PHP - Php Failing On Large Image File Upload
Going to try and explain this the best I can but I don't really have the best idea on what's happening here.
I have a submission form for users to fill out their information and upload an image. I've set the file limit size at 500000 which I assumed would be safe for images at 400k or below. When testing locally, any image that is below that file size gets uploaded successfully. However, when testing on my online host/server.. the submission form and data is successfully entered but the image isn't saved at all. It obviously isn't over the size of the file limit I set because it dooesn't return an error.. it successfuly submits but doesn't save or resize my image. I really have no clue what the problem could be. I went over the variables I set for folder locations to move the image to and everything works fine locally, but once on the host and online, it doesn't happen. Similar TutorialsI've got a basic form for users on the site to fill out a form and upload a single image which is resized and saved to a directory on the server. I've tried the form numerous times and with images usually under 1MB the form successfully submits, data is queried and the image uploaded is resized and saved. However, recently I tried uploading larger sized images (1.2mb, 2.4mb, 3mb) and the script would seem to break. It wouldn't query any information, save any images, etc. If you check my code attached, I have errors ready to output at all levels and not even any errors show up. When I hit submit after attempting to upload a larger file usually over 1MB, the page refreshes back to PHP_SELF as if it submitted but returns absolutely no message, alert or error and the form which was on the page is now gone. I checked my PHP.ini file and my max file size upload is set at 32mb. Is there anything else with file size restrictions that I could be missing that is allowing this script to crash without even sending me any errors? if(!empty($_POST['submitFeature'])) { // set variables $featurename = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['featurename']); $featuredesc = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['featuredesc']); $name = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['name']); $email = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['email']); $email2 = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['email2']); $age = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['age']); $city = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['city']); $state = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['state']); $src = $_FILES['featureupload']['tmp_name']; $featuresize = $_FILES['featureupload']['size']; $limitsize = 1000000; // 1 - A. REQUIRED FIELDS VERIFICATION if(!empty($featurename) && !empty($name) && !empty($email) && !empty($email2) && !empty($city) && !empty($state) && ($email == $email2) && !empty($_FILES['featureupload']['tmp_name']) && ($featuresize < $limitsize)) { // 2 - A. SANITIZE AND VALIDATE EMAIL $email = filter_var($email, FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL); if(!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { print ' <ul class="errorlist"> <li class="alert">Error!</li> <li>Invalid Email Address</li> </ul> '; } else { // 3 - A. VALIDATE IMAGE EXTENSION // verify that image uploaded is proper extension $fname = strtolower($_FILES['featureupload']['name']); // grab uploaded image's filename and lowercase the extension (ex: .JPG) if(preg_match('/[.](jpg)|(gif)|(png)$/', $fname)) { // set image variables $path_image = 'submissions/'; $final_width_of_image = 550; $randomappend=rand(0000,9999); // generate random number to append to filename $src = $_FILES['featureupload']['tmp_name']; // grab the src for where the image is temporarily held $filefull = $randomappend . $fname; // initiate new file name for submission's full image $target = $path_image . $filefull; // set variable for submission image's new location with appended name $path_image_thumb = 'submissions/thumbs/'; $final_width_of_thumb = 166; $final_height_of_thumb = 120; $filethumb = $randomappend . $fname; // initiate new file name for submission's thumbnail $target_thumb = $path_image_thumb . $filethumb; // set variable for thumbnail's new location with appended name move_uploaded_file($src, $target); if(preg_match('/[.](jpg)$/', $filefull)){ $img = imagecreatefromjpeg($path_image . $filefull); } else if (preg_match('/[.](gif)$/', $filefull)){ $img = imagecreatefromgif($path_image . $filefull); } else if (preg_match('/[.](png)$/', $filefull)){ $img = imagecreatefrompng($path_image . $filefull); } // FULL SIZE IMAGE $ox = imagesx($img); $oy = imagesy($img); $imgx = $final_width_of_image; $imgy = floor($oy * ($final_width_of_image / $ox)); $imgm = imagecreatetruecolor($imgx, $imgy); imagecopyresampled($imgm, $img, 0,0,0,0,$imgx,$imgy,$ox,$oy); if(!file_exists($path_image)){ if(!mkdir($path_image)){ die("There was a problem."); } } imagejpeg($imgm, $path_image . $filefull, 80); // END FULL SIZE IMAGE // THUMBNAIL $tox = imagesx($img); $toy = imagesy($img); $tx = $final_width_of_thumb; $ty = $final_height_of_thumb; $tm = imagecreatetruecolor($tx, $ty); imagecopyresampled($tm, $img, 0,0,0,0,$tx,$ty,$tox,$toy); if(!file_exists($path_image_thumb)){ if(!mkdir($path_image_thumb)){ die("There was a problem."); } } imagejpeg($tm, $path_image_thumb . $filethumb, 80); // END THUMBNAIL // query the actual post forms $q = "INSERT INTO submissions (id, name, age, email, city, state, country, featurename, featuredesc, featureimg, featurethumb, postdate, approved) VALUES ('', '$name', '$age', '$email', '$city', '$state', '', '$featurename', '$featuredesc', '$target', '$target_thumb', NOW(), 'NO')"; $r = mysql_query($q); if($r) { echo '<script language="JavaScript">'; echo 'alert("Successfully added a submission.")'; echo '</script>'; } else { echo '<script language="JavaScript">'; echo 'alert("Submission was not added. Please try again.")'; echo '</script>'; } } else { echo '<script language="JavaScript">'; echo 'alert("Unacceptable image extension.")'; echo '</script>'; } // 3 - B. VALIDATE IMAGE EXTENSION } // 2 - B. END SANITIZE AND VALIDATE EMAIL // 1 - B. END REQUIRED FIELDS VERIFICATION } else { print ' <ul class="errorlist"> <li class="alert">Please fill out the required fields.</li> '; if (empty($name)) { echo ' <li>* Full Name</li>' . "\n"; $errorname = 'TRUE'; } if (empty($email)) { echo ' <li>* Email</li>' . "\n"; $erroremail = 'TRUE'; } if (empty($email2)) { echo ' <li>* Confirm Email</li>' . "\n"; $erroremail2 = 'TRUE'; } if (empty($city)) { echo ' <li>* City</li>' . "\n"; $errorcity = 'TRUE'; } if (empty($state)) { echo ' <li>* State</li>' . "\n"; $errorstate = 'TRUE'; } if ($email != $email2) { echo ' <li>* Emails do not match.</li>' . "\n"; } if (empty($_FILES['featureupload']['tmp_name'])) { echo ' <li>* You did not upload a feature.</li>' . "\n"; $errorfile = 'TRUE'; } if (empty($featurename)) { echo ' <li>* Feature Name</li>' . "\n"; $errorfeature = 'TRUE'; } if ($featuresize >= $limitsize) { echo ' <li>* File size is too large.</li>' . "\n"; } print ' </ul> '; } // 1 - B. END REQUIRED FIELDS ERROR CODES } Hello All, I have a simple upload form which I am using to upload files to using PHP Curl. It works fine for small files, but times out for larger files. Anyone have any suggestions for this? Thanks, Pete Here is the code: Code: [Select] <html> <body bgcolor="black"> <div align="center"> <img src="Homepage_02.jpg" border="0" /> <br> <br> <font color="#f1ca63"; font face="Arial"; font size="5">Upload</font> <br> <br> <?php if (isset($_POST['upload'])) { if (!empty($_FILES['new_file_1']['name'])) { $allowedExtensions = array("txt","csv","xml","css","doc", "docx","xls","xlsx","rtf","ppt","pdf","swf","flv","avi","wmv","mov","jpg","jpeg","gif","png"); foreach ($_FILES as $file) { if ($file['tmp_name'] > '') { if (!in_array(end(explode(".", strtolower($file['name']))),$allowedExtensions)) { echo $file['name'].' is an invalid file type!<br/>'; } else { $temp_name = $_FILES['new_file_1']['name']; $localfile = $_FILES['new_file_1']['tmp_name']; $file = fopen($localfile,'r'); $request_url = '[Token Here]/[Folder ID]'; $post_params['check_name_conflict_folder_option'] = urlencode('1'); $post_params['new_file_1'] = "@$localfile"; $post_params['description'] = urlencode($_POST['description']); $post_params['uploader_email'] = urlencode($_POST['uploader_email']); $post_params['upload'] = urlencode('upload'); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $request_url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_params); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 300); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); $result = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $resultArray = explode(' ',$result); if($resultArray[5] != '') { $fileID = substr($resultArray[5],4,-1); $shareName = $temp_name; $link = ''.$shareName; } $renameurl = addslashes("[API KEY]&auth_token=[TOKEN Here]&target=file&target_id=".$fileID."&new_name=".$shareName); $renameResult = file_get_contents($renameurl); echo '<font color="white">Upload Successful</font>'; } } } } else { echo '<font color="white">Please select a file</font>'; } } ?> <hr width=600 color=grey> <br> <div align="center"> <form action="box_upload_curl.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="check_name_conflict_folder_option" value="1"/> <table> <tr> <td class="field" style="color: #f1ca63; font-family: Arial; font-size: 14px" width="50%">Choose File to Upload: </td> <td class="input"><input type="file" name="new_file_1" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="field field_top" style="color: #f1ca63; font-family: Arial; font-size: 14px" ><br/> Description (optional):</td> <td class="input"><br/><textarea name="description"></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="field field_top" style="color:#f1ca63; font-family: Arial; font-size: 14px" > <br/> Your e-mail <font color="red">*</font>: </td> <td class="input field_top" style="color: #f1ca63; font-family: Arial; font-size: 14px" > <br/> <input type="text" name="uploader_email" id="email_input"></input> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" class="submit" align="center"> <br /> <input type="submit" name="upload" value="Upload" /> </td> </tr> </table> </form> <hr width=600 color="grey"> </div> Hello everyone, I'm new here
My website was working fine until a few days ago, Up until then my str_replace('s130x130', 's800x800') and str_replace('_s', '_o') solved the picture thing. Now the images are broken (or very small) and I can find no documentation on how to enlarge the pictures. Thus my question: how do I retrieve larger pictures from the Facebook PHP SDK?
