PHP - Base64 Decode
Hi, Im trying to use base64_decode on a string, however the string is sometimes plain text others its encoded, how can i test to see if the sting is encoded or plaintext and only perform the decode if the string is indeed encoded? Im pretty new to PHP, but ive seen mentions of regex or preg_match for certain characteristics of base64 encoded, my one observation is it usually ends in == which wouldnt appear in my plain text, could i do a preg match for that?
Similar TutorialsI have implemented the base64_encode() function with some custom mapping table so I could encode some binary data more securely without anyone knowing how to decode it here is the class <?php class Base64 { /** * I have changed letter placement (P <=> x, S <=> 9) and the cases * You can completely redo the mapping table */ private static $BinaryMap = array( 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', // 7 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'x', // 15 'q', 'r', '9', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', // 23 'y', 'z', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', // 31 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', // 39 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', // 47 'W', 'P', 'Y', 'Z', '0', '1', '2', '3', // 55 '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', 'S', '+', '/', // 63 '=', // padding char ); public function __construct() {} public function base64_encode($input) { $output = ""; $chr1 = $chr2 = $chr3 = $enc1 = $enc2 = $enc3 = $enc4 = null; $i = 0; // $input = self::utf8_encode($input); while($i < strlen($input)) { $chr1 = ord($input[$i++]); $chr2 = ord($input[$i++]); $chr3 = ord($input[$i++]); $enc1 = $chr1 >> 2; $enc2 = (($chr1 & 3) << 4) | ($chr2 >> 4); $enc3 = (($chr2 & 15) << 2) | ($chr3 >> 6); $enc4 = $chr3 & 63; if (is_nan($chr2)) { $enc3 = $enc4 = 64; } else if (is_nan($chr3)) { $enc4 = 64; } $output .= self::$BinaryMap[$enc1] . self::$BinaryMap[$enc2] . self::$BinaryMap[$enc3] . self::$BinaryMap[$enc4]; } return $output; } public function utf8_encode($input) { $utftext = null; for ($n = 0; $n < strlen($input); $n++) { $c = ord($input[$n]); if ($c < 128) { $utftext .= chr($c); } else if (($c > 128) && ($c < 2048)) { $utftext .= chr(($c >> 6) | 192); $utftext .= chr(($c & 63) | 128); } else { $utftext .= chr(($c >> 12) | 224); $utftext .= chr((($c & 6) & 63) | 128); $utftext .= chr(($c & 63) | 128); } } return $utftext; } } ?> and the usage as follows: <?php $string = pack('H*', "31c85c5aaa56c1f0102301ea497d0ab010e4e131af261787"); //HEX echo Base64::base64_encode($string); echo "<br />"; echo base64_encode($string); ?> and the output will be: mCHCwQPwWFaqiWhQ9x0kSbdK4tgVjHEh // with custom mapping MchcWqpWwfAQIwHqSX0KsBDk4TGvJheH // the base64_encode() I need help how to decode the this key This topic has been moved to PHP Freelancing. url("")How do I go about decoding this, it contains a number of different images Hi guys, I'm parsing a bunch of html sources, some of them (a minority) contain base64 encoded URLs. At least 20-30 URLs per page. Some of the information I need is taken from the URLs. I'm looking for a way to parse these URLs without losing too much time (20-30 URLs per page and I need to parse about 10k pages daily). Should I regex each source individually for base64 encoded URLs and then decode them each time and isn't that going to take a lot of time/resources (especially considering it's only a minority that have the base64 URLs in them)? Or is there a better way to do it? Code snippets are absolutely welcome! Thank you in advance I have just installed a new theme for my site at however I want to edit the php footer file This, however, is coded in base64; fine for browsers, not so great for people! The file is at but so that you can look at it I have copied the contents to a text file How can I turn this base64 nonsense in to normal PHP code? Thanks for your help! James Code: [Select] echo '<img src="data:image/jpg/png/jpeg;base64,' . base64_encode( $row['image'] ) . '" height="150" />'; This is showing up images great in firefox, safari and chrome, but in internet explorer it shows a nice red cross, and I assume it is because of the encoding? Does anyone know how to get working in internet explorer as well? Pretty urgent job! Much appreciated for your help! Hi group, I need to create a string to be used by base64_encode to build an SVG file. The source for the string is an image I built in memory. Code: [Select] $img = imagecreatetruecolor( 50,50 ); Other stuff, draw circles, test, ect. I currently write it out to disk with: Code: [Select] imagepng( $img, "$Name.png" ); Then read it back in and process it to create an SVG file. I would like to avoid writing it to disk, so how can I create a string for base64_encode from an in memory image?? Thanks for your time. Which is better? Why and why not? An image is secured in the root directory, to be displayed to customer in html document.
