PHP - Sticky Forms
hi, I have a form in which some information is required but the username is optional however if it is left blank it says that username is taken please choose another one. how can I make it accept it if a username isn't entered?
Code: [Select] <?php if (!isset($_SESSION)){ session_start(); } $fname=""; $lname=""; $username=""; $password=""; $reenterPassword=""; $address=""; $state=""; $city=""; $zip=""; $phone=""; $fax=""; $email =""; $re_enter_email =""; $payment = ""; $paypal_username=""; $ship_first_name=""; $ship_last_name=""; $ship_address=""; $ship_city=""; $ship_state=""; $ship_zip=""; $ship_email=""; $ship_re_email=""; $pet_name=""; $age=1; $breed=""; $pet_name2=""; $age2=1; $breed2=""; // Logout if(isset($_POST['logout'])){ unset($_SESSION['user']); } // Loading captcha file require_once('recaptchalib.php'); $privatekey = "6LdxwsoSAAAAAO4CWYDjkrGQsf5GXuIopJcC6SkE"; $publickey = "6LdxwsoSAAAAAFrZTLjBoDvLLjk9_NR_ubncL-24"; require_once("functions.php"); DatabaseConnection(); $state = $_POST['state']; $payment = $_POST['payment_Method']; $breed = $_POST['breed']; $ship_state=$_POST['Shipstate']; if((isset($_REQUEST["submit"]) && $_REQUEST["submit"]=="Log in") || $_SESSION['user']){ if(!$_SESSION['user']){ $login_username = isset($_REQUEST["username"])?$_REQUEST["username"]:""; $login_password = isset($_REQUEST["password"])?$_REQUEST["password"]:""; $msg = array(); if ($login_username == "") $login_msg['username_empty'] = "Please enter your name"; if ($login_password == "") $login_msg['password_empty'] = "Please enter your password"; $query = "SELECT * FROM customers WHERE username = '$login_username' AND password = '".$login_password."'"; }else{ $customer_id = $_SESSION['user']; $query = "SELECT * FROM customers WHERE customer_id='$customer_id'"; } if (!$login_msg){ $login_process = true; $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Database error: " . mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0){ $row = mysql_fetch_object($result); $customer_id = $row->customer_id; $_SESSION['user'] = $customer_id; $fname = $row->fname; $lname = $row->lname; $username=$row->username; $address=$row->address; $state=$row->state; $city=$row->city; $zip=$row->zip; $phone=$row->phone; $fax=$row->fax; $email =$row->email; $payment = $row->payment_method; $paypal_username=$row->paypal_username; $ship_first_name=$row->ship_first_name; $ship_last_name=$row->ship_last_name; $ship_address=$row->ship_address; $ship_city=$row->ship_city; $ship_state=$row->ship_state; $ship_zip=$row->ship_zip; $ship_email=$row->ship_email; $pet_name=$row->pet_name; $age=$row->age; $age_month=$row->age_month; $breed=$row->breed; $pet_name2=$row->pet_name2; $age2=$row->age2; $age_month2=$row->age_month2; $breed2=$row->breed2; }else{ $login_msg['login_fail'] = "Username, password combination is not valid."; } } } if(isset($_REQUEST["submit"]) && $_REQUEST["submit"]=="submit"){ $msg=array(); $fname=isset($_REQUEST["fname"])?$_REQUEST["fname"]:""; $lname=isset($_REQUEST["lname"])?$_REQUEST["lname"]:""; $username=isset($_REQUEST["lname"])?$_REQUEST["username"]:""; $password=isset($_REQUEST["lname"])?$_REQUEST["password"]:""; $reenterPassword=isset($_REQUEST["lname"])?$_REQUEST["reenterPassword"]:""; $address=isset($_REQUEST["address"])?$_REQUEST["address"]:""; $state=isset($_REQUEST["state"])?$_REQUEST["state"]:""; $city=isset($_REQUEST["city"])?$_REQUEST["city"]:""; $zip=isset($_REQUEST["zipcode"])?$_REQUEST["zipcode"]:""; $phone=isset($_REQUEST["phone"])?$_REQUEST["phone"]:""; $fax=isset($_REQUEST["fax"])?$_REQUEST["fax"]:""; $email =isset($_REQUEST["email"])?$_REQUEST["email"]:""; $re_enter_email =isset($_REQUEST["re_email"])?$_REQUEST["re_email"]:""; $re_enter_email= $email; $payment = isset($_POST['payment_Method'])?$_POST['payment_Method']:""; $paypal_username=isset($_REQUEST["PayPal_username"])?$_REQUEST["PayPal_username"]:""; $ship_first_name=isset($_REQUEST["Shipfname"])?$_REQUEST["Shipfname"]:""; $ship_last_name=isset($_REQUEST["Shiplname"])?$_REQUEST["Shiplname"]:""; $ship_address=isset($_REQUEST["Shipaddress"])?$_REQUEST["Shipaddress"]:""; $ship_city=isset($_REQUEST["Shipcity"])?$_REQUEST["Shipcity"]:""; $ship_state=isset($_REQUEST["Shipstate"])?$_REQUEST["Shipstate"]:""; $ship_zip=isset($_REQUEST["Shipzipcode"])?$_REQUEST["Shipzipcode"]:""; $ship_email=isset($_REQUEST["Shipemail"])?$_REQUEST["Shipemail"]:""; $ship_re_email=$ship_email; $pet_name=isset($_REQUEST["petName"])?$_REQUEST["petName"]:""; $age=isset($_REQUEST["age"])?$_REQUEST["age"]:''; $age=isset($_REQUEST["age_month"])?$_REQUEST["age_month"]:1; $breed=isset($_REQUEST["breed"])?$_REQUEST["breed"]:""; $nutritional_needs=isset($_REQUEST["nutritionalNeeds"])?