PHP - How To Find Next Available Array Item?
Say i have an array (called $myarray) and it has 10 numbers in it like this...
1 2 4 8 9 10 12 14 15 18 Now in my code, I get a number and lets say for this example it is "5". I need to see if that number is in the array --easy enough using in_array()--, but if it is NOT in the array, I need to find the next available number in the array that is greater than my starting number of 5 (which would be "8" in this example). But what is the best way to find this number (i.e. 8 in this example)? I imagine I need to somehow loop through but i'm not sure which loop is the best to use and i'm generally confusing the hell out of myself (which is frustrating because this is probably rather simple to do ). Can anyone help guide me in the right direction? Similar TutorialsHi, I'm coding a page that starts with a select list loaded from a database and I want to make a different query depending on the item selected, I have been searching around and I can't find a php version of the selectedIndex of a listbox in javascript, any idea? thanks.
I have this function, but it doesnt work. Basically the list outputs a list of news features, and puts a line under neath each article to seperate them. However once the last article has been reached, I don't want the break to be shown. this is my code, any help would be appreciated as i am really struggling on this. Just need to determine the last item in the array, and stop the <hr split> from being output. function newsFeature(){ $event = "SELECT imgname, title, content, pkID from news ORDER BY date, time DESC LIMIT 5"; $event_page = query($event); $count = numRows($event_page); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($event_page)) { $rowcount = $count; $para = substr($row['content'] , 0,100); $result .= '<article>'; $result .= '<a href="news-article.php?pkID=' . $row['pkID'] . '"><img src="uploads/thumbs/' . $row['imgname'] . '" alt="" width=116 height=83/ ></a>'; $result .= '<h2><a href="news-article.php?pkID=' . $row['pkID'] . '">' . $row['title'] . '</a></h2>'; $result .= '<p>' . $para . '...</p>'; $result .= '<p><a class="read-more" href="news-article.php?pkID=' . $row['pkID'] . '">Read more<span></span></a></p>'; $result .= '</article>'; if($row != end($row[])){ $result .= '<hr class="split">'; } } return $result; } Hello, Currently have an array like looks like the following when using print_r($session->items): Array ( [F1225] => 1 [EDS11147317] => 1 [1156D6RE001] => 1 [I111ADE47946] => 1 [S679AQ339] => 1 [S67914599] => 1 [CH111337631254] => 1 [S6787903647] => 1 [A11144O189] => 1 [F11144520] => 1 [121584Q12] => 1 [I11144661ADE] => 1 [S678829NB] => 1 ) I am trying to check if an item is in the array and if so, display a different result but currently every item says it is in the array when they are not (unless my logic is off...from the items I am looking at some should be included and some should not..but the below code is showing every item as having the same result). Example: foreach ($items as $item) { if (in_array($item->ItemID, $session->items)) { //$session->items is the array output above echo "In Array"; } else { echo "NOT in Array"; } } Currently everything say "In Array" when some should not. Am I using the in_array incorrectly? Thanks Everyone. Hi All, First time posting here. I've googled the problem, but can't seem to find a response that's the same. All I want to do is have a list of id numbers and for each id number in the array, submit a MySQL query to retrieve information relating to the id number. When I execute the code below however, I end up with only the last item in the array being printed in the echo statement. Any clues? Thanks, Code: [Select] // get array of ids $ids = getIDs($ids); // loop through input list foreach ($ids as &$id) { getVarDetails($id); } function getVarDetails($local) { $con = mysql_connect('localhost:3306', 'root', '********'); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } // set database as Ensembl mysql_select_db("Ensembl", $con); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM variations WHERE name = '$local' LIMIT 1"); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo $row['name'] . " " . $row['id']; echo "<br />"; } // close connection mysql_close($con); } Hi all, i have this array $str = array("apple is red", "banana is yellow", "pineaple is tropical fruit", "coconut is also tropical fruit", "grape is violet"); i want to find string "coconut" inside $str and put the whole string "coconut is also tropical fruit" into variable $coconut. can i do this? i don't want to use the this code Code: [Select] <? $coconut = $str[3]; echo "$coconut"; ?