PHP - Image Swap, Create Variable For Size
I have some code that displays 1 large image and then 5 small ones, you click on a small one and it becomes the large one "trades places"
I then fixed the sizes so they don't distort when changing from large to small and then back. My problem is when the image is clicked the large image size does not change, the image does I that my issue lies here Code: [Select] <img name='picture' src=uploads/harkly_1.jpg ";echo imageResize($myImg1[0], $myImg1[1], 300); echo " border=0></td> but no clue on how to fix it this part Quote $myImg1[0], $myImg1[1 needs to change based on the selected image, can someone help me figure out how to make this happen?? Is there someway to create an if statement for this? Code: [Select] If (something){ echo "$myImg1[0], $myImg1[1]"; } else { echo "$myImg2[0], $myImg2[1]"; } My full code Code: [Select] <?php // to change the image size within the web page function imageResize($width, $height, $target) { //takes the larger size of the width and height and applies the formula accordingly... //this is so this script will work dynamically with any size image if ($width > $height) { $percentage = ($target / $width); } else { $percentage = ($target / $height); } //gets the new value and applies the percentage, then rounds the value $width = round($width * $percentage); $height = round($height * $percentage); //returns the new sizes in html image tag format... //this is so you can plug this function inside an image tag and just get the return "width='$width' height='$height'"; } ?> <HEAD> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Original: Ronnie T. Moore, Editor --> <!-- Web Site: The JavaScript Source --> <!-- Begin var photo_1 = new Image(); var photo_2 = new Image(); var photo_3 = new Image(); photo_1.src = "uploads/harkly_1.jpg"; photo_2.src = "uploads/harkly_2.jpg"; photo_3.src = "uploads/harkly_3.jpg"; function doButtons(picimage) { eval("document['picture'].src = " + picimage + ".src"); } // End --> </script> </HEAD> <?php //get the image size of the picture and load it into an array $photo_1="uploads/harkly_1.jpg"; $photo_2="uploads/harkly_2.jpg"; $photo_3="uploads/harkly_3.jpg"; $myImg1 = getimagesize($photo_1); $myImg2 = getimagesize($photo_2); $myImg3 = getimagesize($photo_3); echo " <BODY> <center> <table border=1> <tr><td> <p> <li><a href = '' onmouseover = \"doButtons('photo_1')\"><img name='photo_1' src='$photo_1' ";echo imageResize($myImg1[0], $myImg1[1], 55); echo " border=0><p> <li><a href = '' onmouseover = \"doButtons('photo_2')\"><img name='photo_2' src='$photo_2' ";echo imageResize($myImg2[0], $myImg1[1], 55); echo " border=0><p> <li><a href = '' onmouseover = \"doButtons('photo_3')\"><img name='photo_3' src='$photo_3' ";echo imageResize($myImg3[0], $myImg1[1], 55); echo " border=0><p> <td width=440 height=300> <img name='picture' src=uploads/harkly_1.jpg ";echo imageResize($myImg1[0], $myImg1[1], 300); echo " border=0></td> </tr> </table> </center> "; ?> Similar Tutorialscould someone help in how to resize a uploaded image size, say if someone is uploading a 1mb photo to my server, i wish for it to become 100kb and also resize its width and height? here is my code Code: [Select] //////////////////////////////////////uploader else if($action=="uploader") { echo "Upload your picture and copy the link <br/>after uploading to user it at gallery.<br/><br/>"; echo "<form method=\"post\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" action=\"index.php?action=uploaded&sid=$sid\">"; echo "Choose Pictu <br />"; echo "<input name=\"uploaded\" type=\"file\" /><br /><br />"; echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Upload\" />"; echo "</form><br/>"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\">Home</a>"; echo "</p>"; } //////////////////////////////////////uploader else if($action=="uploaded") { $blacklist = array(".php", ".php.jpg", ".php.jpeg", ".php.gif", ".php.png", ".phtml", ".php3", ".php4"); foreach ($blacklist as $item) { if(preg_match("/$item\$/i", $_FILES['uploaded']['name'])) { echo "<p align=\"center\">"; echo "Oops sorry we do not allow those files.