$_REQUEST["nutritionalNeeds"]:""; $special_instructions=isset($_REQUEST["specialInstructions"])?$_REQUEST["specialInstructions"]:""; $pet_name2=isset($_REQUEST["petName2"])?$_REQUEST["petName2"]:""; $age2=isset($_REQUEST["age2"])?$_REQUEST["age2"]:""; $age2=isset($_REQUEST["age_month2"])?$_REQUEST["age_month2"]:1; $breed2=isset($_REQUEST["breed2"])?$_REQUEST["breed2"]:""; $nutritional_needs2=isset($_REQUEST["nutritionalNeeds2"])?$_REQUEST["nutritionalNeeds2"]:""; $special_instructions2=isset($_REQUEST["specialInstructions2"])?$_REQUEST["specialInstructions2"]:""; // Products information $product_name=isset($_REQUEST["productname"])?$_REQUEST["productname"]:""; $quantity=isset($_REQUEST["quantity"])?$_REQUEST["quantity"]:0; $price=isset($_REQUEST["price"])?$_REQUEST["price"]:0; $quantity_diff=isset($_REQUEST["quantity_diff"])?$_REQUEST["quantity_diff"]:0; $price_diff=isset($_REQUEST["price_diff"])?$_REQUEST["price_diff"]:0; $sales_tax=isset($_REQUEST["salestax"])?$_REQUEST["salestax"]:0; $subtotal=isset($_REQUEST["subtotal"])?$_REQUEST["subtotal"]:0; $shipping_cost=isset($_REQUEST["shippingcost"])?$_REQUEST["shippingcost"]:0; $total=isset($_REQUEST["total"])?$_REQUEST["total"]:0; // check for login if(isset($_POST['customer_id'])){ $customer_id = $_POST['customer_id']; $query = "SELECT * FROM customers WHERE customer_id='$customer_id'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Database error: " . mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0){ $login_process = true; $_SESSION['user'] = $customer_id; $row = mysql_fetch_object($result); $fname = $row->fname; $lname = $row->lname; $username=$row->username; } } // Is username taken ? if(!$login_process){ $query = "SELECT * FROM customers WHERE username = '$username'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Database error: " . mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0){ array_push($msg,"This username is already taken, please choose another one."); } } if($fname==""){ array_push($msg,"Please Enter First Name."); } if($lname==""){ array_push($msg,"Please Enter Last Name."); } /* if($username==""){ array_push($msg,"Please Enter User Name."); } if(!$login_process){ if($password==""){ array_push($msg,"Please Enter Password."); } if($reenterPassword==""){ array_push($msg,"Please Enter Re-Enter Password."); } if($reenterPassword!=$password){ array_push($msg,"Both passwords does not match."); } }*/ if($address==""){ array_push($msg,"Please Enter Address."); } if($city==""){ array_push($msg,"Please Enter City."); } if($state=="Please choose a state"){ array_push($msg,"Please Select State."); } if($zip==""){ array_push($msg,"Please Enter Zip."); } else { if(!is_numeric($zip)){ array_push($msg,"Please Enter Digits In Zip."); } } if($phone==""){ array_push($msg,"Please Enter Phone."); } else { if(!is_numeric($phone)){ array_push($msg,"Please Enter Digits In Phone."); } } if($email==""){ array_push($msg,"Please Enter Email."); } if($payment==""){ //array_push($msg,"Please Select Payment Method."); } if($paypal_username==""){ // array_push($msg,"Please Enter Paypal User Name."); } if($ship_first_name==""){ array_push($msg,"Please Enter Shipping First Name."); } if($ship_last_name==""){ array_push($msg,"Please Enter Shipping Last Name."); } if($ship_address==""){ array_push($msg,"Please Enter Shipping Address."); } if($ship_city==""){ array_push($msg,"Please Enter Shipping City."); } if($ship_state==""){ array_push($msg,"Please Select Shipping State."); } if($ship_zip==""){ array_push($msg,"Please Enter Shipping Zip."); } else { if(!is_numeric($ship_zip)){ array_push($msg,"Please Enter Digits In Shipping Zip."); } } if($ship_email==""){ // array_push($msg,"Please Enter Shipping Email."); } // Check Captcha $resp = recaptcha_check_answer ($privatekey,$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"],$_POST["recaptcha_challenge_field"],$_POST["recaptcha_response_field"]); if (!$resp->is_valid) { array_push($msg,"Wrong Captcha, please try again."); } // Insert customer if($login_process){ $sql0 = "UPDATE customers SET address='$address',city='$city', state='$state', zip='$zip', phone='$phone', fax='$fax', email='$email', re_enter_email='$re_enter_email', ship_first_name='$ship_first_name', ship_last_name='$ship_last_name', ship_address='$ship_address', ship_city='$ship_city', ship_state='$ship_state', ship_zip='$ship_zip', ship_email='$ship_email', ship_re_enter_email='$ship_re_email', pet_name='$pet_name', age='$age', breed='$breed', pet_name2='$pet_name2', age2='$age2', breed2='$breed2', age_month='$age_month', age_month2='$age_month2' WHERE customer_id='$customer_id'"; if(count($msg) == 0){ $r= mysql_query($sql0) or