PHP - Model Application Form
Hi Everyone.
I am in need of assistance, I need a form that i will use on a model agency site i am making, the form i have only has the option to upload one image and records name, age etc... What i need is a form that will upload multiple images, 2 will do but if i had a option to add more that would be great, and a pdf resume, does anyone have a similar form i can have a look at that does this, any help be awesome, i am already over the deadline. Similar Tutorialsi got this application more then 10 years, all this years nothing happend, untill prev week, someone to lazzy to filled all the info required, but after submitting the form, their uncomplete info just being printed on the database. Which mean the required field code didnt work 2 all, all this year,.. what a dissapointment. Can someone take a look at my scripts and fixed please [attachment deleted by admin] here is the address either view source or look at code below How do i get the action to send to email without writing a message Hi, I need a small help. Here is my situation. I am using a MVC application (e.g. Joomla or Drupal) which has a .htaccess redirect rule that all requests are passed through index.php file. That's normal and this is my main application. Now I installed another application within the application folder structure. What I want do do here is to allow opening the third party application URLs after one logged into my main application. Can anybody provide me some pointers to do the same? Please let me know if you need any further information on this. Any solution irrespective of framework will work. Thanks! Anupam I am developing a new promising service (media-industry) in the Los Angeles area. Contact me if interested.
Leroy. Hello I'm developing a Model-View-Controller framework for my personal learning curve. I've created an active record class and I've got stuck when using variables in a where clause. My problem is this: When, in a where statement, you want to find the Users with the first name Mike, you might write SELECT Firstname, Surname FROM Users WHERE Firstname = 'Mike' Where Mike is enclosed with quotation marks. When you're comparing entities quotation marks shouldn't be used. For example, SELECT Firstname, Surname, OrderTitle FROM Users, Orders WHERE Firstname = 'Mike' AND Users.Firstname = Orders.Firstname So when using variables in my where statements, like $Name = Mike $this->Where(Firstname',$Name); $this->Where('Users.Firstname','Orders.Firstname'); How do I differentiate, in my function Where() when to enclose the string with quotation marks, i.e when it is a (Table.Entity) rather than a constant. Thank you Hi, I have a cakePHP program that works and displays data from a database table. The part I dont understand and I couldnt find anything on the cakephp blog as yet was the model was left blank? q1) The model is left blank but still works so what is the default behaviour here for the model? It doesnt seem to be needed to do anything i?. q2)I am selecting all the data from 1 table but how do I add a sql statement to select part of the table or a join of 2 tables? the find 'all' seems to just do that only in finding all data from a table. <?php class Post extends AppModel { /*var $name='User';*/ } ?> <?php class PostsController extends AppController { public $helpers=array('Html','Form'); public function index() { $this->set('posts',$this->Post->find('all')); } public function home() { $this->set('posts',$this->Post->find('all')); } } ?> view /// .. <?php foreach ($posts as $item): echo '<tr><td>'. $item['Post']['id']. '</td>'; echo '<td>'. $item['Post']['title'].'</td>'; echo '<td>'. $item['Post']['body'].'</td>'; echo '<td>'. $item['Post']['created'] .'</td>'; echo '</tr>'; endforeach; unset($item); ?> Hey all,
I am making a application that requires a user to login in. I have a user model, which does such things as finds, registers, logins in, updates etc a user. It also grabs all of a users data from a database, such as their username, email address etc and checks whether or not a user is logged in.
The problem I face is this. I want to control what content a user can see depending on if they are logged in or not. In addition to this, I want to output the users data, such as their username, in other parts of the website – such as the header and footer. There is no real easy way of doing this, and requires the user model to be instantiated on every page. My question is should this class be a model or just a core library class?
Can a person instantiate a model? If so how do you do it. I already know how to instantiate a class thank you Hi all,
I was just wondering is this possible what I'm trying to do?
Models can only store one object at a time...
I'm trying to access multiple objects via one model...