foreach($pagefeed['data'] as $post) { if ($post['type'] == 'status' || $post['type'] == 'link' || $post['type'] == 'photo') { if ($post['type'] == 'photo') { echo "<div class='col-md-6 col-sm-6'>"; echo "<div class='thumbnail'>"; echo "<img src=" . str_replace('s130x130', 's800x800', str_replace('_s', '_o', $post['picture'])) . " />"; echo "<div class='caption'>"; echo "<sup>Geplaatst op: " . date("d-m-Y, (strtotime($post['created_time']))) . "</sup>"; if (empty($post['message']) === false) { echo "<p><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-comment'></span> " . $post['message'] . "</p>";} echo "</div>"; echo "</div>"; echo "</div>"; $i++; } } }Thanks in advance! I have a flash application that calls php script to do the image file upload and save the image in jpg format in thumbnail size. I swear it worked at one time, and then as I tried to figure out how to covert other image formats that are not currently built-in in php library (createimagefrom... functions), I played around with it a little bit, then it doesn't upload file any more!!! What I got, is that NONE of the image files is saved in my designated image folders, subsequently the flash application comes up with a broken image link. PLEASE HELP! MANY THANKS! Here's the relevant flash code: Code: [Select] private function uploadFiles():void { var curTime:Date = new Date(); timeStamp = curTime.valueOf().toString(); var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables("timeStamp=" + timeStamp); var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(ModelLocator.getInstance().serverPath+"uploadArtImages.php"); request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; = variables; file.upload(request); Application.application.showLoading(); } Here's my php script: (it's really a simple script, a big chunk of it is just some functions that does error checking and image conversions) <?php $timeStamp = $_POST['timeStamp']; $file = $_FILES['Filedata']; $tempFile = $file['tmp_name']; $fileName = $file['name']; $fileSize = $file['size']; $errorCode = 0; //0: success $allowedExtensions = array("jpg", "bmp", "png", "gif", "tif", "ps", "eps", "pdf"); $mime = array('image/gif' => 'gif', 'image/jpeg' => 'jpg', 'image/png' => 'png', 'application/x-shockwave-flash' => 'swf', 'image/psd' => 'psd', 'image/bmp' => 'bmp', 'image/tiff' => 'tif', 'image/jp2' => 'jp2', 'image/iff' => 'iff', 'image/vnd.wap.wbmp' => 'bmp', 'image/xbm' => 'xbm', 'image/' => 'ico'); public function imagecreatefrombmp($p_sFile) { // Load the image into a string $file = fopen($p_sFile,"rb"); $read = fread($file,10); while(!feof($file)&&($read<>"")) $read .= fread($file,1024); $temp = unpack("H*",$read); $hex = $temp[1]; $header = substr($hex,0,108); // Process the header // Structu if (substr($header,0,4)=="424d") { // Cut it in parts of 2 bytes $header_parts = str_split($header,2); // Get the width 4 bytes $width = hexdec($header_parts[19].$header_parts[18]); // Get the height 4 bytes $height = hexdec($header_parts[23].$header_parts[22]); // Unset the header params unset($header_parts); } // Define starting X and Y $x = 0; $y = 1; // Create newimage $image = imagecreatetruecolor($width,$height); // Grab the body from the image $body = substr($hex,108); // Calculate if padding at the end-line is needed // Divided by two to keep overview. // 1 byte = 2 HEX-chars $body_size = (strlen($body)/2); $header_size = ($width*$height); // Use end-line padding? Only when needed $usePadding = ($body_size>($header_size*3)+4); // Using a for-loop with index-calculation instaid of str_split to avoid large memory consumption // Calculate the next DWORD-position in the body for ($i=0;$i<$body_size;$i+=3) { // Calculate line-ending and padding if ($x>=$width) { // If padding needed, ignore image-padding // Shift i to the ending of the current 32-bit-block if ($usePadding) $i += $width%4; // Reset horizontal position $x = 0; // Raise the height-position (bottom-up) $y++; // Reached the image-height? Break the for-loop if ($y>$height) break; } // Calculation of the RGB-pixel (defined as BGR in image-data) // Define $i_pos as absolute position in the body $i_pos = $i*2; $r = hexdec($body[$i_pos+4].$body[$i_pos+5]); $g = hexdec($body[$i_pos+2].$body[$i_pos+3]); $b = hexdec($body[$i_pos].$body[$i_pos+1]); // Calculate and draw the pixel $color = imagecolorallocate($image,$r,$g,$b); imagesetpixel($image,$x,$height-$y,$color); // Raise the horizontal position $x++; } // Unset the body / free the memory unset($body); // Return image-object return $image; } function ValidateImageFile($input_file, &$width, &$height, &$type) { global $allowedExtensions; global $mime; global $errorCode; $errorCode = 0; //reset $width = 0; $height = 0; $type = 0; $file_info = getimagesize($input_file['tmp_name']); if(!