PHP - Help - Making A Specific Tab Activate/display First
I'm using a wordpress theme that always tries to load a specific search tab first. ive tried figuring out if theres a way to make the second tab load first but cant seem to get it. hopefully someone can help a rookie like myself understand it
for a live "demo" to get a sense of what im talking about you can see it here the Search Our Properties tab loads first. I want it to load the "Search the MLS" tab first or only display and load that one to be honest. Code: [Select] <span id="mls-search"> code is below. thanks! Code: [Select] <?php if (defined('DSIDXPRESS_OPTION_NAME')) { $options = get_option(DSIDXPRESS_OPTION_NAME); } else { $options = array('Activated' => false); } ?> <div class="search-tab <?php if(get_option('woo_idx_plugin_search') != 'true'){ echo 'no-idx'; }?>"> <?php if(get_option('woo_search_header')) { ?> <span id="local-search" class="current"><?php echo stripslashes(get_option('woo_search_header')); ?></span> <?php if ( $options['Activated'] && ( get_option('woo_idx_plugin_search') == 'true' ) ) { ?> <span id="mls-search"><a class="red-highlight"><?php echo stripslashes(get_option('woo_search_mls_header')); ?></a></span> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> </div> <div id="search"> <form name="property-webref-search" id="property-webref-search" method="get" action="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/"> <input type="text" class="text webref" id="s-webref" name="s" value="<?php _e('Property ID', 'woothemes'); ?>" onfocus="if (this.value == '<?php _e('Property ID', 'woothemes'); ?>') {this.value = '';}" onblur="if (this.value == '') {this.value = '<?php _e('Property ID', 'woothemes'); ?>';}" /> <input type="submit" class="submit button" name="property-search-webref-submit" value="<?php _e('Go To', 'woothemes'); ?>" /> </form> <form name="property-search" id="property-search" method="get" action="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/"> <div class="query"> <?php if (isset($_GET['s'])) { $keyword = strip_tags($_GET['s']); } else { $keyword = ''; } if ( $keyword == 'View More' ) { $keyword = ''; } ?> <input type="text" class="main-query text" id="s-main" name="s" value="<?php if ( $keyword != '' ) { echo $keyword; } else { _e(get_option('woo_search_keyword_text'), 'woothemes'); } ?>" onfocus="if (this.value == '<?php _e(get_option('woo_search_keyword_text'), 'woothemes') ?>') {this.value = '';}" onblur="if (this.value == '') {this.value = '<?php _e(get_option('woo_search_keyword_text'), 'woothemes') ?>';}" /> <input type="submit" class="submit button" name="property-search-submit" value="<?php _e('Search', 'woothemes'); ?>" /> <span class="or"><?php _e('Or', 'woothemes'); ?></span> <div class="fix"></div> </div><!-- /.query --> <div class="filters"> <?php if (isset($_GET['sale_type'])) { $sale_type = $_GET['sale_type']; } else { $sale_type = ''; } if ($sale_type == '') { $sale_type = 'all'; } ?> <div class="saletype"> <label for="saletype"><?php _e(get_option('woo_label_sale_type'), 'woothemes'); ?>:</label> <input type="radio" name="sale_type" value="all" <?php if ($sale_type == 'all') { ?>checked<?php } ?>> <?php _e('All', 'woothemes') ?> <input type="radio" name="sale_type" value="sale" <?php if ($sale_type == 'sale') { ?>checked<?php } ?>> <?php _e(get_option('woo_label_for_sale'), 'woothemes') ?> <input type="radio" name="sale_type" value="rent" <?php if ($sale_type == 'rent') { ?>checked<?php } ?>> <?php _e(get_option('woo_label_for_rent'), 'woothemes') ?> </div><!-- /.saletype --> <div class="location-type"> <label><?php _e(get_option('woo_label_property_location_and_type'), 'woothemes'); ?>:</label> <?php //property locations drop down if (isset($_GET['location_names'])) { $category_ID = $_GET['location_names']; } else { $category_ID = 0; } if ($category_ID > 0) { //Do nothing } else { $category_ID = 0; } $dropdown_options = array ( 'show_option_all' => __(get_option('woo_label_locations_dropdown_view_all')), 'hide_empty' => 0, 'hierarchical' => 1, 'show_count' => 0, 'orderby' => 'name', 'name' => 'location_names', 'id' => 'location_names', 'taxonomy' => 'location', 'hide_if_empty' => 1, 'selected' => $category_ID ); wp_dropdown_categories($dropdown_options); ?> <?php //property types drop down if (isset($_GET['property_types'])) { $category_ID = $_GET['property_types']; } else { $category_ID = 0; } if ($category_ID > 0) { //Do nothing } else { $category_ID = 0; } $dropdown_options = array ( 'show_option_all' => __(get_option('woo_label_property_type_dropdown_view_all')), 'hide_empty' => 0, 'hierarchical' => 1, 'show_count' => 0, 'orderby' => 'name', 'name' => 'property_types', 'id' => 'property_types', 'taxonomy' => 'propertytype', 'hide_if_empty' => 1, 'selected' => $category_ID, 'class' => 'last' ); wp_dropdown_categories($dropdown_options); if (isset($_GET['price_min'])) { $price_min = $_GET['price_min']; } else { $price_min = ''; } if (isset($_GET['price_max'])) { $price_max = $_GET['price_max']; } else { $price_max = ''; } ?