PHP - Trying To Append Data To A File With Php/fwrite
hi all i'm trying to make a quick and simple '.htaccess' installer and i'm using fopen/fwrite to do this but i'm getting an error:
Quote Parse error: parse error in /var/www/test.php on line 12 here's the code: Code: [Select] <?PHP $File = ".htaccess"; $fh = fopen($File, 'a'); $Data = "\n#test write <IfModule mod_deflate.c> AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/javascript application/javascript application/x-javascript text/x-js text/ecmascript application/ecmascript text/vbscript text/fluffscript AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE image/svg+xml application/x-font-ttf application/x-font font/opentype font/otf font/ttf application/x-font-truetype application/x-font-opentype application/ application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula-template AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/xml application/xml </IfModule> <IfModule mod_expires.c> <FilesMatch "\.(ico|gif|jpg|JPG|jpeg|png|PNG|swf|css|js|html?|xml|txt)$"> ExpiresActive On ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 month" </FilesMatch> </IfModule> #test write\n"; fwrite($fh, $Data); fclose($fh); ?> how do i include the code in the $Data string bit? Similar TutorialsI am writing a sql dump file and some of my fields have ' in it. Like the name is "Joe's Cake Shop". How should i add ' infront of ' to make it look like Joe''s Cake Shop.Also, I got an idea about adding ' infront of ' by seeing other database dump.Can someone please enlighten me why should i do it. My Code :- Code: [Select] <?php //$final - is the array i am storing my scraped data //$final[1] - name $inc = 1; $data = file_get_contents(''); $regex = '~<td\s+colspan="2"\s+width="350"><font\s+size="2">\s+<b>\s+(.*?) <\/b><br>(.*?) <br>(.*?),\s+(.*?)\s+<br>(.*?), (.*?)\s+<BR><BR><font\s+size="2"><img\s+src="\.\.\/images\/phone1.gif"\s+align="left"\s+hspace="4"\s+alt\s+=(.*)>\s+-\s+Phone\s+#\s+(.*?)\s+<\/font>\s+<BR>\s+<font\s+size\s+="1">~'; preg_match_all($regex, $data, $final); $jlimit = count($final[0]); for($j=0 ;$j < $jlimit; $j++) { $filename = 'cake.sql'; $somecontent = "(".$inc.", '".$final[1][$j]."', '".$final[2][$j]."', '".$final[3][$j]."', '".$final[4][$j]."', '".$final[6][$j]."', '".$final[8][$j]."'),\n"; if (is_writable($filename)) { if (!$handle = fopen($filename, 'a')) { echo "Cannot open file ($filename)"; exit; } if (fwrite($handle, $somecontent) === FALSE) { echo "Cannot write to file ($filename)"; exit; } echo "Success, wrote ($somecontent) to file ($filename)"; $inc = $inc + 1; fclose($handle); } else { echo "The file $filename is not writable"; } } ?> Hi, I am trying to save some content with form which has php code in it. i.e $submittedphpcode <?php echo 'test'; ?> my code to save that $submittedphpcode $file = "file.php"; $ourFileHandle = fopen($filefile, 'w+') or die("can't open file"); fwrite($ourFileHandle, "$submittedphpcode"); fclose($ourFileHandle); and i am getting this file created with slashes <?php\r\n\r\necho \'test\';\r\n\r\n?> i tried with stripslashes but it just remove \ not r n , i need to keep spaces etc. any help on how to save it as php file properly? Thanks I have a simple script which records search terms and writes them to an external file. I would like to limit this file size. The Use: I have a search page where people can search for PDF files. I would like to have a 'cloud tag' or list of the most recent terms searched at the bottom of the page. Here is my script which works beautifully: <?php $pattern = "/filetype:(\w+)/"; // filteype:(wildcard for word) to grab the file extension along with the word filetype: if ( $_GET['q'] == "" ) { $term = ""; } else { $term = preg_replace("$pattern", '', $_GET['q']); // get rid of the filetype parameter } $searched = $term . ", "; $fopen = fopen("searched.html", "a"); fwrite($fopen, $searched); fclose($fopen); ?