PHP - Moved: In Magento Shoping Cart How To Pass The Variable Values To A Jsp Page?
This topic has been moved to PHP Applications. Similar TutorialsCreated module like No other products add to cart if restricted product available in cart and vice versa. My Module : app/etc/modules/Brst_Test.xml<?xml version="1.0"?> <config> <modules> <Brst_Test> <active>true</active> <codePool>community</codePool> </Brst_Test> </modules> </config> This is my observer file app/code/community/Brst/Test/Model/Observer.php<?php ini_set('display_errors', '1'); // Mage::log('Hy observer called', null, 'logfile.log'); class Brst_Test_Model_Observer { //Put any event as per your requirement public function logCartAdd() { $product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product') ->load(Mage::app()->getRequest()->getParam('product', 0)); $cart_qty = (int) Mage::getModel('checkout/cart')->getQuote()->getItemsQty(); if ($product->getId()==31588 && cart_qty > 0) { Mage::throwException("You can not add This special Product, empty cart before add it"); } // $quote = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')->getQuote(); // if ($quote->hasProductId(2)) //{ // Mage::getSingleton("core/session")->addError("Cart has Special Product you can not add another"); // return; // } $quote = Mage::getModel('checkout/cart')->getQuote(); foreach ($quote->getAllItems() as $item) { $productId = $item->getProductId(); if($productId==31588){ Mage::throwException("Cart has Special Product you can not add another"); } } } } ?> app/code/community/Brst/Test/etc/config.xml <?xml version="1.0"?> <config> <modules> <Brst_Test> <version>0.1.0</version> </Brst_Test> </modules> <global> <models> <brst_test> <class>Brst_Test_Model</class> </brst_test> </models> </global> <frontend> <events> <controller_action_predispatch_checkout_cart_add> <observers> <brst_test_log_cart_add> <class>brst_test/observer</class> <method>logCartAdd</method> </brst_test_log_cart_add> </observers> </controller_action_predispatch_checkout_cart_add> </events> </frontend> </config>
Not working, how to solve the error? I have couple of shipping methods DHL & FedEx, if selected products exits in cart show only selected shipping method, how to archive using shopping cart pricing rule or any other way to do this?
First, I will select checkbox then click generate report then it displays the items with download link Then i click download link to download the selected checkbox values in pdf I want to download the selected checkbox items by clicking download link Now i am getting all check box items in the pdf download How to download only the selected check box items Code: [Select] <?php session_start(); $_SESSION['pidd'] = 2; $sessvar = $_SESSION['pidd']; ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <title>Untitled Document</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css" /> <style type="text/css" media="print"> DIV#noprint{visibility:hidden;} INPUT#printbutt{visibility:hidden;} #downloadlink{visibility:hidden;} </style> <script type="text/javascript"> function gen() { var st1=document.getElementById("ckbox1").checked; var st2=document.getElementById("ckbox2").checked; var st3=document.getElementById("ckbox3").checked; var st4=document.getElementById("ckbox4").checked; if(st1 == true) { document.getElementById('g1').style.display = 'block'; } if(st2 == true) { document.getElementById('g2').style.display = 'block'; } if(st3 == true) { document.getElementById('g3').style.display = 'block'; } if(st4 == true) { document.getElementById('g4').style.display = 'block'; } document.getElementById('p_info').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('histree').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('insurence').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('billin').style.display = 'none'; } function showuser() { document.getElementById('g1').