PHP - Problem In Saving Data From While Loop And Select Option
I need to save data from a while loop and data from select option, Now I encountered that using my query I only save is the last part of my while loop and also the data that I choose in select option did not save. here is my code: Code: [Select] <?php error_reporting(0); date_default_timezone_set("Asia/Singapore"); //set the time zone $con = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root',''); if (!$con) { echo 'failed'; die(); } mysql_select_db("mes", $con); $sr_date =date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $sr_date = $_POST['sr_date']; $sr_number = $_POST['sr_number']; $Items = $_POST['Items']; $SubItems = $_POST['SubItems']; $ItemCode = $_POST['ItemCode']; $DemandedQty = $_POST['DemandedQty']; $UoM = $_POST['UoM']; $Class = $_POST['Class']; $Description = $_POST['Description']; $BINLocation = $_POST['BINLocation']; $RequestedBy = $_POST['RequestedBy']; $ApprovedBy = $_POST['ApprovedBy']; $ReceivedBy = $_POST['ReceivedBy']; $IssuedBy = $_POST['IssuedBy']; $sql = "INSERT INTO stock_requisition (sr_date, sr_number, Items, SubItems, ItemCode, DemandedQty, UoM, Class, Description, BINLocation, RequestedBy, ApprovedBy, ReceivedBy, IssuedBy) VALUES ('$sr_date', '$sr_number', '$Items', '$SubItems', '$ItemCode', '$DemandedQty', '$UoM', '$Class', '$Description', '$BINLocation', '$RequestedBy', '$ApprovedBy', '$ReceivedBy', '$IssuedBy') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE sr_date = '$sr_date', sr_number = '$sr_number', Items = '$Items', SubItems = '$SubItems', ItemCode = '$ItemCode', DemandedQty = '$DemandedQty', UoM = '$UoM', Class = '$Class', Description = '$Description', BINLocation = '$BINLocation', RequestedBy = '$RequestedBy', ApprovedBy = '$ApprovedBy', ReceivedBy = '$ReceivedBy', IssuedBy = '$IssuedBy'"; $result = mysql_query($sql, $con); $sql = "SELECT sr_number FROM stock_requisition ORDER BY sr_date DESC LIMIT 1"; $result = mysql_query($sql, $con); if (!$result) { echo 'failed'; die(); } $total = mysql_num_rows($result); if ($total <= 0) { $currentSRNum = 1; } else { //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Stock Number iteration.... $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $currentSRNum = (int)(substr($row['sr_number'],0,3)); $currentSRYear = (int)(substr($row['sr_number'],2,2)); $currentSRMonth = (int)(substr($row['sr_number'],0,2)); $currentSRNum = (int)(substr($row['sr_number'],6,4)); $currentYear = (int)(date('y')); $currentMonth = (int)(date('m')); $currentDay = (int)(date('d')); $currentSRYMD = substr($row['sr_number'], 0, 6); $currentYMD = date("ymd"); if ($currentYMD > $currentSRYMD) { $currentSRNum = 1; } else { $currentSRNum += 1; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $yearMonth = date('ymd'); $currentSR = $currentYMD . sprintf("%04d", $currentSRNum); ?> <html> <title>Stock Requisition</title> <head> <style type="text/css"> #ddcolortabs{ margin-left: 2px; padding: 0; width: 100%; background: transparent; voice-family: "\"}\""; voice-family: inherit; padding-left: 2px; } #ddcolortabs ul{ font: bold 12px Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; margin:0; padding:0; list-style:none; } #ddcolortabs li{ display:inline; margin:0 2px 0 0; padding:0; text-transform:uppercase; } #ddcolortabs a{ float:left; color: white; background: #8cb85c url(layout_image/color_tabs_left.gif) no-repeat left top; margin:2px 2px 0 0; padding:0px 0 1px 3px; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing: 1px; } #ddcolortabs a span{ float:right; display:block; /*background: transparent url(layout_image/color_tabs_right.gif) no-repeat right top;*/ padding:6px 9px 2px 6px; } #ddcolortabs a span{ float:none; } #ddcolortabs a:hover{ background-color: #678b3f; } #ddcolortabs a:hover span{ background-color: #678b3f ; } #ddcolortabs #current a, #ddcolortabs #current span{ /*currently selected tab*/ background-color: #678b3f; } </style> <style type="text/css"> #ddcolortabs1{ position: relative; top: 10px; margin-left: 2px; padding: 0; width: 100%; background: transparent; voice-family: "\"}\""; voice-family: inherit; padding-left: 2px; } #ddcolortabs1 ul{ font: bold 12px Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; margin:0; padding:0; list-style:none; } #ddcolortabs1 li{ display:inline; margin:0 2px 0 0; padding:0; text-transform:uppercase; } #ddcolortabs1 a{ float:left; color: white; background: #8cb85c url(layout_image/color_tabs_left.gif) no-repeat left top; margin:2px 2px 0 0; padding:0px 0 1px 3px; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing: 1px; } #ddcolortabs1 a span{ float:right; display:block; /*background: transparent url(layout_image/color_tabs_right.gif) no-repeat right top;*/ padding:6px 9px 2px 6px; } #ddcolortabs1 a span{ float:none; } #ddcolortabs1 a:hover{ background-color: #678b3f; } #ddcolortabs1 a:hover span{ background-color: #678b3f ; } #ddcolortabs1 #current a, #ddcolortabs1 #current span{ /*currently selected tab*/ background-color: #678b3f; } </style> <style> #SR_date{ position: relative; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: .9em; margin-left: 10px; width: auto; height: auto; float: left; top : 10px; } #SR_number{ position: relative; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: .9em; margin-left: 270px; width: auto; height: auto; float: left; top : 10px; } table { margin: 10px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: .9em; border: 1px solid #DDD; width: auto; } th { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: .7em; background: #694; color: #FFF; padding: 2px 6px; border-collapse: separate; border: 1px solid #000; } td { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: .7em; border: 1px solid #DDD; text-align: left; } #RequestedBy{ position: relative; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: .8em; margin-left: 10px; width: auto; height: auto; float: left; top : 10px; } #ApprovedBy{ position: relative; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: .8em; margin-left: 15px; width: auto; height: auto; float: left; top : 10px; } #ReceivedBy{ position: relative; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: .8em; margin-left: 15px; width: auto; height: auto; float: left; top : 10px; } #IssuedBy{ position: relative; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: .8em; margin-left: 15px; width: auto; height: auto; float: left; top : 10px; margin-right: 120px; } #save_btn{ position: relative;; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: .8em; margin-left: 10px; top: 10px; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> function save_sr(){ var sr_date = document.getElementById("sr_date").value; var sr_number = document.getElementById("sr_number").value; var Items = document.getElementById("Items").value; var SubItems = document.getElementById("SubItems").value; var ItemCode = document.getElementById("ItemCode").value; var DemandedQty = document.getElementById("DemandedQty").value; var UoM = document.getElementById("UoM").value; var Class = document.getElementById("Class").value; var Description = document.getElementById("Description").value; var BINLocation = document.getElementById("BINLocation").value; var RequestedBy = document.getElementById("RequestedBy").value; var ApprovedBy = document.getElementById("ApprovedBy").value; var ReceivedBy = document.getElementById("ReceivedBy").value; var IssuedBy = document.getElementById("IssuedBy").value; document.stock_requisition.action="StockRequisitionSave.php?sr_date="+sr_date+"&sr_number="+sr_number+"&Items="+Items+ "&SubItems="+SubItems+"&ItemCode="+ItemCode+"&DemandedQty="+DemandedQty+"&UoM="+UoM+"&Class="+Class+"&Description="+ Description+"&BINLocation="+BINLocation+"&RequestedBy="+RequestedBy+"&ApprovedBy="+ApprovedBy+"&ReceivedBy="+ReceivedBy+ "&IssuedBy="+IssuedBy; document.stock_requisition.submit(); alert("Stock Requisition data save."); window.location = "StockRequisition.php"; } </script> </head> <body> <form name="stock_requisition" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post"> <div id="ddcolortabs"> <ul> <li> <a href="ParameterSettings.php" title="Parameter Settings"><span>Parameter Settings</span></a></li> <li style="margin-left: 1px"><a href="kanban_report.php" title="WIP Report"><span>Wip Report</span></a></li> <li id="current"><a href="StockRequisition.php" title="WMS RM"><span>WMS RM</span></a></li> </ul> </div> <div id="ddcolortabs1"> <ul> <li><a href="ReceivingMaterials.php" title="Receiving Materials"><span>Receiving Materials</span></a></li> <li><a href="Shelving.php" title="Shelving"><span>Shelving</span></a></li> <li id="current"><a href="StockRequisition.php" title="Stock Requisition"><span>Stock Requisition</span></a></li> </ul> </div> <div id="SR_date"> <label>Date :</label> <input type="text" name="sr_date" value="<?php echo $sr_date; ?>" size="16" readonly="readonly" style="border: none;"> </div> <div id="SR_number"> <label>SR# :</label> <input type="text" name="sr_number" value="<?php echo $currentSR; ?