$file_info || empty($file_info)) { // No Image? //$error = "The uploaded file doesn't seem to be an image."; $errorCode = 1; return FALSE; } else { // An Image? check extension // Get File Extension (if any) $file_name = $input_file['name']; $dotExt = strrchr($file_name, "."); if (!$dotExt) { //no extension found $errorCode = 2; return FALSE; } else { $ext = strtolower(substr($dotExt, 1)); $ext = ($ext == 'jpeg') ? 'jpg' : $ext; //convert jpeg to jpg $ext = ($ext == 'tiff') ? 'tif' : $ext; if(!in_array($ext, $allowedExtensions)) { //has extension, but invalid //$error .= "You must upload a file with one of the following extensions: ".$exts; $errorCode = 2; return FALSE; } else { $file_mime = $file_info['mime']; //if($ext == 'jpc' || $ext == 'jpx' || $ext == 'jb2') { // $extension = $ext; //} else { // $extension = ($mime[$file_mime] == 'jpeg') ? 'jpg' : $mime[$file_mime]; //} //if(!$extension) { // $extension = ''; // $file_name = str_replace('.', '', $file_name); //} if (strcmp($mime[$file_mime], $ext)) { $errorCode = 3; return FALSE; //strcmp non zero, mime type doesn't match ext, error! } } } } $width = $file_info[0]; $height = $file_info[1]; $type = $file_info[2]; return TRUE; } // $w_dst = maximum width of thumbnail // $h_dst = maximum height of thumbnail // $n_img = new thumbnail name function ConvertPic($w_dst, $h_dst, $new_img, $file_src, $w_src, $h_src, $type_src) { ini_set('memory_limit', '100M'); // handle large images unlink($new_img); // remove old images if present if ($w_src > $w_dst || $h_src > $h_dst) { $ratio = $w_src/$h_src; if ($w_dst/$h_dst > $ratio) {$w_dst = floor($h_dst*$ratio);} else {$h_dst = floor($w_dst/$ratio);} } else { $w_dst = $w_src; $h_dst = $h_src; } switch ($type_src) {case 1: //IMAGETYPE_GIF: // 1: gif -> jpg $img_src = imagecreatefromgif($file_src); break; case 2: //IMAGETYPE_JPEG: // 2: jpeg -> jpg $img_src = imagecreatefromjpeg($file_src); break; //case IMAGETYPE_JPEG2000: // $img_src = imagecreatefromjpeg($file_src); // break; case 3: //IMAGETYPE_PNG: // 3: png -> jpg $img_src = imagecreatefrompng($file_src); break; case IMAGETYPE_WBMP: // wbmp -> jpg $img_src = imagecreatefromwbmp($file_src); break; case IMAGETYPE_XBM: $img_src = imagecreatefromxbm($file_src); break; case IMAGETYPE_BMP: $img_src = imagecreatefrombmp($file_src); break; } $img_dst = imagecreatetruecolor($w_dst, $h_dst); // resample imagecopyresampled($img_dst, $img_src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $w_dst, $h_dst, $w_src, $h_src); imagejpeg($img_dst, $new_img); // save new image, always jpg imagedestroy($img_src); imagedestroy($img_dst); } $uploadFileName = ''; if($file['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { $width = 0; $height = 0; $type = 0; $dir = "./art_images/"; $dirThumb = "./art_images_thumb/"; if(ValidateImageFile($file, $width, $height, $type)) { # Do uploading here // make a unique filename for the uploaded file and check it is not already // taken... if it is already taken keep trying until we find a vacant one // sample filename: 1140732936-filename.jpg //$now = time(); //$uploadFileName = $now.'-'.$fileName; //while(file_exists($dir.$uploadFileName)) { // $now++; // $uploadFileName = $now.'-'.$fileName; //} $uploadFileName = $timeStamp . '-' . $fileName; unlink($dir . $uploadFileName); //make sure there's no exist file if (!move_uploaded_file($tempFile, $dir . $uploadFileName)) { //echo "cannot move file, nothing uploaded"; $errorCode = 4; } else { ConvertPic(150, 150, $dirThumb . $uploadFileName, $dir . $uploadFileName, $width, $height, $type); //echo $uploadFileName; } } else { //echo "file not valid" . $errorCode; } } else { //echo "upload error"; $errorCode = 5; } ?> Hi I am new to PHP... I wanted to design a banner.. the require data should be entered by user like Name of a banner, Details as well as Image to display on it. I think for this I may need to use file upload option.. I tried this but $Files not working for me... some times its shows diff errors on diff browsers, I am new to PHP I dont know what is the prob. I dont have any code on this... if anyone have any tutorial on this, that will be the gr8 help as I am trying to solve this from last 1 and 1/2 week.. I used its showing error msg There was an error uploading the file, please try again! Thanks in adavnce I want to allow for a user to upload any photo that they might have taken from their camera. I can't get photo's with large file sizes to upload. I have changed the setting in the php5.ini and set the settings extremely high. This has always worked for me