PHP - Directory Names With Spaces
How do I get directory names to display with spaces. My script sticks them into arrays just fine, but when trying to echo from a checkbox selection, it only displays the first word. How would I fix this?
Similar TutorialsHello I have a problem. I have been trying to copy my music folders structure but not copying the mp3s; instead using the file names as a file name for a .txt file and inserting the URL to the file in the .txt file. Eg. E:\My Music folder 1 folder 1.1 file.mp3 folder 2 folder 3 to G:\My Music folder 1 folder 1.1 file.txt folder 2 folder 3 and inside "file.txt" would be one line saying " Okay, so I'm kind of a PHP noob.
But out of context, for this site that I'm designing, it's easiest if I make a directory in the temporary folder PHP uses. In my case, /tmp/ because I am on Linux.
I want to use rand() to generate a random name for the page. But I then realized something, rand() could produce duplicates. How do I prevent PHP from trying to make the same directory at the same time? I know there are functions that will check if a file exists but I'm assuming it'll fail if that directory is currently being created, right?
How do I assure thread safety?
I willing to change my idea and not use rand(). Is there a way to get a unique key for each anonymous user on my site?
My Php Buddies, I have mysql tbl columns these:
id: Now, I want to display their row data by excluded a few columns. Want to exclude these columns: date_&_time account_activation_code account_activation_status id_verification_video_file_url password
So, the User's (eg. your's) homepage inside his account should display labels like these where labels match the column names but the underscores are removed and each words' first chars CAPITALISED:
Id: 1
For your convenience only PART 1 works. Need help on Part 2 My attempted code:
PART 1 <?php // Check connection if ($conn->connect_error) { die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error); } // Query to get columns from table $query = $conn->query("SELECT COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'members' AND TABLE_NAME = 'users'"); while($row = $query->fetch_assoc()){ $result[] = $row; } // Array of all column names $columnArr = array_column($result, 'COLUMN_NAME'); foreach ($columnArr as $value) { echo "<b>$value</b>: ";?><br><?php } ?> PART 2 <?php //Display User Account Details echo "<h3>User: <a href=\"user.php?user=$user\">$user</a> Details</h3>";?><br> <?php $excluded_columns = array("date_&_time","account_activation_code","account_activation_status","id_verification_video_file_url","password"); foreach ($excluded_columns as $value2) { echo "Excluded Column: <b>$value2</b><br>"; } foreach ($columnArr as $value) { if($value != "$value2") { $label = str_replace("_"," ","$value"); $label = ucwords("$label"); //echo "<b>$label</b>: "; echo "$_SESSION[$value]";?><br><?php echo "<b>$label</b>: "; echo "${$value}";?><br><?php } } ?> PROBLEM: Columns from the excluded list still get displayed. Edited November 19, 2018 by phpsaneHi guys, I've been working on a script for a while now, and I'm sure it doesn't look great and all, and it's probably really messed up.. But right now I've finally got it working! There's only 1 thing I'd really like to add.. Searching through & listing of remote directories! The directories I'm trying to list have directory listings enabled, and I think it *should* be possible. I just have no clue how. Here's my current code in a beautiful mix of HTML and PHP: <? $border_size = "0"; function returner($what) { $what=explode("/",$what); $tps=count($what); $what=$what[$tps-1]; return $what; } $page_url= ""; $home_url=returner(__FILE__); if(isset($_GET['q'])) { $qtext=$_GET['q']; } else { $qtext=""; } function getdirsize($directory, $format=FALSE) { $size = 0; if(substr($directory,-1) == '/') { $directory = substr($directory,0,-1); } if(!file_exists($directory) || !is_dir($directory) || !is_readable($directory)) { return -1; } if($handle = opendir($directory)) { while(($file = readdir($handle)) !== false) { $path = $directory.'/'.