This image can be displayed as a link to a php readfile page Thank you. An image is secured in the root directory, to be displayed to customer in html document.
This image can be displayed as a link to a php readfile page Which is better? Why and why not? Thank you. Edited yesterday at 01:15 PM by ChenXiuHow to decode this? Code: [Select]
I have a form on which the filepond plugin send the file manually
Look here if(empty($_POST['image'])) { echo 'add file!'; } $myimage = $_POST['image']; $myimage = str_replace('data:image/png;base64,', '', $myimage); $myimage = str_replace(' ', '+', $myimage); $decode = base64_decode($myimage); $myfile = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/mages/' . uniqid() . '.png'; //now put the file file_put_contents($myfile, $decode);
i know of Bace64 rot_13 is thare more than just this? (for urls) Hello everyone, I'm new here. Amazing forum, I found some help in the past by searching google.
Now I am looking for some help with the following code, I use this code to grab a JSON Feed and list the items in my page, this code works fine to get all the items, but I need to limit the number of items, otherwise It will load more than 500 items in my page and never stop loading.
Is there a way to limit the number of items grabbed from the JSON Feed?
Let's say, list 50 items in page 1, another 50 in page 2 and so on?
<?php $data = file_get_contents(''); $decode = json_decode($data, true); foreach($decode as $d) { if($d['status'] == true){ echo '<div class="div">'; echo '<a href="'.$d['item_url'].'">'; echo '<img src="'.$d['item_image']['jpeg_thumbnail'].'" />'; echo '<span>'.$d['item_name'].'</span>'; echo '</a>'; echo '</div>'; } } ?>Thanks! Hey guys i got an api and it returns :
[ $json = file_get_contents(URL); $data = json_decode($json,true); $Decoded = $data['id'][0]; HERE no mater what i put i get and error Undefined index: id in /home/handshak/public_html/XC/get2.php on line 9 echo "<pre>"; print_r($Decoded); exit; What type of json structure is that? EDIT: if i use:
$contents = file_get_contents($json); i get:
[14-Apr-2019 15:38:32 UTC] PHP Warning: file_get_contents([{"id":"1","package_name":"1 Month Full + Adult - 2 Devices","is_trial":"0","is_official":"1","trial_credits":"0","official_credits":"1","trial_duration":"24","trial_duration_in":"hours","official_duration":"1","official_duration_in":"months","groups":"[4,5,6,8]","bouquets":"[27]","can_gen_mag":"1","only_mag":"0","output_formats":"[1,2,3]","is_isplock":"0","max_connections":"2","is_restreamer":"0","force_server_id":"0","can_gen_e2":"1","only_e2":"0","forced_country":"","lock_device":"0"},{"id":"2","package_name" in /home/handshak/public_html/XC/get2.php on line 7 need help I need to know how to decode it <?php echo "\x61s\144as\x61s\x64"; ?> ---------------------------------- This is what was encoded: <?php echo "asdasasd"; ?