die("Query Error : " . mysql_error()); $customer = $customer_id; } }else{ $sql0="INSERT INTO customers (fname, lname,username,password, address, city, state, zip, phone, fax, email, re_enter_email, ship_first_name, ship_last_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state, ship_zip, ship_email, ship_re_enter_email , pet_name, age, breed, pet_name2, age2, breed2, age_month, age_month2) VALUES ('$fname', '$lname','$username','$password', '$address', '$city', '$state', '$zip', '$phone', '$fax', '$email', '$re_enter_email', '$ship_first_name', '$ship_last_name', '$ship_address', '$ship_city', '$ship_state', '$ship_zip', '$ship_email', '$ship_re_email', '$pet_name', '$age', '$breed', '$pet_name2', '$age2', '$breed2', '$age_month', '$age_month2')"; if(count($msg) == 0){ $r= mysql_query($sql0) or die("Query Error : " . mysql_error()); $customer = mysql_insert_id(); } } // Insert Order $sql1="INSERT INTO orders (product_name, customer, quantity, price, sales_tax, subtotal, shipping_cost, total, nutritional_needs, special_instructions, nutritional_needs2, special_instructions2) VALUES ('$product_name', '$customer', '$quantity_diff', '$price_diff', '$sales_tax', '$subtotal', '$shipping_cost', '$total', '$nutritional_needs', '$special_instructions', '$nutritional_needs2', '$special_instructions2')"; if(count($msg) == 0){ $m= mysql_query($sql1) or die("Query Error : " . mysql_error()); } } ?> Similar TutorialsAny help would br GREAT! This Post is about Sticky Forms and How to get them working. I would like to record the users input after processing it. I have the processing page redirecting back to the form page. I have been trying and trying and trying some more to re-display the users input, so they don't hav eto keep entering the same crap ova & ova. I would imagine this must be done using sessions given I am not using PHP Self fuction.. Here's what I have that does not work at all :-) This first code is on the process page. Code: [Select] <?php ob_start(); session_start(); $itemDescription=$_POST['itemDescription']; $itemPrice=$_POST['itemPrice']; $itemQty=$_POST['itemQty']; $bidderId=$_POST['bidderId']; $totalPrice=$_POST['totalPrice']; mysql_connect("$host", "$db_user", "$db_password")or die("cannot connect to server"); mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select DB"); if (isset($bidderId)) { $totalPrice=$itemQty * $itemPrice; mysql_query("INSERT INTO transactions (itemDescription, itemPrice, itemQty, bidderId, totalPrice) VALUES('$itemDescription', '$itemPrice', '$itemQty', '$bidderId', '$totalPrice')") or die(mysql_error()); $_SESSION['itemDescription']='$itemDescription'; header("Location: attendance.php"); exit(); } else echo "<font face= \"calibri\" size= \"3\" color= \"red\">You have left a field blank, please press your browsers back button. </font>"; exit(); ob_end_flush(); ?> Now How do I display the users input back to the form? Code: [Select] <?php session_start(); $itemDescription = ""; //item description, default as blank ?> <form action="record_trans.php" method="post"> <font face= "calibri" size= "4"> <table> <tr> <td><b>Item Description:</b></td> <td><input type= "text" name= "itemDescription" size= "30" value="<?php echo $itemDescription;?>"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><b>Item Price:</b></td> <td><input type= "text" name= "itemPrice" size= "5" value="<?php echo $itemPrice;?>"> </td> </tr> </tr> <td><b>Winning Bidders:</b></td> <td><input type="text" name= "bidderId" size= "5" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><b>How many deals?:</b></td> <td><input type="text" name= "itemQty" size= "3" value= "1" /></td> </tr> </table> <br/> <center><input type="submit" name="submit" value= "Save & Cont." " /></center> <center><input type="reset" value="Reset Form"></center> </form></font> [code] ALL SUGGESTIONS WELCOME- Before you leave give me ur take(if you have even a faint idea:-) Thanks Guys! Hi Guys, I am attempting to create a program for a local auction house. I arrived at a stand still on a certain issue which is creating a sticky form. On the "enter auction details page" the user will be entering data as the auction is in session. 1. item Description 2. Item Price 3. Bidders Id 4. Qty Of course it would be repetitive to require the user to keep entering the same data for every bidder, so I want to stick the obvious fields which are "item description" & "Item Price" as these don't change until a new item comes up for sale. As of know I am processing the input on a separate page which records all input to the database with a redirect back to the "enter auction details page". I have tried many times to get the item description and item price fields to stick. These would need to change as the user moves onto the next item in which the description and price would change as well. Here is my current code for this part: Code: [Select] <?php session_start(); $field_itemDescription = ""; //iyem description, default as blank if (isset($_SESSION['itemDescription'])) $itemDescription = $_SESSION['itemDescription']; ?