>" size="10" readonly="readonly" style="font-weight: bold; border: none;"> <br/> </div> <div> <table> <thead> <th>Items</th> <th>Sub Items</th> <th>Item Code</th> <th>Demanded Qty</th> <th>UoM</th> <th>Class</th> <th>Description</th> <th>BIN Location</th> </thead> <?php $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT Items FROM bom_subitems ORDER BY Items"; $res_bom = mysql_query($sql, $con); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res_bom)){ $Items = $row['Items']; echo "<tr> <td style='border: none;font-weight: bold;'> <input type='name' value='$row[Items]' name='Items' id='Items' readonly = 'readonly' style = 'border:none;width:auto;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 1em;' size='5'></td> </tr>"; $sql = "SELECT SubItems, ItemCode, UoM, Class, Description, BINLocation FROM bom_subitems WHERE Items = '$row[Items]' ORDER BY Items"or die(mysql_error()); $res_sub = mysql_query($sql, $con); while($row_sub = mysql_fetch_assoc($res_sub)){ echo "<tr> <td style='border: none;'> </td> <td style='border: none;'> <input type='text' name='SubItems' value='$row_sub[SubItems]' id='SubItems' readonly='readonly' style='border:none; width:auto;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 1em;' size='10'></td> <td style='border: none;'> <input type='text' name='ItemCode' value='$row_sub[ItemCode]' id='ItemCode' readonly='readonly' style='border:none; width:auto;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 1em;' size='10'></td> <td style='border: none;'><center><input type='text' name='DemandedQty' id='DemandedQty' value='' size='7'></center></td> <td style='border: none;' size='3'> <input type='text' name='UoM' value='$row_sub[UoM]' id='UoM' readonly='readonly' style='border:none; width:auto;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 1em;' size='3'></td> <td style='border: none;'> <input type='text' name='Class' value='$row_sub[Class]' id='Class' readonly='readonly' style='border:none; width:auto;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 1em;' size='10'></td> <td style='border: none;'> <input type='text' name='Description' value='$row_sub[Description]' id='Description' readonly='readonly' style='border:none; width:auto;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 1em;' size='10'></td> <td style='border: none;'> <input type='text' name='BINLocation' value='$row_sub[BINLocation]' id='BINLocation' readonly='readonly' style='border:none; width:auto;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 1em;' size='10'></td> </tr>"; } } ?> </table> </div> <div id='RequestedBy'> <label>Requested By:</label> <select name="Requested_By"> <option name='None'>Select</option> <option name='AAAAAAAAA'>AAAAAAAAA</option> <option name='BBBBBBBBB'>BBBBBBBBB</option> <option name='CCCCCCCCCC'>CCCCCCCCCC</option> </select> </div> <div id='ApprovedBy'> <label>Approved By:</label> <select name="Approved_By"> <option name='None'>Select</option> <option name='AAAAAAAAA'>AAAAAAAAA</option> <option name='BBBBBBBBB'>BBBBBBBBB</option> <option name='CCCCCCCCCC'>CCCCCCCCCC</option> </select> </div> <div id='ReceivedBy'> <label>Received By:</label> <select name="Received_By"> <option name='None'>Select</option> <option name='AAAAAAAAA'>AAAAAAAAA</option> <option name='BBBBBBBB'>BBBBBBBB</option> <option name='CCCCCCCC'>CCCCCCCC</option> </select> </div> <div id='IssuedBy'> <label>Issued By:</label> <select name="Issued BY"> <option name='None'>Select</option> <option name='AAAAAAAAA'>AAAAAAAAA</option> <option name='BBBBBBBB'>BBBBBBBB</option> <option name='CCCCCCCC'>CCCCCCCC</option> </select> </div> <div id="save_btn"> <input type="button" name="button" value="save" onclick="save_sr()"> </div> </body> </html> I also I attach the display data. Thank you Similar TutorialsHey guys there is probably a simple fix to this but i am just not seeing it ... Im createing a form that has error catching and self submitting valuse. I am trying to use a for loop to create all of the values and if the form is returned with an error then the correct values will still be filled out but i cant seem to get this loop to work. Every time i submit the form it doesnt matter what option i select it always comes back with the last one in the list or 30 in this case. the problem code is below.. Any help would be appreciated. Code: [Select] <?php for($i=1; $i<=30; $i++){ echo'<option value="'.$i.'"'; if(isset($_POST['petsAge'])== $i){ echo ' selected="selected"';} echo '>'.$i.'</option>'; } ?> Hi.. I need to add code to check if the compound that was choose is reach the maximum value then if it is already reach theirs a notification displayed that he already gain the maximum. the problem is..I don't know how can I check if what the user choose before run the condition. here is my code: Code: [Select] <?php $config['BASE_DIR'] = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)); $config['BASE_DIR'] = $config['BASE_DIR']. '\MES PROJECT'; define('SMARTY_DIR', $config['BASE_DIR']. '/INCLUDE/smarty/libs/'); require(SMARTY_DIR . 'Smarty.class.php'); $smarty = new Smarty(); $smarty = new Smarty(); $smarty->template_dir = $config['BASE_DIR']. '/smarty/templates'; $smarty->config_dir = $config['BASE_DIR']. '/smarty/config'; $smarty->cache_dir = $config['BASE_DIR']. '/INCLUDE/smarty/cache'; $smarty->compile_dir = $config['BASE_DIR']. '/INCLUDE/smarty/templates_c'; // ================================================================================================================= $con= mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', ''); if (!$con) { echo 'failed'; die(); } mysql_select_db("mes", $con); $hostAddr = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $terminal = $hostAddr; //<-enable this in server //$terminal = $_POST['doThis']; //<- disable this in server $terminal = ""; switch ($terminal) { case "" : //<< enable this in server //case "1" : $smarty->assign('process', 'Rubber/Chemical Preparation'); $smarty->assign('termNo', 'Terminal 1'); $smarty->assign('text_name1','Compound Code'); $smarty->assign('text_name2','Lot Traveler ID'); $smarty->assign('text_name3','Kit Weight '); $smarty->assign('text_name4','Operator Code'); [b] $smarty->assign('compoundIndexValue', array('0', 'P28', 'P30', 'P32', 'P33', 'P35', 'P35M', 'P38', 'P40', 'P41', 'P42', 'P43', 'P46', 'P47', 'PXX', 'P35W'));[/b] $smarty->assign('names', array('<Choose Code>', 'P28', 'P30', 'P32', 'P33', 'P35', 'P35M', 'P38', 'P40', 'P41', 'P42', 'P43', 'P46', 'P47', 'PXX', 'P35W')); $smarty->assign('weightIndexValue', array('0', '60.145', '68.980', '65.381', '69.270', '49.360', '68.610', '54.880', '73.300', '51.973', '52.944', '57.627', '45.997', '69.196', '70.000', '55.000')); $smarty->assign('kitWeight', array('<Choose Weight>','60.145', '68.980', '65.381', '69.270', '49.360', '68.610', '54.880', '73.300', '51.973', '52.944', '57.627', '45.997', '69.196', '70.000', '55.000')); //Chemical weighing Process : Terminal 1 $smarty->display('header.tpl'); // common Header $smarty->display('box_1.tpl'); $smarty->display('footer.tpl'); [b] $compound = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['compoundIndexValue']); $sql = "SELECT P28, P28_max, P28_min, P30, P30_max, P30_min, P32, P32_max, P32_min, P33, P33_max, P33_min, P35, P35_max, P35_min, P35M, P35M_max, P35M_min, P35W, P35W_max, P35W_min, P38, P38_max, P38_min, P41, P41_max, P41_min, P42, P42_max, P42_min, P43, P43_max, P43_min, P46, P46_max, P46_min, P47, P47_max, P47_min FROM parameter_settings"; $res_pcode = mysql_query($sql, $con); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res_pcode); $P28 = $row['P28']; $P28_max = $row['P28_max']; $P28_min = $row['P28_min']; $P30 = $row['P30']; $P30_max = $row['P30_max']; $P30_min = $row['P30_min']; $P32 = $row['P32']; $P32_max = $row['P32_max']; $P32_min = $row['P32_min']; $P33 = $row['P33']; $P33_max = $row['P33_max']; $P33_min = $row['P33_min']; $P35 = $row['P35']; $P35_max = $row['P35_max']; $P35_min = $row['P35_min']; $P35M = $row['P35M']; $P35M_max = $row['P35M_max']; $P35M_min = $row['P35M_min']; $P35W = $row['P35W']; $P35W_max = $row['P35W_max']; $P35W_min = $row['P35W_min']; $P38 = $row['P38']; $P38_max = $row['P38_max']; $P38_min = $row['P38_min']; $P41 = $row['P41']; $P41_max = $row['P41_max']; $P41_min = $row['P41_min']; $P42 = $row['P42']; $P42_max = $row['P42_max']; $P42_min = $row['P42_min']; $P43 = $row['P43']; $P43_max = $row['P43_max']; $P43_min = $row['P43_min']; $P46 = $row['P46']; $P46_max = $row['P46_max']; $P46_min = $row['P46_min']; $P47 = $row['P47']; $P47_max = $row['P47_max']; $P47_min = $row['P47_min']; $sql = "SELECT PCODE, total FROM kanban_checker WHERE PCODE = '$compound' ORDER BY PCODE"; $res_kanban = mysql_query($sql, $con); $row_kanban = mysql_fetch_assoc($res_kanban); $PCODE = $row_kanban['PCODE']; $total = $row_kanban['total']; if($compound == $P28 && $total == $P28_max){ echo "<script type='text/javascript'>notify(P28 gain total maximum)</script>"; } else { echo ''; } if($compound == $P30 && $total == $P30_max){ echo "<script type='text/javascript'>notify(P30 gain total maximum)</script>"; } else{ echo ''; } if($compound == $P32 && $total == $P32_max){ echo "<script type='text/javascript'>notify(P32 gain total maximum)</script>"; } else{ echo ''; } if($compound == $P33 && $total == $P33_max){ echo "<script type='text/javascript'>notify(P33 gain total maximum)</script>"; } else{ echo ''; } if($compound == $P35 && $total == $P35_max){ echo "<script type='text/javascript'>notify(P35 gain total maximum)</script>"; } else{ echo ''; } if($compound == $P35M && $total == $P35M_max){ echo "<script type='text/javascript'>notify(P35M gain total maximum)</script>"; } else{ echo ''; } if($compound == $P35W && $total == $P35W_max){ echo "<script type='text/javascript'>notify(P35W gain total maximum)</script>"; } else{ echo ''; } if($compound == $P38 && $total == $P38_max){ echo "<script type='text/javascript'>notify(P38 gain total maximum)</script>"; } else{ echo ''; } if($compound == $P41 && $total == $P41_max){ echo "<script type='text/javascript'>notify(P41 gain total maximum)</script>"; } else{ echo ''; } if($compound == $P42 && $total == $P42_max){ echo "<script type='text/javascript'>notify(P42 gain total maximum)</script>"; } else{ echo ''; } if($compound == $P43 && $total == $P43_max){ echo "<script type='text/javascript'>notify(P43 gain total maximum)</script>"; } else{ echo ''; } if($compound == $P46 && $total == $P46_max){ echo "<script type='text/javascript'>notify(P46 gain total maximum)</script>"; } else{ echo ''; } if($compound == $P47 && $total == $P47_max){ echo "<script type='text/javascript'>notify(P47 gain total maximum)</script>"; } else{ echo ''; }[/b] break; case "" : //<< enable this in server //case "2" : $smarty->assign('process', 'Compounding Process'); $smarty->assign('termNo', 'Terminal 2'); $smarty->assign('text_name1','Lot Traveler ID'); $smarty->assign('text_name2','Kit Weight'); $smarty->assign('text_name3','Machine Code'); $smarty->assign('text_name4','Operator Code'); $smarty->assign('machineID', array('0', 'B1', 'B2', 'B3', 'K1', 'K2', 'OM1', 'OM2', 'OM3', 'OM4', 'OM5', 'OM6', 'OM7')); $smarty->assign('machineIDdisplay', array('<Choose Machine ID>', 'B1', 'B2', 'B3', 'K1', 'K2', 'OM1', 'OM2', 'OM3', 'OM4', 'OM5', 'OM6', 'OM7')); $smarty->display('header.tpl'); // common