PHP - Moved: Preg_replace Pattern Help
This topic has been moved to PHP Regex. Similar Tutorialspreg_replace() asks that "Delimiter must not be alphanumeric or backslash" in the pattern. So I changed $new_text = preg_replace($_POST['withthis'] ,$_POST['withthis'],$_POST['text']); to this $replacethis = $_POST['replacethis']; $new_text = preg_replace("/$replacethis/",$_POST['withthis'],$_POST['text']); It works fine, but out of curiosity, is there any way to have the POST variable as a parameter directly, and why does it not work? Just to try it, I attempted: "/$_POST['withthis']/" and $_POST["/'withthis'/"] and both do not work. str_replace is a better option I think, but I am just trying to get a better understanding of this delimiter rule. Thanks for your time! This topic has been moved to Third Party PHP Scripts. This topic has been moved to PHP Regex. This topic has been moved to Application Design. Hey guys. So I'm trying to write a script that replaces footnote citations in one format with footnote citations in another format. For example, the text will read: "Then he went down the street.[1] That is where the police found him [2]. They immediately arrested him at the house. [3]" And I would like the script to find the [ #] strings and replace them with {#} ... so that the string reads: "Then he went down the street.{1} That is where the police found him {2}. They immediately arrested him at the house. {3}" Note that there will be double, and even tripple, digit footnotes, so the script has to be able to recognize [##] or [###] and replace the brackets with {} accordingly. I'm not really sure how to do this, since the "pattern" is constantly changing depending on the number between the brackets. Ideas? Thanks! This topic has been moved to PHP Regex. This topic has been moved to PHP Regex. This topic has been moved to PHP Regex. This topic has been moved to PHP Regex. This topic has been moved to PHP Regex. This topic has been moved to PHP Regex. This topic has been moved to PHP Regex. This topic has been moved to PHP Regex. This topic has been moved to PHP Regex. So I was stumbling around with Repositories and Interfaces and got a decent grasp on it. However, I started running into abstraction and started to implement a little bit of the Factory design.
How often is this typically used? It seems like I should be using Factory with 90% of my Repositories since there are different types of Items, Tutorials, Random Events, etc.
- Food
- Weapon
- Toy
- Newbie
- Farming
Random Events
- Coin Giving
- Item Giving
- Item Draining
Things like this... so all of them have similar methods involved. So they each have a base method, for example.. an Item child class would always have the use() method and a factory would determine which kind of object to initiate from your controller just from the item model being passed through. So therefore you can call use() on the repository instance it returns.
Then I was moving onto my tutorials and random events and it just seemed very similar.
So in most cases, will factories be a huge plus? Just wanted some general opinions from the PHP developers =)
(example I looked at: I've looked into the singleton pattern and a few examples. I've understood most of its concept, but I still have a few things puzzling me. I noticed that you're not supposed to allow cloning (obviously) or the construction method as it shows in an example: //this object can not copy //except the getInstance() method. private function __clone() {} //prevent directly access //we want acces this only from getInstance method. private function __construct(){} Do I also have to do this for child classes, or just the parent class? How to make "hints" as dynamic varaible: I have a questions regarding Singleton Pattern in this video: Using the singleton pattern, isn't possible to have methods that aren't static? In this video it shows nothing but static methods. Also, after creating the class object like so: $database = Database:Connect(); How would I go about using normal functions with that object? Say I had a query function. I can't do this: $database->query(); So what would I do? :/ - Thanks for any help regarding this. Hey Guys. I am learning about the Enterprise pattern, and to me it seems like its the same as the MVC pattern (which I learned about)
Do they work the same??
For those who know Martin Fowler's Patterns of Enterprise Application Structure, that is what I am referring to as the enterprise pattern
Edited by eldan88, 13 October 2014 - 10:24 AM. Hello
I hear alot of talk about reusing a database connection and attempts to solve this.
I came across this post on stackoverflow but am having difficulty understanding as to how this is any different than just creating a instance in a single file and including it via include, require or autoload wherever a db instance is needed.
The pattern talked about in the post is the factory pattern, it seems that the factory is responsible for creating the instance, something which I thought autoloading did without this additional code?
Another thing I am still confused by with all the reuse talk - If 2 seperate users request 2 different pages on our server(2nd user 0.1 second behind the other user) which both refer back to the same db file/factory, are 2 instances created? or is the previuos users instance somehow used aslong as there request has not finished?
I thought that the server would make new fresh requests/variables/instantiation etc all over again for every user, perhaps I am wrong.
Thanks in advance.
Edited by RuleBritannia, 13 May 2014 - 05:15 PM. |