> <form action="record_trans.php" method="post"> <font face= "calibri" size= "4"> <table> <tr> <td><b>Item Description:</b></td> <td><input type= "text" name= "itemDescription" size= "30" value="<?php echo $itemDescription;?>"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><b>Item Price:</b></td> <td><input type= "text" name= "itemPrice" size= "5" value="<?php echo $itemPrice;?>"> </td> </tr> </tr> <td><b>Winning Bidders:</b></td> <td><input type="text" name= "bidderId" size= "5" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><b>How many deals?:</b></td> <td><input type="text" name= "itemQty" size= "3" value= "1" /></td> </tr> </table> <center><input type="submit" name="submit" value= "Save & Cont." " /></center> </form></font> Here is my code below. What I’m having a problem with is trouble to find how to sticky my checkbox and get to the confirmation page after clicking the submit input. I also need on the confirmation page to list what fields are not filled in.
<head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type"content="text/html; charset=utf-8' /> <title>Assignment 4</title> <style type="text/css" title="text/css" media="all"> </style> </head> <div align="center"> <img src="nba2k20cover.jpg" alt="nba2k20 cover" width="616" height="353" /> <br> <br> <?php include('header.php'); ?> <h4> Hosted by: Zang Thao</h4> <h5> You are required to complete every field to your best!</h5> <body> <?php $name = $_POST['name']; $comments = $_POST['comments']; $gender = $_POST['gender']; $email = $_POST['email']; $league = $_POST['league']; $submit = $_POST['submit']; $monthsarray = array("Month", "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"); $days = range(1,31); $daysdefault = array ('Day'); $daysarray = array_merge($daysdefault, $days); $years = range(2002,1910); $yearsdefault = array ('Year'); $yearsarray = array_merge($yearsdefault, $years); ?> <form name ="fbForm" id="fbForm" action="<?php if(($errors = NULL) && ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST')) { echo "handle.php"; $submit = true; } else { echo "index.php"; } ?>" method="post"> <fieldset><legend>Fill out the registration form below:</legend> <?php if(($_POST['name'] == NULL) && ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST')) { echo "<b>Please enter a name!</b>"; } ?> <p><label>Name: <input type="text" name="name" size="20" maxlength="40" value="<?php echo $_POST['name']; ?>" /></label></p> <?php if($_POST['email'] == NULL) { echo "<b>Please enter your email!</b>"; } ?> <p><label>Email Address: <input type="text" name="email" size="40" maxlength="60" value="<?php echo $_POST['email']; ?>" /></label></p> <?php if($_POST['gender'] == NULL) { echo "<b>Please select your gender!</b>"; } ?> <p><label for="gender">Gender:</label><input type="radio" name="gender" value="M"<?php if($_POST['gender'] == "M") { echo "checked"; } ?> /> Male<input type="radio" name="gender" value="F" /> Female</label></p> <?php if($_POST['month'] == NULL) { echo "<b>Please enter a birthday!</b>"; } ?> <p><label>Birth Date: <select name="month"> <?php foreach ($monthsarray as $value) { if($_POST['month'] == $value) { $isselected = "selected"; } else { $isselected = ""; } echo "<option value='$value' $isselected>$value</option> \n"; } ?> </select> <select name="day"> <?php foreach ($daysarray as $value) { if($_POST['day'] == $value) { $isselected = "selected"; } else { $isselected = ""; } echo "<option value='$value' $isselected>$value</option> \n"; } ?> </select> <select name="year"> <?php foreach ($yearsarray as $value) { if($_POST['year'] == $value) { $isselected = "selected"; } else { $isselected = ""; } echo "<option value='$value' $isselected>$value</option> \n"; } ?> </select></label></p> <?php if($_POST['league'] == NULL) { echo "<b>Please select a league!</b>"; } ?> <p><label for="league">Choose your league:</label><input type="checkbox" name="league" value="A"<?php if($_POST['opt'] == "A") { echo "checked"; } ?> /> A <input type="checkbox" name="league" value="B" <?php if($_POST['opt'] == "B") { echo "checked"; } ?>/> B <input type="checkbox" name="league" value="C" <?php if($_POST['opt'] == "C") { echo "checked"; } ?>/> C <input type="checkbox" name="league" value="D" <?php if($_POST['opt'] == "D") { echo "checked"; } ?>/> D</p> <?php if($_POST['comments'] == NULL) { echo "<b>Write down your questions/concerns if you don't have any write N/A!</b>"; } ?> <p><label>Questions/Concerns: <textarea name="comments" rows="3" cols="40"><?php echo $_POST['comments']; ?></textarea></label></p> </fieldset> <?php if ($submit) { echo"<script>document.getElementById('fbForm').submit();</script> "; } ?> <p align="center"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="REGISTER!" /></p> </form> <?php include('footer.php'); ?> </body> </html>