<?php class users extends Model { protected $username; protected $firstname; protected $secondname; protected $age; // There will be more here... public function __construct($id = NULL) { if($id != NULL) { $this->username = $sql->getUsername($id); $this->firstname = $sql->getFirstname($id); $this->secondname = $sql->getSecondname($id); $this->age = $sql->getAge($id); } } public function numOfUsers() { $num = $sql->countAllUsers($query); return $num; } public function getUsername() { return $this->username; } public function getFirstname() { return $this->firstname; } public function getSecondname() { return $this->secondname; } public function getAge() { return $this->age; } }; class UsersView extends View { $users = new users(); for($i = 0; $i < $users->numOfUsers(); $i++) { $user = new users($i); echo "Username: {$user->getUsername()}"; echo "Username: {$user->getFirstname()}"; echo "Username: {$user->getSecondname()}"; echo "Username: {$user->getAge()}"; } }; ?> This topic has been moved to Application Frameworks. This topic has been moved to Application Frameworks. Dear Members, I am a PHP developer and desisgning a WAP page for mobiles.I need some php code to find out the model of a mobile phone from where request is coming so that based on that information I can upload the proper CSS for my page.If you can give me some hints as well that would also help me to proceed further.Currently I am able to fetch user-agent of mobile but not able to find out the specific model of mobile. Hi, I need to develop a module called chat with doctor. User can able to chat with the doctor for that he has to pay some amount to website. Say example user got purchase the Package worth : 2$ =>5min. After 5 min chat will be closed , timer should be shown while chatting. How can we do this? Hey all I have an error in my Facebook application and I'm not sure what's wrong (New to PHP). The error output is: Code: [Select] Warning: array_rand() [function.array-rand]: Second argument has to be between 1 and the number of elements in the array in /home/app/view.php on line 15 And the PHP lines are as follows: $friends = $facebook->api('/me/friends'); print_r(array_rand($friends, 3)); There are ten list or bookmarks from Prof. Horner's Bible-Reading System found ( each having set number of books from the Bible. One is to read ten chapters a day, one chapter from each of the bookmarks. Type in what day you are on and the program will show you on each of the lists as to what chapter you are suppose to be on. Also want to show statistics that will display how many times the Bible has been read with a break down of all 66 books of the Bible. Started a git respo Bookmark list as follows: //List 1 $Matthew = 28; $Mark = 16; $Luke = 24; $John = 21; //List 2 $Genesis = 50; $Exodus = 40; $Levitieus = 27; $Numbers = 36; $Deuteronomy = 34; //List 3 $Romans = 16; $I_Corinthians = 16; $II_Corinthians = 13; $Galatians = 6; $Ephesians = 6; $Philipians = 4; $Colossians = 4; $Hebrews = 13; //List 4 $I_Thessalonians = 5; $II_Thessalonians = 3; $I_Timothy = 6; $II_Timothy = 4; $Titus = 3; $Philemon = 1; $James = 5; $I_Peter = 5 ; $II_Peter = 3 ; $I_John = 5; $II_John = 1; $III_John = 1; $Jude = 1; $Revelation = 22; //List 5 $Job = 42; $Ecclesiastes = 12; $Songs_of_Solomon = 8; //List 6 $Psalms = 150; //List 7 $Proverbs = 31; //List 8 $Joshua = 24; $Judges = 21; $Ruth = 4; $I_Samuel = 31; $II_Samuel = 24; $I_Kings = 22; $II_Kings = 25; $I_Chronicles = 29; $II_Chronicles = 36; $Ezra = 10; $Nehemiah = 13; $Esther = 10; //List 9 $Isaiah = 66; $Jeremiah = 52; $Lamentations = 5; $Ezekiel = 48; $Daniel = 12; $Hosea = 14; $Joel = 3; $Amos = 9; $Obadiah = 1; $Jonah = 4; $Micah = 7; $Nahum = 3; $Habakkuk = 3; $Zephaniah = 3; $Haggai = 2; $Zechariah = 14; $Malachi = 4; so on day 1 it should readout Matthew Chapter 1 Genesis Chapter 1 Romans Chapter 1 I Thessalonians Chapter 1 Job Chapter 1 Psalms Chapter 1 Proverbs Chapter 1 Joshua Chapter 1 Isaiah Chapter 1 Acts Chapter 1 on the second day it should all say