> </div><!-- /.location-type --> <div class="fix"></div> <div class="price"> <label for="price_min"><?php _e(get_option('woo_label_min_price'), 'woothemes'); ?> <?php echo '('.get_option('woo_estate_currency').')'; ?>:</label><input type="text" class="text price validate_number" name="price_min" id="price_min" value="<?php if ( $price_min != '' ) { echo $price_min; } ?>" > <label for="price_max"><?php _e(get_option('woo_label_max_price'), 'woothemes'); ?> <?php echo '('.get_option('woo_estate_currency').')'; ?>:</label><input type="text" class="text price validate_number" name="price_max" id="price_max" value="<?php if ( $price_max != '' ) { echo $price_max; } ?>" > </div><!-- /.price --> <span class="advanced-search-button button"><?php _e(get_option('woo_label_advanced_search'), 'woothemes'); ?> ↓</span> <div class="fix"></div> <div id="advanced-search"> <?php if (isset($_GET['no_garages'])) { $no_garages = $_GET['no_garages']; } else { $no_garages = 'all'; } ?> <?php if (isset($_GET['no_beds'])) { $no_beds = $_GET['no_beds']; } else { $no_beds = 'all'; } ?> <?php if (isset($_GET['no_baths'])) { $no_baths = $_GET['no_baths']; } else { $no_baths = 'all'; } ?> <?php if (isset($_GET['size_min'])) { $size_min = $_GET['size_min']; } else { $size_min = ''; } ?> <?php if (isset($_GET['size_max'])) { $size_max = $_GET['size_max']; } else { $size_max = ''; } ?> <?php $options_features_amount = array("0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10+"); ?> <div class="features-filters"> <label for="no_garages"><?php _e(get_option('woo_label_garages'), 'woothemes'); ?>:</label> <select class="postform" id="no_garages" name="no_garages"> <option <?php if ($no_garages == 'all') { ?>selected="selected"<?php }?> value="all"><?php _e('Any', 'woothemes') ?></option> <?php foreach ($options_features_amount as $option) { ?><option <?php if ($no_garages == $option) { ?>selected="selected"<?php }?> value="<?php echo $option; ?>"><?php echo $option; ?></option><?php } ?> </select> <label for="no_beds"><?php _e(get_option('woo_label_beds'), 'woothemes'); ?>:</label> <select class="postform" id="no_beds" name="no_beds"> <option <?php if ($no_beds == 'all') { ?>selected="selected"<?php }?> value="all"><?php _e('Any', 'woothemes') ?></option> <?php foreach ($options_features_amount as $option) { ?><option <?php if ($no_beds == $option) { ?>selected="selected"<?php }?> value="<?php echo $option; ?>"><?php echo $option; ?></option><?php } ?> </select> <label for="no_baths"><?php _e(get_option('woo_label_baths_long'), 'woothemes'); ?>:</label> <select class="postform last" id="no_baths" name="no_baths"> <option <?php if ($no_baths == 'all') { ?>selected="selected"<?php }?> value="all"><?php _e('Any', 'woothemes') ?></option> <?php foreach ($options_features_amount as $option) { ?><option <?php if ($no_baths == $option) { ?>selected="selected"<?php }?> value="<?php echo $option; ?>"><?php echo $option; ?></option><?php } ?> </select> <label for="size_min"><?php _e(get_option('woo_label_min_size'), 'woothemes'); ?> <?php echo '('.get_option('woo_label_size_metric').')'; ?>:</label><input type="text" class="text size validate_number" name="size_min" id="size_min" value="<?php if ( $size_min != '' ) { echo $size_min; } ?>" > <label for="size_max"><?php _e(get_option('woo_label_max_size'), 'woothemes'); ?> <?php echo '('.get_option('woo_label_size_metric').')'; ?>:</label><input type="text" class="last text size validate_number" name="size_max" id="size_max" value="<?php if ( $size_max != '' ) { echo $size_max; } ?>" > </div><!-- /.size --> </div><!-- /#advanced-search --> <div class="fix"></div> </div><!-- /.filters --> <?php $term_names = ''; $price_list = ''; $size_list = ''; //Taxonomies $taxonomy_data_set = get_terms(array('location',/*'pricerange',*/'propertytype','propertyfeatures'), array('fields' => 'names')); $taxonomy_data_set = woo_multidimensional_array_unique($taxonomy_data_set); foreach ($taxonomy_data_set as $data_item) { //Convert string to UTF-8 $str_converted = woo_encoding_convert($data_item); //Add category name to data string $term_names .