PHP - Not Echoing Errors
Okay, I am having trouble. My script is not echoing the errors on the page/nor logging me in. If I check the browser source code it shows the error.
here are my pages please help this is stupid ha index.php Code: [Select] <?php session_start(); include("includes/config.php"); if($_POST['submit']) { include("includes/action/".strtolower($_POST['submit']).".php"); } if (isset($_SESSION['SecureUid'])) { echo "Welcome Member!"; } else { echo $_SESSION['SecureUid']; $Larray = array ( "Username" => array("text","LoginUsername"), "Password" => array("password","LoginPassword"), "Hidden" => array("hidden","SecureHidden"), "Login" => array("submit","Login"), ); if ($LoginErrors) { foreach ($LoginErrors as $val) { echo "{$val}<br />"; } $Site->ClearErrors(); } $CreateForm = $Site->CreateForm("Login","{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}","post",$Larray); echo $CreateForm; } ?> includes/config.php Code: [Select] <?php ini_set( "display_errors", true ); date_default_timezone_set( "America/Phoenix" ); define( "CLASS_PATH", "includes/classes" ); //define( "TEMPLATE_PATH", "templates" ); define( "HOMEPAGE_NUM_ARTICLES", 5 ); function handleException( $exception ) { echo "Sorry, a problem occurred. Please try later."; error_log( $exception->getMessage() ); } set_exception_handler( 'handleException' ); include(CLASS_PATH."/class.database.php"); include(CLASS_PATH."/class.actions.php"); $Site = new Actions; $Site->connect(); $Site->setDatabase("ccloyd_rigid"); ?> includes/actions/login.php Code: [Select] <?php //log user in if ($_POST['SecureHidden']) { $Login = $Site->LoginUser(array("Username" => $_POST['LoginUsername'], "Password" => $_POST['LoginPassword'])); if ($Login) { $_SESSION['SecureUid'] = $Site->Uid; $_SESSION['SecureLevel'] = $Site->getLevel($Site->Uid); } else { $LoginErrors = $Site->ReturnErrors("Login"); } } ?> includes/classes/class.actions.php Code: [Select] <?php class Actions extends Database { public $Uid; //Login Vars private $Username; private $Password; //Errors Array private $Errors = array(); public function LoginUser($info, $admin = NULL) { //ugh //startover foreach ($info as $key => $val) { $this->{$key} = mysql_real_escape_string($val); } $this->Password = $this->EncryptPass($this->Password); if ($this->Username == '' || $this->Password == '') { $this->Errors["Login"] = array('Invalid Credentials!'); return false; } $Check = $this->select("users","`id`","username = '{$this->Username}' AND password = '{$this->Password}'"); if ($Check) { $Result = $this->getResult(); $id = $Result[id]; $this->Uid = $id; return true; } else { $this->Errors["Login"] = array('Invalid Credentials!'); return false; } } } ?> Similar TutorialsHello, I'm having difficulty learning the most efficient method of echoing error messages on a form. The particular example I'm working on is a registration form which I have had functional but not perfected as of yet. I have been able to make the form work by using die() to kill the process and display a message however I would very much like for it to kill the process and simply echo an error message, same page, no redirects... I will post my code and hopefully someone with more knowledge than me can shed some light. Cheers! Code: [Select] <?php if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { //This is one error message I would like to display if (!$_POST['username'] | !$_POST['pass'] | !$_POST['pass2'] ) { die('You did not complete all of the required fields'); } if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $_POST['username'] = addslashes($_POST['username']); } $usercheck = $_POST['username']; $check = mysql_query("SELECT username FROM users WHERE username = '$usercheck'") or die(mysql_error()); $check2 = mysql_num_rows($check); //if the name already exists it gives an error here if ($check2 != 0) { die('Sorry, the username '.$_POST['username'].' is already in use.'); } // this makes sure both passwords entered match and should display an error if false if ($_POST['pass'] != $_POST['pass2']) { die('Your passwords did not match. '); } $_POST['pass'] = md5($_POST['pass']); if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $_POST['pass'] = addslashes($_POST['pass']); $_POST['username'] = addslashes($_POST['username']); } $insert = "INSERT INTO users (username, password) VALUES ('".