PHP - Errors Passing An Array Of Id's And Values
Okay heres the problem.
I have a form which displays items that sit within a packet. (In this case its called Wireless Package 1). Each item has its own specific value, which can be any string, hench why there is an 'input type= text' in the value column in the table. Each of these values is stored in a table, with the primary key 'piid', (show as a hidden field within 3rd column). The problem is when im posting the array 'values[]' I cant distinguish between what value needs to be referenced againist a piid, how do i obtain these individual ID's and Values in a loop so they can turned into a MySql Strings????? I tried using an explode function but got no where, any help is very much apprieciated! This is the code for the form displayed. <table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5"> <tr> <th>Item ID</th> <th>Item</th> <th>Value</th> <th>Remove</th> </tr> <form action="edit_packet.php" method="post"> <?php foreach($packages as $packet):?> <tr> <td> <?php echo $packet['piid'] ;?> </td> <td> <?php echo $packet['desc'] ;?> </td> <td> <input type="hidden" name="values[]" value="<?php echo $packet['piid'];?>,," /> <input type="text" name="values[]" value="<?php echo $packet['value']; ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="values[]" value="///" /> </td> <td> <form action="delete.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="pid" value="<?php echo $packet['piid'];?>"/> <input type="submit" value="Delete Packet"> </td> </tr> <?php endforeach; ?> </table> <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> </form> Similar TutorialsI have a html for that posts to a form processing script which is fully functional atm, in the processing script i have if statements, if the condition is met it updates tables in database, if there not met i echo a "not met" statment. problem is my form processing script just goes straight back to the index.php page using the following code; header('Location: index.php'); here is the form processing script: <?php session_start(); header('Location: index.php'); include "connect.php"; $id = $_SESSION['id']; $user = $_SESSION['user']; $ticketNumber = $_POST[ticketNumber]; //echo $_POST[ticketNumber]; $today = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() - 3600); // Query "Ticket" Table to check if user has purchased a "regular" ticket within the last 24 hours $query24hour = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tickets WHERE username = '$user' AND HOUR(TIMEDIFF(NOW() , purchaseDate)) < 24;") or die(mysql_error()); // Query "promoTickets" table to grab information of previous tickets bought to the "promotional" auction and LIMIT tickets to 1 per user for "promotional" auctions. $querySold = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM promoTickets WHERE promoID='$_POST[promoID]' AND (ticketNumber='$ticketNumber' OR username = '$user');") or die(mysql_error()); //echo $querySold; $sold = mysql_fetch_assoc($querySold); //print_r($sold); //echo $sold; //echo query24hour; $querycount24hour = mysql_num_rows($query24hour); //echo $querycount24hour; //check if ticket is sold and if user has purchased a "regular" ticket within 24 hours if(empty($sold)!=FALSE and $querycount24hour >= 1){ //Checks users balance to see if they have enough for the ticket $queryBal = mysql_query("SELECT user_iskbalance FROM users WHERE username = '$user';") or die(mysql_error()); //echo $querySold; //echo $user; //echo $queryBal; $balArray = mysql_fetch_assoc($queryBal); $bal = $balArray[user_iskbalance]; $newBal = $bal-$_POST[ticketPrice]; //check if he has the money to buy the ticket if($bal>=$_POST[ticketPrice]){ //remove the money $queryBalRemoveal = mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `user_iskbalance`='$newBal' WHERE `username`='$user';") or die(mysql_error()); //buy ticket & insert data into "promoTickets" table $query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO promoTickets(promoID, username, charID, ticketNumber, ticketPrice, purchaseDate) VALUES ('$_POST[promoID]', '$user', '$id', '$_POST[ticketNumber]', '$_POST[ticketPrice]', '$today');") or die(mysql_error()); } else{ die("Insufficent balance. Please add more ISK") ; } } else{ die("Ticket has already been Sold or you have already bought a ticket to this promotion..!"); } ?