Header $smarty->display('box_2.tpl'); $smarty->display('footer.tpl'); break; case "" : //<< enable this in server //case "3" : $smarty->assign('process', 'Extrusion Process'); $smarty->assign('termNo', 'Terminal 3'); $smarty->assign('text_name1','Lot Traveler ID'); $smarty->assign('text_name2','Kit Weight'); $smarty->assign('text_name3','Machine Code'); $smarty->assign('text_name4','Operator Code'); $smarty->assign('machineID', array('0', 'E1', 'E2', 'E3', 'E4', 'E5', 'E6')); $smarty->assign('machineIDdisplay', array('<Choose Machine ID>', 'E1', 'E2', 'E3', 'E4', 'E5', 'E6')); $smarty->display('header.tpl'); // common Header $smarty->display('box_2.tpl'); $smarty->display('footer.tpl'); break; case "" : //<< enable this in server //case "4" : $smarty->assign('process', 'Half Shell Forming'); $smarty->assign('termNo', 'Terminal 4'); $smarty->assign('text_name1','Lot Traveler ID'); $smarty->assign('text_nameDG','New Lot ID'); $smarty->assign('text_name2','Machine ID'); $smarty->assign('text_name3','Output Qty.'); $smarty->assign('text_name4','Reject Qty.'); $smarty->assign('text_name5','Operator Code'); $smarty->assign('id', array('0', 'NTG1', 'NTG2', 'NTG3', 'NTG4', 'GTG1', 'SQG1', 'PL1')); $smarty->assign('id_name', array('<Choose Machine ID>', 'NTG1', 'NTG2', 'NTG3', 'NTG4', 'GTG1', 'SQG1', 'PL1')); $smarty->display('header.tpl'); // common Header $smarty->display('box_3.tpl'); $smarty->display('footer.tpl'); break; case "" : //<< enable this in server //case "5" : $smarty->assign('process', 'Half Shell Deflashing'); //= to be implemented $smarty->assign('termNo', 'Terminal 5'); $smarty->assign('text_name1','Lot Traveler ID'); $smarty->assign('text_name2','Machine ID'); $smarty->assign('text_name3','Output Qty.'); $smarty->assign('text_name4','Reject Qty.'); $smarty->assign('text_name5','Operator Code'); $smarty->assign('id', array('0', 'US DEF.1', 'US DEF.2', 'FRENCH DEF.1', 'FRENCH DEF.2', 'THAILAND DEF.1', 'THAILAND DEF.2', 'HANAU 45 DEF.')); $smarty->assign('id_name', array('<Choose Machine ID>', 'US DEF.1', 'US DEF.2', 'FRENCH DEF.1', 'FRENCH DEF.2', 'THAILAND DEF.1', 'THAILAND DEF.2', 'HANAU 45 DEF.')); $smarty->display('header.tpl'); // common Header $smarty->display('box_3.tpl'); $smarty->display('footer.tpl'); break; } ?> My only purpose is to avoid adding data so i need to prompt if he already reach the maximum per compound. Thank you so much Hi... I create a payroll system and now I have an issue or problem in saving data before I save data using save button now i want to save data when clicking the employee name at the navigalist list from the left side. Here is my code for the searching and displaying employee name at navigation list: Here is my code for search.php: Code: [Select] <?php session_start(); include 'config.php'; $queryString = $_GET["query"]; if ($queryString == "" || $queryString == null) { $sql = "SELECT EMP_ID, CONCAT(LNAME, ', ', FNAME, ' ', MI, '.') AS FULLNAME FROM PERSONAL ORDER BY FULLNAME ASC"; } else { $sql = "SELECT EMP_ID, CONCAT(LNAME, ', ', FNAME, ' ', MI, '.') AS FULLNAME FROM PERSONAL WHERE CONCAT(LNAME, ', ', FNAME, ' ', MI, '.') LIKE '" . $queryString . "%' ORDER BY FULLNAME ASC"; } $recPersonalQuery = $conn->Execute($sql); if (!$recPersonalQuery->BOF) { $recPersonalQuery->MoveFirst(); } echo "<hr />"; echo "<ul>"; while (!$recPersonalQuery->EOF) { $empID = $recPersonalQuery->fields["EMP_ID"]; $empFullName = $recPersonalQuery->fields["FULLNAME"]; echo "<li onclick=changeEmployeePay('$empID'); >$empFullName</li>"; //echo "<li onkeyup=changeEmployeePay('$empID'); >$empFullName</li>"; echo "<hr />"; $recPersonalQuery->MoveNext(); } echo "</ul>"; $recPersonalQuery->Close(); exit(); ?> here is the javascript code and the template for displaying employee name list: Code: [Select] <html> <head> <title></title> <script> function searchemppay(queryString) { var ajaxRequest = remoteRequestObject(); ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function() { if (ajaxRequest.readyState == 4 && ajaxRequest.status == 200) { var result = ajaxRequest.responseText; document.getElementById('searchpayroll').innerHTML = result; } } var url = "search.php?query=" + queryString;"GET", url, true); ajaxRequest.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since", "Sat, 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT"); ajaxRequest.send(null); } function changeEmployeePay(queryID) { window.location = "SearchData.php?queryEmpID=" + queryID; } </script> </head> <body> <div id="Search"> <form> <p class="serif"><b>Search Lastname:</b></p> <input type="text" name="search_" size="20" onkeyup="searchemppay(this.value);"> <div id="searchpayroll" style="overflow:auto; height:390px; width:auto; margin-left:2px" > <hr /> <ul> {section name=co_emp loop=$personalAll} <li onclick="changeEmployeePay('{$personalAll[co_emp].EMP_ID}')">{$personalAll[co_emp].FULLNAME}</li> <!--<li onkeyup="changeEmployeePay('{$personalAll[co_emp].EMP_ID}')">{$personalAll[co_emp].FULLNAME}</li>--> <hr /> {sectionelse} <li>No records found</li> {/section} </ul> </div> </div> </body> </html> and here is the code for displaying employee data Code: [Select] <?php include 'config.php'; $currentEmpID = $_SESSION['empID']; $sql = "SELECT EMP_ID, CONCAT(LNAME, ', ' , FNAME, ' ', MI) AS FULLNAME FROM PERSONAL ORDER BY LNAME ASC"; $recPersonalNav = $conn->GetAll($sql); $smarty->assign('personalAll', $recPersonalNav); $EMP_NO = $_POST['EMP_NO']; $sql = "SELECT em.EMP_NO, p.EMP_ID, CONCAT(LNAME, ', ', FNAME, ' ', MI, '.') AS FULLNAME FROM PERSONAL p, EMPLOYMENT em WHERE p.EMP_ID='$currentEmpID' AND em.EMP_ID = '$currentEmpID'"; $recPersonalHead = $conn->Execute($sql); $fullName = $recPersonalHead->fields["FULLNAME"]; $empno = $recPersonalHead->fields["EMP_NO"]; $smarty->assign('empid', $currentEmpID); $smarty->assign('fullname', $fullName); $smarty->assign('empno', $empno); $sql = "SELECT EMP_ID, RATE FROM wage WHERE EMP_ID = '$currentEmpID'"; $rsWage = $conn->Execute($sql); $Rate = $rsWage->fields['RATE']; $sql = "SELECT EMP_ID,EMP_NO, STATUS FROM employment WHERE EMP_ID = '$currentEmpID'"; $rsStatus = $conn->Execute($sql); $STATUS = $rsStatus->fields['STATUS']; $EMP_ID = $rsStatus->fields['EMP_ID']; $sql = "SELECT em.EMP_NO, em.STATUS, w.RATE, r.Hours, o.OT_Hours FROM $ADODB_DB.employment AS em INNER JOIN $ADODB_DB.wage AS w ON em.EMP_ID = w.EMP_ID LEFT JOIN $PAYROLL.regular_sum_hours AS r ON em.EMP_NO = r.EMP_NO LEFT JOIN $PAYROLL.ot_data AS o ON r.EMP_NO = o.EMP_NO WHERE em.EMP_ID = '$currentEmpID' AND o.STATUS = 'Offset'"; $RsEarnings = $conn2->Execute($sql); $Rate = $RsEarnings->fields['RATE']; $Hours = $RsEarnings->fields['Hours']; $Offset = $RsEarnings->fields['OT_Hours']; $Hours = substr($Hours, 0, 5); $Hours = str_replace(':', '.', $Hours); $Hours = ($Hours + $Offset); $Amount = $_POST["Amount"]; $Amount = round(($Hours/8)* $Rate, 2); $smarty->assign('Rate', $Rate); $smarty->assign('Hours', $Hours); $smarty->assign('Amount', $Amount); $sql = "SELECT em.EMP_NO, o.OT_Category, SUM(OT_Hours) AS OT_Hours, o.STATUS FROM $PAYROLL.ot_data o, $ADODB_DB.employment em WHERE em.EMP_NO = o.EMP_NO AND o.OT_Category = 'RegularOvertime' AND o.STATUS = 'Overtime' AND em.EMP_ID = '$currentEmpID' GROUP BY em.EMP_NO"; $rsOTData = $conn2->Execute($sql); $OTReg_Hours = $rsOTData->fields['OT_Hours']; $OTReg_Hours = round($OTReg_Hours, 2); $OTReg_Amt = round((($Rate / 8 * 1.3) * $OTReg_Hours), 2); $smarty->assign('OTReg_Hours', $OTReg_Hours); $smarty->assign('OTReg_Amt', $OTReg_Amt); $sql = "SELECT em.EMP_NO, o.OT_Category, SUM(OT_Hours) AS OT_Hours FROM $PAYROLL.ot_data o, $ADODB_DB.employment em WHERE em.EMP_NO = o.EMP_NO AND o.OT_Category = 'SundayRegular' AND em.EMP_ID = '$currentEmpID' GROUP BY em.EMP_NO"; $rsOTData = $conn2->Execute($sql); $SunReg_Hours = $rsOTData->fields['OT_Hours']; $SunReg_Hours = round($SunReg_Hours, 2); $SunReg_Amt = round((($Rate / 8 * 1.35) * $SunReg_Hours), 2); $smarty->assign('SunReg_Hours', $SunReg_Hours); $smarty->assign('SunReg_Amt', $SunReg_Amt); $sql = "SELECT em.EMP_NO, o.OT_Category, SUM(OT_Hours) AS OT_Hours FROM $PAYROLL.ot_data o, $ADODB_DB.employment em WHERE em.EMP_NO = o.EMP_NO AND o.OT_Category = 'SundayOvertime' AND em.EMP_ID = '$currentEmpID' GROUP BY em.EMP_NO"; $rsOTData = $conn2->Execute($sql); $OTSun_Hours = $rsOTData->fields['OT_Hours']; $OTSun_Hours = round($OTSun_Hours, 2); $OTSun_Amt = round((($Rate / 8 * 1.35 * 1.35) * $OTSun_Hours), 2); $smarty->assign('OTSun_Hours', $OTSun_Hours); $smarty->assign('OTSun_Amt', $OTSun_Amt); $sql = "SELECT em.EMP_NO, o.OT_Category, SUM(OT_Hours) AS OT_Hours FROM $PAYROLL.ot_data o, $ADODB_DB.employment em WHERE em.EMP_NO = o.EMP_NO AND o.OT_Category = 'HolidayRegular' AND em.EMP_ID = '$currentEmpID' GROUP BY em.EMP_NO"; $rsOTData = $conn2->Execute($sql); $HolReg_Hours = $rsOTData->fields['OT_Hours']; $HolReg_Hours = round($HolReg_Hours, 2); $HolReg_Amt = round((($Rate / 8 * 1.5) * $HolReg_Hours), 2); $smarty->assign('HolReg_Hours', $HolReg_Hours); $smarty->assign('HolReg_Amt', $HolReg_Amt); $sql = "SELECT em.EMP_NO, o.OT_Category, SUM(OT_Hours) AS OT_Hours FROM $PAYROLL.ot_data o, $ADODB_DB.employment em WHERE em.EMP_NO = o.EMP_NO AND o.OT_Category = 'HolidayRegularOvertime' AND em.EMP_ID = '$currentEmpID' GROUP BY em.EMP_NO"; $rsOTData = $conn2->Execute($sql); $HolRegOT_Hours = $rsOTData->fields['OT_Hours']; $HolRegOT_Hours = round($HolRegOT_Hours, 2); $HolRegOT_Amt = round((($Rate / 8 * 2.05 * 1.35) * $HolRegOT_Hours), 2); $smarty->assign('HolRegOT_Hours', $HolRegOT_Hours); $smarty->assign('HolRegOT_Amt', $HolRegOT_Amt); $sql = "SELECT em.EMP_NO, SUM(l.HOURS_LEAVE) AS HOURS_LEAVE FROM $PAYROLL.leave_data l, $ADODB_DB.employment em WHERE em.EMP_NO = l.EMP_NO AND em.EMP_ID = '$currentEmpID' GROUP BY em.EMP_NO"; $rsOTData = $conn2->Execute($sql); $HolLeave_Hours = $rsOTData->fields['HOURS_LEAVE']; $HolLeave_Hours = round($HolLeave_Hours, 2); $HolLeave_Amt = round((($Rate) * $HolLeave_Hours), 2); $smarty->assign('HolLeave_Hours', $HolLeave_Hours); $smarty->assign('HolLeave_Amt', $HolLeave_Amt); $sql = "SELECT em.EMP_NO, o.OT_Category, SUM(OT_Hours) AS OT_Hours FROM $PAYROLL.ot_data o, $ADODB_DB.employment