PHP - Sort By Date
Hey guys,
I have got some events, and got it sorted by date, although at the moment the oldest date is showing first, and I would like to turn that around(new first old last), any simple suggestions? Also another little question how would I turn a date row (for example 2009/5/31) into Tuesday - May 2009 or something similar, anyone can point me into the right direction? Similar Tutorialsok so my problem is i need my data to be sorted by date which comes first.. how do i do it..can someone help me..if possible elaborate some codes? thxx.. so this is my program Code: [Select] <? $b=$_GET['b']; $m=$_GET['m']; $y=$_GET['y']; if ($b <> '' && $m <> '' && $y <> '') { $branch=$b; $leavemonth=$m; $leaveyear=$y; } else { $branch=$_POST['branch']; $leavemonth=$_POST['leavemonth']; $leaveyear=$_POST['leaveyear']; } $connection=mysql_connect("$server", "$username", "$password") or die("Could not establish connection"); mysql_select_db($database_name, $connection) or die ("Could not select database"); $query="SELECT * from tblworkgroup"; $result=mysql_query($query);?> Branch <select name="branch" > <option value="all">ALL Branches</option> <? while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { ?> <option value= "<?=$row['WorkGroupID']?>" <? if ($branch==$row['WorkGroupID']){ echo 'selected'; } ?> ><?=$row['WorkGroupName']?></option> <? } ?> </select> </td> </tr> <br><br><br> Month <select name="leavemonth" > <option value = "1" <? if ($leavemonth==1){ echo 'selected'; } ?>>January</option> <option value = "2" <? if ($leavemonth==2){ echo 'selected'; } ?>>February</option> <option value = "3" <? if ($leavemonth==3){ echo 'selected'; } ?>>March</option> <option value = "4" <? if ($leavemonth==4){ echo 'selected'; } ?>>April</option> <option value = "5" <? if ($leavemonth==5){ echo 'selected'; } ?>>May</option> <option value = "6" <? if ($leavemonth==6){ echo 'selected'; } ?>>June</option> <option value = "7" <? if ($leavemonth==7){ echo 'selected'; } ?>>July</option> <option value = "8" <? if ($leavemonth==8){ echo 'selected'; } ?>>August</option> <option value = "9" <? if ($leavemonth==9){ echo 'selected'; } ?>>September</option> <option value = "10" <? if ($leavemonth==10){ echo 'selected'; } ?>>October</option> <option value = "11" <? if ($leavemonth==11){ echo 'selected'; } ?>>November</option> <option value = "12" <? if ($leavemonth==12){ echo 'selected'; } ?>>December</option> </select> Year <select name="leaveyear" > <option value = "2010" <? if ($leaveyear==2010) { echo 'selected';} ?>>2010</option> <option value = "2011" <? if ($leaveyear==2011) { echo 'selected';} ?>>2011</option> <option value = "2012" <? if ($leaveyear==2012) { echo 'selected';} ?>>2012</option> <option value = "2013" <? if ($leaveyear==2013) { echo 'selected';} ?>>2013</option> <option value = "2014" <? if ($leaveyear==2014) { echo 'selected';} ?>>2014</option> <option value = "2015" <? if ($leaveyear==2015) { echo 'selected';} ?>>2015</option> <option value = "2016" <? if ($leaveyear==2016) { echo 'selected';} ?>>2016</option> <option value = "2017" <? if ($leaveyear==2017) { echo 'selected';} ?>>2017</option> </select> <input type='submit' name='submit' value='Preview' Class="button" onclick='return validate()'> </div> </form> <br /><br /> <div id="box" valign="top"> <h3> <strong>Leave Application Details</strong>  </h3> <br><br> <table width="80%" align="center" > <thead> <tr> <th width="700px" align="left">Name</a></th> <th width="800px" align="center"></a>Application Date</th> <th width="500x" align="right"></a>Reason</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <? /*echo "branch:".$branch.'<br />'; echo "leavemonth:".$leavemonth.'<br />'; echo "leaveyear:".$leaveyear.'<br />';*/ //-------------------------------------------------- if ($leavemonth =='' || $leaveyear =='' || $branch == '') { // one value missing, so don't display } else { // start display data $branchtracker = ''; if ($branch=='all'){ $branch = '%'; } $rs = mysql_query( " call vwleavereport('$leavemonth', '$leaveyear', $branch, 0);"); $query="SELECT *, MONTH(tblleaveapplication.DateFrom) as DFMonth, MONTH(tblleaveapplication.DateTo) as DTMonth, YEAR(tblleaveapplication.DateFrom) as DFYear FROM `tblleaveapplication` LEFT JOIN `tblemployee` ON tblleaveapplication.employeeid = WHERE WorkGroupID LIKE '".