= htmlspecialchars($str_converted, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').','; } //Post Custom Fields $meta_data_fields = array('address'); $meta_data_set = woo_get_custom_post_meta_entries($meta_data_fields); $meta_data_set = woo_multidimensional_array_unique($meta_data_set); foreach ($meta_data_set as $data_item) { //Convert string to UTF-8 $str_converted = woo_encoding_convert($data_item->meta_value); //Add category name to data string $term_names .= htmlspecialchars($str_converted, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').','; } $price_list = ''; //Post Custom Fields $meta_data_fields = array('price'); $meta_data_set = woo_get_custom_post_meta_entries($meta_data_fields); $meta_data_set = woo_multidimensional_array_unique($meta_data_set); foreach ($meta_data_set as $data_item) { //Convert string to UTF-8 $str_converted = woo_encoding_convert($data_item->meta_value); //Add category name to data string $price_list .= htmlspecialchars($str_converted, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').','; } //Post Custom Fields $meta_data_fields = array('size'); $meta_data_set = woo_get_custom_post_meta_entries($meta_data_fields); $meta_data_set = woo_multidimensional_array_unique($meta_data_set); foreach ($meta_data_set as $data_item) { //Convert string to UTF-8 $str_converted = woo_encoding_convert($data_item->meta_value); //Add category name to data string $size_list .= htmlspecialchars($str_converted, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').','; } ?> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function($) { <?php if ( ( ($no_garages == 'all') || ($no_garages == '') ) && ( ($no_beds == 'all') || ($no_beds == '') ) && ( ($no_baths == 'all') || ($no_baths == '') ) && ( $size_min == '' ) && ( $size_max == '' ) ) { ?>jQuery("#advanced-search").toggle();<?php } ?> jQuery(".advanced-search-button").click(function(){ var hidetext = 'Hide <?php echo get_option('woo_label_advanced_search'); ?>'; var showtext = '<?php echo get_option('woo_label_advanced_search'); ?>'; var currenttext = jQuery(".advanced-search-button").text(); //toggle advanced search jQuery("#advanced-search").toggle(); //toggle text if (currenttext == hidetext) { jQuery(".advanced-search-button").text(showtext); //reset search values jQuery("#no_garages").val('all'); jQuery("#no_beds").val('all'); jQuery("#no_baths").val('all'); } else { jQuery(".advanced-search-button").text(hidetext); } }); //GET PHP data items var keyworddataset = "<?php echo $term_names; ?>".split(","); var pricedataset = "<?php echo $price_list; ?>".split(","); var sizedataset = "<?php echo $size_list; ?>".split(","); //Set autocomplete(s) $("#s-main").autocomplete(keyworddataset); $("#price_min").autocomplete(pricedataset); $("#price_max").autocomplete(pricedataset); $("#size_min").autocomplete(sizedataset); $("#size_max").autocomplete(sizedataset); //Handle autocomplete result $("#s").result(function(event, data, formatted) { //Do Nothing }); $("#price_min").result(function(event, data, formatted) { //Do Nothing }); $("#price_max").result(function(event, data, formatted) { //Do Nothing }); $("#size_min").result(function(event, data, formatted) { //Do Nothing }); $("#size_max").result(function(event, data, formatted) { //Do Nothing }); }); </script> <div class="fix"></div> </form> <?php if ( $options['Activated'] && ( get_option('woo_idx_plugin_search') == 'true' ) ) { $pluginUrl = DSIDXPRESS_PLUGIN_URL; $formAction = get_bloginfo("url"); if (substr($formAction, strlen($formAction), 1) != "/") $formAction .= "/"; $formAction .= dsSearchAgent_Rewrite::GetUrlSlug(); ?> <form name="property-mls-search" id="property-mls-search" method="get" action="<?php echo $formAction; ?>"> <?php $defaultSearchPanels = dsSearchAgent_ApiRequest::FetchData("AccountSearchPanelsDefault", array(), false, 60 * 60 * 24); $defaultSearchPanels = $defaultSearchPanels["response"]["code"] == "200" ? json_decode($defaultSearchPanels["body"]) : null; $propertyTypes = dsSearchAgent_ApiRequest::FetchData("AccountSearchSetupPropertyTypes", array(), false, 60 * 60 * 24); $propertyTypes = $propertyTypes["response"]["code"] == "200" ? json_decode($propertyTypes["body"]) : null; $requestUri = dsSearchAgent_ApiRequest::$ApiEndPoint . "LocationsByType"; //cities $location_cities = explode("\n", get_option('woo_idx_search_cities')); //communities $location_communities = explode("\n", get_option('woo_idx_search_communities')); //Tracts $location_tracts = explode("\n", get_option('woo_idx_search_tracts')); //Zips $location_zips = explode("\n", get_option('woo_idx_search_zips')); ?> <div class="mls-property-type"> <label for="idx-q-PropertyTypes"><?php _e('Property Type', 'woothemes'); ?>:</label> <select name="idx-q-PropertyTypes" class="dsidx-search-widget-propertyTypes"> <option value="All">- All property types -</option> <?php if (is_array($propertyTypes)) { foreach ($propertyTypes as $propertyType) { $name = htmlentities($propertyType->DisplayName); echo "<option value=\"{$propertyType->SearchSetupPropertyTypeID}\">{$name}</option>"; } } ?