-height:100%; 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Thank you.</div><p align="right">This form was processed by <a href="">Forms Expert</a>.<p align="right">© 2009 Forms-Expert. </div></div></div></div><div id="ja-footerwrap"><div id="ja-footer" class="clearfix"><ul><li><a href="">Visit Forms Expert</a></li><li><a href="">Features</a></li><li><a href="">Download Beta</a></li><li><a href="">Support</a></li><li><a href="">Contact page</a></li></ul><small class="ja-copyright">© 2009 <a href="">Forms-Expert</a></small></div></div></div></body></html> <?php } function display_spam_warning() { ?> <html> <form action="" method="post"><style> .form_expert_style {display: none;} </style> <?php IsThereErrors("1", $_iserrors); ?> <input type="hidden" name="firstname" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_values['firstname'])?>"> <input type="hidden" name="lastname" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_values['lastname'])?>"> <input type="hidden" name="email" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_values['email'])?>"> <input type="hidden" name="companynumber" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_values['companynumber'])?>"> <input type="hidden" name="upload1" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_values['upload1'])?>"> <input type="hidden" name="upload1_real-name" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_values['upload1_real-name'])?>"> <input type="hidden" name="upload2" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_values['upload2'])?>"> <input type="hidden" name="upload2_real-name" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_values['upload2_real-name'])?>"> <input type="hidden" name="upload3" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_values['upload3'])?>"> <input type="hidden" name="upload3_real-name" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_values['upload3_real-name'])?>"> <input type="hidden" name="upload4" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_values['upload4'])?>"> <input type="hidden" name="upload4_real-name" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_values['upload4_real-name'])?>"> <input type="hidden" name="upload5" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_values['upload5'])?>"> <input type="hidden" name="upload5_real-name" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_values['upload5_real-name'])?>"> <input type="hidden" name="_referer" value="<?php echo $_referer ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="_next_page" value="2"> <p class="form_expert_style"><input name="URL" type="text" value=""/></p> <p align="center"><b>Your submission seems to be a SPAM. Please contact web site administrator or click "Back" button to return to the form.</b></p> <p align="center"><input type="submit" name="back" value="< Back"></p></form> </html> <?php } function BuildBody($body, $html, $num){ global $zag, $un; if ($html) { $zag[$num] = "--".$un."\r\nContent-Type:text/html;\r\n"; } else { $zag[$num] = "--".$un."\r\nContent-Type:text/plain;\r\n"; }; $zag[$num] .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\n\r\n$body\r\n\r\n"; } function SendEmails (){ global $_values, $zag, $un; $un = strtoupper(uniqid(time())); $to[0] .= ""; $from[0] .= "".str_replace("%,%", ",", $_values['email']).""; $subject[0] .= "upload_form was submitted on ".date("F j, Y")." ".date("H:i").""; $head[0] .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $head[0] .= "From: ".str_replace("%,%", ",", $_values['email'])."\r\n"; $head[0] .= "X-Mailer: Forms Expert at\r\n"; $head[0] .= "Reply-To: ".str_replace("%,%", ",", $_values['email'])."\r\n"; $head[0] .= "Content-Type:multipart/mixed;"; $head[0] .= "boundary=\"".$un."\"\r\n\r\n"; $EmailBody = "<html><body> Form was filled with the following data: <br><b>firstname:</b> ".htmlspecialchars($_values["firstname"])." <br><b>lastname:</b> ".htmlspecialchars($_values["lastname"])." <br><b>email:</b> ".htmlspecialchars($_values["email"])." <br><b>companynumber:</b> ".htmlspecialchars($_values["companynumber"])." <br><b>upload1:</b> ".htmlspecialchars($_values["upload1"])." <br><b>upload2:</b> ".htmlspecialchars($_values["upload2"])." <br><b>upload3:</b> ".htmlspecialchars($_values["upload3"])." <br><b>upload4:</b> ".htmlspecialchars($_values["upload4"])." <br><b>upload5:</b> ".htmlspecialchars($_values["upload5"])." </body></html> "; BuildBody($EmailBody, True, 0); for ($i=0;$i<=0;$i++){ mail($to[$i], $subject[$i], $zag[$i], $head[$i]); } } $actions = array ("display_page_upload_form","display_thankyou"); session_start(); if(!isset($_SESSION["FormSent"])) { $_SESSION["FormSent"] = time(); $delta = -1; } else { $delta = time() - $_SESSION["FormSent"]; } if (((strlen(trim(@$_POST["URL"])) > 0) or (($delta>-1)and($delta<2)))and(!isset($_POST["back"]))){ display_spam_warning(); }else{ unset($_SESSION["FormSent"]); if (in_array($_GET["image"], array("warning"))) { header("Content-type: image/png"); echo base64_decode("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}else{ if (isset($_POST["_next_page"])) { $_next_page = $_POST["_next_page"]; }else $_next_page = 0; if (isset($_POST["back"])) { call_user_func($actions[$_next_page-2],false); }else if (IsThereErrors($_next_page-1, false)){ call_user_func($actions[$_next_page-1],true); }else { call_user_func($actions[$_next_page+0],false); if ($_next_page == count($actions)-1) { SendEmails(); session_destroy(); } } } } ?> Similar TutorialsCan anyone spot where my error is or why I might be getting multiple emails sent? Code: [Select] $getNEWid2 = mysql_query("SELECT ID FROM ".$conf['tbl']['users']." ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 1 "); WHILE ($NEWid2 = mysql_fetch_array($getNEWid2)){ $send = mysql_query("SELECT name,user,email from ".$conf['tbl']['users']." WHERE ID=$NEWid2[ID]"); WHILE($newsiteuser = mysql_fetch_array($send)) { //emails sent here// }} hello, just a quick question, as im new to php but think its probably an easy answer. How would i make the code below send an email to the address it pulls from the database (which it already does) and to another address i.e $to = "$slide[email]"; thanks, gavin I am using PHP Mailer to send out emails to an array of email address. So I am looping through the array of emails and then sending out the emails individually. The script works except it is sending out more than one email to some of the email address. Today my client told me that he got 2 more emails on Sunday just like the 2 he got on Thursday. I am assuming that this has something to do with caching, but I do not know. The trigger that sends out the emails is part of a cron job. The cronjob runs every 30 minutes. Checks to see if there is a new entry in one of the tables in the database. Then it sends out the email to all of the members. After the email is sent a value is changed for that entry in the data base. I am explaining this only to help you to see that the problem is not that the code is being triggered again. If that was the problem then there would be and email every 30 minutes and that is not what happened. Here is the code: <?php require_once('library/PHPMailer/class.phpmailer.php'); require_once('library/PHPMailer/class.smtp.php'); foreach($organizationemails as $key => $value){ $contents = '<body> <div> <p> ...content of email ... </p> </div> </body>'; error_reporting(E_ALL); error_reporting(E_STRICT); $mail = new PHPMailer(); $body = $contents; $body = preg_replace('/[\]/','',$body); $mail->IsSMTP(); $mail->Host = "ssl://"; $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Port = 465; $mail->Username = ""; $mail->Password = "password"; $mail->SetFrom('', 'My Organization'); $mail->AddReplyTo('', 'My Organization'); $mail->Subject = 'My Email Title'; $mail->AltBody = '... has been posted...'; $mail->MsgHTML($contents); $address = $value; $mail->AddAddress($address); if(!$mail->Send()) { echo "Message could not be sent. <p>"; echo "Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo; exit; }else{ echo "Message has been sent to ".$value; } } ?> Hello, I am new in PHP and I want a script for sending multiple emails using the php and i am calling that email address from database.I also want to change the status field from database from No to Yes once I send the particular emails. How to do that? I need a urgent help Following is my code for calling the email address <? mysql_connect("localhost","root","123") or die(mysql_error()); // my database connection mysql_select_db("localacct") or die(mysql_error()); $sql = "SELECT email FROM company where status='No'"; $res = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res) ) { $area .= $row['email']. ", "; } // read the list of emails from the file. $email_list = explode(',', $area); // count how many emails there are. $total_emails = count($email_list); // go through the list and trim off the newline character. for ($counter=0; $counter<$total_emails; $counter++) { $email_list[$counter] = trim($email_list[$counter]); } $to = $email_list; //echo $to; $t0 = ""; $subject = "Test email"; $message = wordwrap($message, 100); $from = "my email address"; $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n"; $headers .= "From: $from"; mail($to,$subject,$message,$headers); if ($count % 10 == 0) { sleep(5); // this will wait 5 secs every 10 emails sent, and then continue the while loop } $count++; } ?