before. I also have changed the code on the form. <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="99000000" /> here is the code for the php5.ini register_globals = on allow_url_fopen = on expose_php = Off max_input_time = 500 variables_order = "EGPCS" extension_dir = ./ upload_tmp_dir = /tmp precision = 12 SMTP = url_rewriter.tags = "a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=,fieldset=" [Zend] zend_extension=/usr/local/zo/ zend_extension=/usr/local/zo/4_3/ register_long_arrays = on max_file_uploads = 8M post_max_size = 8M Maybe the problem is not in the php5.ini ? Hi All, Having issues uploading files larger than 1mb. This is what I have currently as default when I ran phpinfo() (working locally on my machine)... upload_max_filesize: 432M post_max_size: 432M memory_limit: 8M max_input_time: 60 max_execution_time: 30 I'm looking for the file to be converted into a blob, it works perfectly fine for files less than 1mb, but doesn't even run the mysql query above that. Any Ideas anyone? include("../../connect.php"); # these settings should help set_time_limit(0); # going in as a blob from now on $stamp = mktime(); $safename = $_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name']; $filename = $_FILES['Filedata']['name']; $size = $_FILES['Filedata']['size']; $type = $_FILES['Filedata']['type']; $fk = $_REQUEST['fk']; $sqlname = $stamp . "-" . $_FILES['Filedata']['name']; # open and code in $fp = fopen($safename, 'r'); $content = fread($fp, filesize($safename)); $content = addslashes($content); fclose($fp); $insertS = "INSERT INTO $tableb (pal, afield, bfield, cfield, dfield, efield, ffield, ablob) VALUES ('6', '$fk', '$filename', '$size', '$type', '$width', '$height', '$content')"; $insertQ = mysql_query($insertS); print "1"; files that upload during insert/submit form was gone , only files upload during the update remain , is the way query for update multiple files is wrong ? $targetDir1= "folder/pda-semakan/ic/"; if(isset($_FILES['ic'])){ $fileName1 = $_FILES['ic']['name']; $targetFilePath1 = $targetDir1 . $fileName1; //$main_tmp2 = $_FILES['ic']['tmp_name']; $move2 =move_uploaded_file($_FILES["ic"]["tmp_name"], $targetFilePath1); } $targetDir2= "folder/pda-semakan/sijil_lahir/"; if(isset($_FILES['sijilkelahiran'])){ $fileName2 = $_FILES['sijilkelahiran']['name']; $targetFilePath2 = $targetDir2 . $fileName2; $move3 =move_uploaded_file($_FILES["sijilkelahiran"]["tmp_name"], $targetFilePath2); } $targetDir3= "folder/pda-semakan/sijil_spm/"; if(isset($_FILES['sijilspm'])){ $fileName3 = $_FILES['sijilspm']['name']; $targetFilePath3 = $targetDir3 . $fileName3; $move4 =move_uploaded_file($_FILES["sijilspm"]["tmp_name"], $targetFilePath3); } $query1=("UPDATE semakan_dokumen set student_id='$noMatrik', email= '$stdEmail', surat_tawaran='$fileName', ic='$fileName1',sijil_lahir='$fileName2',sijil_spm= '$fileName3' where email= '$stdEmail'");
Code I'm using if ((($_FILES["file"]["type"] == "image/gif") || ($_FILES["file"]["type"] == "image/jpeg") || ($_FILES["file"]["type"] == "image/pjpeg")) && ($_FILES["file"]["size"] < 20000)) { if ($_FILES["file"]["error"] > 0) { echo "Return Code: " . $_FILES["file"]["error"] . "<br />"; } else { echo "Successfully uploaded image!"; if (file_exists("img/" . $_FILES["file"]["name"])) { echo $_FILES["file"]["name"] . " already exists. "; } else { move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], "img/" . $_FILES["file"]["name"]); echo "<a href='img/$filename'>Your File</a>; } } } else { echo "Invalid file"; } mysql_query("INSERT INTO $tbl (body, name, subject, ip, timestamp, img) VALUES ('$body', '$name', '$subject', '$ip', '$timestamp', '$imglink')"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO total (ip, subject, name, board) VALUES ('$ip','$subject','$name','$dfg')"); echo "<font color='red'><font size='15'><strong><center>Successfully posted to /$tbl/"; //print("<meta http-equiv='REFRESH' content='0;url=index.php?board=$tbl'>"); If I have the query on the top it runs, and the upload img doesn't && vice versa Hi guys, with code below i can upload pictures to database, however i need to limit the file upload. I have this code done with help of php freak forum and i am a newbie so can u help me please? thanks in advance if (isset($_POST['register']) && $_POST['register']){ //image1 $nameone=$_FILES['myfileone']['name']; if ($nameone) { $dst_filename = resize_upload_image($_FILES['myfileone'], "images/"); if ($dst_filename !== false) { extract($dst_filename); $image1 = mysql_query ("INSERT INTO img SET image='$img_filename', thumb='$thumb_filename', refimage='$reference'"); } } } ?