<br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\">Home</a>"; echo "</p>"; exit; } } $target = "../images/"; $target = $target . basename( $_FILES['uploaded']['name']) ; $ok=1; if (file_exists("../images/" . $_FILES["uploaded"]["name"])) { echo "<p align=\"center\">"; echo $_FILES["file"]["name"] . "Oops file name already exists<br/> kindly rename your picture and upload again. <br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\">Home</a>"; echo "</p>"; }else{ //This is our size condition if ($uploaded_size > 25600){ echo "Your file is too large. We have a 25kb limit.<br/>"; $ok=0; } $types = array('image/jpeg', 'image/gif', 'image/png'); if (in_array($_FILES['uploaded']['type'], $types)) { // file is okay continue } else { $ok=0; } //Here we check that $ok was not set to 0 by an error if ($ok==0){ echo "<p align=\"center\">"; Echo "Sorry your file was not uploaded.<br/> It may be the wrong filetype. <br/>We only allow JPG, GIF, and PNG filetypes.<br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\">Home</a>"; echo "</p>"; } //If everything is ok we try to upload it else{ if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploaded']['tmp_name'], $target)){ echo "<p align=\"center\">"; echo "The file ". basename( $_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']). " Picture uploaded successfully.<br/><br/><b>$target <br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\">Home</a>"; echo "</p>"; } else{ echo "<p align=\"center\">"; echo "Sorry, there was a problem uploading your file.<br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\">Home</a>"; echo "</p>"; } } } } hello i want to crate a passepartout photo how to create a passepartout size in irfanview - do you have any experience? btw: if i have to change the background. - can i do this with irfanview too!? many thanks for any and all feedback I have a form that inserts information into a mysql, the only prolem is I need to add different surrounding html to the information when entering it into the database depending what the value is...(essentially I want to store font color around different levels) How would I define the same variable with different information depending on the value? The information is called using: if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { $editLEVEL=$_POST['level']; I want it so if 'Level1' is the posted value then $editLEVEL would be '<color=1>$editLEVEL</color>' but if 'Level2' is the posted value the $editLEVEL would be '<color=2>$editLEVEL</color>' If you dont understand just let me know I'll try explain best I can. The script for creating a new file name for the image:
$validextensions = array("jpeg", "jpg", "png"); //Extensions which are allowed $ext = explode('.', basename($_FILES['file']['name'][$i]));//explode file name from dot(.) $file_extension = end($ext); //store extensions in the variable $new_image_name = md5(uniqid()) . "." . $ext[count($ext) - 1]; $target_path = $target_path . $new_image_name;//set the target path with a new name of imageThe script creates a new file like: f6c9b8d9db05366c3504210cded9ddb2.jpgand moves the file to the "uploads" folder. And then the script also creates a thumbnail with the same file name and moves the file to the "thumbs" folder. The issue I am having is that the same ID code could happen again for a different image in the database, thus I would be calling a different original sized image than the thumbnail image. My question is: How to avoid this issue of the same ID code has happened again for a different file. What is the proper way to reference the anchor tag of the thumbnail image to its actual original sized image? With the script I have the thumbnail image would be coming from the "thumbs" folder and the anchor tag would get referenced to the "uploads" folder to get the original sized image. Edited by glassfish, 12 October 2014 - 05:51 AM. I want to save an image with a unique name that is created from a hash function. How can I cretae the path with the variable... Code: [Select] $hash=$_GET['hash']; $path ="/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/test_upload/images/imagename2.png"; //becomes $path ="/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/test_upload/images/'.$hash.'.png";? Hi all, here's my code: Code: [Select] <?php foreach ($_SESSION['topping'] as $value) { echo "<tr><td width='30%'>Topping</td><td width='50%'>$value</td><td width='20%'><select name='notopping'>"; foreach ($_SESSION['cupcake'] as $number) { '<option name="notoppings[]" value="'.