PHP - How To Display Just One Image Using A Php Array In Html
Hi, i'm getting an error when I load my php code in a browser. Here's my code snippet:
<?php mysql_connect("localhost","root"); mysql_select_db("something"); $bellProductsArray=array(1=>"Apple_iPhone3GS.jpg",2=>"Apple_iPhone4.jpg"); $result=mysql_query("SELECT Name, Manufacturer FROM bellProducts WHERE ID=1"); $row=mysql_fetch_assoc($result); print "Name: {$row['Name']} Manufacturer: {$row['Manufacturer'] }"; ?> <img src=<?php array_values($bellProductsArray); ?> alt="Apple iPhone 3GS" title="Apple iPhone 3GS" /> **I can't get it to display the first image (eg: Apple_iPhone3GS.jpg), I made sure that I have the image in same directory. please help!1! Similar TutorialsHello all, I need to make a rotating banner system for a client. They want about 5 banners to rotate with Javascript. However they want the visitor to sort of step through each one on each refresh. So if I have 5 banners and I go to the site, I see banner 1 and then the javascript rotates through each one. When I go back to the site, they want it to start with banner 2 and then the javascript will rotate through each one. Then on and on. Go back and see banner 3, then step through again. I have a nice Javascript image slider I'd like to use. It basically just requires the images in order. Like: <img src="1.jpg"/> <img src="2.jpg"/> <img src="3.jpg"/> <img src="4.jpg"/> <img src="5.jpg"/> I've thought about it and I think the best way to do this would just be using PHP and a cookie. So when the viewer first goes to the site, PHP checks for the cookie. If it exists, it pulls the starting image #. If it doesn't, it starts at 0 and sets the cookie. As for the images part, I figured an associate array would work well. The key would be what the cookie logic is based on, and then the image HTML would be in the array. So you visit the site without a cookie it would be... 0 => <img src="1.jpg"/> 1 => <img src="2.jpg"/> 2 => <img src="3.jpg"/> 3 => <img src="4.jpg"/> 4 => <img src="5.jpg"/> Then when you go back to the site, I need the array to be re-ordered like this: 0 => <img src="2.jpg"/> 1 => <img src="3.jpg"/> 2 => <img src="4.jpg"/> 3 => <img src="5.jpg"/> 4 => <img src="1.jpg"/> What's the best way to go about this array logic? My experience with manipulating data inside arrays is rather limited. Basically I need it to say "Start with key # and then reorder array based on that" Hi, I'm hoping someone can help me with a simply array problem. I have a table with two columns: "ID" and "Name" and 100 Names. I also have an array called $myIDList containing 10 IDs. I want to display 10 Names from the table that correspond with the IDs from my array. Originally, I tried to implode the array, adding commas and inserted into my MySQL query using: $myQuery = "SELECT ID, Name FROM namesTable WHERE ID IN ($myImplodedIDList)"; The problem was that duplicated names (i.e. the same Name, but assiged to different IDs) would only be displayed once. So now I'm trying to use the original array to loop through a second array and display Names where the ID matches an ID from my first array. I have succesffuly listed the table like this: $myQuery = "SELECT ID, Name FROM myTable ORDER BY ID"; $myResult = mysql_query($myQuery) or die(mysql_error()); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($myResult)) { echo $row['ID']; echo $row['Name']; } But I want to do something like: while($row=mysql_fetch_array($myResult)) { while $row['ID'] = $myIDList { echo $row['Name'] } } Can someone shed some light onto this for me please? Thank you! Bryan Hello, Five images will be displayed inside a division. There will be a previous and next button/link. If someone click the next button the next image will be added in that div and the first image will be gone from that div. The previous button/link will do the same thing. Is it possible with php? I am confused if it's a javascript or ajax question. Thanks. Would like to be able to click on a radio button that represents an image. Once selected and submitted, have that image display on another page. I have an idea, but need some guidance. BTW, is using php only doable? Is there a simpler or more elegant way to do this? Thanks all! Hi, Is it possible to display the whole array of voteID in this url? Is there a script/website/code I can use? Thank you! my user pm table has a touserarray field which is a serialized array that looks like this: a:1:{s:2:"cc";a:1:{i:15773;s:14:"testusername";}} i know I can unserialize it with the unserialize() function. But I need to extract the value corresponding to 'i' field and the 's' field that has the username. So from the above array, i need to retrieve the value '15773' and 'testusername'. Can someone tell me how? $color=array("01 orange","02 blue","03 red"); If my array was structured this way where the first two characters represented a code, how would I be able to display the code and color distinctly? I have the following code that queries the database for the results of a quiz. The display reports on completed quizzes, showing, line by line, the quiz title, the date of the quiz, an image of a green tick if the quiz result was correct or an image of a red cross for an incorrect result and a fractional result shoratio of correct answers. A student can repeat a quiz numerous times, and therefore his results for a particulat quiz can display several rows with green ticks and red