$_POST['username']."', '".$_POST['pass']."')"; $add_member = mysql_query($insert); ?> And here is the form it fits into Code: [Select] <?php } else { ?> <body> <div id="container"> <div id="header"><?php include ("login_header.php") ?></div> <div id="photoNav"><?php include ("mainNav.php") ?></div> <div id="tableContent"> <div class="bold_16" style="margin-top:40px">Enter Your Registration Information Below</div> <div class="padding_top"><div style="padding-top:10px; text-align:center;"> ***THIS IS WHERE I WOULD LIKE MY ERRORS TO DISPLAY*** </div> <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post"> <table border="0" align="center"> <tr><td>Username:</td><td> <input name="username" type="text" size="23" maxlength="40"> </td></tr> <tr><td>Password:</td><td> <input name="pass" type="password" size="24" maxlength="12"> </td></tr> <tr><td>Confirm Password:</td><td> <input name="pass2" type="password" size="24" maxlength="12"> </td></tr> <tr><th colspan=2 style="text-align:right;"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Register" style="margin-top:10px;"></th></tr> </table> </form> <?php } ?> </div></div> p.s is it just me or is it a real pain getting a message into this text-field?? Been screwing around on Google for about 3 hours trying to find a tutorial on what I am trying to do with absolutely no luck! I am simply trying to get my test script to echo errors from an array when a form criteria does not validate. This is my final revision which is still not working! Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong? No matter what I do, I can't get away from this error: Notice: Undefined variable: error in C:\wamp\www\php\form_validation.php on line 13 <?php $o = $error[]; // test echo $o; // test if(!preg_match('/[^0-9A-Za-z]/',$_POST['first_name'])) { $error[] = "Please enter a valid First Name"; ?> <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post"> First Name:<br /> <input name="first_name" type="text" size="50" maxlength="50" /><br /><br /> <input type="submit" /><br /><br /> </form> How do I display the actual errors in IIS 7.5? If I miss a semicolon, I get: "HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error" absolutely useless. In prior versions, I could see the line and get to the PHP error. How do I display PHP errors? I've added: set_ini('display_errors', '1'); but it doesn't help. Hello, I have a PHP page (below) that is suppose to update a field in my database. For some reason it does not update. I am trying to echo that sql with this script. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks JR Code: [Select] $p = (100-$_POST[$c])/100; $sql = "delete from products_groups where customers_group_id = ".$sppc['customers_group_id']; echo $sql; tep_db_query($sql); $sql = "insert into products_groups select '". $sppc['customers_group_id'] ."' as customers_group_id, ( " . $p . " * p.products_price) as customers_group_price, p.products_id from products p"; echo $sql; tep_db_query($sql); Below is the complete code, Code: [Select] <?php require('includes/application_top.php'); ?> <!DOCTYPE html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html <?php echo HTML_PARAMS; ?>> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo CHARSET; ?>"> <title><?php echo TITLE; ?></title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="includes/stylesheet.css"> <script language="javascript" src="includes/general.js"></script> </head> <body marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" topmargin="0" bottommargin="0" leftmargin="0" rightmargin="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" onload="SetFocus();"> <div id="popupcalendar" class="text"></div> <!-- header //--> <?php require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'template_top.php'); ?> <!-- header_eof //--> <?php if (isset($_POST['Update'])) { $sppc_query_raw = "select * from " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS_GROUPS . " order by customers_group_id"; $sppc_query = tep_db_query($sppc_query_raw); while( $sppc = tep_db_fetch_array( $sppc_query ) ) { if ($sppc["customers_group_name"] != "Retail"){ //$sppc['customers_group_id'] $c = "CG_".