> can someone help? Thank you, Best Regards I'm sure this is possible, but I'm not having any luck. Code: [Select] $array = array("11:23", "12:46", "13:34", "14:34", "14:85"); if (in_array('12', $array)) { echo "yes"; } else { echo "no"; }} I have a script that seems to work well to insert a bookmark into a users database when he/she is logged into the system but I am having a hard time figuring out how I would go about making a work-a-round for having an item selected before being logged in, and inserted after they have logged in or registered. For example, I would like a user to be able to select an Item to add to bookmark whether that user is logged in/registered or not and if they are not, they would be greeted with a login/registration form and after successful login the add bookmark script would be initiated on the item previously selected. What I've got this far: Simple form to add bookmark: <form name="bm_table" action="add_bms.php" method="post"> <input type="text" name="new_url" value="http://" /> <input type="submit" value="Add Bookmark"/> </form> Then I have the add bookmark script: BEGIN php $new_url = $_POST['new_url']; try { check_valid_user(); //cannot get past this part since it ends the script....code below if (!filled_out($_POST)) { throw new Exception('Form not completely filled out.'); } // check URL format if (strstr($new_url, 'http://') === false) { $new_url = 'http://'.$new_url; } // check URL is valid if (!(@fopen($new_url, 'r'))) { throw new Exception('Not a valid URL.'); } // try to add bm add_bm($new_url); echo 'Bookmark added.'; // get the bookmarks this user has saved if ($url_array = get_user_urls($_SESSION['valid_user'])) { display_user_urls($url_array); } } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } END php Checking valid user - the portion I cannot get past in the above script: function check_valid_user() { // see if somebody is logged in and notify them if not if (isset($_SESSION['valid_user'])) { echo "Logged in as ".$_SESSION['valid_user'].".<br />"; } else { // they are not logged in do_html_heading('Problem:'); echo 'You are not logged in.<br />'; do_html_url('login.php', 'Login'); do_html_footer(); exit; } } How would I go about modifying the script so that a user could fill in the form (later it would be a link...obviously they probably wouldn't be filling in a form that is log-in specific - but same concept I think) Thanks in advance for the help! tec4 I have a list of products in database and some have the same itemid but a different price depending on size What i want to do i if the itemid has more than one size, take the smallest price and then add the word "From" at the beginning. I've tried using the MIN() function but can't get it to do what i want. If there is only one size it works fine but if there is more than one it just says "From 0.00" Code: [Select] while ($row = $result->fetch()) { if(!isset($items[$row['itemid']])) { $items[$row['itemid']] = $row; } $items[$row['itemid']]['sizes'][$row['size']] = $row['price']; ### CHANGED ### } foreach($items AS $subitem) { list($prodid, $itemid, $item, $size, $description, $shortdesc, $image, $price) = $subitem; //Create field for item name based upon record count if(count($subitem['sizes']) > 1) { /*$item_name_field = "<ul>\n"; foreach($subitem['sizes'] as $size => $price) ### CHANGED ### {*/ //} //$item_name_field .= "<ul>\n"; $myprice = explode(".",number_format(min($subitem['price']),2)); $item_name_field .= "<li>From ".$myprice[0].".".$myprice[1]." {$size}</li>\n"; } else { $myprice = explode(".",number_format($subitem['price'],2)); $item_name_field .= "<li><span class=\"ucprice\">£".$myprice[0]."<?span><span class=\"lcprice\">.".$myprice[1]."</span></li>\n"; } I need help this problem seem too tricky for me right now. I got an array with decimal numbers and behind it says Yes/No. The min() function works magically and still is able to correctly give me the lowest value. But how do i make a while loop that loops until it pops a value that is lowest and has Yes behind it? For example: Array => ('11,64|No', '209,81|Yes', '533,42|Yes', '27,90|No', '93,01|Yes') So this function should return '93,01|Yes' Good Evening, I'm having no luck in something that I'm sure is incredibly simply... If I have an array like the following... Code: [Select] $array = array(15,22,0,43,0,6);How can I find and replace all the zeros with a one? Regards, Ace Hi there, I think this is a big question but I'd appretiate any help you can provide!! I have a list of items and subitems in a table that looks like this: id parent_id title 1 0 House Chores 2 1 Take Out Trash 3 1 Clean Room 4 0 Grocery List 5 4 Eggs 6 4 Produce 7 6 Lettuce 8 6 Tomato 9 4 Milk I want to display it like this: (+) House Chores: > Take Out Trash > Clean Room (+) Grocery List: > Eggs (+) Produce > Letutce > Tomato > Milk So basically each entry in the table has an unique id and also a parent id if it's nested inside another item. I "sort of" got it figured out in one way, but it doesnt really