$file; if($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if(is_file($path)) { $size += filesize($path); } elseif(is_dir($path)) { $handlesize = getdirsize($path); if($handlesize >= 0) { $size += $handlesize; } else { return -1; } } } } closedir($handle); } if($format == TRUE) { if($size / 1048576 > 1) { return round($size / 1048576, 1).' MB'; } elseif($size / 1024 > 1) { return round($size / 1024, 1).' KB'; } else { return round($size, 1).' bytes'; } } else { return $size; } } if(isset($_GET['type'])){ $type=$_GET['type']; } else { $type="new"; } $textures=0; $models=0; $avatars=0; $seqs=0; $sounds=0; foreach (glob("textures/*.jpg") as $texture){ $textures++; } foreach (glob("models/*.zip") as $model){ $models++; } foreach (glob("avatars/*.zip") as $avatar){ $avatars++; } foreach (glob("seqs/*.zip") as $seq){ $seqs++; } foreach (glob("sounds/*.zip") as $sound){ $sounds++; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>ObjectPath Search</title> <style type="text/css"> #wrapper { width: 850px; margin: 30px auto 30px auto; padding: 10px; } body { color:#C6C6C6; background:#1E1E1E; /* margin:0; padding:0; */ overflow-x:hidden; } #tabs { font: 85% "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } .left { float: left; } .right { float: right; } a:link, a:visited, a:active { color: #3DB015; text-decoration: none; } a:hover { color: #00E0FF; } h2 { color: #3DB015; padding-bottom: 0.2em; font-size: 110%; } ul#icon {margin: 0; padding: 0;} ul#icon li {margin: 1px; position: relative; padding: 1px 0; cursor: pointer; float: left; list-style: none;} ul#icon span.ui-icon {float: left; margin: 0 1px;} </style> <link type="text/css" href="" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function formHandler(form){ var URL =[].value; window.location.href = URL; }; $(function(){ // Tabs $('#tabs').tabs(); }); </script> </head> <body> <div id="wrapper"> <div id="tabs"> <!-- Tabs start --> <ul> <li><a href="#tab-search">Search</a></li> <li><a href="#tab-list">List Objects</a></li> <li><a href="#tab-info">OP info</a></li> </ul> <div id="tab-search"><!-- Searchtab start --> Please enter a string to search for, and choose a folder to search in. <br /><br /> <form name="Search"> <input type='hidden' value='search' name='type'> <input value='<? print $qtext; ?>' type='text' name='q'> <select name='map'> <option selected='selected' value='models'>Models</option> <option value='avatars'>Avatars</option> <option value='textures'>Textures</option> <option value='seqs'>Seqs</option> <option value='sounds'>Sounds</option></select> <input type='submit' value='Search'> </form> </div> <!-- Searchtab end --> <div id="tab-list"><!-- Listtab start --> Please pick a folder to browse. <br /><br /> <form name="form"> <select name="site" onChange="javascript:formHandler()"> <option value="#">Look in folder...</option> <option value="<? print $page_url; ?>?type=list&map=models">Models</option> <option value="<? print $page_url; ?>?type=list&map=avatars">Avatars</option> <option value="<? print $page_url; ?>?type=list&map=textures">Textures</option> <option value="<? print $page_url; ?>?type=list&map=seqs">Seqs</option> <option value="<? print $page_url; ?>?type=list&map=sounds">Sounds</option> </select> </form> </div> <!-- Listtab end --> <div id="tab-info"><!-- Info tab start --> The OP currently contains: <br /><br /> <table> <tr><td><b><? echo $models; ?></b></td> <td>Models</td></tr> <tr><td><b><? echo $avatars; ?></b></td> <td>Avatars</td></tr> <tr><td><b><? echo $textures; ?></b></td> <td>Textures</td></tr> <tr><td><b><? echo $seqs; ?></b></td> <td>Seqs</td></tr> <tr><td><b><? echo $sounds; ?></b></td> <td>Sounds</td></tr> </table> </div> <!-- Info tab end --> </div> <!-- Tabs end --> </div> <!-- Start PHP generated content --> <? if($type=="search" || $type=="list") { $M=$_GET['map']; if($type=="search") { $Q=$_GET['q']; $empty="Nothing found with <b>\"" . $Q . "\"</b> in it's name.<br />\nPlease make a more general search query, or try a different folder.\n\n"; } else { $Q=""; $empty='This folder is empty'; } if($M=="textures") { $ext="jpg"; } else { $ext="zip"; } $i=0; print "<hr>\n"; $endfile=array(); $endsize=array(); $endsize2=array(); foreach (glob($M."/*".$Q."*.".$ext) as $filename) { $filename = explode(".", $filename); $filename=$filename[0]; $filename = explode("/", $filename); $filename=$filename[1]; $i++; $endfile[$i]=$filename; if($ext=="jpg") { $endfile[$i]="<a name='".$endfile[$i]."' href='".$pageurl."?type=view&name=".$endfile[$i]."&folder=".$M."&from=".$type."&addon=".$Q."'>".$endfile[$i]."</a>"; } $endsize[$i]=$size; $endsize2[$i]=$size2; } if($i != 1) { print "<b>".$i."</b> items were found.\n<hr>\n"; } else { print "<b>".$i."</b> item was found.\n<hr>\n"; } echo("<table width='100%' border='" . $border_size . "' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' >\n"); if($i!