em WHERE em.EMP_NO = o.EMP_NO AND o.OT_Category = 'NightPremiumRegular' AND em.EMP_ID = '$currentEmpID' GROUP BY em.EMP_NO"; $rsOTData = $conn2->Execute($sql); $NPReg_Hours = $rsOTData->fields['OT_Hours']; $NPReg_Hours = round($NPReg_Hours, 2); $NPReg_Amt = round((($Rate / 8 * 0.15) * $NPReg_Hours), 2); $sql = "SELECT em.EMP_NO, o.OT_Category, SUM(OT_Hours) AS OT_Hours FROM $PAYROLL.ot_data o, $ADODB_DB.employment em WHERE em.EMP_NO = o.EMP_NO AND o.OT_Category = 'NightPremiumSunday' AND em.EMP_ID = '$currentEmpID' GROUP BY em.EMP_NO"; $rsOTData = $conn2->Execute($sql); $NPSun_Hours = $rsOTData->fields['OT_Hours']; $NPSun_Hours = round($NPSun_Hours, 2); $NPSun_Amt = round((($Rate / 8 * 1.35 * 0.15) * $NPSun_Hours), 2); $sql = "SELECT em.EMP_NO, o.OT_Category, SUM(OT_Hours) AS OT_Hours FROM $PAYROLL.ot_data o, $ADODB_DB.employment em WHERE em.EMP_NO = o.EMP_NO AND o.OT_Category = 'NightPremiumHoliday' AND em.EMP_ID = '$currentEmpID' GROUP BY em.EMP_NO"; $rsOTData = $conn2->Execute($sql); $NPHol_Hours = $rsOTData->fields['OT_Hours']; $NPHol_Hours = round($NPHol_Hours, 2); $NPHol_Amt = round((($Rate / 8 * 2.05 * 0.15) * $NPHol_Hours), 2); $NP_Hours = round(($NPReg_Hours + $NPSun_Hours + $NPHol_Hours), 2); $NP_Hours = round($NP_Hours, 2); $NP_Amt = round(($NPReg_Amt + $NPSun_Amt + $NPHol_Amt), 2); $smarty->assign('NP_Hours', $NP_Hours); $smarty->assign('NP_Amt', $NP_Amt); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(o.EMP_NO) AS EMP_NO, o.OT_Category, o.OT_Hours, o.STATUS FROM $PAYROLL.ot_data o, $ADODB_DB.employment em WHERE em.EMP_NO = o.EMP_NO AND o.OT_Category IN ('RegularOvertime', 'HolidayRegular', 'HolidayRegularOvertime') AND o.OT_Hours > 2 AND em.EMP_ID = '$currentEmpID' AND o.STATUS = 'Overtime' GROUP BY em.EMP_NO"; $rsOTData = $conn2->Execute($sql); $MealReg_Hours = $rsOTData->fields['EMP_NO']; $MealReg_Hours = round($MealReg_Hours, 2); $MealReg_Amt = round(($MealReg_Hours * 23), 2); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(o.EMP_NO) AS EMP_NO, o.OT_Category, o.OT_Hours FROM $PAYROLL.ot_data o, $ADODB_DB.employment em WHERE em.EMP_NO = o.EMP_NO AND o.OT_Category IN ('SundayRegular', 'SundayOvertime') AND o.OT_Hours > 2 AND em.EMP_ID = '$currentEmpID' GROUP BY em.EMP_NO"; $rsOTData = $conn2->Execute($sql); $MealSun_Hours = $rsOTData->fields['EMP_NO']; $MealSun_Hours = round($MealSun_Hours, 2); $MealSun_Amt = round(($MealSun_Hours * 30), 2); $Meal_Hours = round(($MealReg_Hours + $MealSun_Hours), 2); $Meal_Amt = round(($MealReg_Amt + $MealSun_Amt), 2); $smarty->assign('Meal_Hours', $Meal_Hours); $smarty->assign('Meal_Amt', $Meal_Amt); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(a.EMP_NO) AS EMP_NO, w.RATE FROM $ADODB_DB.wage w, $ADODB.employment em, $PAYROLL.attendance a WHERE em.EMP_NO = a.EMP_NO AND w.RATE = 302 AND em.EMP_ID = '$currentEmpID' GROUP BY w.RATE"; $rsOTData = $conn2->Execute($sql); $Cola_Hours = $rsOTData->fields['EMP_NO']; $Cola_Hours = round($Cola_Hours, 2); $Cola_Amt = round(($Cola_Hours * 28), 2); $smarty->assign('Cola_Hours', $Cola_Hours); $smarty->assign('Cola_Amt', $Cola_Amt); $TotEarn = $_POST['TotEarn']; $TotEarn = round(($Amount + $OTReg_Amt + $SunReg_Amt + $OTSun_Amt + $HolReg_Amt + $HolRegOT_Amt + $HolLeave_Amt + $NP_Amt + $Meal_Amt + $Cola_Amt), 2); $smarty->assign('TotEarn', $TotEarn); $HDMF = $_POST['HDMF']; $sql = "SELECT Ref_No, Range FROM $PAYROLL.hdmf, $ADODB_DB.employment em WHERE em.EMP_ID = '$currentEmpID'"; $rs = $conn2->Execute($sql); $Range = $rs->fields['Range']; if ($TotEarn <= $Range) { $HDMF = round(($TotEarn * 0.01), 2); } else { $HDMF = round(($TotEarn * 0.02), 2); } $smarty->assign('HDMF', $HDMF); $SSS = $_POST['SSS']; $sql = "SELECT Ref_No, From_Range, To_Range, Employee_Share FROM $PAYROLL.sss, $ADODB_DB.employment em WHERE em.EMP_ID = '$currentEmpID' AND $TotEarn BETWEEN From_Range AND To_Range"; $rs = $conn2->Execute($sql); $SSS = $rs->fields['Employee_Share']; $smarty->assign('SSS', $SSS); $PCHL = $_POST['PCHL']; $sql = "SELECT Ref_No, From_Range, To_Range, Employee_Share FROM $PAYROLL.pchl, $ADODB_DB.employment em WHERE em.EMP_ID = '$currentEmpID' AND $TotEarn BETWEEN From_Range AND To_Range"; $rs = $conn2->Execute($sql); $PCHL = $rs->fields['Employee_Share']; $smarty->assign('PCHL', $PCHL); $TAX = $_POST['TAX']; $sql = "SELECT EMP_ID, EMP_NO, W4_STATUS, DEPENDENTS FROM employment WHERE EMP_ID = '$currentEmpID'"; $rsTax = $conn->Execute($sql); $W4_STATUS = $rsTax->fields['W4_STATUS']; $DEPENDENTS = $rsTax->fields['DEPENDENTS']; if($W4_STATUS == 1 AND $DEPENDENTS == 0 AND $TotEarn >= 0 AND $TotEarn <= 2083){ $TAX = round($TotEarn * .05); } elseif($W4_STATUS == 2 AND $DEPENDENTS == 0 AND $TotEarn >= 0 AND $TotEarn <= 2083){ $TAX = round($TotEarn * .05); } elseif($W4_STATUS == 1 AND $DEPENDENTS == 0 AND $TotEarn >= 2083 AND $TotEarn <= 2500) { $TAX = round($TotEarn - 2083); $TAX = round(20.83 + ($TAX * .10)); } elseif($W4_STATUS == 2 AND $DEPENDENTS == 0 AND $TotEarn >= 2083 AND $TotEarn <= 2500) { $TAX = round($TotEarn - 2083); $TAX = round(20.83 + ($TAX * .10)); } elseif($W4_STATUS == 1 AND $DEPENDENTS == 0 AND $TotEarn >= 2500 AND $TotEarn <= 3333) { $TAX = round($TotEarn - 2500); $TAX = round(104.17 + ($TAX * .15)); } else{ $TAX = round(0); } $smarty->assign('TAX', $TAX); $sql = "SELECT s.EMP_NO, s.SSSAmor FROM $PAYROLL.sssloan s, $ADODB_DB.employment em WHERE em.EMP_NO = s.EMP_NO AND em.EMP_ID = '$currentEmpID'"; $RsDed = $conn2->Execute($sql); $SSSAmor = round($RsDed->fields['SSSAmor']); $sql = "SELECT h.EMP_NO, h.HDMFAmor FROM $PAYROLL.hdmfloan h, $ADODB_DB.employment em WHERE em.EMP_NO = h.EMP_NO AND em.EMP_ID = '$currentEmpID'"; $RsHDMF = $conn2->Execute($sql); $HDMFAmor = round($RsHDMF->fields['HDMFAmor']); $sql = "SELECT u.EMP_NO, u.UDTAmor FROM $PAYROLL.udtloan u, $ADODB_DB.employment em WHERE em.EMP_NO = u.EMP_NO AND em.EMP_ID = '$currentEmpID'"; $RsUDT = $conn2->Execute($sql); $UDTAmor = round($RsUDT->fields['UDTAmor']); $TotalDed = $_POST['TotalDed']; $sql = "SELECT o.EMP_NO, o.BurialSeparationCont, o.TaxAjt, o.CashAdvance, o.AdvanceShirt, o.AdvanceMed, o.AdvanceOther FROM $PAYROLL.other_deductions o, $ADODB_DB.personal p, $ADODB_DB.employment em WHERE em.EMP_ID = '$currentEmpID' AND em.EMP_NO = o.EMP_NO"; $rsOtherDed = $conn2->Execute($sql); $BurialSep = round($rsOtherDed->fields['BurialSeparationCont']); $TaxAjt = round($rsOtherDed->fields['TaxAjt']); $CashAdvance = round($rsOtherDed->fields['CashAdvance']); $AdvancesShirt = round($rsOtherDed->fields['AdvanceShirt']); $AdvancesMed = round($rsOtherDed->fields['AdvanceMed']); $AdvancesOthers = round($rsOtherDed->fields['AdvanceOther']); $smarty->assign('BurialSep', $BurialSep); $smarty->assign('TaxAjt', $TaxAjt); $smarty->assign('CashAdvance', $CashAdvance); $smarty->assign('AdvancesShirt', $AdvancesShirt); $smarty->assign('AdvancesMed', $AdvancesMed); $smarty->assign('AdvancesOthers', $AdvancesOthers); $TotalDed = round(($SSS + $HDMF + $PCHL + $TAX + $SSSAmor + $HDMFAmor + $UDTAmor + $BurialSep + $TaxAjt + $CashAdvance + $AdvancesShirt + $AdvancesMed + $AdvancesOthers), 2); $smarty->assign('SSSAmor', $SSSAmor); $smarty->assign('HDMFAmor', $HDMFAmor); $smarty->assign('UDTAmor', $UDTAmor); $smarty->assign('TotalDed', $TotalDed); $THP = $_POST["TakeHomePay"]; $THP = round($TotEarn - $TotalDed, 2); $smarty->assign('THP', $THP); $sql = "SELECT EMP_NO, OTReg_Amt, SunReg_Amt, OTSun_Amt, HolReg_Amt, HolRegOT_Amt, HolLeave_Amt, NP_Amt, Meal_Amt, Cola_Amt FROM other_earnings WHERE EMP_NO = '$empno'"; $RsOtherEarnings = $conn2->Execute($sql); $numrowsOtherEarnings = $RsOtherEarnings->RecordCount(); if($numrowsOtherEarnings > 0){ $saverec['EMP_NO'] = $empno; $saverec['OTReg_Amt'] = $OTReg_Amt; $saverec['SunReg_Amt'] = $SunReg_Amt; $saverec['OTSun_Amt'] = $OTSun_Amt; $saverec['HolReg_Amt'] = $HolReg_Amt; $saverec['HolRegOT_Amt'] = $HolRegOT_Amt; $saverec['HolLeave_Amt'] = $HolLeaveAmt; $saverec['NP_Amt'] = $NP_Amt; $saverec['Meal_Amt'] = $Meal_Amt; $saverec['Cola_Amt'] = $Cola_Amt; $updateOtherEarnings = $conn2->GetUpdateSQL($RsOtherEarnings, $saverec); $conn2->Execute($updateOtherEarnings); } else{ $sql = "SELECT o.EMP_NO, o.OTReg_Amt, o.SunReg_Amt, o.OTSun_Amt, o.HolReg_Amt, o.HolRegOT_Amt, o.HolLeave_Amt, o.NP_Amt, o.Meal_Amt, o.Cola_Amt FROM $PAYROLL.other_earnings o, $ADODB_DB.employment em WHERE em.EMP_ID = '$currentEmpID'"; $RsOtherEarnings = $conn2->Execute($sql); $saverec['EMP_NO'] = $empno; $saverec['OTReg_Amt'] = $OTReg_Amt; $saverec['SunReg_Amt'] = $SunReg_Amt; $saverec['OTSun_Amt'] = $OTSun_Amt; $saverec['HolReg_Amt'] = $HolReg_Amt; $saverec['HolRegOT_Amt'] = $HolRegOT_Amt; $saverec['HolLeave_Amt'] = $HolLeaveAmt; $saverec['NP_Amt'] = $NP_Amt; $saverec['Meal_Amt'] = $Meal_Amt; $saverec['Cola_Amt'] = $Cola_Amt; $insertOtherEarnings = $conn2->GetInsertSQL($RsOtherEarnings, $saverec); $conn2->Execute($insertOtherEarnings); } $sql = "SELECT EMP_NO, SSS, TAX, PCHL, HDMF FROM deductions WHERE EMP_NO = '$empno'"; $RsDeduction = $conn2->Execute($sql); $numrowsDeduction = $RsDeduction->RecordCount(); if($numrowsDeduction > 0){ $saverec['EMP_NO'] = $empno; $saverec['SSS'] = $SSS; $saverec['TAX'] = $TAX; $saverec['PCHL'] = $PCHL; $saverec['HDMF'] = $HDMF; $updateDeductionSQL = $conn2->GetUpdateSQL($RsDeduction, $saverec); $conn2->Execute($updateDeductionSQL); } else{ $sql = "SELECT d.EMP_NO, d.SSS, d.TAX, d.PCHL, d.HDMF FROM $PAYROLL.deductions d, $ADODB_DB.employment em WHERE em.EMP_ID = '$currentEmpID'"; $RsDeduction = $conn2->Execute($sql); $saverec['EMP_NO'] = $empno; $saverec['SSS'] = $SSS; $saverec['TAX'] = $TAX; $saverec['PCHL'] = $PCHL; $saverec['HDMF'] = $HDMF; $insertSQL = $conn2->GetInsertSQL($RsDeduction, $saverec); $conn2->Execute($insertSQL); } $sql = "SELECT EMP_NO, SSSLoan, HDMFLoan, UDTLoan FROM loan_deductions WHERE EMP_NO = '$empno'"; $RsLoan = $conn2->Execute($sql); $numrowsRsLoan = $RsLoan->RecordCount(); if($numrowsRsLoan > 0){ $saverec['EMP_NO'] = $empno; $saverec['SSSLoan'] = $SSSAmor; $saverec['HDMFLoan'] = $HDMFAmmor; $saverec['UDTLoan'] = $UDTAmor; $updateLoanSQL = $conn2->GetUpdateSQL($RsLoan, $saverec); $conn2->Execute($updateLoanSQL); } else{ $sql = "SELECT l.EMP_NO, l.SSSLoan, l.HDMFLoan, l.UDTLoan FROM $PAYROLL.loan_deductions l, $ADODB_DB.employment em WHERE em.EMP_ID = '$currentEmpID'"; $RsLoan = $conn2->Execute($sql); $saverec['EMP_NO'] = $empno; $saverec['SSSLoan'] = $SSSAmor; $saverec['HDMFLoan'] = $HDMFAmor; $saverec['UDTLoan'] = $UDTAmor; $insertSQL = $conn2->GetInsertSQL($RsLoan, $saverec); $conn2->Execute($insertSQL); } $sql = "SELECT EMP_NO, Amount, TotalEarnings, TotalDeductions, TakeHomePay FROM totalpay WHERE EMP_NO = '$empno'"; $rsTotal = $conn2->Execute($sql); $numrows = $rsTotal->RecordCount(); if($numrows > 0){ $saverec['EMP_NO'] = $empno; $saverec['Amount'] = $Amount; $saverec['TotalEarnings'] = $TotEarn; $saverec['TotalDeductions'] = $TotalDed; $saverec['TakeHomePay'] = $THP; $updateSQL = $conn2->GetUpdateSQL($rsTotal, $saverec); $conn2->Execute($updateSQL); } else{ $sql = "SELECT t.EMP_NO, t.Amount, t.TotalEarnings, t.TotalDeductions, t.TakeHomePay FROM $PAYROLL.totalpay t, $ADODB_DB.employment em WHERE em.EMP_ID = '$currentEmpID'"; $rsTotal = $conn2->Execute($sql); $saverec['EMP_NO'] = $empno; $saverec['Amount'] = $Amount; $saverec['TotalEarnings'] = $TotEarn; $saverec['TotalDeductions'] = $TotalDed; $saverec['TakeHomePay'] = $THP; $insertSQL = $conn2->GetInsertSQL($rsTotal, $saverec); $conn2->Execute($insertSQL); } $smarty->display('header.tpl'); $smarty->display('left.tpl'); $smarty->display('empPayrollData.tpl'); $smarty->display('footer.tpl'); ?