allow for nested subgroups. I'd like to know how would y'all PHP freaks to this Also taking suggestions for the javascript code to expand/collapse the tree !! Thank you! I need to find the earliest and latest times, but there must be at least 3 to count it. $array[] = "09:00 - 15:00" $array[] = "09:00 - 15:00" $array[] = "09:00 - 15:00" $array[] = "09:00 - 17:00" $array[] = "09:00 - 15:30" $array[] = "07:30 - 15:00" $array[] = "07:00 - 12:00" So the above would return 09:00 - 15:00 I thin would need to ensure that a maximum 4 hours inbetween, so I then get something like 10:00 - 14:00 returned okay I am using a jquery plugin to re-arrange images which are in mysql and they have their own "order_number" ... when i re-arrange stuff the new order is put into a hidden field in a form and i have it along with another hidden field with their current order... when submitted I combine these two fields in an array so the key is the original order and the value is the new order ....i have 12 images... Array ( [1] => 1 [2] => 2 [3] => 3 [4] => 4 [5] => 5 [6] => 6 [7] => 7 [8] => 8 [9] => 9 [10] => 10 [11] => 11 [12] => 12 ) this is what is what the array looks like... i have a foreach loop with a mysql query but things get kind of weird when you try to do it this way $num = $_POST['old_num']; $num = unserialize($num); $sort = $_POST['sortOrder']; $sort = explode(',', $sort); if ($_POST){ $combine = array_combine($num, $sort); foreach($combine as $key => $value){ mysql_query("UPDATE shirts SET order_number='$value' WHERE order_number='$key' ") or die(mysql_error()); } when you do this lets say for example we have the image with order number "1" get switched with the image order number "2"..... the database first updates with number 1 which becomes 2... then when it goes to number "2"... at this point... the first image gets switched back to number 1.... so 1 becomes 2 then the new 2 becomes 1 again and the other 2 becomes 1 also. I can not think of another way I could update mysql with the correct order numbers... If anyone has any ideas or other solutions I am open to all suggestions... thank you! Hi I am trying to search an array that comes from a power shell script, the array of strings that returns is ever changing as it receives variables from the script. Therefore I need to use preg_grep to search for the word "not" I am also using another array which inverts this I then need to compare these new two arrays to the original and separate the results $working and not working into a table. I would be most grateful for any advice/solutions. The preg_grep aren't displaying anything.
ini_set('display_errors', 'On');
echo '<html>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
<script type="text/javascript">
function uploadJS(){
String.prototype.trim = function() { return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); };
var textAreaValue=document.getElementById(\'ServerList\').value;
var trimmedTextAreaValue=textAreaValue.trim();
if(trimmedTextAreaValue!="") {
} else{
alert("Server List Text Area is Empty");
var input=document.getElementById(\'fileSelect\').value;
if(input!="") {
} else{
alert("You have not selected a file, please select one to proceed.");
var handleFileSelect = function(e) {
var files =;
if(files.length === 1) {
document.forms.myForm.filecsv.value = files[0].name;
#Upload Code
$target = "D:\Web\Upload/";
$target = $target . basename( $_FILES['uploaded']['name']) ;
if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploaded']['tmp_name'], $target))
echo "The file ". basename( $_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']). "
has been uploaded";
else {
if ($uploaded_size > 150000)
{ echo "Your file is too large.<br>";
if ($uploaded_type =="text/php")
echo "No PHP files<br>";
if (!($uploaded_type=="text/csv")) { echo "<br>";
$target = "upload/"; $target = $target . basename( $_FILES['uploaded']['name']) ; $ok=1; //This is our size condition
if ($uploaded_size > 350000)
echo "Your file is too large.<br>";
//This is our limit file type condition
if ($uploaded_type =="text/php")
{ echo "No PHP files<br>";
//Here we check that $ok was not set to 0 by an error
if ($ok==0)
//If everything is ok we try to upload it
else {
if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploaded']['tmp_name'], $target))
echo "The file ". basename( $_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']). " has been uploaded";
} else
#Start of scripts to check Servers in textbox
//$arry=explode( "\r\n", $_POST['ServerList'] );
$txttrim = trim($_POST['ServerList']);
//$textAr = explode("\n", $text);
//$textAr1 = array_filter($text, 'trim'); // remove any extra \r characters left behind
$txtarea = explode("\n",$txttrim);
$txtarea = array_filter($txtarea,'trim');
foreach ($txtarea as $line => $servername)
//$line => $servername;
##check if querying itself....