> any way i can get the errors to be passed onto the index.php (with the form) and echo them there? as it stands errors arnt shown to the users and its confusing people Hello, I am doing a php registration form, file name is register.php Code: [Select] <?php include("config.php"); $submit = strip_tags($_POST['submit']); $username = strip_tags($_POST['user_box']); $password = md5(strip_tags($_POST['pass_box'])); $cpassword = md5(strip_tags($_POST['c_pass_box'])); $email = strip_tags($_POST['email_box']); $mobile = $_POST['mobile_box']; $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $date = date('Y-m-d'); $time = date('h-i-s'); $i = 0; $checkusername = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members WHERE username='$username'")); $checkemail = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members WHERE email='$email'")); /* Validating username field */ if($username != NULL) { if (strlen($username) > 15 || strlen($username) < 6) { echo "<p>Username must be in range of 6 to 15 Characters.</p>"; } else { //check in DB if ($checkusername == 1) { echo "<p>Username already exist in database.</p>"; } else { $i++; } } } else { echo "<p>Username cannot be Blank</p>"; } /* ----------validating password field---------- */ if ($password != "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" || $cpassword != "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e") { if ($password == $cpassword) { if (strlen($password) > 16 && strlen($password) < 4) { echo "<p>password must be in range of 4 to 16 Characters.</p>"; } else { $i++; } } else { echo "<p>Passwords do not match.</p>"; } } else { echo "<p>Password cannot be empty</p>"; } /* ----------Validating Passwords End---------- */ /* ----------Validating Email field Starts---------- */ if($email != NULL) { if($checkemail == 1) { echo "<p>Email already exist.</p>"; } else { $i++; } } else { echo "<p>Email field cannot be empty.</p>"; } /* ----------Validating Email fiend ends---------- */ /* ----------Validating Email field Starts---------- */ if($mobile != NULL) { if(strlen($mobile) >10) { echo "<p>Mobile cannot be more than 10 digits long</p>"; } else { $i++; } } else { echo "<p>Mobile field cannot be empty.</p>"; } /* ----------Validating Email fiend ends---------- */ if ($i == 4) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO members (username, password, email, mobile, ip, date, time) VALUES ('$username', '$cpassword', '$email', '$mobile', '$ip', '$date', '$time')"); echo "<p>Successful Registration Done !</p>"; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> </head> <body> <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action=""> <table width="576" height="229" border="0"> <tr> <td width="139">Username :</td> <td colspan="2"><label for="user_box"></label> <input type="text" name="user_box" id="user_box" size="30" height="30" /> (Between 6 to 15 Characters)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Password :</td> <td colspan="2"><label for="pass_box"></label> <input type="password" name="pass_box" id="pass_box" size="30" height="30" /> (Between 4 to 16 Characters)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Confirm Password :</td> <td colspan="2"><label for="c_pass_box"></label> <input type="password" name="c_pass_box" id="c_pass_box" size="30" height="30" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Email Address :</td> <td colspan="2"><label for="email_box"></label> <input type="text" name="email_box" id="email_box" size="30" height="30" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mobile No. :</td> <td colspan="2"><label for="mobile_box"></label> <input type="text" name="mobile_box" id="mobile_box" size="30" height="30" /> (10 Characters)</td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td width="171"><input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Submit" /></td> <td width="252"><input type="reset" name="button2" id="button2" value="Reset" /></td> </tr> </table> </form> </body> </html> When I load page, it shows following errors before Username cannot be Blank Password cannot be empty Email field cannot be empty. Mobile field cannot be empty. What I want is on loading page i.e. before giving any inputs, it should not show any errors. Need help hey guys i am stuck at one part. i am coding a site where on the index page there are 5 categories. Now on click of these it takes me to a page where i can search within a particular category. i can do it by statically giving <href="localhost/xampp/abc.php">and a fixed page path. but i want the name of the category passed when i click and the search page to open when i open search. thanks Hi guys
I would like to get whole content of html file after I submitted a password. The problem is that the my code doesn't access the value for the file. I tried to create a session but i doesn't work. What other option do I have to get the content of the html file?