=0) { for ($t = 1; $t < $i; $t++) { $thumbfile = $M."/".$endfile[$t].'.jpg'; if(file_exists($thumbfile)) { $thumbnail = "<a name='".$endfile[$t]."' href='".$page_url."?type=view&name=".$endfile[$t]."&folder=".$M."&from=".$type."&addon=".$Q."'><ul id='icon'><li class='ui-state-default ui-corner-all' title='".$endfile[$t]."'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-image'></span></li></ul></a>"; } else { $thumbnail = ""; } if($t=="1") { echo("<tr><td width='10%'>Number</td><td width='3%'><ul id='icon'><li class='ui-state-default ui-corner-all' title='".$endfile[$t]."'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-image'></span></li></ul></td><td width='60%'>Name</td></tr>\n"); } echo("<tr><td>" . $t . "</td><td>".$thumbnail."</td><td>" . $endfile[$t] . "</td></tr>\n"); flush(); } $thumbfile = $M."/".$endfile[$t].'.jpg'; if(file_exists($thumbfile)) { $thumbnail = "<a name='".$endfile[$t]."' href='".$page_url."?type=view&name=".$endfile[$t]."&folder=".$M."&from=".$type."&addon=".$Q."'><ul id='icon'><li class='ui-state-default ui-corner-all' title='".$endfile[$t]."'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-image'></span></li></ul></a>"; } else { $thumbnail = ""; } echo("<tr><td>" . $t . "</td><td>".$thumbnail."</td><td>" . $endfile[$t] . "</td></tr>\n"); } print "</table>\n"; if($i=="0") { print $empty; } } elseif($type=="view") { $filename=$_GET['name']; $folder=$_GET['folder']; if($_GET['from']=="list"){ $addon="?type=list&map=".$folder."#".$filename; } if($_GET['from']=="search"){ $addon="?type=search&q=".$filename."&map=".$folder."#".$filename; } print"<center><a href='".$home_url."'>Home</a></center>"; print "<hr>\n<center><img src='".$folder."/".$filename.".jpg'></img></center>\n<hr>\n<br />\n<a href='".$page_url."".$addon."'>Previous Page</a>\n"; } $htmlshow=""; if($_GET['type']=="returnOPfile") { if(isset($_GET['split'])) { $splitter=$_GET['split']; } else { $splitter=" | "; } if(isset($_GET['html'])) { $htmlshow="<br />"; } foreach (glob("textures/*.jpg") as $texture){ if(isset($_GET['size'])) { $size=$splitter.filesize($texture); } $texture = explode("/", $texture); $texture=$texture[1]; print "textures".$splitter.$texture.$size."\n".$htmlshow; } foreach (glob("models/*.zip") as $model){ if(isset($_GET['size'])) { $size=$splitter.filesize($model); } $model = explode("/", $model); $model=$model[1]; print "models".$splitter.$model.$size."\n".$htmlshow; } foreach (glob("avatars/*.zip") as $avatar){ if(isset($_GET['size'])) { $size=$splitter.filesize($avatar); } $avatar = explode("/", $avatar); $avatar=$avatar[1]; print "avatars".$splitter.$avatar.$size."\n".$htmlshow; } foreach (glob("seqs/*.zip") as $seq){ if(isset($_GET['size'])) { $size=$splitter.filesize($seq); } $seq = explode("/", $seq); $seq=$seq[1]; print "seqs".$splitter.$seq.$size."\n".$htmlshow; } foreach (glob("sounds/*.zip") as $sound){ if(isset($_GET['size'])) { $size=$splitter.filesize($sound); } $sound = explode("/", $sound); $sound=$sound[1]; print "sounds".$splitter.$sound.$size."\n".$htmlshow; } } ?> <!-- End PHP generated content --> </body> </html> So right now my question to you PHP freaks is, can you please help me edit my script so I can search through a remote directory? *This* is one of the directories I wish to be able to search through & list.. Thanks in advance. Edit; It might help if you know what the site currently looks like. *Click* i have made an delete files script which works for only one directory but not sub directory so i want to delete files of same extention from directory and subdirectory. My current code is Code: [Select] <? $dir = 'hmm/'; function scanr($dir){ $arr = glob($dir.'/*.jpg'); foreach($arr as $vv){ //check if $vv is a file if(is_file($vv)){ //if file, get the filename $vx=explode('/',$vv); $file=$vx[count($vx)-1]; // if no extension delete the file unlink($vv); // print the deletion message echo $vv." deleted!<br>";}else{ // if $vv is a dir then scan it again for files scanr($vv); }} } scanr($dir); ?