$number.'">".$number."</option>'; } echo "</select></td></tr>"; } ?> $_SESSION['cupcake'] is a value from either 6, 12, 24 or 36. What I want to do is put them into a drop down box (second foreach) as the value and the displayed value - counting up from 1 (so 1,2,3,4,5,6 or up to 12,24 etc). Also by creating this as an array, does this mean than for each topping (say Vanilla and Chocolate) the value dynamically created can be used on the next page by using $_POST['notoppings'] to display each type (two different numbers - one for Vanilla and one for Chocolate). Does that make sense? Thanks! Jason Is there a way I can get the .jpg file in kilobytes from a remote url and check it to make sure it does not exceed 40 kilobytes before it saves the remote url into my database? I use a simple php code (taken from example) to resize an image Code: [Select] list($width, $height) = getimagesize($filename); $new_height = $height / $width * 400; $image_p = imagecreatetruecolor(400, $new_height); $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($filename); imagecopyresampled($image_p, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, 400, $new_height, $width, $height); imagejpeg($image_p, "new.jpg"); Here, we create a blank image and merge it with the resized image. I wonder if it is the simplest way to resize and save an image. Is it really necessary to create a blank background image? Hey My php function keeps returning an error on a valid image! I get this error: Quote could not make seekable I use this line to get the image size but i get the above error for it:$picturearray = getimagesize($Image); Url being tested : Code: [Select] The url is correct and the image does exist - does any one know what can cause this issue ? Hi, I'm developing a code that uploads images. I need to verify if the image have the minimum size of 100*100 pixels before the upload. How can I do this? Best Regards, Sorry for my bad english. Hey there so I'm using the below code to upload images/files to my server via ftp. The issue I've found is that anything bigger than 200KB either stalls out and partially uploads or doesn't upload at all. I've set my php.ini file to have upload_max_filesize = 1000M and post_max_size = 1000M. And still anything bigger than 200KB won't upload right. Any help would be appreciated. I'm using php version 5.2.14 fyi. Thanks so much. ---CODE--- <?if(!isset($_POST["submit"])){?> <!-- THE FORM ACTION IS ONTO ITSELF --> <form action="index.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input name="userfile" type="file" size="40"> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Upload image" /> </form> <? } else { set_time_limit(30000);//i noticed that this had to be pretty big otherwise your upload was likely to stall out. $paths='/yourfilepath/yourfilepath/'; $filep=$_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']; $ftp_server=''; $ftp_user_name='your_user_name'; $ftp_user_pass='your_password'; $name=$_FILES['userfile']['name']; $conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_server); $login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, $ftp_user_name, $ftp_user_pass); if ((!$conn_id) || (!$login_result)) { echo "FTP connection has encountered an error!"; echo "Attempted to connect to $ftp_server for user $ftp_user_name...."; exit; } else { echo ""; } $upload = ftp_put($conn_id, $paths.'/'.$name, $filep, FTP_BINARY); if (!$upload) { echo "FTP upload has encountered an error!"; } else { echo "Uploaded file with name $name Succsessfully "; } ftp_close($conn_id); } ?> hello anyone can help me to reduce image file size(reduce quality of images) using php ? Hi guys, with code below i can upload pictures to database, however i need to limit the file upload. I have this code done with help of php freak forum and i am a newbie so can u help me please? thanks in advance if (isset($_POST['register']) && $_POST['register']){ //image1 $nameone=$_FILES['myfileone']['name']; if ($nameone) { $dst_filename = resize_upload_image($_FILES['myfileone'], "images/"); if ($dst_filename !== false) { extract($dst_filename); $image1 = mysql_query ("INSERT INTO img SET image='$img_filename', thumb='$thumb_filename', refimage='$reference'"); } } } ?