session_start(); $selected_file = $_POST['radio1']; // get the filename of the file $fileinfo = pathinfo($selected_file); $filename = $fileinfo['dirname'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fileinfo['filename']; $password = 'code'; $lines = file("$filename.html"); $_SESSION['selectedfile'] = $selected_file; $_SESSION['file'] = $filename; $_SESSION['Scipt'] = ("$filename.html"); $_SESSION['Scipttext'] = $lines; $_SESSION['file2'] = $fileinfo; if (isset($_POST['submitradio'])) { echo '<div class="imageselected">'; echo '<img src="'.$_SESSION['selectedfile'].'" /></br>'.PHP_EOL; echo '</div>'; // check to see if a html file named the same also exists if(file_exists($_SESSION['Scipt'])) { echo "<form action='test_result.php' method='post'>"; echo '<div class="Password">'; echo 'Type in password to view full Script'; echo "<label><div class=\"Input\"><input type='password' name='passIT' value='passit'/></div>"; echo "<input type='submit' name='submitPasswordIT' value='Submit Password'/></div>"; echo '</div>'; echo "$filename.html shares the same name as $selected_file"; for($x = 1;$x<=15;$x++) { header( "Content-Type: file/html" ); $lines = ($_SESSION['Scipttext']); $new = strip_tags($lines); echo $lines[rand(0, count($lines)-1)]."<br>"; } // end of forloop } // end of check // start Sorrytext else { echo '<div class="NoScript">'; echo "Nothing available at the moment."; echo '</div>'; } // end Sorrytext } // End of submitradio if($_POST['submitPasswordIT']){ if ($_POST['passIT']== $password ){ echo "You entered correct password"; readfile($_SESSION['Scipt']); } else{ echo "You entered wrong password"; } } echo '</form>';I would be grateful for help. hi guys im back for more php questions hope you dont get annoyed <?php function getvalue($num) { echo "<input type='text' name='txt1' value='$num'>"; } ?> <html> <head> <title>Home</title> </head> <body> <form action="" method="POST"> <input type="text" name="txt1" id="txt1" value="0"> <input type="button" name="btn1" id="btn1" value="1" onclick="getvalue(1);"> <input type="button" name="btn2" id="btn2" value="2" onclick="getvalue(2);"> </form> </body> </html> here is my code my question is how can i pass the values at the php function? how can i display the passed value to the textbox txt1? is this code correct? echo "<input type='text' name='txt1' value='$num'>"; Hi I have a problem i need some help with, when passing values from my Results page to my Details page through a URL is the Querystring different because i have INNER JOINED 2 tables? This is my Querystring <a href="DetailsPet.php?id=<?php echo $row_ResultsRS['id']; ?>">Details</a></td> i have 2 tables (petdata and customerdata) and there INNER JOINED using the 'id' But its not passing on the values, and just shows the 1st results in database all the time. Im only just learning Php, but would i be right in thinking it to do with the 'id' as this is what joins the 2 tables. Do i have to state which 'id' to use? if so how do i do it? Thanks willo On one of my calculators :
When you press on the envelope in the middle you can send a form to yourself. I've added the code in the file that gets used to send the form to the person's email.
for ($i = 0; $i <= 79; $i++) { $item_Annual[$i] = number_format($_REQUEST['itemAnnualDisplay[$i]']); } Body: (each line of the form has a different value for $item_Annual) from 1 to 79 <TD bgcolor="#EEEEEE" align="left" valign="middle" height="1"><Font style="font-family:Arial; font-size: 12px;"><font color="#000000"> '.$currencySymbol.$item_Annual[1].' </TD>
for ($i = 0; $i <= 6; $i++) { $incomeSubtotal += $values[$i] * $periods[$i]; $itemAnnual[$i] = $values[$i] * $periods[$i]; $return['itemAnnualDisplay[$i]'] = $itemAnnual[$i]; } //New addtions are lines 3 and 4, the others were already there
Now, I've done some process of elimination and when testing to see if $periods[$i] and values[$i] would show up on the form, the values were zero for each. So each $itemAnnual[$i]is calculated to be $0. You can see from the form screenshot, the subtotals are calculating, but the individual items are not. Could this have anything to do with the form on the calculator page? It's in bootstrap.
Help please!!