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('g2').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('g3').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('g4').style.display = 'none'; var str1=document.getElementById("ckbox1").checked; var str2=document.getElementById("ckbox2").checked; var str3=document.getElementById("ckbox3").checked; var str4=document.getElementById("ckbox4").checked; if(str1 == true) { document.getElementById('p_info').style.display = 'block'; } else document.getElementById('p_info').style.display = 'none'; if(str2 == true) { document.getElementById('histree').style.display = 'block'; } else document.getElementById('histree').style.display = 'none'; if(str3 == true) { document.getElementById('insurence').style.display = 'block'; } else document.getElementById('insurence').style.display = 'none'; if(str4 == true) { document.getElementById('billin').style.display = 'block'; } else document.getElementById('billin').style.display = 'none'; } function checkByParent(aId, aChecked) { var collection = document.getElementById(aId).getElementsByTagName('INPUT'); for (var x=0; x<collection.length; x++) { if (collection[x].type.toUpperCase()=='CHECKBOX') collection[x].checked = aChecked; } } </script> </head> <body> <div id="main_content"> <div id="left"> <div id="noprint"> <h4>Patient Report</h4> <a id="check_all" href="#" style="text-decoration:none" onClick="checkByParent('checkboxes', true); return false;">check all</a> <a id="uncheckall" href="#" style="text-decoration:none" onClick="checkByParent('checkboxes', false); return false;">uncheck all</a> <br> <br> <form method="post" name="myform" action=""> <div id="checkboxes"> <div id="cb_id1"> <input id="ckbox1" name="cbox1" type="checkbox" <? if(isset($_REQUEST['cbox1'])) echo 'checked="checked"' ; ?> value="p_info" /> Patient Info </div> <div id="cb_id2"> <input id="ckbox2" name="cbox2" type="checkbox" <?php if(isset($_REQUEST['cbox2'])) echo 'checked="checked"' ; ?> value="histree" /> History </div> <div id="cb_id3"> <input id="ckbox3" name="cbox3" type="checkbox" <?php if(isset($_REQUEST['cbox3'])) echo 'checked="checked"' ; ?> value="insurance" /> Insurence </div> <div id="cb_id4"> <input id="ckbox4" name="cbox4" type="checkbox" <?php if(isset($_REQUEST['cbox4'])) echo 'checked="checked"' ; ?> value="billin" /> Billing </div> </div> <!--checkboxes div --> <br> <input id="vuprint" name="view" type="button" value="View" onClick="showuser();"> <hr/> <label for="docs"> Documents:<br> <br> </label> <input name="sub" type="button" value="Generate report" onclick="gen();"> <hr/> </form> <input id="printbutt" name="prt" type="button" value="Print" onClick="javascript:window.print();"> </div> <!--No print --> </div> <!--Left div --> <div id="side"> <div id="p_info"> <?php require("db_conn.php"); $pinfo = mysqli_query($mysqli,"SELECT * FROM patient_datas WHERE P_Id='".$sessvar."' "); while($fet = mysqli_fetch_array($pinfo)) { echo "<h4>Patient Info</h4>"; echo "<b>Name: </b>" . $fet["P_Fname"] . " " . $fet["P_Lname"]. "<br>"; echo "<b>Dob:</b> " . date("d-m-Y",strtotime($fet["P_Dob"]))."<br>"; echo "<b>Age:</b> " . $fet["P_Age"]."<br>"; echo "<b>Gender:</b> " . $fet["P_Gender"]."<br>"; echo "<b>Marital Status:</b> " . $fet["P_Mstatus"]."<br>"; echo "<b>Blood: </b>" . $fet["P_Blood"]."<br>"; echo "<b>Height: </b>" . $fet["P_Height"] . $fet["P_Hval"]."<br>"; echo "<b>Weight: </b>" . $fet["P_Weight"] . $fet["P_Wval"]; } ?> </div> <div id="histree"> <?php $his = mysqli_query($mysqli,"SELECT * FROM patient_datas WHERE P_Id='".$sessvar."' "); while($hisrow = mysqli_fetch_array($his,MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { echo "<h4>Patient Histroy</h4>"; echo "<b>P_Idate: </b>" . date("d-m-Y",strtotime($hisrow["P_Idate"]))."