> <form action='' method='POST' enctype='multipart/form-data'> <p>File: <input type='file' name='myfileone'> (1) What does this actually do? (compress it?) $image = imagecreatefromjpeg("image.jpg"); header('Content-Type: image/jpeg'); imagejpeg($image); By using this rather than displaying by using it reduces file size of an image from 2.5mb to 0.5mb !! (2) ImageMagick can't get these results. Am I doing something wrong? If I change the pixel size of an image in ImageMagick then I can reduce its file size, but (1) above reduces file size regardless of changing pixel size. Unless buffer overflows or breaking out of code to perform a new command are problems that have been solved.... I am trying to figure out the proper PHP method for setting a boundary on a variable within a script. I have this variable $name which is fed a value from $_POST['name'] from a form field. Now this form field is limited in the HTML to accept only 20 characters, but someone could easily edit the form or outgoing post data. So I want to know how to limit the variable size in the script. In other languages it could be something like this: var name(20). So how do I do that in PHP? Hi! my code uploads an image and saves it to an upload folder, but I want to create a thumbnail of it. For example, if I upload a 1400x1000 JPG, I would like to resize the image and it has to respect the proportion given a maximum size. if I say the maximum width/height is 250px, the image should be thumbnailed according to the max height/width, and in proportion with the width/height Thanks in advance Fernando Hi all I am trying to write a piece of code to take an image, resize it and centre it on a canvas 300 pixels tall by 400 pixels high. I know I need to use imagecopymerged but how do I add it to the below code: Code: [Select] $imagelarge = $_FILES['image']['tmp_name']; $imagelargemain = $_FILES['image']['name']; $src = imagecreatefromjpeg($imagelarge); list($width,$height)=getimagesize($imagelarge); $newwidth=300; $newheight=($height/$width)*$newwidth; $tmp=imagecreatetruecolor($newwidth,$newheight); imagecopyresampled($tmp,$src,0,0,0,0,$newwidth,$newheight,$width,$height); $filename = WEB_UPLOAD."images/right-images/". $_FILES['image']['name']; imagejpeg($tmp,$filename,100); imagedestroy($src); imagedestroy($tmp); Many thanks for your help! Pete Hello i just learned how to use .ttf fonts on a webpage ,but i noticed that IE Browsers arent supporting it so i thought to make add the Fonted Text into a image so IE Browsers will see the font in a image and not a replaced font text Could someone please provide me a Simple Script to make a PNG image with the text and font and a invisible background ? Hi I have an upload script which uploads an image then resizes The error Code: [Select] Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 20971520 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 7776 bytes) in Dir/UploadScript.php on line 234 The code function $strNewFileName = date("YmdHis").rand(0,5000).".".$this->strFileExt; $this->strNewFileName = $strNewFileName; $strDir = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$this->strSaveDir.$strNewFileName; $strTNDir = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$this->strSaveDir."tn_".$strNewFileName; move_uploaded_file($this->arrUploadFile['tmp_name'], $strDir); $image_p = imagecreatetruecolor($this->intNewWidth, $this->intNewHeight); switch($this->strFileExt){ case "jpg": $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($strDir); break; case "gif": $image = imagecreatefromgif($strDir); break; case "png": $image = imagecreatefrompng($strDir); break; } imagecopyresampled($image_p, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->intNewWidth, $this->intNewHeight, $this->intCurWidth, $this->intCurHeight); $blnSuccessUpload = false; switch($this->strFileExt){ case "jpg": if(imagejpeg($image_p, $strTNDir)){ $blnSuccessUpload = true; } break; case "gif": if(imagegif($image_p, $strTNDir)){ $blnSuccessUpload = true; } break; case "png": if(imagepng($image_p, $strTNDir)){ $blnSuccessUpload = true; } } imagedestroy($image_p); return $blnSuccessUpload; the Line causing issues (234) is Code: [Select] $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($strDir); Now that image is created but the TN is not //Edit Just a note. I have ini_set('memory_limit', 16MB); if you notice the allocated memory is less than the memory allowed. |