Why is my First Name text box not "sticky" when my Form reloads due to data validation errors? Here is a snippet... Code: [Select] <!-- First Name --> <li> <label for="firstName"><b>*</b>First Name:</label> <input id="firstName" name="firstName" type="text" maxlength="20" value="<?php if(isset($firstName)){echo htmlspecialchars($firstName, ENT_QUOTES);} ?>" /><!-- Sticky Field --> <?php if (!empty($errors['firstName'])){ echo '<span class="error">' . $errors['firstName'] . '</span>'; } ?> </li> I was certain that this was working before, but who knows?! At the top of the same file if my Form Handling PHP code. Here is a snippet... // ************************************************************* // HANDLE FORM. * // ************************************************************* if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']=='POST'){ // Form was Submitted (Post). // Initialize Variables. $_SESSION['resultsCode'] = ''; $errors = array(); // Trim all Form data. $trimmed = array_map('trim', $_POST); // Connect to the database. require_once(WEB_ROOT . 'private/mysqli_connect.php'); // ************************ // Validate Form Data. * // ************************ // Validate First Name. if (empty($trimmed['firstName'])){ $errors['firstName'] = 'Please enter your First Name.'; }else{ if (preg_match('#^[A-Z \'.-]{2,20}$#i', $trimmed['firstName'])){ $firstName = $trimmed['firstName']; }else{ $errors['firstName'] = 'First Name must be 2-20 characters (A-Z \' . -)'; } } Thanks, Debbie Hey guys, I have a question that you can hopefully help me with, I'm writing a simple forum, and I'm wondering how I would go by handling a thread that has been 'stuck' so that it isn't moved when more threads are made. I could use some a push in the right direction thanks. I am trying to implement a sticky footer on my site, but I cannot get it to work. I've done it on about 5 sites prior to this, but this one is just not working.
The footer sticks to the bottom of the window, not the bottom of the document. I need it to be the bottom of the document.
This is the current state of the page:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en-US"> <head> <title></title> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta content="index, follow" name="robots" /> <meta content="0.0.1" name="revision" /> <link href="" rel="shortcut icon" /> <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> </head> <body> <div id="container"> <header role="banner"> <section id="wrapper"> <div id="logoWrapper"> <img id="logo" src="./transparent.png?v=0.0.1" /> </div> <div id="headerRight"></div> </section> <section id="menuWrapper"> <div id="menuInnerWrapper"> <div id="menu"> </div> </div> <div id="searchbox"> Search: <input type="text" /> </div> </section> </header> <main id="content" role="main"> <p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p><p>Test</p> </main> <footer> <section id="left"> <div id="copyright" role="copyright"></div> </section> <section id="right"> </section> </footer> </div> </body> </html>CSS: article, aside, figure, footer, header, hgroup, main, menu, nav, section{display: block;} html,body { margin:0; padding:0; height:100%; } #container { height:100%; min-height:100%; min-width: 1115px; position:relative; } header { } #logo { background: url(''); } main { padding-bottom: 100px; /* Height of the footer */ } footer { position:absolute; bottom:0; width:100%; height: 100px; /* Height of the footer */ background:#39f; } #menuWrapper { background: #080000; clear: both; width: 100%; height: 40px; } #menuInnerWrapper { float: left; width: 850px; } #menu { margin: 0 auto; width: 710px; } ul{ padding: 0 3px; margin: 0 auto; list-style-type: none; display: block; float: left; } ul li{ display: inline-block; padding: 0 5px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; height: 40px; width: 90px; line-height: 40px; } ul li a { text-decoration: none; color: #fff; } #searchbox { float: right; line-height: 40px; padding-right: 10px; min-width: 200px; width: 10%; } I have a form where users can send comments. The form sends the comments to me via e-mail. Why is the e-mail field not staying "sticky" after I click "Submit" yet the other fields are?? Code: [Select] <form id="comments" action="" method="post"> <ul> <!