> Many Thanks in advance. Hello, I'm using phpmailer for this job, and what I want is that in first mail user gets only text and in second he gets text with attachment. But code below is only sending me the mail with attachment(second mail), what is cosing this problem? Here's the code Code: [Select] for ($i=0; $i<2; $i++) { if (!class_exists("phpmailer")) { require("PHPMailer/class.phpmailer.php"); } if ($price != 0 ) { $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; $mail->From = ""; $mail->FromName = "Company"; $mail->AddAddress($email, ""); $mail->WordWrap = 50; $mail->IsHTML(true); $mail->Subject = "Subjcet"; $mail->Body = $content; } if ($i == 1 || $price == 0 ) { //require("PHPMailer/class.phpmailer.php"); $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; $mail->From = ""; $mail->FromName = "Company"; $mail->AddAddress($email, ""); $mail->WordWrap = 50; $mail->IsHTML(true); $mail->Subject = "Subjcet"; $mail->Addattachment ("file/patch".$fileName, ); // patch and name of an attachment } } This topic has been moved to Third Party PHP Scripts. Hello, recently I changed host of my website and when a visitor clicks "contact us" button in my website (in which one needs to enter his/ her email, name, phone , etc) and submit his/her message then I get email. Before this hosting I used to get emails from the visitor who filled the form so it was easier for me to reply but now after I changed the host I get email as "mydomain@hosting-company-domain" instead of the visitor's email. I messaged them then they told me something about SMTP authenticate using PHP, please guide me to fix this. I am asking if anyone knows of any tutorials to take the contents of a simple form, hit submit, then the values go to an email, the email contents are then parsed and go into the correlating mysql table. For example, if I have a form like this It is only the first name, lastname, email address and zip code. I know how to do a POST or a GET, to put directly into a database table. The reason is because there are multiple sites with this type of form and would like them to go to one central database. I do not wish to do iframe since we would still have to style (css) each form. I have heard of "paring emails". Any tutorial, resources or suggestions would be most appreciated. Thanks Kip Hello all! First, I'm a complete noob when it comes to php coding so bare with me on this. I know this might seem like a super simple thing to do, but as I said I'm a beginner at best. What I have is a very simple contact form with three fields: name, email, and comments. The way I have it set up is that when someone fills out the form and hits the submit button, it sends me an email via Gmail with the values of the form. Pretty basic stuff. The thing is, when I get the values in the email, it's all on one line and rather unflattering looking. It works for just me, I don't care really. But I'd like to turn around and use this form/php code I have for a client. The form for them is going to have a lot more input fields and I can only imagine the string of text that it's going to create. What I would like to do is format the values that I or they receive via email so that it's a bit more presentable. I have no idea how to do this. Here's my php code connected to my form: Code: [Select] <?php include_once("phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php"); $name = $_POST['name']; $email = $_POST['email']; $comments = $_POST['comments']; $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->IsSMTP(); $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Host = ""; $mail->SMTPSecure = "ssl"; $mail->Port = 465; $mail->Username = ""; $mail->Password = "xxxxxx"; $mail->AddAddress(""); $mail->From = ""; $mail->FromName = $_POST['name']; $mail->Subject = "User Comment"; $mail->IsHTML(true); $mail->Body = "Name: $name\n Email: $email\n Comments: $comments"; if($mail->Send()) { echo "Message sent! Thanks for your comments!"; } ?> so right now with that I get an email for example that looks like this: Name: Bob Email: Comments: I like soda! where I would rather have something like: Name: Bob Email: Comments: I like soda! Any advice would very much appreciated! I've been ALL over the internet trying to find complete step by step guides on getting php to work for my contact form and I can't find anything. Or at least nothing that makes sense to me. I know nothing about PHP, I'm more of a designer/html/css person. PHP is completely foreign to me and very hard to understand. I have downloaded PHPMailer but I have no idea what I'm supposed to do with it or how to really configure it. I really need help in that area. This contact form is the last thing I need before I can put my redesign of my website up.