$sppc['customers_group_id']; $tmp = $_POST[$c]; if ($tmp != 0) { $p = (100-$_POST[$c])/100; tep_db_query("delete from products_groups where customers_group_id = ".$sppc['customers_group_id']); tep_db_query ("insert into products_groups select '". $sppc['customers_group_id'] ."' as customers_group_id, ( " . $p . " * p.products_price) as customers_group_price, p.products_id from products p"); } //if not 0 } //if not Retail } } ?> <!-- body //--> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td width="<?php echo BOX_WIDTH; ?>" valign="top"><table border="0" width="<?php echo BOX_WIDTH; ?>" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" class="columnLeft"> </table></td> <!-- body_text //--> <td width="100%" valign="top"><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td width="100%"><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td class="pageHeading"><?php echo "Special Pricing Discount Setup"; ?></td> <td class="specialPrice" align="right"> </td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> <tr> <td><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td valign="top"><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2"> <tr class="dataTableHeadingRow"> <td class="dataTableHeadingContent" align="left"> <?php if (isset($_POST['Update'])) { echo "<center>Updated!</center>"; } ?> </td> </tr> <?php $sppc_query_raw = "select * from " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS_GROUPS . " order by customers_group_id"; $sppc_query = tep_db_query($sppc_query_raw); while( $sppc = tep_db_fetch_array( $sppc_query ) ) { ?> <tr class="dataTableRow" onmouseover="rowOverEffect(this)" onmouseout="rowOutEffect(this)"> <td class="dataTableContent" align="left"> <?php if ($sppc["customers_group_name"] != "Retail"){ echo $sppc["customers_group_name"]; } if (isset($_POST['Update'])) { if ($sppc["customers_group_name"] != "Retail"){ $c = "CG_".$sppc['customers_group_id']; $tmp = $_POST[$c]; echo " Current Discount is $tmp%" ; } } ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top"> <form action="" method="post"> <table border="0" width="40%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td class="smallText" align="left"> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <?php $sppc_query_raw = "select * from " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS_GROUPS . " order by customers_group_id"; $sppc_query = tep_db_query($sppc_query_raw); while( $sppc = tep_db_fetch_array( $sppc_query ) ) { if ($sppc["customers_group_name"] != "Retail"){ ?> <tr> <td class="smallText" align="left">Set New Percentage (%) Discount for <?=$sppc["customers_group_name"]?> :</td> <td><input name="CG_<?=$sppc['customers_group_id']?>" type="text" size="5" value="0"></td> </tr> <?php } } ?> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="submit" name="Update" value="Update"></td> </tr> </table> </form> </td> </tr> </table></td> <!-- body_text_eof //--> </tr> </table> <!-- body_eof //--> <!-- footer //--> <?php require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'footer.php'); ?> <!-- footer_eof //--> </body> </html> <?php require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'application_bottom.php'); ?> $lastfm = file_get_contents(''); $users = explode('" id="r4_', $lastfm); $users = explode('">', $users[1]); var_dump($users[0]); that is only echoing one ID 1 id for each member it should be echoing.. any idea why it isnt? $lastfm = file_get_contents(''); $grab_id=explode('" id="r4_', $lastfm); for($b=1; $b<count($grab_id); $b++){ $getid=explode('">', $grab_id[$b]); echo count($getid[0]); } that echos all 1's.. any help is appreciated.. thanks thanks This problem is existing on a few pages so I'll be in the clear if I can figure out to solve it on one page. Problem is on form submission its still echoing back that sortorder variable which makes it hard for it to compare on the success function to display the right message because the message should be good, bad1, bad2, ... . So is there anyway around that or do I need to do something on the client side of the form page. <?php // Include the database page require ('../inc/dbconfig.php'); if ( isset( $_POST['menuid'] ) ) { $menuid = (int)$_POST['menuid']; $query = "SELECT COUNT(sortorder) AS numOrder FROM `menuitems` WHERE `menu_id` = '".