<br>"; echo "<b>P_Edate: </b>" . date("d-m-Y",strtotime($hisrow["P_Edate"]))."<br>"; echo "<b>D_Ddate: </b>" . date("d-m-Y",strtotime($hisrow["D_Ddate"])); } ?> </div> <!-- Insurence --> <div id="insurence"> <?php $insu = mysqli_query($mysqli,"SELECT * FROM patient_datas WHERE P_Id='".$sessvar."' "); while($insrow = mysqli_fetch_array($insu,MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { ?> <?php echo "<h4>Insurence</h4>"; echo "<b>P_Isname: </b>" . $insrow["P_Isname"]."<br>"; // echo $insow[""]; } ?> </div> <div id="billin"> <?php $bilrow = mysqli_query($mysqli,"SELECT * FROM patient_datas WHERE P_Id='1' "); while($bill = mysqli_fetch_array($bilrow,MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { ?> <?php echo "<h4>Billing</h4>"; echo "<b>P_Fbill: </b>" . $bill["P_Fbill"]."<br>"; echo "<b>Fees: </b>" . $bill["fees"]; } ?> </div> </div> <!--/side div --> <div id="generatereport"> <div id="g1" style="display:none; clear:both;"> <label for="Gen_reports">Generaterd reports</label> <br /> <br /> <?php $pinfo = mysqli_query($mysqli,"SELECT * FROM patient_datas WHERE P_Id='1' "); while($fet = mysqli_fetch_array($pinfo,MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { $new_dob = date("d-m-Y",strtotime($fet["P_Dob"])); ?> <?php echo "<h4>Patient Info</h4>"; echo "<b>Patient Id:</b> ". $fet["P_Id"]."<br>"; echo "<b>Name:</b> " . $fet["P_Fname"] . " " . $fet["P_Lname"]."<br>"; echo "<b>Dob:</b> " . $new_dob ."<br>"; echo "<b>Age:</b> " .$fet["P_Age"]."<br>"; echo "<b>Gender:</b> " . $fet["P_Gender"]."<br>"; echo "<b>Marital Status:</b> " . $fet["P_Mstatus"]. "<br>"; echo "<b>Blood:</b> " . $fet["P_Blood"] . "<br>"; echo "<b>Height:</b> " . $fet["P_Height"] . $fet["P_Hval"]. "<br>"; echo "<b>Weight:</b> " . $fet["P_Weight"] . $fet["P_Wval"]. "<br>"; } echo "*************************************************************************************************************************"; ?> </div> <div id="g2" style="display:none"> <?php $his = mysqli_query($mysqli,"SELECT * FROM patient_datas WHERE P_Id='1' "); while($secrow = mysqli_fetch_array($his,MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { echo "<h4>Patient Histroy</h4>"; echo "<b>P_Idate:</b> " . date("d-m-Y",strtotime($secrow["P_Idate"])) ."<br>"; echo "<b>P_Edate:</b> " . date("d-m-Y",strtotime($secrow["P_Edate"])) ."<br>"; echo "<b>D_Ddate:</b> " . date("d-m-Y",strtotime($secrow["D_Ddate"])) ."<br>"; } echo "*************************************************************************************************************************"; ?> </div> <div id="g3" style="display:none"> <?php $insu = mysqli_query($mysqli,"SELECT * FROM patient_datas WHERE P_Id='1' "); while($insrow = mysqli_fetch_array($insu,MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { echo "<h4>Insurence</h4>"; echo "<b>P_Isname:</b>" . $insrow["P_Isname"]."<br>"; } echo "*************************************************************************************************************************"; ?> </div> <div id="g4" style="display:none"> <?php $bilrow = mysqli_query($mysqli,"SELECT * FROM patient_datas WHERE P_Id='1' "); while($bill = mysqli_fetch_array($bilrow,MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { echo "<h4>Billing</h4>"; echo "<b>P_Fbill:</b> " . $bill["P_Fbill"]."<br>"; echo "<b>Fees:</b> " . $bill["fees"]; } ?> </div> <?php $infochk = 'p_info'; $hischk = 'histree'; $insuchk = 'insurance'; $billchk = 'billin'; ?> <a id="downloadlink" href="download_pdf2.php?info=<?php if(isset($infochk)) echo $infochk; ?>&hist=<?php if(isset($hischk)) echo $hischk; ?>&insu=<?php if(isset($insuchk)) echo $insuchk; ?>&billin=<?php if(isset($billchk)) echo $billchk; ?>">Download</a> </div> <!--generate report --> </div> <!--/main_coontent --> </body> </html> Observer not triggered and log file not created.