> I'm trying to echo the directory and sub directory only. I am not looking to show the files contained - only folders. ok so when my code dipsplays i get the spaces i add in the db but when i updae it dispalys this rnrnrn and its all together Code Code: [Select] <?php include "scripts/connect.php"; if(isset($_GET['edit'])){ $newid = $_GET['edit']; $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM news WHERE id='$newid' LIMIT 1"); $rows = mysql_fetch_array($query); $newstitle = $rows['title']; $newsby = $rows['by']; $newsbody = $rows['body']; } if(isset($_POST['saveedit'])){ $newid = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['saveedit']); $newstitle = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['title']); $newsby = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['by']); $newsbody = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['body']); if ($newstitle && $newsby && $newsbody){ $query = mysql_query("UPDATE news SET title='$newstitle', 'by'='$newsby', body='$newsbody' WHERE id='$newid'") or die(mysql_error()); echo "UPDATE SUCCESFULLY!"; }else $msg = "<font color=red>YOU DID NOT FILL ALL OF THEM IN!</font>"; } ?> <form action='enews.php' method='POST'> <table> <tr> <td></td> <td><?php echo "$msg"; ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Article Title</td> <td><input type='text' name='title' size='45' value='<?php echo $newstitle; ?>'/></td> </tr> <tr> <td>By:</td> <td><input type='text' name='by' size='30' value='<?php echo $newsby; ?>' /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Article Body</td> <td><textarea cols='45' rows='25' name='body'><?php echo stripslashes($newsbody); ?></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type='hidden' name='saveedit' value='<?php echo $newid; ?>'/></td> <td><input type='submit' name='updatebtn' value='Update' /></td> </tr> </table> </form> </div> echo $first$last; how would i add a space it comes out like this JoeJackson i want it like this Joe Jackson This doesn't work: Code: [Select] <style type="text/css" media="all">@import url(style/'.$skin.'.css);</style> $skin is = "Sky Blue"; If $skin is = "Sky Blue"; this works: Code: [Select] <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style/Sky Blue.css"> It's because @IMPORTURL, Is there a php function that wraps a &20 for a space so it works on my $skin? I made a form, like guestbook, and i dont wonna to write in mysql if in comment is just 1 or more spaces, no letters or numbers or chars, just space, how can i fix that? Hi guys, I am currently stuck in a situation. I have duplicated names in my form. View duplicated.jpg for a reference. What exactly went wrong? Any help will be greatly appreciate! How do I eliminate the duplicated names. Thanks!! And my $count is currently not working as well, it is supposed to be 5 columns per row. Code: [Select] <?php /***Pre-School Level***/ echo '<input name="level[]" type="checkbox" id="level_1" value="1">'; echo '<span class="zone_text_enlarge"><label for="level_1">Pre-School</label></span><br/>'; $dbc = mysqli_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME) or die(mysqli_error($dbc)); $query = "SELECT sl.subject_level_id, sl.level_id, sl.subject_id, tl.level_name AS level_name, ts.subject_name AS subject_name " . "FROM tutor_subject_level AS sl " . "INNER JOIN tutor_level AS tl USING (level_id) " . "INNER JOIN tutor_subject AS ts USING (subject_id) " . "ORDER BY subject_level_id ASC LIMIT 7"; $sql = mysqli_query($dbc, $query) or die(mysqli_error($dbc)); $query1 = "SELECT subject_level_id FROM tutor_overall_level_subject WHERE tutor_id = '" . $_GET['tutor_id'] . "'"; $sql1 = mysqli_query($dbc, $query1) or die(mysqli_error($dbc)); $selected_subjects = array(); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql1)) { array_push($selected_subjects, $row['subject_level_id']); } echo'<table><tr>'; // Start your table outside the loop... and your first row $count = 0; // Start your counter while($data = mysqli_fetch_array($sql)) { /* Check to see whether or not this is a *new* row If it is, then end the previous and start the next and restart the counter. */ if ($count % 5 == 0) { echo "</tr><tr>"; $count = 0; } foreach($selected_subjects as $selected_subject) { if ($data['subject_level_id'] == $selected_subject) { echo '<td><input name="subject_level[]" class="subject_a" type="checkbox" checked="checked" id="subject_level_'.$data['subject_level_id'].'" value="'.$data['subject_level_id'].'"/>'; echo '<label for="subject_level_'.$data['subject_level_id'].'" class="subject_1">'.$data['subject_name'].'</label></td>'; $count++; //Increment the count } else { echo '<td><input name="subject_level[]" class="subject_a" type="checkbox" id="subject_level_'.$data['subject_level_id'].'" value="'.$data['subject_level_id'].'"/>'; echo '<label for="subject_level_'.