Is it correct that in order to pass values from web page to web page that you either have to... 1.) Use a Cookie 2.) Use a Session 3.) Write/Read to a Database Record Debbie Hi, I have looked through the forum for a fix for this but I was unable to find one. Basically the code I have provided below is not giving me the correct output in other words changing the text to German. I am using an "Ubuntu" environment with Apache2 and php5 installed. I have checked that php-gettext is installed. I have also attached my .mo file (I have added the .txt extension to upload here) local.php <?php $locale = false; if (isSet($_GET["locale"])){ $locale = $_GET["locale"]; setcookie("locale", $locale, time()+60*60*24*30, "/");// save a cookie } if (!$locale && isSet($_COOKIE["locale"])){ $locale = $_COOKIE["locale"]; } putenv("LC_ALL=$locale");//needed on some systems putenv("LANGUAGE=$locale");//needed on some systems setlocale(LC_ALL, $locale); bindtextdomain("messages", $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."locale"); bind_textdomain_codeset("messages", "UTF-8"); textdomain("messages"); ?> test.php <?php require_once "local.php"; echo $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."locale"; //for testing ?> <html><head></head> <body> <a href='?locale=en_US'>English</a> | <a href='?locale=es_ES'>Spanish</a> | <a href='?locale=de_DE'>German</a> <br> <?php echo _("Hello World!");?><br> <p><?php echo _("My name is");?> Bob.</p> </body> </html> Hi all, I'm a first time poster here and I would really appreciate some guidance with my latest php challenge! I've spent the entire day googling and reading and to be honest I think I'm really over my head and need the assistance of someone experienced to advise the best way to go! I have a multi dimensional array that looks like (see below); the array is created by CodeIgniter's database library (the rows returned from a select query) but I think this is a generic PHP question as opposed to having anything to do with CI because it related to working with arrays. I'm wondering how I might go about searching the array below for the key problem_id and a value equal to a variable which I would provide. Then, when it finds an array with a the matching key and variable, it outputs the other values in that part of the array too. For example, using the sample data below. How would you recommend that I search the array for all the arrays that have the key problem_id and the value 3 and then have it output the value of the key problem_update_date and the value of the key problem_update_text. Then keep searching to find the next occurrence? Thanks in advance, as above, I've been searching really hard for the answer and believe i'm over my head! Output of print_r($updates); CI_DB_mysql_result Object ( [conn_id] => Resource id #30 [result_id] => Resource id #35 [result_array] => Array ( ) [result_object] => Array ( ) [current_row] => 0 [num_rows] => 5 [row_data] => ) Output of print_r($updates->result_array()); Array ( [0] => Array ( [problem_update_id] => 1 [problem_id] => 3 [problem_update_date] => 2010-10-01 [problem_update_text] => Some details about a paricular issue [problem_update_active] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [problem_update_id] => 4 [problem_id] => 3 [problem_update_date] => 2010-10-01 [problem_update_text] => Another update about the problem with an ID of 3 [problem_update_active] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [problem_update_id] => 5 [problem_id] => 4 [problem_update_date] => 2010-10-12 [problem_update_text] => An update about the problem with an ID of four [problem_update_active] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [problem_update_id] => 6 [problem_id] => 4 [problem_update_date] => 2010-10-12 [problem_update_text] => An update about the problem with an ID of 6 [problem_update_active] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [problem_update_id] => 7 [problem_id] => 3 [problem_update_date] => 2010-10-12 [problem_update_text] => Some new update about the problem with the ID of 3 [problem_update_active] => 1 ) ) Hey, Im needing some help with an update form that I have created using PHP/MySQL. Basically the form is working great (updating records, retrieving records and showing errors) but there is a problem with the errors. If there are no errors and I edit the existing text input values, the database updates fine. However if I edit the existing text input values and there is an error, the edited input values dont save, they revert back to the values of the database. I understand why this is happening, its because the text inputs are set to show the values of the database so if i edit the existing values and an error occurs or the page is refreshed, the values revert back to the database values. However id like it so that if any text in the text field have been edited and an error occurs, the text stays to how it is until the user by passes any errors and then the database is updated. Hopefully this makes sense. I have attached the php page just incase anybody wants to look into it but any help would be much appreciated! Also, im not looking for someone to just to fix this for me but if someone knows my problem and can guide me in the right direction, that would be great. I have a script that was written and tested on another server, but now when I transferred it to the live server, session values are not being passed. I made a couple test pages to check and confirmed that the only issue is the session variables. Here is the test I performed. Please tell me what I'm missing: page1.php <? session_start(); $_SESSION['var1'] = 'testing'; print_r($_SESSION); ?