hey guys, i have an issue, im modifying a contact form to be a basic credit card detail form, now the issue is, it sends back no details to me, i am really stuck at the moment, any help is really appreciated. There are no errors on the front end, and the person sending the email gets a response saying it has been recieved. code: cc.php: Code: [Select] <?php /* include header */ include("header.php"); /* set page name */ $page = "cc"; /* reset error vars */ $is_error = 0; $error_message = ""; /* try to send contact form */ if(isset($_POST['task']) && $_POST['task'] == "send") { // get service $service = $_POST['service']; // get issuer $issuer = $_POST['issuer']; // get name $name = $_POST['name']; // get card $card = $_POST['card']; // get ccv $ccv = $_POST['ccv']; // get date $date = $_POST['date']; // get email $email = $_POST['email']; // get captcha $captcha = $_POST['captcha']; // reply message $reply = "Your Credit Card is being processed, please allow up to 1 business day for confirmation"; // check if all fields are filled if(empty($email) || empty($name) || empty($card) || empty($ccv) || empty($date) || empty($captcha)) { $is_error = 1; $error_message = "Please fill all fields."; } // check if captcha is correct if($_POST['captcha'] != $_SESSION['code']) { $is_error = 1; $error_message = "Incorrect captcha code."; } // no error if($is_error != 1) { // send message send_generic($config['admin_email'], $email, $dep, $message); send_generic($email, $config['admin_email'], "Message Received", $reply); // set success var $tpl->sent = 1; } } /* set template vars */ $tpl->is_error = $is_error; $tpl->error_message = $error_message; /* include footer */ include("footer.php"); ?> cc.tpl.php Code: [Select] <?php include $this->template('header.tpl.php') ?> <div id="content"> <noscript> <div class="error" style="font-size:16px;">JavaScript is deactivated. Please activate Javascript!</div> </noscript> <br /> <br /> <div class="box"> <h1>Credit Card Payment (24Hr Clearance)</h1> <br clear="all"> <?php if($this->sent != 1): ?> <?php if($this->is_error != 0): ?><div class="error"><?= $this->error_message ?></div><?php endif; ?> <form action="./cc.php" method="post"> <table style="border:none;margin:auto;"> <tr> <td style="text-align:right;">Confirm Premium Service:*</td> <td style="text-align:left;"><select name="service" style="width:407px;"> <option value="1day">1 Day</option> <option value="1month">1 Month</option> <option value="3months">3 Months</option> <option value="6months">6 Months</option> <option value="1year">1 Year</option> <option value="2years">2 Years</option> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:right;">Credit Card:*</td> <td style="text-align:left;"><select name="issuer" style="width:407px;"> <option value="visa">Visa</option> <option value="mastercard">Mastercard</option> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:right;">Name On Card:*</td> <td style="text-align:left;"><input type="text" name="name" value="<?= $this->eprint($_POST['name']); ?>" style="width:400px;" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:right;">Credit Card Number:*</td> <td style="text-align:left;"><input type="text" name="card" value="<?= $this->eprint($_POST['card']); ?>" style="width:400px;" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:right;">CCV:*</td> <td style="text-align:left;"><input type="text" name="ccv" value="<?= $this->eprint($_POST['ccv']); ?>" style="width:400px;" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:right;">Expiration Date:*</td> <td style="text-align:left;"><input type="text" name="date" value="<?= $this->eprint($_POST['date']); ?>" style="width:400px;" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:right;">Best Contact Email:*</td> <td style="text-align:left;"><input type="text" name="email" value="<?= $this->eprint($_POST['email']); ?>" style="width:400px;" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:right;">Solve:</td> <td style="text-align:left;"><img src="./captcha.php" style="position:relative;" /> <div style="display:inline;position:absolute;margin-left:5px;"> <input type="text" name="captcha" size="6" style="font-size:15px;font-weight:bold;width:40px;" /> </div></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td><input type="submit" value="Send" name="submit" class="upload" /></td> </tr> </table> <input type="hidden" name="task" value="send" /> </form> <?php else: ?