-- Sender's Email --> <li> <label for="senderEmail">Your E-mail:</label> <input id="senderEmail" name="senderEmail" class="text" type="text" maxlength="40" value="<?php if(isset($senderEmail)){echo htmlspecialchars($senderEmail, ENT_QUOTES);} ?>" /><!-- Sticky Field --> <?php if (!empty($errors['senderEmail'])){ echo '<span class="error">' . $errors['senderEmail'] . '</span>'; } ?> </li> <!-- Subject Line --> <li> <label for="subject">Subject:</label> <input id="subject" name="subject" class="text" type="text" maxlength="80" value="<?php if(isset($subject)){echo htmlspecialchars($subject, ENT_QUOTES);} ?>" /><!-- Sticky Field --> <?php if (!empty($errors['subject'])){ echo '<span class="error">' . $errors['subject'] . '</span>'; } ?> </li> Debbie I am having an issue with the data from page ID 5 not displaying in the form, Why <?php include('includes/header.php'); include('includes/class/class.form.php'); include('includes/class/'); $iPageID = 5; if(isset($_GET["PageID"])){ $iPageID = $_GET["PageID"]; } $EditedPage = new Page(); $EditedPage->loadPage(5); $apageInformation = array(); // Information From DB Sticky $apageInformation["name"] = $EditedPage->getPageName(); $apageInformation["content"] = $EditedPage->getPageContent(); $formEdit = new Form('editpage.php?PageID=".$iPageID', 'EditPage','return CheckEditPage();',''); $formEdit->setStickyData($apageInformation); if(isset($_POST["submit"])){ $formEdit->setStickyData = $_POST; $formEdit->checkNotEmpty("Name"); $formEdit->checkNotEmpty("PageContent"); if($formEdit->getValid() == true){ $EditedPage->setPageName = $database->escape_value($_POST["Name"]); $EditedPage->setPageContent = $database->escape_value($_POST["PageContent"]); $EditedPage->savePage(); $Message = "Page Updated"; }else{ $Message = "You Have An Error Mate"; } } $formEdit->openFieldset(); $formEdit->makeInputBox("Name","Name","CheckInput(;"); $formEdit->makeTextArea("Content", "PageContent", "20","70", "CheckInput(;"); $formEdit->makeSubmitButton("submit","Edit Page"); $formEdit->closeFieldset(); $newNavigation = new Navigation(); ?> <?php echo $newNavigation->mainMenu();?> <h1 class="Heading">Edit Page</h1> <?php echo $Message ?> <?php echo $formEdit->getHTML(); ?> <?php include('includes/footer.php')?> Hi, I'm trying to make a form sticky but when I display it on the web I get a blank page. I'm following the example given in my PHP book I'm wondering if there 's an error in the book because it has 2 opening form tags which I didn't think was right. Code: [Select] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> </head> <body> <?php $errors=array(); if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ validate_input(); //checks for empty fields if(count($errors) !=0){ display_form(); } else { display_form(); } } function validate_input(){ global $errors; if($_POST["name"] == ""){ $errors['name']="<font color='red'> please enter your name </font>"; } } function display_form(){ global $errors; ?> <form action="" method="post"> Name: <input name="name" type="text" size="10" maxlength="10" value = "<?php echo $_POST[name]; ?>"/> <br /> <?php echo $errors['name']; ?> <br /> Email: <input name="email" type="text" size="15" maxlength="30" /><br /> <input name="submit " type="submit" value="submit " /> </form> <?php } ?> </body> </html> The code here is suppose to allow the user to match up a word ($word) with a list of definitions ($word_defs). I can't get the list of definitions to stick. When the user does make a guess it shows that he is always correct. How can i fix these problems? Outside entry code: Code: [Select] <?php require_once "include/session.php"; require_once "include/word_defs.php"; $word = array_keys($word_defs); $word_defs = array_unique(array_values($word_defs)); $params = (object) $_REQUEST; $session = new Session(); if (isset($params->guess)) { $word = $params->word; if ( $params->word == $word_defs[$term] ) { $response = "correct"; } else { $response = "incorrect"; } $choices->word_def[$params->word_def] = "selected"; } else { $word = $word[ rand( 0, count($word)-1 ) ]; } ?> Body code: Code: [Select] word: <?php echo $word ?> <form action="?" method="get"> definition: <select name="word_defs"> <?php foreach ($word_defs as $word_def): ?> <option <?php echo $choices->word_def[$word_def] ?> ><?php echo $word_def?></option> <?php endforeach ?> </select> <input type="submit" name="guess" value="Guess" /> <input type="hidden" name="word" value="<?php echo $word?>" /> </form> <h3><?php echo $response ?