$menuid."'"; $result = mysqli_query ($dbc, $query); $row = mysqli_fetch_array( $result, MYSQL_ASSOC ); $sortorder = $row[ 'numOrder' ] + 1; echo $sortorder; } if (isset($_POST['submitmenuitem'])) { $menuid = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, $_POST['menuid']); $itemname = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, $_POST['itemname']); $itemurl = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, $_POST['itemurl']); $sortorder = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, $_POST['sortorder']); $contentpage = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, $_POST['contentpage']); $newscategory = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, $_POST['newscategory']); $application = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, $_POST['application']); $query = "SELECT * FROM `menuitems` WHERE (`itemname` = '".$itemname."') OR (`itemurl` = '".$itemurl."') OR (`contentpage_id` = '".$contentpage."') OR (`application_id` = '".$application."') OR (`newscategory_id` = '".$newscategory."') AND `menu_id` = '".$menuid."'"; $result = mysqli_query ( $dbc, $query ); // Run The Query $rows = mysqli_num_rows($result); if ($rows == 0) { $query = "INSERT INTO `menuitems` (menu_id, itemname, itemurl, sortorder, contentpage_id, newscategory_id, application_id, creator_id, datecreated, enabled) VALUES ('".$menuid."','".$itemname."','".$itemurl."','".$sortorder."','".$contentpage."', '".$newscategory."', '".$application."', 1, NOW(), 0)"; mysqli_query($dbc, $query); echo "good"; } else { $row = mysqli_fetch_array($result); if (($row['itemname'] == $itemname) && ($row['newscategory_id'] == $newscategory)) echo 'bad9'; elseif (($row['itemname'] == $itemname) && ($row['application_id'] == $application)) echo 'bad8'; elseif (($row['itemname'] == $itemname) && ($row['contentpage_id'] == $contentpage)) echo 'bad7'; elseif (($row['itemname'] == $itemname) && ($row['itemurl'] == $itemurl)) echo 'bad6'; elseif ($row['newscategory_id'] == $newscategory) echo 'bad5'; elseif ($row['application_id'] == $application) echo 'bad4'; elseif ($row['contentpage_id'] == $contentpage) echo 'bad3'; elseif ($row['itemurl'] == $itemurl) echo 'bad2'; elseif ($row['itemname'] == $itemname) echo 'bad1'; } } if (isset($_POST['deletemenuitem'])){ $menuitemID = (int)$_POST['menuitemID']; $query = "UPDATE `menuitems` SET `enabled` = '1' WHERE `id` = '".$menuitemID."' LIMIT 1"; mysqli_query($dbc,$query); } ?> Hello guys, I want to get the values of 3rd level of my referral but it did not echo any value but if i put the ref id directly on the code, it will echo the values. why is it so? or am i doing it the wrong way? in my database i have a table test_referral id acct_name ref_id refer_id 1 john J1234 0 2 bull B3456 J1234 3 doe D5567 J1234 4 frank F7788 J1234 5 jimmy J9990 J1234 6 tommy T6784 F7788 7 tom T9988 F7788 8 girly G8866 D5567 9 fred F0099 J9990 10 ronaldo R7722 B3456 thanks $stmt= $pdo->query("SELECT * FROM test_referral WHERE acct_name='Chidi Okafor'"); $parent = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_LAZY); echo "<ul><li>"; echo $parent['acct_name']; $ref_id = $parent['ref_id']; echo "</li><ul>"; $stmt= $pdo->query("SELECT * FROM test_referral WHERE refer_id='$ref_id'"); $child_count = $stmt->rowCount(); while($child = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_LAZY)){ echo "<li>"; echo $child['acct_name']; $ref_ids = $child['ref_id']; echo "</li>"; } //$reff = "F7788"; //$stmt= $pdo->query("SELECT * FROM test_referral WHERE refer_id='$F7788'"); $stmt= $pdo->query("SELECT * FROM test_referral WHERE refer_id='$ref_ids'"); $child_count2 = $stmt->rowCount(); while($children = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_LAZY)){ echo "<ul><li>"; echo $children['acct_name']; echo "</li></ul>"; } Edited by Mr-Chidi, 25 December 2014 - 05:34 AM. I am having issue creating a checkbox that uses a onClick() js method. I believe this might be due to the fact that I am echoing the html but if any one could help id appreciate it. echo "<tr><td>WrkComp</td><td><input type='checkbox'" ?