> <form action='' method='POST' enctype='multipart/form-data'> <p>File: <input type='file' name='myfileone'> In the past, whenever I write an image upload script in php that needs to generate a thumbnail or resized version, I have had to make sure the image is a reasonable size before uploading otherwise you get the old 'allowed memory bytes exceeded' thing. What are my options if I want people to be able to upload a full size image from their camera i.e. a 15-20mb 4000x3000px image and then have a thumbnail and something like 500px wide version for displaying on the site? The large unaltered original needs to be stored as well as it will be used for prints. Is this just not possible with PHP? Or is it down to needing a dedicated server? <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="content-type"> <title>Untitled Document</title> </head> <body> <form action="upload_image.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <label>select page<input type="file" name="image"> <input type="submit" name="upload"> </label> </form> <?php if(isset($_POST['upload'])) { $image_name=$_FILES['image']['name']; //return the name ot image $image_type=$_FILES['image']['type']; //return the value of image $image_size=$_FILES['image']['size']; //return the size of image $image_tmp_name=$_FILES['image']['tmp_name'];//return the value if($image_name=='') { echo '<script type="text/javascript">alert("please select image")</script>'; exit(); } else { $ex=move_uploaded_file($image_tmp_name,"image/".$image_name); if($ex) { echo 'image upload done "<br>"'; echo $image_name.'<br>'; echo $image_size.'<br>'; echo $image_type.'<br>'; echo $image_tmp_name.'<br>'; } else { echo 'error'; } } } ?> </body> </html>I make this simple script for upload files like photo , It's work correctly ,but not upload the large files ex 8MB images 12MB images Edited by Ch0cu3r, 04 October 2014 - 09:50 AM. Modified topic title - changed download to upload Hi im having trouble with uploading images with spaces in as they dont show up in the browser. Here is the code: Code: [Select] $image = addslashes($_FILES['image']['name']); $target = "images/"; $target = $target . basename( $_FILES['image']['name']); //Writes the photo to the server if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'], $target)) { Any help would be appreciated. This topic has been moved to PHP Installation & Configuration. I have this code where I add records: Code: [Select] <?php ini_set('display_errors',1); error_reporting(-1); require_once ('./includes/'); require_once (MYSQL); $add_cat_errors = array(); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { // Check for a name: if (empty($_POST['product'])) { $add_cat_errors['product'] = 'Please enter the name!'; } // Check for a description: if (empty($_POST['prod_descr'])) { $add_cat_errors['prod_descr'] = 'Please enter the description!'; } // Check for a category: if (!isset($_POST['cat']) || !filter_var($_POST['cat'], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array('min_range' => 1))) { $add_cat_errors['cat'] = 'Please select a category!'; } // Check for a price: if (empty($_POST['price']) || !filter_var($_POST['price'], FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT) || ($_POST['price'] <= 0)) { $add_cat_errors['price'] = 'Please enter a valid price!'; } // Check for a category: if (!isset($_POST['directory']) || !filter_var($_POST['directory'], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array('min_range' => 1))) { $add_cat_errors['directory'] = 'Please select a directory!'; } // Check for an image: if (is_uploaded_file ($_FILES['image']['tmp_name']) && ($_FILES['image']['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK)) { $file = $_FILES['image']; $size = ROUND($file['size']/1024); // Validate the file size: if ($size > 512) { $add_cat_errors['image'] = 'The uploaded file was too large.'; } // Validate the file type: $allowed_mime = array ('image/jpeg', 'image/JPG', 'image/jpg'); $allowed_extensions = array ('.jpg', 'jpeg'); $image_info = getimagesize($file['tmp_name']); $ext = substr($file['name'], -4); if ( (!in_array($file['type'], $allowed_mime)) || (!in_array($image_info['mime'], $allowed_mime) ) || (!in_array($ext, $allowed_extensions) ) ) { $add_cat_errors['image'] = 'The uploaded file was not of the proper type.'; } // Move the file over, if no problems: if (!array_key_exists('image', $add_cat_errors)) { // Create a new name for the file: $new_name = (string) sha1($file['name'] . uniqid('',true)); // Add the extension: $new_name .= ((substr($ext, 0, 1) != '.') ? ".