> Returns: Array ( [var1] => testing ) page2.php <? session_start(); print_r($_SESSION); ?> Returns: Array () I have managed to create an update script that allows a user to submit changes to their details but I need help to finish of the code. I'm using sessions to login in members, here is my update.php code. After while($member = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { I would like to retrieve the new values entered by them to be displayed back to the previous form which uses $_SESSION to hold their information when they previously login. Any suggestions or ideas, as I think it's to do with clearing the session but unfamiliar on how to proceed. <?php include("config.php"); mysql_connect("$dbhost","$dbuser","$dbpass") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("$dbname") or die(mysql_error()); $id= mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['member_id']); $fname= mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['firstname']); $lname= mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['lastname']); $address= mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['address']); $town= mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['address2']); $county= mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['county']); $postcode= mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['postcode']); $telephone= mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['telephone']); $mobile= mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['mobile']); $username= mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['login']); $email=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['email']); $id= $_POST['member_id']; $sql="UPDATE members SET firstname='$fname', lastname='$lname', address='$address', address2='$town', county='$county', postcode='$postcode', telephone='$telephone', mobile='$mobile', login='$username', email='$email' WHERE member_id='$id' LIMIT 1"; $result=mysql_query($sql) or die ("Error: ". mysql_error(). " with query ". $sql); $query = "SELECT * FROM members WHERE member_id = '$id'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); while($member = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { } ?> i am writing this script for use as an include in joomla and the directphp plugin so in my joomla article i have: Code: [Select] <?php include 'test/conducttest.php'; conducttest(); ?> Ok now my issue! the form in this function is passing only the values for the last item in the loop rather than for the selected radio item when submitted. so when say for example the radio selected is: ID TEST TYPE UNIQUE TEST ID AVAILABLE 5 Adolescent Clinical 50021629 1 and the last item in the list is: ID TEST TYPE UNIQUE TEST ID AVAILABLE 4 Adult Clinical 12341629 1 When the form is submitted even if the 1st item is selected, it returns the value for the second one. I am sorta new to php so any suggestions will be appreciated. Here is my full code: Code: [Select] <?php function conducttest() { //GET JOOMLA USER ID & USERNAME FOR LOGGED USER $user =& JFactory::getUser(); $userID = $user->id; //GET JOOMLA DATABASE OBJECTS $db =& JFactory::getDBO(); //NEW TESTS QUERY (what purchased test are available for use with 'item_available' == '1' {unused test} and matching current 'user_id') $new_query = " SELECT * FROM crt_transactionHistory WHERE user_id = ".$userID." AND item_available = '1' ORDER BY item_name, id "; $db->setQuery($new_query); $new = $db->loadAssocList(); //OPEN TESTS QUERY (what purchased test are available for use with 'item_available' == '2' {resume test} and matching current 'user_id') $resume_query = " SELECT * FROM crt_transactionHistory WHERE user_id = ".$userID." AND item_available = '2' ORDER BY item_name, id "; $db->setQuery($resume_query); $resume = $db->loadAssocList(); //DISPLAY use_test FORM if(!isset($_POST['test'])) { //SELECT FORM: WHICH TEST WOULD YOU LIKE TO USE? echo ' <fieldset> <table> <form method="post" action="'.$PHP_SELF.'">'; if (empty($new)) { echo ' <th colspan="3"align="left">NO NEW TESTS AVAILABLE</th>'; } else { echo ' <th colspan="3"align="left">NEW TESTS AVAILABLE</th> <tr> <td width="75px">SELECT</td> <td width="50px">ID</td> <td width="150px">TEST TYPE</td> <td width="150px">UNIQUE TEST ID</td> <tr>'; foreach ($new as $result1) { echo ' <tr> <td><input type="radio" value="' .$result1['id']. '" name="test_id"></td> <td>'.$result1['id'].'</td> <td><input type="hidden" value="'.$result1['item_name'].'" name="item_name">'.