> I have a problem in saving data from other deductions and the total deductions and takehomepay, because other deductions is insertable textfield and when I add other deductions the total deductions will change also the Take Home Pay. Idon't know where Can I add this code for saving data of other deductions and updating the changes if Total Deductions and Take Home Pay. Code: [Select] $sql = "SELECT EMP_NO, BurialSeparationCont, TaxAjt, CashAdvance, AdvanceShirt, AdvanceMed, AdvanceOther FROM other_deductions WHERE EMP_NO = '$empno'"; $rsOtherDed = $conn2->Execute($sql); $numrows1 = $rsOtherDed->RecordCount(); if($numrows1 > 0){ $saverec['EMP_NO'] = $empno; $saverec['BurialSeparationCont'] = $BurialSep; $saverec['TaxAjt'] = $TaxAjt; $saverec['CashAdvance'] = $CashAdvance; $saverec['AdvanceShirt'] = $AdvancesShirt; $saverec['AdvanceMed'] = $AdvancesMed; $saverec['AdvanceOther'] = $AdvancesOthers; $updateSQL = $conn2->GetUpdateSQL($rsOtherDed, $saverec); $conn2->Execute($updateSQL); } else{ $sql = "SELECT o.EMP_NO, o.BurialSeparationCont, o.TaxAjt, o.CashAdvance, o.AdvanceShirt, o.AdvanceMed, o.AdvanceOther FROM $PAYROLL.other_deductions o, $ADODB_DB.employment em WHERE em.EMP_ID = '$currentEmpID'"; $rsOtherDed = $conn2->Execute($sql); $saverec['EMP_NO'] = $empno; $saverec['BurialSeparationCont'] = $BurialSep; $saverec['TaxAjt'] = $TaxAjt; $saverec['CashAdvance'] = $CashAdvance; $saverec['AdvanceShirt'] = $AdvancesShirt; $saverec['AdvanceMed'] = $AdvancesMed; $saverec['AdvanceOther'] = $AdvancesOthers; $insert = $conn2->GetInsertSQL($rsOtherDed, $saverec); $conn2->Execute($insert); } $Amount = $_POST["Amount"]; $TotEarn = $_POST["TotEarn"]; $TotalDed = $_POST["TotalDed"]; $THP = $_POST["TakeHomePay"]; $sql = "SELECT EMP_NO, Amount, TotalEarnings, TotalDeductions, TakeHomePay FROM totalpay WHERE EMP_NO = '$empno'"; $rsTotal = $conn2->Execute($sql); $numrows = $rsTotal->RecordCount(); if($numrows > 0){ $saverec['EMP_NO'] = $empno; $saverec['Amount'] = $Amount; $saverec['TotalEarnings'] = $TotEarn; $saverec['TotalDeductions'] = $TotalDed; $saverec['TakeHomePay'] = $THP; $updateSQL = $conn2->GetUpdateSQL($rsTotal, $saverec); $conn2->Execute($updateSQL); } else{ $sql = "SELECT t.EMP_NO, t.Amount, t.TotalEarnings, t.TotalDeductions, t.TakeHomePay FROM $PAYROLL.totalpay t, $ADODB_DB.employment em WHERE em.EMP_ID = '$currentEmpID'"; $rsTotal = $conn2->Execute($sql); $saverec['EMP_NO'] = $empno; $saverec['Amount'] = $Amount; $saverec['TotalEarnings'] = $TotEarn; $saverec['TotalDeductions'] = $TotalDed; $saverec['TakeHomePay'] = $THP; $insertSQL = $conn2->GetInsertSQL($rsTotal, $saverec); $conn2->Execute($insertSQL); } I don't know where I can put this code to save the data that i inserted in other deductions Hi.. I got problem in logic on my problem in select option. Here is my scenario. I have select option which has a compound list: example: P28 P30 P32 P33 P35 and I have tables which has a total count of compound that was already transact. for example I already transact 10 P28 compound. it will save in kanban_checker table field Total. and I have parameter_settings table which has the maximum and minimum per compound: fields----------data P28------------P28 P28_max-----10 P28_min------6 P30------------P28 P30_max-----10 P30_min------6 P32------------P28 P32_max-----10 P32_min------6 P33------------P28 P33_max-----10 P33_min------6 now the logic is: if P28 total = P28_max then notify that he already reach the will not produce P28 because he already reach the maximum. if P28 total = P28_min then produce P28. same with other compound. Now, I got a problem in coding and logic, because in the select option I'm not the one who code it.. I just one who need to add the additional function.. here is the code for select option and the function that was created by other, Code: [Select] $smarty->assign('text_name1','Compound Code'); $smarty->assign('compoundIndexValue', array('0', 'P28', 'P30', 'P32', 'P33', 'P35', 'P35M', 'P38', 'P40', 'P41', 'P42', 'P43', 'P46', 'P47', 'PXX', 'P35W')); <tr> <td class="tdMainText">{$text_name1}</td> <td> <select class="tdMainElement" id="selCompound" onchange="isSelected('selCompound','txtLotCode')" onclick="clearNotify()" onblur="this.focus();" onkeypress="return false">{html_options values=$compoundIndexValue output=$names selected="0"} </select> </td> </tr> <script type="text/javascript"> function isSelected(obj1, obj2) { if (!document.getElementById(obj1).disabled) { document.getElementById(obj1).disabled = true; } if (document.getElementById('clear').disabled) { document.getElementById('clear').disabled = false; //enable it } if ((document.getElementById('chkDownGrade') != null)) { if (!document.getElementById('chkDownGrade').disabled) { document.getElementById('chkDownGrade').disabled = true; } } if (document.getElementById(obj2).disabled) { document.getElementById(obj2).disabled = false; } document.getElementById(obj2).focus(); document.getElementById(obj2).focus(); //notify("Gain Maximum Total"); } function disable() { if (!document.getElementById('clear').disabled) { document.getElementById('clear').disabled = true; } else { document.getElementById('clear').disabled = false; } } function clearNotify() { if (document.getElementById('notice') != null) { document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].removeChild(document.getElementById('notice')) //>> clear the box } } </script> and here is the code that I tried to add: Code: [Select] $compound = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['compound']); $sql = "SELECT P28, P28_max, P28_min, P30, P30_max, P30_min, P32, P32_max, P32_min, P33, P33_max, P33_min, P35, P35_max, P35_min, P35M, P35M_max, P35M_min, P35W, P35W_max, P35W_min, P38, P38_max, P38_min, P41, P41_max, P41_min, P42, P42_max, P42_min, P43, P43_max, P43_min, P46, P46_max, P46_min FROM parameter_settings"; $res_pcode = mysql_query($sql, $con); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res_pcode)){ $P28 = $row['P28']; $P28_max = $row['P28_max']; $P28_min = $row['P28_min']; $P30 = $row['P30']; $P30_max = $row['P30_max']; $P30_min = $row['P30_min']; $P32 = $row['P32']; $P32_max = $row['P32_max']; $P32_min = $row['P32_min']; $P33 = $row['P33']; $P33_max = $row['P33_max']; $P33_min = $row['P33_min']; $P35 = $row['P35']; $P35_max = $row['P35_max']; $P35_min = $row['P35_min']; $P35M = $row['P35M']; $P35M_max = $row['P35M_max']; $P35M_min = $row['P35M_min']; $P35W = $row['P35W']; $P35W_max = $row['P35W_max']; $P35W_min = $row['P35W_min']; $P38 = $row['P38']; $P38_max = $row['P38_max']; $P38_min = $row['P38_min']; $P41 = $row['P41']; $P41_max = $row['P41_max']; $P41_min = $row['P41_min']; $P42 = $row['P42']; $P42_max = $row['P42_max']; $P42_min = $row['P42_min']; $P43 = $row['P43']; $P43_max = $row['P43_max']; $P43_min = $row['P43_min']; $P46 = $row['P46']; $P46_max = $row['P46_max']; $P46_min = $row['P46_min']; $P47 = $row['P47']; $P47_max = $row['P47_max']; $P47_min = $row['P47_min']; } // $sub_lotcode = substr($lotCode, 9, 4); $sql = "SELECT PCODE, total FROM kanba_checker WHERE PCODE = '$sub_lotcode' ORDER BY PCODE"; $res_kanban = mysql_query($sql, $con); $row_kanban = mysql_fetch_assoc($res_kanban); $PCODE = $row_kanban['PCODE']; $total = $row_kanban['total']; if($compound = $P28 || $total == $P28_max){ echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert(P28 gain total maximum)</script>"; } else{ } but I don't know if my code and my logic is correct. I think I did to add function. But I don't know how.. I hope someone can help me or guide me to solve my problem. Thank you so much.. I want to save the results of a loop as a variable ie $output. I have tried encasing the php within quotes but it does not work. Is there a way to save the complete results as a variable? $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $table2 WHERE $db_item_1 OR $db_item_2", $connection); if (!mysql_num_rows($result)) { echo "Error 13424 - not working"; exit(); } while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<tr><td scope=\"col\" style=\"font-size: 16px; color: #333333; padding: 10px 8px; border-bottom: 1px solid #919191;\"><div align=\"left\" style=\"font-size: 20px;\">" . $row['date'] . "</div></td> <td scope=\"col\" style=\"font-size: 16px; color: #333333; padding: 10px 8px; border-bottom: 1px solid #919191;\"><div align=\"left\"></div></td> <td scope=\"col\" style=\"font-size: 16px; color: #333333; padding: 10px 8px; border-bottom: 1px solid #919191;\"><div align=\"left\" style=\"font-size: 20px;\">" . $row['title'] . "</div></td> <td scope=\"col\" style=\"font-size: 16px; color: #333333; padding: 10px 8px; border-bottom: 1px solid #919191;\"><div align=\"left\"></div></td> <td scope=\"col\" style=\"font-size: 16px; color: #333333; padding: 10px 8px; border-bottom: 1px solid #919191;\"><div align=\"left\" style=\"font-size: 20px;\">" . $row['cost'] . "</div></td> </tr>"; }echo $complete;() The part I want as one result (ie. $complete) is the result of the while loop. There is always at least one result but sometimes 10 which means that it creates 10 table rows. I need to do it this way as later on in the page I use a pdf converter which does not allow loop checks within it otherwise I would just place it within the converter. Hey guys This is the first loop i have attempted on my own, so please tell me if ive done something completely stupid.. What happens is the suer specifies a number of thumbnails on the previous page, these are posted to the form and then that amount of thumbnails should be displayed. Heres what i have so far $cd = 0; while ($cd < $numberofthumbnails) { $displaythumbs . '<div class="ThumbnailHolder"> <div class="LeftThumb"><a class="group" href="../../../Images/Lighthouses/Beachy-Head/1.png"><img src="../../../Images/Lighthouses/Beachy-Head/Mini/Thumbnail-1.png" width="430" height="200" alt="Thumbnail 1"></a></div> <div class="RightThumb"><a class="group" href="../../../Images/Lighthouses/Beachy-Head/2.png"><img src="../../../Images/Lighthouses/Beachy-Head/Mini/Thumbnail-2.png" width="430" height="200" alt="Thumbnail 2"></a></div></div> '; $cd++; } Essentially what im trying to do is as thumbnail code to $displaythumbs for each time the loop goes round. What am i doing wrong? Thanks Danny. This is a continuation of a previous post. I am trying to get the names of countries that are in a database table. It's not working! All I get is a Submit button, but no data. This is what I understand from the code that Psycho suggested: I am unfamiliar with the function and the use of the FOREACH constuct. looking at the PHP manual there are two syntaxes. It appears that Psyhco has used the second form where the current element's key is assigned to $key variable for each itteration. foreach (array_expression as $key => $value The 2 variables he used are $id and $label I assume that the line: $optionsHTML = ''; is the array built from the expression: $optionsHTML .= "{$label}\n"; Because I was not familiar with the PDO method, but have used mysqli, I had to rewrite the data retrival part which I believe is OK. I guess that the line : $countryOptions = buildSelectOptions($countries); is used in conjunction with the function to build the array. The HTML part that Psycho wrote puts the variable into the Form format for a selection list. Why is the $optionsHTML also inclosed in the option tags? Have I got the HTML part correct or is it the data extraction part that is incorrect? Here is the code: <? include("AddStats_admin_connect.php"); //connect to database doDB(); //Function to build select options based on passed array function buildSelectOptions($options) { $optionsHTML = ''; foreach($options as $id => $label) { $optionsHTML .= "<option value='{$id}'>{$label}</option>\n"; } return $optionsHTML; } //Run query to get the ID and Name from the table //Then populate into an array $clist_sql = "SELECT CID, Country FROM Countries"; $clist_res= mysqli_query($mysqli, $clist_sql) or die(mysqli_error($mysqli)); if (mysqli_num_rows($clist_res) < 1) { //this Country not exist $display_block = "<p><em>You have selected an invalid Country.<br/> Please try again.</em></p>"; } $countries = array(); while($Ctry_info = mysqli_fetch_array($clist_res)) { $countries[$Ctry_info['CID'] = $Ctry_info['Country']]; } $countryOptions = buildSelectOptions($countries); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Stats</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheets/style.css" /> <!--[if IE]> <script src=""></script> <![endif]--> </head> <body> <? echo $countryOptions; ?> </br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br> <!Later in the HTML for the page <form action="Ctrystats.php" method="post"> <option name="country" value=<? echo $countryOptions;?>Country</option></br></br> <input type="submit" value="Submit Choice"> </form></p> </body> </html>I think I am nearly there so I would appreciate some help to finish this coding. Note: If you make your questions easy to read, then you have better chances of a quality answer. Use [ code ] ] tags. Hi... I have query in highlighting null data using this code: Code: [Select] <?php include 'config.php'; $currentEmpID = $_SESSION['empID']; if(!isset($_POST['Regsubmit_'])){ $DATE1 = $_GET['Regfirstinput']; $DATE2 = $_GET['Regsecondinput']; $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT IF(ISNULL(a.LOG_IN), 'rdc', '') AS LOGIN_CLASS, IF(ISNULL(a.LOG_OUT), 'rdc', '') AS LOGOUT_CLASS, a.EMP_ID, CONCAT(LASTNAME, ', ' , FIRSTNAME) AS FULLNAME, a.LOG_IN, a.LOG_OUT FROM $ATTENDANCE.attendance_build AS a JOIN $ADODB_DB.employment em ON (a.EMP_ID = em.EMP_NO AND em.STATUS IN ('Reg Operatives', 'Reg Staff')) WHERE LOG_IN BETWEEN '$DATE1' AND '$DATE2' OR ISNULL(LOG_IN) OR ISNULL(LOG_OUT)"; $DTR = $conn3->GetAll($sql); $smarty->assign('attendance', $DTR); } $smarty->display('header_att.tpl'); $smarty->display('RegAttendance.tpl'); $smarty->display('footer.tpl'); ?> and here is the tpl code: Code: [Select] {section name=att loop=$attendance} <tr> <td colspan="2">{$attendance[att].EMP_ID}</td> <td colspan="2">{$attendance[att].FULLNAME}</td> <td colspan="2" class="{$attendance[att].LOGIN_CLASS}">{$attendance[att].LOG_IN|date_format:"%d-%m-%Y %I:%M %p"}</td> <td colspan="2" class="{$attendance[att].LOGOUT_CLASS}">{$attendance[att].LOG_OUT|date_format:"%d-%m-%Y %I:%M %p"}</td> </tr> {sectionelse} <tr><td colspan="1">No DATA</td></tr> {/section} this code highlight the null value of login or logout or both. this is the css: Code: [Select] .rdc {background-color:#ff0000;} Now, I need to revised my query statement, because i have separate code for adding attendance if the employee has no attendance or no login or no logout. I just want to happen is if the employee is already add his attendance in NRS table or should I said if the LOG_IN in attendance table is equal to TIME_IN in NRS table the data will have a color yellow. For Example: I have this data in attendance table: EMP_ID = 012012 LOG_IN = NULL LOG_OUT = 2011-12-12 13:35:00 I will his attendance in NRS table to have his attendance: EMP_NO = 012012 TIME_IN = 2011-12-12 05:35:00 TIME_OUT = 2011-12-12 13:35:00 In my above query the LOG_IN has a background color of RED. I want to happen is if I add his attendance in NRS the EMP_NO, LOG_IN, LOGOUT will have a color to notice that it is already have in NRS. Because theirs a scenario that the employee has no login or no logout or both. Feel free to ask me if my explanation is not clear to you. Thank you in advance Hi... I tried to use foreach in displaying my table header, but I encountered problem when I tried to display data on the first row , my query only display the last Sum for the last Comp. here is my code: <html> <head> <title>Half Shell</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="kanban.css" /> <?php error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); date_default_timezone_set("Asia/Singapore"); //set the time zone $con = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root',''); if (!$con) { echo 'failed'; die(); } mysql_select_db("mes", $con); ?> <body> <form name="param" action="" method="post" onSubmit="return false"> <div id="fieldset_PS"> <?php echo "<table>"; $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT s.Comp FROM sales_order s, param_settings p WHERE s.Comp = p.Compounds ORDER BY s.Comp"; $res_comp = mysql_query($sql, $con); while($row_comp = mysql_fetch_assoc($res_comp)){ $Comp[] = $row_comp['Comp']; } echo "<th> </th>"; foreach($Comp AS $Comp){ echo "<th>$Comp</th>"; } echo "<tr> <td>Total Kg/Compound</td>"; $sql_sec = "SELECT SUM(TotalKg) AS TotalKg FROM sales_order WHERE Comp = '$Comp' ORDER BY Comp"; $res_sec = mysql_query($sql_sec, $con); while($row_sec = mysql_fetch_assoc($res_sec)){ $TotalKg[] = $row_sec['TotalKg']; } foreach($TotalKg AS $TotalKg){ echo "<td>$TotalKg</td> </tr>"; } ?> I also attach the correct output that should be and the result from my code. Thank you Hey Guys, Here is my issue. I have a MySQL database with a table of products. I use this table to generate a mutliselect form element that is used int a larger form. The larger form contains other information relevant to an issue that we are having with that product (such as an outage). Anyway, the form works fine and the form validation works fine and I write it to the database fine. The issue I'm having is how to save the mutliselect options most efficiently. This is my current process: 1. User creates a new entry from the form and clicks save 2. The form is validated 3. All entries are written to the database in a table called "incidents" (content inclues, timestamps, description of the problem, the impact, who to contact, etc) 4. Because the products list can vary from 1 product to all (~30) products I broke it out into a separate table called "impacted_products". I then loop through each of the selected products and write one row for each product using the id from the row in the "incidents" table to define the tables relationship. Example of DB results: "incidents" +-----------------+------+----------+---------------------+---------+---------+ | notification_id | what | impact | time_start | summary | contact | +-----------------+------+----------+---------------------+---------+---------+ | 235235 | Test | None.... | 2011-02-08 13:41:00 | Test | 3 | +-----------------+------+----------+---------------------+---------+---------+ "impacted_products" +-----+-----------------+------------+---------------------+---------+ | id | notification_id | product_id | timestamp | deleted | +-----+-----------------+------------+---------------------+---------+ | 202 | 235235 | 7 | 2011-02-10 14:30:42 | 0 | | 203 | 235235 | 37 | 2011-02-10 14:30:42 | 0 | | 204 | 235235 | 23 | 2011-02-10 14:30:42 | 0 | +-----+-----------------+------------+---------------------+---------+ 5. Now the users wants to go back and make some updates. 