> </select> <label for="idx-q-MlsNumbers"><?php _e('MLS #', 'woothemes'); ?>:</label> <input id="idx-q-MlsNumbers" name="idx-q-MlsNumbers" type="text" class="text" /> </div> <div class="fix"></div> <div class="mls-area-details"> <label for="idx-q-Cities"><?php _e('City', 'woothemes'); ?>:</label> <select id="idx-q-Cities" name="idx-q-Cities" class="small"> <?php if (is_array($location_cities)) { foreach ($location_cities as $city) { $city_name = htmlentities(trim($city)); echo "<option value=\"{$city_name}\">$city_name</option>"; } } ?> </select> <label for="idx-q-Communities"><?php _e('Community', 'woothemes'); ?>:</label> <select id="idx-q-Communities" name="idx-q-Communities" class="small"> <option value="">- Any -</option> <?php if (is_array($location_communities)) { foreach ($location_communities as $community) { $community_name = htmlentities(trim($community)); echo "<option value=\"{$community_name}\">$community_name</option>"; } } ?> </select> <label for="idx-q-TractIdentifiers"><?php _e('Tract', 'woothemes'); ?>:</label> <select id="idx-q-TractIdentifiers" name="idx-q-TractIdentifiers" class="small"> <option value="">- Any -</option> <?php if (is_array($location_tracts)) { foreach ($location_tracts as $tract) { $tract_name = htmlentities(trim($tract)); echo "<option value=\"{$tract_name}\">$tract_name</option>"; } } ?> </select> <label for="idx-q-ZipCodes"><?php _e('Zip', 'woothemes'); ?>:</label> <select id="idx-q-ZipCodes" name="idx-q-ZipCodes" class="small"> <option value="">- Any -</option> <?php if (is_array($location_zips)) { foreach ($location_zips as $zip) { $zip_name = htmlentities(trim($zip)); echo "<option value=\"{$zip_name}\">$zip_name</option>"; } } ?> </select> </div> <div class="fix"></div> <div class="mls-features"> <label for="idx-q-PriceMin"><?php _e('Min Price', 'woothemes'); ?>:</label> <input id="idx-q-PriceMin" name="idx-q-PriceMin" type="text" class="text validate_number" /> <label for="idx-q-PriceMax"><?php _e('Max Price', 'woothemes'); ?>:</label> <input id="idx-q-PriceMax" name="idx-q-PriceMax" type="text" class="text validate_number" /> <label for="idx-q-ImprovedSqFtMin"><?php _e('Min Size', 'woothemes'); ?> <?php echo '(SQ FT)'; ?>:</label> <input id="idx-q-ImprovedSqFtMin" name="idx-q-ImprovedSqFtMin" type="text" class="text validate_number" /> <label for="idx-q-BedsMin"><?php _e('Beds', 'woothemes'); ?>:</label> <input id="idx-q-BedsMin" name="idx-q-BedsMin" type="text" class="text validate_number" /> <label for="idx-q-BathsMin"><?php _e('Baths', 'woothemes'); ?>:</label> <input id="idx-q-BathsMin" name="idx-q-BathsMin" type="text" class="text validate_number" /> </div> <input type="submit" value="Search" class="submit button" /> <?php if($options["HasSearchAgentPro"] == "yes"){ echo 'try our <a href="'.$formAction.'advanced/"><img src="'.$pluginUrl.'assets/adv_search-16.png" /> Advanced Search</a>'; } ?> <div class="fix"></div> </form> <?php } ?> </div><!-- /#search --> Similar TutorialsHello. I am trying to make a very simple shopping cart. The add to cart button on a product simply just insert a record to my shopping cart table in MySQL. and then my shopping cart just reads from that table, and displays in a table. What i want now is a "remove from shopping cart" button, a button that removes the product on the same line as the button. How do i do that? Thanks Hello community, I am working on a database of specialties in the hospital I work. The doctor's referral requests are sent to a mySQL database and I have, with the help of online guidance, produced a working php script that displays the information I need it to. However, I need it a little bit more specific. I intend to make multiple copies of this file for each specialty, so that when they open the file they only have the requests for that particular specialty. My question is, with reference to my code below, can I make echo information so that online, for instance, if 'specialty1 = gastroenterology' (as in, that particular specialty that that referral request is for), then only the rows on the database that have that particular text are displayed only? Hope that makes sense. Code below for your reference and assistance is highly appreciated. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Specialty Referral Form</title> <style> table { border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; color: #000000; font-family: arial; font-size: 10px; text-align: center; } th { background-color: #588c7e; color: white; } tr:nth-child(even) {background-color: #f2f2f2} </style> </head> <body> <table> <tr> <th>Patient Details</th> <th>Hospital Number</th> <th>Date of Birth</th> <th>Referred by:</th> <th>New/Repeat Visit to Patient</th> <th>Specialty</th> <th>Admission Date</th> <th>Too Ill for Clinic?