$result1['item_name'].'</td> <td><input type="hidden" value="'.$result1['item_number'].'" name="item_number">'.$result1['item_number'].'</td> <input type="hidden" value="'.$result1['item_available'].'" name="item_available"> <input type="hidden" value="'.$userID.'" name="userID"> <tr>'; } } echo ' </table> <hr /> <table>'; if (empty($resume)) { echo ' <th colspan="3"align="left">NO TESTS TO RESUME</th>'; } else { echo ' <th colspan="3"align="left">RESUME TEST</th> <tr> <td width="75px">SELECT</td> <td width="50px">ID</td> <td width="150px">TEST TYPE</td> <td width="150px">UNIQUE TEST ID</td> <tr>'; foreach ($resume as $result2) { echo ' <tr> <td><input type="radio" value="' .$result2['id']. '" name="test_id"></td> <td>'.$result2['id'].'</td> <td><input type="hidden" value="'.$result2['item_name'].'" name="item_name">'.$result2['item_name'].'</td> <td><input type="hidden" value="'.$result2['item_number'].'" name="item_number">'.$result2['item_number'].'</td> <input type="hidden" value="'.$result2['item_available'].'" name="item_available"> <input type="hidden" value="'.$userID.'" name="userID"> <tr>'; } } echo ' </table> </fieldset> <input type="submit" name="test" value="Conduct Test" /> </form> '; } //NOW A TEST HAS BEEN SELECTED FOR USE if(isset($_POST['test'])) { $test_id = $_POST['test_id']; $item_name = $_POST['item_name']; $item_number = $_POST['item_number']; $item_available = $_POST['item_available']; $userID = $_POST['userID']; echo $test_id.'<br />'; echo $item_name.'<br />'; echo $item_number.'<br />'; echo $item_available.'<br />'; echo $userID.'<br />'; //IF THIS IS A NEW TEST... if ($item_available == "1") { echo 'new test'; } //IF WE ARE RESUMING A TEST... elseif ($item_available == "2") { echo 'resume test'; } } } ?> Ok, starting around line 137 with the functions..... Commented well. Just not sure If im doing it right. Any help greatly appreciated. Basic stuff and still learning. Just trying to figure out if Im passing by reference correctly or if not how to do it. Thanks. php File is attached but heres a snippet. Thanks in advance. Peace, Adam // The grand total and the item total need to be passed BY REFERENCE. function show_table_contents($cart_items, $table, &$grand_total, &$item_total) So, I have a checkbox, like so: (uci is an ID number) <input type='checkbox' name='cars[]' value='".$row['uci']."' /> That is passed to the next page via the form. However I need to pass the id numbers again, through to a third and final page. Currently I'm trying to do it through hidden inputs, but all I get returned to me is the word, "Array". This is the second page, displaying the data it recieves from the checkbox on the first page and attempting to send it through to the third page via a hidden input. $ids = $_POST['cars']; ... Displays data here... ... <form action='step_3.php' method='POST'> <input type='hidden' name='cars' value='$ids' /> <input type='submit' name='submit' value='Final Step' /> </form> I also tried <input type='hidden' name='cars' value='".$_POST['cars']."' /> but that didn't work either. This is what I'm using to display the data on the final page, as a check to make sure it's working (this is where I'm just getting the word, "Array"): echo"Car Id's: ".$_POST['cars']."<br />"; So, I guess my question is how do I pass the multiple options checked on the first page through more than one page? It works fine displaying the data on the second page, however when I try to display it again on the third page via the hidden input, it doesn't work. I have a while loop of check box's with the SQL record id's set as there values. I want to be able to pass all the checked records to another page in single var's with the correct ID value in order to list the selected items on the on the next page. any idea's guys? This topic has been moved to JavaScript Help. This topic has been moved to JavaScript Help. Folks, I have a dropdown, once values are selcted, these values should be put in a URL structure so that it matches with the one MoD_rewrite rule in my .htaccess. Here is my Mod_Rewrite Rule: RewriteRule ^(.*)/([^/]*)\.html$ search.php?q=$1&sc=$2 [QSA,L] Here is my Dropdown Code: <div id="search" > <form id="searchform" method="get" action="search.php"> <label>Search By Brand/ Manufacturer: </label> <select name="q"> <option value="SelectBrand">Select Brand</option> <?php if(isset($this->search->options)): ?> <?php foreach($mfg as $lolachild): ?> <option value="<?php echo $lolachild; ?>"><?php echo ucwords($lolachild); ?></option> <?php endforeach; ?> <?php endif; ?> </select> <select name="sc"> <option value="All"><?php eprint(LangAll); ?></option> <?php if(isset($this->search->options)): ?> <?php foreach($this->search->options as $cat): ?> <option value="<?php echo $cat->value; ?>"><?php echo $cat->name; ?></option> <?php endforeach; ?> <?php endif; ?> </select> <input type="submit" value="<?php eprint(LangSearch); ?>" /> </form> </div> Problem is, upon Submit, it goes to this link structu It should rather be: What am i missing or doing wrong? Cheer Natasha |