app/etc/modules/Gta_KolupadiRestrict.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <config> <modules> <Gta_KolupadiRestrict> <active>true</active> <codepool>local</codepool> </Gta_KolupadiRestrict> </modules> </config>
<?xml version="1.0"?> <config> <modules> <Gta_KolupadiRestrict> <version>1.0.0</version> </Gta_KolupadiRestrict> </modules> <global> <models> <gta_kolupadirestrict> <class>Gta_KolupadiRestrict_Model</class> </gta_kolupadirestrict> </models> </global> <frontend> <events> <checkout_cart_product_add_after> <observers> <Gta_KolupadiRestrict_Model_Observer> <type>singleton</type> <class>Gta_KolupadiRestrict_Model_Observer</class> <method>cartevent</method> </Gta_KolupadiRestrict_Model_Observer> </observers> </checkout_cart_product_add_after> </events> </frontend> </config>
app/code/local/Gta/KolupadiRestrict/Model/Observer.php <?php // Mage::log('fine dude', null, 'logfile.log'); //create class class Gta_KolupadiRestrict_Model_Observer { //create function public function cartevent(Varien_Event_Observer $observer) {
$event = $observer->getEvent(); Mage::log($event->getName(),null,'event.log');
} } ?> Edited August 6, 2019 by aveevai knw dis mst a simple question but how to pass variable to other page for eg i hav created a page where user submits username n telephone then via sms some random number goes to user mobile ...i want this random number variable in other page dis is my code for startreg.php <form action="startregprocess.php" method="post"> username:<input type="text" name="username"> telephone<input type="text" name="telephone" <input type="submit" name="submit"> </form> <?php srand ((double) microtime( )*1000000); $random_number = rand( ); echo $random_number; ?> i want tht $random_number in other page called startregprocess.php This topic has been moved to Third Party PHP Scripts. Code: [Select] <form action='test.php' method='post'> <input id="Username" type="hidden" name="date2" /> <input type="submit" name="action" value="Submit"></form> Hi I want to pass a Username javascript variable to test.php as hidden, anyone can help? When code this Code: [Select] <input id="Username" type="input" name="date2" />Data can pass to test.php When code this Code: [Select] <input id="Username" type="hidden" name="date2" />Data fail to pass over This topic has been moved to Miscellaneous. Hello there,
I have 2 questions:
1) Look he http://www.hellastra...ooking/taxi.php
I have a form and i want to pass values from URL to fields.