></h3> I want a Text Area on my form where I can enter the body of an article. It should be sticky so the input is not lost if there are form issues and the form has to be re-loaded. The problem is that when I type "mmm" into this field, after I click "Submit" my form is reloaded - because I didn't complete it - and several blank lines appear before and after the text "mmm"?! Here is my code... Code: [Select] <!-- Body --> <li> <label for="body"><span class="required">*</span>Body:</label> <textarea id="body" name="body" class="text" cols="20" rows="5" wrap="soft"> <?php if(isset($body)){echo htmlentities($body, ENT_QUOTES);} ?> </textarea> <?php if (!empty($errors['body'])){ echo '<span class="error">' . $errors['body'] . '</span>'; } ?> </li> What seems to be the problem?! Debbie I have PHP code that generates a long list of Birth Years in a Drop-down list, and I want to make the control "sticky". I know how to make something like this sticky - thanks to help from you guys... Code: [Select] <!-- Gender --> <label for="gender">Gender:</label> <select id="gender" name="gender"> <option value="">--</option> <option value="F"<?php echo (isset($gender) && $gender == "F") ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; ?>>Female</option> <option value="M"<?php echo (isset($gender) && $gender == "M") ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; ?>>Male</option> </select> But my Birth Year code is a little more complex and I'm racking me brain how to do it... Code: [Select] <!-- Birth Year --> <label for="birthYear">Year Born:</label> <select id="birthYear" name="birthYear"> <option value="">--</option> <?php // Display dates for Users between 18 and 100. for($i = $newestYear; $i >= $oldestYear; $i--){ echo '<option value="' . $i . '">' . $i . '</option>'; } ?> </select> How do I make this second set of code "sticky"?? Thanks, Debbie I'm trying to get this drop down menu to be sticky once the user clicks submit. Here's my entry code: Code: [Select] if (isset($_POST['guess'])) { if ($_POST['guess'] == $_SESSION['number']) { $response = "You Win!"; unset($_SESSION['number']); } else { $_SESSION['tries']++; if ($_SESSION['tries'] < 3) { $response = "Try #{$_SESSION['tries']}<br /><br />"; } else { $response = "You Lose"; unset($_SESSION['number']); } } } if (empty($_SESSION['number'])) { $_SESSION['tries'] = 0; $_SESSION['number'] = rand(1, 10); } And in my body: Code: [Select] <select name="guess" id="guess"> <?php for ($i = 1; $i < 11; $i++) { echo "<option value='{$i}'>{$i}</option>"; } ?> </select> Some forum users here gave me great help yesterday in working with dropdown menus. In fact, I need quite a few of these dropdown menus in several forms over several pages, so I created several simple arrays and made a function to create the dropdowns. Here's one of my arrays: Code: [Select] <?php $instruments = array( 'Bassoon', 'Cello', 'Clarinet', 'Double Bass', 'Flute', 'French Horn', 'Oboe', 'Percussion', 'Trombone', 'Trumpet', 'Tuba', 'Viola', 'Violin', 'Other' ); Here's my function: Code: [Select] <?php function create_dropdown($array_name, $array_item) { echo "<select name='$array_item'>\n"; echo "<option value='select'>Select…</option>\n"; foreach( $array_name as $v ) { echo "<option value='$v'>" . $v . "</option>\n"; } echo "</select>\n"; } ... and anywhere I need a dropdown menu, I'm calling it like this: Code: [Select] <?php create_dropdown($instruments, 'instrument'); The dropdown menus, however (in some fairly detailed forms for my local youth orchestra's site), need to be sticky. How can I modify my function, above, so that the selected value will be retained if there are other form submission errors when the form is submitted? I have tried endlessly today but to no avail... If you can help while I still have some hair left, I'd be greatly appreciative. since many do not know the term sticky = when a form is submitted, the data contained is not deleted but instead last checked data will be shown. I have some dynamically generated checkboxes from the database. I tried the below code to make them sticky but they are simply preselected in stead of becoming sticky. What am I doing wrong? <?php $sql2 = "SELECT relation FROM table_rel_info"; $result2 = @mysqli_query($dbc, $sql2); while($row2 = mysqli_fetch_array($result2, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { echo "<label>" . $row2['relation'] . "</label>"; echo "<input class='box' type='checkbox' value=1"; ?> <?php if (isset($row2['relation'])) { echo 'checked="checked"';}?> <?php echo "'/>" . "<br />"; } ?