$branch."' AND ( (MONTH(tblleaveapplication.DateFrom)=".$leavemonth." AND YEAR(tblleaveapplication.DateFrom)=".$leaveyear.") OR (MONTH(tblleaveapplication.DateTo)=".$leavemonth." AND YEAR(tblleaveapplication.DateFrom)=".$leaveyear.") ) ORDER BY WorkGroupID "; $result = mysql_query($query); if ((mysql_num_rows($result))>0){ ?> <FORM name="printbutton" method="post" align="left" action="report_print.php" target="_blank"> <input type="hidden" name="leavemonth" value="<?php echo $leavemonth; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="leaveyear" value="<?php echo $leaveyear; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="branch" value="<?php echo $branch;?>"> <Input type = "Submit" Name = "Submit1" Class="button" VALUE = "Print Leave Details"> </form> <? while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if ($branchtracker<>$row['WorkGroupID']){ echo '<tr><td colspan=4 style="background-color: #e8e8e8; font-weight: bold;">'.$row['WorkGroupID'].'</td></tr>'; $branchtracker = $row['WorkGroupID']; } echo '<tr>'; echo '<td>'.$row['EmployeeName'].'</td>'; echo '<td>'.$row['DateFrom'].' - '.$row['DateTo'].'</td>'; echo '<td>'.$row['Purpose'].'</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } } } ?> Hello everyone, This is my first post and i have a question that im sure is easy to answer, im a beginner in PHP and i know how to submit a form and so on into mysql, now my question is, for everything i submit i would like for it to organize by date just like, but not sure on how to do it. Any Clue? how do i get each indivual form i submit to automatically appear with the correct date untop? and how do i make the date appear untop of each section? Thanks for your time! I am retrieving data using AJAX. I would like to sort them from newest to oldest date. Currently they show from oldest to newest. How do I do that? <div id="output"></div> <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $.ajax ({ type: 'GET', url: "", dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { $.each(data, function(i, v) { var customerId = v.customerId; var firstName = v.firstName; var lastName = v.lastName; var createdDateTime = v.createdDateTime; $('#output').append('<ul class="output-ul">' + '<li>' + customerId + '</li>' + '<li>' + firstName + '</li>' + '<li>' + lastName + '</li>' + '<li>' + createdDateTime + '</li>' + '</ul>'); }); } }); }); </script>
G'day again. I've been looking up the php function on sorting, and to be totally honest I have no idea on how to implement it into my existing script which looks at a directory/sub directories and displays images. The files are named 2010-01.jpg, 2010-02.jpg etc (so another words yyyy-mm format) Can anybody help me? The script work perfectly otherwise, just doesn't put things into an order. Below is the code: <? $dir = "images"; $text = "images.txt"; $cols = 3; $colswidth = 33; $fh=fopen($text, "r"); while(!feof($fh)) { $temp = explode("|", $line); $title[$temp[0]] = $temp[1]; $line=fgets($fh); unset($temp); } function ListFiles($dir) { if($dh = opendir($dir)) { $last_cat = ''; $files = Array(); $inner_files = Array(); while($file = readdir($dh)) { if($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file[0] != '.') { if(is_dir($dir . "/" . $file)) { $inner_files = ListFiles($dir . "/" . $file); if(is_array($inner_files)) $files = array_merge($files, $inner_files); } else { array_push($files, $dir . "/" . $file); } } } closedir($dh); return $files; } } foreach (ListFiles($dir) as $key=>$file){ if (preg_match("/.jpg/", $file)) { if($last_cat != $category[$file] && $category[$file]<>"") { echo "<h2>$category[$file]</h2>"; $last_cat = $category[$file]; } if ($title[$file]<>"") { echo "<a href=\"$file\" rel=\"lightbox\" title=\"$title[$file]\"><img src=\"gallery-thumbs.php?file=$file\"></a> "; } else echo "<a href=\"$file\" rel=\"lightbox\"><img src=\"gallery-thumbs.php?file=$file\"></a> "; } } ?> Hi,
i have an issue to sort gallery photos by date. Right now its sort by Value (Name).