So, for example to pass a value to Prefered driver ID field you write this:
http://www.hellastra...?drivercode-123 and the value 123 is passed to that field. I did this with this code:
<?php $sDriverCode = $_REQUEST['drivercode']; ?> <input style="width:100px;" name="drivercode" id="drivercode" value="<?=$sDriverCode?>" data-mini="true" />At the same form i have some radio-type fields. Its the one you see at Type of Vehicle (Standard, Premium etc). When i try to do the same, i cannot get this to work. What i am trying to do is this: hey guys,i'm back with a new prob.. i have an image here that when clicked using onclick, will open a window and sort of pass the php values to the window. okay,it's confusing but perhaps this will help you understand. let me break it down. this is what the image code looks like. i have placed this inside the php echo. Code: [Select] <img src="images/edit.png" alt="Edit rooms" width="16" height="16" onclick="\'edit.php?course='.$row['c_name'].'&year='.$row['year'].'&block='.$row['block'].'\',\'width=300, height=200, menubar=yes\')"/> now my problem is i can't seem to get all three of the values, c_name,year and block to be posted on the window.. here's the code on edit.php: Code: [Select] <?php include("dbcon.php"); $course = $_GET['c_name']; $year = $_GET['year']; $block = $_GET['block']; ?> <html> <body> Course:<input type="text" name="course" value="<?php echo $course;?>"><br> Year:<input type="text" name="year" value="<?php echo $year;?>"><br> Block:<input type="text" name="block" value="<?php echo $block;?>"><br></html> i have already used $_GET as you can see but only year and block appear on the form. i get a notice saying that c_name is an undefined index. i am really confused and i don't know what the problem is. i hope you guys can help me.. I am under developing PHP add to cart without DB, so that i am using SESSION, actually get data from fetch_data.php data to my_cart.php using the POST method, successfully retun the values, After receiving the post data how can i convert to display like a table. workout: fetch_data.php return values. & values received Here is my my_cart.php : // FYI -> Here i am using only two fields : voice_sku & voice_name <table width="100%" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0"> <thead> <tr> <th>Voice Sku</th> <th>Voice Name</th> <th>Remove</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php session_start(); $voice_sku = ''; $voice_name = ''; if(isset($_POST['voice_sku'])&& isset($_POST['voice_name'])) { // print_r($_POST); // die(); $voice_sku = $_POST['voice_sku']; $voice_name = $_POST['voice_name']; $_SESSION['voice_sku'] = $voice_sku; $_SESSION['voice_name'] = $voice_name; } var_dump($_SESSION); ?> <tr> <td colspan="5"> <span style="float:right;text-align: right;"> <!-- --> </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="5"> <a href="index.php" class="button">Add More Items</a> <button type="submit">Update</button> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
Hi, I'm trying to pass values from an array into a form. As a newbie, I've came up with the code underneath, but I want to pinpoint all the first values toward 1 selection list in the form. Any suggestions how to accomplish this? Thanks in advance. Ruud <html> <head> <title>Test formulier</title> </head> <body> <h2>Test formulier</h2> <form action="test.php" method="post"> <p> <?php $prijzen = array( array("01", "125","150", "A" => true,"B" => true), array("02", "125","150", "A" => true,"B" => true), array("03", "125","150", "A" => true,"B" => false), array("04", "125","150", "A" => true,"B" => true) ); ?> </P> <select name="prijzen[]" id="prijzen" multiple="multiple" size="7" class="none"> <?php while(list($key, $val) = each($prijzen)){ while(list($key2, $val2) = each($val)){ echo '<option value="'.$key2.'">'.$val2.'</option>'.PHP_EOL; } } ?> </select> </body> </html> Hi all, Just curious why this works: Code: [Select] while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE){ $import="INSERT into $prodtblname ($csvheaders1) values('$data[0]','$data[1]','$data[2]','$data[3]','$data[4]','$data[5]','$data[6]')"; } And this does not: $headdata_1 = "'$data[0]','$data[1]','$data[2]','$data[3]','$data[4]','$data[5]','$data[6]'"; while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE){ $import="INSERT into $prodtblname ($csvheaders1) values($headdata_1)"; }it puts $data[#'s] in the database fields instead of the actual data that '$data[0]','$data[1]'... relates to. I wrote a script to create the values in $headdata_1 based on the number of headers in $csvheaders1 but can't seem to get it working in the sql statement. Thanks Hi guys, I need your help, I have got a problem with the if statement. When I don't insert the pass function in the url like this: Code: [Select] I will get this on my php page: Code: [Select] PASSWORD are missing Code: [Select] <?php session_start(); define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); define('DB_USER', 'mydbusername'); define('DB_PASSWORD', 'mydbpass'); define('DB_DATABASE', 'mydbname'); $errmsg_arr = array(); $errflag = false; $link = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD); if(!