echo '<pre>';
$target="D:/Web/Upload/"; $target= $target . basename( $_FILES['uploaded']['name']) ;
$csv = $target;
//$filename= $_FILES['uploaded']['name'];
$output=shell_exec("powershell -Command D:/Web/scripts/PHPfwrules.ps1 $csv < NUL");
echo '<h6>';
echo $nomatch;
echo $match;
if ($working1= array_intersect($output,$match))
echo"<link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=style.css>
<table class=results>
<th>Server Name</th>
else if ($notworking1= array_intersect($output,$nomatch))
echo"<link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=style.css>
<table class=results>
<th>Server Name</th>
<th>Not Working</th>
echo' <link rel=stylesheet href=dhtmlwindow.css type=text/css />
<link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=style.css>
<script src=js/dhtmlwindow.js></script>
<hr />
<table class=results>
<th>Server Name</th>
<th> Not Working</th>
echo '</pre>';
echo '
<h3>Firewall Implementation </h3>
<h4>Please enter the server below, you can only select one server at a time. </h4>
<!--The form-->
<form action="fw2.php" method="post" name="myForm" id="myForm" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<textarea name=ServerList id=ServerList>
<h5>Please select a CSV file.</h5>
<input name="uploaded" type="file" /><br />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
</html> '
Code: [Select] $new_array2=array_diff($my_array,$itemIds); $updatedb = mysql_query("UPDATE content_type_ads SET field_expire_value = '666' WHERE $new_array2 = field_item_id_value"); "$new_array2" has only 12 digit numbers for each item in the array, and I want to match them to the "field_item_id_value" field in the table, updating the "field_expire_value" field for the record where they match. I know I am close because the UPDATE code works before I add the WHERE statement (it of course adds '666' to EVERY field, but for a noobie it's a start!). Well I am looking to change this url Code: [Select] to Code: [Select] Heres a snip of the code that handles that. <?php include_once('mysql_connect.php');$id = (int)$_GET['Item'];?>() any help would be appreciated. $looponce = 1; foreach ($this->info as $k => $v) { if ( (($k == 'subject') && ($v['required'])) && (!$this->settings['customSubject'])) { for ($i = 0; $i <= 0; $i++) { $output[] = $this->display_errors('error_system_subject'); } } if ( (($k == 'name') && (!$v['required'])) || ((!array_key_exists("name", $this->info)) && ($looponce == 1)) ) { $output[] = $this->display_errors('error_system_name'); $looponce++; } } That is my loop that i check things in. What i'm more interested in is the name if statement. If currently checks for a name key in an array(below) and makes sure that it is set to required. If it's not set to required, print out a system error and die()'s. I'm looking for ways to remove the need for program errors and just change them to what is needed to run. What i know how to do is, get into the inner array, what i don't know is how to edit the data and put it back exactly as it was given to me. The inner array data can be put back in any order, but the outer array must be in exact order as it was given. above code $this->info = $formdata; $formdata = array( 'name' => array('name'=>"Full Name", 'required'=>false, 'type'=>'text'), # This needs to be required=>true, but i can't trust the user, which is why i have the error. 'telephone' => array('name'=>"Telephone", 'required'=>false, 'type'=>'phone'), ); Any help is greatly appreciated, also am i doing the foreach loop in the code above in an efficient manner or is there another way? i have this while loop making my category links at the top of my page, but i still have the bullet after the last item. ive looked at other examples and CANNOT get mine to follow please? Code: [Select] $dbc = mysqli_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME); $query1 = "SELECT * FROM ob_category"; $data1 = mysqli_query($dbc, $query1); while($row=mysqli_fetch_array($data1)){ echo '<a href="viewlistings.php">' . $row['name'] . '</a> • '; } Hi, I'm hoping someone can lead me in the right direction here. I'm creating a simple shopping cart that I will later pass on to Paypal for payment but my problem is, it won't add the items to my shopping cart when I click add to cart. My products are on different pages and I'm not sure if that is going to matter. When I click "add to cart" nothing gets added and it says my cart is empty. I have two tables with the