6. They click the edit button from the menu on screen and the form is brought back up and all options/fields are filled out from that which is stored in the database. 7. They make their edits and save again. 8. Now this time it simple updates the "incidents" table but for the products table I do a: "UPDATE impacted_products SET deleted=1 WHERE notification_id='$ID'" and "delete" all the old impacted_products for this particular incident and then loop through all the products that the user still had selected and write them to the database again. 9. And repeat So as you can see this could end up with a lot of "useless" entries in the database since my scripts only pay attention to those "impacted_products" whose deleted value is set to 0. Example: +-----+-----------------+------------+---------------------+---------+ | id | notification_id | product_id | timestamp | deleted | +-----+-----------------+------------+---------------------+---------+ | 176 | 235235 | 37 | 2011-02-08 15:26:25 | 1 | | 177 | 235235 | 43 | 2011-02-08 15:26:25 | 1 | | 178 | 235235 | 37 | 2011-02-08 15:37:58 | 1 | | 179 | 235235 | 43 | 2011-02-08 15:37:58 | 1 | | 180 | 235235 | 1 | 2011-02-08 15:39:49 | 1 | | 181 | 235235 | 7 | 2011-02-08 15:39:49 | 1 | | 182 | 235235 | 37 | 2011-02-08 15:39:49 | 1 | | 183 | 235235 | 43 | 2011-02-08 15:39:49 | 1 | | 184 | 235235 | 1 | 2011-02-08 15:40:53 | 1 | | 185 | 235235 | 7 | 2011-02-08 15:40:53 | 1 | | 186 | 235235 | 37 | 2011-02-08 15:40:53 | 1 | | 187 | 235235 | 43 | 2011-02-08 15:40:53 | 1 | | 188 | 235235 | 37 | 2011-02-10 10:00:47 | 1 | | 189 | 235235 | 1 | 2011-02-10 12:17:05 | 1 | | 190 | 235235 | 7 | 2011-02-10 12:17:05 | 1 | | 191 | 235235 | 13 | 2011-02-10 12:17:05 | 1 | | 192 | 235235 | 37 | 2011-02-10 12:17:05 | 1 | | 193 | 235235 | 23 | 2011-02-10 12:17:05 | 1 | | 194 | 235235 | 1 | 2011-02-10 12:21:52 | 1 | | 195 | 235235 | 7 | 2011-02-10 12:21:52 | 1 | | 196 | 235235 | 13 | 2011-02-10 12:21:52 | 1 | | 197 | 235235 | 37 | 2011-02-10 12:21:52 | 1 | | 198 | 235235 | 23 | 2011-02-10 12:21:52 | 1 | | 199 | 235235 | 7 | 2011-02-10 12:22:26 | 1 | | 200 | 235235 | 37 | 2011-02-10 12:22:26 | 1 | | 201 | 235235 | 23 | 2011-02-10 12:22:26 | 1 | | 202 | 235235 | 7 | 2011-02-10 14:30:42 | 0 | | 203 | 235235 | 37 | 2011-02-10 14:30:42 | 0 | | 204 | 235235 | 23 | 2011-02-10 14:30:42 | 0 | +-----+-----------------+------------+---------------------+---------+ I did it this way beacuase it seems the easiest and fastest way. Otherwise I would have to lookup all the impacted_products from the table that match that notification_id and check 1) Was there a new product selected? If so, add it. 2) Was a product that was selected no longer selected? If so, delete it. 3) Was a product that was selected before still selected now? If so, leave it alone. This seemed like a lot of extra looping and a lot of extra DB queries to essentially end up at the same place. However, I feel that there has still got to be a more efficient way of doing this where I won't have all the extra entries in the impacted_products table. Any ideas? Thanks in advance! Please check the img link and you will understand Code: [Select] for ($index = 1; $index <= $numdays; $index++) { $users="SELECT invoice_date, DAY(invoice_date) as invoiceday, sum(total_amount) as fullamount from invoices WHERE MONTH(invoice_date)='".$month."' AND YEAR(invoice_date)='".$year."' GROUP BY invoiceday"; $res=mysql_query($users); $row=mysql_num_rows($res); while($fetch=mysql_fetch_array($res)){ echo "<tr id='". ( ( $j %2 == 0 ) ? 'row3' : 'row4' ) . "'>"; $explodedate=explode("-",$fetch['invoice_date']); $days=$explodedate[2]; $month1=$explodedate[1]; $year1=$explodedate[0]; $dates=date("jS", strtotime($fetch['invoice_date'])); echo "<td style='text-align:left;padding-left:12px'>".$index."</td>"; if($index==$dates){ echo "<td style='text-align:right;padding-right:12px'>".$fetch['fullamount']."</td>"; }else{ echo "<td style='text-align:right;padding-right:12px'>--</td>"; } echo "</tr>"; } } $total="SELECT SUM(total_amount) as fulltotal from invoices where MONTH(invoice_date)='".$month1."' AND YEAR(invoice_date)='".$year1."';"; $totres=mysql_query($total); $totfetch=mysql_fetch_assoc($totres); if($totfetch['fulltotal']==""){ echo "<tr><td>NOTHING FOUND</td></tr>"; }else{ ECHO "<TR>"; echo "<td style='color:#BD0000;padding-left:12px;border:1px solid #ccc;width:20%;height:40px;text-align:left'>TOTAL AMOUNT FOR ".$displaydate."</td>"; echo "<td style='color:#BD0000;border:1px solid #ccc;width:20%;height:40px;text-align:right;padding-right:12px'>".$totfetch['fulltotal']."</TD></TR>"; } echo "</table>"; Hello all, I have form that has several fields. Each field will be saved to a table (which is a relations table we will call markups). The form is built from another table which is an array of categories. The output will build a form with each category and allow the end-user to input data for each category. The information the user will be entering is markup values. Cat1 | Markup Input Cat2 | Markup Input Cat3 | Markup Input I'll be saving the data in their own columns and not as an serialized array to the database. I'm currently looping through the arrayed fields and saving the data to the markup relations table. I've read other forums and serializing the data will be to difficult to retrieve for relationship purposes?? Anyway, here's my question: Let's say the user is entering the markups for the first time. They go down the list of categories and add their markups for each and click save. Cool, no problem just do an INSERT INTO. Then, they go into the category setup screen and add a category then go back to the markup screen and now have to update the category markup that was just added. So now I have to do an UPDATE to the current listed markups table (no problem). But now I have to add another row in the same table from that array. Is there a logical way of handling this. I guess I'm looking for some ideas on how to accomplish this task. I hope you guy understand what I'm after here. Thanks for any suggestions on this. hi, i have the class here, and am trying to save the read column of the textfile to db. but unfortunately it's not being save, i don't know what's wrong... I also attached the textfile so you'll have an idea what am i trying to read from class Extractor { public $filehandler; public $data = array(); // set your db access details private $host = HOST; private $username = USERNAME; private $password = PASSWORD; private $dbname = DBNAME; public function __construct($file) { $this->filehandler = $file; } //prints col1 of textfile public function printcol1() { $fp = fopen($this->filehandler,'r'); while(($this->data = fgetcsv($fp,1000,",")) !== FALSE) { # $this->data[0]."<br />"; $this->savetodb($this->data[0]); } fclose($fp); } public function savetodb($data) { try{ $pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=$this->host;dbname=$this->dbname",$this->username,$this->password); $pdo->exec("INSERT INTO test(col,id) VALUES ({$data},null)"); $pdo = null; }catch(PDOException $e){ echo $e->getMessage()."<br />"; } } } $file = 'iso3166.txt'; $shit = new Extractor($file); $shit->printcol1(); ok so below is the select option for my form i creatig should this select have the name 0f bday form of the three selects so that when i put it into a variable it could just be $birthday = $_POST = ['bday']; Code: [Select] <select class="drop" name="bday"> <option>Month</option> <option value="1">January</option> <option value="2">February</option> <option value="3">March</option> <option value="4">April</option> <option value="5">May</option> <option value="6">June</option> <option value="7">July</option> <option value="8">August</option> <option value="9">September</option> <option value="10">October</option> <option value="11">November</option> <option value="12">December</option> </select> <select class="drop" name="bday"> <option>Day</option> <option value="1">1</option> <option value="2">2</option> <option value="3">3</option> <option value="4">4</option> <option value="5">5</option> <option value="6">6</option> <option value="7">7</option> <option value="8">8</option> <option value="9">9</option> <option value="10">10</option> <option value="11">11</option> <option value="12">12</option> <option value="13">13</option> <option value="14">14</option> <option value="15">15</option> <option value="16">16</option> <option value="17">17</option> <option value="18">18</option> <option value="19">19</option> <option value="20">20</option> <option value="21">21</option> <option value="22">22</option> <option value="23">23</option> <option value="24">24</option> <option value="25">25</option> <option value="26">26</option> <option value="27">27</option> <option value="28">28</option> <option value="29">29</option> <option value="30">30</option> <option value="31">31</option> </select> <select class="drop" name="bday"> <option>Year</option> <option value="2011">2011</option> <option value="2010">2010</option> <option value="2009">2009</option> <option value="2008">2008</option> <option value="2007">2007</option> <option value="2006">2006</option> <option value="2005">2005</option> <option value="2004">2004</option> <option value="2003">2003</option> <option value="2002">2002</option> <option value="2001">2001</option> <option value="2000">2000</option> <option value="1999">1999</option> <option value="1998">1998</option> <option value="1997">1997</option> <option value="1996">1996</option> <option value="1995">1995</option> <option value="1994">1994</option> <option value="1993">1993</option> <option value="1992">1992</option> <option value="1991">1991</option> <option value="1990">1990</option> <option value="1989">1989</option> <option value="1988">1988</option> <option value="1987">1987</option> <option value="1986">1986</option> <option value="1985">1985</option> <option value="1984">1984</option> <option value="1983">1983</option> <option value="1982">1982</option> <option value="1981">1981</option> <option value="1980">1980</option> <option value="1979">1979</option> <option value="1978">1978</option> <option value="1977">1977</option> <option value="1976">1976</option> <option value="1975">1975</option> <option