</th> <th>Diagnosis Aware?</th> <th>Question</th> <th>History</th> <th>Medications</th> <th>Examination</th> <th>Results</th> <th>WorkingDiagnosis</th> <th>Investigation(s) Requested</th> </tr> <?php $conn = mysqli_connect("localhost", "view", "", "referral"); // Check connection if ($conn->connect_error) { die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error); } $sql = "SELECT patientdetails, hospitalnumber, DoB, referral, admission, specialty1, admissiondate, illness, awareness, question, history, medications, examination, results, workingdiagnosis, investigations FROM referralform"; $result = $conn->query($sql); if ($result->num_rows > 0) { // output data of each row while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { echo "<tr><td>" . $row["patientdetails"]. "</td><td>" . $row["hospitalnumber"] . "</td><td>" . $row["DoB"] . "</td><td>" . $row["referral"] . "</td><td>" . $row["admission"] . "</td><td>" . $row["specialty1"] . "</td><td>" . $row["admissiondate"] . "</td><td>" . $row["illness"] . "</td><td>" . $row["awareness"] . "</td><td>" . $row["question"] . "</td><td>" . $row["history"] . "</td><td>" . $row["medications"] . "</td><td>" . $row["examination"] . "</td><td>" . $row["results"] . "</td><td>" . $row["workingdiagnosis"] . "</td><td>" . $row["investigations"]. "</td></tr>"; } echo "</table>"; } else { echo "0 results"; } $conn->close(); ?> </table> </body> </html> I guess what I am looking for is something like echo specialty1 IF it writes a particular specialty and only that specialty. Thank you. Edited April 2, 2020 by samanjI'm storing website files online and each user can upload their own files and admin can upload files for that user specifically. How would I go about making sure nobody else can download their PDF file? Would it be a case of assigning a folder for each user's documents and not allowing access to any other user to that folder?
Thanks in advance.
In follow up to my previous post, I have found a way to display my data but now I am wanting to only display certain data (within an 'if' statement). For example, if I login as a particular student and there is three sets of data in there e.g. MATH1023, ENG1003 and ENG1013 but I only want to display the student's MATH1023 data in a section, how do I do this? I know that I need to do some sort of an IF statement where 'crsecode=MATH1023' but for some reason I cannot get this to work without it pulling this along with the two English courses. Here is my code: Code: [Select] <?php $db_host = "locahost"; $db_user = "dbuser"; $db_pass = "dbpassword"; $db_name = "dbconnection"; $dbac = mysql_connect($db_host,$db_user,$db_pass); mysql_select_db ($db_name) or die ("Cannot connect to database."); if (!$_POST['search']){ ?> <form name="Item Search" method="post" action=""> Item Search:<br> <label> <input name="swords" type="text" size="30" maxlength="30"> </label> <br> <label> <input name="search" type="submit" id="search" value="Search"> </label> </form> <?php }else{ $searchwords = addslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST['swords'])); if (strlen($searchwords) < 2){ echo "Your search must contain at least 3 characters. Please try again.<br><input type=button value='Back' onClick='history.go(-1)'>"; }else{ $words = explode(' ',$searchwords); $totalwords = count($words); $i = 0; $searchstring = ""; while ($i != $totalwords){ if ($i != 0 and $i != $wordcount){ $searchstring .= " and ";; } $searchstring .= "cwid LIKE '%$words[$i]%'"; $i = $i + 1; } $query = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT * FROM transferdatafile where $searchstring"); if (mysql_num_rows($query) == 0){ echo "No results were found.<br><input type=button value='Back' onClick='history.go(-1)'>"; }else{ echo '<table border=1>'; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)){ echo '<tr>'; echo '<td>'.$row['firstname'].'</td>'; echo '<td>'.$row['lastname'].'</td>'; echo '<td>'.$row['subj'].'</td>'; echo '<td>'.$row['course'].'</td>'; echo '<td>'.$row['crsecode'].'</td>'; echo '<td>'.$row['crsegrade'].'</td>'; // etc echo '</tr>'; } echo '</table>'; } } } ?> Here is the output that I currently get with this when all I want is MATH1023 to display for this particular student's ID (see attachment). Anyone help? [attachment deleted by admin] Hi I am trying to create a dynamic gallery in php with specific order of pictures on the page, but I can't find the function or piece of php code to do so.