$link) { die('Failed to connect to server: ' . mysql_error()); } $db = mysql_select_db(DB_DATABASE); if(!$db) { die("Unable to select database"); } function clean($var){ return mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags($var)); } $image = clean($_GET['image']); $strings = clean($_GET['strings']); $username = clean($_GET['user']); $pass = clean($_GET['pass']); if($username == '' && $pass) { $errmsg_arr[] = 'username are missing'; $errflag = true; }elseif($username && $pass =='') { $errmsg_arr[] = 'PASSWORD are missing'; $errflag = true; } if($username == '' && $pass == '') { $errmsg_arr[] = 'username or password missing'; $errflag = true; } if($errflag) { $_SESSION['ERRMSG_ARR'] = $errmsg_arr; echo implode('<br />',$errmsg_arr); } else { $insert = array(); if(isset($_GET['image'])) { $insert[] = 'image = \'' . clean($_GET['image']) . '\''; } if(isset($_GET['strings'])) { $insert[] = 'strings = \'' . clean($_GET['strings']) . '\''; } if(isset($_GET['user'])) { $insert[] = 'user = \'' . clean($_GET['user']) .'\''; } if(isset($_GET['pass'])) { $insert[] = 'pass = \'' . clean($_GET['pass']) . '\''; } if (count($insert)>0) { $names = implode(',',$insert); $required_fields = array('image', 'strings', 'user'); if($image && $strings && $username) { echo "working 1"; } elseif($username && $pass) { echo "working 2"; } } } ?> Do anyone know how to fix this? Hello
I'm using a form to collect user data (is a Cognito form) it is displayed on vacation rental properties pages, so it collects user´s email, in date, out date, etc. in the cognito form I have one text hidden field called REF, I wonder how to do in order to use the same form and be able to identify where the info comes from. I thougt that if I could put the page url into the REF variable, the problem would be solved, but I'm not sure if that is possible and how to do it. It is? If not: is it possible to handle that ? I have researched all over forums from past day. Not getting correct solution. I have 2 textboxes and a button. First box is to enter value and i will click button, i need to get the value.
Here is the code, that works without input box 1
In this code i want to modify my web address, at the end after ky= i want add my first textbox value, then click event and output in second textbox, let me know where i messed.
<script type="text/javascript"> function Assign() { <?php $html = file_get_contents("" ); preg_match_all('(<li.*?>.*?</li>)', $html, $matches); $one=$matches[0][0]; ?> document.getElementById("OutputField").value = "<?=$one?>"; } </script> <input id="InputField" type="text" style="width:200px"/> <input type="submit" value="Assign Value" onclick="Assign()"/> <input id="OutputField" type="text" style="width:200px"/> so I need some help passing these variable from this page to final.php. how do I pass these arrays? I know if it were singled....not arrayed, I could use hidden fields in a form and echo them out....but these are multiples....not singled. The form way is prefered.....but it doesn't have to be. I just need these passed to the page where I am going to process them. I am not good at working with arrays. Thanks in advance Code: [Select] <?php include_once("connect.php"); session_start(); foreach($_POST["product"] AS $key => $val) { $product = $val; $month = $_POST['month'][$key]; $day = $_POST['day'][$key]; $year = $_POST['year'][$key]; $date = $_POST['date'][$key]; $price = $_POST['price'][$key]; $qty = $_POST['qty'][$key]; $id = $_POST['id'][$key]; $total = $_POST['total'][$key]; $academy = $_POST['academy'][$key]; $priceunit = $price * $qty; } ?> I have a list of checkboxes, like e.g each checkbox has a value as ResumeID, now question is/are; 1) how to get the values of the checkboxes using jQuery ? 2) when I got the values of the checkboxes using jQuery, how to pass those values to a PHP Controller action ? I have a page that contains a List box containing a list of categories taken from a mysql database, 4 iframe elements and 4 submit button (code to follow)
When an item is selected from the List box the onchange event submits the page to jobs.php and loads it into the joblist iframe. Once the iframe is loaded and visible it makes the "Add Job To Category" submit button visible. This all works great
When I click the "Add Job To Category" Submit button it loads Jobnew.php into the jobed iframe this is working but I can not seem to figure out how to pass the selected item from the List box using this submit button
I hope I am clear in my question if not please advise any help is very much appreciated....