here is the code
index.php contains :
<div> <?php foreach($categories_array as $photo_category=>$photos_array){?> <?php $category_thumbnail = $gallery_url."/layout/pixel.gif"; if(file_exists('files/'.$photo_category.'/thumbnail.jpg')){ $category_thumbnail = $gallery_url.'/'.$photo_category.'/thumbnail.jpg'; } $category_url = $gallery_url.'/'.$photo_category; ?> <span class="category_thumbnail_span" style="width:<?php echo $settings_thumbnail_width;?>px; height:<?php echo $settings_thumbnail_height+20;?>px;"> <a class="category_thumbnail_image" href="<?php echo $category_url;?>" style="width:<?php echo $settings_thumbnail_width;?>px; height:<?php echo $settings_thumbnail_height;?>px; background-image:url('<?php echo $gallery_url;?>/layout/lens_48x48.png');" title="<?php echo htmlentities(ucwords(str_replace('-', ' ', $photo_category)));?>"> <img src="<?php echo $category_thumbnail;?>" width="<?php echo $settings_thumbnail_width;?>" height="<?php echo $settings_thumbnail_height;?>" alt="<?php echo htmlentities(ucwords(str_replace('-', ' ', $photo_category)));?>" /> </a> <a class="category_thumbnail_title" href="<?php echo $category_url;?>" title="<?php echo htmlentities(ucwords(str_replace('-', ' ', $photo_category)));?>"> <?php echo htmlentities(str_replace('-',' ', truncate_by_letters($photo_category, 16, '..')), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8");?> (<?php echo count($photos_array);?>) </a> </span> <?php } ?> </div>the sort function : ksort($categories_array); I'm trying to pull data from a mysql db. I've stored data on the mysql with the date/time property. So How can I pull the mysql data by date/time? I have designed a simple page to get meeting room details to display on our dashboards. I would like to filter for today's date (start date) and then sort by room name (name) if possible: (if you believe this could be written better (the server is on php 5.4) then also please let me know:
$ch = curl_init($url);
$response = strip_tags($response);
{ ?>
</body> Hello I am using a DOMDocument to retrieve information from an XML file. The information is setup like so: <person> <name>John Smith</name> <born>March 15th, 1987</born> </person> <person> <name>Eric Lee</name> <born>July 18th, 1949</born> </person> <person> <name>Michael Arnold</name> <born>April 2nd, 2003</born> </person> At the moment I am displaying just the names of each of these groups on the page. How would I display the names of each of these people according to when they were born? (Youngest to oldest or oldest to youngest) I believe it has something to do with strtotime() and sort() but can someone explain or give an example? Hello, I'm making a imagegallery and when someone upload a new image that image has to appear as first picture of the gallery. I'm using an array for the files, but how can I sort the files on date, newest first.? <?php $n = 0; $pathToThumbs = "images/tekeningen/"; $dir = opendir( $pathToThumbs ); while (false !== ($fname = readdir($dir))){ // strip the . and .. entries out if ($fname != '.' && $fname != '..'){ $tekeningen[$n] = $fname; } echo $tekeningen[$n]."<br />"; $n = $n +1; } closedir( $dir ); ?> I found solutions with ksort and filemtime, but I don't understand them and/or they didn't work for me. Hi, I've done a search and cant find anything related to my problem. I have a newsfeed on my site and i want it to display with the latest news at the top. I have this code: Code: [Select] $get_news = "SELECT title, text, DATE_FORMAT(datetime, '%e %b %Y at %T') AS datetime FROM newsfeed ORDER BY datetime DESC"; This works fine on one of my sites but on another i've just hit a problem. It seems to sort only by the day, not the rest of the date. I made a news post today with date and time of "27 Mar 2011 at 12:54:02" but a post from "28 Jan 2011 at 19:59:52" is above it. Any ideas why this is happening? Thanks, Alex Hello all!