{$ext}" : $ext); //$new_name = $dir . '/' . $new_name; $dest = "../db/images/$new_name"; // Move the file to its proper folder but add _tmp, just in case: //$dest = "../db/images/$new_name"; $dirs = array('full_heads', 'human_hair', 'lip_tattoos', 'ponytails', 'synthetic_hair'); if (move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $dest)) { // Store the data in the session for later use: $_SESSION['image']['new_name'] = $new_name; $_SESSION['image']['file_name'] = $file['name']; // Print a message: echo '<h4>The file has been uploaded!</h4>'; } else { trigger_error('The file could not be moved.'); unlink ($file['tmp_name']); } } // End of array_key_exists() IF. } elseif (!isset($_SESSION['image'])) { // No current or previous uploaded file. switch ($_FILES['image']['error']) { case 1: case 2: $add_cat_errors['image'] = 'The uploaded file was too large.'; break; case 3: $add_cat_errors['image'] = 'The file was only partially uploaded.'; break; case 6: case 7: case 8: $add_cat_errors['image'] = 'The file could not be uploaded due to a system error.'; break; case 4: default: $add_cat_errors['image'] = 'No file was uploaded.'; break; } // End of SWITCH. } // End of $_FILES IF-ELSEIF-ELSE. // Check for a stock: if (empty($_POST['stock']) || !filter_var($_POST['stock'], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array('min_range' => 1))) { $add_cat_errors['stock'] = 'Please enter the quantity in stock!'; } if (empty($add_cat_errors)) { $query = "INSERT INTO product (product, prod_descr, catID, price, dirID, image, stock) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; // Prepare the statement: $stmt = mysqli_prepare($dbc, $query); // For debugging purposes: // if (!$stmt) echo mysqli_stmt_error($stmt); // Bind the variables: mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, 'ssssssi', $name, $desc, $_POST['cat'], $_POST['price'], $_POST['directory'], $_SESSION['image']['new_name'], $_POST['stock']); // Make the extra variable associations: $name = strip_tags($_POST['product']); $desc = strip_tags($_POST['prod_descr']); // Execute the query: mysqli_stmt_execute($stmt); if (mysqli_stmt_affected_rows($stmt) == 1) { // If it ran OK. // Print a message: echo '<h4>The product has been added!</h4>'; // Clear $_POST: $_POST = array(); // Clear $_FILES: $_FILES = array(); // Clear $file and $_SESSION['image']: unset($file, $_SESSION['image']); } else { // If it did not run OK. trigger_error('The product could not be added due to a system error. We apologize for any inconvenience.'); unlink ($dest); } } // End of $errors IF. } else { // Clear out the session on a GET request: unset($_SESSION['image']); } // End of the submission IF. require_once ('./includes/'); ?> <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="add_product.php" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8"> <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="524288" /> Product<br /><?php create_form_input('product', 'text', $add_cat_errors); ?> Description<br /><?php create_form_input('prod_descr', 'textarea', $add_cat_errors); ?> Category<br /><select name="cat"<?php if (array_key_exists('cat', $add_cat_errors)); ?>> <option>Select One</option> <?php // Retrieve all the categories and add to the pull-down menu: $q = 'SELECT catID, cat FROM category ORDER BY cat ASC'; $r = mysqli_query ($dbc, $q); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array ($r, MYSQLI_NUM)) { echo "<option value=\"$row[0]\""; // Check for stickyness: if (isset($_POST['cat']) && ($_POST['cat'] == $row[0]) ) echo ' selected="selected"'; echo ">$row[1]</option>\n"; } ?> </select><?php if (array_key_exists('cat', $add_cat_errors)) echo $add_cat_errors['cat']; ?> Price<br /><?php create_form_input('price', 'text', $add_cat_errors); ?> Directory<br /><select name="directory"<?php if (array_key_exists('directory', $add_cat_errors)); ?>> <option>Select One</option> <?php // Retrieve all the categories and add to the pull-down menu: $q = 'SELECT dirID, directory FROM directory ORDER BY directory ASC'; $r = mysqli_query ($dbc, $q); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array ($r, MYSQLI_NUM)) { echo "<option value=\"$row[0]\""; // Check for stickyness: if (isset($_POST['directory']) && ($_POST['directory'] == $row[0]) ) echo ' selected="selected"'; echo ">$row[1]</option>\n"; } ?> </select><?php if (array_key_exists('directory', $add_cat_errors)) echo $add_cat_errors['directory']; ?> </select> Image<br /><?php // Check for an error: if (array_key_exists('image', $add_cat_errors)) { echo $add_cat_errors['image'] . '<br /><input type="file" name="image"/>'; } else { // No error. echo '<input type="file" name="image" />'; // If the file exists (from a previous form submission but there were other errors), // store the file info in a session and note its existence: if (isset($_SESSION['image'])) { echo "<br />Currently '{$_SESSION['image']['file_name']}'"; } } // end of errors IF-ELSE. ?