following columns: 1. products: productId productName productDesc productPrice link (for dynamically creating the page links on the main product page) 2. productscents scentId scentName scentDesc Here is the add code that is in my first products page (Elite Hand Cream): Code: [Select] <?php if(isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == "add") { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $desc=intval($_GET['desc']); if (isset($_SESSION['cart'][$id])) { $_SESSION['cart'][$id]['quantity']++; } else { $sql3 = "SELECT * FROM products WHERE productId=[$id]"; $sql4= "SELECT * FROM productscents WHERE scentId=[$desc]"; $query3 = mysql_query($sql3); $query4 = mysql_query($sql4); if(mysql_num_rows($query3) != 0) { $row3 = mysql_fetch_array($query3); $row4 = mysql_fetch_array($query4); $_SESSION['cart'][$row3['productId']] = array("quantity" => 1, "price" => $row3['productPrice'], "desc" => $row4['scentId']); } } } ?> Here is code I have for the $_SESSION: Code: [Select] <?php if(isset($_SESSION['cart'])) { $sql5= "SELECT * FROM products,productscents WHERE productId IN ("; foreach($_SESSION['cart'] as $id => $value) { $sql5 .= $id . ","; } $sql5 = substr($sql,0,-1) . ") ORDER BY productId, scentId ASC"; $query = mysql_query($sql5); if(!empty($query)) { while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) { ?> <?php echo $row['productName'];?><?php $_SESSION['cart'][$row['productId']]['quantity'];?> <?php } } else { echo "You need to add an item to your cart";} } Here is the code that I have for the "add to cart" and "view cart": Code: [Select] <a href=#&action=add&id=<?php echo $prodId;?>&desc=<?php echo $scent_id[$y];?>>Add to Cart</a><br><a href="cart.php">View Cart</a> This grabs the correct product Id and scent Id which I want and no errors are being displayed on the page. I'm not sure where to begin with this. LOL. I'm new to PHP and I used a tutorial to help with the code. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am working on a script for a simple form with only 2 options that are dropdowns. I need to validate these two options that there is a selection made. I have gotten the first one to validate, but I cannot get the second one to validate. Can anyone steer me in the right direciton why only one is working? I get no errors in the script, so I assume I am just missing something. Code: [Select] <?php // options for drop-down menu $choices = array('-- Choose Your Item','Anniversary Jacket', 'Anniversary T-Shirt'); $sizes = array('-- Choose Your Size','L', 'XL'); if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET'){ // display form when GET showForm(array()); } else{ // process form if POST $errors = validateForm(); if(count($errors)) showForm($errors); // if errors show again else print 'Form submitted succesfully!'; // no errors } // function generating form function showForm($errors){ global $choices,$sizes; // set defaults $defaults = array(); foreach($choices as $key => $choice){ if(isset($_POST['item']) && ($_POST['item'] == $key)) $defaults['item'][$key] = 'selected'; else $defaults['item'][$choice] = ''; } foreach($sizes as $key => $size){ if(isset($_POST['size']) && ($_POST['size'] == $key)) $defaults['size'][$key] = 'selected'; else $defaults['size'][$size] = ''; } // print form print "<form action='{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}' method='post'>"; print "<div>"; print "<select name='item'>"; foreach($choices as $key => $choice){ print "<option value='{$key}' {$defaults['item'][$key]}>{$choice}</option>"; } print "</select>"; showError('item', $errors); print "</div>"; print "<div>"; print "<select name='size'>"; foreach($sizes as $key => $size){ print "<option value='{$key}' {$defaults['size'][$key]}>{$size}</option>"; } print "</select>"; showError('size', $errors); print "</div>"; print "<input type='submit'/>"; print "</form>"; } // display error function showError($type, $errors){ if(isset($errors[$type])) print "<b>{$errors[$type]}</b>"; } // validate data function validateForm(){ global $choices,$sizes; // start validation and store errors $error = array(); // validate drop-down if(!(isset($_POST['item']) && (array_key_exists($_POST['item'], $choices)) && $_POST['item'] != 0)) $errors['item'] = 'Select Item'; return $errors; // validate drop-down if(!(isset($_POST['size']) && (array_key_exists($_POST['size'], $choices)) && $_POST['size'] != 0)) $errors['size'] = 'Select Size'; return $errors; } ?> |