value="1974">1974</option> <option value="1973">1973</option> <option value="1972">1972</option> <option value="1971">1971</option> <option value="1970">1970</option> <option value="1969">1969</option> <option value="1968">1968</option> <option value="1967">1967</option> <option value="1966">1966</option> <option value="1965">1965</option> <option value="1964">1964</option> <option value="1963">1963</option> <option value="1962">1962</option> <option value="1961">1961</option> <option value="1960">1960</option> <option value="1959">1959</option> <option value="1958">1958</option> <option value="1957">1957</option> <option value="1956">1956</option> <option value="1955">1955</option> <option value="1954">1954</option> <option value="1953">1953</option> <option value="1952">1952</option> <option value="1951">1951</option> <option value="1950">1950</option> <option value="1949">1949</option> <option value="1948">1948</option> <option value="1947">1947</option> <option value="1946">1946</option> <option value="1945">1945</option> <option value="1944">1944</option> <option value="1943">1943</option> <option value="1942">1942</option> <option value="1941">1941</option> <option value="1940">1940</option> <option value="1939">1939</option> <option value="1938">1938</option> <option value="1937">1937</option> <option value="1936">1936</option> <option value="1935">1935</option> <option value="1934">1934</option> <option value="1933">1933</option> <option value="1932">1932</option> <option value="1931">1931</option> <option value="1930">1930</option> <option value="1929">1929</option> <option value="1928">1928</option> <option value="1927">1927</option> <option value="1926">1926</option> <option value="1925">1925</option> <option value="1924">1924</option> <option value="1923">1923</option> <option value="1922">1922</option> <option value="1921">1921</option> <option value="1920">1920</option> <option value="1919">1919</option> <option value="1918">1918</option> <option value="1917">1917</option> <option value="1916">1916</option> <option value="1915">1915</option> <option value="1914">1914</option> <option value="1913">1913</option> <option value="1912">1912</option> <option value="1911">1911</option> <option value="1910">1910</option> <option value="1909">1909</option> <option value="1908">1908</option> <option value="1907">1907</option> <option value="1906">1906</option> <option value="1905">1905</option> <option value="1904">1904</option> <option value="1903">1903</option> <option value="1902">1902</option> <option value="1901">1901</option> <option value="1900">1900</option> </select> I am adding to a shopping cart using sessions, when I add a product with a selected size it echoes the correct size as text but when applying it to my option boxes as selected, it just shows the last item in the select box. here is the code for the session variables <?php for ($basket_counter=0;$basket_counter<$_SESSION['ses_basket_items'];$basket_counter++) { $price=sprintf("%01.2f",$ses_basket_price[$basket_counter]); $quantity=$ses_basket_amount[$basket_counter]; $code=$ses_basket_stockcode[$basket_counter]; $itemID=$ses_basket_id[$basket_counter]; $name=$ses_basket_name[$basket_counter]; $image=$ses_basket_image[$basket_counter]; $size=$ses_basket_size[$basket_counter]; $sizechoice=$ses_basket_sizechoice[$basket_counter]; // create array from sizes and make the option box selections if ($sizechoice!="" && (!in_array($sizechoice, array('One Size', 'one size', 'free size', 'Free Size', 'Adjustable', 'adjustable')))) { // add size trigger $sizelist="add"; //create the array $sizepick=explode(",", $sizechoice); } else { $sizepick=$sizechoice; } // adjust gst for AU customers if ($country='AU') { $price=sprintf("%01.2f",($price*1.1)); $unit=sprintf("%01.2f",($price/$quantity)); } else { $unit=sprintf("%01.2f",($price/$quantity)); } ?> and this bit inside the same loop displayes the select box for size <?php if ($sizelist && $sizelist='add') { echo "<select name='size' id='size' style='vertical-align:middle;'>"; foreach($sizepick AS $sizes) { if ($sizes==$size) { echo "<option value='$size' selected='selected'>$size</option>"; } else { echo "<option value='$sizes'>$sizes</option>"; }} echo "</select>"; } else { echo $size; } ?> appreciate any help on this Hi All,
this is my first post after joining the forum.
First of all, I am not a programmer. My field is of Building design and Architecture. I work for an Architectural company.
I have a great interest in programming and I started learning php, mysql, html css and jscript, to develop a timesheet application for the company. The web application was created and successully implemented in April this year...! However, all these are purely 'self learning', and it has its own downsides as well. This was just a small intro..., let me come to what i request help on. This is for further development of the application.
I have a page to edit the 'utilization' rate of each employee, based on their designations. So the page has all the designations listed as <labels>, next to which a textbox, for the user to fill in the utilization rate. Scenario is that the user will not save each designation's utilization rate immediately after filling it. User will keep going till he fills the last item and then hit the submit button to save. Now, in php I can get all the values from the Request Array. But, how will I know which designations these values belong to? So, what i have as a solution is to name the textboxes with the designation_ids as suffix. May be like;
utilTextbox_1, utilTextbox_2, utilTextbox_3 etc...
Then when the form is submitted;
Check each Request Array element to see if its name starts with 'utilTextbox'
If Yes, split it using '_' to get the designation_id
Update the db table with the value of the text box
Check the next Array Element.....and so on...
is this the correct method or is there a better way of doing this?
Hello, guys! Just a small first ever thread, where I ask a question where I hope anyone is able to help me out I am working on a project with a friend of mine for a company. I have a problem with the function on a form. I wonder; How do i change the option value of a form? Let's say if I choose a category like "Cake", I want the second drop down box to display different brands of cake. But if I choose bicycle for example, I want the option values to be different brands of bicycles. I hope you guys understand what I was trying to say here. Anyways, here is a sample image where I want this function to occur: Sample: Cheers and thanks in advance, Marius OK so I'm having a pull my hair out moment. I have spent all day trying to figure this out. I have a select box for a list of customers where one customer is unique and I want that account to appear twice in the list. That part was easy and when selected the appropriate info populates the page. The problem I am having is that no matter which one of those two options I click it only selects the second option . So in other words if these are the two options in the list: Some Business Week 1 Some Business Week 2 when I click either, Some Business Week 2 is always the one selected even though the page populates correctly. Any thoughts on what I need to change? Code: [Select] <?php do { mysql_select_db($database_customers, $customers); $query_multiple = "SELECT accnt, week, alt FROM schedule WHERE accnt = " . $customer['accnt']; $multiple_sel = mysql_query($query_multiple, $customers) or die(mysql_error()); $multiple = mysql_fetch_assoc($multiple_sel); $multiple_run = $multiple['alt']; if($multiple_run > 1) { for ($i = 1; $i <= $multiple_run; $i++) { mysql_select_db($database_customers, $customers); $query_get_week = "SELECT week, alt FROM schedule WHERE accnt = " . $customer['accnt'] . " AND alt = " . $i; $get_week_sel = mysql_query($query_get_week, $customers) or die(mysql_error()); $get_week = mysql_fetch_assoc($get_week_sel); $version1 = $inv_title . " Week " . $get_week['week']; $version2 = $customer['name'] . " Week " . $get_week['week']; ?> <option value="report.php?accnt=<?php echo $customer['accnt']; ?>&alt=<?php echo $get_week['alt'];?>"<?php if (!(strcmp($version1, $version2))) {echo "selected=\"selected\"";} ?>><?php echo $version2; ?></option> <?php } } else { $version1 = $inv_title; $version2 = $customer['name']; ?> <option value="report.php?accnt=<?php echo $customer['accnt']; ?>&alt=<?php echo $multiple['alt'];?>"<?php if (!(strcmp($version1, $version2))) {echo "selected=\"selected\"";} ?>><?php echo $version2; ?></option> <?php } ?> <?php } while ($customer = mysql_fetch_assoc($customer_sel)); ?> I'm trying to pass php select option value to another page through url.but it's not working.please help me.
<?php mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("nordfxlk_member")or die(mysql_error()); $result = mysql_query("SELECT id,ugroup FROM ugroups"); ?> <select name='group' id='group' > <?php while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo '<option value=' . $line['ugroup'] . '>' . $line['ugroup'] . '</option>'; }?> </select> <a href="db_sql/add_group.php?ugroup=<?php echo $line['ugroup'] ;?>"> click</a>add_group.php include('../limoconfig.php'); if(!isset($_SESSION['adminuserid']) ) { header('Location:../index.php'); } else { $ugroup = $_GET['ugroup']; /*$id = $_GET['id'];*/ $acc_status = "update users set ugroup='".$ugroup."' where id=1931"; echo $acc_status; $rate = db::getInstance()->exec($acc_status); header('Location:../test.php'); } } i have this select box in a form Code: [Select] <select name='theoptions' style='color: #000000;text-align:center;background-color:#DEDEDE;border: 1px solid #D99C29;width:163px;padding:5px;' onchange='optionChanged(this);ChgBox(this.value);'> <option value='1' >Your comment on</option> <option value='3' >Your question on</option> <option value='4' >Your expertise on</option> <option value='2' >Your image about</option> <option value='5' >Your website about</option> <option value='0' >Comparison</option> </select> on the page where the form directs to i have Code: [Select] $options = $_POST['theoptions']; I want to get option 5 specificially, how do i do that? |