I have this array of objects:
Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [first_name] => test [last_name] => test [title] => test [id] => 34 [type] => 4 [manager] => 4 [email] => [date] => 2014-09-21 07:23:12 [status] => 2 [approval_date] => 2014-09-21 07:31:10 [assessment_id] => 1 [supervisor_approval] => 1 [manager_approval_date] => 2014-09-21 07:31:27 [mainmanger] => 3 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [first_name] => test [last_name] => test [title] => test [id] => 34 [type] => 4 [manager] => 4 [email] => [date] => 2014-09-20 07:39:55 [status] => 2 [approval_date] => 2014-09-20 07:40:41 [assessment_id] => 3 [supervisor_approval] => 1 [manager_approval_date] => 2014-09-20 07:41:07 [mainmanger] => 3 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [first_name] => jimmy john john [last_name] => john [title] => Lorad and Master [id] => 32 [type] => 4 [manager] => 3 [email] => [date] => 2014-09-21 07:38:50 [status] => 2 [approval_date] => 2014-09-19 07:39:25 [assessment_id] => 2 [supervisor_approval] => 1 [manager_approval_date] => 2014-09-19 07:39:25 [mainmanger] => 0 ) )Where "id" = the user ID. If there are two or more entries for a user, I want to remove all but the most recent by the "approval_date",... So for the above example it would return: Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [first_name] => test [last_name] => test [title] => test [id] => 34 [type] => 4 [manager] => 4 [email] => [date] => 2014-09-21 07:23:12 [status] => 2 [approval_date] => 2014-09-21 07:31:10 [assessment_id] => 1 [supervisor_approval] => 1 [manager_approval_date] => 2014-09-21 07:31:27 [mainmanger] => 3 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [first_name] => jimmy john john [last_name] => john [title] => Lorad and Master [id] => 32 [type] => 4 [manager] => 3 [email] => [date] => 2014-09-21 07:38:50 [status] => 2 [approval_date] => 2014-09-19 07:39:25 [assessment_id] => 2 [supervisor_approval] => 1 [manager_approval_date] => 2014-09-19 07:39:25 [mainmanger] => 0 ) )I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around this concept, so I don't have any example code. And I don't really need or expect someone to code this for me,. just a push in the right direction would be awesome. Hi All i am wanting a column list like this basically the database is set up as (id, category, parent) I want the parent to group the category section and list like the the joomla example in three columns search various threads throughout the internet but none seem to cover this entirely can any one please help????? Hey, I'm using a script which allows you to click on a calendar to select the date to submit to the database. The date is submitted like this: 2014-02-08 Is there a really simple way to prevent rows showing if the date is in the past? Something like this: if($currentdate < 2014-02-08 || $currentdate == 2014-02-08) { } Thanks very much, Jack Hello. I'm new to pHp and I would like to know how to get my $date_posted to read as March 12, 2012, instead of 2012-12-03. Here is the code: Code: [Select] <?php $sql = " SELECT id, title, date_posted, summary FROM blog_posts ORDER BY date_posted ASC LIMIT 10 "; $result = mysql_query($sql); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $id = $row['id']; $title = $row['title']; $date_posted = $row['date_posted']; $summary = $row['summary']; echo "<h3>$title</h3>\n"; echo "<p>$date_posted</p>\n"; echo "<p>$summary</p>\n"; echo "<p><a href=\"post.php?id=$id\" title=\"Read More\">Read More...</a></p>\n"; } ?