> Hey all, I'm somewhat new to PHP and working on a form and trying to make radio buttons sticky. I've tried the following but when I refresh/got back to the page then now matter what button I chose it always shows the "4" bedroom or "No". What size of unit do you require? <input type="radio" name="unitsize" value="1 Bedroom" <?php if (isset($_POST['unitsize']) == '1 Bedroom') echo 'checked'; ?>> 1 bedroom <input type="radio" name="unitsize" value="2 Bedroom" <?php if (isset($_POST['unitsize']) == '2 Bedroom') echo 'checked'; ?>> 2 bedroom <input type="radio" name="unitsize" value="3 Bedroom" <?php if (isset($_POST['unitsize']) == '3 Bedroom') echo 'checked'; ?>> 3 bedroom <input type="radio" name="unitsize" value="4 Bedroom" <?php if (isset($_POST['unitsize']) == '4 Bedroom') echo 'checked'; ?>> 4 bedroom Do you require an accessible unit?</td> <input type="radio" name="accessible" value="Yes" <?php if (isset($_POST['accessible']) == 'Yes') echo 'checked'; ?>> Yes <input type="radio" name="accessible" value="No" <?php if (isset($_POST['accessible']) == 'No') echo 'checked'; ?>> No Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated. I have a web site with a user login requirement that has worked splendidly for months. I also have a development version of my site on my laptop, localhost. At the moment, I have identical code on both the development and production sites. I'm getting some header error in production, but not on development. Is it guaranteed that my page is generating some white space, or is it possible that there may be another issue at hand (I'm fairly non-technical, so I'm grasping here - my web host upgraded to a different PHP version that is creating whitespace in production while development on my laptop is a different version of php, my web host has done something else that is causing this, fill in the blank with your own conspiracy theory)? Any reading material out there (besides the manual) that explores what may be going on? Thanks in advance - this community has been wonderfully helpful for me over the last year! Ok here is what I am a little confused about, dealing with md5 for example - the md5 of anything generates a 32 character hash - I have a login form that supplies a user and pass to check in the database - user password stored as hash in database, so that protects visual of seeing the database, if it was somehow possible - now on submission I process that form Code: [Select] <?php // some random salt $salt="2bhga6YHJuhyhshabshbnla;"; // user password 10 digits $pass="bLac123Kow" // hash the password $hash=md5($salt.$pass); // query db to compare user and hash $sql=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user='$user' AND pass='$hash'"); // process result if match login else use ip logging and ban after 5 attempts for 15mins redirect with error Ok my point of confusion is even with the hashing, the task for the hacker is only trying to find a matching or similar original password that generates the same 32 character md5 hash is it not? As every attempt made would use the same process script in my login already applying the salt for them for the comparison in a brute force attack. Lets assume the attacker has already guessed a user name and uses that for all the attempts. I am also aware that I have used a 10 character password which increases the brute force attack time. So no matter how I process the password with hashing, I have to do the same process in my login form processing to compare it to the stored hash or they wont match? Is that how it works or have I got that wrong? I am just looking for the best way to setup a login system, as I have used the above method for quite some time and not really sure if it is effective, and want to understand it better, am I using the md5 setup the best or right way? Assist a newbie! Okay, really newbie question, but for this code... Code: [Select] <!-- Gender --> <label for="gender">Gender:</label> <select id="gender" name="gender"> <option value="">--</option> <option value="F">Female</option> <option value="M">Male</option> </select> 1.) How do I assign a variable to this? 2.) How do I make this "sticky"? Here is how I have usually done other form types... Code: [Select] <!-- First Name --> <label for="firstName">First Name:</label> <input id="firstName" name="firstName" type="text" maxlength="30" value="<?php if(isset($firstName)){echo htmlentities($firstName, ENT_QUOTES);} ?>" /><!-- Sticky Field --> <?php if (!empty($errors['firstName'])){ echo '<span class="error">' . $errors['firstName'] . '</span>'; } ?> Oh, by the way, at the top of my PHP file I have this code... Code: [Select] if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']=='POST'){ // Form was Submitted (Post). // Initialize Errors Array. $errors = array(); // Trim all form data. $trimmed = array_map('trim', $_POST); Thanks, Debbie |