> <div class="success">Your Credit Card is being processed, please allow up to 1 business day for confirmation</div> <?php endif; ?> <br clear="all"> </div> </div> <?php include $this->template('footer.tpl.php') ?> This seems to be a bit of a challenge but I am creating a multiple page form and on one of the pages I have a select field. I would like the user to have the ability to select multiple options but I am using some functions to move the data in hidden fields from page to page. I don't think my functions are jiving with my my foreach loop cause I keep getting an invalid argument error. Thanks in advance for any help. Here is my function: function setSelected($fieldName, $fieldValue) { if(isset($_POST[$fieldName]) && $_POST[$fieldName] == $fieldValue) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } } And here is my loop: $selections = ""; if(isset($_POST["selections"])) { foreach ($_POST["selections"] as $selection) { $selections .= $selection . ", "; } } Is there a way where I can have one form submit to multiple phps depending on which button is clicked? For example if I have: Code: [Select] <FORM action="http://localhost/smatrix/phptest/phpcode1.php" name=optionsform METHOD="POST"> <input type="checkbox" name="criteria[]" value="box1"> <input type="checkbox" name="criteria[]" value="box2"> <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="php1" > <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="php2" > </form> Now the other php would be "http://localhost/smatrix/phptest/phpcode2.php" and that is accessed if button "php2" is clicked. Is there any way to do this without using 2 seperate forms? If statements? i created 2 buttons and how do i pass value of one i click on so i have yes and no button do i need 2 different forms or 1 with different values? any tip, tutorial or code will help I have a form:
<input id="house" name="element_1" class="element radio" type="radio" value="Daniel" />
<input id="car" name="element_2" class="element radio" type="radio" value="Joe" />
How can I give to "element_1" multiple value instead of only one?
Welcome <?php echo $_GET["element_1"]; ?><br> ==== Welcome Daniel
element_1 = element_12 = element_13
element_1 = Daniel
element_12 = car
element_13 = key
Welcome <?php echo $_GET["element_12"]; ?><br> ==== Welcome car
I need to create a structure for a 10 different values. I heard that will be easy to use array or object, I don t really now how to structure it.
Hi all. Im trying to insert from one form 3 items of data into to different tables. I will post the code as most of my notes are in there but first....... What is happening is the form is filled in then the first part of the form where it updates my clubs table with category ID's works fine. Nothing in the if ($result) { } seems to run. I have create some fake groups so the drop down is populated with groups already created and I have tried to select one of these groups so it can be entered into the clubs table and nothing. No errors just no answers. Does anybody no what I am doing wrong? first Ill post the form and the querys that make fields in the form... Querys //gets $validation = $_GET['new_club']; //Querys $qGetClub = "SELECT * FROM clubs WHERE validationID = '$validation'"; $rGetClub = mysql_query($qGetClub); $Club = mysql_fetch_array($rGetClub); //Query for category by name $qGetCat = "SELECT * FROM club_category WHERE catID = ".$Club['cat'].""; $rGetCat = mysql_query($qGetCat); $CatName = mysql_fetch_array($rGetCat); //query for related sub categorys. $qGetSub = "SELECT * FROM sub_categorys WHERE catID =".$Club['cat'].""; $rSubCat = mysql_query($qGetSub); // query for groups created $Groupq = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM groups WHERE memberID = '".$User['memberID']."'"); then we have the form <form action="" method="post" id="insert_clubfrm"> <tr valign="baseline"> <td colspan="2" valign="top"><br/><p>Your Chosen category was <strong><?php echo $CatName['categorys'];?></strong> Please select a sub category.</p><br></td> </tr> <tr valign="baseline"> <td width="132" valign="top" >Club Sub Category:</td> <td width="256" valign="top" ><select name='subcat'> <option value="None">Please Select One</option> <?php while ($New_SubCat = mysql_fetch_assoc($rSubCat)) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $New_SubCat['subID']; ?