Chapter two but Matthew reaches day 28 it should move on to Mark Chapter 1 and so on and so on and with each bookmark list. Hi all, this is my first time on this forum! I have a background with HTML and CSS but have recently started a Masters in Computer Science hoping to come out of it with the tools to get a job with PHP development. Our first assignment has somewhat 'thrown me in the deep end' as we have to construct a search engine that indexes the words of a number of documents and rank them using the TF*IDF algorithm along with the log rule associated with Information retrieval. I am completely new to PHP so the past week has been something of a crash course - This is the code I have so far: Code: [Select] <?php $filename = 'airlines.txt'; $fp = fopen( $filename, 'r' ); $file_contents = fread( $fp, filesize( $filename ) ); fclose( $fp ); //$new_contents = ereg_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "", $file_contents); /*$file_contents = trim($file_contents); $file_contents = preg_replace('/\h+/', ' ', $file_contents); $file_contents = preg_replace('/\v{3,}/', PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL, $file_contents); */ $pat[0] = "/^\s+/"; $pat[1] = "/\s{2,}/"; $pat[2] = "/\s+\$/"; $rep[0] = ""; $rep[1] = " "; $rep[2] = ""; $new_contents = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9\s\s+]/","",$file_contents); $new_contents = preg_replace($pat,$rep,$new_contents); //preg_replace('~\s{2,}~', ' ', $text); $commonWords = array('a','able','about','above'........and another few hundreds cut out of this not to hurt your eyes!); $lines = explode ( "\n", $new_contents); $lines2 = implode (" ", $lines); $words = explode ( " ", $lines2 ); $useful_words = array_diff( $words, $commonWords ); /*for($i = 0; $i < count($lines); $i++) { echo "Piece $i = $lines[$i] <br />"; }*/ for($i = 0; $i < count($useful_words); $i++) { echo "Words $i = $useful_words[$i] <br />"; } //$arr=array("blah1","blah2","blah3"); file_put_contents("demo2.txt",implode(" ",$useful_words)); //$file_c = file_get_contents("demo.txt"); //$colms = explode(",",trim($file_c)); //print_r($colms); //echo $lines[2]; ?> I've got to the stage where that strips out most of the stop words when the final array is printed, but they have been replaced with spaces or something that I have not come acoss because as you may see I had a bit of trouble originally stripping the punctuation marks. I'm hoping someone can point me in the direction as to how to organise the words I have left after the stripping of stop words which are of no use during the search. I need to store those words into another array and index them which says how many times they appear in that document. I've come across the function array array_count_values ( array $input ) on the manual but I'm not sure about the best way to use it. I've attached the files I've used if that helps. Any help would be greatly appreciated! I am building program to manage payment/monthly payments. I've ran into an issue that I haven't been able to overcome and need some help. I've been lurking for a while and decided it was time to ask you guys...Here's the issue: I have a table 'payments' that contains scheduled payments that looks like: id clientid paymentduedate balance expected pending 367 112233 4/16/2011 1030.00 257.50 Y 368 112233 5/16/2011 1030.00 257.50 Y 369 112233 6/16/2011 1030.00 257.50 Y 370 112233 7/16/2011 1030.00 257.50 Y What I need to do that I haven't figured out is to adjust the expected amount according to the payment, update the status to N (not pending) without affecting the later expected payments. For example: they make a payment of $257.50, applies that to row 367, sets the status to N, but leaves the other status' to Y (for obvious reasons). the make a payment of $250.00, leaving the balance at $7.50, so lets add $7.50 to row 368, mark 367 status to N the make a payment of $300.00, leaving the expected balance at $0.00 for row 367, but adjust the balance for row 368 to $215.00 Any ideas? Thanks |