$data['subject_level_id'].'" class="subject_1">'.$data['subject_name'].'</label></td>'; $count++; //Increment the count } } } echo '</tr></table><br/>'; //Close your last row and your table, outside the loop ?> This is the end result of the HTML code, through 'view page source' in web browser Code: [Select] <input name="level[]" type="checkbox" id="level_1" value="1"> <span class="zone_text_enlarge"><label for="level_1">Pre-School</label></span><br/> <table><tr></tr> <tr> <td><input name="subject_level[]" class="subject_a" type="checkbox" checked="checked" id="subject_level_1" value="1"/> <label for="subject_level_1" class="subject_1">Mathematics</label></td> <td><input name="subject_level[]" class="subject_a" type="checkbox" id="subject_level_1" value="1"/> <label for="subject_level_1" class="subject_1">Mathematics</label></td> <td><input name="subject_level[]" class="subject_a" type="checkbox" id="subject_level_2" value="2"/> <label for="subject_level_2" class="subject_1">English</label></td> <td><input name="subject_level[]" class="subject_a" type="checkbox" id="subject_level_2" value="2"/> <label for="subject_level_2" class="subject_1">English</label></td> <td><input name="subject_level[]" class="subject_a" type="checkbox" id="subject_level_3" value="3"/> <label for="subject_level_3" class="subject_1">Chinese</label></td> <td><input name="subject_level[]" class="subject_a" type="checkbox" id="subject_level_3" value="3"/> <label for="subject_level_3" class="subject_1">Chinese</label></td> <td><input name="subject_level[]" class="subject_a" type="checkbox" id="subject_level_4" value="4"/> <label for="subject_level_4" class="subject_1">Tamil</label></td> <td><input name="subject_level[]" class="subject_a" type="checkbox" id="subject_level_4" value="4"/> <label for="subject_level_4" class="subject_1">Tamil</label></td> <td><input name="subject_level[]" class="subject_a" type="checkbox" id="subject_level_5" value="5"/> <label for="subject_level_5" class="subject_1">Malay</label></td> <td><input name="subject_level[]" class="subject_a" type="checkbox" id="subject_level_5" value="5"/> <label for="subject_level_5" class="subject_1">Malay</label></td> </tr> <tr> <td><input name="subject_level[]" class="subject_a" type="checkbox" id="subject_level_6" value="6"/> <label for="subject_level_6" class="subject_1">Phonics</label></td> <td><input name="subject_level[]" class="subject_a" type="checkbox" checked="checked" id="subject_level_6" value="6"/> <label for="subject_level_6" class="subject_1">Phonics</label></td> <td><input name="subject_level[]" class="subject_a" type="checkbox" id="subject_level_7" value="7"/> <label for="subject_level_7" class="subject_1">Creative Writing</label></td> <td><input name="subject_level[]" class="subject_a" type="checkbox" id="subject_level_7" value="7"/> <label for="subject_level_7" class="subject_1">Creative Writing</label></td></tr> </table><br/> Hi php freaks I've been learning php, but what confuses me are the arrays. I have ini file, i want to get the data from file and add it to the database. Every section makes a new table and all they keys are added with their values. I figured out how to get the keys and how to see the values, but how can i get the name of the sections. Furthermore, how do i know what keys belong to what section. I am really grateful for person who helps me to realize how to be a good friend with those complicated arrays. Hey , I'm looking for functions names from the GD directory. 1.function that open image. 2.function that getting pixel color. 3.function that changing pixel color. thanks. Hi, I have db table that records the days (Sunday, Monday...) when the employee login to the system. Say that the employee logged in on Monday then Logged in on Wednesday so this means he was absent on Tuesday. I calculated the number of days to get the answer 2 (between Wednesday and Monday before logging in on Wednesday) how to get the name of the missing day "Tuesday"? code: $curdate = date("Y-m-d"); $currday = date('l'); $lastdate = $row['indate']; $lastdayin = $row['lastdayin']; if ($lastdate !