> Hi all, Firstly, i apologise for the long post, but I wanted to give you an overall feel for what I am trying to achieve. The question is at the end!! My Plan is to take emails and stores these in MySql for late retrieval and display. The email could be plain text or html and may contain any number of file attachments (or none)! I have no problem getting the email or saving it into SQL, but my problem is decoding it and extracting any attachments. Ultimately in the SQL database I will have all the usual parts (To, From, etc) plus the body of the email (plain and/or html) and a list of attachments. Everything I have read so far involves getting the emails from an iMap mail server however my emails are all contained in individual text files. My question is really to enquiry what classes/scripts are available to help me decode the text file (email) and gather all the information I need. Any help or pointers much appreciated Thanks David I am having a nightmare sending / recieving some JSON..... I have a test page which creates a JSON packet and posts it to another page. This page then processes it and returns a response... the data is in the post, but after decoding it the data seems to be lost.... Here is the code for the sending page: Code: [Select] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> </head> <?php require_once ("inc/jsonwrapper/JSON/JSON.php"); $RequestID ='121'; // :ID to which this request relates to allow site to keep track of things $Method = 'login'; //:Which method the call is directed at $referer = 'abc'; // :Name of referring network $affiliateid =2468; // :ID of referring site in affiliate network if any $user_Country ='gb'; // :Users two letter country code $UserID = '12345'; // :Numeric ID to identify players in game database belonging to network or portal $GameuserID = '1' ; // UserID in game database $params = array ( 'referer' => $referer , 'affiliateid' => $affiliateid , 'userCountry' => $user_Country , 'UserID' => $UserID , 'GameuserID' => $GameuserID); $response = array ( 'jsonrpc'=>'2.0', 'id'=> $RequestID , 'Method' => $Method , 'params' => $params) ; $data = json_encode($response); // URL of web api page $url = ''; $reply = do_post_request($url, $data); // setup new JSON service $json = new Services_JSON(); $jsonPacket = $json->decode($reply,true); //THIS IS WHERE I PRINT THE RESPONSE echo print_r ($jsonPacket,1); function do_post_request($url, $data, $optional_headers = null) { $params = array('http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'header'=>"Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8", 'content' => $data )); if ($optional_headers !== null) { $params['http']['header'] = $optional_headers; } $ctx = stream_context_create($params); $fp = @fopen($url, 'rb', false, $ctx); if (!$fp) { throw new Exception("Problem with $url, $php_errormsg"); } $response = @stream_get_contents($fp); if ($response === false) { throw new Exception("Problem reading data from $url, $php_errormsg"); } return $response; } ?> And the replying page Code: [Select] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> </head> <? //setup database connection require_once('globals.php'); //setup JSON require_once ("inc/jsonwrapper/JSON/JSON.php"); $secret_Key = '12345';//SECRET KEY $app_Id = '6789';//APP ID $token = ''; // setup new JSON service $json = new Services_JSON(); // accept incoming POST data $input = $GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA']; //hashes $hash = $_GET['authHash']; $sHash = strtolower(md5($input . $secret_Key)); $hash = 0; $sHash = 0; if (strcmp($sHash, $hash) == 0) { //check if incoming is JSON as we MIGHT use XML