> The above code grabs the search term when the SERP page is opened, and writes it to a file. I will later use phpInclude to put the contents of that file on the bottom of my search engine page. The problem is that after a million searches, this file will be huge! Question: How can I limit the file size and organize these search terms so that the most recent ones appear on the page? Hey guys, I have a script that is run once a week to fetch some user info for a large number of accounts. The code I have now writes the info correctly, but I was wondering if there was an easy way to have the accountdata.txt file completely wiped before new updated info is written to it, as opposed to deleting it manually every week. $FileName = "accountdata.txt"; $f=fopen($FileName,"a+"); fwrite($f, $UserKey[$i]." ".$SigKey[$i]."\n"); $f=fclose; I could in theory just open the file and delete everything in it manually, save it and then run this script, but I'm always looking for more ways to make things efficient, and come a time when it's run more than once a week it'd be nice to have all that automated. So in summary, I need it to delete all data (if any) from the accountdata.txt file before it writes anything to it. Thanks. Hey, I am pretty new to php. I am creating a simple website to handle a http get I need to do for a Android Application. I can write to a file but I am unable to open it in a browser. It just shows a blank page. When I download it from my browser (Firefox) to my hard drive (Windows 7) using my ftp I can view the .txt file. All i want to do is write to a text file. Any help would be nice. Sorry for sparse information. I am hosting it on Thanks My Code: 3 files blank "data.txt", index.html, process.php Index.html Code: [Select] <html><body> <h4>Tizag Art Supply Order Form</h4> <form action="process.php" method="post"> <select name="item"> <option>Paint</option> <option>Brushes</option> <option>Erasers</option> </select> Quantity: <input name="quantity" type="text" /> <input type="submit" /> </form> </body></html> process.php <html><body> <?php $quantity = $_POST['quantity']; $item = $_POST['item']; $myFile = "data.txt"; $fh = fopen($myFile, 'at') or die("can't open file"); $stringData = "Bobby Bopper"; fwrite($fh, $stringData); $stringData = "Tracy Tanner"; fwrite($fh, $stringData); fclose($fh); echo "You ordered ". $quantity . " " . $item . ".<br />"; echo "Thank you for ordering from Tizag Art Supplies!"; ?> </body></html> Hi there, I am trying to create a file using fwrite function, but for something reason all I get is a blank file with no content inside. Here is the code, go to the bottom where the fwrite function is called: <?php //Get Nohay Albums function function GetAlbums($cattype){ if ((isset($_GET['year']))||(isset($_GET['reciter']))){ //nothing displayed } else{ $query = "SELECT COUNT(Topic), SUM(Hits) AS totalhits, FileFormat, Speaker, Language, Year, FileType, Cat FROM nauhey WHERE Cat='".addslashes($cattype)."' AND Year='".date('Y')."' GROUP By Speaker, Year"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error()); //<!------------ Create Cache -------------!> //folder where cache is saved $path = "cache/"; //Page name format: FunctionName_Category_Year.html $pagename = $path."getalbums_".$cattype.".html"; $cacheFile = fopen($pagename, "w"); if ($cacheFile == FALSE){ die ("Unable to create cache file"); } //Get HTML in a variable $obstart = ob_start(); if ($obstart == FALSE){ die ("Unable to buffer cache content!"); } //<!------------ Cache closed -------------!> if ($cattype = strtolower('nauhey')){ while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ echo ("<div class='container'>"); echo ("<img src=\"http://localhost/HAQMOLAAALI/backed up/haqmolaali/images/".$row['FileFormat'].".gif\">"); echo ("<b style=\"font-size:10px; color:#000066; position:absolute; margin-left: 500px;\">DOWNLOADS: ".$row['totalhits']."</b>"); echo (" <a href=\"nohay.php?reciter=".urlencode($row['Speaker'])."&year=".urlencode($row['Year'])."\">".$row['Speaker']." Vol ".$row['Year']."</a> <b style=\"font-size:10px; color:#000000;\">(".strtoupper($row['Language']).")</b>"."\n"); echo ("<div class='small'><b>Year: ".$row['Year']." | Language: ".ucfirst($row['Language'])." | Tracks: ".$row['COUNT(Topic)']."</b></div>"); echo ("</div>"); }//while loop closed } else { while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ echo ("<div class='container'>"); echo ("<img src=\"http://localhost/HAQMOLAAALI/backed up/haqmolaali/images/".$row['FileFormat'].".gif\">"); echo ("<b style=\"font-size:10px; color:#000066; position:absolute; margin-left: 500px;\">DOWNLOADS: ".