> <br /> Stock<br /><?php create_form_input('stock', 'text', $add_cat_errors); ?> <input type="submit" value="Add This Product" class="button" /> </fieldset> </form> What I want to achieve is this; When a record is being inserted, a user will make a selection from the dropdown box with a list of directories. Then, a user will upload an image. When a image is uploaded and a directory is chosen, I want the image to be assigned to a specific directory from the list so when the record is inserted, that image will be placed in the specific directory. How do I achieve this please? Hi I am running debian lenny, apache2 php5. My fail upload fails for large file sizes. A 6.2 MB file uploads file, but a 10.2Mb file fails. I have set the Max file size to 50MB and max_execution to 600 etc in php.ini, but still have the same problems. I have noticed many others having similar problems. Is there a solution?
I have a form on which the filepond plugin send the file manually
Look here if(empty($_POST['image'])) { echo 'add file!'; } $myimage = $_POST['image']; $myimage = str_replace('data:image/png;base64,', '', $myimage); $myimage = str_replace(' ', '+', $myimage); $decode = base64_decode($myimage); $myfile = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/mages/' . uniqid() . '.png'; //now put the file file_put_contents($myfile, $decode);
when i insert this code into my php script my cron job wont work include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'facebook' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'globalFunctions.php'); it is giving this error Warning: include(/facebook/globalFunctions.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/cork/public_html/facebook/fbFriendAdder/all/addFrndOfFrnd.php on line 13 Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '/facebook/globalFunctions.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/cork/public_html/facebook/fbFriendAdder/all/addFrndOfFrnd.php on line 13 what is causing this problem and why does it work fine when i run the script manually?? Hi guys, I am currently receiving a large text file ( > 500mb), once per week which I have been manually splitting then processing to obtain the required CSV files. However, this is taking in the region of 2 to 3 hours. Very soon, these files will be sent daily and I really dont have the time to split and process this everyday I have been playing for a while to try and parse everything properly/automatically with fopen, feof and fgets ( and other 'f' options), but the script never seems to read the file all the way to the end - I assume this is due to memory usage. The data received in the file follows a strict pattern throughout the file which is: Code: [Select] BSNY990141112271112270100000 POO2C35 122354000 DMUS 075 O BX NTY LOLANCSTR 1132 11322 TB LIMORCMSJ 1135 00000000 LICRNFNJN 1140 00000000 H LICRNF 1141H1142H 11421142 T LISDAL 1147H1148H 11481148 T LIARNSIDE 1152H1153 11531153 T LIGOVS 1158 1159 11581159 T LIKTBK 1202 1202H 12021202 T LICARK 1206 1207 12061207 T LIULVRSTN 1214H1215H 12151215 T LIDALTON 1223 1223H 12231223 T LIDALTONJ 1225 00000000 LIROOSE 1229 1229H 12291229 T 2 LTBAROW 1237 12391 TF That is just one record of informaton (1 of around 140,000 records), each record has no fixed amount of lines but each line in each record is fixed to 80 characters and all lines in each record need to have the same unique 'id', at present, Im using an md5 hash of microtime. The first line of every record starts with 'BS' and the last line of each record starts with 'LT' terminating with 'TF'. All the other stuff between also follows a certain pattern of which I can break down effectively. The record above show one train service schedule, hence why each line in each record needs the same unique id. Anyone got any ideas on how I could process such a file effectively?? Many thanks Dave Hello, Im trying to find a way to check around 500-600 links to check if they are alive. It works fine for 5-6 links but once i add more links it just times out. Is there a way i could process this so it does 1 link at a time or somthing ? <?php include("config.php"); $query = "SELECT * FROM `games` WHERE `r_fileserve` <> \"\" LIMIT 500"; $result = mysql_query($query); while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $link_str = file_get_contents("$row[r_fileserve]"); $pattern = '<input type="hidden" name="download" value="normal"/>'; preg_match($pattern,$link_str,$match); if ($match[0] != null) { echo "Working <br />"; } else { echo "File Down <br />"; } } ?> |