later too $isJSON= substr_count($input,"json"); if ($isJSON > 0){ processJSON ($input); } global $hash, $sHash; } //JSON FUNCTION TO PARSE JSON function processJSON($input){ global $json; $jsonPacket = $json->decode($input,true); $json_RequestId = $jsonPacket->id; //check method and go to correct function switch ($jsonPacket->Method){ case 'Game.login': game_login ($jsonPacket, $json_RequestId) ; break; } } //JSON FUNCTIONS function game_login($jsonPacket, $json_RequestId){ $aid = ($jsonPacket->params->affiliateid); $country_code = ($jsonPacket->params->userCountry); $GameuserID = ($jsonPacket->params->GameuserID); $UserID = ($jsonPacket->params->UserID); //mail ("" , "SNSUserID" , $UserID ); $result_userIDcheck = mysql_query("SELECT snsUserid FROM player where player_id = $GameuserID;"); $result_UserID = mysql_result ($result_userIDcheck, 0); if ($UserID == $result_UserID){ $result = 'OK'; $id = $json_RequestId; //create token global $secret_Key ; $token = hash ('md5', $secret_Key.$aid.$GameuserID); $logindetails = array ( 'token=' => $token , 'UID'=> $GameuserID , 'snsUID' => $UserID , 'aid' => $aid , 'name' => $name); $params= array ('result'=>$result, 'logindetails'=> $logindetails, 'GameuserID'=>$GameuserID); $response = array ( 'jsonrpc'=>'2.0', 'id'=> $id , 'result' => $params) ; echo json_encode($response); } else mail ("", "login", 'false'); } ?> If I print the $reply var I see this: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"121","result":{"result":"OK","logindetails":{"token=":"68c49918c353a3e5d86d165da1cb2f72","UID":"1","snsUID":"12345","aid":"6789","name":null},"GameuserID":"1"}} But trying to decode to an array leaves me with nothing.... Any help would be greatly appreciated hi all i have some json that i want to decode and add to mysql could you give me some help? i need to add each of these as a row here is the json Code: [Select] [ { "DayNumber": 1, "PeriodNumber": 1, "PeriodNumberSeq": 1, "DefinitionPeriodNumber": 1, "DefinitionTimeFrom": "8:50:00 AM", "DefinitionTimeTo": "9:45:00 AM", "ClassCode": "10EWB2", "ClassDescription": "Writing Workshop 1", "StaffID": 619597, "Room": "T22" }, { "DayNumber": 1, "PeriodNumber": 3, "PeriodNumberSeq": 1, "DefinitionPeriodNumber": 3, "DefinitionTimeFrom": "10:55:00 AM", "DefinitionTimeTo": "11:50:00 AM", "ClassCode": "10CBP1", "ClassDescription": "Programming ", "StaffID": 607388, "Room": "CY17" }, { "DayNumber": 1, "PeriodNumber": 4, "PeriodNumberSeq": 1, "DefinitionPeriodNumber": 4, "DefinitionTimeFrom": "11:50:00 AM", "DefinitionTimeTo": "12:40:00 PM", "ClassCode": "10CWA1", "ClassDescription": "Web Authoring", "StaffID": 607388, "Room": "CY34" }, { "DayNumber": 1, "PeriodNumber": 5, "PeriodNumberSeq": 1, "DefinitionPeriodNumber": 5, "DefinitionTimeFrom": "1:30:00 PM", "DefinitionTimeTo": "2:25:00 PM", "ClassCode": "10M9B5", "ClassDescription": "Mainstream Mathematics 2", "StaffID": 625461, "Room": "A4" }, { "DayNumber": 1, "PeriodNumber": 6, "PeriodNumberSeq": 1, "DefinitionPeriodNumber": 6, "DefinitionTimeFrom": "2:25:00 PM", "DefinitionTimeTo": "3:15:00 PM", "ClassCode": "10APX4", "ClassDescription": "Photography", "StaffID": 620143, "Room": "CY14" }, { "DayNumber": 2, "PeriodNumber": 1, "PeriodNumberSeq": 1, "DefinitionPeriodNumber": 