> <script>onClick="show()" </script> <? "name='WrkComp[]' value='DEP' '.$checked.' '.$Disabled.'/></td>"; Hi, I have this variable that checks which page we're on: Code: [Select] <?php $checkit = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?> and I need to echo some text depending which page we're on. I am using this code to do so: Code: [Select] <?php if ($checkit=="index.php") { echo "this is the home page"; } if ($checkit=="index2.php") { echo "this is the other page"; }?>...but nothing is printed. what am i doing wrong? Thanks hi all, I have a piece of code which I coded where it selects all there cars out of the database and shows them, well it is meant to: $getall = mysql_query("SELECT car, id FROM garage WHERE owner='$username'"); $gotall = mysql_fetch_object($getall); echo "$gotall->car - $gotall->id<br />"; Its meant to echo out all the cars which the user own, but for some reason its only echoing one car. Can anyone see why its only showing one car with the id not all the cars they own? Thanks. This code is suppose to echo out ALL the custom pages that are in the database, but it's only show ONE. Why is this? $query_get = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(id),id,position,content,title FROM custom_pages ORDER BY id"); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query_get)) { echo '<table border="0"> <tr><th><p>Title</p><td>'. $row['title'] .'</td></tr> <tr><th><p>Position</p><td>'. $row['position'] .'</td></tr> <tr><th><p>Action</p><td><a href="index.php?pages=1&delete='. $row['id'] .'">Delete</a> or <a href="index.php?pages=1&edit='. $row['id'] .'">Edit</a></td></tr> </table> '; } Hi, I am trying to insert a variable in the body of an email lik so: Code: [Select] $message = "Dear Administrator,\n\nthe following distributor\n\n'.$row_admin_login_RS['distributor_company_name'].'\n\nHas modified his Distributor information record.\n\"; I know it must be a syntax error...but I can't figure it out. Thanks I want to echo the contents of column 4 for my username only, and it doesn't show anything. I can do if ($memberQuery->fetchColumn(4) < 2)() though. Code: [Select] $host = 'localhost'; $database = ''; $db_username = ''; $db_password = ''; if (($db = new PDO("mysql:host=$host;dbname=$database", $db_username, $db_password)) == NULL) { echo $db->getMessage(); } $memberQuery = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM members WHERE username=:username"); $memberQuery->execute(array(':username' => $_SESSION['username'])); $result = $memberQuery->fetchColumn(4); echo "$result"; Hi all, ive got a script witch im wanting to echo all the selected users in a table.. It selects and echos the users but just dosent add on to the table. <?php $themembers = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE crew = '$user->crew'"); $ammoutmembers = mysql_num_rows($themembers); ?> <html> <head> <title>Crew Members || SD</title> </head> <body> <?php if ($crewstuff->boss == $username || $crewstuff->coowner == $username || $crewstuff->underboss == $username){ ?> <table width='80%' align='center' class='table' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='1'> <tr> <td class='header' colspan='3' align='center'>Current Crew Members</td> </tr> <tr> <td class='omg' align='center' width='40%'>Username</td><td class='omg' align='center' width='30%'>Rep</td><td class='omg' width='30%' align='center'>Kick</td> </tr> <?php if ($ammoutmembers != "0"){ while ($member11 = mysql_fetch_object($themembers)){ ?> <tr> <td width='40%'><?php echo("<a href='profile.php?viewuser=$member11->username' target='mainFrame'>$member11->username</a>"); ?></td><td width='30%'><?php echo ("".number_format($member11->rep).""); ?></td><td width='30%'><?php echo("<a href='?action=members&kick=$member11->username'>Kick</a>"); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan='3' class='omg' align='center'>Any member kicked is logged.</td> </tr> </table> <?php } // $member11 }// $ammoutmembers }elseif ($crewstuff->member == $username){ echo ("Your not being here , without being staff."); } ?