Conditions: My code: $files = glob("layout/gallery/*.jpg"); rsort($files, SORT_NATURAL); for ($i=0; $i < count($files); $i++) { for( ; $i<5; $i++){ $one = $files[$i]; echo '<img src="'.$one.'">' . '<br><br>'; } echo "<br>"; for( ; $i<9; $i++){ $two = $files[$i]; echo '<img src="'.$two.'">' . '<br><br>'; } } The code works well, but it just displays 9 pictures obviously. I was unable to make it dynamic displaying 5 pictures first, 4 pictures after and stay this way in a loop till displays all pictures from that folder. is it possible to disable warnings on a specific page? php.ini set to show warnings i have a register and login page where the users can perform register and login task and their detail gets saved in the database. my requirement is that when the user enters his/her account, they should be redirected to their profile page, where they can view all their profile details. Till now i have been able to make the user login and dislay a part of their profile page, for this purpose the code that i am using is
<?php <ul> <!-- List the rest of the articles found in the category --> <?php else : ?> <li class="otherrecentmain"><span class="title"><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></span> <span class="meta"></span> </li> <?php endif; ?> <?php endwhile; ?> <!-- END --> </ul> For some reason, its stuck on displaying 9 articles but I want to be able to control how many I want. I may want to choose 17 or whatever etc, not sure how to add it into the php. Hi I have been trying to populate my data from 3 tables and display like this: DATE $acronym1 $acronym2 POSTS 1/9/2011 10 (this is no of posts) 3 POSTS 31/8/2011 20 10 and so on. the threads and user table will be similar as well. I am not able to populate the distinct dates since the dateline contains time as well. So when I try to print out the just dates(without time) , it prints with the dates repeated. it prints something like this: 1/9/2011 1 1/9/2011 1 and so on.. How can populate and print the the date and number of posts in the above format. Here is my complete code below: Code: [Select] <?php error_reporting(-1); //ini_set('display_errors',1); include("db.php"); //$thirty_days_ago = strtotime("-30 days"); $limit = strtotime("-1 month"); $sql=mysql_query(("SELECT * from new_site"),$con) or die(mysql_error()); while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($sql)) { $include=$row['include']; $forumurl=$row['forumurl']; $url=$row['url']; $acronym=$row['acronym']; include("$include"); //echo $include."<br>"; $configdbname=$config['Database']['dbname']; $configdbconport=$config['MasterServer']['servername'].":".$config['MasterServer']['port']; $configusername=$config['MasterServer']['username']; $configpassword=$config['MasterServer']['password']; $configprefix=$config['Database']['tableprefix']; /* Connect to the required database */ $con2=mysql_connect($configdbconport, $configusername, $configpassword); if (!$con2) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db($configdbname, $con2); $postdate=mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT dateline,postid from post WHERE dateline >='$limit' ORDER by dateline DESC") or die(mysql_error()); while($postdate_results=mysql_fetch_assoc($postdate)) { $postdate_record=$postdate_results['dateline']; // echo $postdate."<br>"; $postdate_formatted=date('M dS Y ',$postdate_results['dateline']); $post_count=mysql_query("SELECT * from post WHERE dateline >='$postdate_record'"); while($post_count_results=mysql_fetch_assoc($post_count)) { //$postdate_formatted=date('M dS Y ',$post_dateline_results['dateline']); $posts=mysql_num_rows($post_count) or die(mysql_error()); //echo $acronym.":POSTS:".$posts."<br>"; echo '<table border="1">'; echo "<tr>"; echo "<th>Category</th>"; echo "<th>".$acronym."</th>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>POSTS:DATE:".$postdate_formatted."</td>"; echo "<td>".$posts."</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } $threaddate=mysql_query("SELECT * from thread WHERE dateline >='$limit' ORDER by dateline DESC") or die(mysql_error()); while($threaddate_results=mysql_fetch_assoc($threaddate)) { $threaddate_record=$threaddate_results['dateline']; $threaddate_formatted=date('M dS Y ',$threaddate_results['dateline']); $thread_count=mysql_query("SELECT * from thread WHERE dateline='$threaddate_record'"); while($thread_count_results=mysql_fetch_assoc($thread_count)) { $threads=mysql_num_rows($thread_count) or die(mysql_error()); //echo $acronym.":THREADS:".$threads."<br>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>THREADS:DATE:".$threaddate_formatted."</td>"; echo "<td>".$threads."</td>"; echo "</tr>"; $userdate=mysql_query("SELECT * from user WHERE joindate >='$limit' ORDER by joindate DESC") or die(mysql_error()); while($userdate_results=mysql_fetch_assoc($userdate)) { $userdate_record=$userdate_results['joindate']; $userdate_formatted=date('M dS Y ',$userdate_results['joindate']); $user_count=mysql_query("SELECT * from user WHERE joindate='$userdate_record'"); while($user_count_results=mysql_fetch_assoc($user_count)) { $users=mysql_num_rows($user_count) or die(mysql_error()); //echo $acronym.":USERS REGISTERED:".$users."<br>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>REGISTERED USERS::DATE:".$userdate_formatted."</td>"; echo "<td>".$users."</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } } } } } } echo "</table>"; ?