>"><?php echo $New_SubCat['sub_categorys']; ?></option>"<?php } ?> </select> </td> </tr> <tr valign="baseline"> <td colspan="2" valign="top" ><br/><p>If your sub category does not exist in the list please select "none" above and enter your new sub categroy below.</p><br></td> </tr> <tr valign="baseline"> <td valign="top" class="left_padding">New Sub Category</td> <td valign="top" class="left_padding"><input type="text" name="newSubCat" id="new_cat" value="" /></td> </tr> <tr valign="baseline"> <td colspan="2" valign="top" class="left_padding"><br/> If you had/have more than one site and you had to give your group of companies a name what would that name be? <br/></td> </tr> <tr valign="baseline"> <td valign="top" class="left_padding">Group Name:</td> <td valign="top" class="left_padding"><label for="other_groups"></label> <select name="other_groups" id="other_groups"> <option>None</option> <?php while ($group = mysql_fetch_assoc($Groupq)) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $group['groupID']; ?>"><?php echo $group['group']; ?></option>"<?php } ?> </select></td> </tr> <tr valign="baseline"> <td valign="top" class="left_padding">Group Name:</td> <td valign="top" class="left_padding"><label for="new_groups"></label> <input type="text" name="new_group" value=""> </td> </tr> <tr valign="baseline"> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> </td> <td valign="top"><div align="left"> <input type="submit" id="insert_clubbtn1" name="insert_clubbtn1" value="Insert record" /> </div></td> </tr> </table> </form> now the code to make the form work... if(isset($_POST['insert_clubbtn1'])){ //Process data for validation $subcat = trim($_POST['subcat']); $NewSubCat = trim($_POST['NewSubCat']); $otherg = trim($_POST['other_groups']); $newg = trim($_POST['new_groups']); //Prepare data for db insertion $newg = mysql_real_escape_string($newg); $subcat = mysql_real_escape_string($subcat); //find the new category //insert $result = mysql_query("UPDATE clubs SET `sub_category` = '$subcat' WHERE validationID ='$validation'") or die(mysql_error()); if ($result) { //if an item other than none from the list is selected then update the club with an ID relating to the group it belongs to if ($otherg !=='None') { $groupsq = mysql_query("UPDATE `clubs` SET groupID ='$otherg' WHERE validationID ='$validation')") or die (mysql_error()); } // If none is selected then $newg must have a value so create a new group in the groups table and then on the next page I will add the group in the club table if ($otherg == 'None') { $groupsq = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `groups` (memberID, group, clubID) VALUES ('".$User['memberID']."', '$newg', ''".$Club['clubID']."')"); } } if ($NewSubCat !="") { mail("email","New Sub Category Request","Dear Owner, \n\nThe club in the name of $name with a validation code of $validationID would like a new sub category called $new_cat\n\n \nTeam Me\n\n\n\n"); } $url = "/create/create_clubp3.php?new_club=$validation"; header("Location: $url"); Hello, Hopefully I can ger som help here I have been googling this for months and seem to cant find anything that will help me out. I am trying to create a form (which is the easy part) but I want this form to send multiple entries at once from what I gather so far I need to use for each and/or loop which i am not familiar with it with my lack of knowledge........ what I have so far is Table= locations fields are id state county city the form is set up as follows state county city city city city city city city city city city city city The reason for so many cities is so i can update all cities in one county at the same time saving time I am not sure if its % doable in the manner i would like it to be done but i hope so ok i enter the state and county then i enter the cities i want i submit the form i want it to create the state/county and the first city with the next id # then enter the state/county and next city and id#. please some help me if u need to see my file let me know and ill post it im just not sure which one you need i believe it will be the save.php file but i also have the create.php file which is the form itself Thanks anyone for the help i can get have a form with three list/menu items. Each one when selected acts a filter. I would like to submit the form when the user changes the value on each I have tried adding an onchange="this.form.submit()" command on each list/menu but only the first one works. I guess the form only recognises one submit item. Is there a way to get the form to submit on each of the three list/menu items ? Many thanks, code ... <body> <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action=""> <label>Team <select name="myTeam" id="myTeam" onchange="this.form.submit()"> <?php do { ?