=Null) { $misseddates = strtotime($curdate) - strtotime($lastdate); $misseddates = $misseddates / 86400; echo $misseddates; $misseddays = strtotime($lastdayin) - strtotime($currday); $misseddays = $misseddays / 86400; echo $misseddays; } I tried to get the name of day in the last step but it only calculates 5 in numbers how to get the name. I want the answer to be "Tuesday" as of the example. Thanks. How can I block a text that contains only spaces? Right now I have done if ($body == "") { die("<font color='red'><font size='15'><strong><center>Your post did not contain any text!"); } But that's extremely insufficient, as any user can easily post " " Any ideas? I have a form which has a drop down menu select box, which retrives the makes of cars from a database, which once clicked submit will go to another page post that info. Then a if statment says if the variable that has been posted == a certain word that matches the one in the database then display content. However, my issue is when I have a car make such as "Land Rover" saved in the database as typed it just comes back with the final else statement. In the 1st section I have included the form which is posting the information across and in the second I have the if statement. Any ideas of how to get around / make this work? [ <form method="post" action="details.php" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <table class="search_nav"> <tr> <td> <select name="manufacture" id="manufacture"> <option value=" " selected="selected">Car Manufactures </option> '; $query = "SELECT DISTINCT make FROM cars ORDER BY make ASC"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Error in query: $query. ".mysql_error()); while ($row = @ mysql_fetch_array($result)) { print ' <option value='.$row["make"].'>'.$row["make"].'</option> '; } print ' </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <input type="image" src="images/go.gif" alt="Go" name="submit" id="submit" value="Submit"/> </td> </tr> </table> </form> ] [ if ($manufactures == "Land Rover") { echo "test"; } ] hey guys im getting my column names with this query: $query = mysql_query("SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = 'cam_systems'"); I then have an array: $fields = array( "cfg_change_date" => "Configuration Change Date", "system_name" => "System Name", "system_manf" => "System Manufacturer", "system_model_no" => "System Model Number", "system_serial_no" => "System Serial Number", "system_board_part_no" => "System Board Part Number", "system_board_serial_no" => "System Board Serial Number", "asset_tag" => "Asset Tag", "sla_code" => "SLA Code", "category" => "Category", "os_version" => "OS Version", "os_upgraded" => "OS Upgraded", "bios_version" => "BIOS Version", "bios_upgraded" => "BIOS Upgraded", "ilom_version" => "ILOM Version", "ilom_ip" => "ILOM IP Address", "ilom_updated" => "ILOM Updated", "rack_id" => "Rack ID", "rack_location_id" => "Rack Location ID", "tech_id" => "Tech ID", "warranty" => "Warranty" ); I need to display these field names now, but rather than the actual column name, I've created an array with column name and then the name I want to actual display. How can I do that? Is their a better way I should be doing this? Lets say that I have a table (participant_registrations) with following columns amongst others: first_name, middle_name, last_name, full_name. full_name consists of first_name last_name and middle_name in the midddle is it is available.
Let's Say that I have Michael John Smith registerd. How would I set up the query so when someone searches for "Michael John Smith" or "Michael Smith" they would get the record in the results. Right no I have it set up in manner of "... WHERE full_name LIKE '%$term%' ... " which will show the record in results if you search for "Michael John Smith" but not when you search for "Michael Smith".
Hi guys, I have a list of products and I want to create a way to display similar products when a user views a particular product. I am thinking about doing it a certain way but need some advice on how to make it happen. I think I would do it like: Get the name of the existing product explode() the name by space" " e.g (explode(" ",$productname)); place the reuslts in a query that looks like: SELECT * FROM product WHERE name LIKE '%$arrayitem1% OR LIKE '%arrayitem2% OR LIKE '%arrayitem3%'' Im pretty fuzzy on the whole explode() part. Can anyone please give me some advice or point me in the direction of a similar tutorial/piece of code? Thanks heaps! I have been developing applications for over 2 years now. In one of my domains I see some strange php files all created on 20th of April 2011 and named like this : IwA8ZSIhJ.php,QvDBnXYevm.php,LXgU1kf16y.php etc etc Any idea what could be the potential reason of creating such files in my hosting ? Thanks Sadan Masroor. |