> I use the Wholesale Suite Premium Prices plugin with WooCommerce. I have 6 specific wholesale roles out of 15 that I wish to hide two specific shipping methods from being selected for the 6 exceptions. I'm just trying this on my staging server at this time using a code snippet example that I found and modified for my specific conditions. Would the following work for this purpose? /* Hide specific shipping methods for specific wholesale roles */ add_filter( 'woocommerce_package_rates', function( $shipping_rates ) { // User role and shipping method ID to hide for the user role $role_shipping_method_arr = array( 'ws_silvia_silver' => array( 'Silvia Premium Standard Shipping (Tracking Service)'), 'ws_silvia_silver_pst_exempt' => array( 'Silvia Premium Standard Shipping (Tracking Service)'), 'ws_silvia_silver_tax_exempt' => array( 'Silvia Premium Standard Shipping (Tracking Service)'), 'ws_silvia_silver' => array( 'Silvia Union Standard Shipping (Tracking Service)'), 'ws_silvia_silver_pst_exempt' => array( 'Silvia Union Standard Shipping (Tracking Service)'), 'ws_silvia_silver_tax_exempt' => array( 'Silvia Union Standard Shipping (Tracking Service)'), 'ws_silvia_gold' => array( 'Silvia Premium Standard Shipping (Tracking Service)'), 'ws_silvia_gold_pst_exempt' => array( 'Silvia Premium Standard Shipping (Tracking Service)'), 'ws_silvia_gold_tax_exempt' => array( 'Silvia Premium Standard Shipping (Tracking Service)'), 'ws_silvia_gold' => array( 'Silvia Union Standard Shipping (Tracking Service)'), 'ws_silvia_gold_pst_exempt' => array( 'Silvia Union Standard Shipping (Tracking Service)'), 'ws_silvia_gold_tax_exempt' => array( 'Silvia Union Standard Shipping (Tracking Service)'), ); // Getting the current user role $curr_user = wp_get_current_user(); $curr_user_data = get_userdata($current_user->ID); // Wholesale Suite Roles if (isset($current_user) && class_exists('WWP_Wholesale_Roles')) { $wwp_wholesale_roles = WWP_Wholesale_Roles::getInstance(); $wwp_wholesale_role = $wwp_wholesale_roles->getUserWholesaleRole(); // Loop through the user role and shipping method pair foreach( $role_shipping_method_arr as $role => $shipping_methods_to_hide ) { // Check if defined role exist in current user role or not if( in_array( $role, $current_user->roles) ) { // Loop through all the shipping rates foreach( $shipping_rates as $shipping_method_key => $shipping_method ) { $shipping_id = $shipping_method->get_id(); // Unset the shipping method if found if( in_array( $shipping_id, $shipping_methods_to_hide) ) { unset($shipping_rates[$shipping_method_key]); } } } } } return $shipping_rates; }); Any insights as to how to accomplish this would be greatly appreciated. Lyse im just a student and taking my on-the-job training. i already ask my supervisor to help but she only said that i should research about that problem. so this is the problem: im working on a zip files and it displays an error undefined function zip_open.. i've posted here earlier and a moderator told me to read a link. a zlib is already installed i have read on and it said that "In order to use these functions you must compile PHP with zip support by using the --enable-zip configure option." how can i compile php using the --enable-zip configure option.. help again pls.. i run this on linux Is it possible to activate shadowbox (similar to lightbox) if php value = 1? Hey guys I wasnt sure if this is a php topic or java script im trying to make my drop down menu's activate onchange. what confuses me is how do I make php know that the java script is being run. Or have the java script trip my php code. To know a button has been pressed i use "if (isset['_POST'])" echo '<select name="siege_list" id="siege_list">'; foreach($name as $key => $value) { echo '<option value="' . $value['name'] . '" ' . ($value['name'] == $current1 ['name'] ? 'selected="selected"' : '') . '> ' . $value['name'] . '</options>'; } echo '</select><input type="submit" id="siege_planet" onchange="this.form.submit()">'; Hi is it possible to make the Icon for my input activate the date picker (I'm using Materialize for my class) A lot of users seem to instinctively try to click the icon rather than the input field on mobile devices <div class="input-field col s12 m8 l7 xl7"> <i class="material-icons prefix">calendar_today</i> <input type="text" name="r_date" class="datepicker"> <label for="r_date"></label> </div> <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $('.sidenav').sidenav(); $('select').formSelect(); $('.datepicker').datepicker({ format:'yyyy-mm-dd' }); $(".dropdown-trigger").dropdown(); }); </script>