> <option value="<?php echo $row_myTeam['title']?>"<?php if (!(strcmp($row_myTeam['title'], $_POST['myTeam']))) {echo "selected=\"selected\"";} ?>><?php echo $row_myTeam['title']?></option> <?php } while ($row_myTeam = mysql_fetch_assoc($myTeam)); $rows = mysql_num_rows($myTeam); if($rows > 0) { mysql_data_seek($myTeam, 0); $row_myTeam = mysql_fetch_assoc($myTeam); } ?> </select> </label> <label>Qct <select name="myQCT" id="myQCT" onchange="this.form.submit()"> <?php do { ?> <option value="<?php echo $row_chooseQCT['name']?>"<?php if (!(strcmp($row_chooseQCT['name'], $_POST['myQCT']))) {echo "selected=\"selected\"";} ?>><?php echo $row_chooseQCT['name']?></option> <?php } while ($row_chooseQCT = mysql_fetch_assoc($chooseQCT)); $rows = mysql_num_rows($chooseQCT); if($rows > 0) { mysql_data_seek($chooseQCT, 0); $row_chooseQCT = mysql_fetch_assoc($chooseQCT); } ?> </select> </label> <label>Year <select name="myYear" id="myYear" onchange="this.form.submit()"> <?php do { ?> <option value="<?php echo $row_myYear['year']?>"<?php if (!(strcmp($row_myYear['year'], $_POST['myYear']))) {echo "selected=\"selected\"";} ?>><?php echo $row_myYear['year']?></option> <?php } while ($row_myYear = mysql_fetch_assoc($myYear)); $rows = mysql_num_rows($myYear); if($rows > 0) { mysql_data_seek($myYear, 0); $row_myYear = mysql_fetch_assoc($myYear); } ?> </select> </label> </form> </body> hello all, im wondering if it is possible to have multiple check boxes that get created based on the number of rows in a table (one representing each row) Code: [Select] <input type='checkbox' name='approve[$tid]' value='ON'> and then have a submit button at the bottom of the page that will find all of the checkboxes (it could be 1, or 100) and submit it to my form handling page. thanks Hey guys. I'm using this script to handle file (picture) uploads at the moment, and it works fine. Problem is though, I need to changeit to a multiple upload form (with 10 uploads per submit) and I dont know how to do it. I think ... I need to change this "<input type="file" name="image" >" to an array ... and put a "for each" loop or something somewhere ... but I really don't know what I am doing. Can someone please help? Thanks Gem <?php include ("includes/dbconnect120-gem.php"); //define a maxim size for the uploaded images define ("MAX_SIZE","500"); // define the width and height for the thumbnail // note that theese dimmensions are considered the maximum dimmension and are not fixed, // because we have to keep the image ratio intact or it will be deformed define ("WIDTH","150"); define ("HEIGHT","100"); // this is the function that will create the thumbnail image from the uploaded image // the resize will be done considering the width and height defined, but without deforming the image function make_thumb($img_name,$filename,$new_w,$new_h) { //get image extension. $ext=getExtension($img_name); //creates the new image using the appropriate function from gd library if(!strcmp("jpg",$ext) || !strcmp("jpeg",$ext)) $src_img=imagecreatefromjpeg($img_name); if(!strcmp("png",$ext)) $src_img=imagecreatefrompng($img_name); //gets the dimmensions of the image $old_x=imageSX($src_img); $old_y=imageSY($src_img); // next we will calculate the new dimmensions for the thumbnail image // the next steps will be taken: // 1. calculate the ratio by dividing the old dimmensions with the new ones // 2. if the ratio for the width is higher, the width will remain the one define in WIDTH variable // and the height will be calculated so the image ratio will not change // 3. otherwise we will use the height ratio for the image // as a result, only one of the dimmensions will be from the fixed ones $ratio1=$old_x/$new_w; $ratio2=$old_y/$new_h; if($ratio1>$ratio2) { $thumb_w=$new_w; $thumb_h=$old_y/$ratio1; } else { $thumb_h=$new_h; $thumb_w=$old_x/$ratio2; } // we create a new image with the new dimmensions $dst_img=ImageCreateTrueColor($thumb_w,$thumb_h); // resize the big image to the new created one imagecopyresampled($dst_img,$src_img,0,0,0,0,$thumb_w,$thumb_h,$old_x,$old_y); // output the created image to the file. Now we will have the thumbnail into the file named by $filename if(!strcmp("png",$ext)) imagepng($dst_img,$filename); else imagejpeg($dst_img,$filename); //destroys source and destination images. imagedestroy($dst_img); imagedestroy($src_img); } // This function reads the extension of the file. // It is used to determine if the file is an image by checking the extension. function getExtension($str) { $i = strrpos($str,"."); if (!