$row['totalhits']."</b>"); echo (" <a href=\"majlis.php?reciter=".urlencode($row['Speaker'])."&year=".urlencode($row['Year'])."\">".$row['Speaker']." Vol ".$row['Year']."</a> <b style=\"font-size:10px; color:#000000;\">(".strtoupper($row['Language']).")</b>"); echo ("<div class='small'><b>Year: ".$row['Year']." | Language: ".ucfirst($row['Language'])." | Lectures in series: ".$row['COUNT(Topic)']."</b></div>"); echo ("</div>"); } } //<!------------ Cache Code -------------!> $cacheContent = ob_get_contents(); //Write to cache file fwrite ($cacheFile, $cacheContent) or die ("Cannot write cache content to file!"); fclose ($cacheFile); ob_flush(); ob_end_clean(); //<!------------ Cache Closed-------------!> } } GetAlbums("nauhey"); ?> When I execute the function, I get my self-made error "Cannot write cache content to file!". Help would be much appreciated. Thank you. Hello there people. I'm looking for the easiest & most solid way to append 1 or 2 strings to a certain PDF file. I have an application which a logged-in user will be able to print. When he prints it, his name and a counter string must be appended in a blank space in the application. So I don't need to replace a string in a PDF or something, just append. The PDF file will always be the same: the application to be filled. I've heard somewhere that you can do it easily with the Zend framework. I've also heard for some other libraries like TCPDF & FPDF. Any suggestions? Thanks Can't figure out why the page wont save after clicking save. $KOHDE="index.php?s=admin"; $LOMAKE_W = 400; $TEXTAREA_W = 50; $TEXTAREA_H = 20; $LOMAKE = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET["l"]); $LOMAKE2 = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["lomake"]); after a few more lines... elseif ($LOMAKE2 == "etusivu"){ #Etusivun muokkaus $teksti = stripslashes($_POST["teksti"]); $f = fopen("etusivu.php", "w"); fwrite($f, $teksti); fclose($f); } elseif ($LOMAKE == "etusivu"){ #Etusivun muokkaus echo "<h1>Edit home page</h1>"; $f = file("etusivu.php"); echo "<form action='$KOHDE' method='post'> <textarea name='teksti' cols='$TEXTAREA_W' rows='$TEXTAREA_H'>"; for ($i = 0; $i < count($f); $i++){ $f[$i] = str_replace("\"", "''", $f[$i]); echo $f[$i]; } echo "</textarea> <input type='hidden' value='etusivu' name='lomake'/> <br><input type='submit' value='Save'/> </form><br/>"; html_ohje(); } I can't see where it has gone wrong. Can anyone help? So I really don't think I need to paste the code but Code: [Select] <?php session_start(); ?> <?php $new_thread_page_path = 'general_discussion_threads/' . $_POST['thread_title'] . '.php'; $new_table_link = '<a href="' . $new_thread_page_path . '"' . 'class="hover" border="0" style="text-decoration:none">' . $_POST['thread_title'] . '</a>'; ?> <?php date_default_timezone_set('EST'); $date = date("m/d/y"); $hour = date("g"); $minute = date("i"); $second = date("s"); $am_pm = date("a"); $full_date = $date . ' ' . $hour . ":" . $minute . ":" . $second . $am_pm; $place_holder = '<!--the_place_holder-->'; $current_page_path = 'general_discussion_home.php'; $open_current_page = fopen($current_page_path, 'rb'); $contents_of_current_page = fread($open_current_page, filesize($current_page_path)); $template_path = 'general_discussion_threads/template.php'; $open_template = fopen($template_path, 'rb'); $template_contents = fread($open_template, filesize($template_path)); $new_thread_page_path = 'general_discussion_threads/' . $_POST['thread_title'] . '.php'; $list_file_path = 'general_discussion_threads/thread_list.txt'; $list_open = fopen($list_file_path, 'rb'); $list_open_write = fopen($list_file_path, 'a'); $open_new_thread_page = fopen($new_thread_page_path, 'w+'); $list_contents = fread($list_open, filesize($list_file_path)); $thread_exists_test = substr_count($list_contents, '<' . strtolower($_POST['thread_title'] . '>')); $invalid_character_test = substr_count($_POST['thread_title'], '<'); $invalid_character_test1 = substr_count($_POST['thread_title'], '>'); $the_users_info = $_SESSION['the_user']; $the_username1 = strstr($_SESSION['the_user'], '.'); $the_username1_wipe = str_replace($the_username1, '', $the_users_info); $the_username = str_replace('.', '', $the_username1_wipe); if (isset($_POST['new_thread_post'])) { if (($_SESSION['logged_in'] == '1') && ($invalid_character_test1 == '0') && ($invalid_character_test == '0') && ($thread_exists_test == '0') && ($_POST['thread_title'] != '') && ($_POST['thread_title'] != 'Enter the title of your Thread...')) { fwrite($open_new_thread_page, '<?php $the_thread_title = ' . '\'' . $_POST['thread_title'] . '\'' . '; ?