Some help would be great here. The following snippets work, but I am unable to figure out how to activate the error message "You did not select a name for editing". Both of the other error codes work but if I input 'given' and 'family' and forget to select the relevant radio button, the error message doesn't work. No other problems with the code. Code: [Select] <html> <table> <?php // Query member data from the database $query1 = mysql_query("SELECT userId FROM users WHERE managerId='".$recid."' AND userGroup='".$group2."' ORDER BY userId ASC"); while($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($query1)) { $firstGroup .=$row1['userId']. ' <input type="radio" name="snames" value="'.$row1['userId'].'" /> ' . " <br /><br>"; } ?> <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<?PHP echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>"> <tr> <td><?php echo $firstGroup;?></td> <td><input type="text" name="given" value="" /><p> <input type="text" name="family" value="" /><p> <input type="submit" value="submit" name="Send Data"></form></td> </tr> </table> </html Here are the error messages and their activation method. Code: [Select] <?php // Process the form if it is submitted if ($_POST['snames']) { $snames = $_POST['snames']; $family = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9]/", ".", $_POST['family']); $given = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9]/", ".", $_POST['given']); //next section deals with error messaging $errorMsg = "ERROR:"; if(!$snames) { $errorMsg .= "--- You did not select a name for editing."; } else if(!$family) { $errorMsg .= "--- You did not enter a family name."; } else if(!$given) { $errorMsg .= "--- You did not enter a given name."; } else { exit(); } }// close if post echo $errorMsg; ?> How can i call a specific row when ever a like. example : Code: [Select] $record = mysql_query("select * from table_name"); ($getValue= mysql_fetch_row($record) //i'm not sure what should i use. should i use mysql_fetch_array, mysql_ fetch_ assoc, mysql_ fetch_ object, mysql_ field_ name and etc. print $getValue[$column_name][0]; 0 = value 1st row in the database/table_name 1 = value 2nd row in the database/table_name 2 = value 3rd row in the database/table_name ...... .... ...... ..... etc. is there a code i can do except from using sql_fetch_array then loop and put in into a multidimensional array? Hello all! Well, here's my dilemma. I understand how PHP and server side code works, I understand the important basics about PHP in general, I just need more specific help. I'm currently working with a partner in building a website that allows users to basically enter in information in text fields, add a picture to their post, and choose from a drop down menu what other page on the website they want the post to go to. (For all of the things I'm discussing here, I've drawn out pictures of what I want in Illustrator if anyone needs specifications.) Once the user presses "Submit" or "Accept" or whatever, it will post their information on the page they selected, organized with the picture a certain size on the left, and the text aligned ragged right on the right side of the picture. Below that, each "post" will be assigned a number based on the last post made to that page. So if I was the first one to post it, it'd show "1" in the data. I can imagine this isn't a simple process, but because I understand how PHP works, and also how comment systems in server side coding works, I just need to know certain things in the code, like organizing the inputed data when posted and what not. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated by both me and my partner. Thanks! I have fopen() code that works fine.. Code: [Select] $filename = "trade.php"; $filehandle = fopen($filename, 'w') or die("can't open file"); fclose($filehandle); But I want it to create the file "trade.php" in a specific directory called "tradepages". I tried changing the one line to be... Code: [Select] $filename = ".../tradepages/trade.php"; But that just gives an error saying no such directory exists (even though it definitely does). There has to be a way to create files in whatever folder/directory you want, right? Anyone know how, or what I'm doing wrong? I'm trying to parse 2 things. 1. Specific TD tags from a table. 2. Specific URLs from an HTML page. Here's part of the data I'm trying to parse: Code: [Select] <tr> <td class="f"> <a href="">Page 1</a> </td> <td>1572</td> <td class="a">Type: F</td> <td><img src="" title="N" alt="N" /></td> <td class="f">F</td> </tr> <tr class="x"> <td class="m"> <a href="">Page 2</a> </td> <td>1771</td> <td class="a">Type: M</td> Here's the parser that I'm working with: Code: [Select] <?php $html = file_get_contents(''); // use this to only match "td" tags #preg_match_all ( "/(<(td)>)([^<]*)(<\/\\2>)/", $html, $matches ); // use this to match any tags #preg_match_all("/(<([\w]+)[^>]*>)([^<]*)(<\/\\2>)/", $html, $matches); //use this to match URLs #preg_match_all ( "/http:\/\/[a-z0-9A-Z.]+(?(?=[\/])(.*))/", $html, $matches ); //use this to match URLs #preg_match_all ( "/<a href=\"([^\"]*)\">(.*)<\/a>/iU", $html, $matches ); preg_match_all ( "/<a href=\"([^\"]*)\">(.*)<\/a>/iU", $html, $matches ); for ( $i=0; $i< count($matches[0]); $i++) { echo "matched: " . $matches[0][$i] . "\n<br>"; echo "part 1: " . $matches[1][$i] . "\n<br>"; echo "part 2: " . $matches[2][$i] . "\n<br>"; echo "part 3: " . $matches[3][$i] . "\n<br>"; echo "part 4: " . $matches[4][$i] . "\n\n<br>"; } ?> What I'm trying to output is: Code: [Select] <a href="">Page 1</a> Hits: 1572 <a href="">Page 2</a> Hits: 1771 ...for the entire table What I've managed to get out of it so far are the "Hits" with the "td" snippet. What I can't figure out is how to extra the full: <a href="">Page #</a> So my question is how can I make it look for just "<a href="http://main#.......">Page #</a>"? Currently it looks for every URL, which is not what I need. I'm wondering how I can find the x, y coordinates on an image in PHP where a specific colour lies. If there was a #000000 coloured pixel located on 127, 205, how could I use PHP to find the 127, 205 by just telling it #000000? |