crosses for the same test done at different times with differing results. I want to recode this so that the red crosses for incorrect results will no longer display once a student achieves a green tick result. I've had several goes at this but my results are less than encouraging. Can anyone help? Do I tackle this through an altered query, or should I include conditions in the display of the array? Code: [Select] <?php $query1 = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT quizTitle, userId, passState, userScore, totalScore, DATE_FORMAT(userDate,'%b %e, %Y') AS userDate FROM quiz WHERE managerId = '$managerId' AND userId = '$userId' ORDER BY quizTitle, userDate ASC"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query1)) { echo "{$row['quizTitle']} <br />\n"; echo "{$row['userDate']} <br />\n"; if ("{$row['passState']}" == 1) {echo "<img src=' ../../wood/wood_tool_images/tick2.png' /><br />\n";} if ("{$row['passState']}" == 0) {echo "<img src=' ../../wood/wood_tool_images/cross2.png' /><br />\n";} echo "{$row['userScore']}".'/'."{$row['totalScore']} ?> I've been trying to get this to work for a few days now and can't seem to get anywhere with it! Any help is very much appreciated. I am creating a number generator where the user is required to insert the maximum number and generate rate. Maximum number is the highest number that the script will go to, and generate rate is how many numbers should be created. When the script runs, the numbers are stored into a MySQL database. The MySQL database creates a unique ID number so it can be recalled at a later date. The user then needs to go to Sorting.php and selects the record they wish to use. The numbers from this record are then counted and then stored into an array. If the numbers 2,5,5,0,2,2,1,3,5,1 where generated, the output of this new array will be: [5] => 3 [3] => 1 [2] => 3 [1] => 2 => 1 (These arrays can be of any length) I now need to extract this data and show it on screen. I don't know how to approach it. Format example: Number 5 appears 3 times Number 3 appears 1 times Number 2 appears 3 times Number 0 appears 1 times Sorting.php <?php $db1 = new Number_Information(); $db1->openDB(); $sql = "select * from GeneratedNumber"; $result = $db1->getResult($sql); if (!$_POST) { //page loads for the first time ?> <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>" method="post"> Select the ID (If you have just generated a number, it will be the last one): <!--This is the drop down menu--> <select name="ID"> <?php while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { echo "<option value='{$row['ID']}'> {$row['ID']} </option>"; } ?> </select> <br /> <input type="submit" value="Continue" /> </form> <?php } else { $ID = $_POST['ID']; //This will contain the value that was selected in the drop down menu above. $result = mysql_query("SELECT NUMBERS2 FROM GeneratedNumber WHERE ID='{$ID}'"); //This tells the script to select NUMBERS2 contents which is assosiated with the ID. while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) $NUMBERS2 = $row['NUMBERS2']; echo "$NUMBERS2"; //Testing reasons - remove it later. echo "<br />"; //same as above echo "$ID"; // as above. echo "<br />"; //as above //Convert NUMBERS2 back into an array when inserted into table from Generator.php $NUMBERS = explode(",", $NUMBERS2); // Counts how many times a number appears //******************************************************************************************************************* //IF ALL ELSE FAILS, REVERT BACK TO THIS. //print_r(array_count_values($NUMBERS)); //It will only print the statement, but gives you a good building block when things WILL go wrong. //******************************************************************************************************************* rsort($NUMBERS); print_r(array_count_values($NUMBERS)); (The questions when editing posts are hard. I've needed to Google both of them:() Example: i have an array of names array{ => john [1] = ted [2] = jeff } and i display them like this: john, ted, jeff but jeff is currently logged in so i want his name to display first(i have my reasons lol) how would i go about this? i got as far as: if(in_array($user->user_name, $likes)) { $user_key = array_search($user->user_name, $likes); } then hit a brain freeze. Thanks Here is my current code to display files from the end to beginning : Code: [Select] <?php function func() { $date = date("Y-m-d"); $picarray = array(); $userarray = array(); $handle = opendir ('pqimages/'.$date.'/'); while (false !==($file = readdir($handle))) { if($file != "." && $file != "..") { $picarray[] = "".$date."/".$file.""; $userarray[]= "pqimages/".$date."/".$file.""; } } sort($picarray); sort($userarray); closedir($handle); $json_array = json_encode($picarray); echo $json_array; } func(); ?> How could I change this from end to beginning for ($picarray)? Cheers, George Hi, It's my first time here. I'm not a coder but I sometimes need to find solutions by myself so here I am... I think this one will be easy for all of you. I generate a PDF displaying data from fields on a DB They all display very well except the multiple choices. Here is an exerpt of my code; I tried the implode code to display my values separated by commas but in the document it stil displays "Array" (screenshot enclosed) instead of something like: "Sante mentale, Reussite scolaire, Environnement sain " And I obviously don't know what's wrong...