1, "DefinitionTimeFrom": "8:50:00 AM", "DefinitionTimeTo": "9:45:00 AM", "ClassCode": "10GHZ6", "ClassDescription": "Hazard Geography", "StaffID": 608055, "Room": "S22" }, { "DayNumber": 2, "PeriodNumber": 2, "PeriodNumberSeq": 1, "DefinitionPeriodNumber": 2, "DefinitionTimeFrom": "9:45:00 AM", "DefinitionTimeTo": "10:35:00 AM", "ClassCode": "10GHZ6", "ClassDescription": "Hazard Geography", "StaffID": 608055, "Room": "S22" }, { "DayNumber": 2, "PeriodNumber": 3, "PeriodNumberSeq": 1, "DefinitionPeriodNumber": 3, "DefinitionTimeFrom": "10:55:00 AM", "DefinitionTimeTo": "11:50:00 AM", "ClassCode": "10M9B5", "ClassDescription": "Mainstream Mathematics 2", "StaffID": 625461, "Room": "A4" }, { "DayNumber": 2, "PeriodNumber": 4, "PeriodNumberSeq": 1, "DefinitionPeriodNumber": 4, "DefinitionTimeFrom": "11:50:00 AM", "DefinitionTimeTo": "12:40:00 PM", "ClassCode": "10M9B5", "ClassDescription": "Mainstream Mathematics 2", "StaffID": 625461, "Room": "A4" }, { "DayNumber": 2, "PeriodNumber": 5, "PeriodNumberSeq": 1, "DefinitionPeriodNumber": 5, "DefinitionTimeFrom": "1:30:00 PM", "DefinitionTimeTo": "2:25:00 PM", "ClassCode": "10AMS2", "ClassDescription": "Media Studies", "StaffID": 622915, "Room": "CY14" }, { "DayNumber": 2, "PeriodNumber": 6, "PeriodNumberSeq": 1, "DefinitionPeriodNumber": 6, "DefinitionTimeFrom": "2:25:00 PM", "DefinitionTimeTo": "3:15:00 PM", "ClassCode": "10P9D6", "ClassDescription": "Physical Development", "StaffID": 83, "Room": "G3" }, { "DayNumber": 3, "PeriodNumber": 1, "PeriodNumberSeq": 1, "DefinitionPeriodNumber": 1, "DefinitionTimeFrom": "8:30:00 AM", "DefinitionTimeTo": "9:25:00 AM", "ClassCode": "10P9D6", "ClassDescription": "Physical Development", "StaffID": 1455, "Room": "G3" }, { "DayNumber": 3, "PeriodNumber": 2, "PeriodNumberSeq": 1, "DefinitionPeriodNumber": 2, "DefinitionTimeFrom": "9:25:00 AM", "DefinitionTimeTo": "10:15:00 AM", "ClassCode": "10EWB2", "ClassDescription": "Writing Workshop 1", "StaffID": 619597, "Room": "T22" }, { "DayNumber": 3, "PeriodNumber": 3, "PeriodNumberSeq": 1, "DefinitionPeriodNumber": 3, "DefinitionTimeFrom": "10:35:00 AM", "DefinitionTimeTo": "11:30:00 AM", "ClassCode": "10APX4", "ClassDescription": "Photography", "StaffID": 620143, "Room": "CY14" }, { "DayNumber": 3, "PeriodNumber": 4, "PeriodNumberSeq": 1, "DefinitionPeriodNumber": 4, "DefinitionTimeFrom": "11:30:00 AM", "DefinitionTimeTo": "12:15:00 PM", "ClassCode": "10CBP1", "ClassDescription": "Programming ", "StaffID": 607388, "Room": "CY17" }, { "DayNumber": 3, "PeriodNumber": 5, "PeriodNumberSeq": 1, "DefinitionPeriodNumber": 5, "DefinitionTimeFrom": "1:30:00 PM", "DefinitionTimeTo": "2:25:00 PM", "ClassCode": "10C9H1", "ClassDescription": "Chapel", "StaffID": 1071, "Room": "C1" }, { "DayNumber": 3, "PeriodNumber": 6, "PeriodNumberSeq": 1, "DefinitionPeriodNumber": 6, "DefinitionTimeFrom": "2:25:00 PM", "DefinitionTimeTo": "3:15:00 PM", "ClassCode": "10EWB2", "ClassDescription": "Writing Workshop 1", "StaffID": 619597, "Room": "A3" }, { "DayNumber": 4, "PeriodNumber": 1, "PeriodNumberSeq": 1, "DefinitionPeriodNumber": 1, "DefinitionTimeFrom": "8:50:00 AM", "DefinitionTimeTo": "9:45:00 AM", "ClassCode": "10QCS5", "ClassDescription": "Literacy - 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