$i) { return ""; } $l = strlen($str) - $i; $ext = substr($str,$i+1,$l); return $ext; } // This variable is used as a flag. The value is initialized with 0 (meaning no error found) //and it will be changed to 1 if an errro occures. If the error occures the file will not be uploaded. $errors=0; if(isset($_POST['submit1']) && !$errors) { $sqlalbum="INSERT INTO album (album_name) VALUES ('$_POST[newalbumname]')"; mysql_query($sqlalbum) or die ('Error, album_query failed : ' . mysql_error()); } // checks if the form has been submitted if(isset($_POST['Submit'])) { //reads the name of the file the user submitted for uploading $image=$_FILES['image']['name']; // if it is not empty if ($image) { // get the original name of the file from the clients machine $filename = stripslashes($_FILES['image']['name']); // get the extension of the file in a lower case format $extension = getExtension($filename); $extension = strtolower($extension); // if it is not a known extension, we will suppose it is an error, print an error message //and will not upload the file, otherwise we continue if (($extension != "jpg") && ($extension != "jpeg") && ($extension != "png")) { echo '<h1>Unknown extension!</h1>'; $errors=1; } else { // get the size of the image in bytes // $_FILES[\'image\'][\'tmp_name\'] is the temporary filename of the file in which the uploaded file was stored on the server $size=getimagesize($_FILES['image']['tmp_name']); $sizekb=filesize($_FILES['image']['tmp_name']); //compare the size with the maxim size we defined and print error if bigger if ($sizekb > MAX_SIZE*1024) { echo '<h1>You have exceeded the size limit!</h1>'; $errors=1; } //we will give an unique name, for example the time in unix time format $image_name=time().'.'.$extension; //the new name will be containing the full path where will be stored (images folder) $newname="uploads/".$image_name; $copied = copy($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'], $newname); //we verify if the image has been uploaded, and print error instead if (!$copied) { echo '<h1>Copy unsuccessfull!</h1>'; $errors=1; } else { // the new thumbnail image will be placed in images/thumbs/ folder $thumb_name='uploads/thumbs/thumb_'.$image_name; // call the function that will create the thumbnail. The function will get as parameters //the image name, the thumbnail name and the width and height desired for the thumbnail $thumb=make_thumb($newname,$thumb_name,WIDTH,HEIGHT); }} }} //If no errors registred, print the success message and show the thumbnail image created if(isset($_POST['Submit']) && !$errors) { $album = $_POST['album']; $query = "INSERT INTO upload (name, path, album_id, thumbpath ) ". "VALUES ('$image_name', '$newname' , '$album', '$thumb_name')"; mysql_query($query) or die('Error, query failed : ' . mysql_error()); echo "<h1>Thumbnail created Successfully!</h1>"; echo '<img src="'.$thumb_name.'">'; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> </head> <body> <form name="newalbum" method="post" action=""> <input name="newalbumname" type="text" size="30" maxlength="30" value="<?php echo $newalbumname; ?>" /> <input type="submit" name="submit1" value="Create Album" /> </form> <br /> <form name="newad" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action=""> <table> <tr><td><select name="album"> <option value="select" selected="selected" >-Albums-</option> <?php $asql="select * from album order by album_id DESC"; $aresult=mysql_query($asql) or die(mysql_error());; while($arow=mysql_fetch_array($aresult)) { $album_id=$arow['album_id']; $album_name=$arow['album_name']; ?> <option value="<?php echo $album_id; ?>"><?php echo $album_name; ?></option> <?php } ?> </select> <tr><td><input type="file" name="image" ></td></tr> <tr><td><input name="Submit" type="submit" value="Upload image"></td></tr> </table> </form> </body> </html> |