<tr><td><?php echo $fields['prenomact']['value']; ?> <?php echo $fields['nomact']['value']; ?></td><td><?php echo $fields['titreact']['value']; ?></td></tr> Thanks in advance for your help, Valérie
Hello I have an array that I would like to display as a family tree... and am looking for an example script that will allow me to do this. I want to be able to create X number of generations and fill the boxes with data from my array.... So, if I want 5 generations I want to generate a tree with 63 elements or boxes Any help would be appreciated Thanks I'm getting an error: Undefined offset: 1 in… I'm trying to display a 2D array after filling it. It displays fine if I echo it while it's being made, but after it is not working.
I'm making a pyramid solitaire game and am trying to set up the pyramid of cards. There are 7 arrays, each with a set amount of cards in them. The first array only gets one cards while the last array gets seven. This makes it like a pyramid. All the indexes that don't get a card are set to 0. So it looks like this where the 1's are cards:
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
The display2Darray function is what is causing the error. Specifically this line:
if($array[$i][$j] == 0)Heres my main code: <?php include_once "pyramidCard.php"; include_once "pyramidDeck.php"; $theDeck = new Deck(); $pyramid = array(array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array()); $size = 7; $theDeck->shuffleCards(); makePyramid($pyramid, $size, $theDeck); display2Darray($pyramid, $size); //************************ // FRUNCTIONS * //************************ function makePyramid($array, $size, $deck) { $row = 0; for($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { for($j = 0; $j < $size; $j++) { if($j > $row) { $array[$i][$j] = 0; //echo ". <br>"; } else { $array[$i][$j] = $deck->dealCards(); //echo "this card is ".$array[$i][$j]->getFace()." of ".$array[$i][$j]->getSuit()."<br>"; } } $row++; } } function display2Darray($array, $size) { for($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { for($j = 0; $j < $size; $j++) { if($array[$i][$j] == 0) echo " "; else echo $array[$i][$j]->getFace()." of ".$array[$i][$j]->getSuit(); } echo "<br>"; } } ?> I've got my code working OK in that the correct results are drawn from the database. What I have here in the code is an array consisting of an image, accompanied by its title and thirdly a link to activate a quiz associated with the image. Everything works fine, except because the page is dynamic, I always have an unknown number of sets of data (image, title and link) which I want to display so that each set of data takes up a new row. The code I have here, while displaying the correct data, places all of the results into the same row. Any suggestions are most welcome. Code: [Select] <?php // Query the database $query1 = mysql_query("SELECT title FROM topics WHERE managerId='".$managerId."' AND egroup1='"."1"."' ORDER BY title ASC"); $query2 = mysql_query("SELECT url_small FROM topics WHERE managerId='".$managerId."' AND egroup1='"."1"."' ORDER BY title ASC"); $query3 = mysql_query("SELECT title FROM topics WHERE managerId='".$managerId."' AND egroup1='"."1"."' ORDER BY title ASC"); while($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($query3)) { $linkname .= $row1['title']."<br />\n"; } ?> <table> <tr> <td> <?php while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($query2)) { $thumbnail.= $row2['url_small']; echo "<img src='wood_tool_images/{$row2['url_small']}' alt='' /><br />\n"; } ?> </td> <td height="200"> <?php echo $linkname ?> </td> <td> <?php while ($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($query1)) { $quizname.= $row1['title']; echo "<a href='../{$row1['title']} Safety Quiz/{$row1['title']} Safety Quiz.php'>Take This Quiz</a><br />\n"; } ?> </td> </tr> </table> i have checkboxes on the database page and if checked they send to the shopping basket i have the items selected to display but like this