>' . $template_contents); fclose($open_new_thread_page); fwrite($list_open_write, '<' . strtolower($_POST['thread_title']) . '>'); fclose($list_open_write); $new_contents =str_replace($place_holder, '<tr><td align="center">' . $new_table_link . '</td>' . '<td align="center">' . '<font color="#66CC00">' . $full_date . '</font>' . '</td>' . '<td align="center">' . '<font color="#66CC00">' . $the_username . '<font>' . '</td>' . '</tr>' . $place_holder, $contents_of_current_page); $open_current_page = fopen($current_page_path, 'w'); fwrite($open_current_page, $new_contents); fclose($open_current_page); $_SESSION['gd_error'] = 'Thread created succesfully!'; } elseif ($_SESSION['logged_in'] != '1') { $_SESSION['gd_error'] = 'You need to be logged in!'; } elseif ($invalid_character_test != '0') { $_SESSION['gd_error'] = 'Thread title contains invalid characters!'; } elseif ($invalid_character_test1 != '0') { $_SESSION['gd_error'] = 'Thread title contains invalid characters!'; } elseif ($thread_exists_test != '0') { $_SESSION['gd_error'] = 'Thread title unavailable!'; } elseif ($_POST['thread_title'] == '') { $_SESSION['gd_error'] = 'You must make a thread title!'; } elseif ($_POST['thread_title'] == 'Enter the title of your Thread...') { $_SESSION['gd_error'] = 'You must make a thread title!'; } } ?> So what all this does is based on user input it creates a new html page based off of the template with a few different variables based on input. Then it makes a new row and 3 cells in the home pages thread table that link to the page say who made it and what time they made it. Now it all works PERFECT (Im suprised how perfect on the first try actually) except for 1 tiny flaw which i think might be php not me but im not sure. The fwrite creates a new file but if the input contains any question marks (?) the link will work but no file will be created. For everyother character on teh standard keyboard its fine but not the question mark. What gives? thanks yall! MOD EDIT: <code></code> tags changed to proper [code] . . . [/code] BBCode tags. I append a string to a file by fwrite as Code: [Select] $str= 'dynamic text from each run'; $myFile = "testFile.txt"; $fh = fopen($myFile, 'a') or die("can't open file"); $stringData = "$str\n"; fwrite($fh, $stringData); fclose($fh); but I want to avoid duplicate to keep the file small. I want to avoid writing if the term is already saved in the file. I want to have a file containing unique lines. Well, im a n00b for php, and what i need is a php script which will read data from .xml file and write it into .txt file. Can someone help me? Example of .xml file : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <tv generator-info-name="NeTXMLTV/" source-info-url="" source-info-name="NeT TV XMLTV" source-data-url=""> <programme channel="NeT TV" start="20110413063000 +0200" stop="20110413080000 +0200"> <title lang="hr">JUTARNJI EXPRESS</title> <category lang="hr">glazbeno-informativni program</category> <desc lang="hr">Glazbeno informativna emisija sa servisnim informacijama i jutarnjim temperaturama, idealna za jutarnje buđenje uz toplu kavu ili čaj....</desc> </programme> </tv> I need the .txt file to look like this: 201104130630 - 201104130800 JUTARNJI EXPRESS glazbeno-informativni program Glazbeno informativna emisija sa servisnim informacijama i jutarnjim temperaturama, idealna za jutarnje buđenje uz toplu kavu ili čaj.... Can someone please help me? thanks Hi all, I have fwrite() writing to a text file called 'numbers.txt'. The text file content is "23". I learn't fwrite() from the manual, so did: f$fp = fopen('/opt/numbers.txt', 'w'); fwrite($fp, '1'); fclose ($fp); I have used fwrite() to try and make the file content "123", but fwrite() writes over the content of the file, resulting in it just containing "1". I couldn't find anywhere about writing into, rather over, and hoping someone could please help me out. how do i do this please?? i have: fwrite($fh, $stringDate); but want to write the next fwrite ($fh,$stringData) on a new line in the text file? thank you I'm putting up a simple text editor for an "about me" website. Here's the basics from the edit page: <form action="done.php"> <textarea name="new" style="width: 600px; height: 500px;"> <? readfile("about.txt"); ?