> Is there way I can make it so it will be something like this layout: Username | Rep | Kick ---------------------------------- username | 0 | Kick username | 0 | kick For each user thats echoed? Thanks for help given i have a form, and if the form has not been sent, it shows the form. here is my code for the beginning: Code: [Select] if($sent != true) { echo" ?> <div class='form'><form action='' method='post'> [b]!!![/b] <p class='form'>User ID: <br /><input name='memberID' type='hidden' value='<?php echo $row['id'] ?>' /> Your User ID will be logged for identity purposes. <br /><input type='checkbox' name='noIdentity' id='noIdentity' value='noIdentity' <?php if(isset($_POST['errors']) && isset($_POST[noIdentity])) { [b]!!![/b] echo ' checked='checked '"; } ?> /> and the end: Code: [Select] <?php "; } ?> it doesn't like what i have the exclamations next to. also, am i doing this right? Hi, this is how I echo some results from my DB: Code: [Select] <?php if(mysql_num_rows($execute)>0){ do{ echo " " .$result['id_cliente']. " " .$result['company_name']. " " .$result['cliente_tel']. " " ; }while($result = mysql_fetch_assoc($execute)); }else{ echo " No customer found. " ; } ?> and this echoes the results in one paragraph. I need to print the results in rows...and I need help with that. :shy:Thanks Hey i'm just woundering how i would echo numbers from a database like 1000000 lets say 1 million how would i go about on echoing it like this 1,000,000 ZhsHero how do i echo "checked=checked" for a checkbox? here is what i have: Code: [Select] <input type='checkbox' name='ip_automatic_login' id='ip_automatic_login' value='1' if($IPCheck == true) {/"checked=checked/" } /> this code will be echoed! Hi all, I have this code which is suppose to display everymessage that the User has, but when im trying to display the messages its displaying them all in different tables.. Im trying to get it so it will be like: inbox ------------------ subject | From subject | username Read Messages ------------------ subject | From subject | username So two tables which one displays the messages which havent been read while the other does <?php session_start(); include "includes/config.php"; include "includes/functions.php"; logincheck(); ini_set ('display_errors', 1); error_reporting (E_ALL); $user=$_SESSION['username']; // Grab whats needed... $all_msgs = mysql_query("SELECT `id` FROM `inbox` WHERE `to`='$user' ORDER BY `id` DESC") or die("Error on line 9 - " . mysql_error()); $get_msg = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `inbox` WHERE `to`='$user' ORDER BY `id` DESC") or die("Error on line 10 - " . mysql_error()); $msg_num = mysql_num_rows($all_msgs); // lets echo the subject + A linking to the message... echo '<table width="50%" cellpadding="0" align="center" cellspacing="0" border="1" class="table"> <tr> <td class="header" algin="center" colspan="2">Inbox</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="omg" align="center">Subject</td><td align="center" class="omg">From</td> </tr>'; for($number = 1; $number <= $msg_num; $number++) { $line = mysql_fetch_array($get_msg); //if the message is not read... if($line['read'] == 0){ echo '<tr> <td width="50%" align="center"><a href="rmessage.php?messageid=' . $line['id'] . '">' . $line['title'] . '</a>(New)</td><td width="50%" align="center"><a href="profile.php?viewuser=' . $line['from'] . '">' . $line['from'] . '</a></td> </tr></table> <br /> <br />'; }else{ // If message is read... echo '<br /><table width="50%" cellpadding="0" align="center" cellspacing="0" border="1" class="table"> <tr> <td class="header" algin="center" colspan="2">Messages Read</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="omg" align="center">Subject</td><td class="omg" align="center">From</td></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%" align="center"><a href="rmessage.php?messageid=' . $line['id'] . '">' . $line['title'] . '</a></td><td width="50%" align="center"><a href="profile.php?viewuser=' . $line['from'] . '">' . $line['from'] . '</td> </tr></table>'; }} ?> Anyone see a way I can sort it so it don't show a table for every message they have? Thanks for any help given |