> I have tried the date() function but it always updates with the current time & date so I'm a little confused on how I get this to work. I have tried a large number of "solutions" to this but everytime I use them I see 0000-00-00 in my date field instead of the date even though I echoed and can see that the date looks correct. Here's where I'm at: I have a drop down for the month (1-12) and date fields (1-31) as well as a text input field for the year. Using the POST array, I have combined them into the xxxx-xx-xx format that I am using in my field as a date field in mysql. <code> $date_value =$_POST['year'].'-'.$_POST['month'].'-'.$_POST['day']; echo $date_value; </code> This outputs 2012-5-7 in my test echo but 0000-00-00 in the database. I have tried unsuccessfully to use in a numberof suggested versions of: strtotime() mktime Any help would be extremely appreciated. I am aware that I need to validate this data and insure that it is a valid date. That I'm okay with. I would like some help on getting it into the database. Alright, I have a Datetime field in my database which I'm trying to store information in. Here is my code to get my Datetime, however it's returning to me the wrong date. It's returning: 1969-12-31 19:00:00 $mysqldate = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $phpdate ); $phpdate = strtotime( $mysqldate ); echo $mysqldate; Is there something wrong with it? (continuing from topic title) So if I set a date of July 7 2011 into my script, hard coded in, I would like the current date to be checked against the hard coded date, and return true if the current date is within a week leading up to the hard coded date. How could I go about doing this easily? I've been researching dates in php but I can't seem to work out the best way to achieve what I'm after. Cheers Denno Hi, I have a job listing website which displays the closing date of applications using: $expired_date (This displays a date such as 31st December 2019) I am trying to show a countdown/number of days left until the closing date. I have put this together, but I can't get it to show the number of days. <?php $expired_date = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_job_expires', true ); $hide_expiration = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_hide_expiration', true ); if(empty($hide_expiration )) { if(!empty($expired_date)) { ?> <span><?php echo date_i18n( get_option( 'date_format' ), strtotime( get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_job_expires', true ) ) ) ?></span> <?php $datetime1 = new DateTime($expired_date); $datetime2 = date('d'); $interval = $datetime1->diff($datetime2); echo $interval->d; ?> <?php } } ?> Can anyone help me with what I have wrong? Many thanks Hi, I am trying to convert a String date into numeric date using PHP function's, but haven't found such function. Had a look at date(), strtotime(), getdate(); e.g. Apr 1 2011 -> 04-01-2011 Could someone please shed some light on this? Regards, Abhishek I'm getting this Time Zone error. Perhaps it's a compatibility issue with PHP 5.3. Looked all over for an answer without finding one. Here is the error message Warning: date() []: It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. You are *required* to use the date.timezone setting or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected 'America/New_York' for 'EST/-5.0/no DST' instead in /blocked.php on line 41 12/02/12 Here is the code. Line 41 is near the bottom, the one with the d,m,y. Perhaps the echo date (d/m/y") needs to be changed. Appreciate any help! Code: [Select] <table border="3" width="16%" align="center" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#FF6600" bordercolor="red" bordercolordark="red" bordercolorlight="red"> <tr> <td width="176"> <p align="center"><?php // shows IP Number on Page echo $ip; ?> </p> </td> </tr> </table> <p align="center"><?php // Show the user agent echo 'Your user agent is: <b>'.$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'].'</b><br />';?></p> [b]<h1 align="center"><?php echo date("d/m/y");?></h1>[/b] </td> </tr> </table [,code] |