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>Job Configuration</title> <head> </head> <body> <div style="position:absolute;left:5px;top:0px;width:1345px;height:50px;z-index:0;"> <img src="images/img0001.png" id="Shape1" alt="" style="border-width:0;width:1345px;height:50px;"></div> <span style='position:fixed;left:525px;top:8px;font-family:Arial;font-size:32px;width:275px;'>Job Configuration</span> <form action='index.html' target='' method='post'> <div style="position:absolute;left:205px;top:55px;width:1345px;height:50px;z-index:0;"> <Input type="submit" action="index.html" Target="_top" method='post'Value="Main Menu"> </div> </form> <form style=position:fixed;left:200px;top:82px;> <iframe name='joblist' id='joblist' style=position:fixed;left:200px;top:px;visibility:hidden;z-index:10 src='' height="475" width="1150" scrolling='yes' frameBorder='0' ></iframe> <iframe name='job' id='job' style=absolute:fixed;left:200px;top:0px;visibility:hidden;z-index:0 src='' height="475" width="1150" scrolling='yes' frameBorder='0' ></iframe> <iframe name='jobed' id='jobed' style=position:fixed;left:460px;top:150px;visibility:hidden;z-index:10 src='' height="217" width="350" scrolling='no' frameBorder='0' ></iframe> <iframe name='newcat' id='newcat' style=position:fixed;left:460px;top:150px;visibility:hidden;z-index:10 src='' height="125" width="350" scrolling='no' frameBorder='0' ></iframe> </form> <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); include('dbcon/dbconnect.php'); $con=mysqli_connect($host,$user,$password,$db); // Check connection if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error(); } if (isset($_POST['id'])) { $insql= "INSERT INTO catagory (Catagory) VALUES ('$_REQUEST[newcat]')"; $con->query($insql); } $Catresult = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT CatID, Catagory FROM catagory"); echo "<div id='wb_CatSel' style='position:absolute;z-index:0;text-align:center;'bgcolor='#00b0e6';>"; echo "<span style='position:fixed;left:10px;top:82px;font-family:Arial;font-size:15px;background-color:#00b0e6;width:175px;'>Select Category</span></div>"; echo "<form action='jobs.php' target='joblist' style='position:fixed;left:10px;top:101px;'></td>"; echo "<select name='cat' size='11' style='width: 175px;' onchange='this.form.submit()'>"; while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($Catresult)) { echo "<option value=\"".$row['CatID']."\">".$row['Catagory']."</option>\n "; } echo "</select>"; echo "</form>"; echo "<form action='Jobnew.php' target='jobed' method='post'>"; echo "<div style='position:absolute;left:10px;top:285px;width:1345px;height:50px;z-index:0;'>"; echo "<Input type='hidden' id='id1'><Input type='submit' id='sbtn' style='width:175px;visibility:hidden;' Value='Add Job To Category'></div></form>"; echo "<form action='Jobtask.php' target='' method='post'>"; echo "<div style='position:absolute;left:10px;top:310px;width:1345px;height:50px;z-index:0;'>"; echo "<Input type='submit' style='width:175px;' action='Jobtask.php' Target='_top' method='post' Value='Reset Form'></div></form>"; echo "<form action='newcat.php' target='newcat' method='post'>"; echo "<div style='position:absolute;left:10px;top:335px;width:1345px;height:50px;z-index:0;''>"; echo "<Input type='submit' style='width:175px;'' action='newcat.php' Target='newcat' method='post' Value='Add New Category'></div></form>"; ?> </body> </html> |