Array ( [0] => Imagine DragonsImagine DragonsRockI Bet My LifeKIDinaKORNER1.25Brand new single from the incredible Imagine Dragons )
I am trying to return all the photos in the database that has the albumid associated with that table info. I can echo the $album->id (albumid) no problem, but my query it think is somewhat off. Please anyone. Code: [Select] <div id="photo-items" class="photo-list-item"> <?php echo $album->id.'<br>'; // fetch album photos and ids $database =& JFactory::getDBO(); $query = "SELECT * FROM jos_photos where albumid = ".$album->id." ORDER BY ASC"; $photos = mysql_query($query); //This returns and array of photos, but then needs to display all the photos in loop below, but it not retuning none, even if there is 100 photos in table and in the folder directory if($photos) { for( $i=0; $i<count($photos); $i++ ){ $row =& $photos[$i]; ?> <div class="photo-item" id="photo-<?php echo $i;?>" title="<?php echo $this->escape($row->caption);?>"> <a href="<?php echo $row->link;?>"><img class="" src="<?php echo $row->getThumbURI();?>" alt="<?php echo $this->escape($row->caption);?>" id="photoid-<?php echo $row->id;?>" /></a> <?php if( $isOwner ) { ?> <div class="photo-action"> <a href="javascript:void(0);('<?php echo $row->id;?>');" class="remove"><?php echo JText::_('CC REMOVE');?></a> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } } else { ?> <div class="empty-list"><?php echo JText::_('CC NO PHOTOS UPLOADED YET');?> <button class="button button-upload" href="javascript: void(0);&userid=88" id="upload-photos-button">Start Uploading</button></div> <?php } ?> </div> Hi Guys! Trying to display data in 3 rows horizontally and 25 vertiacally Code: [Select] // Print out result while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ echo "There are ". $row['COUNT(biddersId)'] ." bidders logged."; echo "<br />"; } $query = "SELECT * FROM bidders ORDER BY biddersId"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); echo "<table border='1'>"; echo "<tr> <th>Bidders</th>"; // keeps getting the next row until there are no more to get while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $result )) { // Print out the contents of each row into a table echo "<tr><td>"; echo"<font face= \"calibri\" size=\"3\">"; echo $row['biddersId']; echo "</br>"; echo "</td><td>"; } echo "</table>"; ?> Hi, I have come up with the following code, I need it to get the details of several scattered products and echo the results, the trick is I don't want it to echo the results one after the other... I want to have the products scattered between unique text on the page but don't want to run the query several times for performance reasons. E.g.- PAGE to look like this: $Product_1 unique text/images $Product_2 $Product_3 unique text/images $Product_4 Current Code: Code: [Select] <? $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM products where Product_ID IN (475, 465, 234, 567, 845)"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $x = "1"; while ($x<=3) { echo $x; $Product = "Product_"; $Product = $Product.$x; echo $Product; $Product = $row['Product_ID']; echo $Product; $x++; echo $x; } } At the moment it returns the following results: Quote 1 Product_1 465 2 2 Product_2 465 3 3 Product_3 465 4 1 Product_1 475 2 2 Product_2 475 3 3 Product_3 475 4 A few problems... In Blue... it duplicates for product 465 In Red... It repeats again for 475 Also.... it starts with 465, but I want it to go in order as how it appears - $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM products where Product_ID IN (475, 465, 234, 567, 845)"); so should start with 475 I want to get the following result: Quote 1 Product_1 475 2 2 Product_2 465 3 3 Product_3 234 4 4 Product_4 567 4 (and so on.....) If anyone could provide me assistance with my troubled 'while loop' statement that would be much appreciated! |