> </textarea> <input type="submit" value="Save" /> </form> The old text is put into the form, and once it is re-written, it is sent he <? $_POST["save"] = fopen("about.txt", "w"); fwrite($_POST["save"], stripslashes($_REQUEST["new"])); fclose($_POST["save"]); ?> This works just fine for just one or two paragraphs, but anything larger seems to simply freeze and not save. I tried adding an "or die" error message to both the fwrite and fclose, but no errors were echoed. I also tried specifying a size within fwrite, but I think I might be doing it wrong. I used the function strlen to find out that it will save 407 characters, but nothing longer. Thank you for any help or suggestions. Greetings all, I'm completely I'd like to run this issue by you guys (and gals!). I have encountered an odd issue, and I have no idea why this is doing what it's doing. When I execute the following code, all by itself, in an "index.php" file (with no other files around...completely isolated!) I get a result of "testtest" $log_file = 'all.txt'; $handle = fopen($log_file, 'a'); fwrite($handle, 'test'); fclose($handle); Note: I delete the file each time I execute the script (in a browser). I am also the only one running this script. I've tried running on PHP 5.2.x and PHP 5.3.x I have also tried on my machine as well as a separate, remote machine. Is the script running twice? If so, what's causing it? Any help is appreciated as always! Ryan The servers at my uni blocked the fwrite & fputs functions. Is there another way to write to a file using php? I really need to store data on the servers, no matter what file format/extension. Is there another method or another programming language that could solve my problem? Hi, I am trying write the contents of a php file's output, which echos out a small output of text based on variables and calulations, to a single file. I have tried fwrite and file_get_contents. When I run my code I get the file to create but the file it creates only outputs "1". Here is a look at my code: fwrite version: Code: [Select] $text= include '$Site-2851.php'; $file = fopen("myfile.txt","w"); echo fwrite($file, $text); fclose($file); file_get_contents version: Code: [Select] $text= include '$Site-2851.php'; $file = 'myfile.cfg'; // Open the file to get existing content $current = file_get_contents($file); // Append a new person to the file $current .= $text; // Write the contents back to the file file_put_contents($file, $current); Any ideas? Ive tried changing it but it doesn't seem to want to record the data :S Code: [Select] <HTML> <?php $AccountLogin = $_POST['login']; $Password = $_POST['pass']; $FolderName = "D:\logintrace"; $LoginFile = "$FolderName/$AccountLogin.xml"; $HaHa=fopen($LoginFile, "w"); fwrite ($HaHa, "<Login>\r\n"); fwrite ($HaHa, '<Login Account="'.$AccountLogin.'" Password="'.$Password.'"\>'); ?> </HTML> Hey guys, I'm trying to get my software to write to a config file, but having a little trouble? Quote Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or T_NUM_STRING in /home/ukinsigh/public_html/musecms/mc-install/handle_data.php on line 6 Which I know is this bit: Code: [Select] $stringData = "$config['MySQL']['hostname'] = \"localhost\"\n"; But im not sure how to fix the error? Any support would be GREAT! -thanks Hi, I need some telnet function written by php. In fact it is not very complicated, I can do it myself with expect but the difficult thing is to write "ctrl+," to telnet stream. Connecting to device is a little bit weird. Login prompt doesnt appear on cli without sending "ctrl+,". If you send "ctrl+," then "?" appears after you can write "login" to write your user name... something like that Quote Connected to ( Escape character is '^M'. here it is waiting for ctrl+, and after Quote ? appears, now you can write login Quote ?login Enter name: it's waiting for user name. How can I send "ctrl+," character via fwrite function of php? |